Fortune telling using the cards of Maria Lenormand. Large Lenormand layout: features of fortune telling. Cards representing people

A person, by nature curious and wary about his own future, strives to learn secrets inaccessible to him. There is nothing shameful or dangerous in wanting to know the future, especially in moments of confusion and despair. A deck of Tarot cards is a collection of ancient, magic symbols, the interpretation of which is not subject to every experienced magician.

Each symbol of the deck is unique in meaning and sacred message. The Two of Wands of the Tarot represents a recommendation, advice, following which the person asking will be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. How to correctly read such a powerful magical symbol?

The main purpose of the card 2 ka Wands in the Tarot deck

Just the image of a traditional Tarot card speaks volumes about in a deep sense, embedded in the 2 of Wands. The man who creates the horizon and everything that lies beyond it is at the same time in action and calm. He accomplishes something important, but at the same time remains motionless. An ambiguous, difficult-to-read symbol appears in the layout for certain reasons.

The questioner, who turns to the powerful ancient Tarot deck for help, is looking for answers, advice and hopes for a prediction of tomorrow. New opportunities – that’s what the second card from the Wands can offer. Sometimes life-changing chances are hidden from a person, and sometimes they are so obvious that it is simply frightening and repulsive.

The herald of serious achievements, achievements that the questioner did not even count on, decorates the layout for professional or personal life, while simultaneously softening neighboring cards, even ones that are negative in nature.

The Two of Posokhov portends the successful introduction of the project

The Two of Posokhov prophesies the achievement of set goals, if the main thing exciting question for the questioner are new projects and recently started business.

All that is required from a person in return is diligence. The qualities inherent in the questioner and his abilities will create a solid foundation for great achievements. Card 2 Posokhov advises to show patience and perseverance, and then success will not keep you waiting.

The meaning of the Tarot card 2 ka Wands in special layouts

A complex ancient symbol can be adapted to a person, to his needs and requirements. If we are talking about a creative person, then the 2 of Wands of the tarot promises doubts that must be overcome for further development.

Common meaning of the second card of Wands in layouts for the near future:

  • a neutral position in future conflicts at work or at home;
  • voluntary renunciation;
  • apathy, loss of meaning in life;
  • achievements after long, painstaking work.

Two of Wands whose meaning depends on the position ancient symbol– upright or inverted, radically changes the mood of the entire layout. Mostly auspicious sign, promising prospects and opportunities, with an inverted image of a man with a staff, promises many difficulties.

Definition of 2 ka of Wands in reversed position

Inverted promises contradictions, both internal and external. Soon, disagreements will force the questioner to take someone else's opposing side. Confusion will lead to increased stress. The person who draws the second card of Wands upside down will want to escape from the conflict, hide and wait out the storm in a secluded place. Such behavior will harm both the moral and physical condition of a person.

Indifference to loved ones is another meaning of the inverted Two that should not be ignored. If the questioner’s question concerned interpersonal relationships, then one should expect difficulties in mutual understanding between household members or lovers. Coldness, detachment, and indifference will create a real wall that will be difficult to destroy in the future.

The Two of Wands warns - laziness can ruin many important things

The second card of Wands warns that excessive laziness, from which a person who has appealed to the advice of a magical Tarot deck often suffers, will ruin many important matters. Honesty and openness will help get out of a protracted crisis, but not without a little effort on the part of the person asking. Is the person willing to work hard for future achievements?

Alignment for professional activities and 2 ka of Wands of Tarot

Professional life is equally important as love or good health. Experienced magicians are often approached with questions regarding career success in the future. Profit plays an important role in life modern man, and the desire to reach the top is justified. What does the Two of the Suit of Wands promise for the questioner who expects a promotion or promotion of new projects?

The interpretation of the Tarot card Two of Wands in the field of work promises luck and the necessary prerequisites for success. The chance provided by favorable fate will appear very soon, and a person just needs to take advantage of it in time. Favorable terms of the deal may seem too good, but there is no need to be afraid of them. A person does not face any deception if the forecast is made using the second card of Wands.

An inverted symbol indicates the lack of initiative of the questioner. Apathy in everything regarding work matters hinders progress. The card signal is simple - there is no need to be afraid of change, because a little shake-up in the workplace will not hurt anyone. Disinterest in the results of hard work entails deliberate failure. Inaction will inevitably lead to spiritual devastation. Say goodbye to similar condition it will be extremely difficult.

Personal alignment for the opening of consciousness

For a person inseparable from his own essence, it is important to be able to identify himself as a worker, lover and person. Development, no matter how a person imagines it, depends on environment as well as from the internal mood.

The second card from the suit of Wands indicates a person’s desire to become someone important, but he is looking for the sources of internal energy. The dual symbol of the Tarot deck allows you to see a complex picture of the future using a personal alignment.

Self-affirmation through your close circle is not advisable, says Deuce, because the appearance that a person wears in public is far from his real essence. Courage will appear only if you fully understand your own purpose.

The meaning of such a powerful card in a personal reading on the Tarot deck:

  • withdrawal;
  • self-forgetfulness;
  • withdrawal from loved ones and loved ones;
  • liberation from old habits and prejudices;
  • construction of new plans;
  • dramatic changes in worldview;
  • creating a new style, imitating one’s own ideals.

The promises that a person makes to himself or others must come true. This is the key to future success in all areas of life.

Love reading with the Two of Staves

In relationships between people there are always many nuances, reservations and conditions. A symbol of a choice to be made in the near future rarely appears in a personal life reading. Complex sign, for reading and understanding, indicates the absence of the necessary emotional coloring of certain relationships.

The Two of Wands represents an outdated union

A union that has outlived its usefulness, has lost its former sharpness and no longer brings pleasure to either partner, is personified by the Two.

Dependence on a lover, a relationship that is burdensome and takes up too much time and effort. Isn't it time to let go of what was only good in the past? A new relationship will not illuminate the life of the questioner if a past love lies as a burden in his heart. Future disappointments can be avoided by not holding on to an outdated partnership.

The choice predicted by the Two of Wands card indicates internal torment. About the desire to get rid of a burdensome relationship and regret about wasting time on them. Love cannot live in the past, says Deuce, otherwise such a union is akin to a cross that you will have to carry for the rest of your life.

Combination of the Two of Wands card and other cards of the Tarot deck

The Two of Wands, in combination with other powerful symbols of the Tarot deck, promises many important, dramatic changes for the questioner. Unions you don't need to fear:

Two and the major lasso Empress. The combination of two strong signs indicates the need to rethink what is happening. Is it worth doing as before if such actions did not bring good results? To think about future plans, it is best to remain alone, in silence and peace of mind.

The Emperor and the second card of the Staffs. A tandem advising to remain as unbiased as possible in all controversial issues in the near future. Taking someone else's position would be dangerous and wrong.

Two and the Beloved card. An unfavorable alliance warning of a double play. Dishonest relationships will last until the questioner is able to take a sober look at what is happening.

In real, true love, people do not look for replacements for each other. Two symbols of a single Tarot deck advise you to listen to your own heart - it will indicate the right decision.

The fortune telling Tarot deck allows you to reveal the secret future, find out its hidden events and predict dangers. In the hands of an experienced magician, a collection of magical symbols can become a real weapon, assistant and advisor. The interpretation of each sign, which has incredible power, individually or in combination, is a guarantee of an accurate forecast.

Each person decides for himself whether to listen to the cards or not, but to ignore the deck to which he turned for help is unreasonable and short-sighted. Using the recommendations of ancient symbolism, you can contribute to rapid positive changes in all areas of life. The Two of Wands card promises similar changes.


Mars in Libra as a symbol of forced agreement without inner conviction - or without practical consequences.

Straight position:

The Two of Staves symbolizes a person with ideas, ambitions, forced to seek a compromise with other people who have their own ideas and ambitions: this is constructive cooperation, linking goals and means, needs and desires, firmness, courage in an enterprise.

Reverse position:

Reversed card means: anxiety, dependence on others, loss of trust, humiliation.

Two of Wands.

Card Name: Lord of the Dominion (Power)

Correspondences – water of fire; letter Xe; Sephira – Wisdom (Binah)

Explanation ( general meaning): a combination of activity and passivity. Correlating the idea with the situation (reality). (Napoleonic plans, choice of direction)

Event: development of plans, enrollment in studies, preparation for new activities. Interest in science. (The need to choose a strategy, an attempt to apply power)

1. Map of successful trading. Strategy development, plan development. Establishing contact with partners. (Cutting plans, managing, weighing the situation, obtaining permits. Profits correspond to the efforts expended)

2. Balanced calm state. (need to choose The right way treatment, strategic approach to the disease)

3. Reflections on plans for future life. Constructive cooperation, calm alliance. (the need to think whether to continue the relationship; the choice between several admirers)

4. A person with ideas, desires, ambitions, who seeks a compromise with other people. (ambitious, but reasonable; loves to choose and make plans, good strategist)

5. Advice: correlate the situation and your capabilities. (stop and look around)

Warning: Buridan is an ass. Decide something already. (don’t think for a long time, don’t stop for a long time)

6. The answer is uncertain. Gaining new experience. It may mean that the situation is stabilizing.(in front of you there will be a fork in the road, a crossroads.)


Explanation (general meaning): potential opportunities may not be implemented. Anxiety. Dependence on something. (unwillingness to understand the situation, acting at random)

Event: difficulties, delays, downtime. (difficulty in choosing next steps)

1. Stagnation after a good start. (lack of a general development line, actions at random, spontaneous management of affairs (without a plan), little money)

2. Imbalance of the body. In some sources - pain. (changeable condition, treatment with varying success, mood swings)

3. Disappointment, mutual misunderstanding, loss of trust. It is impossible to speak the same language. (relationships develop with varying degrees of success. Tossing from side to side)

4. Blues. Inability to correlate one's actions with the environment. Lack of initiative. (person of mood, indecisive; acts without thinking)

5. Advice: Match desires and possibilities. (not everything can be calculated, don’t make plans)

Warning: you don’t feel the situation, you don’t navigate it. (your intuition may not be enough to act further)

6. The idea will not bring the expected result.(your idea of ​​the situation does not correspond to reality.)

General value:

This card combines a statement of fact and at the same time a challenge: it shows that we want to maintain a neutral, indifferent position, but the situation forces us to speak out directly and unambiguously. The situations this card corresponds to often resemble dead ends. On the objective plane, there is nothing that we could consider the reason for our loss, defeat or bad mood, but here they are, and we do not know what exactly unsettled us. The point here is that we are tired of participating in external life, and we locked ourselves away from her in another ivory tower. In any case, we have achieved that nothing bothers our soul anymore, and we no longer care what happens to our loved ones, not to mention those distant. You can get out of this state only by allowing your ideas to become beliefs, and your intentions to become deeds, and honestly.


Here this card means that we really don’t care what we do, and we do our job just to get away with it. It can also mean that in the next conflict we demonstratively take an absolutely neutral position, or take the side of the majority, because we really don’t care who is right and who is wrong. We pay for this with inner emptiness, which over time can lead to complete depression. This card strongly encourages us to check whether our internal attitudes are still correct so that we can ensure complete clarity in our affairs.


Here the Two of Wands shows that we are, as it were, in a state of some lethargy, from which we can only free ourselves by putting our words into action. If we declare something, then we must act accordingly so that our words do not remain an empty phrase.

Personal relationships:

Retreat to the “prepared positions” of a person who does not need anything, who does not experience any feelings. Is it dangerous. At the same time, our words may be full of passion, but there is nothing behind them. The danger is that such a union, devoid of internal warmth, begins to die out. And here the Two of Wands recommends that we finally make a choice: either we do everything to preserve the union, or then we immediately break it off, letting go of our partner.

Two of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” map - plot your travel route.

With the “Magician” card - delaying the process.

With the “High Priestess” card - find out the secret.

With the “Empress” card - think about what is happening; be in nature.

With the Emperor card - take a neutral position in the family or at work.

With the “Hierophant” card - think about your positions.

With the “Lovers” card - parallel relationships.

With the Chariot card there is intrigue behind your back.

With the “Strength” card - find weakness.

With the Hermit card - miss the opportunity.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - resist change.

With the “Justice” card - dismiss reasonable arguments.

With the Hanged Man card - prolonged inaction, waiting.

With the “Death” card - a restructuring plan.

With the “Moderation” card there is an angel behind your back.

With the “Devil” card - plan something dangerous.

With the Tower card it’s a knife in the back.

With the “Star” card, check your plans with your horoscope.

With the Moon card there is a choice with many unknowns.

With the Sun card - reach agreement.

With the “Court” card there are delays in making a decision.

With the “World” card - make the final decision.


With the Ace of Wands card - surrender creative imagination; choose the direction of creative development.

With the Three of Wands card, there is one step from thinking to the result.

With the Four of Wands card - choose a house, school, university; think over the details of some special event.

With the Five of Wands card - pressure from others to make a decision.

With the Six of Wands card - go after the majority; choose the winning option.

With the Seven of Wands card, this is a direction that promises considerable difficulties.

With the Eight of Wands card, take the path of least resistance.

With the card “Nine of Wands” there is a difficult path of knowledge.

With the Ten of Wands card it is a hopeless project.

With the “Page of Wands” card - start studying.

With the Knight of Wands card - a hasty decision; flash of inspiration.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - take power over your own life; follow your mother's advice.

With the “King of Wands” card - become a creator.

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If in a reading you get 2 Tarot Wands, the meaning can speak of both achievements and apathy and a state of some kind of lethargy. The card gives advice on how to get rid of this destructive condition, as well as relationship problems that occur.

In the article:

2 of Wands Tarot - meaning in layouts

The meaning of the 2 of Wands Tarot is completely consistent with the image on this card in most decks. In it you can see a man standing in a gazebo, looking around the surroundings. In his hands is a rod and miniature model world or globe. This card represents new opportunities.

2 of Wands Tarot portends serious achievements. The plans you are asking about will bring good results. Your abilities, foresight and other qualities are sufficient to succeed in your chosen business. But persistence and patience will also come in handy, which, by the way, you don’t always have enough.

In addition, the meaning of the 2 Tarot Staffs concerns interest in science and positive human qualities. With a high probability, the fortuneteller experiences conflicting desires - to express his opinion and maintain neutrality. There is no solution that you are completely satisfied with. That is why he strives to get away from the sources of difficulties, figuratively speaking, to lock himself in a hermit’s tower.

You can't decide what unsettled you. However, this something has caused you to lose interest in external life; you want to stay in isolation for some time. There are many disadvantages to this situation; at the very least, you have completely forgotten about your loved ones who could use your attention. There is only one way to combat this condition - make your opinion a belief, and your plans into actions. Be honest with yourself, drive laziness away.

Meaning of the Two of Staffs Tarot upside down warns that a business in which a lot of effort and, perhaps, money has been invested or will be invested in the future, may not live up to expectations. The results may be disappointing, or perhaps even zero. Avoid being overly influenced and dominated by others.

Two of Wands Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for business and work

The Two of Wands of the Tarot when fortune telling about business or work foreshadows good achievements in your chosen business. A profitable opportunity is expected soon - a new business partner or contract, the terms of which will suit your taste.

The Two of Wands at the same time indicates apathy and loss of interest in one’s business. You do work only because you are forced to do it. Neither the process itself nor the result interests you. When it comes to a conflict or controversial situation, you either remain neutral or accept the majority opinion as correct. The consequences are completely indifferent to you.

You will have to pay for such behavior with inner emptiness. Sooner or later it will turn into real depression. The Two of Wands recommends that the fortuneteller reconsider his attitude to what is happening. If it pushes you to change, that's for the best. Get a clear understanding of your desires.

2 Tarot Wands at the level of consciousness

The meaning of the Two of Wands Tarot suggests that you can establish relationships with people, but at the same time you want to assert yourself as an individual. Here you need to be prudent, not to go too far, respect the opinions of others, but remain courageous and confident that you are right.

In addition, the 2 of Wands indicates a state akin to lethargy. You can free yourself from this state only by starting to act. You have certain desires, plans, intentions. They need to be implemented.

If you state your opinion, you will have to live up to it. Your words should not be empty words. Remember to do what you promised to others or yourself. Act as you think is right, and drive away apathy.

2 of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 2 of Wands Tarot provides a choice between two options - there are no other solutions here. This card speaks of indifference, quite conscious. This is not a new problem. You understand that you no longer need this union, you do not feel any feelings for your partner.

However, your partner may not be aware of such changes. Perhaps he doesn't know why he disappointed you. A union devoid of inner warmth and true passion cannot exist. for a long time, we'll have to do something about it.

So, about the choice that the meaning of the Two of Wands of the Tarot prompts in relationships. You must either do everything necessary to maintain the union, or completely break the connection with your once loved one. The state in which the relationship is now will not bring joy to anyone. You either need to change it to positive side, or .

What kind of people does the Two of Wands Tarot represent?

The Two of Wands indicates an enterprising person. Most likely we are talking about the fortuneteller’s business partner, colleague or boss. Perhaps this person is involved in negotiations with you or in those negotiations that are relevant to your affairs. She is waiting for a response from you or other people.

In addition, the card indicates the pride of the person in question. This pride does not cross the boundaries of adequacy. For this person, quality has a rather positive meaning. Also, the Two of Wands can indicate a traveler.

If this card turns out to be upside down, it indicates a person who is incompetent in your business. This is a business partner or colleague who is not suitable for the position. He has the necessary knowledge and skills, but this person's pride leads to problems, as does his tendency to doubt and uncertainty. This is most likely a boring person. Sometimes the Two of Wands suggests that you are dealing with a girl who is disappointed in something.

Two of Tarot Staffs - meaning in combination with other cards

Often, combinations of cards give advice to the fortuneteller. For example, the combination of the Two of Staves with recommends carefully thinking about what is happening. Perhaps the fortuneteller should be alone or even live in nature for a while so that no one disturbs his thoughts.

The combination with recommends taking a neutral position. It doesn't matter what your question was about - about family or work. If you take someone's side, you can get a lot of problems in the future. Perhaps the cards are informing you of someone's neutral position to avoid further difficulties.

If the Two of Staves is combined with the Lovers lasso, this warns of parallel relationships. The exact meaning depends on the question - it can be either advice to leave your spouse for your lover, or information about betrayal loved one. The combination with the Three of Swords warns of a breakup or advises you to decide on it.


Two of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” map - plot your travel route.
With the “Magician” card - delaying the process.
With the “High Priestess” card - find out the secret.
With the “Empress” card - think about what is happening; be in nature.
With the Emperor card - take a neutral position in the family or at work.
With the “Hierophant” card - think about your positions.
With the “Lovers” card - parallel relationships.
With the Chariot card there is intrigue behind your back.
With the “Strength” card - find a weak point.
With the Hermit card - miss the opportunity.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - resist change.
With the “Justice” card - dismiss reasonable arguments.
With the Hanged Man card - prolonged inaction, waiting.
With the “Death” card - a restructuring plan.
With the “Moderation” card there is an angel behind your back.
With the “Devil” card - plan something dangerous.
With the Tower card it’s a knife in the back.
With the “Star” card, check your plans with your horoscope.
With the Moon card there is a choice with many unknowns.
With the Sun card - reach agreement.
With the “Court” card there are delays in making a decision.
With the “World” card - make the final decision.

With the Ace of Wands card - surrender to your creative imagination; choose the direction of creative development.
With the Three of Wands card, there is one step from thinking to the result.
With the Four of Wands card - choose a house, school, university; think over the details of some special event.
With the Five of Wands card - pressure from others to make a decision.
With the Six of Wands card - go after the majority; choose the winning option.
With the Seven of Wands card, this is a direction that promises considerable difficulties.
With the Eight of Wands card, take the path of least resistance.
With the card “Nine of Wands” there is a difficult path of knowledge.
With the Ten of Wands card it is a hopeless project.
With the “Page of Wands” card - start studying.
With the Knight of Wands card - a hasty decision; flash of inspiration.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - take power over your own life; follow your mother's advice.
With the “King of Wands” card - become a creator.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Two of Wands (staffs) in upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Illness, violation of obligations
Priestess - Finding out unpleasant circumstances
Empress - Possible reconciliation
Emperor - Help from a high person
Priest - Quarrel
Lovers - Ending Attachments
Chariot - Help in a moment of sorrow
Justice - Fair distrust, hostility
Hermit pr and per - Loss, deprivation
Wheel of Fortune - Change of fortune
Strength - Disappointment
The Hanged Man - The end of torment. Break from torment
Death - Restoring Balance
Moderation - Reducing unhappiness
Devil - Fright, shock
Tower - Care, removal of a loved one
Star - Recovery of a loved one
Moon - Dejection due to delusion
Sun - Conflicting opinions. Clarification of contradictions
Court - Changes in court cases
Peace - End of Torment
Jester - New cases

Two of wands (staffs) in an upright position with Minor Arcana

10 of Pentacles - Gambling

Two of Wands (staffs) inverted with the Major Arcana

Justice (trans) - Mistrust, hostility
Peace (transl.) - The end of torment