Information business from scratch to first sales. Information business from scratch - complete instructions. Collecting information about the target audience

You know, before writing this article, I looked at the search results in Yandex and Google for the query “infobusiness”.

I don't want to offend anyone, but smart applied I didn't see any articles there. All some general articles that are of no practical use. And even as ancient as the world itself.

The situation needs to be corrected. This is how this article was born - how to build an information business or how to open an online school from scratch - a detailed checklist.

I have broken down the entire sequence of steps to create and scale an information business (or, as it is sometimes called, information marketing) into simple and understandable steps and arranged them in chronological order.

Read the article, find your gaps and patch them up.

This article was written by a practitioner for practitioners. It doesn’t matter whether you are an author or an information business producer – anyone will benefit. Each of the elements of the checklist was repeatedly implemented by me and my students.

This is a checklist from trenches of information business, from the forefront, not a made-up theory, that will allow you to open an online school.

Information business from zero to a million: checklist

Step 0: choosing a niche

How to find your favorite thing and how to do it in 4 steps, I wrote in this article. The article is suitable for choosing both soft and hard niches.

Step 1: Expertise

Let's immediately dispel all illusions: if you do not have experience, knowledge or expertise, and you do not want to acquire them - you have nothing to do in the information business.

How to become an expert in ANY field? Here's the chain: learn – implement – ​​train. And so many, many, many times.

You cannot skip any of these steps. Without them, all other steps are useless. Do you want to become an information businessman? Learn to do something well and regularly first!

By the way, many people ALREADY know how to do something well and regularly, but do not realize it or think that no one will need it. But in vain.

For example, I have a friend who knows how to communicate and build connections and relationships. For any question, he will suggest the right person.

So, he had to be forcefully persuaded to launch a course on networking and networking: he simply did not realize that he had such expertise.

What to do if you have no hidden competence and in general, you don’t know what you like?

Find at least something in which you have an interest and upgrade yourself in this topic. If producing an information business is more suitable for you, then find an expert and improve your marketing skills.

Or you can use the affiliate marketing model.

Step 2: Target Audience/Niche

Please note that the target audience comes first. Many people wonder - How do I find a niche? This is not the right question.

Need to search people who have a problem. This is the market, this is the target audience. And when you find such people, a niche will appear on its own.

It will be a severe disappointment to find a niche in which there is no demand at all. There is another point here.

There may be a market with a problem and you may have a product that can solve that problem. But it won't sell. Why?

Because the wording that describes your product (packaging) is not sought by your target audience or perceived by them as a solution to their problems.

Here's a real example. One woman wrote a book called " Astrological love". This is a book on relationships. The book did not sell at all with that title.

After that, marketers only changed the name. The book is now called " How to satisfy a woman and make her ask for more"- and that’s it! The book became a bestseller and brought in a lot of money.

Simply because it became understandable to the target audience.

How to find your market?

Google. Trends– there you can enter key queries for your intended niche and see where they are moving. If it’s down, then perhaps you need to reformulate the niche or wait for the next growth?

Yandex. Wordstat– look at the number of requests (this shows demand) and – most importantly! – WHAT people are looking for and how they formulate requests.

Remember the title of the book? It’s unlikely that anyone was looking for “astrological love”, but “how to satisfy a woman” - there were a lot of requests 😉

Forums– a storehouse of information about the desires of the market. Just find forums on the topic and people themselves will tell you (in discussions and forum threads) what they want and how to formulate it.

Okay, there is a niche, there is an audience. Now you need to figure it out with yourself. With a personal brand and positioning.

This is important because if you are no different from the rest of your fellow competitors, then why should they choose exactly you?

What is your specialty? The highlight?

In order not to repeat myself, I have an excellent article on the topic of positioning.

Step 4: technical aspects of information business

Please note, this is only step 4. Those. almost a third of the checklist can be done no investment at all.

Regarding those. moment I want to say this thing. When people tell me that those. moments it’s difficult, then I just want to say: what would you say 5-7 years ago?

When more than half of the instruments were not in sight. When, in order to create a simple subscription, you had to tinker with the HTML code.

When you had to spend days in Photoshop to make a simple cover, which can now be done in a free service in 3 minutes.

Now everything is simpler. Everything is faster now. Everything is more convenient now. Moreover, most services offer free plans.

Only with free or ultra-cheap tariffs can you launch an information business if you act quickly.

This is the minimum you need. You will find a complete list of resources for information business


Step 5: Copywriting

Here, perhaps, it is necessary to explain the difference between an offer and copywriting.

Offer is the promise you make to your potential clients. Well, like, buy my product and you will be happy.

And copywriting- this is how you describe this promise so that you want to buy it.

This is the most primitive explanation, but I think it is also the most understandable 😉

By the way, I gave 11 examples of sales letters in.

If you do not have a clearly formulated offer (understandable for your target audience), then copywriting will not work.

There is a simple formula for creating an offer, which you should use when creating your offers.

About copywriting. I include not only . But in general, the ability to write interesting, simple and understandable texts. Like this article, for example.

Because texts are the basis of everything - videos, webinars, consultations - in any case, the text or at least a text sketch comes first.

I consider a separate element of copywriting storytelling- telling selling stories. Stories not only sell, but also help build trust.

Well, any copywriting starts with the headline. At least for me – I can’t write further until I come up with a title. The good news is that there are great headline formulas that work great.

There is Instagram, VK, and Direct. Moreover, information business affiliate programs are promoted in the same ways.

In this same article, I share my advertising strategies.

Here I want to say this. Sometimes traffic is called the most important element - the lifeblood of the information business. I don't agree with this.

The SYSTEM cannot have the most important elements. All items on this checklist are equally important. If one sag, the rest will sag too.

And one more important point. Many people are afraid to invest money in traffic in case it doesn’t pay off. I’ll tell you what: if you implement this checklist completely in your life, then your fear of investing in traffic will completely evaporate.

Because when the system works like a clock, and every ruble invested brings in two, and on a long-term leverage even more, then will you really be afraid to put a coin into the “machine” in order to get two at the exit?

Step 7: Launch

So, you have a product, there is a target audience, there is positioning and everything is in order with traffic - it’s time to launch and make money.

About how one launch brought 2,000,000 rubles

There are many different launch schemes, but in order not to list them all, I will give you a UNIVERSAL scheme according to which you can independently come up with your own multi-level launch.

The big mistake of almost all information businessmen is that they sell the product at launch only once and only from one angle. I'll explain now.

For example, you are preparing a launch. And we conducted only one webinar with sales and that’s it. Or they only sent one series of letters. Or just one series of videos. Moreover, the presentation was carried out only in a certain context - only under one “sauce”.

Now look at the picture below:

The secret of big sales is that we sell “the same thing” from different angles and in several stages. And each of these stages increases the level of awareness of people and their warming up.

How does this work in practice?

Let's say you have some kind of paid product. And to sell it, you decide to hold a series of free webinars. You attract traffic to them. And you sell.

Usually after this the sales end. But the trouble is that from this event only the most, so to speak, “ripe” people bought the product.

But there are also those (the majority) who are not yet mature enough to make a purchasing decision. And in order for these people to “ripen”, we move to the next level of sales.

But this time we're coming from a different angle. Another angle could be new content, or a new format for a sales event, or a new form of presenting material. But most often - all at once.

Let's give a concrete example.

When I was selling my flagship product, I had 6 sales levels (webinars, master classes, videos, letters, blog posts). Each of them had its own presentation angle and its own theme.

As people passed through these levels, they became more and more “warmed up.” Apart from receiving value and getting to know me.

And as a result, this brought in much more sales than just one touch.

That's what I call multi-level selling. This is when you make several touches/levels and sell at each of them. Moreover, people do not feel any pressure, because it is interesting and useful. And it is beneficial for each of the parties.

Many of my students, conducting launches according to this scheme, increased their income from the launch several times.

Step 8: Sales Funnel

The scheme discussed above is also suitable for a sales funnel. Only this time the sales levels will be a series of letters. Each letter is another level that provides value and presents your product from a different angle.

Moving along the funnel, the subscriber goes through a customer journey consisting of 8 key elements. I told you what these elements are. This is the foundation of any sales funnel.

In general, the funnel consists of the following stages: subscription page, post-subscription pages, one-time offer (optional), series of emails selling the main product, and downsell (optional).

You can also make a separate series for those who have already purchased something from you.

To strengthen the auto funnel, you can implement– upsels, crossels, etc. This is when, when placing an order, you have the opportunity to add other products to your order at a good discount in order to increase your order receipt.

This is what a universal sales funnel diagram looks like:

The main purpose of the funnel– take people from point A to B with stories that break down barriers and present your product as EMPOWERING overcoming those barriers.

And also introduce you to you and change people’s beliefs (close objections).

This is achieved through emails and additional content in the funnel: individual pages of content.

It’s easier to see everything for yourself - if you haven’t subscribed to my funnel yet, then do it here and enjoy the process.

By the way, in an article about storytelling, I talked about how to implement the series principle (open loops) into a sales funnel. It's really worth it.

Step 9: Submission

Many people forget about this step. They sold it and abandoned the client. But quality delivery of a product is the main step to repeat sales.

For example, I have clients who have purchased 10 or more of my products. AND! – attracting these clients didn't cost me a penny.

This is why your products must be of high quality. Make sure that your product is truly valuable and that the presentation of the product itself is up to par.

At all costs, ensure a memorable customer experience. Exceed expectations, let customers get not only an intellectual experience from interacting with your products, but also an EMOTIONAL one.

And of course, take care of how to ensure that your clients get results. My article on how to bring clients results can help you with this.

Step 10: Scaling

Well, the last point on our checklist is scaling, or in other words, growth strategies.

The first step in the scaling phase is knowing your numbers.

  • How much does a subscriber cost you?
  • What is the conversion to subscription and sale?
  • How much money does a subscriber bring in in the long run?

With these numbers in hand, scaling your business won’t be difficult.

You only need to do three steps:

  • Attract more traffic
  • Increase conversion at all stages
  • If possible, automate or delegate the previous two points

Also, read this article - it’s a great way to earn more in the information business.

Here we come to the end. What to do right now?

Go through your checklist and think about what you're missing. Please remember that the steps are in chronological order. This means that if your offer is bad, then there is no point in pumping up launches or building funnels.

Once you find a gap, eliminate it.

Without distractions and switching to other checklist items. Focus on one thing and don't move on to another until you've completely closed the first question.

I believe that with this checklist you can achieve millions in profits in the information business.

And of course, I can’t rob you of the opportunity to thank me ;). If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends on social networks. A plus in your karma, but it benefits them.

If you have questions, suggestions, comments - write in the comments. I will definitely answer.

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Information business (aka infobusiness) in a broad sense - the sale of knowledge, skills, valuable information and algorithms for money. However, in the modern understanding, a teacher at school is not an information businessman - we are talking rather about coaches who conduct online trainings, webinars, sell video courses and educational books on time management, personnel management, making money, and setting up an information business. There are other areas: online they teach knitting, maintaining a sports lifestyle, cooking, psychology, harmonizing family relationships, maintaining accounts on social networks and much more.

The information business has been active in Russia since the early 2000s, and appeared in the West several decades earlier, which allowed Russian pioneers of the information business to rely on the experience of their foreign colleagues. Therefore, by now there are already proven step-by-step schemes for creating an information business from scratch, subject to certain conditions in the life of each person.

These conditions are simple. If you are a professional in something or close to it, and many people would like to have your knowledge, your skills and abilities are in demand, and you also know how to speak coherently and communicate with people - you have everything to start your own information business!

Your own information business: we create it in 6 steps

So, you have decided to become an information businessman. Take your time, provide yourself with start-up capital to start a business (an amount from 20 to 100 thousand rubles is suitable) - and get down to business, guided by our step-by-step plan!

Step 1. Choosing a Niche

To choose a topic in which you will successfully sell an information product (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a book, video course, offline lectures or online webinars), answer yourself 2 questions.

  1. What am I better at than others, what am I a professional at? (If there is such an area, ask yourself how many people would like to be a professional in it, how much demand your knowledge has. If the demand for this information is good, then you have just identified your niche in the information business!).
  2. What would I like to be good at? (This question is worth asking yourself if you don’t have an answer to the first question and you are not an expert in anything. Having chosen what you would like to become an expert in, be prepared to learn it, learn to apply knowledge in practice, and only then teach others! It is possible that this will take at least months!).

Let's say you found a topic that you understand and information on which you would be interested in giving people. Experts recommend breaking it down into subtopics.

Broke? Now you need to check what the demand for your knowledge is. You can find out this using the service - this service helps you understand what people are looking for on social networks. We enter into the search bar of the service the query that we think our potential clients will enter (for example, “photography training” if you are a photographer). The system displays the number of Yandex users who entered similar queries into the search bar over the past month. If there are 30 such requests, your knowledge is not in demand, and you need to look for another niche. If there are thousands or more, you definitely have enough target audience, and the niche has been chosen correctly!

Step 2. Create the main product

The main product is the main thing on which you will earn money in the process of information business, that is, it is paid. This should be a useful, detailed course/webinar+/book/training, etc., that solves the problems of listeners and customers as much as possible, answers all their questions, and provides complete information on your stated topic. Only in this case will you receive good reviews, an excellent reputation, new clients and the opportunity to sell new information products.

Step 3. Create a platform and lead magnet (free product)

A lead magnet, or bonus information product, serves as bait for a potential client. At the first stage of selling your information, a database of contacts of everyone who can buy our product is usually collected. We will offer the person who visits our website a bonus in exchange for his data (email, first and last name, nickname on social networks, etc.), and then send him the e-mail newsletter we need for sales to this mail.

Important! The bonus product should be a truly useful, high-quality, unique demo version of the full product. Based on its usefulness, they will judge whether it is worth buying your video course, going to training, etc. The bonus can be:

  • Book chapter
  • Check list
  • Recording of the webinar
  • Useful case
  • Video tutorial, etc.

For this bonus, a sales page is created, a long website called a landing page or a capture page. The landing page sells a specific product and collects a customer base for sales by exchanging contacts for bonuses.

  • With the minimum required amount of selling text (no complex or long sentences, no paragraphs longer than 2-3 sentences, no more than 10 screens long)
  • With high-quality design and simple interface
  • Structured (broken into paragraphs, with headings and subheadings)
  • With pictures in addition to text
  • With clear information about what you offer
  • With selling elements (triggers like “Order a call back”, with active buttons that allow you to buy your main product or receive a bonus)
  • With social proof (reviews)
  • With a description and advantages of your main product over competitive ones, with a list of problems and “pains” of customers that it allows you to solve
  • With all the necessary contacts.

If you doubt your ability to make a landing page yourself to launch an information business from scratch, order this work from a freelancer or a specialized website creation agency. Don’t forget about purchasing hosting, a domain and ensuring fast and uninterrupted operation of the site, that is, technical support.

Step 4. Launch an advertising campaign

You have created a landing page, main and bonus products, but so far no one knows about them, your information business has not been launched and it does not bring profit. It's time to set up your advertising!

If you know how to independently set up targeted advertising on social networks, as well as contextual advertising in Yandex and Google, use your knowledge to attract the target audience to your landing page. If you don’t understand anything about this setup, order this work from a professional.

In any case, to set up advertising you need to have a portrait of your potential clients in your head. How old are they, what is their education, what are they interested in, where do they spend time on the Internet, what problems do they have? The more specific the portrait, the more accurately you can set up your advertising and the easier it will be to attract those who will buy your information product.

After traffic to the site is attracted and by exchanging a bonus product for information you have formed a contact base, work begins with the e-mail of potential buyers.

The usual scheme of this work is as follows: after receiving contacts, the owner of the email first receives a welcome letter, where you thank him for visiting the landing page and give him a free bonus, then a whole series of letters, called a “funnel” and stretched over 10-14 days, as a result which he will be persistently offered to buy a paid information product.

Step 5. Support the advertising campaign. Setting up a continuous flow of clients

At this stage, continue what you started in step 4, but add social media promotion and other advertising methods that fit your budget (teaser advertising, advertising from bloggers, print media, etc.) as support.

According to statistics, 60% of Russians are on Instagram, Facebook and VKontakte, which means more than half of your target audience is here. Create a group on social networks or develop a personal page, set up integration of all social networks and landing pages with each other - let customers see information about the product where it is convenient for them!

Step 6. Launch of a new information product

It is impossible to sell the same product all the time: information becomes outdated, everything changes. Once you have mastered selling one training or video course, create a second one. It can be aimed at the same audience (then you will sell it to those who have already bought the first product from you) or to a different segment (then you will have new customers).

Repeat the entire cycle from product development to setting up a flow of customers to the landing page for its sale with each new product - and the information business will be profitable.

Two more important points

Moment 1. Blog of an infobusinessman

When the information business first appeared in Russia, its leaders started with a personal blog and other useful materials. On the blog, they regularly posted useful articles and cases, shared thoughts and commented on other people’s experiences.

Today, many information businessmen, when creating a business from scratch, bypass this step, immediately making a product (for example, a video course) and a landing page that will sell it. The reason is clear - a well-promoted blog that has high positions in the top of Yandex is not a quick matter, and the moment when the blog begins to attract clients comes, at best, six months after you start regularly posting useful materials (especially if you have not invested money in promotion).

If you do not want to earn a short-term one-time profit, but want to receive a long-term and stable income from the information business, we recommend spending time and starting a blog like this. It will be an excellent basis for building a personal brand, and its good readability will provide future customers with social proof that your product is worth buying. Please note: all more or less successful information businessmen have (or had at the start of their careers) their own blog with useful materials, from which it all began. Andrey Parabellum and Nikolay Mrochkovsky, who were among the first in the information business, had a blog on LiveJournal, the founder of the Like network, Ayaz Shabutdinov, had a blog on VKontakte, and so on.

Point 2. Working on creating a personal brand

Constantly take steps to promote you as an expert. Conduct free consultations, act as a speaker at conferences of various sizes, and conduct free small seminars.

Get it done in 7 days: instead of a conclusion

If you know exactly what niche to choose in the information business, you understand your topic and are accustomed to not putting anything off until tomorrow, then you have ready-made instructions on how to launch an information business from scratch in 7 days. Composure and lack of laziness will help you create a new direction for your activity in just a week - just act strictly according to our instructions today!

In simple terms, this is the sale of information (information business). That is, if you have useful information that will be of interest to the audience, you can earn good money from this. If you are far-sighted, purposeful, patient, and regularly engage in self-development, then you can handle this job!

For example: let’s say you are a good specialist in some area, and a weak specialist in another, or maybe you just need to improve your skills? Nowadays, you can get it in a variety of ways: books, videos on the Internet, trainings, consultations with specialists, coaching, webinars and many other ways. This is the basis of the information business, one person shares his information products with another. Such a person can be called an information businessman. In general, information business is one of the most promising areas for making money online!!!

How to start an information business from scratch

It is quite possible to make money on your knowledge, the main thing is to know how!!! We will now tell you about this in detail. There are basically two ways to start an information business.

1. Use your knowledge base. In other words, exchange acquired knowledge for money through regular self-education, studying new materials and strategies.

2. Shares the knowledge gained with others, but for a fee.

Five simple steps to create an information business from scratch

1.) Decide on the direction.

First you need to find out what you are best at and what you are a real expert in. Agree, it would be stupid to teach people something you know nothing about, and even worse if it turns out that they understand it better than you. It will be an embarrassment, especially if you also take money for it. So, first decide on a topic that you know by heart or learn it to perfection, constantly updating your knowledge. If you already know your material perfectly, then don’t stand still. Go ahead and explore new areas unknown to you.

2) Self-improvement.

Well, that’s it, after the cup of your knowledge is overflowing and you are absolutely confident in yourself, it’s time to develop a plan for how to convey your information product as simply as possible to a wide audience. You need to develop a clear plan according to which you will teach! Choose the simplest and most understandable teaching strategy so that even a child can understand you. Remember, knowledge requires a clear system.

3.) Select the format (packaging).

After we have put everything in order, the training scheme has been developed, our main task is to choose the “bottle” in which we will convey our product to the final target audience. As we know, everyone is greeted by their clothes. That is, we need to properly design our product. For example, write a book and use a bright, interesting title, or record a video on disk and create a colorful, meaningful cover. Remember that everything must be perfect!!! The product must be “tasty” in order for people to want to buy it. According to statistics, the number of sales depends on quality marketing.

4.) Choose your audience.

Perhaps this is the most important point!!! You probably need to think about this first. Think carefully about who needs your information product? Who will use it? You need to clearly understand the wealth of your audience, determine the age group, social group and, based on this, choose a pricing policy. That's what a business plan is for. When drawing up a business plan, it is important to adhere to specific deadlines and do everything efficiently using minimal costs. After all, the more nuances you write down in your business plan, the more guaranteed the expected success will be. There must be a complete justification for the calculations of the target audience; they cannot be pulled out of thin air. Calculate network trends, determine interest in information. The name of this point is information collection and without it no business plan will work.

5.) Focus on real-life examples.

Think about who has achieved really great heights in your field? Who produces high-quality and necessary things? Who would you admire? If there is such a person, then take an example from him.

Infobusiness and affiliate programs

In simple words, an affiliate program is a mutually beneficial cooperation.

You can choose the way to sell your product, namely: promote your website or social networks, conduct webinars, doing good advertising before doing so. The profit will definitely belong to you.

Trusted information business

Info marketing of cooperation or trust info marketing.

The term appeared relatively recently; in other words, it is a reasonable reaction to aggressive and ineffective advertising.

Advertising methods for trusted information business

No aggressive calls to buy, and in no case force people to waste time. Instead, people are offered free samples, referral bonuses and tips. Be sure to ask for the personal opinions of potential buyers. Personal approach to each client, that is, no cold calls, letters, or booklets. Feedback can only be provided in the case of an application submitted by the client. When purchasing a product, service is offered, a request for feedback on the quality of the product, after some time. Establishing long-term relationships with customers.

A striking example of a trusted information business is a sales funnel. Works flawlessly like a Swiss watch! That's why everyone creates these funnels with such diligence.

Information business, where to sell?

The seller of an information product is a bearer of experience and unique information that you cannot find on the Internet simply by Googling it. That's why there is demand. But it often happens that there is no experience, and all that is there is dry theory and no practice.

So, where can you sell your information product? There are many ways to sell a product desired by an audience. But the main platform for sales is still the Internet. At the moment, info businessmen conduct special paid trainings, webinars, and produce video and audio books. At the time of publication of the article, the popular Runet services for selling information products are: JustClick, Glopart, Spoonpay, Qwertypay. The quality of information products sold on such sites often leaves much to be desired. But this depends more on the author of the product himself. Therefore, if you encounter poor quality, you can demand a refund by contacting support. Of course, you will need to justify your claims.

We hope that our advice motivated you to success, simplified your task in choosing actions and will help you in further development!!!

Video about how to create an information business from scratch:

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Hello, friends! Today many people are interested in the issue of creating an information business for beginners. After all, this is a good and honest way to make money via the Internet, everything depends only on you. You created an information product, offered it to people, and they bought it. As a result, you helped a person solve a problem, and he paid you money for it.

What is Infobusiness, it is the monetization of knowledge

In July of this year, I completed the creation of video lessons for training Module No. 9 of the Earnings Academy for those over 50. This module tells Academy students in detail what an information business is, how it works on the Internet and what needs to be done to start it. This module also explains how to monetize most business tools. Since my blog is often visited by mature readers, it was decided to publish some of the recorded video lessons on its pages. I think they will find it interesting and useful!

Several articles will be devoted to the topic of making money via the Internet with the help of Infobusiness, so for each video an article will be published that will cover general and applied issues of making money in Infobusiness. This will make it easier to understand what is being said and where to find previous and subsequent videos. A little later on the blog we will tell you how to monetize your website (blog) and other resources. So, let's return to the Infobusiness.

Let me remind you that there are quite a lot of types of information products. Information products include mind maps, e-books, video lessons, video courses, trainings, webinars, online and offline conferences, Skype consultations, producing projects, coaching and other information products. And now you can watch the video for yourself where this is explained:

What do you need to create an information business for beginners?

To create an information business for beginners and more, you must first create an information product. On the one hand, it is quite simple if you know the technical aspects, how and in what sequence this or that work needs to be done. On the other hand, you need to know well the topic on which you are creating a product. Many beginners give up on this issue, which is a mistake. Every person has a profession, has life experience, has hobbies and interests. This means that what you can do may be interesting to other people.

That is, first you need to make the right choice of business niche, find out whether other people need your knowledge. This can be done quite simply using the Yandex Wordstat service, which will be quite sufficient. If you haven’t chosen a niche yet and don’t know how to do it, you can look at my article “”, there is also a video lesson.

Next, you need to decide on what topic you will create your information product. Then you need to decide in what format you will do it - an e-book, a video course and something else. You also need to determine whether your product will be free or paid. If you are making your first product, it is better to make it free. Firstly, you will be able to practice creating it, see your mistakes and take them into account for the future.

Secondly, you will see that the created product is so in demand by other people and you will be able to understand the correctness of choosing a niche for business from scratch. Based on this data, you can adjust the themes of your future products.

Thirdly, a free information product will begin to build your authority on the Internet, people will begin to follow your activities with interest, and the Information business for beginners will gradually develop into professionalism.

It is very important to make good packaging for your product. Experience shows that people do not download or buy even very useful and valuable products just because their packaging is of low quality. You can see an article on this topic on my blog “”. By the way, if you want to make covers using ready-made templates in Photoshop, you can, I use it myself.

There are quite a lot of articles on the blog about how to create an e-book or other products; you can find them through the “Search Blog” button. In general, information business is not difficult for beginners; you just need to concentrate on one product and start working with it. I recommend that beginners start their information business by creating e-books; in the next section I will explain why?

Creation of a free information product, creation of e-books

So, to create a free product, an e-book is ideal. It can be written and executed fairly quickly. The free book can be made small, literally 15-30 pages. Creating PDF books of this size will require 1-2 days. It is important to remember that the written book should contain useful and valuable content.

The user must solve his problem with the help of your book. Let's say you wrote a book. Now you need to arrange everything correctly, make a good cover for the book and start giving this book away for subscriptions. How to write an e-book is shown in my book -.

In order to give the book to future subscribers, you will need a subscription page. If you have never done it, you can, where there is also a free program. If you are already an advanced Internet and computer user, then immediately use the Adobe Muse program, you will be able to create high-quality subscription pages. As you can see, not much is needed to create an Information Business for beginners.

Your next products will be of higher quality, you will be able to collect more subscribers with their help, you will be able to make more sales. How to monetize the collected subscriber base will be discussed in the following articles.


So, this article shows that any beginner can start their own information business, but first you need to learn a little. The main thing is to learn many technical aspects. Next, you need to draw up your strategic plan and methodically implement it; you need to create your own information products, collect subscribers and sell them paid and affiliate products.

Over time, you will gather your subscriber base and begin to earn money online on a regular basis, and later, as you gain experience, you will begin to conduct webinars, trainings, and conferences. There is completely different money there!

If you are 50 years old or older and if you want to learn how to make money online, come to us at Academy of earnings for those over 50. We will teach you a lot! Good luck to you!

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Infobusiness– the process of selling information (knowledge, experience) in an online format for the purpose of training and making a profit.

In other words, this is when you share your experience and knowledge with others for money. Moreover, in fact, you can sell absolutely any information if you package and select it correctly. The only question is the exhaust. And, in order to be on the same page with you, first of all, in view of the concepts that I will use throughout the article.

  1. Experts. Experienced and ready to sell their knowledge;
  2. Infogypsies. They pass off someone else's knowledge as their own;
  3. Producers. They sell other people's experience like gray cardinals.

Why infobiz is unprofitable

You've probably heard fairy tales about how easy it is to create an information business, that it's as simple as lying on the beach with a laptop on your belly and earning at least a million a month. And anyone can engage in information business, you just need to be sufficiently self-organized. This is all nonsense.

To create a high-quality infobusiness (unless, of course, you want to fall into the category of infogypsies) you need a huge number of skills (I would say a ton) and here are just a few of them:

  • Marketing:, promotion basics, etc;
  • Technical part: chat bots, auto funnels, website building, etc.;
  • Personal qualities: good looks, oratory, perseverance, etc.

Besides, even if you are so cool and have all these skills, then, in simple words, you will not get rich in one information business. Because it involves very high costs. And the more you promote, the costs increase.

For example, the average cost for one course is 100 thousand, and this is if you already have a warmed-up audience (for advertising only). And also webinars, posts, newsletters, videos and other events. Here, calculate how much your hour of work costs and how many hours you spend creating to warm up the audience.

But the earnings are not so rosy. For example, it is recommended to conduct inclusions (trainings, courses, etc.) no more than 4 times a year, otherwise you will simply not have time or burn out.

Earnings in numbers

It is difficult to unambiguously answer the questions “How much can this or that product bring?” or “How to make a lot of money in the information business?” But you can, for example, show the profits of some information businessmen available to the entire Internet:

In general, the amount of income depends on many components (niche, investments made in advertising, types of information business, etc.). In addition, the competition in the information business market is enormous, and there are many scammers. And more and more information is being given away for free.

Case No. 1Case No. 2Case No. 3
For a site with a constant incoming flow: – Attracting users to the site with free material; – Collecting a mailing list; – Warming up with sales letters and selling information products.For the warm base collected earlier: – E-mail newsletter (a series of sales letters); – Selling a product.For a cold base, or an audience that has previously interacted with an information businessman: – Attraction through an advertisement; – Greater involvement with a free marathon.
– Visited the site: 10,000 people; – Caught by the lead magnet: 1,000 people; – Read the newsletter: 300 people; – Followed links: 100 people; – Purchased: 10 people.– Sent letters to the database: 300 people; – Mailing costs: RUB 5,000; – Read the newsletter: 20 people; – Buy: 3 people.– Clicked on the ad: 1,000 people; – Signed up for the marathon: 300 people; – Buying: 18 people.
– Product price: RUB 1,000; – on purchase: 0.1%.– Product price: RUB 9,900; – Purchase conversion: 1%.– Product price: 6,000 rubles; – Cost of a click: 95 rubles; – Purchase conversion: 1.8%.
Total income: 10,000 rub. (10 * 1,000)Total income: RUB 24,700 (3 * 9,900 – 5,000)Total income: 13,000 rub. (18 * 6,000 – 95,000)

More about Infobiz

Well, after such a hard truth, the desire to make money in infobiz has not disappeared? Then keep examples of niches and all the pros/cons of infobiz. By the way, we are not talking about information products here; a separate article is devoted to them.

Choosing a Niche

First of all, you should know that there are two niches in the information business. They vary in their impact on the audience and areas of development. There are examples below, take a look at them.

– Soft

The impact comes through emotions. The niche includes areas of development where the result cannot be digitized (self-development, motivation, esotericism). The benefits here are not immediately apparent, the earnings are even less than in the hard one.

Examples: Money thinking (“How I made a million at 25”), Relationship psychology (“Happy marriage is easy!”), Self-development (“Be better than yesterday”).

– Hard

Operates through numbers. And the visible result is money or acquiring a new skill. A niche is divided into tools and results. At the same time, there is a lot of money and competition here. You just need to look for a narrow direction and area of ​​information business.

Example - Tools: Copywriting (“The Art of Writing Selling Texts”), Personal Brand (“Creating Yourself: a Personal Brand in 10 Steps”), SEO website promotion (“How SEO will help you get to the TOP”).

Example - Results: SMM (“Lazy SMMers: 50 clients per month without stress”), B2b sales (“Sell through cold calls and earn from 100 thousand per month”), Earnings on Forex (“Trading school: the first million in half a year”) .

Pros and cons of infobiz

Do not rush to imagine mountains of gold and the bright glory of an information businessman; forget about such luck as earning a lot of money at once. This won’t happen right away, first you need to think carefully about how you can start an information business from scratch, and make a great investment. Below are the main pros and cons of the information business.

  • Unlimited areas of knowledge and topics for information business;
  • If configured correctly, you will arrive on semi-autopilot;
  • The capital is small compared to a business “on the ground”;
  • There is no need to purchase goods and rent premises for them;
  • Fewer initial risks than in offline business.
  • Work a lot at first (effort, time, money);
  • Risk of making a mistake with niche or marketing;
  • Maximum of 4 major launches per year (calmly and thoughtfully);
  • Difficulties with organizing the work process;
  • The need for constant self-motivation;
  • Total control over hired workers.

As you can see, there is no end to the work here. But if you agree to work, I have described all the ways to promote an information product especially for you.

Independent sale

They won’t tell you this for free. But we don’t like to be greedy, so we share with you the most TOP and useful information, and most importantly – practical.

1. Through circuits

It’s not enough to know everything about products, you also need to be able to promote yourself. It is known that it is difficult to promote a product to a cold audience (who does not know you and they do not need your offer), there is a lot of investment in advertising, and the conversion is very small. Therefore, gradual heating through the circuits is needed. This is essentially (the customer journey from first contact to purchase).

The schemes are different, but they are united by a sequence of steps: getting to know yourself -> gaining trust -> selling. By the way, you don’t have to do everything manually every time, you can create it and the whole chain will go automatically (including sales too).

Scheme one

The standard scheme is suitable for inexpensive information products and for businessmen who have chosen social networks as a platform for promotion. For example, “Free webinar on”, paid intensive “How to make money on Instagram”.

  1. Attraction. This can be done in any convenient way (competition, advertising, etc.). As a result, a subscriber base is collected;
  2. Newsletter. A newsletter is launched across the subscriber base (to a social network, via email or messenger) with useful content;
  3. Intensive. The event offers a core product. And it is clarified that when buying right now there are special conditions;
  4. Series of letters. Participants who do not purchase immediately are sent a reminder about the deadline or limited space.

And the strategic benefit of such a scheme is that you can gather a large mass of people and make significant sales, even with low conversion.

Scheme two

Selling several inexpensive products. This way, users will most likely buy the main one. The scheme is interesting for people who develop themselves on social networks. For example, “A game to attract monetary abundance into your personal life”, tripwire – “Individual personality diagnostics”, the main product – “Course on adjusting financial well-being”.

  1. A game. A free game is organized on any social network, participants are invited;
  2. Tripwire. During the game, participants are offered a tripwire (product from 200 to 1000 rubles);
  3. Main product. At the end it talks about the product line. There is a need for medium-priced information products;
  4. Add. products. For those who purchased the main product, a special offer is created for additional ones.

And the benefit is that selling in small portions to a large number of subscribers can bring in good money.

Your gifts from partners

Scheme three

In this scheme, it is very important to pay attention to sales letters. This promotion path can be useful for those businessmen who have a web resource. An example is the pdf book “7 Traffic Sources” on the website.

  1. Lead magnet. A lead magnet is published on a thematic website that already has a warm target audience;
  2. Cathedral of contacts. To receive a lead magnet, the client needs to leave his contacts (can be done through Sendpulse);
  3. Newsletter. The contact gets into the database, then letters are sent out with selling content and a buy message.

The convenience of this chain is that actions occur automatically, without the participation of the product author.

Scheme four

A popular scheme now. Here you introduce a person to the product as fully as possible and online, as if he is already participating in a real training. An example is a weight loss marathon. Followed by consultations and a training course. And here is information about the results of the participants.

  1. Traffic. Attracts clients to participate in the marathon. Afterwards, participants register in a closed social network group;
  2. Marathon. Every day it shows that you can get more results and sells the main product;
  3. Landing. On the last day, a sale occurs and a link to the landing page is published (there may be sales from it).

The expected return on investment is 1 to 5. Which is very cool for the information business. But this is logical, you are in fact conducting two trainings: free, and then paid.

Scheme five

A good scheme at the start is to honestly say that you are gaining experience and reviews. That is, don’t lie that this is a special promotion in honor of grandma’s birthday. An example would be a consultation on Facebook promotion. Next, a closed group with paid membership gathers. And, as a climax, personal paid consultations.

  1. Consultation. The expert answers questions, talks about the possibility of further work on a paid basis in the group;
  2. Group coaching. A series of sessions are held with the recruited group and work is offered with targeted feedback;
  3. Personal coaching. After treatment in a group, the client is offered an individual approach and guidance until the result is achieved.

The main difference between this scheme is at each stage. The scheme will be useful in absolutely all areas and regardless of traffic.

Scheme six

The most typical scheme, suitable for any niche. Only in terms of efficiency is it inferior to others, since experienced users who have entered the funnel more than once are already immune to sales. As an example, you can give a free webinar on targeting. It contains an announcement of a course on setting up advertising on all social networks.

  1. Free webinar. It is advisable to do more than one. Each one provides useful content, but the main thing is at the end;
  2. Course announcement. A series of webinars encourages purchases; the course and special conditions for purchasing right now are announced.

The beauty is that you don’t have to worry too much. You can simply throw a cry at your base and gather people in the evening. More precisely, in the evening... What? Collect money from them.

Scheme seven

The essence of the scheme is that on forums, for example, one can advertise one’s expertise, that is, promote an information product. For example, a forum on information business development. The gift could be a printed book with practical recommendations. And the main sale will be getting a client for personal coaching.

  1. Forums/conferences. An expert talks about his abilities and inspires confidence among potential buyers;
  2. Competition/gift. Announcement of special conditions for participants (discount on services for recording right now, etc.).

People coming from the conference will idolize you. After all, in Russia the speaker is always some cool and famous man/woman, even if it’s their first time.

Scheme eight

As a rule, this promotion scheme is used for affiliate programs. But you can also use this for yourself. This option is a kind of middle approach, when it seems like the audience needs to be warmed up, but you don’t want to bother too much.

For example, people subscribe to a free training manual “How to hold a sale in a store,” and then you sell them a full-fledged course or coaching “How to increase sales in that same store.”

  1. Announcement. The ad contains a link to the sales page, leading the client into the funnel;
  2. Lead/newsletter. The user leaves his contacts in return for useful material;
  3. Landing. The newsletter periodically mentions the main product and a link to the landing page for purchasing it.

Now this is almost the most popular way of sales. Although he does not give a lot of money. Even so, it most likely only pays for itself and creates a foundation for the future from a loyal audience.

2. Through aggregators

Another way to sell information products and make money on the Internet is through special services or platforms and affiliate program catalogs.

Percentage of sales– Accel; – StudyAmerica.

There are also programs that combine a huge number of affiliate programs, for example, “Where is the Elephant?”, EXELO, ADWOOL. Well, for those who want to sell with the support of a third-party specialist, there is an option - selling through a producer.

Selling through a producer

You can contact a producer (in the context of the topic - a specialist in promoting the information business) when, despite all efforts, the information business does not bring the expected profit. A producer is a person who has a whole array of knowledge in different areas of marketing: branding, copywriting, targeting, etc.

I would like to note that finding experts for the project is considered the highest priority. That is, the producer himself, as a rule, does little with his own hands; his job is to organize the process. He hires copywriters, targetologists, etc. and controls their work. He also gives recommendations to the author (and can give ideas for information business).


Cooperation and cost

As a rule, they resort to the services of producers when a certain path has been covered - a lot has been invested, and it’s a pity to quit. That is, there may be first results, but they do not live up to expectations.

In general, the benefits of cooperation with a producer come down to saving your energy and time and greater chances of success. But the disadvantages for many can be sharing the income from an information product and following the instructions of another person.

The duration of cooperation can vary, from 3 months to several years. It all depends on the starting position of the author, and work usually continues until a financial result is achieved. The cost of services varies as follows:

  • At a fixed rate. Issue price from $300 and above;
  • By percentage of sales. The producer's share is from 40 to 80%.

Interesting. If you don’t want to bother and become a producer, become an affiliate marketer and then just bring in traffic.

Briefly about the main thing

Phew... Everything about the information business. You now know what an information business is and how to start one. Keep in mind, I warned you about the risks and difficulties; it is up to you to decide whether to become an information businessman or not. All I have left is to summarize the results for the most persistent. So, the whole path in the information business consists of five steps:

  1. Definition of expertise;
  2. Choosing a niche for promotion;
  3. Creation and packaging of information products;
  4. Development of a promotion scheme;
  5. Selling and generating income.