Interesting things about numbers and grains of sand. Interesting facts about numbers

Numbers are found everywhere in our lives. Date of birth, age, address... This article contains the most interesting facts about numbers that will not leave you indifferent.

  • 1. In countries such as China, Japan and Korea, the number “4” is considered unlucky. Therefore, there are no floors with numbers ending in “4”.
  • 2. Centillion is the most big number, which looks like a 1 followed by 600 zeros. This number was recorded back in 1852.
  • 3. The number “13” is also considered unlucky in many countries. Therefore, the floor after “12” is designated “14”, “12A” or “M” (the thirteenth letter in the alphabet).
  • 4. Arabs write numbers from right to left, starting with the lowest digits. Therefore, when we see familiar Arabic numerals in the text of Arab peoples, we will read them from left to right incorrectly.

  • 5. Interesting Facts about numbers concern and modern technologies. Thus, Google is one of the most popular search engines. It was invented by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The name of the search engine was chosen for a reason. So, its creators wanted to show the amount of information that the system can process. In mathematics, a number that consists of one and one hundred zeros is called a “googol”. It is also interesting that the name “Google” is spelled incorrectly (not “googol”). But the founders liked this name idea even more.
  • 6. 666 is the sum of all the numbers on the casino roulette.

  • 7. The number “13” in Greece is considered an unlucky day only when it falls on a Tuesday. In Italy they fear Friday the 17th. But statisticians in the Netherlands calculated that on the 13th there are fewer accidents and accidents, because people are more careful and collected.
  • 8. The term “digit” means “zero” in Arabic. Only over time did they begin to use this word to refer to any numerical symbol.

Interesting facts about numbers and numbers

Numbers have a place in our lives great value, but they not only add up to dates and amounts. They are surrounded by mysticism and superstition, they form the basis of various codes and so on. Today, many interesting facts related to numbers are known.

Superstitions and numbers

Numbers are surrounded by an aura of superstition, in different countries and in different times they had their meaning. Which one?

The number “13” is considered unlucky in many countries. Therefore, the floor after “12” is designated “14”, “12A” or “M” (the thirteenth letter in the alphabet)

Italians have a similar attitude towards the number 17

Great people have experienced an inexplicable fear of certain numbers. For example, the composer Arnold Schoenberg was terribly afraid of the number 13, and it turned out that it was not in vain - he died on Friday the 13th at the age of 76, that is, 7 + 6 = 13. Second shining example- famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who avoided the number 62. There are no facts from his life about the fatal significance of this number for him, but his fear reached such a point that he did not stay in large hotel complexes, so as not to accidentally end up with a room with this number.

In countries such as China, Japan and Korea, the number 4 is considered unlucky. Therefore, there are no floors with numbers ending in “4”.

It is believed that the number 7 always brings good luck. This number is present everywhere - 7 days in a week, 7 continents, 7 deadly sins, 7 notes, 7 colors in the rainbow and so on.

The number 8 is considered the number of perfection. It is associated with infinity, and among the ancient Egyptians it was considered the number of balance and cosmic order. It is considered lucky number in Japanese and Chinese culture. The Pythagoreans believed that

The number 8 is a symbol of love and friendship.

For many peoples, for a long time, the limit of counting was the number 3. It was considered a symbol of completeness and perfection. So, among the ancient Greeks this number was considered lucky, and in ancient Babylon They worshiped three deities: the Sun, the Moon and Venus.

Many fairy tales and myths are associated with the number 3: “Three Truths” (Africa), “Three Treasures” (Japan), “Three Springs” (Turkey) and others. At the same time, there are a number of signs according to which “three is not good” (three candles, three guests).

Mysterious power was attributed to the number 9, and at some times it was good, and at others it was the other way around. “Nine will have no way,” they said in ancient times. The title of I. Aivazovsky’s painting “The Ninth Wave” reflects folk beliefs about the formidable forces of nature, of which the ninth wave is the most dangerous.

The ancient Greeks had a good reputation for the number 9. The jury on Olympic Games there were nine judges, and there were nine patronesses of science and art. In Russians folk tales the action often takes place “in a distant kingdom, in a distant state,” “far away lands.”

Just interesting facts

    The most small number, opened today, does not even have a name, but is decimal, which has 100 million trillion trillion trillion zeros after the decimal point and before the one. It is not used in applied mathematics and is used by scientists to calculate the probability of the emergence of a new Universe from an atom

    Logic trick: How old were you in 2011? To this number add the last two digits of your year of birth? It turned out to be 111, right?

    Interesting facts about numbers also apply to modern technology. Thus, Google is one of the most popular search engines. It was invented by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The name of the search engine was chosen for a reason. So, its creators wanted to show the amount of information that the system can process. In mathematics, a number that consists of one and one hundred zeros is called a “googol”. It is also interesting that the name “Google” is spelled incorrectly (not “googol”). But the founders liked this name idea even more.

    The name Anna is one of the most common in the world. To date, there are 100 million recorded owners of this name.

    Numbers that are the same in both directions (for example, 12321) are called palindromes

    The sum of all numbers from 1 to 100 is 5050

    Arabs write numbers from right to left, starting with the lowest digits. Therefore, when we see familiar Arabic numerals in the text of Arab peoples, we will read them from left to right incorrectly

    The most mystical and legendary number is considered to be 666 - the number of the beast and the Antichrist (so named in one of the verses of the Book of Revelation). A large number of interesting mathematical facts are associated with it: - the sum of all numbers on a roulette wheel is 666;

There is seat 666 in the European Parliament, but traditionally no one occupies it;

U large quantity objects around the world replaced the number 666 with another, due to protests from believers. This applies to highway numbers, public transport routes, and telephone codes.

    Fibonacci numbers

These numbers were named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci, who introduced the decimal number system and Arabic numerals to Europe.

Fibonacci numbers are numbers in the following order:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, …

In this case, each next number is equal to the sum of the two previous numbers.

The Fibonacci sequence is observed in nature in plants and animals, in the pattern of sunflower seeds, pineapple, pine cone and even the human body (one nose, two eyes, three limb segments, five fingers).

    The term "digit" in Arabic means "zero". Only over time did they begin to use this word to refer to any numerical symbol.

Internet resources:

1. Eastern countries They are afraid of the number 4. Its pronunciation is very close to the word “death”. The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese equated it with an "unlucky" number. If you pay attention to the number of floors in buildings, you will notice that the number “4” at the end of the floor is almost never recorded.

2. A small trick (elementarily explained by mathematics and logic). Take your year of birth, or rather the last 2 numbers. Do you remember how old you were in 2011? To these years add the last digits from the year of birth. Bet you got 111?

3. If you square 111 111 111, the result will be surprising! You will receive 12345678987654321. These are all numbers in order. First they increase, then they decrease.

4. Guess what happens when you add up all the numbers on a casino roulette? The number of the devil, which many are afraid of, is 666.

5. Many people know about various lotteries “6 out of 49” (as it used to be in Sportloto). Do you know how many times the jackpot has been hit during the entire existence of the game? 3 times! Real lucky ones.

6. Everyone from school remembers the number Pi - 3.14. He even has 2 holidays. Unofficial, of course. In America it is March 14 (03.14) and July 22 (22/7). Why July, you ask? Because when you divide a number by the digit of the month, you get exactly the number Pi. It's a funny idea.

7. The largest number has 600 zeros behind the one. It has its own name. It is a centillion.

8. Interesting facts about numbers and figures also concern scientists. An American mathematics graduate student was late for class one day. Equations were written on the board. George Dantzig (that was the name of the graduate student) decided that this was a homework assignment. After tormenting himself for several days, racking his brains about how such a difficult task was given, George solved it. Imagine his surprise when he learned that this was an “unsolvable” problem in statistics. Many scientists have strained their brains for many years to unravel the mystery of these problems.

9. Guess which is the most common female name? Anna. 100 million women are named by him.

10. Famous people also with my “cockroaches” in my head and fears. For example, Sigmund Freud was terrified of the number 62. This went so far that Freud did not stay in hotels with more than 61 rooms. What if he, the lucky one, gets 62 out of everyone? And the composer Schoenberg Arnold was afraid of the devil's dozen. And he died on Friday the 13th at the age of 76 (you know how much 7+6 is?). This is the magic of numbers. And he only says that thoughts are material. And you don’t need to create fears for yourself so that they don’t “finish” you off.

11. Another interesting fact about the devil's number. Imagine that in the USSR, architects wanted to create a microdistrict by building houses in it in such a way that the name of a great power could be read from space. However, I somehow didn’t like the idea or finances didn’t allow it. But as a result, in Kharkov there is the 522nd microdistrict, where there are only 3 houses. And the satellite shows them on the map as “666”.

12. In the Himalayas there is a sacred mountain with a height of 6666 m. Its name is Kailash. The amazing thing is that its height is the distance to the center of the North Pole and at the same time to Stonehenge. Some kind of mysticism. But the mountain is actually very beautiful.

13. The centipede actually has far from 40 legs. People often call this a spider with long, thin “legs.” She moves so fast that she seems to have 40 legs. However, some people call centipedes centipedes, which in fact have up to 400 legs, and sometimes even more. Those who count 100 legs should be wary of this insect. It bites painfully. But the so-called millipedes are generally harmless and harmless. Biology is an interesting science.

14. In Budapest, trolleybuses received numbers in 1949. It was that year that Stalin celebrated his anniversary - his seventh decade. And so the very first trolleybus was assigned No. 70 (although now such a route no longer exists). Since then, route numbers have been given after 70. There is no first, no twentieth, no fifty-third.

15. Is it possible to live a million days? Interesting. But if you count, it’s 27 centuries. Not many days have passed since the beginning of our era. So the answer is clear - no, one person cannot live that many days.

But look at this,
The number three appears.
Three - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

They start writing a little below the middle top side cells. Draw a line up, rounding it in the upper right corner of the cell. Then they draw the line down, slightly short of the middle of the cell and write the lower semi-oval.

Only troika everyone needs
She is very playful.
Troika frisky horses -
Symbol of my Motherland!
At school troika not a flirt -
A very modest mark.
But full of courage
On the tricolor Russian flag!

Half a ring and half a ring
We put it together, look
And we soldered the two ends -
It turned out number 3!

Thin ring
Fell on the porch.
It's split! Look-
It turned out number three.

Number THREE and letter “Z”
Twins are sisters.
Bunny, Zoya and Zanozka -
We repeat loudly!

In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
Base on the baseball field
Facets of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag,

No matter what anyone tells us,
The number knows the truth... (three)


What a miracle! Come on, come on,
Take a better look -
It looks like a letter
But there’s also a number…(three)

Guess this number!
She's very arrogant.
Add one to two,
And you will get the number...(three)

* * *
This figure is simply a miracle.
She has relatives everywhere.
It's even in the alphabet
She has a twin sister.

In the Mathematical Kingdom there lived the number Three. And she liked everything. But then one day she decided that she was tired of living in the Mathematical Kingdom, and she decided to move to the Poetic Kingdom. “I’ll try to compose poems in which my name will sound,” she decided. First of all, number 3 decided to look for a rhyme with the word “three”. And this is what she came up with: “Wipe, erase, look, sharpen up.” “Yes,” thought Number Three, “no good poem, no worthwhile poetic work will come from these words.” Number Three thought and thought and decided: “Since I was born a number, I will remain a number. I won't be a poet. Where they count, I feel confident and comfortable. And in the Poetic Kingdom let letters rule.”

Who is number 3 friends with?

Once upon a time there was a cheerful traffic light. He stood at the intersection and flashed three lights: green, yellow and red. But one day all three lights went out.
What started here! The cars couldn't get through because they were all driving at once. Pedestrians could not cross the street because they were afraid of getting hit by cars. Luckily, there was a little girl in the crowd of pedestrians. She knew that the traffic light was friendly with the number 3, and rather called her:
– Hello, your friend the traffic light is sick and he urgently needs help!
Number 3 immediately came running and brought him three delicious triangular cookies. She treated
a traffic light with cookies, and it immediately lit up.
It turns out that the traffic light was very hungry, and therefore could not work anymore.
Since then, the number 3 comes to visit the traffic light every day. When the traffic light shows cars with its red eye and traffic stops, the number 3 feeds it three triangular...

Fairytale meaning numbers 3.

Number 3- you must have noticed how often it is mentioned in fairy tales? “The father had three sons,” “he rode for three days and three nights,” “it’s a piece of cake.” “Clap your hands three times,” “turn around your axis three times,” “say something three times.”

Digit 3 in Russian folk tales is simply decisive. I don’t know where the common people gained so much wisdom... But from an esoteric point of view and from the position of spiritual numerology number 3 used in Russian fairy tales incredibly accurately and appropriately.

In folklorenumber 3 very often reflects precisely the turning points in a person’s life. This is especially visible in the “three roads”, which are usually laid out in front of the main characters at the moment of the inevitable choice . And not just “inevitable”, but a fateful choice, which is actually a matter of life and death.

It’s enough for the main character to fail to guess the right direction - and that’s it, “goodbye, dear.” Choke on Baba Yaga's bones! The curtain falls. Frustrated spectators dejectedly trudge towards the exit, barely discerning the road in the fog of uninvited tears.

Get lost in three pines. Not being able to understand something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

From third mouth, from third hands.Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (to find out, receive, hear).

Three inches from the pot. Very short, short, small.

With three boxes. A lot (to say, promise, lie, etc.).

The promised one has been waiting for three years. They say it jokingly when they do not believe that someone will soon fulfill their promises or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed indefinitely.

Cry in three streams. That is, it is very bitter to cry.

Three Graces. The ancient Romans had three goddesses, personifying youth, beauty, and fun. Depicted as three beautiful women. Sometimes used ironically.

Three whales. Previously, the ancients believed that the Earth stood on three pillars. The expression is used in the meaning of the basis of the basics.

Jump for three years and you won’t reach any state.. These words, which have become popular, belong to the mayor from the comedy N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General". It speaks of a remote, forgotten, abandoned place.

Where two people fight, don't bother the third one

Where two stand, the third has no business

The promised one has been waiting for three years

The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.

It takes three years to learn hard work, and only three days to learn laziness.

Three years is not three centuries.

Be arbitrated

If you go to a new place, you will be considered a stranger for three years.

God loves trinity

Is 3 a lucky number?

An Alex Bellos survey found that greatest number people (10% of respondents) consider the number 7 lucky. The second most popular number was 3.

Why is the number three considered unlucky?

In some cultures, the number 3 is considered creepy and unlucky. For example, in Vietnam, three people in a photograph are Bad sign, since it is believed that whoever stands in the middle may die.

Positive traits threes :

Number 3 is very cheerful and cheerful, endowed with healthy optimism, inspiration and imagination. Number three is emotional, it is very successful in self-expression, has good artistic taste and creative talent. Three are endowed with the gift of foresight and the gift of speech, which will help attract attention and make people believe.

Negative qualities threes :

Threes do not know how to forgive insults and are very self-centered. They are constantly accompanied by rapid changes in mood, which is why they do not always complete their tasks. Number 3 is wasteful and loves excesses, it is extravagant, prone to whimsicality and tyranny. Very often, number three is overly talkative and likes to start gossip. Threes often lack sense of purpose.