Famous artifacts. Mysterious artifacts of the USA. Alien gear wheel from Vladivostok

But now in the human arsenal there is also Genetic Engineering, further expanding the possibilities of creating new species and breeds. However, she also took a big step forward. And now the site will tell you about several unusual breeds ah, purposefully created by man.

Wolfdog of Saarloos

They began to breed it back in 1925, by crossing a real she-wolf and a German shepherd. And further selection of puppies based on phenotypic characteristics. The result was something that looked 100 percent like a wolf. Gray, strong, hardy, stubborn, does not bark, but bites. And at the same time automatically recognizes the person as the leader. That is, all the advantages of a wolf without its main disadvantage. So now these animals are actively spreading throughout the world as a service breed.


Hybrid of camel and llama. It was created in the UAE in 1998. As a result of artificial insemination, three small camas were born. There is no hump, hair like a llama, cloven hooves, a long tail, short ears, small size, but at the same time incredible endurance. And most importantly, the hybrids turned out so successful that they were even able to produce offspring. So? soon kamas are slowly becoming fashionable among the residents of the UAE.

Zebra hybrids

It is not clear why people needed to domesticate the zebra at all - it is not very hardy, grumpy, except that it is well protected from local insects. But all the hybrids that could be obtained from it were sterile. That is, there was no talk of breeding a stable breed. But getting a crossbreed had all the advantages of their parents. Hybrids have already been obtained from horses, donkeys and ponies. The last ones were especially funny.

domestic fox

Specific and targeted selection by selecting the friendliest foxes from each litter. The work began in the 1950s, but was only recently completed. The foxes turned out wonderful - smart, tame, playful, except that their ears droop and their tails curl a little, but these are details. So now anyone can get a full-fledged domestic fox. The only pity is that they are very expensive - the price is measured in thousands of dollars.


Hybrid of wild serval and siamese cat. How miraculously this was accomplished, don’t ask. In any case, starting in 2001, the breed was finally established and certified. Looks like a serval, acts like a serval, but treats people like a cat. But this animal is incredibly expensive - the price can reach up to 20 thousand dollars.

The site team and journalist Artyom Kostin believe that such selection is still a normal phenomenon, since the animals turn out healthy and without any specially assigned “brand defects of the breed.”

We also believe that you would be interested in taking a look at another creation of selection -. They are almost like regular ones, only much more compact. And it’s not a fact that they can live without human help.

Nature has created millions of different living creatures, different from each other. They differ in size, color and a huge list of other indicators. Humanity began to use scientific approach to the study of the animal kingdom since the time of Aristotle, who for the first time, in his own separate work “On the Origin of Animals,” attempted to divide the living world into plants and animals. Scientists are still finding new species hitherto unknown to science. However, man himself also had a hand in the emergence of new species, appearance which sometimes surprises us greatly.


Dachshunds in the world of cats. Unlike most other unusual breeds, this one was not the result of selection, but due to spontaneous genetic mutation. Despite the truly strange appearance, the spine of cats of this breed remains intact and is similar in shape and flexibility to ordinary domestic cats. Short legs do not in any way impede mobility or ability to survive. And about the most expensive breeds cats on Chips was a very beautiful post, be sure to read it.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlingtons originated and developed in Great Britain, on the border of England and Scotland, and their roots are closely intertwined with another terrier - the Dandie Dinmont. Initially, only hunters were interested in dogs of this breed, however, in the 19th century, their popularity at exhibitions led to a gradual change in the nature of the dogs to a more docile one. Since then, the aristocracy has become interested in them. By the way, often very beautiful dogs are obtained from crossing different breeds, some of them have already been written about here.

Angora rabbit

The very animals that produce that famous Angora wool. Actually, it is for the sake of wool that this breed is bred. Moreover, this is one of the oldest breeds rabbits that were bred in Turkey. Despite my unusual appearance, Angora rabbits are very common pets in Europe. Largely due to the fact that by nature they are very active, playful and social.

Yakut horse

The most frost-resistant horse breed, bred by folk selection under the strong influence of natural selection. All year round these horses live and feed in the open air at temperatures from +40 in summer to -60 in winter. They search for food on their own, shoveling snow with their hoofs. The horse is a very revered animal in Yakutia. Read the big post about this wonderful region, there is a lot of interesting stuff there, including about these horses.

Chinese silky chickens

This is very ancient breed chickens It is not known exactly when they were bred, however, back in the 13th century, the famous traveler Marco Polo described these birds in great detail. Initially, they were bred for decorative purposes, and were also sometimes used in folk art. Chinese medicine. These unusual chickens came to Russia at the end of the 18th century.

Maine lochtan

An unusual breed of sheep that lives directly on the Isle of Man. It is also called Lochtain. Representatives of this breed can be recognized by their characteristic dark brown coat and the usual presence of four and sometimes six horns. The appearance of representatives of this breed is so unusual and frightening that one day one of the zoos even called an exorcist, suspecting that their Manx lochtan had been possessed by a demon. Read more about this story here.

plush cow

An exclusively decorative breed of cows from the American state of Iowa. These look like huge ones Stuffed Toys Cows are not bred to be milked or made into cutlets. Plush cows are regulars at various exhibitions.

maned pigeon

The maned pigeon is found on the Nicobar and Andaman Islands, as well as on the small, mostly uninhabited islands of Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. The pigeon prefers small, most often uninhabited islands where there are no predators. Lives in the jungle. In search of food, they, just like their urban counterparts, move along the surface of the earth and feed on fallen fruits, seeds, and sometimes even snails. Maned pigeons fly extremely poorly. At most, in case of danger they can fly up to a tree branch. If you like depths, be sure to check out this post, there's a lot there. beautiful photos unusual breeds of pigeons from a professional photographer.

There are rumors about the existence of wild ligers, but as far as we know, they live only in captivity, where they are deliberately bred. Animals grow very quickly to large sizes and are considered the most big cats in the world. The photo shows Hercules, the largest living feline on Earth. He weighs more than 410 kilograms. ( .)

2. Tigon (male tiger + lioness)

And that's not all. It turns out that ligers and tigons also produce offspring. ()

3. Zebroid (hybrid of a zebra and a donkey)

The photo above shows a variation of the zebra zebra + donkey. ()

4. Jaglion (male jaguar + female lion)

A rare combination. The photographs show Jazara and Tsunami, born in the Canadian Bear Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, Ontario. ()

5. Bazly (rams + goats)

Another rare animal. A goat has 60 chromosomes, and a sheep has 54. The offspring resulting from crossing a ram with a goat or a goat with a sheep are usually stillborn. ()

6. Grolar (English grizzly + polar) or polar grizzly (polar bear + brown bear)

This interspecific bear hybrid is found both in zoos and in the wild. ()

7. Coywolf (coyote + wolf)

Coyotes and eastern wolves (North American timber wolves) began to differ only 150-300,000 years ago, and both species are capable of producing offspring. The coywolf combines many common behavioral characteristics from the coyote and from the wolf. ()

8. Zebroid (zebra + any representative of the equine family)

Darwin was one of the first to talk about zebroids as wild animals that are difficult to tame. They are more aggressive than horses. ()

9. Savannah cat (domestic cat + African serval)

These beautiful creatures are as loyal as dogs, play ball, are not afraid of water, and get along well with other pets. Savannahs are very expensive animals. ()

10. Killer dolphin (male black killer whale + female bottlenose dolphin)

Black killer whales are actually in the same family as dolphins, but hybrids between the two are extremely rare. Currently, only one orca dolphin is known to exist in captivity. ()

11. Beefalo (from the English beef - “cow” and buffalo - “buffalo”)

This bison-cow hybrid has been known since 1800. Unfortunately, scientists believe that as a result of the crossbreeding of purebred wild bison, only four herds remain. ()

12. Hinny (female donkey + male horse)

They are slightly smaller than mules and much less common. ()

13. Narluga (narwhal + beluga)

This hybrid is extremely rare. Recently spotted in the North Atlantic.

14. Kama (dromedary camel + llama)

This animal was first bred for its fur in 1998 at the Camel Reproduction Center in Dubai using artificial insemination. Only five individuals were bred. ()

15. Khainak (zo) (cow + wild yak)

This hybrid is larger and stronger than cows and yaks individually. Khaynak is valued in Tibet and Mongolia for its meat and milk. ()

16. Leopon (male leopard + female lion)

The fauna is rich in its diversity. But people never tire of experimenting, creating some species. Sometimes this has a practical meaning, and sometimes people just want to get an unusual animal. Most often, human-created hybrids do not take root in the wild, but there are also examples to the contrary. We have created many amazing new animals, and our story will be about the most unusual of them.

Zebroid. To create such an animal, zebras were crossed with horses or donkeys and ponies. The idea of ​​crossing related species appeared quite a long time ago; these hybrids first appeared in the 19th century. Usually the father is a zebra. Very rarely is a donkey the father. Zebroids have distinctive feature from zebras A hybrid is much more comfortable to ride. The new kind

noticeably stands out due to its unusual coloring. Part of it may belong to a horse, and part to a zebra. The character of the new species is quite unpredictable and is more difficult to train. Also, zebroids are born quite sickly and underdeveloped; most of these animals live only a few days. And they are often deprived of the opportunity to have offspring.

Liger and tiger lion. These animals were born by crossing predatory felines. The liger has a lion father and a tigress mother. A tiger lion, on the contrary, is a cross between a male tiger and a lioness. Ligers are quite large; they are generally considered the largest cats in the world. They look like large lions, but with blurred stripes. But tigers suffer from their small size; they end up growing smaller than their parents. The liger Hercules lives in Miami, whose height is as much as 3 meters and weighs 544 kilograms. In the hybrid, the males are sterile. But their females sometimes have the opportunity to bear offspring. Ligers love to swim, like tigers, unlike lions. Beefalo. This breed was bred to obtain best source meat. To do this, scientists crossed a cow and an American bison. Science also knows similar hybrids - bison, crosses of large their parents and give them more meat. Beefalo has a bright red color, which is important because it contains much less cholesterol than traditional beef. The truth is that most buyers are generally unaware of the existence of such a product. After all, you can only buy it in a few stores in Seattle. Beefalo breeders say that its meat also has a more delicate and subtle aroma and taste than beef.

Camelama. This animal is a hybrid of a llama and a camel. The camel was first born in 1995. Since the size of animals does not allow them to mate in natural conditions

, then scientists were forced to resort to artificial insemination. The resulting hybrid has short ears and a long camel tail. But the camel has double hooves, its legs are very strong and quite long. But this is very important for long journeys through deserts. The camel is a strong but small animal. In addition, it also lacks a hump, and its fur is fluffy, like that of a llama. Breeders have long tried to develop a new hybrid. It was possible to obtain it only by using a camel as a father and a llama as a mother.

Levopard. This animal was the result of crossing a lioness and a male leopard. The body resembles a leopard print, and there is a characteristic color. The spots are not black, but brown. But the head looks more like a lion's. The new hybrid is larger than a leopard. Leopard loves to climb trees and swim in water. The first documented mention of this animal was found in 1910 in India. The most successful experiments in breeding leopard were carried out in Japan. The lioness Sonoko gave birth to two cubs from the leopard Kaneo in 1959, and three years later three more. The male hybrids were infertile, the last of them died in 1985. But one of the females was able to give birth to offspring from a hybrid of a lion and a jaguar. Servacott. This hybrid is often called a savannah cat. It turned out by crossing the usual domestic cat and a wild African serval cat with a spotted coat. And in order to get the most beautiful individuals they use. It is named after a national park in northern Tanzania, Africa. This is where the serval lives. In 2001, the Savannah cat was officially recognized as a new breed by the International Cat Association. Servakot turned out to be a beautiful and strong animal. It is much friendlier than regular house cats. Cervacottas are believed to be as loyal as dogs. They are taught to walk on a leash, fetch a thrown stick or even shot game. According to standards, servacotta must have black or brown spots, silver or black color. Typically these animals have high erect ears, a long thin neck and head, and a short tail. The servacot's eyes are blue in childhood and green in adulthood. These cats weigh from 6 to 14 kilograms. They are not cheap, as for pets - from $600 and above.

Polar grizzly. This hybrid was created by crossing a white polar bear and a grizzly bear. Surprisingly, genetic relatedness does not lead to interbreeding of these species under conditions wildlife. They simply avoid each other, occupying different ecological niches. The grizzly bear prefers to live and breed on land, but the polar bear has chosen water and ice. However, in 2006, in the Canadian part of the Arctic, a strange bear was discovered on Banks Island. The study of his DNA allowed him to be declared a polar grizzly bear, born in natural conditions. Similar individuals had been encountered before, but DNA analysis was simply impossible then. The polar grizzly bear has thick, creamy white fur similar to polar bears. It has long claws, a humped back, small facial features, and brown markings around its eyes and nose, characteristic of a grizzly bear.

Hybrid of ram and goat. In 2000, a ram and a goat were accidentally crossed in Botswana. The animals were simply kept together. The new animal is called "Toast of Botswana". A ram and a goat have different numbers of chromosomes - 54 and 60. Therefore, their offspring are usually stillborn. But the surviving hybrid was able to inherit the characteristics of both of its parents at once. Him long wool, like a sheep's, and goat's legs. The outer hair was coarse and inner part wool - soft. The animal turned out to have the heavy body of a lamb. At 5 years old it weighed 93 kilograms. The animal had 57 chromosomes, which turned out to be average between the number of its parents. The hybrid turned out to be very active, with increased libido, although sterile. That is why he was castrated at 10 months. Cases of obtaining such a hybrid have been reported in New Zealand and Russia.

Red parrot fish. They love it in Asia aquarium fish, constantly creating new species. This species was released in Taiwan in 1986. How this mutation was obtained is still kept secret. After all, this allows local breeders to continue to maintain a monopoly on these fish. Rumor has it that the cyclid midas was crossed with the red cichlid. Their fry are gray-black, but by 5 months they become bright orange or pink. We learned this fish in the 90s, they bring it here from Singapore and other countries South-East Asia. If a red parrot is placed in an aquarium, the fish can grow there up to 10-15 centimeters. The color can vary greatly; in addition to orange, yellow is also possible. At some point in their lives, parrots can be crimson, lilac or bright red. However, over time they all acquire an orange color. Experts advise feeding this fish with special food containing carotene, this will help enhance the bright red color of their body. The resulting hybrid also has some pronounced anatomical deformations. For example, the mouth looks like a narrow vertical slit. Because of this, it is very difficult to feed such fish, which is why many of them die prematurely.

Hybrid pheasant. This bird was created by crossing a golden pheasant with a diamond pheasant. As a result new bird received a unique coloring of its plumage.

Orca dolphin.

Quite rarely, but it is still possible to crossbreed aquatic animals. It represents the fruit of a dolphin from the family of bottlenose dolphins and the little black killer whale. There are only two such individuals in captivity. They both live in Hawaii, in a marine park. The sizes of hybrids are somewhere between the original species. The name of the first orca dolphin is known - Kekaimalu. The crossbreed is easily identified by the teeth. If the bottlenose dolphin has 88 of them, and the killer whale has 44, then the hybrid has 66. Iron Age pig.

Dog-wolf. These animals interbreed quite often and freely in nature. The wolf is a rather cautious animal, its behavior is unique, and the hunter's instinct is very developed. The dog's jaws are not as developed as those of its wild predatory relative. When interbreeding, wolves are more shy than dogs. It is impossible to predict how the hybrid will behave in the future. Long-term training is required to tame a dog-wolf. After all, a hybrid can unwittingly choose the line of behavior of any of its parents. A dog-wolf can become a very dangerous creature. After all, he will be cunning and predatory, like a wolf, and fearless towards humans, like a dog. Recently, cynologists in the Czech Republic decided to cross Carpathian lone wolves with German shepherds. Experts wanted to get the perfect police dog. But it turned out that the resulting dog-wolf was in no way suitable for such work. The animals were either nervous and cowardly, or overly angry and aggressive. The resulting breed was nevertheless recognized and named the Czech top. In Holland they tried to crossbreed all the same German Shepherds and Canadian pack wolves. The results were also not what they expected. But another breed appeared - the Saarlos Wolfhond. And in Moscow they crossed a Siberian husky and a jackal. The goal was to get new breed , which would be as obedient as a dog and would have keen sense of smell

wild animal. However, the results will be clear only after the third generation of the new breed. There are undoubtedly millions of amazing artifacts from the ancient world that help shed light on how our distant ancestors lived many millennia ago. However, some of them especially stand out for their uniqueness, the depth of impression they make, or their ability to complement our previous knowledge unknown facts

stories. Here we present ten such artifacts. We have deliberately chosen to exclude well-known artifacts from this list, such as the Antikythera Mechanism, the Baghdad Battery, the Viking Sunstone, and many other famous relics. Rather, we would like to highlight some of the lesser-known, but no less impressive artifacts of the ancient world. Thor's Hammer

The discovery of a 10th-century Viking artifact similar to Thor's Hammer has helped solve a long-standing mystery surrounding more than 1,000 ancient amulets discovered throughout northern Europe. The relics, known as the Mjöllnir "breaker" amulets, appear to depict a hammer that historians associate with the Norse god Thor. However, this conclusion could not be considered indisputable, since the forms of the amulets did not suggest an unambiguous interpretation, and none of them contained inscriptions that would allow them to be identified. However, this year, another similar pendant was found near the town of Kobelev, on the Danish island of Lolland, which contains the runic inscription “this is a hammer.” Cast in bronze and likely plated in silver, tin and gold, the 1,100-year-old pendant confirms that the myth of Thor was a major influence on Viking jewelry. According to Norse mythology, Thor was a god depicted holding a hammer and associated with thunder, lightning, storms, the oak tree, strength, protection of the human race, as well as holiness, healing and fertility. Thor is a specially mentioned god throughout the recorded history of the Germanic peoples, from the Roman occupation of the Germanic areas until the time of the Great Migration, when his cult reached its highest point during the Viking Age, and in the face of the Christianization of Scandinavia, Mjolnir amulets were worn as a sign of resistance to this process . Many pagan Scandinavian names are derived from the name of this god, which serves as evidence of his great popularity.

Kipu from Karal(3000 BC, Peru)

The sacred city of Caral was built approximately 5,000 years ago and represents the oldest known civilization of the Northern and South America, known as Norte Chico. Among the many incredible artifacts discovered at the site, archaeologists found a fragment of threads with knots on them, known as a quipu. Khipus, sometimes called “talking knots,” are a recording device consisting of colored, woven, and twisted threads made from the hair of South American camelids (alpacas and llamas) or cotton cord. It is known that by the time of the Incas, this system was used in collecting data and maintaining various records, ranging from the control of tax obligations and the proper conduct of censuses to the maintenance of calendars and military records. With the help of knots in the ropes, numerical and other information was encrypted in a ten-digit system. Collectively, wool type, colors, knots, and joints carried both statistical and narrative information that could be read by multiple South American communities in ancient times. In some settlements, quipus were of significant importance to local communities, and played a ritual role rather than serving as a means of recording. Prior to the discovery of the quipu at Karale, no other specimens found had been dated to a time earlier than 650 AD. Thus, the importance of this find lies in the fact that it becomes clear that the inhabitants of the South American Andes used this complex recording system thousands of years earlier than was originally thought.

Terracotta baby bottle, toy and rattle all rolled into one(400 BC, Italy)

Last year, archaeologists found a 2,400-year-old terracotta baby bottle in Italy that was also a pig-shaped toy. The unique artifact is one of several rare objects found last year in the town of Manduria (near the city of Taranto), when construction work exposed a Messapian burial. This relic is known as a guttus (“dripper”), which is a vessel with a narrow neck through which the liquid it contains is poured. Similar vessels were used for wine and other drinks, but in this case, guttus was intended for feeding an infant or small child. The uniqueness of this vessel is that it is made in the shape of a pig with pointed ears and eyes reminiscent of human ones. In addition, terracotta rattles are inserted into the piglet's belly. The age of the vessel is estimated at 2,400 years and dates back to the time when the southeastern region of Italy was inhabited by the Messapians, a group of tribes that migrated here from Illyria (a region in the western part of Balkan Peninsula) around 1000 BC The Messapians became extinct after the Roman Republic conquered the area and assimilated the local population.

Heavenly disk from Nebra(c. 1600 BC, Germany)

The Nebra Sky Disc is 3,600 years old and made of bronze, so unusual that it was originally thought to be an archaeological forgery. However, detailed scientific analysis showed that it is indeed a genuine and precious artifact, and the disk is now included in the UNESCO Memory of the World register. The Nebra Sky Disc was discovered in the Ziegelroda forest, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The disc was located inside the enclosed area of ​​a ritual prehistoric hilltop burial (called Mittelberg) along with two precious swords, two hatchets, two spiral bracelets and one bronze chisel. The disc measures approximately 30 cm in diameter, weighs 2.2 kg, and is decorated with a blue-green patina and inlaid with gold symbols. These symbols are mainly interpreted as the sun or full moon, lunar crescent and stars (one of the clusters of which is interpreted as the constellation Pleiades). The two gold arched plates on the sides were added later. These plates describe an angle of 82°, which exactly corresponds to the angle between the sunset points on the summer and winter solstices at the latitude of Mittelberg (51° N). The last addition was another arched plate at the bottom of the disk, surrounded by numerous lines of uncertain meaning. This insert has various interpretations, for example as a Solar Boat (“solar boat”) with numerous oars, or as Milky Way. While much earlier earthworks and megalithic astronomical complexes such as the Goseck Circle or Stonehenge had already been used to mark the solstice, this disk is the oldest known "portable instrument" designed for such measurements.

Gold inlaid dagger from Bush Mound near Stonehenge(2000 BC, England)

In 1808, William Cunnington, one of Britain's first professional archaeologists, discovered what became known as the crown jewels of the "King of Stonehenge". They were found in a large Bronze Age mound just half a mile from Stonehenge, known today as Bush Barrow ( Bush Mound) Inside the 4,000-year-old mound, Cunnington discovered exquisite jewelry, a gold diamond that served as a clasp for a cloak, and an intricately decorated dagger. The dagger was originally decorated with up to 140,000 tiny gold pins, just a third of a millimeter in width. first had to create an extremely thin gold wire, slightly thicker than a human hair, then the end of the wire was flattened to form the head of a hairpin and cut with a very sharp flint or obsidian razor, just one millimeter below the head. This meticulous procedure was then repeated. literally tens of thousands of times. After this, thousands of tiny holes were made in the handle of the dagger, and a thin layer of tree resin was applied to its surface as glue to secure the pins. Each pin was then carefully placed into the tiny hole prepared for it. It was estimated that the entire process - making the wire, making the pins, making the holes, applying the resin and installing the pins - would take at least 2,500 hours.

Sun Cart from Trundholm(circa 1700-500 BC, Denmark)

The Trundholm Sun Cart is a cast bronze and gilded artifact recovered from a bog on the Danish island of Zealand (Sjælland) in 1902. Even though this artifact is said to belong to the Scandinavian (Nordic) Bronze Age (circa 1700-500 BC), its exact age is still uncertain. The “chariot” consists of a bronze horse, a bronze disk with a thin sheet of gold pressed into one side, and 6 wheels cast in bronze, each with four spokes. In addition to its ritual purpose, the Thrundholm Sun Cart was supposedly used as a calendar. This theory was proposed by Klaus Randsborg, a professor of archeology at the University of Copenhagen, who explained that the size of the golden day side corresponds to one third of the solar year, while the size of the large central concentric circle on the night side corresponds to six lunar months. Therefore, he concluded that "the day side of the Sun Cart refers to the solar calendar, and the night side to moon calendar, which seems like a perfect calculation."

Jacob's Ossuary(1st century AD, Israel)

The Ossuary of James is considered by some to be one of the most valuable biblical artifacts of all time, as it is said to have contained the bones of Jesus' supposed brother. If this assumption is confirmed, then this will be the first physical thread connecting us with Jesus. This burial ark from the first century AD bears the inscription in Aramaic: “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” The box is carved from a single piece of limestone, as is typical of the burial boxes used by Jews in first-century Palestine. In those days, the bodies of the dead were left in the cave for a year, after which the bones were placed in a box. This limestone box is at the center of the most controversial antiquities counterfeiting investigation in decades. The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) tried to prove in court that these objects were forged by antiquities collector Oded Golan, but was unable to obtain the court decision it needed. The department then attempted, again unsuccessfully, to obtain ownership of the artifact. It is alleged that the Israeli government vandalized the relic before returning it to its owner.

Flute by Divyer Babe(58,000 - 43,000 BC, Slovenia)

Discovered in a cave in Slovenia in 1995, Divye Babe's flute is believed to be the oldest musical instrument ever found. Made between 60,000 and 43,000 years ago, the flute is a fragment of the femur of a cave bear, in which holes were made at some distance from each other. Scientists who deny Neanderthals the ability to perform music have rejected this suggestion, arguing that the perfectly spaced and neatly carved holes are actually the result of this bone fragment animals chewed. However, the general consensus is that Divyer Babe's flute is indeed a musical instrument, is growing as the view of Neanderthals as primitive, uncultured animals changes towards the recognition of more complex human traits in them.

Lizard Ubaid (Ubaid)(from 5000 BC, Iraq)

At the beginning of the 20th century, during excavations at the Tell el-Ubaid archaeological site in Iraq, archaeologists made an unusual discovery - numerous 7,000-year-old artifacts in the form of humanoid figurines with lizard-like features, including long heads, almond-shaped eyes, elongated and pointed faces and nose shapes like those of lizards. Some of them wear something like a helmet on their heads and have some kind of pads on their shoulders. Other figurines hold a staff or scepter, perhaps as a symbol of justice and power. Men's and female figures are depicted in different poses, but the strangest looking ones are female figurines holding babies who are sucking milk. Moreover, the baby figurines also have the features of lizards. The Ubaid culture is a prehistoric culture of Mesopotamia, which dates back to the period between 5,500 and 4,000 BC. As with the Sumerians, the origins of the Ubaid people are unknown. People lived in large village settlements in houses made of mud brick, they created their own architecture and Agriculture, they cultivated the land using irrigation.

Venus figurines(30,000 - 10,000 BC, Europe)

The term "Venus figurines" is used to refer to collected prehistoric figurines depicting women and made during the Paleolithic period. Most of the figurines were found in Europe, but some were discovered in areas as far away as Siberia. To date, more than 200 similar figurines have been found, the creation of which dates back to the time period between 30,000 and 10,000 BC. BC. All of the women depicted have similar physical characteristics, including curvy bodies with large breasts, buttocks, bellies, hips, and thighs; Also, these figures usually taper at the top and bottom. The heads of the figurines are often relatively small and lack detail, and most figurines lack arms and legs. Some figurines appear to depict pregnant women, while others show no such signs. The figurines were carved from a variety of materials, ranging from soft stone (such as soapstone, calcite, or limestone) to bone, including ivory, and clay. The latter type represents some of the earliest ceramic works ever discovered. The term "Venus figurines" is itself controversial. Inspired by the ancient Greek goddess of love, Venus, the term suggests that the figurines represent the goddess. Of course, this is one possible explanation, but it is only one of many proposed interpretations. There is a significant difference of opinion in archaeological and paleoanthropological circles regarding the possible use and symbolism of these objects. From the variety of hypotheses put forward, the following can be distinguished: a symbol of female fertility, self-portraits, Stone Age dolls, realistic images of women who existed at that time, ideal ideas about female beauty, religious idols, images of the mother goddess, or even the equivalent of pornographic images.

translation for the website "Property of the Planet": Sergey Firov