Why do you dream of running through the forest? Why do you dream about the Forest according to the dream book? Seeing a Forest in a dream

Did you dream about running quickly through the forest? What does such a vision prophesy to the sleeper? The dream book advises not to rush, not to rush, but to calmly figure it out and wait for the result.

Miller versions

Problems and difficulties can arise both at work and in personal relationships - this is what, according to the American psychologist Miller, they dreamed of running through the forest. And if at the same time in your night vision you are cold and hungry, then in reality you will have a trip that will be unpleasant and unsuccessful.

Features of the landscape

The location of the action will also help decipher the vision. So a forest in a dream is a symbol of obstacles, difficulties. Accordingly, the thicker it is, the more difficulties will come your way in reality.

In a dream, did you run through a bright, clean grove or park? Then there is no reason to worry, everything is fine with you, says the dream book. And if during the run your soul was also joyful and calm, then when you wake up, expect a pleasant surprise.

Creepy Thicket

Why did you dream that you had to run through a dense thicket? Alas, the dream book in this case warns of dangers and insurmountable obstacles.

And such a dream is often seen by self-confident or naive individuals who are not fully aware of what kind of adventure they are actually involved in. So the dream book hints: if you haven’t carefully weighed your actions, it’s better to refuse before it’s too late, otherwise there will be trouble.

Did you dream that you were running past dried out rotten trees? It seems that you are confused both in relationships and in business, which means that disappointments, losses, and damages are possible.

Save up your strength!

The dream book considers a bad omen to be a vision that you had to run through a burnt or still smoldering forest. This picture predicts a series of failures for the sleeper due to the fact that he is susceptible to negative emotions and is guided by bad intentions.

Running through the forest in a dream in order to hide from someone is seen by someone who is actually tired of the “crowds” of petitioners and those who constantly offer and advertise something.

But the most ominous is considered to be a vision in which you ran and, having lost your bearings, got lost in the forest. The dream book advises to brace yourself: one of the most tragic and difficult periods in your destiny.

Important details

Details of the night phantasmagoria: time of year, day, will I help you more accurately determine why you dreamed of running through the forest?

If jogging took place in the spring in a dream, then this is a prophecy of a happy marriage.

In summer. Changes for the better are coming. In autumn. Then in reality the sleeper will have competitors and opponents. But running through the forest in winter means poverty and need, the dream book warns.

As for the time of day, dreaming of a daytime run through the forest means that you will be able to avoid trouble. And running away at night in a dream predicts the collapse of a started project. And all because you did not calculate your strength.

It's time to hit the road!

Major problems will arise at work, and troubles are possible at home as well - that’s why you dreamed that you ran too far and got lost in the forest. And if you were cold in your dream and wanted to eat, then you will have an unpleasant business trip.

But the dream that you are rushing headlong through the tropical jungle prophesies an exciting trip to exotic countries.

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Take a break

Often running around in a dream, and even more so among chaotically growing forest trees, is an association of the dreamer’s desire to introduce a bit of chaos and unpredictability into a measured life. And this despite the fact that Higher power convince him that he shouldn’t do this!

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Why do you dream of a forest - a rather philosophical dream that does not imply any forecast for the future, since the forest itself reflects the sleeper’s thoughts about his affairs and his future, shows the level of his confidence in himself and his future on this moment life.

A green sunny forest, a light grove or a well-groomed park is a sign of thoughtfulness of current plans. At this stage of life, the dreamer feels confident and sees the prospects for his affairs and ideas.

Looking for a person in the forest - obviously, in reality there is a search for mutual understanding with this person, but so far without success.

Wandering through the forest or getting lost in the forest is a sign of internal search and tossing. The dream also reflects a state of being lost or frustrated.

Feeling the presence of wild animals in the forest or fleeing from them is a reflection of your own fears, often greatly exaggerated. Otherwise, the dream indicates a general unsatisfactory emotional condition the dreamer, his anxiety, worry, etc.

Individual dead trees in the forest predict short-term sadness and minor losses, but a completely dried-out forest is a more serious symbol, a harbinger of not only sadness and melancholy, but also trouble.

Burning forest dream book or burnt forest - own negative emotions and irritation will cause trouble.

The denser the forest in a dream, and the darker it is, the less confident the owner of the dream is, which means more difficulties are expected ahead. Thick dark forest- a symbol of uncertainty and a reflection of bad premonitions about the future. The future is presented as an “impassable jungle”... And if in reality an important decision lies ahead, then the dream reflects problems with making this decision.

For an expanded interpretation, it is important to take into account any emotions and sensations that the forest evokes in a dream. It happens that even the darkest and most impassable forest has a protective function, and is not a symbol of anxiety and fear... A forest can be the personification of secret power and protection, and a sign of growth and prosperity, and can even mean someone else’s soul (intentions). In this regard, the forest is one of the most interesting objects in the world of dreams.

Dreams in which you often see a forest may well mean future prosperity in financial matters, and if the forest is dense, then you will receive infusions in foreign currency. But a path in the forest can be a harbinger of problems with money, albeit temporary. In addition, the dream book interprets a dream about a road in the forest at the edge of the forest as meaning that you will soon have to learn a new profession and change your place of work.

Getting lost in the forest may indicate that you urgently need to rest. In particular, if the forest is restless in a dream, and the trees bend from the wind, then this is a signal to be more attentive to your health, since the body’s strength is already running out.

Hiding in the forest - dream books also interpret the need to relax, escape from worldly worries, and find harmony and peace of mind.

Running through the forest in a dream means that you are probably going through difficult times right now and would like to enlist the support and protection of an influential patron. Perhaps such a dream also indicates inner fear. By the way, if in a dream you are running through a dead and dark forest, then this foreshadows a break with people close to you - friends, loved ones, relatives.

But a dream in which you are walking through the forest and enjoying this process speaks of inner harmony and tranquility, and if, in addition, you are relaxing with your significant other, then the choice is made correctly. Dream books interpret walking through the forest depending on what trees surround you. In particular, if you walk through a dense forest, overcoming intertwined branches, then this means failure, as in personal life, and troubles at work. If the forest you are walking through is dark and scary, then this may portend danger.

If you see wolves in the forest in a dream, then know that your ill-wishers are slandering and trying to slander. Don’t hesitate to ask your loved ones for help to prevent trouble. But a bear peacefully sleeping or feasting on honey means a calm, prosperous future.

Why you dream of a beautiful forest can be seen as the fact that in the near future your cherished dreams and desires will come true. But if the forest is filled with dead, withered trees, then this indicates impending heavy losses and sadness.

Picking mushrooms in the forest is interpreted in dream books as unexpected, but very successful deals, from which you can expect significant material benefits. In general, dreams in which you collect something in the forest (the same mushrooms or berries) are very positive. For example, for a young girl or woman, a dream where she is picking berries, such as blueberries, strawberries in the forest, means that fans will soon appear around her, who will show increased attention, trying to win her order. For patients who dream of being in a berry meadow, the dream marks recovery.

A fire in the forest - according to the dream book, serves as a warning to be more careful in the future, not to get excited and to choose your words when communicating with your interlocutors. If you are careless, you may not hope for your desires to come true. The dream book interprets a vision in which a forest is burning as a possible unpleasant conversation or quarrel. In particular, this applies to a situation in which one of the spouses dreams of a burning forest. And if similar dream is repeated, then this is a reason to reconsider family relationships.

What the winter forest means in a dream foreshadows the coming joyful events, optimistic mood. The same cannot be said about the autumn forest, which, according to the dream book, indicates a certain disorder, grievances, and experiences. This means that you cannot find a way out of this or that situation and are worried about it. Such a dream, first of all, is a call to pull yourself together and rethink what is happening.

According to dream books green Forest, especially leafy and flooded with the light of the sun, predicts unexpected joyful events.

Sad news, illness, uncertainty - this is what dark forests mean in dreams.
Birch forest, and deciduous forests in general, are often interpreted as a good, calm mood, peace of mind. Also, a birch grove can indicate a pure relationship.

If you understand why you dream of a coniferous forest, then you should understand whether it was pine or spruce. If in a dream you mostly ate in the forest, then minor misunderstandings will soon await you, but according to dream books, a pine forest foreshadows both success in your endeavors and speaks of the need to rest and pay attention to your health. In addition, a pine forest in a dream serves as a signal that the time has come for a romantic relationship.

If in a dream you saw a quiet and calm forest lake, then this speaks of peace, but you should not expect that this will last long, because even a light breeze (hence a careless act) can disrupt the harmony.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

It is in a dream that you can often see an upcoming event. It will be good, or it will bring suffering. Will it change your life or will it be a meaningless moment - the dream book will tell you about all this. Very often, a dream about a forest is interpreted in different ways, and in order to explain what this oasis of natural nature, covered in ancient myths, is dreamed of, one must try to remember the dream in all its details.

Pictures - images

From time immemorial, the forest has been a mystery to man, shrouded in many stories and legends. And dreams associated with it indicate no less amazing and contradictory events. In all dream books available today, the meaning of the dream “forest” is interpreted differently.

Very often, seeing a forest in a dream means quick profit. If it is dense, then you will receive it in foreign currency, and if the trees are located at a distance from each other, then the cash receipts will be insignificant.

For those who clearly saw a clearing or a road in the forest, the dream book warns that they will, on the contrary, experience temporary financial difficulties, and the edge of the forest with a forest path that you remember, mysteriously beckoning into the thicket, means that you will soon have to change your gender activities, having mastered a completely new profession.

If, having seen a forest in a dream, you do not go there, the dream book warns - expect surprises and romantic encounters. For family people, according to interpretations, this may mean future disagreements and disputes with the other half.

Many people wonder why they dream about forests at night. Indeed, at this time of day it becomes even more mysterious, and often foreshadows fears and upcoming experiences. Dream books claim that most often this will be associated with loved ones.

Analyzing what you saw at night, clearly remember whether it was a green forest, deciduous, illuminated by sunlight, or whether it was gloomy, and even shrouded in haze. This goes a long way towards properly explaining your dream. The dream book says that in the first case, unexpected joys await a person, in the second - sad news.

Ask why you dream of a coniferous forest? The dream book explains this dream as very promising, and almost all collections are unanimous in this. Business people support and patronage are promised " powerful of the world this”, which will be provided in the very near future. Such night vision, according to dream books, will be a turning point in the business, after which it will go uphill.

What a pine forest means in a dream is diametrically opposed to the interpretation of those in which a person saw a spruce forest. The first night vision promises immediate trouble, the second only speaks of minor misunderstandings in the near future.

Moving and real pictures

People not only see the forest as a still picture. They can walk through the forest in their sleep, touch tree branches, and run. In a word, feel it as if in reality. Such dreams also have interpretations, sometimes mystical, and sometimes very realistic, and based on the general physical condition of a person.

A man who gets lost in the forest is in dire need of rest. Not only dream books, but also professional psychologists often warn about such dreams, explaining this by general overexertion. nervous system. So, be sure to take advantage of the hint from your subconscious and go, preferably to the very wilderness that you saw in your dream.

If you are lost in the forest, the crowns of which are bending under the pressure of the elements, you need to be more attentive to your health, your body is overstressed, and illness may overtake you.

For those people who tend to “say too much,” a fire in the forest seen in a dream gives them reason to think and begin to choose their words more carefully when speaking with their interlocutors. It may happen that your careless communication can destroy all your most secret dreams, dream books warn. If one of the spouses saw the forest burning in a dream, this may foreshadow a quarrel or an unpleasant conversation. If such a vision visits you often, try to reconsider your family relationships. Maybe it's a matter of mutual misunderstanding?

In general, many dream books interpret so differently what a burning forest means in a dream, that it makes sense to check with lunar calendar, which will tell you whether you need to attach significance to such a dream at all. If the night on which you dreamed about this is unfavorable for the dream to come true, just forget it.

It's just great if you collect something from the thicket of trees. Dream books claim that all such dreams are very favorable. For example, if you are picking blueberries in the forest and looking for mushrooms in the forest, be prepared for unexpected profitable deals that promise huge material benefits.

For a woman and a young girl, picking berries in the forest means the appearance of many fans who will seek her favor; the dream in which she picks strawberries in a summer forest has almost the same interpretation.

In general, if you saw yourself in a clearing full of berries, no matter what kind, the dream book explains this as a very favorable dream. For the sick - it promises a speedy recovery, for the healthy - success in business. So, the gifts of the forest that you dreamed of during the period when you are in the kingdom of Morpheus is a very positive dream in all respects. Maybe you should really go out of town and pick mushrooms in the forest? What if you dream about it?

If in your dream you see a house in the forest and go into it, be prepared for the fact that you will suddenly feel unwell, and in order to heal you will have to leave your own shelter. But if the hut is located in a bright sunny meadow, there is no need to worry. Happiness awaits you, albeit short-lived.


Each season is beautiful in its own way, and the forest is also beautiful in different ways. Green leaves, birdsong and the scent of herbs - all this will bring joyful moments in life. Rejoice in such a dream.

But why do you dream of an autumn forest? Dream books explain this by saying that you are confused and sometimes offended. You try to find a way out, and you don’t find it. You feel anxious and worried. Try to pull yourself together and rethink your attitude towards life and analyze current events.

Dream book interpretations of what a winter forest means in a dream are more optimistic, and a walk in it foretells future joy and will give you great mood. This is not surprising, because what could be more pleasant than snow crunching underfoot?

A quiet lake in the forest is peace, but short-lived, because a light breeze can disturb the idyll, and any careless act of yours will have sad consequences, often associated with restless chores.

If you are walking through a forest in a dream, and it is dark and scary, as if inhabited by monsters, it, according to the interpretation of dream books, portends danger, and the wolves in the forest are your ill-wishers who are going to slander you. Follow the advice. Seek help from your loved ones in the near future, and trouble will not happen.

And those who saw a dream where a bear in the forest calmly feasts on honey or even sleeps need not fear for their future - it is cloudless.

As in other cases, when you dream of a forest, the interpretation of the dream can again be different, and if you really dreamed of something terrible, re-read several dream books. By comparing all the interpretations, you will find the correct explanation.

The most ominous warning that appears in dreams will be a forest whose trees are completely withered. Sometimes it can even foreshadow death very loved one. This is the most terrible interpretation. In other cases, walking in a forest with dead trees in a dream is interpreted as impending troubles, but not so tragic.

Running for a long time through a dark forest among the dry crowns of trees promises a break with a very close person, and even with your own family.

Interpretations of Miller's famous dream book

Miller's dream book gives the most answers to the question, if you dream of a forest, what does it mean. Sometimes his interpretations do not agree with other interpretations, but often turn out to be the most correct.

What you dream of about a beautiful forest, the trees of which are decorated with young foliage, is explained in the dream book as the future fulfillment of all your desires and plans. And vice versa - withered and dead trees symbolize loss and sadness.

A vision that comes at night in which you are climbing to the top of a huge tree, according to the dream book, is a sign that you will soon receive a promotion or achieve other successes in your career.

The dream book speaks directly about what a dense forest means in a dream - it means success and great achievements, and they will not keep you waiting. But wandering around it, making your way through intertwined branches, is a more “dreary” dream, meaning failure in your professional career and in your personal life.

It will only bring disappointment, seeing dead in the dream and a dried-out, and even more so dark, forest. The thicket of the night, which clearly appeared before the eye, is not very good sign, promising problems and vanity.

  • The primary elements are wood.
  • Elements - wind.
  • Emotions - anger. Organs - liver, gall bladder. Planets - Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation. The forest is trees and the surrounding area is smooth green color. The tree is a symbol of the rebirth of life and spring coming from the east. IN healthy condition a person receives the energy he needs from nature, without focusing on it. When the correct flow of qi energy in the body is distorted (disease), the body activates the process of obtaining the type of energy it needs. When the liver is empty, a person dreams of forests. The emptiness of the liver is characterized by the fact that a person does not want to see anyone (there is no strength to look at people, to communicate), but in a dream an image of a forest is born (a tree, greenery, the desire to look at greenery - this is consistent with the ratio of primary elements, color and organs of perception). A person tries to replenish himself through images that correspond to organs that are in a state of emptiness: the eyes cannot look - an image of a forest, greenery is created, in emptiness the body is immobilized - in a dream there is a feeling of movement, a walk. Forest/walk in the forest/grove and so on - restore your strength, take energy from nature. Walking in a forest in a dream is auspicious; it is an independent attempt to return to a normal state of health through calmness and alignment. internal state in communication with nature. Illness or fatigue has not affected the will to move, everything else will follow. Getting lost in the forest means the world is unpredictable and mysterious, and man is only a small part of the world, which pride often prevents him from realizing. Getting lost in the forest means understanding your relationship and interdependence with the natural world. Depending on the behavior of the person lost in a dream, all systems of the body may be involved. All possible states: relaxation, helplessness or active attempts to recognize, panic or pleasure from unexpected loneliness. Getting lost in the forest without feeling fear or panic means realizing yourself as part of the world. Such an understanding brings peace, contradictions and grievances disappear, the very concept of injustice is erased (nature supposedly deprived us of something). Getting lost and, slowly, looking at everything carefully and with pleasure, walking through the forest is favorable, elimination internal contradictions will bring health, prosperity, success in business. The dream corresponds to the season of spring. Getting lost in the forest with panic and attempts to escape without paying attention to the surroundings, fear of the forest - this means internal failure/lack of awareness of oneself as part of the world, fear of any changes, distrust of others and of life. An attempt to escape from the forest in a dream is a desire to maintain the previous familiar state of affairs, despite obvious contradictions and failure, a desire to return from a world of harmony to chaos. Sleep is unfavorable: isolation from the world can never be favorable and is especially dangerous in the spring. Pay serious attention to your health (liver) and reconsider your internal value system. Favorable in this case, despite the dreamer’s reluctance, there may be a change of environment (rest).

If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone.

Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple.

Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage.

A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business positive result.

An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.

Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you.

Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hear forest birds singing - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss.

Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a private date with a secret friend.

If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.

Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense.

Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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