Why do you dream of a beautiful fur coat? A fur coat on yourself: why do you dream of a symbol of a luxurious life

The fur coat, according to the interpretation of Gustav Miller, speaks of the dreamer’s material wealth: in the near future he will have everything he needs for a happy and comfortable life. At the same time, Miller considers a dream in which a person sees an expensive fur accessory to be unfavorable: fate has prepared a very unpleasant surprise for him.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a tattered and dirty fur coat means a significant improvement in your financial situation in reality. Such a dream will temporarily take away adversity and sorrow from the dreamer. Buying a fur coat in a fur store is a sign of a whirlwind romance: the dreamer will have a wonderful relationship with his soulmate. For young mothers, this dream promises the appearance of a rich admirer on the horizon.

Why did you dream about the fur coat? Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams in his characteristic manner. In particular, buying a fur coat in a dream speaks of a certain tightness of the dreamer, of his timidity. In reality, a person who has seen such a dream does not want to communicate with unfamiliar surroundings, fearing all sorts of provocations and condemnations. Sigmund Freud recommends to such people not to get hung up on bad thoughts and remember that they personal life is not interesting to everyone.

Seeing yourself dressed in an expensive fur coat in a dream means indecision in any action. Freud believes that the dreamer real life something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps this is due to recent complexes, for example, in sexual terms: the dreamer is uncomfortable having sex, because he is not sure that no one will disturb him and his sexual partner in the next half hour.

Why do you dream about a fur coat? Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov does not see anything good in such dreams. In particular, putting on a chic fur coat in a dream means a long journey that will be overshadowed by some incidents. This journey will drain all moral strength and financial resources from the dreamer. Evgeny Tsvetkov gives another interpretation to such a dream: a huge scandal is coming, capable of tarnishing the dreamer’s reputation for life. Stealing a fur coat in a dream means family squabbles and troubles.

Modern dream book: fur coat

A black fur coat represents death. A light fur coat is a symbol of illness. A dirty fur coat, on the contrary, dreams of money and success. Putting on a fur coat in a dream and experiencing discomfort at the same time means a profitable acquaintance with some influential person. Mink coat dreams of a long journey, and a fur coat from

If it’s summer outside, and the day before you didn’t buy a mink coat, then you should think carefully about its appearance in a dream. This part of the wardrobe has extremely contradictory interpretations, and only a dream book will help you understand exactly what such a dream means.

Controversial symbol

Unfortunately, the dream book does not have a clear interpretation of a mink coat. It can be both a symbol of good luck, prosperity and respect, and a sign of imminent marriage, as an indicator of internal constraint and excessive secrecy. Moreover, the traditional brown mink coat is a clear indication of the time of execution prophetic dream. Therefore, all cases must certainly be interpreted, taking into account all the details.

Time of completion

If you dreamed of a brown mink coat long before the season, then you should remember this dream in all its details. It may indicate that night events will become a reality in winter.

In addition, it is necessary to interpret the dream depending on the day on which it occurred. Why, for example, do you dream of a black mink coat from Sunday to Monday? Take care of your finances urgently; unexpected expenses and financial difficulties await you.

Did you wear a mink coat on Wednesday night? A break in family relationships awaits you. If from Wednesday to Thursday you bought and gave a fur coat to a loved one, then the dream book considers this a clear indication of prosperity and a cloudless life.

Internal state

If in a dream you bought a long mink coat, but you don’t really like it, then the dream book believes that in reality you are too modest and uptight. If your clothes turn out to be hot and uncomfortable, then you are paying too much attention to your own comfort.

If in a dream a mink coat is cozy and good-quality, then your soul is also warm and good. Shabby clothes symbolize constant unrest and anxiety, and also a dubious source of income. By the way, if you dreamed of a fur coat with a hood, then the dreamer feels completely protected or, on the contrary, is trying to hide something from the world.

According to Miller

But Miller’s dream book has a very interesting opinion on this matter. He believes that a mink coat can be dreamed of by those who have inflated ambitions and are in no hurry to show their true colors. Such a dream is also a sign of pretense, lies and deception. Moreover, if you saw a naked man in a long black fur coat, then Miller’s dream book advises you to be wary of betrayal.

The following interpretations are more harmless. He believes that wearing fur clothes in a dream symbolizes a banal cold snap. If in night visions one of the relatives wore a fur coat, then, on the contrary, one should expect warmer weather.

Actions and manipulations

Perhaps the biggest role in the interpretation of dreams is played by the actions of the dreamer and other participants. If a woman dreamed that she was given a white mink coat, then the dream promises a quick acquaintance with a very interesting person and even marriage. You can judge the future by appearance clothes, the more expensive and beautiful they are, the more successful the marriage will be.

A woman considers herself happy if her beloved man gives her a gift in the form of a fur coat. If you saw luxurious clothes in a dream, pay close attention to the plot you saw. The dream book recommends carefully considering what the dreamed new thing looked like. Why such a plot is dreamed largely depends on this.

Modern interpreter

The modern dream book believes that if a young girl saw a fur coat in her night dreams, this indicates the appearance of a wealthy admirer in her life. His moral qualities, most likely will be in second place, you will have to choose between financial well-being and sincerity.

If you dream of a fur coat that hinders your actions, then in real life you may lose mobility, or the plot speaks of your inert lifestyle. You should reconsider your habits.

If you dreamed of a damaged fur coat, this is a symbol of illness. If it is too hot in it, this indicates a thirst for material well-being, which only brings nervous tension, without changing the existing situations.

If you dream of a light, comfortable, comfortable fur coat, then success and prosperity await you.

Universal dream book

If you had a dream in which you were looking at a display of fur coats in winter, but you yourself were undressed in the cold, then you should expect a series of troubles and failures, dissatisfaction own life and depression.

The universal dream book warns that if a child or another person was wearing a fur coat that was too big for him, this means that a person will appear in life who exaggerates his own importance.

If you dreamed that you were running or jumping, wearing this symbol of a luxurious life, then certain changes will occur.

If in a dream a person is in a very cold area and puts on a fur coat just to avoid freezing, then in reality he is very practical and sensible.

Buying it in a dream is a symbol of stiffness and constriction, self-doubt and the desire to demonstrate one’s importance.

The universal dream book believes that a fur coat made of expensive fur can be dreamed of by women who occupy an influential place in society.

Aesop's predictions

A description of why a fur coat is dreamed of is also found in Aesop’s interpreter. There are two meanings: either pretense, or wealth and prosperity. If in a dream you confuse a dressed person with an animal, this is evidence of your gullibility. Don't rush to reveal your feelings to strangers.

Dreaming of a naked man dressed in fur predicts illness, a change in relationships with family, or an unexpected betrayal. If you dream that a child is wearing an adult’s fur coat, then the importance of the new person in your life will be too exaggerated by him.

The opinion of Freud and the Wanderer

Freud's dream book says that buying a fur coat is evidence of tightness in real life. Seeing yourself dressed is a sign of the presence of complexes and self-doubt, perhaps moral traumas coming from childhood.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that this can be a dream of a rich suitor for a woman and waste for a man.

Various interpretations

The Russian folk interpreter believes that a fur coat means pretense and hypocrisy. If in a dream you see a naked man in a fur coat, expect betrayal from someone close. If you dreamed that dogs were tearing fur, then you will become a participant in other people’s conflicts and quarrels.

Tsvetkov believes that if you dreamed of a similar plot, then you will have to quarrel with someone or go on a long journey.

The esoteric dream book presents a good-quality fur coat as a sign of wealth and prosperity. But you shouldn’t boast about your financial successes; this promises envy and the “evil eye” from others. A worn fur coat seen in a dream will bring unstable cash injections in reality.

Simon Kananita interprets what was dreamed in a dream as a promise of future wealth and success.

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to the surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to conflict over loved one.

Seeing a luxurious adult fur coat worn on small child, - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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What does Shuba's dream mean?

Fur coat - Good quality, warm - for stable material well-being. (Even if she is yours in reality). Chic, very expensive - don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”. Shabby, old - very uneven financial position: sometimes empty, sometimes thick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream about Shuba

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

What does Shuba mean in a dream?

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

The meaning of Shuba dreams

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does it mean to see Shuba in a dream?

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Interpretation of sleep Fur coat

If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people.

If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does Shuba's dream predict?

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat: a sign of success in business and good relations with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat: suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these worries and worries make your life very difficult.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Seeing Shuba in a dream

The dreamed fur coat symbolizes:

a) success and wealth.

B) sadness and quarrel.

B) a forced road.

D) illness and troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Shuba?

Fur coat- loss of mobility / harm from inertia and laziness, voluptuousness / life among dreams.

A spoiled fur coat is a disease.

Interpretation of dreams from

Quite often, people do not perceive many of the symbols that appear in dreams, because they consider them insignificant. This is a serious mistake, since even such a piece of clothing as can tell a lot interesting information about future. To interpret dreams, it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account the main details of the plot. After this, you can proceed directly to decryption.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

A dream in which you put on a fur coat promises a long journey. This may also be a harbinger of various quarrels. Another dream book contains another distinctive information, according to which a fur coat is a harbinger of a rich and successful life. Chic outerwear in a dream can serve as a warning that you should not demonstrate material wealth, as this can provoke the envy of others. A thick fur coat is a symbol of closedness in oneself. For a representative of the fair sex, a dream in which a fur coat appeared promises the appearance of a wealthy admirer in life.

If you see a person wearing only a fur coat over his naked body, this is a warning that you should expect betrayal from loved ones. It may also be a harbinger of a disease. Night vision, where someone throws a luxurious fur coat over their shoulders, is a harbinger of successful transactions and an improvement in their financial situation. Seeing another person in a fur coat in a dream means that in reality it is better not to trust him. A fox fur coat is a signal that there are people around who are intriguing and want to do harm.

Why do you dream of a mink coat?

For a woman, such a dream predicts a successful trip with a financially secure admirer. If you are wearing a mink coat, it means that you should expect an unpleasant surprise ahead. For people in relationships, a dream about an expensive fur coat predicts happiness and love with a partner. Mink coat white- this is an unfavorable sign that promises betrayal of a loved one. The reason will be his desire to live richly and not need for anything.

Why do you dream of buying a fur coat?

Such a dream may be a symbol of constraint, but on a subconscious level you want to express yourself in all your glory. A dream where you had to buy outerwear is a symbol of the restraint that you express in communicating with new people.

Why do you dream of trying on a fur coat?

Night vision in which you try on such outerwear portends serious expenses. This may also be a signal that you will have to borrow money to realize your plans. If you try on a fur coat made of natural, expensive fur, it means that your life will be happy and successful. A night vision where you try on a fur coat predicts disappointment in your loved one, and you may also develop a new attachment.

Why do you dream of a new fur coat?

In this case, the dream is a harbinger of the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and you will also be able to achieve what you want. There is still good news to expect.

Why do you dream about an old fur coat?

If you are wearing an old fur coat, this is an unfavorable sign that predicts problems in financial sector. It could also be a harbinger of a serious illness.

Why do you dream about choosing a fur coat?

If you are trying to choose an expensive fur coat and twirl around in it in front of the mirror, this is a positive sign that foreshadows companionship in life. For people involved in business, such a dream promises to receive a lucrative offer.

Why do you dream of losing your fur coat?

Such a dream predicts damp and cold weather, which will make you feel uncomfortable.