Why do you dream of yellow flowers? Do they always promise separation? Yellow flowers in a dream

Such flowers predict joy and good news for you. But, according to ancient signs, the color yellow in a dream can foretell the fading of feelings and separation for lovers. Some books write that such night pictures foreshadow grief and illness.

If you want to understand why you dream of yellow flowers, pay attention to exactly how they appeared in your vision, what exactly you did with them, and who gave them.

Here's how modern dream book interprets this plot most often.

Asters, dahlias and chrysanthemums

Any autumn inflorescences predict the fading of your feelings or love in old age. Some people dream of them as a sign of creative success and wealth, which they can receive through an inheritance. In some situations, yellow gerberas, dahlias, autumn roses and other flowers with their characteristic aroma predict a visit from an older relative or friend.

For a young girl, this dream can promise a marriage proposal from a rich, but middle-aged man. If they are given by a loved one, then his feeling will most likely remain without reciprocity, since the relationship will exhaust itself very soon.

In some situations, autumn bouquets dream of success in creative activity. This plot is especially good for artists, writers and those who are forced to work a lot on their own works.

For some people, very bright autumn compositions predict success in some business, material reward, receiving an inheritance or some very valuable thing. However, lemon-hued summer and spring flowers should be interpreted differently.

Sunflowers and tulips

These plants can show the vanity of the person who gave them to you in a dream, as well as fleeting feelings and the absence of serious experiences. In some situations, the dream book interprets the yellow color of bouquets as good news or a manifestation of envy.

Seeing clearings of dandelions of this tone means good news and happiness. This dream is favorable for children, as it promises them fulfillment of desire, happiness and pleasant impressions. For girls, picking these flowers in a dream means a quick date. Sometimes this vision predicts joy and the appearance of welcome guests in the house.

Why do you dream of yellow in a bouquet with other flowers? Any shades of the sun hint at happiness and joyful feelings. But, if you were presented with a monochromatic bouquet of this shade, then a modern interpreter writes that this is not good. Usually the dream book interprets even very beautiful yellow flowers as envy or fading of feelings.

Please note what exactly the presented bouquet consisted of.

Sunny tulips signify short-term teenage feelings. This is a sign that your relationship with your loved one will soon go wrong, since you will not be ready for a serious continuation of the romance.

Golden roses, especially those with a honey aroma, hint at selfish intentions, a marriage not for love, or the envy of others. But for some people, seeing them in a dream means material well-being.

Orchids and other flowers

Why do you dream about the yellow color of the orchids given to you? This is a sign of insincerity, envy of some person and the fact that very soon you will part with him.

If you received a bouquet of sunflowers, decorative and bright, then this vision promises you joy or some pleasant and unusual incident.

For some people, modern books on dream interpretation predict happiness, as well as a lot of pleasant impressions, especially from communicating with friends.

But lilies and magnolias of this shade make one dream of envy. Golden irises predict the same thing. If you saw them in a dream, you should not count on the devotion and sincerity of your chosen one.

Dream interpretation yellow flowers

Why do you dream of the color yellow? Interpreters give it a unique meaning, because it personifies sunlight, and it is also associated with financial well-being because it looks like gold.

You dreamed of yellow flowers

If we consider a symbol such as yellow flowers, then there is an opinion that they are a symbol of separation. To figure out whether the same can be said about such plants as a symbol of sleep, it is best to turn to dream books.

How the dream book perceives a yellow flower

The dream book believes that yellow flowers are a symbol of a new beginning, changes in life that will occur thanks to the dreamer himself.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

  • Why see a whole yellow field in a dream? Such visions are a sign of chagrin and sorrow.
  • If the plants were artificial, then the dream book predicts sadness and boredom for you.
  • If you just dream that you see a lot of bright flowers, joyful events will happen to you.

Women's dream book

In your dreams, plants are bright and their color is rich, a romantic adventure awaits you.

Why did they wither in a dream? Possible health problems, separation from a loved one, and other troubles.

Why dream that you were given a bouquet of yellow roses and you pricked your hand? There's a storm in your soul because of misbehavior loved one.

Maly Velesov dream book

If you dream of any kind of yellow color, it means obstacles on the way to your goal, difficulties in life.

If you saw yellow flowers in a dream

Erotic dream book

Why do you dream of walking through a clearing of sunny chrysanthemums? You will begin to yearn for past relationships. You might want to return them.

It is considered unfavorable for love relationships when you dream of white and yellow flower.

Wanderer's Dream Book

This dream book believes that a bouquet in a dream personifies the mood and inner experiences of a sleeping person. He divides his interpretations into groups:

  • too many plants - to sadness, negative events in your life;
  • one single flower - get satisfaction from the fact that your partner is faithful to you;
  • they give them to you - heartache due to separation;
  • a bouquet of black, brown or yellow - the pain of loss, the person will simply break up with you or even leave this world;
  • If you smell the pungent smell that a bouquet gives off in a dream, you will be annoyed; minor troubles and losses will lead to this.

Interpretations collected from various dream books of the world

In dream interpreters it is quite difficult to find a clear explanation of why flowers of a certain color are seen in dreams. There are many varieties of flowers, but you can try to create a collective image that will help you get closer to solving what you saw in your dream.

If received as a gift

Located in a field, in a clearing, in a garden, which is completely dotted with yellow inflorescences - now is the best time for you perfect time to bring your plans to life.

Watching just one bud means your life will be filled with positive emotions, you will find yourself in a cycle of events.

Those people who give a bouquet in a dream consisting of only yellow flowers to a loved one, the dream book gives a negative prediction. Your relationship will lead nowhere, you will soon have to leave.

Picking fresh flowers of sunny color means you will have material wealth and financial well-being.

Buying fresh flowers or a bouquet means a long separation from a loved one.

A bouquet of yellow flowers in a dream itself is a symbol of the fact that you cannot set your priorities, which will be determined in life.

What kind of flowers do you dream about?

Seeing fresh flowers in the field

A huge field of sunflowers - you are a born leader, you will be able to organize people and achieve success. But, in turn, the dream book warns that certain individuals communicate with you only for their own benefit.

Dandelion field - be patient, very soon you will be rewarded for your services.

A field of sunny tulips - the fulfillment of desires or the most cherished dream.

If there is a field in front of you in which only one type of flower grows, you are following a clearly outlined plan. This option is really the most acceptable in your case, if you continue to follow this path, you will achieve a lot.

If on the field there is absolutely different flowers– you get scattered about trifles, take on several things at once.

You yourself plant flowers in a field or clearing - make an attempt to correct the wrong decisions.

    Dream book "DomSnov"

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    View flower in dream. Why do you dream flowers roses - red will symbolize emotional maturity, femininity and passion. White – the beginning of the path and relationships, the coldness that accompanies them. Yellow They represent hope for the best, the instability of a love affair, and the inconstancy of a partner. Why do you dream flowers callas - these unusual ones flowers often symbolize death. Read more

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    To me in dream a friend gave me tulips yellow And Green colour, in dream there was his wife too, he also gave her these flowers, tell me what this is for dream?Hello.. In dream my boyfriend who left me.. but whom I love.. suddenly gave me yellow flowers. and hugged me.. and also gave me things.. I accepted it all.. and was glad... what is all this for?? Reply.Read more

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    Lovers who bought in dream yellow flower, expects separation or long separation. Yellow rose - to secret love. In most dream books it is red flower associated with upcoming pleasures and material benefits. Quite often red flower interpreted as luck in love affairs, especially if it is a rose. Plant flower in dream. General interpretation planting in dream comes down to upcoming new projects and endeavors.Read more

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    Yellow flower in dream mainly related to your personal life. This dream rarely has a favorable connotation, as it portends complications in love. If in dream you are walking in the garden with yellow flowers, then new circumstances in real life will be favorable for the implementation of the plan. It also matters flower. For example, yellow a rose indicates that someone secretly loves you. Read more

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    SUPERSONNIK.COM. Flowers in dream- symbol of beauty; a beautiful deed; pleasant surprise. See flowers in dream- good dream, you will see “beauty” in reality in the near future. How will this beauty be expressed? In any of what you consider beauty for yourself. Red carnations - for a funeral, white - for a date, yellow carnations - to oblivion. Consider in dream or collecting a herbarium - to a long life. Geranium - to the appearance of insects in your home. Read more

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    you give flowers or they give it to you flowers as a sign of forgiveness? Red roses - symbolize romance; yellow- friendship; chrysanthemums - love for mother; jasmine - the approach of spring. What do you associate with flower in dream?Bouquet Dream Interpretation for the whole family. See in dream bouquet colors- to quarrels with the woman you love. Yellow flowers in a bouquet - to a break in relations. Tulip Tulips in dream - flower healer (in the East - lotus), symbolizes the presence of your abilities. Dream book of a gypsy. Read in full

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    Dreamed flowers. Dreams O flowers can tell a lot, because depending on the details sleep, appearance colors, the degree of their freshness and many other dreams can be interpreted in completely different ways. About flower beds and flower beds, Hasse says that such dreams symbolize your future. If in dream you plant flowers flowerbed, admiring them - that means you’re on on the right track to improvements in your own life. trample flowers in dream– ruin your own favorable prospects. Read more

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    See in dream yellow flower And positive emotions mean that life will become interesting and meaningful. tear off in dream yellow flowers- to well-being. And the garden in which these grow flowers, means that you will have the strength to achieve your goal. But if you give flowers to your loved one in dream, then in reality you can part with him. Pale and rumpled flower- a bad sign. Your hopes are not destined to come true. Read more

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    2. Dream, in which you saw artificial flowers, portends sadness. Why do you dream about artificial ones? flowers, no matter red, yellow, pink? This always promises disappointment and melancholy. 3. Why do white people dream? flowers, Miller’s dream book will answer.6. A dream, in which withered ones are present flowers, warns you of illness. So take care of your health and be careful. 7. If you saw in dream lonely flower in a vase - it means that all your thoughts are occupied by one person. 8. Bouquet in dream– a wonderful sign! Read more

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    Why do you dream flowers (flower) - according to Loff's dream book. If in dream close person will give green roses - because of your romantic attachments, friends feel jealous. Lilies dream of rebirth, renewal and spring freshness. Yellow roses - for friendship, red - for love. White means purity, and black means death. Orchids - for sexuality and sensuality. Lilac - to illness and death. Why do you dream flowers- according to Tsvetkov’s dream book. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Why do you dream Flowers in dream: Flower - Flower is a universal symbol of beauty. For accurate interpretation dreams it is important to analyze the color flower. This is especially important for dreams in which flowers have a color that is uncharacteristic for them (for example, green roses). Carnations ( flowers) - red carnations - for a funeral, white - for a date, yellow carnations - to oblivion. Petal - pick off in dream petal - to the infidelity of a loved one. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-super"

    Beautiful flowers see in dream portends joyful meetings and receiving good news. flower bed in dream means that many pleasant events await you. Huge and colorful flower bed in dream predicts a lot of joy. Many bouquets in dream- a harbinger of great sadness or grief due to loved ones. Lots of whites colors in dream indicates the purity of your aspirations or predicts the appearance of a fan who will sincerely love you. Read more

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    See in dream flowers- means seeing your inner emotional state. Flowers I just don't dream about it.Black flowers- sadness, grief. Yellow flowers- regrets and repentance if they are ugly yellow colors. If yellow color like the sun or gold, unconditional love. Gave flowers- recognition of the feelings of the donor. Dream grass is a sign of victory over a person who prevented you from becoming happy in love. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Flower- Cutting down flower in dream- a sign of the tenderness you feel for your lover. tear off flower in dream- a sign of quick profit or crazy passion. Hold or smell flowers in the morning in dream promises grief, annoyance, and sometimes illness. Flowers collecting and smelling the field signifies grief, loss, weakness of health and mind. Yellow flowers in dream signify difficulties and obstacles. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Such dream may portend illness, breakup, unpleasant situations in life. But if flowers if they just droop their heads a little, then the relationship can be restored, the illness will soon go away, and life’s troubles will resolve on their own. If in dream gather flowers as a gift for someone, then in real life this dream portends material benefits, increased wealth, recognition in society. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Why do you dream yellow flower? For men, such a dream is a harbinger of difficult days in business and career. But if yellow were chrysanthemum petals, then you will meet your ex-love, which will stir up old warm feelings in you and make you regret the days gone by. According to the interpretation of different dream books, see in dream white flower– an ambiguous symbol. Read more

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    Interpretation yellow color largely depends on the objects that were painted in it and emotional state sleeping. For example, see in dream yellow clothes for fun and joy, yellow eyes to the suffering of the soul, yellow flowers to new ones vital forces, A yellow withered foliage to the destruction of hopes, etc. Read more

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    Why do you dream Flower in dream according to the dream book? Dream O flowers is evidence of the flourishing of sensuality or its decline. Flowers act as a symbol of relationships between people that influence the course of life. Olya, in dream get yellow flower from a loved one, perhaps means betrayal. Read more

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    I dreamed about it Flower yellow, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Flower yellow in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Read more

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    See in dream flowers in the garden portends you pleasure and acquisition, unless flowers bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and withered flowers promise trouble. If a young lady receives in dream bouquet of various colors- this predicts that she will have many fans. And I recently dreamed yellow flowers, and nothing bad happened. Separation is from dreams and does not depend on their interpretations. Everything is in our hands. it just means yours is empty dreams.Read completely

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    Although in dream There was some strange association with the football stadium, I don’t know why. This entire field is covered with bright yellow flowers, as I understand it, narcissists. Everything is insanely beautiful and sunny. Absolutely positive emotions. Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams, perhaps they can explain to you what you are dreaming about dream Yellow flowers.Read completely

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    Bouquet Artificial Colors in dream- in every way warning sign, Foretelling disappointment, collapse of hopes and even danger to life (Artificial Flowers are one of the attributes of a funeral). I dreamed of a bouquet of white colors- mental and physical intimacy. I dreamed about a bouquet yellow colors- doubts, jealousy, fear and uncertainty. Color of the Bouquet Seen in dream, Will help you more accurately understand the events destined for you in reality. Read more

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    If you are interested in interpretation sleep according to the dream book - follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretations dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted various dream books. To search for the image you are interested in, enter a keyword from your sleep into the search form. This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Yellow flower, or what does it mean in dream see Yellow flower.Read completely

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    Also dream in which someone collects flowers, promises prosperity and good luck in your endeavors. You might be getting tired gray everyday life and I want variety and joy. In this case dream promises fun and positive changes. Gather in dream flowers and making a bouquet out of them means a successful marriage. Yellow flowers.

Ancient people sincerely believed that in a dream the soul leaves its mortal coil, travels to different parts of the planet, meets people and animals, and lives its life. A person could remember all these events. It was believed that everything seen in this way foreshadows some events. Not everyone might know why yellow flowers are seen in dreams.

Each person has their own characteristics in dreaming. Some people only ever see black and white pictures, and some enjoy the whole palette of rich colors. And if something changes in this regard, most people immediately begin to wonder what caused these changes. Maybe this is some kind of sign, but it’s not clear to what or, more precisely, to what - a bad or good event.

The cause of these changes may be some recently experienced events that gave a special signal to the cerebral cortex, which, in turn, presented such a surprise to the person. On the one hand, it’s good for those who see black and white dreams - there seem to be fewer details and you don’t need to take into account the color of the dreamed object. But on the other hand, the whole meaning of what you see may lie precisely in the color scheme.

To be completely precise, not everything is so simple with color, because there are tones and halftones. For example, I had a dream in which yellow color predominates over others. What could this mean and will the meaning differ depending on the shade?

Let's consider two options:

But in all the various interpretations there is one thing in common - most often this color in a dream speaks of the personal relationships of the sleeper in terms of love feelings or family affairs. There is one more nuance regarding what exactly was seen in yellow. Let's say they were flowers; but the meanings embedded in them are very diverse. You might dream, for example, of flowers in a field, a smell, a bouquet, a garden in the spring - the list could go on for a long time. But each of these items will mean something different, and color plays an important role here.

It is worth considering some of the most common options:

The location of flowers is of considerable importance. If a sleeping person saw flowers in a clearing, then this symbolizes harmony, tranquility and creativity.

It would be useful to recall that in order to receive correct interpretations you need to remember all the little things you saw in your dream. After all, if you do not take into account the slightest subtleties, an encrypted night message can easily be interpreted in the wrong way.

Sometimes misinterpretation of a dream led to dire consequences. It happened that people believed in the terrifying prediction of a dream, did not wait for its fulfillment and decided to do terrible things. Therefore, all somnologists and oneirologists (dream specialists) recommend treating dreams as information that simply needs to be accepted. You should not try to decipher your dream on your own, much less try to find a prediction in it.

Types of flowers and what they mean

Flowers in dreams can be seen from the simplest to the most outlandish. It is these plants that can foreshadow a bright and unusual event in life. But if you dreamed of representatives of flora of normal color, then the dream may not mean anything. And yet, yellow flowers, the meaning of which causes a huge number of interpretations, most often foreshadow good and bright events.

Having woken up, you need to try not to forget all the subtleties and details of the dream, to determine exactly which flower appeared in it, its color or shade. It’s best to write down your dream right away so as not to miss an important detail:

Separately, we need to talk about roses. IN different dream books You can read slightly different interpretations about them. If you had a dream in which yellow roses stand out especially clearly, then this is an unambiguous hint about a admirer or admirer living nearby. This man’s feelings are strong, but he clearly lacks courage, which is why everything remains a secret.

In other sources, such flowers can only mean a respectful attitude towards the sleeping person on someone’s part, a desire to make friends without any hint of love relationship. If you dream that you received an injection from a rose, then the sleeper is very hard and painful from the betrayal of his other half.

And a little about the wreath of steppe flowers - its weaving means about a happy loved one family life, the chosen one is already nearby.

What does the color of a plant say?

It is not always possible to see one specific color in a dream. For example, the same yellow shade can be combined with many others. You can describe some of the compositions. If you see them in the company of scarlet plants, then you should expect uplift, vitality and increased tone. In combination with snow-white flowers - to sadness and solitude. Together with the cornflowers - to love without reciprocity. With purple buds - to great difficulties, which will require a lot of effort to overcome.

Unmarried men will have an intense sex life in the near future if they saw at night very bright and saturated shades of yellow and red, embodied in the representatives of the flora.

But for married people, this may mean that half-forgotten and dormant old feelings can flare up with renewed vigor.

Differences in interpretation due to traditions

Slavs and Asian peoples differ from each other in many ways. This includes language, religion, traditions, and cuisine. Dream books are no exception. Often the interpretations of the same dream are completely opposite. For the Slavic peoples, yellow has always been a symbol of separation, melancholy, and health problems. Everyone is very familiar and remembers the words of the song performed by Natalia Koroleva: “Yellow tulips - messengers of separation”.

Envious people can be recognized by this same color scheme. Therefore, you need to be wary in your relationship with a friend if, for example, in a dream he appears in a yellow suit. And in the case when the sleeper himself found himself with yellow eyes And skin, an imminent illness or unrest and suffering is quite likely. Yellow clothes on the sleeping person symbolize the approach of pleasant events. A yellow car can mean a change in weather or mood.

In the East, all shades of yellow represent the sun and untold wealth, luxury and limitless power. Such dreams are considered a very good omen.

Yellow flowers in dreams are usually associated with adverse consequences. Dream books warn of imminent separation, misunderstandings and difficult relationships. But there may also be such explanations as true friendship, solving problems and difficulties. To understand why yellow flowers are seen in dreams, it is worth using several sources.

There's disappointment ahead

Fresh flowers of sunny color for lovers - a symbol of separation on for a long time, and maybe parting forever. Especially if in a dream a young man gave his beloved a bouquet of acacia, or if he gave carnations, the relationship will be forgotten.

There is another option for why you dream of a bouquet of yellow flowers. Perhaps the new friend will not live up to expectations.

When friends present you with carnations or tulips in a dream, your relationship with them will go wrong or you will have to part ways.

Beware of Hypocrites

One yellow flower in a dream is a harbinger of difficulties in the love field. Men dream of obstacles in achieving their business goals. Take a closer look at your colleagues; perhaps there are two-faced people among them, hiding their true intentions under the guise of a friendly smile.

According to the dream book, a yellow tulip represents an overly proud person, and a narcissist represents a narcissistic, arrogant person who spreads gossip.

Things will go much better

One golden rose is a sure sign of strong, loyal friendship. You may soon meet someone who will become your best friend.

Seeing a sunflower in a dream means your hard work is not in vain, and positive results will soon appear, the dream book promises. A profusely blooming mimosa tree marks successfully completed tasks.

Difficulties will be overcome

Any trees with yellow flowers seen in a dream will contribute to successful achievements in reality, but you will need to use your wits. In any case, expect good luck in business.

According to the interpretations of dream books, if flowers grow in a forest, garden or clearing, serenity reigns in your soul, there is a desire to create and reach heights.

But still, the yellow color makes its own adjustments. Yellow flowers growing in a field suggest possible difficulties that will have to be overcome in order to achieve success.

Dreams come true

Walking in a meadow in a dream and picking yellow dandelions - expect recognition of your merits and hard work. And if you had to pick beautiful ones yellow tulips- your wildest dreams and desires will soon come true. A blooming mimosa in a vase portends unexpected profits.

Secret love relationships

Tea roses, dreamed of by a young girl or guy, promise secret love, relationships that will have to be hidden.

A bouquet of yellow inflorescences foreshadows difficulties in achieving your plans; an unforeseen scenario for the development of events is possible. You need to not give up at the beginning of the journey, but overcome yourself and everything will work out.

If at the same time the bouquet is in your hands, problems and difficulties in business will be short-lived and will soon end.

Combined with other colors

Let's figure out why yellow flowers are dreamed of in combination with others:

  • red - energy will overflow, a lot of strength will appear;
  • white - sadness and loneliness;
  • pink - love and affection, mutual understanding with a loved one, but separation for an indefinite period;
  • lilac - you will need to gather your courage and strain yourself to solve problems.

Rich shades of yellow and red flowers in a dream for young people promise a rich sexual experience. And those who are married will experience a revival of their old passion.