How to name a kitten a girl: The best ideas for different breeds and colors. The coolest nicknames for cats How to name two kittens

How to name a girl kitten - this question is asked by everyone who has acquired an ordinary or purebred pet.

The choice largely depends on the breed, color, character and habits of the animal; the hobbies and activities of the owner are reflected in the nicknames.

When a furry family member appears in the house, the question arises: what to name a kitten for a girl?

The choice of nicknames is very wide, but you need to find exactly the one that will emphasize the habits and character of the cat.

Sometimes suitable name immediately comes to mind when meeting a pet for the first time.

In other cases, you have to rack your brain to choose a suitable nickname (it’s also not easy to give).

How to choose a suitable nickname

When deciding what to name a kitten for a girl, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • external characteristics of the cat: eye color, coat color;
  • the character of the animal, whether playfulness, gracefulness or responsiveness are visible;
  • , because some nicknames are especially suitable for or;
  • preferences of the pet itself, it is worth considering that cats perceive only the first three sounds of the nickname;
  • It is desirable to have whistling or hissing sounds in the nickname;
  • age, because the cat may not get used to the name if it is given too late;
  • what nicknames are popular in a particular area.

You can choose your name based on your eye color

Names for pet an unimaginable amount.

And yet, the main factor that determines what a kitten can be named as a girl is the behavior of the pet when it is still very small.

How to choose a name by color

The appearance of the cat largely determines what nickname will be chosen for it.

Deciding what to call fold kitten a girl or a British beauty, you should pay attention to names with a foreign root.

They will better emphasize the individuality of the pet and the territorial affiliation of the breed.

It is worth considering that it is easier for a small kitten to remember a simple name consisting of two syllables (possibly even repeated ones, for example, Lily or Mimi).

White kitten resembles a portion of ice cream

  1. the girl can be called Angie, Squirrel, Blanca, Crystal, Ice Cream, Pusha, Frosty.
  2. not only differ bright color wool, but also with the same distinctive character. Unusual nicknames for a positive red-haired cat: Alice, Orange, Zlatka, Kanga, Camel, Fox, Carrot, Salt.
  3. Smoky fur gives kittens to girls gray special charm. They can be called Haze, Zola, Misty, Rainey, Sarah, Smokey, Shadow, Shady.
  4. For a girl's black kitten, nicknames such as Bagheera, Mocha, Find, Norrie, Panther, Mascara are suitable.
  5. Tricolor or tortoiseshell babies are funny called Color, Lyapa, Turtle.

Interesting! You can choose a nickname based on eye color. If the cat has beautiful Blue eyes, it can be called Violet, Bead or Turquoise.

Suitable nicknames for different breeds

When purchasing a purebred pet, the owner receives its passport.

The name that will be used when participating in exhibitions is already written there.

However, the idea of ​​calling a female lop-eared kitten a long and difficult-to-pronounce name several times a day is unlikely to please the owners.

Therefore, you need to choose a nickname to communicate with the animal at home.

At home, it is better to call the baby by abbreviation

  1. When it appears in the house Scottish cat, the question arises of what to name a fold-eared kitten for a girl. Regarding character traits, this breed is characterized by such traits as gracefulness, responsiveness and poise. These cats are not aggressive. They love to frolic with small children, and if they overdo it, the furry playmate will simply go to rest. When deciding what to name a kitten for a girl, you can choose from the following nicknames: Auri, Bastina, Cherry, Gressy, Diana, Zabava, Laffy, Safira, Holii.
  2. It is customary to give eastern names: Darcy, Camila, Percy.
  3. The girl, for her special grace and affectionate character, is called a soft-sounding name: Alice, Betsy, Gella, Queenie, Cecile, Fifi.
  4. For French breeds Nicknames with French roots are recommended, such as Beatrice, Josephine, Coco, Mona.
  5. To emphasize the originality of hairless breeds, Sphynx cats are called Isis, Cleopatra, Nefertiti (and this despite the fact that nothing connects them with Egypt, unlike). They are also given greek names, which indicate the origin of the breed: Vasilisa, Efilia, Faina.
  6. Suitable nicknames for a Siamese kitten are Turquoise, Sima, Simosha, Sophie.
  7. The kittens have a unique color that resembles a leopard pattern. To emphasize this coloring, you can name the kitten a girl based on stories about the jungle: Bagheera, Yuzhana.

Gray kittens look adorable

Interesting! For purebred cats (Scottish, British, oriental breeds) names are selected taking into account territorial affiliation.

The funniest cat names

For a cat owner who has a good sense of humor and a rich imagination, the scope of choice on what to name a kitten for a girl is even wider.

Basis for search a suitable nickname become cartoons, the owner’s hobbies, car brands and even Greek mythology.

Sometimes a cat's name sounds cool when it emphasizes some features of her appearance.

The choice of nickname is influenced by habits and character

  1. If you purchased a kitten, the nicknames Pyshka or Motya are suitable.
  2. For small breeds choose names such as Mini, Mix, Baby.
  3. A gray girl kitten can be called Shadow or Haze.
  4. If the baby is playful and sociable by nature, the nickname Masyanya, which is associated with a funny cartoon character, is suitable.
  5. The nicknames of British kittens such as Princess or Miss make you smile. Although with such a name, a cat simply must be well-mannered and intelligent.
  6. The cat can also be called a film heroine, for example, Gloria, Carmen, Scarlett, Tess.
  7. It's cool when a kitten's name is Zemfira or Lolita.
  8. If your pet's behavior is more like wild beast than a domestic furry cat, the pussy can be called Bagheera, Panther or Lynx.
  9. The quiet little kitten is just begging to be called Nyasha or Shy.
  10. Fans of modern electronics and cars extend their passions to their pets. Now you can meet cats with the nicknames Mazda, Nokia, Toyota.
  11. Glamorous ladies call their furry pets Givenchy, La Vie, Laurent, Mont Blanc, Chanel or even Coupon.
  12. A girl kitten can help its owner learn foreign language, if her name in translation indicates a feature of character or appearance. Among these nicknames are Wild (wild), Sweetie (sweet), Honey (sweetheart).
  13. If the owner is interested in cooking and has a sense of humor, the cat can be funny called Waffle, Caramel or Sweetie.

Those who teach English language, they can call the cutie Honey or Sweetie

Some traditional nicknames and their meaning

Some owners are more conservative in choosing a name for their pet.

In this case, it is worth considering a list of common traditional forms and their meanings.

  1. Kisa is perhaps the simplest name that is suitable for a modest domestic cat.
  2. Marquise is an imposing and leisurely cat who spends a lot of time licking her fur. If the owner calls her, she is not too responsive, she will approach slowly.
  3. Murka is a playful, hooligan pussy who does not hesitate to steal something from a person’s table or get into her owner’s things.
  4. Sima - suitable for a gentle, leisurely cat.
  5. Bagheera - will emphasize the gracefulness and elegance of the cat’s movements.

The nickname Sima is suitable for a gentle, leisurely pussy

When thinking about what you can name a kitten for a girl, it is worth considering that she will grow up relatively quickly.

At the same time, the nickname will remain the same, it will have to suit the pussy, as it did in childhood.

Interesting! Compared to boy kittens, girls are given soft-sounding names.

There is an interesting option for how to find out the relationship of a pussy to the nicknames from which a name is chosen for her.

You can sit your pet next to you and read different nicknames sequentially. Whatever he responds to, that will be given to him.

In the veterinary passport, purebred kittens are already given a name.

As a rule, these nicknames are too long and inconvenient to use in everyday life.

To solve this problem, you can shorten the name.

For example, if according to the passport the kitten’s name is Archibald, then at home he is called for short – Archie.

There are many options for nicknames for cats.

There are many options for what you can name a kitten for a girl.

The choice depends on the pet’s habits, its character, eye color and coat.

It is worth focusing on the breed.

Modern nicknames for kittens for boys and girls reflect popular hobbies and cartoons.

It is important that the pet and its owners like the nickname, that it is easy to pronounce and remember.

It is worth spending enough time choosing a name so that the little kitten responds to it with joy.

How to name a kitten a girl: The best ideas for different breeds and colors

How to name a girl kitten - this question is asked by everyone who has acquired an ordinary or purebred pet. The choice largely depends on the breed, color, character and habits of the animal; the hobbies and activities of the owner are reflected in the nicknames.

What can you name a cat? This question arises immediately as soon as a cat appears in the house. You can name the cat whatever you want, but it is better if the name matches the character or appearance of your pet.

Often little kitten called the most common cat name, or according to its appearance. But, after some time, you realize that this nickname does not suit him or her at all. Some owners rename their animal, while others simply shorten the name.

The main thing is that you like the nickname, and the cat doesn’t care what you call it. But, remember that any sounds and harmonies carry both positive and negative energy, so you should not call the animal the names of gods or evil spirits. It may happen that you bring a lot of trouble on yourself, and the animal will suffer along with you.

So, you brought the kitten home, fed it, showed it where to go, and now it’s time to choose a name.

It is better if the cat's name is short, but sonorous for her. What does sonorous mean? This means that her name must contain hissing sounds. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that you remember this name yourself and that it is easy to pronounce. Cats quickly get used to their nickname, especially if it is supported by something tasty.

Every time we have new cat or a cat, the whole family chooses a name, and sometimes we even have to vote. As the cat gets used to it and some special traits begin to appear in its behavior, we understand that this nickname does not really suit it. In this case, we either change her name, shorten it, or modify it.

You don't call your children full name and patronymic. Most often, each family member has their own pet name, shortened from their full name, or generally associated with some associations of your family.

The same thing happens here. First you give a beautiful sonorous nickname, and then imperceptibly it transforms into an abbreviated word or one close to the character of the animal.

So we have a completely white and fluffy Angora cat, which we called Fluff from the very beginning. But after a few months it turned out that he was completely deaf, and he didn’t care what his name was. He only understands gestures. Gradually his nickname was modified, and he became Cannon. After all, among ourselves we must call it something.

Another cat, the Neva Masquerade breed, came to us as an adult, and for his beauty we named him Philip, in honor of Philip Kirkorov. But it is not convenient to call him by his full name, so he became first Filey, and then Fisey.

Sometimes my daughter insists on her names, and we have to put up with it. So one of our pets is named Mavrik, in honor of the singer Kipelov. For a long time, my mother and I could not get used to such an unusual nickname, but nothing can be done, we have to take into account the wishes of all family members.

We gave some of our cats names without even thinking, they suited them so much. So we have Murka, and Murzik, Kuzya, and Kesha. But there are also unusual names, such as Fufik, Fox, Bulka and Pipette.

Fufik is a derivative of Poufik. Since we previously had a Puffy of the same color and with the same character as this one (he died of illness), we did not want to name the new kitten with the same name. So we just changed the first letter.

Fox got his name because his gait, color and habits resemble a fox cub.

Bulka, at first was Pusey, but because of his gluttony, was first renamed Bulemia (after the name of the disease in which one wants to eat endlessly), and then became Bulka.

Pipette is a fluffy gray-blue girl (), with a short pom-pom tail, which, when probed, ends in an empty bag, like a pipette. That's how she became Pipette, and according to her passport, she became a Marquis.

Every time we have a question, what to name a cat, we are divided into two camps. More often than not, we quickly find a suitable name for a cat, but sometimes each of us defends our position so much that we don’t even talk for several hours until we calm down.

If you don’t want to philosophize about what to name your cat, you can simply choose a name from this list below.

Nicknames for boys

Nicknames for girls

Apricot Aurora
Adam Adele
Adolf Agnes
Alex Alpha
Harlequin ICQ
Bucks Alice
Barsik Anfisa
Bulka Athena
Watson Bagheera
Vasya Bonya
Whiskey Bead
Smoke Vasilisa
Zeus Jesse
Marshmallow Jessica
Indium Dusya
Casper Haze
Cake Eve
Kitty Egoza
Button Zhuzha
Kuzya Toffee
Lavrik Caramel
Lucky Cassie
Lordik Kisa
Lorik Cleopatra
Lux Klyopa
Mauritius Lisa
master Lulu
Marquis Lucy
Martick Lyalya
Martin Mayan
Marsik Manya
Masik Margot
Murzik Margosha
Musick Marquise
Oscar Martha
Peach Marusya
Donut Matilda
Pusya Milka
Fluff Motya
Ottoman Moore
Radon Musya
Rudik Mouse
Simon Nika
Sema Nyusha
Snowball Sima
Tishka Simka
Thomas Snowball
Wrapper Snowflake
Felix Sonya
Funtik Stesha
Fufik Tasya
Yuzik Chanel
Yandex Sherry
Yasha Yulka
Ian Yasya

You can come up with your own names. No one will blame you for this.

This is interesting!

Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, with one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out, and it is raining outside, the tail will swing due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging.

Cats are, for the most part, beautiful and graceful creatures. When a pet appears in the house, you want to give it an appropriate nickname, emphasizing its special qualities and independence.

Studying existing beautiful names for boys and girls cats, it is difficult to immediately decide on the best choice. However, nothing prevents you from using your imagination and coming up with a beautiful nickname yourself, based on any principles.

How to choose a beautiful nickname for your pet

It is believed that the name for a cat of any breed must contain hissing sounds, such as “k”, “s”, “sh”. But this only helps the kitten get used to it faster. It’s good if the nickname is short, consisting of 2–3 syllables.

If you still choose a long one, you can come up with an abbreviation to make it easier for your pet to remember it.

Of course, not everyone names a cat according to the rules. And at the same time, over time, the animal still adapts and begins to respond.

You can choose a beautiful nickname for a kitten based on different criteria:

  • in accordance with external characteristics cat;
  • by his character;
  • by food preferences;
  • according to the personal interests of the owner;
  • by behavior and any other factors.

The peculiarity of a particular cat may be a loud voice, an interesting color, for example, like a tiger or a leopard, a very calm or, conversely, overly energetic disposition, etc.

Any of these differences from other pets can serve as an excellent criterion when choosing.

Names for kittens based on external characteristics

U purebred cat when he appears in the house, he often already has a passport, which contains a long, boring name. If you wish, you can come up with a beautiful or cool nickname based on it. In any case, what is the best name for the kitten is decided by the owner himself.

Rare and beautiful names for white male cats:

  • Whitey;
  • Cloud;
  • Sun;
  • Lotus;
  • Ivory;
  • Blizzard;
  • Casper;
  • Cotton;
  • Frosty;
  • Edelweiss.

Rare names for black cats:

  • Blake;
  • Deimos;
  • Inferno;
  • Morpheus;
  • Knight;
  • Raven;
  • Tartarus;
  • Dusk;
  • Balthazar;
  • Lord.

Suitable nicknames for a red-haired pet:

  • Apollo;
  • Brian;
  • Burgundy;
  • Vincent;
  • Helios;
  • Goldie;
  • Lyon;
  • Mars;
  • Grow;
  • Radisson;
  • Fire;
  • Phoenix;
  • Amber.

Most of the nicknames listed are of foreign (particularly British) origin. And such words usually sound more beautiful and attract attention.

Choosing a name for a cat based on its character

It is not necessary to give your cat a nickname the first time you meet him. After waiting a few days, you can get to know your pet better, determine its character and habits. Then choosing a beautiful nickname will be a little easier, perhaps it will come to the owner’s mind.

Russian nicknames for active pets:

  • Ataman;
  • Baron;
  • Brawler;
  • Turn;
  • Thunder;
  • Daemon;
  • Pirate;
  • Tyrant;

Beautiful nicknames for boys cats with a calm character:

  • Boss;
  • Marquis;
  • Mister;
  • Modest;
  • Prince;
  • Sultan;
  • Tikhon;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Dandy.

In addition to temperament, there are many criteria for choosing a suitable original nickname. These could be addictions to certain foods, favorite toys, interesting habits, and more. For example, if a cat likes to listen to music, you can call him a music lover or by the name of some artist. For a lazy cat, you can choose the nickname Lazy or Dream. Any feature can be a reason to get creative.

However, when choosing according to temperament, sometimes it will be interesting to come up with a name in reverse.

If it's too quiet and calm cat call it Buran, this may make it somewhat more active. And to a robber who destroys everything around him, the nickname Marquis will give him solidity and calm his lively temper a little. It is not without reason that they say that a name makes significant changes in character, and not only in people, but also in animals.

Nicknames for celebrities

Names and nicknames of many famous people(especially foreign ones) are pleasant to the ear and can be suitable as a nickname, including for cats. If the pet owner has an idol, then this is a good reason to become a little closer to him by naming the pet the same.

Nicknames for cats based on the names of popular people:

  • Arnold;
  • Benjamin;
  • Bismarck;
  • Voltaire;
  • Newton;
  • Magellan;
  • King;
  • Roosevelt;
  • Picasso;
  • Einstein;
  • Churchill;
  • Gandhi;
  • Sigmund;
  • Nietzsche.

This list can be continued endlessly. But the choice of the most beautiful nickname for his cat can only be made by his owner, based on his preferences and, possibly, on the external or internal similarity of the pet (indirectly, of course) with the chosen person.

Names of famous cats

Interesting and The corresponding character can give the pet a beautiful nickname from a cartoon, fairy tale or other work. Appearance can also play a role here if the kitten looks like one of the famous felines.

Beautiful names of famous cats:

  • Garfield;
  • Basilio;
  • Boniface;
  • Leopold;
  • Simba;
  • Felix;
  • Gribo;
  • Jonesy;
  • Sylvester;
  • Shere Khan.

In addition to literary heroes, there is a tendency to name cats the same as the names of celebrity pets. Apparently, their imagination is usually well developed, and rare beautiful nicknames are given more easily than to “mere mortals.”

Nicknames of celebrity cats:

  • Barry (John Travolta);
  • Vinny (Whoopi Goldberg);
  • Sox (Bill Clinton);
  • Alistair (Dita Von Teese);
  • Lewis (Nicolas Cage);
  • Gucci (Alexey Chumakov);
  • Philosopher (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan);
  • Georges (Anastasia Volochkova);
  • Schumacher (Victoria Bonya);
  • Kasper (Irina Dubtsova).

You can always choose for your own fluffy pet something interesting and memorable.

And it won't necessarily happen anymore existing name. The lists may prompt the owner to come up with an even brighter and more beautiful option.

Nicknames based on the owner's interests

By associating a cat's name with a topic close to the owner, you can emphasize your affection for him and add new character traits. The choice can fall on any hobby or hobby if it helps you choose a rare and beautiful name.

Examples of nicknames based on interests:

  • Ancient Greek characters: Spartacus, Prometheus, Hercules, Hercules.
  • Names of planets: Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.
  • Sports: Champion, Chelsea, Finish, Basket, Messi.
  • Automotive: Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lexus, Ford, Dodge, Turbo.
  • Geographical: Zanzibar, Sydney, Baikal, Tibet, Amur.
  • Names from films: Terminator, Tutankhamun, Gandalf, Frodo, Dexter.

Of course, the list can be extended, but there are many such categories, and everyone has their own hobbies. You can build on this by coming up with a completely new, unusual nickname for your pet.

Just beautiful names

It is important to name the kitten correctly, and at the same time sonorously and effectively. There are many rare and beautiful names that may suit a kitten. Here are the most interesting ones:

  • August;
  • Adonis;
  • Allegro;
  • Amaris;
  • Archibald;
  • Diamond;
  • Boomerang;
  • Bourbon;
  • Daniel;
  • Jared;
  • Jingo;
  • Jardon;
  • Emperor;
  • Inferno;
  • Caligula;
  • Crystal;
  • Lancelot;
  • Lucius;
  • Mirage;
  • Morpheus;
  • Onyx;
  • Othello;
  • Pacifist;
  • Sapphire;
  • Scorpio;
  • Tabasco;
  • Centaurus.

Having chosen a long name for a kitten, it is better to immediately figure out how to shorten it. After all, he is unlikely to be able to remember a complex combination of letters. It is believed that cats are able to distinguish only the first syllable, therefore, the shorter the name and the more sibilants it contains, the faster the pet will learn to distinguish it from other words.

When a cat appears in the house, you want her to have a beautiful, sonorous name, and she will certainly respond to it. However, the simplest task of choosing a suitable nickname for an animal often becomes difficult for the owner and takes a lot of time. There are a great many options for names for cats: from standard to cartoonish or dictated by your own imagination. All that remains is to decide which name is best suited to the new family member.

How does a kitten remember its name?

Cats are able to readily respond to nicknames that contain hissing sounds. Experts (felinologists) involved in keeping and breeding cats advise choosing a nickname for the animal that is no longer than two to three syllables. Otherwise, it will be more difficult for the animal to remember.

Before choosing a name for a cat, you should observe how she behaves and what her character traits are. It is possible that they will help to do right choice regarding the name.

The kitten will remember its name faster if it has two or three syllables

An animal will quickly learn to respond to a nickname given to it if it first becomes familiar with the sound of its owner’s voice. You should constantly talk with the animal, maintaining an even tone in the conversation. When the kitten approaches at the sound of a voice, you need to caress it, stroking it and praising it. If it's time to feed, you should give the baby food, calling him by name. At the same time, you can stimulate its action by beckoning with your finger.

After about two weeks of such training, the kitten becomes aware of the relationship between voice and feeding. Then you can move on to the next step in teaching your baby his name:

  1. For the lesson, choose a separate room and call the kitten by name.
  2. When he comes up, you need to pet him and treat him with something tasty.
  3. Gradually, the amount of treats given is reduced, paying more attention to stroking the cat and not forgetting to praise it.
  4. During these activities, the animal will get used to its name and will respond to it.

When it responds to a nickname, and not to the call “kitty-kitty,” you can be sure that the animal will not approach a stranger during a walk. A cat is able to remember its name well. If she does not respond to the owner’s voice, then this is most likely not from a lack of intelligence, but from harmfulness.

Choosing a name for a girl kitten

You need to understand that a girl cat should choose a simple and sonorous name. This is explained by the fact that a simple nickname, given to the kitten, it will be easier for him to remember, and also easier for the owner to pronounce. The sonority of a name is determined by the peculiarities of its perception, since a kitten better assimilates a sonorous name, which includes several syllables.

To make the right choice of name for a female kitten, it’s a good idea to be guided by the following factors:

  • external data: coat color, eye color;
  • the breed of the animal, since a certain nickname may be suitable, for example, only for a cat of Scottish or British breed;
  • the character of the animal, manifested in gracefulness, playfulness, laziness;
  • the preferences of the cat herself, who is able to perceive only the initial three of all the sounds of her name;
  • the presence of hissing, whistling sounds in the name;
  • the age of the animal, which may not accept the nickname if it is chosen very late;
  • nicknames that are common in this area.

A competent approach to choosing a nickname for a four-legged girl can turn into an exciting process for the whole family. It is worth writing down all the names you like, and then narrowing this list, removing the most inappropriate nicknames from it. As a result, you will be left with a small list in which you will need to choose the most suitable name that is easy to pronounce and remember.

Choosing a name for a little cat can be a fun experience.

Cat nicknames depending on coat color

You can choose a name for a cat based on the color of its fur:

  • Suitable names for white or light cats:
  • black female cats can be called:
    • Night;
    • Find;
    • Bagheera;
    • Moor;
    • Isis;
    • Panther;
  • For a kitten of red and apricot color, the following nicknames are suitable:
    • Goldie;
    • Bestia;
    • Alice;
    • Pumpkin;
    • Cinnamon;
    • Apricot;
    • Caramel;
  • Gray cats can be called:
  • The following list of beautiful names is suitable for tricolor cats:
    • Aurella;
    • Zlata;
    • Rufina.

In a similar way, nicknames are chosen for cats with other coat colors.

Nickname taking into account the pet’s character and distinctive external features

People are often of the opinion that the name given to a pet affects its fate and character. In this regard, the owners of the animal are more responsible in choosing a nickname for their four-legged friend. Since the name is given only once, the character and habits of the cat should be reflected in it. If the pet is still young in age, it is difficult to determine what will happen next to its character. But the special character traits of the pussy noticed by the owner can be reflected in its name:

  • active and playful babies are called:
    • Skoda;
    • Dragonfly;
    • Squirrel;
    • Marmalade;
    • Bullet;
    • Anfisa;
    • Playing;
    • Fun;
    • Rafaelka;
  • for cats with a calm character who love to relax on the sofa, the choice of names can be as follows:
  • names for proud, majestic persons, emphasizing their superiority and arrogance in every way, should be selected from the list below:
  • Skinny little cats can be given names:
    • Baby;
    • Minnie;
    • Carly;
    • Button;
    • Pusya;
    • Busya;
    • Toothpick;
  • For medium-sized cats, the following nicknames are suitable:
    • Middle;
    • Meddie;
    • Midi;
    • Mussel;
  • fluffy, big cat girls can be called:
    • Pushinka;
    • Biggie;
    • Donut.

Names for shy, timid or loud-voiced cats are chosen in a similar way.

When choosing a name, you should definitely be guided by your own imagination and creativity.

Choosing a name depending on the breed

The breed of the cat should also be taken into account when choosing a name, so that the selected nickname is ideal for its owner.

Scottish Fold

Beautiful Scottish cats can be given names in accordance with the name of the country, the homeland of this breed. These cats have an easygoing character, they are kind, playful, cause affection in their owners and only positive emotions cute owl faces.

Name options for fold-eared Scottish beauties:

Popular names for female cats in Scotland:

  • Alva; Annabelle; Betty; Wilma;
  • Gilly; Gillian; Jesse;
  • Ines; Catherine; Leslie; Merry; Mirrey;
  • Rory; Wallace; Fanny; Shauna;
  • Ailey; Effie.

Just beautiful nicknames for cats of this breed:

  • Abelina, Auri, Abigal, Augustine, Agatha;
  • Baksa, Babasya, Bagirka, Bagi, Babette;
  • Waxa, Vanetta, Vaiki, Gala, Gabby, Gaina, Gressi;
  • Daina, Dakki, Damka, Diana, Eva, Yozhka, Egoza, Jacqueline, Zheyda;
  • Zara, Zadira, Izaura, Idzhi, Kaya, Kalmi, Laichi Laffey, Lisa, Lucky;
  • Mavra, Madeleine, Mazya, Nadine, Nancy, Oda, Audrey;
  • Panda, Paxi, Rada, Safira, Saga, Tabu, Tana;
  • Ulli, Fanya, Holy, Shani, Eureka, Early, Yanette.


It is appropriate to give British cats human names that have British roots. Such names will emphasize the nobility of a majestic animal with a good character.

Names suitable for British cats:


Representatives of the Persian breed should choose nicknames that sound oriental. However, simple, simple names with an affectionate connotation will also suit them well:

  • Teffi, Kasya, Pushilda, Nyusha;
  • Fifi, Masya, Percy, Darcy.


Over time, an inquisitive little cat of this breed will grow up and become a graceful, majestic lady, an intelligent, devoted and affectionate friend. Among the many well-known names, you can pay attention to the following options:

  • Agness, Yara, Amalia, Yuzhana, Ayla, Yurze, Aurelia, Elita, Atika;
  • Eteri, Arma, Beatrice, Harry, Blanche, Furia, Bianca, Bassey, Fabby;
  • Grissi, Dolari, Uza, Dessie, Ezhenka, Tea, Europe, Setti, Zhuli;
  • Zurna, Saji, Zara, Iness, Riana, Iffi, Jolanta, Paulette, Kzhela;
  • Carly, Penelope, Lady, Ozola, Laina, Niveta, Leona, Lyra, Nymph, Medea.


Siamese girls should choose names that are exotic or related to mythological characters:


Mysterious appearance characteristic of representatives of this breed, provides for the choice of names for them with an oriental accent:

  • Wassanta;
  • Devi;
  • Mira;
  • Sita;
  • Indira;
  • Amala;
  • Leela;
  • Xiu.

Maine Coon

Cute little kitty This breed will quickly grow up and become a chic, majestic beauty, so the affectionate name that was given to it initially may become inappropriate over time. She needs to choose a sonorous status name, which at the same time should be easy to pronounce. When a purebred cat has a difficult name written in the document, then to address the animal it should be simplified. It is best to choose a nickname that has whistling, hissing sounds:

The name Kam is suitable for a calm cat, Friendly for a friendly cat, and it would be a good idea to call an active female kitten Edgel.

Popular nicknames

Every kitten deserves a name that reflects its character and personality. To choose a suitable nickname for your pet, you can turn to a variety of sources.


They often name their pets after cartoon characters. Such names are unusual and beautiful. The most famous characters are: a gentle cat called the Duchess, and the brave Bagheera.

Duchess is one of the most popular cat characters

The names of princesses from Disney cartoons are also often used:

  • Aurora;
  • Cinderella;
  • Ariel;
  • Snow White;
  • Jasmine;
  • Belle;
  • Rapunzel;
  • Merida;
  • Tiana;
  • Mulan.

Other options for cartoon nicknames:

  • Alice, Astrid, Icy, Daisy, Bambi, Buka, Becky, Velma.
  • Gothel, Dory, Daphne, Fun, Giselle, Toffee, Nipper, Layla.
  • Masya, Malvina, Mila, Minnie, Nesmeyana, Nyusha, Nita, Pippi.
  • Roxy, Simka, Sonya, Sovunya, Stella, Tortilla, Tosya, Flora.
  • Ursula, Daisy, Ponochka, Hortensia, Shpulya, Elsa, Esmeralda.

You can involve children in choosing a suitable cartoon nickname.

Cat names taken from films and literary works

You can easily find a name for a girl kitten if you direct your imagination towards movies or books. The most often used names of the leading role performers and favorite book characters are:

  • Angelica;
  • Scarlett;
  • Madonna;
  • Bonnie;
  • Juliet;
  • Assol;
  • Zita;
  • Isaura;
  • Malvina;
  • Medea;
  • Milady;
  • Jane;
  • Yesenia;
  • Alice;
  • Anfisa;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Ariel;
  • Isolde;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Fiona;
  • Silvia;
  • Emma;
  • Maggie.

From advertising

You can give a cute little animal a name derived from the names of advertised items, cars or famous brands:

  • Ferri;
  • Tidy;
  • Honda;
  • Kitty;
  • Viskusha;
  • Marsyanya;
  • Sheba.

Nicknames of royal cats and celebrity pets

Breed british cats is considered aristocratic, so its representatives can be called royally: Empress, Duchess, Milady, Countess, Madame, Mademoiselle. Names for cats can be partially borrowed from titled persons: Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, Empress Catherine. The last two names can be shortened to Lizzie and Kat (Katie).

Celebrities are also no strangers to touching love for our little brothers. Cat names famous people characterized by conciseness and simplicity.

John Lennon was an avid cat lover; in his life there were 16 cats endowed with original names: Major, Minor, Alice, Elvis. He ironically named the black pet Salt, and the white pet Pepper. The most unusual of all the names Lennon chose was the cat name Jesus.

India was the name of George W. Bush's cat. Nicole Richie had a cat Cleopatra. Actor Kevin Costner named his pet Rosalita. Katy Perry's favorite cat was named Kitty. The singer Nyusha has Marusya and Mavrik, Natalya Senchukova has Donut, Anastasia Volochkova has Murysik.

Joseph Brodsky believed that animals respond well to the letter “S” in the name; his pets were named Mississippi and Samson. Ernest Hemingway's last cat was Cuba. Nikolai Drozdov's favorite cat is Munya. Natalia Varley's three cats were called Scholarship, Salary and Pension. The excellent jumping and silently sneaking cat of Lada Dance received the nickname Batman.

Brodsky chose names for his cats with the letter “S”

Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

The four-legged beauty can be named after your favorite actor, musician, writer, scientist, book character, or any famous person:

Japanese names

It has become fashionable to give cats Japanese names. The most popular are:

  • Aiko, Ai (love);
  • Ami (girlfriend);
  • Kasumi (fog);
  • Yuki (snow);
  • Sakura (cherry);
  • Hana (flower);
  • Rin (sound of bell);
  • Mimi (ears);
  • Kameko (turtle child);
  • Rune (moon);
  • Kyoka (happy);
  • Mika (lunar);
  • Mai (bright);
  • Hime (princess);
  • Momo (peach);
  • Coco (coconut);
  • Satu (sugar);
  • Yoko (sunny);
  • Nariko (tender);
  • Tama (precious);
  • Taka (noble);
  • Tire (decent);
  • Chika (wise).

Russian nicknames for girls cats

Female kittens are often given traditional cat names based on old Russian names:

  • Masha;
  • Murka;
  • Varvara;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Matryona;
  • Glasha;
  • Musya;
  • Lada;
  • Agrafena.

Nicknames based on hobbies

It would be great if the name of the animal is connected with the hobby of its owner: for a programmer, a cat can be called Mouse, Flash Drive, for an economist - Credit Card, and the cook’s ward can be called Toffee.

Funny nicknames

If the cat’s character is interesting and unique, you can come up with a funny nickname for her, then communicating with her will be more fun and enjoyable. In order to choose a suitable nickname, you should pay attention to the pet’s preferences, its external characteristics, funny habits:

Objects that the pussy plays with can also be used when choosing a nickname. In this case, the baby can be called: Slipper, Broom, Frying Pan, Paper, Rattle, Heel. Cats who love to purr can be given names: Murkisa, Murchalka, Singer, Murchella.

This girl can be called Slipper

To search for funny nicknames, they use the names of interior and household items, the names of animals, plants, birds, people's names in full or in abbreviation, the main thing is that they suit the cat. Sometimes a funny nickname comes about by accident from a funny combination of several words.

Examples of funny names for female cats:

  • Aska, Shark, Asthma, Embrasure;
  • Batosha, Businka, Basta, Buyanka, Buka, Bryska, Pin, Lamb, Flea;
  • Crow, Vobla, Fork;
  • Pear, Hydra, Gorilla, Galosh;
  • Slice, Board, Melon, Darling;
  • Christmas tree, Yozhka;
  • Zhenka, Chewing Gum, Zhulka, Heat;
  • Zorka, Splinter, Zamashka, Winter, Marshmallow, Snake, Splinter, Zebra;
  • Canary, Rat, Kotofeya, Lid, Booger, Sprat, Cuckoo, Booger;
  • Lola, Laskusha, Lapa, Lushka;
  • Martinya, Mucha. Masya, Malyavka, Medovukha, Mafia;
  • Trickster, Squeaker, Stove, Pee-Pee, Panorama;
  • Radish, Rainbow, Fish, Reika, Handle, Lynx;
  • Sonya, Owl, Splyusha, Whistler, Herring, Whistler, Elephant, Solokha;
  • Sharpener, Hoe, Thousand, Longing, Torpedo, Pipe;
  • Fenechka, Frosya, Figa, Chip;
  • Curtain, Shishka, Shawarma;
  • Chucha, Chukcha, Czech, Plague;
  • Jap, Jamaica.

Rare and unusual names

Some small representatives of purebred or other beautiful cats do not fit ordinary cat names. And although it’s easier for cats to pick up rare unusual name, this can also be done for cats. Rare names for cats:

  • Britney, Venus, Gladys, Jenny, Blackberry, Jeanette, Zarella, Yvette;
  • Kinel, Lourdes, Marger, Nashka, Alsi, Penny, Rosalia, Cindy;
  • Tiffany, Ulla, Fortuna, Helen, Cissy, Charita, Sharon, Evalda, Yukka, Yara.

Video: how to name a cat

It is believed that the name of an animal affects its fate. Whether this is true or not is up to the pet owners to decide. But the fact that the nickname most often reflects the character of the pet is a fact.

How to come up with a name for a cat?

Instead of racking your brains over the question of what to name a cat, going through all the known nicknames in your head, look at the kitten and try to find something special in it - something that immediately catches your eye and distinguishes it from the rest.

First of all, you need to pay attention to color, eye color, behavior (how and how much the kitten eats or sleeps, plays, etc.). So, for example, if a cat constantly plays and hardly sits still, then you can call him Fidget, and if he sleeps most of the time, then Sonya.

Also, don’t lose sight and be sure to consider the “traditional” cat names that will suit any “meowing” male specimen: Murzik, Vaska, Kuzya, Barsik, Fluff.

What to name a boy kitten?

A boy kitten can be called not only Vaska or Murzik, but also, for example, Kotofey, Garfield, Meowka. A white cat can be called Snowball or Belyash, a black one - Ugolok, Malevich, Partizan, Chernysh, Felix, Spy, Behemoth.

For a gray cat, such nicknames as Smoke, Smoke, Ash, Mouse, Tom, Wulf are excellent. A red-colored kitten can be called Ryzhik, Siskin, Melon, Honey or Oscar.

How to name a girl kitten?

Often a female kitten is called Murka, Milka or Marquise. At the same time, less common nicknames can be perfect for a pet: Aska, Aphrodite, Businka, Bagheera, Motya, Chanel.

You can also borrow a name for a cat from representatives of flora and fauna: Rose, Violet, Butterfly, Fox, Mouse.

How to choose an original name for a pet?

Let's call the kitten funny

Often, owners do not want to give their pet a regular nickname, gravitating towards a more exotic or extravagant name. In this case, you can, for example, come up with some original nickname that characterizes not only the new pet, but also its owner.

So, for example, an owner with a good sense of humor can give his kitten a cool name: Chip, Godzilla, Shpuntik, Smiley, Kitsurik, Grumpy, Mustache, Tiger or Tangle.

Choosing a name based on the owner's profession

Also, the nickname for an animal is often a reflection of its owner’s hobbies or profession. So, it is not uncommon for programmers to come across a cat named Mouse, Klava, Pixel, Commander, Escape or Matrix.

Scientists often name their cats after the names of great scientists: Newton, Fischer, Roentgen, Bayer, Maxwell, Darwin, Gauss, Faraday, Georg (Ohm), Laurent (Lavoisier).

Car enthusiasts can name a kitten after a car, spare part or automaker - Mercedes, Veyron, Ferrari, Jaguar.

Choosing a nickname depending on your hobbies and interests

Reading enthusiasts prefer the names of their favorite characters or the surnames of writers as nicknames for their pets: Potter, Scarlet, Sally, Tom, Gray, Juan, Frederick, Sherlock, Robinson, Mayer, Agatha, Boleslav.

Movie fans love to give kittens the names of actors and their role characters: Joni, Robert, Cruise, Cooper, Murphy, Fox, Charlize, Kate, Janie, Holly. Musicians, in turn, often name their kittens after their idols: Alice, Ludwig, Mozart, Elvis, Tartinny, Frank, Kurt, Gibs.

Fishing enthusiasts can safely live with a cat whose names are Okunek, Crucian carp, Leader, Poplavok, Gruzilkin.

Fashionistas' cats often have nicknames such as Armani, Johnson, Versace, Ford, Jaravani, Galliano, Stella, Louis.

Choosing a name for a kitten whose owner will be a child

If a kitten is chosen for children, then you can make a fairy-tale character out of it, calling it Basilio, Bogatyr, Gorynych, Kashchei, Malvina, Alice, Karabas, Jasmine, Ellie, Goodwin, Kolobok, Dunno, Button, Asterisk, Gerda or, simply, kitten Woof .

“Precious” name for a pet

In addition, you can name the cat as precious or semiprecious stone- Diamond, Emerald, Crystal, Sapphire, Diamond, Agate, Amber, Jasper, Sapphire. Funny nicknames for the animal in this case will sound like Pebble or Brick.

What can you call a purebred cat?


Pedigree cats, as a rule, have a special character, they are proud and very sensitive. Therefore, they need to choose appropriate nicknames. So, Marcel, Arnie, Dalas, Louis, Murphy, Tyler are considered excellent nicknames for a Briton.


When choosing a nickname for a Sphynx kitten, you can use male Egyptian names: Amenhatep, Jabari, Imhatep, Meti, Osiris, Thutmose, Thoth. This cat unusual breed can be named after the Egyptian goddess - Isis, Ia, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Nein, Shepsid or Ash.

Fold or Scottish Fold

The fold-eared kitten can be called Baron or Arro. Also suitable nicknames for him are Quentin, Jonathan, Bruce, Ludwig, Samur. Fold cats can be called Aina, Bianka, Diana and Gressy.

These same nicknames are also suitable for a Scot, however, as are other unusual nicknames, for example, Whiskey, Daniels, Walker, Janie, Marcel.


If you need to choose a nickname for a Siamese cat, then you should take into account that representatives of this breed are distinguished by great affection for people and require a lot of attention not only while they are small, but also when they grow up. They more than repay their owner’s care with affection and devotion. That's why Siamese cat it is better to call them by “soft and warm” nicknames: Ray, Alice, Laska, Businka, Iriska, Nezhka, Lucy.