What is the name of a Maltese? Nicknames for Maltese dogs. Nicknames for the Maltese What nickname to give the Maltese

You can hardly find a sweeter and touching creature than a little dog! Pesikov small breeds Everyone loves it, not just girls, sometimes even men can’t refuse this four-legged friend. But what do you call a miniature pet? After reading our article, you will know exactly what the best nicknames for small dogs for boys and girls are!


We select nicknames

Of course, basically it turns out that the nickname is more the “face” of the owner, and not the dog, because he bears all the responsibility for what his pet will be called. Therefore, think, select options, but do not become too sophisticated; originality is, of course, good, but it should also have its limits. In addition, animal psychologists claim that dogs react only to the first 2-3 syllables in the name, they simply don’t hear the rest. This explains why experienced breeders insist that the name should not be too long or difficult to pronounce.

And even if the name turns out to be long, for example, the pedigree requires it, then later it is “shortened” to an acceptable option. Those who are just planning to have one may mistakenly believe that coming up with a name for it is as easy as shelling pears. Say, for little puppy Bim or Ball is suitable for a boy, and a Button for a girl. However, there are no fewer options for babies than for all other breeds.

By the way, there is also a fashion for nicknames for small dogs, just like for human names. For example, in XVIII-XIX centuries, when the mass “disease” of dogs began, names were given to puppies based on their appearance or character. You could often meet a dog named Robber or Scarecrow. The beginning of the 20th century is marked by the fashion of names from mythology, in post-war years Dogs Bold, Brave, Faithful began to appear, and this was regardless of size. After all, kids are often distinguished by their strong-willed and warlike character.

After the first dogs traveled to Space, the pets began to be called Squirrels, Strelkas, and Ryzhiks. The 90s and perestroika “Americanized” all names for dogs and a lot of Smiles, Jacks, and Oranges appeared. Currently, we can observe a symbiosis of all “fashions”; names for puppies are varied and varied. Most often, they reflect the values ​​and tastes of the owner, perhaps even his field of activity, but also, of course, the character of the pet.

Depending on size

Of course, you should pay attention to the breed of your dog and its size. The smallest decorative breeds, such as the Chihuahua, Toy Terrier or Maltese, require something graceful and playful. They are sometimes given poetic and tender names, such as Antonio, Perinter, Gratiano, Ludivico. Not so pretentious, but also pleasant to the ear nicknames are also suitable for the smallest boy puppies, this could be Pint, Pepsik, Pixel, Little, Peach.

Yorkshire terriers are recommended English nicknames that emphasize the origin of the kids, for example, Harvey, Trevor, Bagin, Crocs. The dachshund is also a small dog, however, it simply asks for a stricter name, especially if your dog is a hunter. It seems to us that Dexter the dachshund is an ideal option. The small breed Pug also has its own characteristics, these dogs look like a little clumsy good-natured people. Therefore, it is better to choose a name for them that is soft and without aggression.

Since these dogs come from the East, they have recently often been given nicknames in the Japanese style, such as Keiko, Momo, Sachi. For those who are not fans of such exotic names, Grove, Chuck, Prince, Slip, Sprinter should be an acceptable option. Another popular small breed is the Pekingese. Beautiful dogs With interesting story They have a balanced, somewhat thoughtful character, and love attention and praise. The names Fido, Balt, Oscar, Archie are suitable for them. For girls we recommend Nika or Iris.

When you take a small dog of an unknown breed, but they assure you that the dog will be no larger than a thimble, do not rush to call the pet Tiny or Baby. It often happens that outbred small mestizos later grow into real wolfhounds, and then the name Krokha will look somewhat strange. And one more piece of advice: try to name the puppy so that all family members like its name equally. Agree, if you don’t like the dog’s name, then your attitude towards the dog itself will not be the same.

From mythology and literature

Mythology in general serves as a storehouse of various or girls. Especially if you go beyond the Greek mythology familiar to many and turn to the myths and legends of Scandinavia or the East, then the variants of nicknames will number in the hundreds, if not thousands. In addition, if you name a dog after a deity - the patron of any elements or a symbol of, say, good luck, then you can hope that your home four-legged deity will bring good luck to you too.

Of course, among the names of the ancient gods more options majestic, suitable for large and respectable dogs, the same Zeus or Atlas are hardly suitable for a baby. However, for example, Apollo can be adapted for a small boy puppy. In addition, small dogs can be called Veles (this is our native Slavic god - the patron of animals) or Hector. You can even try on the name Hercules for your dog, it may look ironic and interesting. Also for little boys you can consider the following options: Dionysus, Icarus, Loki, Odysseus, Orpheus, Perseus, Paris, Phoenix, Aeneas.

For girls there may be even more options. If your baby is very tender and touching, the name of the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, comes to mind first. We also liked Aurora, Athena, Bona, Venus, Victoria, Gella, Daphne, Ishtar, Calypso, Lucina, Melissa, Muse, Nymph, Selena, Feya. Agree, a lawyer with a dog named Themis, a florist with a pet named Flora, and a writer or artist next to his favorite, called Muse, will look very “in”!

Literature is one fertile ground for choosing a name for a pet. Sometimes, after reading a book, you become so “infected” with it that its characters literally “come to life.” So why can’t the name of the beloved hero, who showed himself to be brave, brave, and fair, be transferred to the name of his beloved pet? Moreover, the names can be used of both literary “animals” and people. The first to come to mind, of course, are Kashtanka, Bim and Mumu. You can also call the dog Ava, this is the name of Aibolit’s helper dog.

The fabulous name Malvina is very suitable for a girl of a small breed. If you love philosophy, you might consider the option Atma, which was the name of the famous philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's dog. Artemon, Ivanhoe, Bonaparte, Pepper, Onegin, Chapa, Kichi and many others are suitable for a boy, because everyone has their own favorite book.

Funny and funny

Small dogs seem to be specially created to be given cool and funny names. However, animal psychologists warn us: the name should be funny in moderation. Firstly, people around you will also regularly hear you addressing your dog. And who likes it when they laugh at him and his dog because the four-legged one is called, say, Sausage. In addition, by calling an animal Mischievous or Mean, you can program it, and don’t be surprised if over time that’s exactly what it becomes.

Of the funny names for little boys' doggies, we found Hobbit, Shustrik, Minik, Kutsy, Microbe, Mosquito, Pupsik, Malysh, Kinder, Cosmic, Pikolo, Funtik, moderately funny. There are lovers of sarcasm who, trying to emphasize the diminutiveness of their pet, choose deliberately “big” names for him, such as Monster, Giant, Gulliver or Tyson. In principle, such options also have a place if the owner likes it.

Little girls can be called like this: Waffle, Glamor, Thumbelina, Toffee, Moshka, Pulka, Yula, Pushinka, Doll, Drop, Flash drive, Baby, Baby. You can also consider the name Coquette, Lyalya, Bun or Chika - if you are in a very playful mood. In principle, when choosing a funny and cool dog name, try to ensure that, if necessary, it can transform into something more serious.

List of nicknames

We have already announced many nicknames for small dogs of girls and boys, but there are still so many of them left that we advise you to familiarize yourself with some more options, which are presented in the table below.

Letter of the alphabetBoy nameName for a girl
AAmigo, Ike, Adik, Ice, Anchovy, Artu, Cupid, Antoine, Ali, AbelAngelica, Aba, Ivory, Aurika, Adela, Alpha, Aska, Assol, Angel, Alexa
BButch, Byron, Benya, Baptiste, Butuz, Basil, Bambi, Bourbon, Basil, Bombay, BaronBianka, Beta, Barbie, Young Lady, Busya, Becky, Businka, Bertha, Bonita, Bella, Bizzy, Bibi, Brittany
INVolt, Vintik, Vinnie, Vatsik, Vincent, Wooddy, WorcesterVivien, Wanda, Vasilisa, Verona, Viviana, Cherry
GGreat, Gault, Goodwill, Hamilton, Gluck, Gordon, GabrielGloria, Glasha, Grace, Greta, Gladys, Galatea, Gadget, Gerda
DDenny, Derek, Julian, Joy, DundeeJessie, Juliet, Diva, Slice. Dominica
HEREfim, EmelyanEva, Eshka, Yolka
ANDGeoffrey, Georges, Jacques, Zhorik, JulianJasmine, Juju, Zhulka, Zhanetta, Joly, Jacqueline
ZZephyr, Zyuzik, Zinger, ZakiMarshmallow, Zlata, Bunny, Zizou, Zoe
I, JRaisins, Ginger, IchiIrma, Isabel, Izi, Ilma
TOCupcake, Kaif, Kuzya, Casper, Christian, Handsome, Clark, KorzhikCasey, Knopa, Christy, Coco, Carolina, Candy
LLeo, Luntik, Lucky, Louis, Lambert, Lime, LittleLinda, Lassie, Lulu, Leah, Lilu, Lima, Lizzie
MMarcel, Mikey, Mario, MiguelFly, Monica, Merlin, Margot, Baby, Milady
NNarcissus, Napoleon, Nolik, Neo, KnightNicole, Nyusha, Nancy, Nyashka, Notka
ABOUTOrlando, Austin, Oliver, OzickOphelia, Ollie, Audrey, Octavia
PPatrick, Paul, Peter, Ottoman, Pepper, PrincePolly, Pandora, Pixie, Pamella, Ponca
RRafael, Ricci, Roger, Ricky, RioRusya, Rachel, Rose, Rita
WITHSimon, Silver, Snoopy, Stitch, SpikeCinta, Sima, Stella, Stephanie, Sabrina, Sophie
TTim, Tulip, Totoshka, Tyler, TheodoreTina, Tiffany, Teri, Tootsie, Tracy
USmart guy, Walter, Success, Clever, WhiteUma, Ursula, Ulya, Whitney
FFreddy, Flipper, Phil, Fantik, FlyFiona, Foxy, Fenechka, Fleur, Fifa
XHugo, Harvey, HarleyHana, Hayley, Happy, Helen
CCitron, Candied, CivicTsatsa, Tsilya, Tsina
HCharlik, Chapik, Chester, Chips,Cherry, Chicky, Chilita, Chelsea
Ш, ШSheik, Sharik, Sharvin, SheltonChanel, Shanice, Cherie, Charlotte, Cher
EEric, Edward, ElfElsa, Ebi, Ema, Elizabeth
YUJulius, Eugene, JustusJuno, Yuxie, Jussi
IYan, Yago, YamalYamina, Yasmin, Berry

Video “Choosing a name for a dog”

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  • Ace... The Wonder Dog is the hero of American films of the 30s-40s.
  • Asta... Movie star of the 30s, terrier breed, starred in the film The Thin Man (1934)
  • Augie-doggie… Popular nickname for cartoon characters.
  • Balti, Baltic(Baltique)… French President Francois Mitterrand's dog.
  • Bandit... One of the heroes of the comic story about the adventures of We3, a group of 3 prototypes of “animal weapons”.
  • Barney...Nickname Scottish Terrier George Bush Jr.
  • Beagle... Name of Lyndon B Johnson's Beagle dog
  • Beauregard… The nickname of the bloodhound from the comics of Walt Kelly (Walter Crawford Kelly, Jr) is Pogo “Pogo”.
  • Bessie...Calvin Coolidge's collie.
  • Beethoven… St. Bernard star, hero of the Beethoven films.
  • Benji... A beloved hero of many films.
  • Big Ben...Herbert Hoover's Fox Terrier.
  • Blondie, Belchik(Blondie)… Presumably the nickname of Adolf Hitler's German Shepherd.
  • Botswein, Boatswain(Boatswain)… Lord Byron's Magnificent Newfoundland.
  • Bodger... Bull Terrier, character from Sheila Burnford's book The Incredible Journey.
  • Bolivar... Name of Donald Duck's dog.
  • Boots, servant(Boots)… From the book by Rudyard Kipling “Thy servant a dog”.
  • Boomer... A very famous dog name. Hero "Here's Boomer".
  • Brumis...Robert Kennedy's Newfoundland.
  • Buddy...Bill Clinton's Chocolate Labrador.
  • Bullitt, bullet(Bullet)… Famous German Shepherd Roy Roger.
  • Charlie... Poodle of the famous writer John Steinbeck.
  • Checkers, Checkers(Checkers)… Cocker spaniel of Richard Nixon.
  • Chiquita...Madonna's Chihuahua is also the star of "Human Nature".
  • Claude...Mr. Drysdale's poodle from the Beverly Hillbillies.
  • Clipper... John F Kennedy's German Shepherd.
  • Cujo... St. Bernard from the book by Stephen King.
  • Diamond, Diamond(Diamond)… Sir Isaac Newton's dog.
  • Dino... The Flintstones' dog.
  • Enzo...Jennifer Aniston's dog.
  • Fala... Franklin D Roosevelt's Scottish Terrier.
  • Feller, woodcutter(Feller)… Harry S Truman's Cocker Spaniel.
  • Flash, blush(Flush)… Cocker spaniel of the poet Elizabeth Barrett.
  • Ginger...Mariah Carey's Yorkshire Terrier.
  • Goofy... Disney's most famous dog name.
  • Gromit… Extremely clever dog from the cartoon Wallis and Gromit.
  • Hugo... Marilyn Monroe's dog.
  • Jasmin (Jazzmin)… Yorkshire terrier of professional fitballer Brett Favre.
  • Jeannie... James Thurber's Yorkshire Terrier.
  • Jerry Lee... German Shepherd from K9.
  • Kashtanka… The name of the dog of the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.
  • Ben Affleck* golden retriever Martha Stewart
  • Christina Aguilera* Papillons Chewy, Cocoa
  • Clay Aiken* border terrier Raleigh
  • Jessica Alba* pugs Nancy & Sid
  • Jennifer Aniston* corgi terrier Norman
  • Lucille Ball* Tinkertoy & Whoopee
  • Mischa Barton* Charlie
  • Halle Berry* Bumper & Petey
  • Selma Blair* Wink
  • Orlando Bloom* Essa & Sidi
  • Marlon Brando* Schlubber
  • Adam Brody* Penny Lane
  • Sandra Bullock* Puppy
  • Mariah Carey* Jackson P. Mutley
  • Kevin Costner* Rosalita
  • Courtney Cox* Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Hopper & Harley
  • Tom Cruise * Joseph
  • Hilary Duff* chihuahua Chiquita & Lola (Chiquita & Lola)
  • Jake Gyllenhaal* German Shepherd Atticus & Boo Radley
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt* Charlie
  • Paris Hilton* Tinkerbell & Bambi
  • Star Jones* Pinky
  • Ashley Judd* cross between poodle and cocker spaniel Buttermilk
  • Diane Lane* Milo (Milo)
  • David Letterman* Bob & Stan
  • Lindsay Lohan* Chloe
  • Eva Longoria* Maltese dog Jinxy
  • Courtney Love* mongrel Ronnie & Lloyd
  • Madonna * Chiquita
  • Demi Moore * Louie
  • Mary Kate Olsen* chocolate Labrador Luca
  • Oprah Winfrey * Arizona
  • Jack Osborne* Lola
  • Kelly Osborne* Boris & Piglet
  • Brad Pitt * Purty & Saudi
  • * Charlie
  • Nicole Richie* Honey Child & Cleopatra
  • Mickey Rourke* Chihuahua Loki
  • Ashlee Simpson* Blondie
  • Jessica Simpson* Daisy
  • Anna Nicole Smith* Mommie
  • Britney Spears* Bit Bit
  • Tori Spelling* Mimi La Rue
  • Martha Stewart* Teeny & Weenie
  • Superman * Krypto
  • Scarlet Johansson* Maggie
  • Liv Tyler* Neal & Mylo
  • Naomi Watts* Bob & Chicken
  • Venus Williams* Jackie & pitbull Bambi
  • Reese Witherspoon * french bulldogs Frank Sinatra & Coco Chanel
  • Sienna Miller* mongrels Bess & Porgi
  • Minnie Driver* black labrador Bubba
  • Kate Hudson* Pomeranian Spitz Clara Bo
  • Charlize Theron* mongrels Delilah & Denver
  • Renee Zellweger* golden retrievers Dylan & Woof, Woof(Woof)
  • Drew Barrymore* mongrels Flossie & Templeton & Vivian
  • Gwyneth Paltrow* black Labrador Holden
  • Hilary Swank* Jack Russell Corgi Karoo
  • Debra Messing* Coton de Tulear Lily (Lily)
  • Jodie Foster* boxer Lucy
  • Barbara Bush* cocker spaniel Millie
  • Matthew McConaughey* cross between Labrador and Chowchow Miss Hud
  • Audrey Hepburn* Yorkshire terrier Mister Famous, Mister Celebrity(Mr. Famous)
  • Beyonce Knowles* Shih Tzu Munchie
  • Natalie Portman* schnoodle (a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle) Noodles
  • Sigourney Weaver* greyhound Petals, Petals(Petals)
  • Pamela Anderson* golden retriever Star, Star(Star)
  • Shania Twain* German Shepherd Tim
  • Matt Lauer* golden retriever Walden

You have a pet in your house. It is small in size and this is what gives it even more charm. Now it’s important to come up with a name for him. The names for dogs of boys of small breeds, as well as girls, differ from the names that are recommended for dogs of impressive size.

There are many different nicknames, and from this list you can easily choose something suitable. But the nickname must be suitable. It is better to name pets, taking into account what breed the dog is. It is clear that the name of a shepherd dog should be different from the name of a Pekingese.

You should take into account the behavior of the dog, its appearance. The owner must remember that the dog is given a nickname for life. The nickname should be easy to remember so that the dog reacts to a simple combination of sounds. Ideally, the name would be so suitable for a small pet that when it is pronounced, an image of this particular dog would appear in the imagination.

As for the selection criteria, first of all, follow the censorship rules. It will be easy for the dog to identify with the name Max. But Maximilian Louis XI will cause confusion in the dog. Therefore, even if you put the entire pedigree in the nickname, the pet should be called a shortened version.

You can give your pet an elaborate or simple nickname, call it an unusual rare or cool name, the main thing is to take into account the dog’s character and size. Of course, the name Zorro or Pirate is not at all suitable for a small, affectionate Spitz. A cool, nimble pet of the Dachshund breed will fully live up to the nickname Figaro.

You can choose a name based on the color of the coat or eyes. Pet white can make friends with the names: Frost, Chalk, Snowball, Umka, Pearl.

Video “Choosing a nickname for a small breed dog”

From this video you will learn what nicknames are often given to small breed dogs.

Options for boys


Fashion is changeable. This statement is also true for the pet's name. On the other hand, the nickname should not be so common that a pet on a walk is confused about whose name is: his or the “neighbor’s.” Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a small pet, pay attention to the fact that it is not only popular, but also unique. Among the nicknames for boys of small breeds, the leading positions are occupied by the following:

  • Smile;
  • Chico;
  • Ludo;
  • Spike;
  • Archie.


You have an excellent sense of humor, it will not be difficult for you to choose for pet cool nickname. A funny name will give positivity to others. But here the owner needs to be careful and not forget the fact that what seems funny today may cause negativity tomorrow. When choosing, it is worth remembering that a funny nickname should not be offensive.

It always looks funny and original when the name plays on the pet’s small size. For example, a large boy can be called: Giant, Vityaz, Schwartz, Tyson, Rimbaud, Conan, Samurai. There is such a surprisingly accurate observation that pets are at least a little like their owners. So sometimes owners encode concepts in their names that are in some way related to their profession. The list, including the names File, Basic, Byte, Google, Server, Chip, Unix, will tell programmers how to name their pets.

Often food references are used to name small breed dogs: Bagel, Toffee, Nuts, Shortbread, Baguette, Milky, Biff, Twix, Muffin, Cupcake.

Examples of other cool nicknames include: Stirlitz, Sheikh, Yakuza, Shakespeare, Chernomor, Pele, Macho, Yorick, Veksel.


One of the rules for choosing a dog's name is that it should be short. Ideally, the number of letters should be about five. Such a name will be easy for the owner to pronounce, and it will be easier for the pet to get used to it. These can be the following nicknames: Bim, Bonya, Pif, Rich, Stif, Tima, Ulf, Phil, Cent, Chip, Sean, Andy, Young, Hugh.

With meaning

Four-legged friends are often called with a lot of meaning in the name. This suggests that the owner took this issue more than seriously.

Here are some of them, indicating their meaning:

  • Nari - thunder;
  • Aiko – beloved;
  • Dominic – dominant;
  • Timothy - reverent;
  • Morgan – great, bright;
  • Joy - joy;
  • Smart – smart;
  • Buster is happy, restless.

Options for girls


Next, let's look at how to name pet dog a girl of a small breed. The four-legged lady should be called by a beautiful and gentle name. The variety of beautiful names for girls is great: Ada, Agnessa, Alba, Becky, Biya, Vesta, Vizi, Wilma, Gabby, Goldie. A lady with black fur can be called Blackie.


For little girls there are funny, cheerful and funny nicknames: Babette, Gadget, Geisha, Deborah, Jeanette, Juju, Givenchy, Juzha, Carmen, Madame, Nefertiti, Button, Toffee, Matryoshka, Simka, Fanta, Yupi, Klepa, Flash Drive, Bentley , Weasel, Button, Dyusha, Squirrel.


When you choose a nickname for your baby, pay attention that it does not sound like the names of family members, and also that all household members pronounce it correctly. Otherwise, such a nickname will mislead the dog. Examples of suitable nicknames: Lyusya, Busya, Snezhka, Zhuchka, Zlata, Mila, Asya.

With meaning

There is a large selection of nicknames for cute babies with meaning:

  • Lucky - good luck;
  • Darling - dear;
  • Emma – faithful;
  • Stella – starry;
  • Bonita – beautiful;
  • Rada – graceful;
  • Lyme - happiness;
  • Michiko is a child of beauty;
  • Yuri – lily;
  • Hana – flower;
  • Rita is a gem.

Before you name your puppy, find out what the name means. If your pet is not easy-going and shows signs of aggression, then you should not choose a nickname that contains many “r” letters. According to dog handlers, such a name can help increase aggressiveness.

When choosing a nickname for your pet, watch his reaction, so you will see which nickname he likes. In this case, he will quickly get used to the nickname and will be more willing to respond to it.

Choosing a name is important not only for a person, but also for a dog. With the help of a name you will communicate with your pet, so you need to carefully consider your choice so that it emphasizes your taste and pleases everyone with its pleasant sound.

Rules for choosing a nickname for a lapdog

It is quite understandable that the owners want to give their charming little pet, who worthily represents the Maltese breed, a beautiful and memorable name. Everyone knows that if you buy a puppy with a pedigree, then your imagination will be limited by the possibility of choosing a name only for a certain letter of the alphabet.

This is due to breeding rules. Many dog ​​breeders get around this restriction by giving their lapdog a double name - one for the pedigree, and the other for direct communication with it. For the lapdog breed, nicknames are those that convey its essence, namely, that it is a charming creature.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine a dog of this breed with the names Buran or Bagheera. Beautiful foreign names in their diminutive forms are more suitable:

  • Emmy,
  • Becky,
  • Jazzy,
  • Alice,
  • Pierre,
  • Paul,

Also interesting are the majestic royal names, which emphasize the elite origin of this breed:

  1. Antoinette,
  2. Gertrude,
  3. Napoleon.

Lovers of names that evoke associations with great figures of history can easily put their knowledge into practice by naming their snow-white lap dogs with such names. Less ambitious owners give their dogs names that reflect their appearance or personality:

  • Baby,
  • Fluff,
  • Dandelion,
  • doll,
  • Belyanka,
  • Bunny,
  • Paw.

Such names emphasize the charm of small funny dogs, making them even more touching.

If you are thinking about what to name a lapdog, you can turn to mythology Ancient Greece and Egypt, since these dogs were favorites of the nobility in these civilizations. Of course, you need to choose cheerful names, therefore, despite the external euphony of the name, be sure to clarify its meaning.

This will save you from ridiculous situations when, over time, it turns out that you named your cute creature in honor of the god of the underworld. Sometimes owners, when choosing a name for a lap dog, are guided by their preferences. This is how tail-wagging Martini, Poker or Ferrari appear. All these nicknames have the right to recognition, the main thing is that you feel comfortable using them, and that it is easy for your pet to get used to them.

Choosing a suitable name for a lap dog is not a difficult process, but on the contrary, it is fascinating. If you call on your imagination to help, without forgetting common sense, you can choose a nickname for your pet that will greatly decorate it.

Names for small dogs invented by owners are not an empty phrase; they contain encoded information that can significantly influence the behavior and fate of their faithful pets. The nickname is given to the animal for years, leaving a huge imprint on how the relationship between a person and a smart four-legged friend will develop.

Names for small girls dogs

The hard work and diligence of the owner decide a lot, but it has been noticed that small females are more obedient, more devoted and flexible than independent males. Even on days of heat, well-trained pets normally obey commands, following all the trainer’s instructions. In the question of how to name a dog of a small breed, it is advisable to use nicknames that are pleasant to the ear, but short, not consisting of several words. You need to avoid frequently repeating popular names; in a crowded place or at exhibitions it will be difficult for you to call your favorite from the crowd.

It is advisable to always take into account the size of the dog when choosing a nickname. For fun, playing on contrasts, people sometimes come up with a big and menacing name for a gentle little dog, which is more appropriate to give to shepherds, Great Danes or Dobermans. After a while, the joke gets boring, it sounds ridiculous, and it is extremely difficult to retrain the animal. A bad option is to repeat the name of the deceased dog for a new pet, by doing this you prolong the sad memories of the loss. It is better to focus on the appearance of a small puppy, its habits, reflecting in the nickname the individual features of the shaggy beauty.

Representatives of this dwarf breed, whose ancestors lived with the ancient Mayans and Toltecs, are the tiniest dogs in the world. Some people like to associate nicknames based on nationality, so in solving the problem of how to name a dog of a small breed girl, you can use funny and original Mexican roots. This prospect will certainly attract connoisseurs of Latin American TV series.

Examples of some Mexican names for small dogs:

  • Salsa,
  • Consuela,
  • Chacha,
  • Juanita,
  • Enchilada,
  • Bonita.

Names for small dogs Bullet, Shumka, Plyushka, Cleo, Gamma, Knopa, Mimi look beautiful and cool. Some sonorous and interesting nicknames are of German origin. For example, you can call smart and funny little Chihuahua girls Hella, Subby, Ricky, Moni, Niki, Zuzi. Japanese words sound short, making them ideal for dogs. They will appeal to intellectuals who like to call animals by clever names.

Examples of eastern names:

  • Hikari (snow)
  • Hotaru (firefly)
  • Kokoro (soul)
  • Aiko (beloved)
  • Asa (morning)
  • Hoshi (star).

With these room decorative babies, find mutual language extraordinarily simple. They are like funny animated toys that sow fun and warmth around. In deciding what to name a small Yorkie dog, we can mention the animals’ curiosity, keen hearing and excellent watchdog qualities of the little ones. They will not let a stranger through, fearlessly rushing at anyone, regardless of their dwarf size.

The English roots of the breed can be easily identified with appropriate names for small dogs:

  • Bentley,
  • Macbeth,
  • Margaret,
  • Thatcher,
  • Chelsea,
  • Adele,
  • Lola,
  • Chloe,
  • Sadie.

A good option is to give names for small dogs, emphasizing the yellow-brown color of the breed:

  • Yolk,
  • Zloty,
  • Kashtanka,
  • Shoko,
  • Sun,
  • African,
  • Cinnamon.

It is not necessary to call small outbred animals by primitive nicknames. Many smart pets understand commands better than animals with passports and awards, so they deserve to have a beautiful and gentle name. When solving the problem of what to name a small breed dog, it is convenient to start from the color of your pets, their habits, and interesting manners. In the hope of eventually getting a good and funny little four-legged friend from this puppy, we name her after our favorite characters.

Long pretentious nicknames with an aristocratic slant are not suitable for a little mongrel; it is better to choose light and playful options for her:

  • Aster,
  • Basya,
  • Jackdaw,
  • Zorka,
  • Bully,
  • Comet,
  • Rocket,
  • Arrow,
  • Berry.

Representatives of this small breed are divided into Russians and Russians. The first ones grow up to 3 kg and can have fur of different lengths. The British are all exceptionally shorthaired and are 600 grams larger. Names for girls of small breed dogs are suitable of English and Russian origin; you can select them depending on the pet’s passport. Use the opportunity to express in nicknames the girls’ energetic disposition, their lively character, and affection for their owners.

Names for small dogs of the toy terrier breed:

  • Bark,
  • Nancy,
  • Darcy,
  • Magi,
  • Carmen,
  • Pixie,
  • Christie,
  • Lola,
  • Belle,
  • Mary.

Not bad nicknames for toy terriers in the Russian version:

  • Fun,
  • Bully,
  • Aurora,
  • Arrow,
  • Lightning,
  • Electra,
  • Magic,
  • Bestia.

This breed has several varieties, but the miniature ones are dwarf or. Fluffy lumps with an affectionate, friendly, but proud disposition, weigh up to 3 kg and have a ringing voice. They have a variety of colors; they can be chocolate, white, cream or sand. Pomeranians have a courageous character, they received it from distant riding ancestors, so they bark at strangers courageously, like formidable shepherd dogs. What to name a small dog with a funny bear or fox face is an interesting question; the most original options are accepted here.

Examples of nicknames for miniature Spitz girls:

  • Bulya,
  • Haze,
  • Bunny,
  • Lyalka,
  • Note,
  • Elbe,
  • Barbara,
  • Carla,
  • Elka,
  • Sophie,
  • Gerda,
  • Dora.

Name for a small breed boy dog

Even a tiny, recently acquired puppy should receive its own proud name. It makes it easier to establish a connection with the animal, train it, and teach it to respond to commands on demand. Beautiful nicknames for small dogs for boys are easy to find in numerous lists, but unusual or catchy names do not always take root well in everyday life. It is undesirable to choose common human names; in a public place this leads to unwanted scandals and bad attitude of others towards your dog.

A name that is difficult to pronounce sounds unusual, but in moments of danger it makes it difficult to call on a pet. If you really like a sonorous multi-component word, then try to shorten it. For example, it is better to call Maximus briefly Max or Maxik. It is wrong to come up with funny or foreign nicknames for small dogs that resemble training commands. In stressful moments, your little dog or a neighboring dog may confuse “Face” with “Farce” or “Apport” with “Chord”.

Compact and cheerful, Yorkies have a confident character; they instantly try to put in their place the neighbor's dogs who do not show these kids due respect. Ugly, simple or funny names are not suitable for our handsome men. Nicknames for dogs of small breeds of boys Yorkshire Terrier must correspond to the disposition of these tiny gentlemen, mischievous rascals and natural friends of man.

Examples of names for a Yorkie boy:

  • Gait,
  • Alf,
  • Bugs,
  • Willie,
  • Lucky,
  • Tapsi,
  • Hopper,
  • Oddie,
  • Smokey,
  • Shelby,
  • Ernie.

These dogs have an inexhaustible supply of energy, they need constant walks where they can be naughty, play, bark loudly and perform incredible funny tricks. This breed is not suitable for lazy people and lovers of a quiet, measured life. It is advisable to choose names for small dogs (boys, toy terriers) that are laconic, sonorous, and most suitable for cheerful animals.

Russians and english names for funny little dogs, boys, toy terriers:

  • Alto,
  • Buddy,
  • Golf,
  • Casper,
  • Zorro,
  • Camelot,
  • Casper,
  • King,
  • Mac,
  • Norton,
  • Hopper,
  • Tapsi,
  • Wind,
  • Talker,
  • Catch up,
  • Signal,
  • Source.

Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz– active creatures, constantly looking for adventure. Beautiful little ones can sometimes feel like a much larger animal than they actually are in the presence of a stranger. These toy creatures with fox-like faces can pounce on an unknown alien like Spartans, trying to bite them with their sharp, needle-like teeth. It is better to look for nicknames for restless dogs of little Spitz boys to match their lively temperament.

Beautiful names for a little Spitz boy:

  • Lucas,
  • Pancho,
  • Hugo,
  • Sancho,
  • Merlin,
  • Volchek,
  • Oscar,
  • Rocky,
  • Elvis,
  • Bumblebee.

Tiny and smart Pekingese dogs are always individual and unique. These little ones often have regal manners; they are even capable of trying to dominate their weak-willed owners. To better figure out what to name a Pekingese boy’s small dog, you need to see in your pet a personality, a small four-legged aristocrat.

Name for the little Pekingese:

  • Arthur,
  • Boss,
  • August,
  • Volt,
  • Gold,
  • Cross,
  • Spike,
  • Sapphire,
  • Charlie.

Miniature boys of this breed are in many ways similar to terriers; they are attentive, courageous, can be impudent with strangers, and try to keep up with their owner. Without proper attention, little ones suffer, and their jealousy can be a problem. A well-chosen nickname for a small Chihuahua dog conveys their devoted and sensitive nature, the pet’s lively character.

Choosing a name for a cheerful Chihuahua:

  • Amigo,
  • Amor,
  • Gangster,
  • Lancelot,
  • Narcissus,
  • Gaspard,
  • Signor,

Nicknames for small dogs, boys, mongrels

Outbred creatures sometimes look unusual; genes from all representatives of the canine world are mixed in their blood. Mutts are equally suitable for cool nicknames for small dogs, aristocratic names, and serious menacing nicknames. It all depends on the size of the pet and the hidden goals that its owner pursues. Animals without a pedigree often have valuable qualities that are not always found in a medal-winning pet.