How to choose the right sweet oranges and definitely without chemicals? Who will enter the new church

Oranges are used in cooking, cosmetology, and landscape design, but they can also help a person treat many diseases. The bright fruit will help restore the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins, and improve well-being.

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Flower formula

Formulas of sweet orange flower: CH5L5T∞P(∞).

In medicine

The high fiber content of oranges helps the gastrointestinal tract. Daily consumption of one orange reduces the occurrence of constipation, cleanses the intestines of waste products, and prevents putrefactive processes in the intestines. Vitamin C in large quantities has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels; it is recommended for anemia. It lowers cholesterol levels, which means it is suitable for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Doctors advise eating oranges for vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis, and low stomach acidity.

Orange is an antioxidant and helps remove free radicals from the body. This affects general well-being, memory improves, and vigor appears. One orange contains the daily dose of vitamin C for an adult, which means these fruits help strengthen the immune system and increase performance.

The golden fruit contains phytoncides, which help with inflammation, reduce abscesses and promote wound healing. Regular consumption of freshly squeezed juice gives vitality and strength even after serious illnesses.

Contraindications and side effects

Citrus fruits often cause allergies. It can be expressed by redness on the skin, itching, swelling, cough or runny nose. With these symptoms, it is forbidden to eat fruits, use cosmetics with orange oil and perfumes with a citrus aroma.

You should not eat oranges if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer or high acidity.

Eating an orange softens tooth enamel, so it is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after eating. The bristles of the brush can scratch the surface of the tooth, so it is better to wait 30 minutes before the procedure.

In cooking

In modern cooking, the orange fruit, its juice, pulp and even zest are used. There are hundreds of thousands of recipes using this fruit, most of them for desserts. Drinks are made from oranges, adding pulp or juice to cocktails, and sweets are created, for example, orange marmalade. Orange oil is used to make flavorings.

It is difficult to imagine the absence of this component in the dairy and confectionery industries. Homemade recipes would also fade away without orange jam or pieces of fruit on cakes.

Orange notes are relevant in soups, side dishes, and salads. The fruit goes well with both vegetables and meat, so it can be called a universal remedy for adding a pleasant note and amazing aroma to a dish.

In cosmetology

Orange essential oil has become widespread in cosmetology. It allows you to add a unique aroma to any cosmetic product, but it is famous not only for this. Orange oil perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores, this is especially important for oily skin, whitens surfaces, removes age spots, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, reduces existing ones, stimulates the formation of new skin cells, removes toxic substances, and tones the skin. Orange oil stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat, improves muscle function, and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is often used in anti-cellulite creams to remove toxins from the body. Adding the essential oil of this plant to shampoos eliminates dandruff and gives hair shine and strength. Orange scent is often added to various perfumes. The citrus note has been popular for many years and makes the scent fresh, bright and uplifting. In aromatherapy, orange oil is more common than all other options, since the cost of extracting this product is minimal.


Orange (Citrus sinensis) belongs to the Rutaceae family, subfamily - citrus fruits. There are about 12 different types of oranges; in nature, they all have a bitter taste. Sweet orange is an artificially bred crop.

Botanical description

Orange forms powerful, long-lasting (on average up to 70 years) trees, the height of which reaches up to 20 meters. The crown has a spherical or pyramidal, dense, densely leafy shape. The branches often have spines, the length of which sometimes reaches 10 centimeters.

The flowers are axillary, solitary, or in bunches of 2 or 3, fragrant, with stamens from 20 to 25 with fused or, on the contrary, free threads, and some varieties of stamens are sterile. In addition to bees, wasps, flower flies and other insects, miniature hummingbirds take part in the pollination of flowers.

The fruits have a spherical, somewhat elongated or compressed spherical shape of various sizes, and the peel is smooth or rough, yellow-orange flowers, without a bitter taste and with oil glands. Their flesh is brightly colored and juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. The number of segments is from 9 to 13, the seeds are white and multi-embryo. The formula of the sweet orange flower is CH5L5T∞P(∞). Due to their temperature requirements, oranges are more subtropical rather than tropical plants. They have good resistance to low temperatures, and some varieties can withstand temperatures dropping from 4 to - 6 degrees Celsius.


Huge orange plantations are grown in Brazil, the USA, India, China, Mexico, Iran, and Spain.

Procurement of raw materials

Oranges usually ripen in winter. They begin to be harvested in November and end in January; these plants often produce two harvests a year. But still, it is winter fruits that are considered the most delicious and healthy.

Often they sell not the fruits themselves, but the juice of the oranges. The concentrated product is transported at low temperatures and then used to create nectars, carbonated drinks, and various sweets.

Oranges are stored for no more than 10 days, then they begin to dry out in low humidity or rot when there is an abundance of moisture in the air. To maintain freshness, they are removed from the tree unripe. For transportation, they are placed in wooden boxes, but each fruit is wrapped in special paper.

At home, oranges should be stored at the bottom of the refrigerator, in the fruit compartment, this allows them to remain fresh and tasty for a week and a half. If you plan to use the oranges faster, you can leave them at room temperature.

Chemical composition

The orange consists of 40-45% juice, the rest is pulp and films. 100 grams of this product contain only 38 calories, but the sugar content is high, so heavy consumption is prohibited in case of diabetes. The fruit contains vitamins: 100 grams of the edible part of the fruit contains up to 60 mg of vitamin C, from 0.05 to 0.30 mg of carotene, 0.03 and 0.07 mg of vitamins B1, B2, 0.2 mg of vitamin P, and there is also potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus.

Pharmacological properties

A small number of fragmentary information has reached us about the use of orange fruits in medicine. Medieval healers used various parts of the fruit for kidney diseases (renal stones) and acute intestinal diseases. The healing properties of the crusts were highly valued. In the form of tinctures they were prescribed for various fevers. The healing effect was equated to the then famous quinine. In Italy, orange water was made from orange flowers, which was a diaphoretic and hemostatic agent. The juice itself was a reliable cure for scurvy and flu.

Orange juice contains the right amount of inositol for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, nerve tissue and brain. Juice with fresh orange pulp improves appetite, intestinal function, promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body and reduces putrefactive processes occurring in the intestines.

In folk medicine, orange juice has been used for a long time as a remedy for fever, and an alcoholic tincture from the peel has been used for fever. An aqueous decoction of the peel was used as a hemostatic agent during heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding. Orange essential oil improves digestion, kidney, gallbladder and bladder function, and also has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties when applied to the skin. It is also used for neurosis, depression, lack of self-control and the need for warmth.

Historical reference

The orange is considered a hybrid of a tangerine and a pomelo; it was crossed 2.5 thousand years BC. This roughly happened in China. It was from there that the plant came to India and Vietnam, and from these countries its journey began to Egypt, and then to Europe and Russia.

In the myths of Ancient Greece, Hercules went to the gardens of the Hesperides for golden apples. There is a theory that we were talking specifically about oranges, which means that at the turn of the era these fruits were already known in Europe. But sources have been actively writing about them since the middle of the 16th century, when the crusaders brought to the territory not only the traditions of eastern countries, but also amazing plants that delighted with unusual tastes and aromas.

Oranges were brought to Russia in the 17th century from Holland, and then greenhouses were built for them in Europe. The name comes from the wording “Chinese apples” in English. They began to be actively used in cooking only in the 19th century, and only in the 20th century did they reach the tables of ordinary people, and not the rich classes.

Use in folk medicine

There are many recipes for using oranges in folk medicine. The fruit helps with colds, inflammation, vitamin deficiency, and acute pain.

Orange tincture helps with severe menstrual pain. The zest of one orange is poured into two glasses of boiling water, put on fire and cooked under the lid for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day.

Fresh orange juice is diluted in water and taken several times a day at high temperature. Drinking plenty of fluids and vitamin C can help you overcome a cold faster. For optimal effect, 100 ml of juice is diluted with 500 ml of water.

If you have a runny nose or wet cough, you can inhale with orange oil. Add 5 drops of orange oil to 250 ml of water and breathe over the heated mixture. You can also use an aroma lamp to diffuse the aroma in the room, this softens the mucous membranes and improves well-being during colds. Edible orange oil promotes weight loss. It should be added 1-2 drops to tea 3 times a day. The drink starts fat burning processes, but it is important not to drink it before bed, as it invigorates.


    Plant life. Encyclopedia in 6 volumes. T. 5, part 2: Flowering plants / Ch. Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - M.: Education, 1981. - 511 p.

    Mayer G.P. Citrus plants. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2012. - 123 p.

    Barabanov E.I. Botany: a textbook for students. higher textbook Establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 448 p.

    Formazyuk V.I. "Encyclopedia of food medicinal plants: Cultivated and wild plants in practical medicine." (Ed. N.P. Maksyutina) - K.: Publishing house A.S.K., 2003. - 792 p.

    Mannfried Palov. "Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants". Ed. Ph.D. biol. Sciences I.A. Gubanova. Moscow, "Mir", 1998.

Orange sweet

Sweet orange essential oil has anti-fever and disinfectant properties. It stimulates digestion, the functions of the gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, and heart function.

Orange (sweet) essential oil is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, palpitations, neuroses, and decreased immune defenses of the body. It improves vision if it is associated with hypovitaminosis and fatigue. An aqueous or oily solution of essential oil is used to treat stomatitis, periodontal disease (eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums, destructive changes in tissues).

In cosmetics, it is added to creams used to care for aging skin, as well as to obtain a quick and beautiful tan.

Orange oil cleanses the skin well, lightens age spots, promotes cell renewal, and improves complexion. To do this, orange oil is added to cosmetic creams, balms, lotions, etc. Orange oil is especially effective on dry skin.

The oil increases optimism, self-confidence and charm. It restores the aura after a serious illness and emotional stress. Recommended if you need sympathy and warmth.

The use of orange oil in an aroma lamp has a positive effect on the nervous system of children. Helps you concentrate, improves performance and concentration.

Aromatic baths with orange oil are effective against insomnia (can be used in combination with lavender oil), nervous excitement, and cellulite.

When used internally, orange oil stimulates the removal of harmful substances from the body, normalizes intestinal function and carbohydrate-fat metabolism, has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of gallstones, cleanses the blood, and also promotes weight loss and cellulite reduction.

Psychotherapists use orange oil for nervousness, anxiety, sadness, and lack of self-control.

It is also used for making vodka and tinctures, flavoring confectionery and creams.


Oil burner: 3–5 drops (for colds).

Bath: 5 drops or mixed with other essential oils (for weight loss, cellulite, against insomnia).

Massage: 5 drops per 10 ml of massage oil (cellulite).

Rubbing: 7–8 drops per 10 g of base (joint pain, myositis, neuralgia).

Enrichment of shampoos: 5 drops of oil per 10 g of base (dandruff, dry hair).

Enrichment of low molecular weight creams: cream 10 g + 3 drops of orange oil (stimulates regeneration processes in the skin, cleanses, whitens, moisturizes the skin).

Internal use: 1 drop per glass of tea or juice 2 times a day (lowers blood pressure, effective for insomnia, diseases of the stomach, liver and biliary tract, stimulates metabolism).

Attention! When applied to the skin, a burning sensation may occur for 2–3 minutes. This reaction is natural and should not be scary.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Rutaceae family - Rutaceae.

Citrus subfamily - Aurantioideae.

Orange sweet (lat.Citrus sinensis ) is an evergreen tree with a dense, compact crown. The leaves are dark green, elliptical, pointed, with winged petioles. Flowers orange white, strongly fragrant, bisexual. The calyx is small, fused-leaved, with five sepals, and a corolla with five petals. Numerous stamens grow together into several bundles. Pistil with a spherical multilocular superior ovary, a thin style and a rounded stigma. Fruit orange yellow, orange or orange-red, of various shapes, with a leathery aromatic pericarp, juicy sweet and sour pulp. There are over a hundred different varieties orange. Plant height is 3-12 m.

Flowering time: Sweet orange blossoms almost constantly.

Spreading: bred in subtropical areas. Motherland orange- China.

Place of growth: Sweet orange is cultivated in gardens and plantations.

Applicable part: fruits and fruit skins.

Collection time: November December.

Chemical composition: sweet orange fruits contain sugars, organic acids, salts, various nitrogenous and coloring substances, fiber, phytoncides and several vitamins (A-0.16-0.25 mg%, B1-0.08 mg%, B2-0.008 mg%, C- 66 mg%). The peel (rind) of the fruit contains several types of essential oils.

Collection and preparation: They collect sweet orange fruits. At home, it is better to store ripe fruits on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the fruit compartment for no more than 10 days. Then they dry out, the taste deteriorates, the peel is less easily separated from the pulp.
In the retail chain, sweet oranges are stored in different conditions depending on the degree of ripeness: orange at a temperature of 1°-2° C and a relative air humidity of 85-90%, yellow - at 3°-4° C and a relative air humidity of 85-90% , with greenery - at 5°-6° C and relative humidity 82-85%. If sweet oranges are intended to be consumed within a week, then they are stored at room temperature.

Contraindications: Sweet orange fruits have pronounced allergenic properties; they are classified as allergens of plant origin. Therefore, oranges should be introduced into the diet of children, especially young children, with great caution. Adults are also not recommended to drink more than one glass of juice per day.

Oranges and the juice from them have a pronounced astringent effect, so their use should be limited during exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, enterocolitis and pancreatitis. Those suffering from these diseases can only include juice in their diet in diluted form.

Sweet orange peel should not be consumed for many diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and bile ducts due to the high content of essential oils in it. There are reports that the essential oils and other substances contained in the peel reduce the toxicity of animals.


Sweet orange was widely used in the Middle Ages to treat a wide variety of diseases. An alcoholic tincture of sweet orange peel was considered a good antifever, and a water decoction of the peels, especially a decoction of unripe oranges, together with the peel, served as a hemostatic agent for excessively heavy menstruation and other uterine bleeding.

Orange juice or pulp, taken on an empty stomach, stimulates appetite and improves intestinal activity. The juice quenches thirst well during febrile illnesses; due to the presence of phytoncides, it has an antiseptic effect and can be used to treat long-term wounds and ulcers.

Sweet oranges are successfully used for vitamin deficiencies caused by an acute deficiency of vitamins A, B1, and C in the body. These properties of the orange were established by the practice of traditional medicine long before it began to be used in modern scientific medicine.

Benefits, medicinal properties

Benefits of oranges for the health of the body in its beneficial, medicinal properties for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, metabolism. Pectins, which are contained in oranges, promote the digestion process, enhance the motor function of the large intestine and reduce putrefactive processes in it.

Latin name: Citrus sinensis.

English name: Orange, Sweet orange.

Synonyms: Common orange, sweet orange.

Family: Rutaceae - Rutaceae.

Common names: Chinese apple.

Parts used: fruit.

Botanical description: orange is the fruit of the orange tree. An evergreen tree smaller than , with fewer thorns (or no thorns at all). The pulp of the orange fruit is sweet, the membrane does not have a bitter taste.

Common orange (sweet)

Habitat: Sweet orange comes from China. Widely cultivated in the USA (California, Florida), in the Mediterranean region (France, Spain, Italy). The oil is produced in Israel, Cyprus, Brazil and North America.

Dry orange juice included in vitamins for children Vitazavriki, manufactured in the USA according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Nutritional value table for 100 grams of orange

Table 2 . The composition of 100 grams of orange pulp (without peel) includes:

Water - 86.75 g
Calorie content - 47 kcal
Proteins (proteins) – 0.94 g
Fats - 0.12 g
Starch - 0.44 g
Carbohydrates - 11.75 g
Sugar - 9.35 g
— 2.4 g
Ash - 0.44 g
— 225 UI
— 0.087 mg
— 0.040 mg
— 0.282 mg
— 8.4 mg
— 0.250 mg
— 0.060 mg
- 30 mcg
— 0.00 mcg
— 53.2 mg
— 0.18 mg
Carotene, alpha - 11 mcg
Carotene, beta - 71 mcg
Cryptoxanthin, beta - 116 mcg
Lycopene - 0 mcg
Lutein + zeaxanthin - 129 mcg
— 0.0 mcg
Minerals (macro- and microelements)
— 0.10 mg
— 181 mg
— 40 mg
— 10 mg
— 0.025 mg
— 0.045 mg
— 0 mg
— 0.5 mcg
— 14 mg
— 0.07 mg
Amino acids
Alanine – 0.050 g
Arginine – 0.065 g
Aspartic acid – 0.114 g
Valine – 0.040 g
Histidine - 0.018 g
Glycine - 0.094 g
Glutamic acid – 0.094 g
Isoleucine – 0.025 g
Leucine – 0.023 g
Lysine - 0.047 g
Methionine – 0.020 g
Proline - 0.046 g
Serine – 0.032 g
Tyrosine - 0.016 g
Threonine - 0.015 g
Tryptophan - 0.009 g
Phenylalanine - 0.031 g
Cystine - 0.010 g

Nutritional value table for 100 grams (calories in kcal, content of vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, macro- and microelements, fiber).

Benefits and medicinal properties of orange

Oranges- a wonderful dessert, they improve appetite and are useful as a general tonic. Due to the presence of a complex of vitamins and other biologically active substances in them, these citrus fruits are recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, and metabolism. Pectins, which are contained in oranges, promote the digestion process, enhance the motor function of the large intestine and reduce putrefactive processes in it.

Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Oranges

Sweet orange juice is a good antiscorbutic remedy.

Sweet orange juice quenches thirst well during feverish conditions; Due to the presence of phytoncides, the juice has an antiseptic effect and can be used to wash wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time. Oranges are successfully used for vitamin deficiency, caused by an acute deficiency of vitamins A, B, and C in the body.

  • Oranges have tonic properties, help you better tolerate fatigue and even reduce sensitivity to cold.
  • Thanks to the large amount of potassium, ascorbic acid and other vitamins, oranges are useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, liver disease, and gout.
  • Orange juice has antimicrobial properties. These natural antibiotics are effective and are used both in medicine and in cosmetics and the food industry.
  • When treating hypo- and vitamin deficiency and simply for prevention, it is useful to consume sweet oranges, which contain many vitamins.
  • The sweet and sour pulp of an orange, its juice - fresh or canned - stimulate the appetite and help improve digestion, stimulate the secretion of bile.
  • In folk medicine, oranges were used to treat infected wounds and ulcers, since oranges contain strong phytoncides that kill some pathogenic microbes.
  • Eating a few slices of sweet orange along with a fatty meal will help digest it better, lower your cholesterol levels, and significantly reduce the risk of clogged blood vessels and heart attacks.
  • Pectin substances contained in oranges improve intestinal function, help eliminate harmful substances and inhibit putrefactive processes.
  • Elderly people suffering from chronic constipation are recommended to eat oranges and drink juice in the morning on an empty stomach (with normal stomach acidity) or in the evening before bed.
  • Oranges serve as a good sedative and help relieve palpitations, convulsions, and hysteria. Sour orange juice is believed to help reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures.
  • The complex of substances beneficial to the body contained in oranges accelerates the healing process and promotes the removal of metabolic products from the body.
  • Orange essential oil helps cope with depression, restore strength and improve mood.

Photo of common orange tree (sweet)
Orange - traditional medicine recipes
  1. For gastritis and liver complaints, use a mixture of equal parts of crushed orange peel, leaves of the trifoliate and. Brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes under the lid and filter. Take 200 g 3 times a day after meals.
  2. To prepare a soothing herbal tea, brew 1.5 cups of boiling water with 1.5 teaspoons of crushed orange peel, close tightly, leave for 15 minutes, strain and add 1.5 teaspoons of valerian tincture and honey to taste. Drink 150-200 g 2-3 times a day.

Benefits of orange peels

Nutritional value table for 100 grams of orange peels

Table 1 . 100 grams of fresh orange peels contain:

Orange peels (as well as the main white pulp, or pith of the orange) are rich in hesperidin, a flavonoid that has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in animal studies. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Overweight middle-aged men were found to have significantly lower diastolic blood pressure after just four weeks of consuming hesperidin in oranges.

Polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) in orange peel have also been shown to lower cholesterol levels more effectively and without side effects than prescription drugs.

"Our study found that polymethoxylated flavones have the strongest cholesterol-lowering effect of any other citrus flavonoid... We believe they can potentially rival and even surpass the cholesterol-lowering effect of some prescription drugs without the risk of side effects."

Orange peels against cancer

According to research, flavonoids in orange peel inhibit a protein (called RLIP76) that is linked to cancer. The peels also contain another compound called limonene, which may reduce the risk of cancer.

Other studies suggest the effectiveness of citrus peels in general in preventing cancer ().

Orange peel improves lung health

Due to the high content of vitamin C, orange peels help remove phlegm and cleanse the lungs. Vitamin C also boosts immunity and this helps prevent lung infections. Increased immunity also prevents illnesses such as colds and flu.

Orange peel as a cure for diabetes

Orange peels are rich in pectin, which is known to regulate blood sugar levels. This may help people with diabetes. Research has also shown how treatment with orange peel extract can help prevent diabetic nephropathy (). And then we have the protein we discussed earlier, RLIP76. Eliminating this protein from the system prevents diabetes - and that's what orange peel does.

Improved heart function

Orange peels are rich in a flavonoid called hesperidin, which lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels (). Orange peels also have anti-inflammatory properties, and since heart disease is often caused by inflammation, they can help in this regard.

Another set of compounds in orange peel are polymethoxylated flavones, which lower cholesterol better than some prescription drugs.

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

The fiber in fruit peels helps the gastrointestinal tract function. Research also shows that citrus peels have been used since ancient times to treat digestive disorders ().

Orange peels improve vision

Although there is less information on this, some sources suggest that compounds such as limonene, decanal, and citral in orange peel may help improve eye health. They have anti-inflammatory properties that fight infections and improve vision.

Anti-inflammatory properties

One study in New York showed that orange peel has excellent anti-inflammatory properties (). It, like indomethacin (an anti-inflammatory drug), suppresses inflammation.

Orange peel flavonoids penetrate cell membranes and heal inflammation.

Benefits for facial skin

Orange peel has beneficial properties for facial skin as it treats acne, removes dead cells, acne and blemishes, and brightens the skin. To lighten your skin or remove tan, you can use the recipe below.

Orange peel face mask

2 teaspoons of dried orange peel powder;
2 teaspoons of natural yogurt (can be replaced with kefir);
1 teaspoon honey;

Recipe. Mix orange peel powder (grind the dried peels with a blender or coffee grinder) with yogurt and honey.

Self-medication is dangerous! Before treating at home, consult your doctor.

Orange treatment

  1. Asthenic syndrome(increased fatigue) - 100 g of grated mixed with half an orange. Add grains 10. Instead of nuts, you can take a few tablespoons of whipped cream, and instead of orange - 2 tsp. and the same amount of honey. Take during the day.
  2. Atherosclerosis. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of orange peel into a glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes. Drink before bed.
  3. Atherosclerosis. Pour 50g of orange peels into 1 liter of vodka, leave for 4 days, strain, add 300g of sugar dissolved in 500ml of boiled water at room temperature, pour into a bottle. Drink 25-30 ml of tincture after dinner for cerebral atherosclerosis.
  4. Intestinal atony. Drink orange juice with a tablespoon of honey, 50 ml, but not more than 200 ml per day, before meals.
  5. Insomnia. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of orange peel into a glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes. Drink before bed.
  6. Insomnia. Pour 50 grams of orange peels into 1 liter of vodka, leave for 4 days, strain, add 300 grams of sugar dissolved in 500 ml of boiled water, pour into a bottle. Drink 25-30 ml of tincture after dinner.
  7. Bronchitis acute(inflammation of the bronchi). Take 8 tablespoons of orange peels, 50 grams of fresh buds. Grind everything, pour in 1 liter of vintage red wine, leave for a week, strain. Top up with boiled water to the original volume. Drink 50 ml before meals in the morning and evening. This folk remedy acts as an antiseptic and sedative.
  8. Bronchitis. To ease breathing (especially in acute bronchitis), orange inhalations are done: the patient should breathe in the vapors of a decoction of grated orange peel and orange tree leaves for 30 minutes.
  9. Gastritis with low acidity prepare an infusion from equal parts of sweet orange peel, watch leaves, . 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, boiled in a water bath in a sealed container for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature and filtered. Take 100 grams of infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  10. Vegetovascular dystonia(vegetative neuroses). Mix 100 grams of grated apples with fresh juice of 1/2 orange, add 10 peeled walnuts. Instead of nuts, you can take a few tablespoons of whipped cream. This is a portion for one person per day. Take for increased fatigue.
  11. Diabetes mellitus. Drink 50 ml of orange juice (without sugar) during the day before meals with 1 tablespoon of spring honey.
  12. Uric acid diathesis. Drink 50 ml of orange juice, but not more than 200 ml per day, before meals with 1 tablespoon of honey. Add honey before taking.
    Contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic enterocolitis and pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity.
  13. Constipation. Drink 50 ml of sweet orange juice, but not more than 200 ml per day, with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  14. Constipation. For constipation, prepare a decoction of orange peel and (1:1:8). Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, cool, and filter. Drink 200 g in the morning and evening.
  15. Exhaustion of the body. Dilute one egg yolk with lemon or orange juice, add 1 teaspoon of spring honey. Eat for breakfast.
  16. Leukemia(leukemia). The day before the start of lymph cleansing procedures, you should pour boiled water (preferably spring water) into an appropriate container and place it in the freezer (there should not be raw meat in it). When the water freezes, take it to a warm place and carefully drain the melt water to separate the sediment. You will need 2 liters of this water.
    1st day: prepare 900 ml juice from fresh oranges, 900 ml juice from fresh oranges, 200 ml lemon juice. Mix everything and dilute with 400 ml of melt water. In the morning, cleanse with an enema, then drink 1 tablespoon of Glauber's salt dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water. Immediately get into a hot shower and sweat well. Drink 100 ml of the mixture every 30 minutes until you drink all 4 liters.
    2nd day: enema in the morning, and then everything is the same as on the 1st day.
    3rd day: enema and everything is the same as on the 1st and 2nd days. In 3 days of this regime, the lymph will be completely cleared of toxins. Do it once a year.
  17. Migraine. take 100 grams of grated horseradish, 500 grams of oranges (chopped with peel), 300 grams of sugar and 1 liter of red wine, heat in a boiling water bath for 1 hour. Take 75 ml 2 hours after meals.
  18. Angina pectoris(angina pectoris). Drink 50 ml, but not more than 200 ml, orange juice during the day, before meals with 1 tbsp. honey Add honey before taking.
  19. Urolithiasis disease and some gallbladder diseases. It is useful to drink a mixture of juices made from sweet orange and lemon, sweetening the mixture with honey (diabetics can sweeten).
  20. Lead poisoning. A decoction of orange peel works well against the effects of lead poisoning, as an antidote. 2 tablespoons of peel per 0.5 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat under the lid for 5 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, filter and drink warm, 1 glass every 5 hours. Additionally, it is recommended to drink 200 g of sour orange juice daily.
  21. Eczema. For dry eczema, apply orange peel at night.

Contraindications. Oranges are contraindicated for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice.

The church founded in Kyiv is not recognized in Moscow. But the number of its parishes and priests is already comparable to the Ukrainian clergy remaining in the fold of the Russian Orthodox Church

On Saturday, December 15, the Unification Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was held in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. The Council elected Metropolitan Epiphanius (Dumenko) of Pereyaslavl and Belotserkovsky as the primate of the local Orthodox Church in Ukraine - Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine. In addition to the hierarchs of the UOC, the Council was attended by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy and the representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Metropolitan Emmanuel of Gallia. On January 6, the elected primate must receive the Tomos of autocephaly for the united Orthodox Church in Ukraine from the hands of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

What is the status of the new church

The new church received the full name “Local Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church”, and after receiving the corresponding document from the Ecumenical Patriarchate - the Tomos - it will be on a par with the other 14 Orthodox local churches.

Metropolitan Onuphry lost the title of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine on December 15. After the Unification Council, the title passed to the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphanius (Dumenko).

The new church will not become a “state church.” Petro Poroshenko, speaking at the end of the Unification Council, said: “We did not have, do not have and will not have a state church. The state will not interfere in the activities of the church and no one will “invite” anyone by force into the Orthodox Church consecrated by the tomos. This is a matter of free choice for every believer. “I guarantee that the authorities will respect the choice of those who, for one reason or another, decide to remain in the church structure that will maintain unity with the Russian Orthodox Church.”

At the same time, official Kyiv in every possible way promoted the creation of an independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and Poroshenko considers its emergence and recognition by the Ecumenical Patriarchate to be one of his main achievements.

In Ukraine, it is difficult to rely on public opinion poll data, but it is obvious that the unification of Ukrainian Orthodox Christians has significantly raised the prestige of both the current government and Petro Poroshenko personally in society.

Who will enter the new church

The church hierarchs, priests and laity participating in the Council represented three Orthodox churches operating in Ukraine - the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP), the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP).

According to the “Report on the Network of Religious Organizations in Ukraine,” published a year ago by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the UOC-MP is the largest religious organization in the country. It unites 12 thousand 328 religious communities. The largest number of parishes is in Vinnytsia (1038) and Khmelnitsky (977) regions, the smallest is in the western, Lviv (71) and Ivano-Frankivsk (36). The UOC-MP owns 208 monasteries and 19 religious educational institutions. The number of clergy is 10 thousand 289 people.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, which does not recognize the supremacy of Moscow, has 5 thousand 114 parishes, 60 monasteries, 18 religious educational institutions, 3 thousand clergy. The most parishes are in the Lviv (496) and Kyiv (423) regions, the least in the eastern, Lugansk and Kharkov regions (31 each).

The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) has 1 thousand 195 parishes, 13 monasteries, 8 religious educational institutions, 709 ministers. The largest number of parishes operate in the Lviv (388) and Ternopil (202) regions, the smallest - in the Donetsk (3) and Odessa (7) regions.

According to the UOC MP, for 2014−2016. she lost 40 churches, which came under the control of the Kyiv Patriarchate.

It turns out that “from the start” the unified Ukrainian Orthodox Church will have at least 6,309 parishes (UOC-KP + UAOC), plus those that will come under its leadership from the UOC-MP.

What does the Moscow Patriarchate lose?

On Saturday, only two representatives of the UOC MP registered to participate in the Unification Council: Metropolitan Simeon of Vinnytsia and Bar and Metropolitan Alexander of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky and Vyshnevsky UOC MP. Also, 15 more bishops of the UOC-MP out of 61 arrived in Kyiv. They signed credentials to Metropolitan Simeon, with which they authorized him to vote on their behalf.

“When there is a tomos, we will talk about thousands of parishes, entire dioceses and regions will transfer from the UOC-MP to the local church,” said the head of the information department of the Kiev Patriarchate, Archbishop of Chernigov and Nizhyn Evstratiy (Zorya) on May 24 in an interview with BBC News Ukraine.