Sea carnation. Planting material. Perennial and ground cover plants. Carnation. Conservation Measures Taken

Growing grapes is a painstaking and complex process, but the result of efforts in the form delicious berries worth the time to spend on the plant. One of the most important procedures is the shelter of shoots for the winter. It is necessary to figure out when, at what temperature they are covered, how best to carry out this event, which affects the yield of grapes as a whole.

Initially, there are varieties of grapes that require and do not require shelter on cold period. Frost resistance - the main property different varieties(which can withstand up to - 25-27 ° C). But, nevertheless, it is necessary to cover the plants, otherwise, the living buds will freeze. It is believed that in warm climatic regions(at temperatures up to -16 o C) it is not necessary to cover the culture, but if the cold reaches -26 o C, this procedure it is recommended to perform.
The standard procedure for sheltering grapes begins in October-November, when the first frosts come. Under these conditions, the vine loses its flexibility and becomes brittle. But it is better and safer to protect the plants in advance, when the temperature has dropped below 0 ° C (from about -2 o -7 o C), before the first snowfalls. This is the temperature for shelter. Snow will protect the plant from frost, being a natural "blanket" for the root system and vines. As a rule, if the temperature drops to -15 ° C, the ground parts of the grapes can still live for several days (with a significant loss of live buds), but at -20 ° C, shelter for the winter no longer makes sense. The roots of the grapes are covered even before the onset of negative marks (up to -6 ° C).

Winter hardiness and frost resistance: what is the difference?

Professional agronomists and amateur growers distinguish between two main properties of a crop.
Frost resistance means the resistance of grapes to low negative temperatures, this is one of the main criteria for the variety. And winter hardiness is non-susceptibility to bad winter conditions.
To improve the winter hardiness of the plant, covering material is used, and also in August the stepchildren are partially removed and the vines are waiting for ripening. It is allowed to keep the shoots no more than 2 m. It is not recommended to water the grape bushes abundantly and fertilize, this will lead to excessive and prolonged growth of the shoots. Which can lead to the freezing of grapes. In early August, it is necessary to carry out the last abundant watering of plants.
Winter hardiness requires an increase, especially in annual or biennial bushes, they are covered for the winter. Earth and fallen snow are sprinkled on the roots of the plant in winter. The creation of holes will relieve dew roots, which will also help strengthen the root system in depth.
Infertile bushes are not fertilized or watered at the end of the season. Harvest from the main bushes is not left until frost.

Procedure for sheltering grapes:

  • Preparatory stage: before removing the plants from the support and covering, it is necessary to properly process the grapes. First of all, you should trim the shoots and apply prophylactic. Most often used blue vitriol. After you need to pour enough water.
  • The main stage: the removal of shoots from the support. It should be carried out in advance, in the autumn month before the first sub-zero temperatures. Young plants or hybrid types of grapes are subject to frosts.

If the snow cover is less than 50 cm, it is recommended to dig in the shoots. Digging holes between rows or around plants. Shallow trenches are filled with sawdust or lined with coniferous branches.
Laying grape shoots in dug holes. It can be laid both in a circle and in length (depending on the length of the grape itself). To press the vine to the ground (so that it does not stick out or bristle), it is better to use metal brackets. Then cover everything with covering material. On the upper layer trenches are filled with dry humus or manure.

  • The final stage is another layer of coniferous spruce branches or a layer of earth (in the form of a mound).

To protect plants from mice in the autumn-winter period, it is possible to decompose poison from rodents in some places in the trenches.

Shelter of grapes: the main stage

When removing the grapes from the support, the following rules must be observed: shoots, excess foliage are removed from the shoots. Then they are laid on the ground and, if necessary, fixed. Cover with a cloth (rags), and then with a film. The main caveat is to prevent the grape shoot from coming into contact with the film (otherwise a greenhouse effect will be created). Then sprinkled with earth (approximately a layer of 30 cm).

To increase the efficiency of this procedure, you can use the hilling method. Agronomists advise hilling grape varieties depending on the climatic situation. The layer of earth should be from 10 to 25 cm. This prevents the root and above-ground parts of the plant from freezing.
Another way is to cover the grapes in half. At the same time, the shoots closest to the ground and the head of the plant are covered. The remaining parts are wrapped with covering materials (film, fabric) or dry grass to a thickness of 4 cm.
The most susceptible to freezing are young grape seedlings. To save them in harsh winters, coniferous branches are used. They cover the roots of the plant. Then everything is covered with a film, on top of which earth is poured.
For some Central Asian varieties, shelter with dry leaves, film and earth from above can be used. Suitable for Rizamat or Kishmish grapes.
The size of the trenches requires special attention. Their depth should be about 20 cm, and the width should not exceed 60 cm. The sides of the pits, if necessary, are strengthened with plywood or boards.

The choice of insulation material

Natural fabrics are often used as covering materials. Old rags, blankets or towels will do. In addition, dry grass, straw, sawdust, reeds, hay or branches of coniferous trees are used to create layers for shelter. Thick paper will work too. A film is applied on top.
Often, with the help of plywood sheets, tiles, slate or boards, a winter-hardy structure is constructed, which is covered with a film or hoist. The structure should exclude drafts, respectively, the insulation should be as dense as possible. Since the main principle of sheltering grapes is air-dry, in addition to the film, you can take fiberglass, polystyrene or roofing material.
Often, improvised means for frost protection are plastic buckets or wooden boxes, which are also covered from above using a similar method.

What to do if the weather conditions change dramatically?

Overwintering of plants, including grapes, requires constant monitoring. If there is a sharp warming, ventilation is needed so that the shoots do not spray, and the kidneys do not wake up ahead of time.

Otherwise, when severe frosts hit, the amount of covering material and the top layer of earth or snow must be increased.

Typical mistakes when sheltering grapes

  • Wrong choice of covering material
  • Non-conduct preparatory phase and improper processing of plant shoots
  • Taking land for shelter at the location of the root system
  • Forgetting to shelter grape roots
  • Powdering too much earth on the film.

Thus, sheltering grape bushes is a simple process if you follow the basic rules of experienced agronomists. The temperature at which the plant should begin to be insulated for the winter is considered the first minus marks on the thermometer. It is impossible to delay the procedure, otherwise you can lose most of the live buds and shoots after the first days of frost. For wrapping, both natural materials and fabrics, special covering and improvised materials are suitable. Grapes need an air-dry type of shelter, which means that the structure should not have gaps, and there should be enough space inside so that the shoots do not spray when heat sets in or freeze from contact with the object. Following the tips and rules for the procedure before wintering, you can get healthy grapes with live buds in the spring, which will later please you with a big harvest.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Seasonal plants must be carefully prepared for the cold period. Many amateur gardeners need to know when and how to properly cover the grapes in the fall, in what way it is better to insulate it. There are many options and in order to choose one of them, one must take into account a huge number of characteristics of both the plant itself and the area in which it is located. Learn everything you need to know about warming your vines in the fall.

Shelter of grapes

This procedure in the fall must be performed for almost all varieties of plants. Warming grapes for the winter increases survival, retains the ability to bear fruit. There are many factors on which the success of the procedure depends: plant variety, region, sequence of actions, method and quality of the selected material. To do everything right, you need to take into account all these features.

Grapes need to be covered in autumn because this plant is heat-loving, sensitive to low temperatures, exposure to which can lead to death. One-year-old seedlings are especially affected. As a rule, frost strikes separate sections bush, young shoots. This leads to the fact that the quality of the resulting crop is reduced, and sometimes it is completely absent. The plant must be covered in autumn to keep it for a long time.

Features of winter shelter depend on the grape variety. If it is frost-resistant, then a minimum of measures must be taken to protect it. The level of fruiting affects the vulnerability of the plant. The higher it is, the more difficult it is to protect the vines. Adult bushes are more resistant to frost, but young ones, which do not yet have plant mass, strong dense bark, need increased attention. General rules:

  1. Bushes should not touch the soil, this can lead to mold and rot. Between them and the ground it is best to lay slats.
  2. In Ukraine, in the Kuban, the cultivation of grapes in an uncovered way or hilling is practically practiced. This applies to almost all varieties.
  3. Shelter of grapes for the winter in middle lane, in the Moscow region, Belarus, the Volga region, on Far East, in Siberia for sure.

Each variety has its own level of frost resistance, which determines at what temperature to cover the grapes in the fall for wintering. He can be:

  1. High. The vine tolerates temperatures from -25 C to -28 C.
  2. Raised. The temperature limit is from -23 C to -27 C. Until spring, 60-80% of the kidneys remain.
  3. Medium. The maximum temperature is from -18 C to -21 C. 40-60% of the eyes are preserved.
  4. Low. The limiting temperature is from -13 C to -17 C.

When to cover grapes for the winter

As a rule, the procedure is carried out in the fall, after pruning the bushes, in late October or early November. Nevertheless, it is not worth rushing to cover the grapes, because the first autumn frosts are very useful for them, they stimulate chemical and biological processes that increase winter hardiness. It is important to warm the plant before the air temperature drops below -12 degrees. The variety also influences when and how to properly cover the grapes in the fall. There are varieties that can survive the cold without protection.

How to cover grapes for the winter

There is different ways procedure. The choice of one or the other depends on the climatic features of the area, specifications varieties. Hilling and semi-covering is used only in warm regions and for those varieties of grapes that have high or increased frost resistance. In cold areas, complete insulation is advisable. Before you cover the grapes for the winter in the Volga region or another region, check out the features different methods.


This method is used in southern regions with a mild climate and warm winters. If the frosts are severe, then the grapes, protected by semi-shelter, with big share probability will die. The lower part of the bush is covered with soil in autumn, and the upper ones (head and sleeves) with a layer of straw (hay, spruce forest) or special materials, for example, cloth, film. Agrofibre, roofing material is well suited. The thickness of the top layer should be no more than 5 cm.

Full cover

This method is used more often than others. It is indispensable in regions with severe winters, because it protects the plant well from frost. With full shelter, the vines are removed from the trellises. They are defoliated (leaves and fruiting vines that have fulfilled their seasonal function and having no practical value) and pruning. Before you cover the grapes for the winter in the Moscow region or another region, the branches are collected in bunches, bent to the ground, and fixed with staples.

How to cover grapes for the winter

There are many different materials that can be used to protect a plant during the cold season. Choosing the right one, you need to take into account the plant variety and its characteristics, the climatic characteristics of the region, and your financial capabilities. Each covering material for grapes for the winter has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular of them will be discussed in more detail below.


Reliable hiding method. With him, after pruning the grapes, the vines are twisted into bundles, wrapped with something. Then the resulting bundles are folded into pre-dug trenches about 20 cm deep. Wire staples are fixed on top and slate sheets are laid, sprinkling them with earth. the plant remains in the air gap, kept warm. Before you cover the grapes in this way, you need to process the lashes with lime.


Covering with soil is the easiest and affordable way but labor intensive. The soil layer depends on the climate and grape variety and varies from 5 to 50 cm. The soil is taken between the rows, but so that the roots are not exposed. A trench 25-30 cm deep is dug along the vine bushes. Vine bundles are laid there. From above they are covered with earth from the aisles and a shaft is made from above. Advantages of the method:

  • protects well from low temperatures;
  • does not require cash.

Covering grapes with earth has its drawbacks, and they are significant. Disadvantages of the method:

  1. Laborious process.
  2. If the winter is mild with temperature fluctuations, then the kidneys can be completely or partially damaged due to high humidity.
  3. The root parts of the bushes are partially exposed.
  4. Vines and buds can be damaged during spring rise to the surface.

Film for sheltering grapes

AT recent times this material is used very often because it is available, inexpensive and easy to use. It is worth noting that the film is not the most best material for shelter, because upon contact with it, sections of the bush are severely damaged. In addition, there is a high probability of a greenhouse effect during a thaw, which makes the grapes vulnerable to rotting and frost. For the procedure, it is best to use an opaque or colored film with a reflective effect. Instruction:

  1. The branches are bent to the ground, fixed with staples.
  2. Sawdust or dry foliage is poured from below.
  3. A film is stretched from above, making vents at the border with the ground.
  4. At the edges, the material is pressed with boards or bricks.

snow insulation

The easiest way, but it can only be applied in some regions. Vines of grapes are covered with snow. First they need to be removed from the trellis, fixed with U-shaped brackets or some kind of load. The rest will happen by itself. Snow is a very good insulator. If the layer is 30 cm or more, then the grapes will endure any frost. This method of shelter is suitable only in those regions where in winter the temperature does not fluctuate towards positive, for example, in Siberia.

spruce branches

Highly easy method. The vines must be collected in bunches, bent to the ground and fixed or twisted into a ring around the base of the bush. Then they are covered with a dense layer of spruce branches. The harsher the winter, the more shelter you need. The method is very reliable, but it is only allowed to be used for young plantings or small vineyards. In other cases, getting such an amount of spruce branches will be problematic.

Reed mats

Many people love this method because of its speed and simplicity. Both sheltering and opening grapes can be done in a matter of minutes. The mat must be laid in a double layer. Inside the reeds, the temperature will decrease much more slowly. Mats can be made independently by weaving from a dry plant. The thickness of each should be at least 7 cm. 2 vines are tied together, bent to the ground, covered with boards on the sides and covered with two mats on top. For reliability, you can put a film on top.


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Regardless of which grape variety you grow, in the first year after planting, it must be covered for the winter. This is due to the fact that young, annual shoots without shelter cannot successfully overwinter the winter. Only old perennial shoots can withstand severe winter frosts. Especially for young shoots of grapes great harm cause autumn and spring frosts. Therefore, it is very important to know when to cover the grapes for the winter.

Determining the period for sheltering grapes for the winter

Timely shelter of grapes for the winter is very important. It is bad for the vine if it is covered too early, because during this period the necessary substances can be stored that help the grapes to winter through the winter. In addition, if autumn is warm, the vine can prop up in its shelter or be affected by fungal diseases.
If you cover the grapes late, then the young vine may freeze during the first autumn frosts. Therefore, grapes need to be covered for the winter before the first autumn frosts, when night temperature reaches values ​​from -2 to -3 degrees Celsius. Green shoots of grapes can freeze at temperatures from -1 to -2 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is advisable not to leave them for the winter.
The greatest danger is caused to uncovered grapes by the first large autumn frosts, when the temperature at night can drop to -5 -8 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, grape buds often freeze over. AT next year such a vine may not bloom and the growth of the bush will begin from the basal collar or root system.
Depending on the region where the grapes are grown, they are covered in different dates. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the weather in order to be in time, in time, to cover the grape bushes. Usually grapes begin to cover at the end of September and in warmer regions at the end of October. But it is desirable to maximize the period of hardening and ripening of grapes. During this period, the vine turns starch into sugar, which allows the grapes to withstand winter frosts.
Without a hardening process, even a sheltered vine may not survive the winter. The first stage of hardening takes place at a temperature of 10 degrees to 0. Then the vine must go through the second stage of hardening from 0 to -6 degrees. If weather conditions do not allow for the second stage of hardening, it must be done under cover. Each of the hardening stages should last at least 1 week, but the longer these processes continue, the better.
Only after the grapes have ripened well and gone through all the stages of hardening, it can be covered for the winter. Thus, it will successfully winter, and in the spring it will develop further.