What year according to the star of the magicians is 1998. Seven-pointed star: meaning. How to draw a seven-pointed star? Seven-pointed star made of paper. Manifestations of the Chaldean series in the surrounding life

Volume 1. Introduction to astrology Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

Table 6. Control of degrees according to the Star of Magi

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Astrology. Star of the Magi.

Management by the Star of Magi

Monday - Moon

Tuesday - Mars

Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter

Friday - Venus

Saturday - Saturn

Sunday - Sun

If you study the drawing called the Star of the Magi, you will see that the sequence of rulers of the days of the week can be obtained by moving along the rays of this seven-pointed star.
Events will unfold themselves for you in accordance with the planetary rhythm of the week. There are other traditional planetary sequences. One of the most important systems used in astrology is the planetary clock system. Yes, that’s right - every hour is ruled by its own planet. IN Everyday life this principle is quite difficult to use, since, as you will see, these hours are uneven, but when choosing the time for a very important matter, founding a company, marriage, etc. The planetary hours replace each other in a sequence corresponding to the perimeter of the Star of Magi: For Saturn is followed by Jupiter, then Mars, the Sun, etc.

The planetary clock starts counting at sunrise, with the ruler of the first hour after sunrise coinciding with the ruler of the day of the week. For example, the first planetary hour of Sunday is ruled by the Sun, the second by Venus, the third by Mercury, etc.

The daytime part of the day lasts from sunrise to sunset and is divided into 12 planetary hours, the night part of the day, until the next sunrise, is also divided into 12 hours. Thus, the duration of the daytime hour is generally not equal to the duration of the night hour: in summer it is longer daytime hour, in winter - nocturnal.

The planetary hour in which a person was born can tell us about his spiritual qualities and internal motivations, and will allow us to better understand his actions. True, in order to determine the planetary hour, you need to have information about the time of sunrise and sunset at the latitude where a person was born, and this is not always at hand.

Below is a table that shows planetary years from 1930 to 2006; the table can be continued in any direction (the year numbers of the same planet differ from each other by 7).

Planetary years

Saturn 1930 1937 1944 1951 1958 1965 1972 1979 1986 1993 2000

Jupiter 1931 1938 1945 1952 1959 1966 1973 1980 1987 1994 2001

Mars 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 1995 2002

Sun 1933 1940 1947 1954 1961 1968 1975 1982 1989 1996 2003

Venus 1934 1941 1948 1955 1962 1969 1976 1983 1990 1997 2004

Mercury 1935 1942 1949 1956 1963 1970 1977 1984 1991 1998 2005

Moon 1936 1943 1950 1957 1964 1971 1978 1985 1992 1999 2006

Rulers of the year and hour of birth acquire extra weight in the horoscope.

By planetary years you can study the stages of development of society. The year of Saturn is usually associated with the foundation of some new political and economic concept, which will manifest itself fully in the year of the Sun, and the year of Venus bears fruit. The year of Saturn often brings various disasters - both natural and man-made - and the year of Venus can be especially fruitful.

A. Kolesnikov

Days of the week according to the Star of the Magi

In different cultures, the week began with different days, which is also surprisingly consistent with the planet that rules this day and the characteristics of this culture: here Monday is the day of the Moon, “there” Sunday is the day of the Sun. It is interesting to track which day is considered a day off for whom.

Each day of the week, in accordance with its ruler, was associated with certain beliefs, certain symbolism and various kinds of recommendations for people born on that day. In addition, in ancient times, a person’s social purpose was determined, to a first approximation, by his birthday. That is, from birth a person was destined for a certain fate.

Sunday is associated with the Sun, which is a symbol of self, individuality, shows the active manifestation of a person in the world around him, awareness of his place in it, active worldview and strong creativity. Among many peoples, those born on the day of the Sun were considered lucky, having already received a charge of sunlight at the moment of birth. They were supposed to have a tendency toward longevity, since they have invisible help from outside: their sorrows are short-lived, and their joys are longer lasting.

Doctors, as well as creative people associated with art, were selected from people born on this day. They were given the right to choose their own path.

On Sunday you should start new things, start treatment, etc. wellness treatments. It is not good to spend Sunday in solitude, engage in adventurous transactions, or make new acquaintances.

Monday is the day of the Moon, and it is colored by the favorable and unfavorable properties of the night star, famous for its inconstancy. Moreover, depending on Lunar phase, aspects from other planets on this day, Monday may turn out to be very difficult or simply difficult.

The Moon shows our emotional side of life - the one that cannot be analyzed and controlled by our consciousness. But the emotional mood greatly influences the adequacy of the perception of the external environment.

The moon and Monday patronize women; girls born on this day became wonderful mothers, keepers of the hearth and home traditions. However, people born on this day often turn out to be capricious and eccentric, changeable in mood, and fickle. Hence their social purpose - they were never given responsible jobs that required concentrated thinking and cold perception. But at the same time, these people became temple priests, capable of tuning into phenomena subtle world, since they were extremely sensitive and could perceive the most subtle vibrations. A person under the strong influence of the Moon has deep intuition, and his place is where such a property is needed.

On Monday you can always expect all sorts of surprises, changes and worries, so it is recommended to do the most primitive household chores - cleaning, kitchen. Don’t give money to anyone, don’t order work, it’s customary to limit yourself to meat food. All roads on this day are unfavorable except waterways; going sailing on Monday is just wonderful.

Tuesday, the day of Mars, was considered a very active day. Those born on this day turned out to be very energetic, quick-tempered and assertive, although sometimes uncontrollable. Their best qualities are the ability to fight, courage, and rejection of gossip and intrigue. The Mars man always wants to play a leading role, is guided more by passions than by reason, and his activity is always aimed at accomplishing some task, but sometimes pronounced impulsiveness prevents him from completing the task. During these days, all sorts of drastic forms of manifestation of state activity were carried out - wars, reforms. In general, Tuesday is a kind of day of active undertakings, adventures and unexpected accomplishments. active actions. On the contrary, sitting with your hands folded on this day is a complete disgrace; you need to show maximum initiative, even, perhaps, without thinking about the consequences. It is not good to pay attention to household chores on this day, since a scandal can simply happen without any apparent reason. You cannot start any creative cycles, nor, indeed, complete any tasks. Need I say that warriors were recruited from those born on Tuesday?

The environment is ruled by Mercury - the patron of trade, crafts, knowledge, matters related to speech, communication and the transfer of information. In humans, the action of Mercury manifests itself quite clearly - those born on this day are talkative, sociable, easily absorb information and express their thoughts. (True, to demonstrate these qualities higher value has the actual position of Mercury at the time of birth.) However, Mercury also gives dexterity, cunning, resourcefulness, and therefore was considered for this reason the patron of thieves. On this day it is favorable to travel, make commercial transactions, write letters and engage in mental work. People born on this day were called to do such things - writers, artisans, merchants and traders, and now, perhaps, also journalists.

On this day it is not appropriate to engage in government affairs or communicate with superiors; nothing can be resolved by conflict, but only by mental diligence.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and the people of this day have the features of this planet - the “Stars of the Kings”. They unconsciously exude a sense of authority and power. Such people do not imagine themselves other than in the role of a leader, directing the actions of others. The Jupiter man seems to be constantly admonishing others; his whole life is, as it were, an example for everyone else. Has organizational skills, is guided by the highest ideals, and not by considerations of personal gain. This is where officials, legislators, and members of the clergy come from. All positions related to administration and implementation of the law, missionaries, philanthropists, teachers and professors.

Jupiter leaves its mark on the whole day in terms of recommendations: it is appropriate to engage in matters related to the management of Jupiter, but it is unfavorable to carry out actions related to material enrichment and other selfish matters.

Friday is the day of Venus, and a person born on this day is a person of feelings (not to be confused with emotions!). They are very reliable, practical, and you can rely on them for literally everything. On Friday, aesthetes, actors, creative people, peacemakers and bearers of peace come into the world - these are their best qualities. At worst, they are slaves to their passions, lazy people and opportunists. It is believed that Friday is a day of peace and justice, art and contemplation, aestheticism and love. This is the best time for dating related to love affairs, as well as for marriage (Thursday is also good for this). But on this day all kinds of excesses should be avoided, because in this case they can throw a person out of balance and have a detrimental effect on his health. It is advisable to fast.

Saturday is Saturn day. This day is associated with everything related to solitude and secrecy. Saturn people are often solitary people, solitary philosophers, they are reserved, skinny and ascetic. In life they are isolated, and in ancient times they made good spies and specialists in those areas where it was necessary to maintain secrecy. Saturn itself is a symbol of isolation, isolation, crystallization, self-knowledge and rejection of a person from social contacts, in this it is the antipode of Jupiter. Therefore, Saturday is favorable for dealing with individual problems, meditation, summing up and finishing things. This is also a day of melancholy, sadness and inner restlessness, and actions associated with the manifestation of passions can be fraught with seclusion of a violent nature, so it was impossible to start new business or make any trips, especially long-distance ones. This day is favorable for matters related to property, especially real estate, for laying the foundation and construction. And with all this, remember that on Saturday it is better to talk less and be silent more.

This is it a brief description of The seven planets and the days ruled by them can be summarized by these characteristics: two critical days are Tuesday and Saturday (the day of Mars and Saturn), followed by Monday due to the duality and emotional anxiety that the Moon carries. Three happy day: Sunday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday (Mercury's day) is dual and depends on the person's position, since Mercury is the “Messenger of the Gods” and transmits the forces of those planets with which it interacts.

The symbolism of the Star manifests itself not only at the level of days of the week, it shows the management of periods of any duration: hours, minutes, years and centuries. In short, it contains all the cycles that matter to earthly life.

The fact that cyclicality is present in everything is obvious, even our mood is subject to fluctuations throughout the day. Of course, not everything comes down to the basic cycles that the Star of Magi shows us; a lot depends on individual horoscope and the influences that planets have on certain points. But these cycles seem to give their general mood and sometimes act as a trigger for the manifestation of the existing planetary configuration. In addition, the Star of Magicians is directly related to the production of talismans, since it is necessary to work on them on the day and hour ruled by the planet, the properties of which must be accumulated in the talisman. (True, it is also necessary to take into account the actual position of the planet of interest, its aspect, the position of the Moon and other astrological subtleties.)

The Seven-Pointed Star of the Magi, as current researchers suggest, arose during the times of ancient Babylon, the Sumerians... Whether this is true or not is a moot point. Judging by the research of ancient texts, the seven-pointed star was not only used by the Sumerians. It was used in Egypt, and in ancient india. Yes, in fact, the Zoroastrians also knew about this star and associated with it the symbolism and manifestation of the actions of the septenary planets. Consequently, the conclusion suggests itself that the symbol of the seven-pointed Star of the Magi is universal for various cultures. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, the Star of the Magi was called the Chaldean star, since in ancient Rome astrologers were called Chaldeans. Although it is still impossible to call the Star of the Magi Chaldean next reason. The most serious representatives of the science of astrology came from Mesopotamia. But Mesopotamia at the moment no longer belonged to the Sumerians, who had ended their existence by this time, but to the Persians from the Arsacid and then Sassanid dynasties, and was a powerful power during their reign.

One way or another, the seven-pointed Star of the Magi gives a decoding of the seven-day week that has come down to us from ancient times. Each day of the week was associated with the protection of one of the planets of the septener. Different peoples considered the beginning of the week different days. For us, the beginning of the week is Monday, because we are used to the fact that Monday is the beginning of the work week. Ancient peoples, especially the peoples of the Middle Ages, believed that the week began on Sunday. And in Christian times, Sunday was associated with the resurrection of Christ, and was also a holiday and was considered the beginning of the week. The Sumerians considered Saturday to be the beginning of the week, just like the ancient Jews. For the Persians, the first day of the week was Thursday, which, however, neither the Egyptians nor some Asian peoples protested at all.

I have already said that each day of the week was associated with the protection of a certain planet, with which some deity was personified, as a kind of universal expression of cosmic law. For example, in ancient Babylon there were seven ziggurats (or securat) towers, which corresponded to seven deities, each of which was dedicated to a holiday celebrated on a specific day of the week. In addition, the seven-day week was also associated with one of the phases of the moon, which lasted approximately seven days. So, the magical seven is observed and exists in nature, regardless of human will. Scientists and researchers have now realized that the sevenfold cycle is not a fictitious creation invented by man, but a process that is observed in nature completely objectively.

Now let's return to the seven-pointed Star of the Magi, let's look at the days of the week associated with it, and give their symbols.

We will adhere to the tradition that was in Mesopotamia among the various peoples who inhabited it. In particular, these were the Chaldean peoples and, of course, the Zoroastrians, who replaced the Chaldeans. Zoroastrians. adopted the Chaldean culture, combining it with the brought culture of the so-called White Race (ancient Aryans). This culture was once brought by Zoroastrians from the north, from the continent of Arctida, which sank in the Arctic Ocean. And in this case, it was in Mesopotamia during the reign of Persian culture that a peculiar fusion of two most prominent cultures, the two first and greatest races that inhabited the Earth took place: the Blue Race, whose heirs were the Chaldeans, and the White Race, whose knowledge the Persians inherited. This conglomerate of cultures, fully formalized as law by the second and third centuries AD, was subsequently expressed in the Avestan system. This culture is still active. It is believed that it will be the only salvation for the entire earthly civilization during the current deepest crisis, the deepest in the entire history of the Earth since the fall of Phaeton and the extinction of the lizards.

Each day of the week was associated with a certain belief, certain symbolism and various kinds of recommendations for people born on that day. In addition, in ancient times, a person’s social purpose was determined by his birthday.

That is, from birth a person was destined for a certain fate.

In the Middle Ages, the week began on Sunday. Let us also follow this custom.

SUN (resurrection)

Sunday is associated with the Sun, which the ancient Chaldeans called Shamash, and the Persians called Khvarshat. The sun shows the active manifestation of a person in the world around him, awareness of his place in it, his active worldview, a strong creative beginning, giving people light and joy, holiday and triumph. Healing was also associated with the Sun.

People born on the day of the Sun were considered lucky by many nations, because from the very beginning they seemed to receive a charge of sunlight. It was also assumed that children born on Sunday would be long-lived, since they seemed to have invisible outside help, especially during illness. Many of their sorrows are short-term, but their joys, on the contrary, are long-lasting.

From people born on the day of the Sun, doctors were selected, as well as creative people associated with such types of art as, for example, painting of temples, ritual images, or people who could choose their own path, since they were given freedom of choice.

On Sunday it was necessary to start new business and treatment, since it was on this day that the cycle of restoring the body’s strength began. It was very good on this day to establish a cycle associated with various creative programs. However, there were certain prohibitions. For example, on Sunday, solitude, isolation, and various adventures were not recommended. It was also forbidden to enter into ambiguous transactions, trade and commercial, as well as to make new acquaintances, especially fleeting ones.

MOON (Monday)

Monday was ruled by the second luminary - the Moon, which in the Avesta was called Mach, that is, “the mistress.” The Chaldeans ascribed to the Moon a male deity named Sin, and thus the Moon had a male personification among them. Apparently, the Chaldeans were guided by the Moon that existed in ancient times. What did the moon give?"

The moon shows our emotions, our emotional attitude towards the perception of the external environment, and also gives a person tenderness, a romantic, poetic, dreamy state.

Monday is the day of the Moon and therefore it is the same as the Moon, capricious, restless, changeable. However, Monday greatly patronized women, since girls born on the day of the Moon became wonderful mothers and housewives, keepers of the traditions of the home.

However, it was believed that people born on Monday have a capricious, eccentric character. They are changeable in mood, fickle, and although they have very subtle sensitivity, they are quite weak-willed and subject to the influence of others. Therefore, they were never given responsible work. They were, as a rule, either unemployed or given tasks that did not require much concentration. In other words, in most cases these were auxiliary workers. But at the same time, it was from the people of the Moon that the very same temple priests came out who had the ability to tune in to the phenomena of the subtle world, since they were extremely sensitive and could sense subtle vibrations.

Due to the fact that people were born on Monday who were easily despondent, melancholic, capricious and largely uncontrollable, it was considered a difficult day, and the recommendations for this day were as follows: you should not do or undertake anything important, you must wait for all sorts of changes and worries. This is a very nervous day and therefore it is best to use it to establish traditions, to work related to the home, to pay more attention to relatives and household. All roads on this day are unfavorable, since various accidents are possible, except, perhaps, sea travel, since the Moon was also associated with the sea. Therefore, sea travel and water voyages on this day were considered very favorable.

MARS (Tuesday)

Tuesday is Mars day. The Chaldeans called him Nergal, and in the Avesta he is called Bahram, the god of victory, war and chivalry. Tuesday was considered a very active day. People born on Tuesday had a sharp, explosive, active and uncontrollable character. Their best qualities are the ability to fight, courage, and rejection of gossip and intrigue. The Mars man is disinhibited, active, always wants to play the main role, in life he is guided rather by passions and an active principle, but his activity is always aimed at accomplishing some business. Good or bad, Mars always gives people courage and determination. A person with strong Mars can be any kind of villain, but will never be a coward. IN best case scenario- this is a warrior, a defender, a fighter for justice, and at worst - a shameless, arrogant type who does not miss more than one fight. And in any case, everything is written on his face, since people born on Tuesday do not know how to pretend at all. They often cannot complete a task because their impulsiveness greatly hinders them. Tuesday people and Tuesday itself were considered very difficult. During these days, wars began, and in general the most active manifestations of state initiative were where it was necessary to dramatically change the situation in society or introduce reforms. Tuesday is a kind of day of active undertakings, adventures, sharp laying of roads in a variety of directions.

From the people born on this day, warriors were selected, the core and backbone of the army, or people who were placed in the most responsible positions, where it was necessary to show initiative. It is not recommended to sit idle on the day of Mars. On the contrary, you should show maximum initiative, without even thinking about the consequences. Under no circumstances should you pay much attention to your home or do things related to loved ones on this day, because this can lead to conflicts. It is also impossible to begin any creative cycles on the day of Mars, since this day is not associated with peace, but, on the contrary, with war, with bloodshed. You should always remember this and try to avoid unnecessary worries and too much tension of passions. On this day, it is better not to complete any tasks, especially by solving them with a compromise, but it is better to take the initiative without going ahead.

MERCURY (Wednesday)

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. The Chaldeans called him Nabl. Nabl is the god of secret writing, also known as Hermes. And in ancient Persia it was called Tiri and was associated with the deity Tishtar (Tishtria). Invisible threads connect him with the star Sirius, which was the patroness of the secret knowledge acquired by humanity.

Mercury is the patron of trade, crafts, merchants, knowledge, and scribes. He is the arbiter between the Sun and the Moon and determines the quality of a guide, mediator, and integrator in a person. As a result of the strong influence of Mercury, a person’s character manifests the following features: he is constantly on the move, curious, inquisitive, extremely receptive to information, to languages, very sociable and constantly in a state of contacts, connections, communication. The Mercury person has a good tongue and well-developed eloquence. He instantly establishes connections with people, searches for and finds new ideas, constantly absorbs new information, and expresses his thoughts perfectly. In other words, people born on Wednesday are cunning, dexterous, cunning, and very fast. From among them were selected scribes, traders, artisans, writing people and people working in the communication and service industries.

This day is perfect for any trips, for making transactions, for commercial affairs, for making new acquaintances, for writing letters and in general for issues related to writing, reading, and literature. It is unsuitable for matters related to government events or for contacts with superiors. On Wednesday, nothing could be resolved by conflict, but only by the mind, or through some kind of deals.

JUPITER (Thursday)

Thursday was dedicated to the king of the gods, Jupiter, who among the Chaldeans was called Marduk, and had the same meaning as Jupiter in Rome. In Persia he was called Mushtar or Armazd, which brought to mind the symbol of Ahuramazda, i.e. truly the Creator visible world and the holder of the law of the universe.

People born on Thursday were associated with the characteristics of Jupiter. They attract people to themselves, cause others to respect them, and many see them as leaders. At one time, Jupiter was called the “star of kings.” Indeed, many leaders, called upon to lead people, direct them, coordinate their actions and be for them the guides of the law and traditions existing in society, unconsciously emanate a sense of authority and power. Such people cannot imagine their existence without directing and coordinating the actions of those around them. The Jupiter man always seems to admonish other people, and his whole life is, as it were, an example for them. A talented organizer, an authority in the family, such a person is guided by business considerations, and not by personal gain. He perfectly sees his place and the place of others in the world around him.

Priests, officials, and legislators were chosen from people born on Thursday. The rest of the people were given positions related to management and enforcement of the law. Among them were travelers and missionaries, since it was the spiritual mission that was associated with Thursday. Jupiter puts its stamp on this entire day according to its characteristics and recommendations.

On this day, missionary activity, study of religion, law, restoration of justice, communication with the powers that be, matters related to the state and society are highly recommended. It is indicated on this day of Jupiter to solve common problems associated with humanity, as well as participate in affairs common to all. And you should absolutely not be in solitude on this day, make commercial transactions, business trips, or make new acquaintances.

VENUS (Friday)

Thursday is followed by the day of Venus - Friday. In Babylon, Venus was named after Ishtar, the goddess of love and beauty, in ancient Greece she was called Aphrodite, and in Persia - Anahita, and she was the embodiment of the female creative principle of the universe.

People born on Venus day are very reliable. You can rely on them for everything. A Venus man is a man of feeling who brings harmony and beauty into the world and thereby saves the world. On Friday, aesthetes, actors, creative people, peacemakers, and bearers of peace come into the world. These are their best features. And in the worst case, they are slaves to their passions, lazy people and opportunists.

It is believed that Friday is a day of peace, justice, contemplation, aestheticism, art, love. This is the best time for new acquaintances related to love affairs, as well as for marriage. This day is considered very creative, but you need to avoid all sorts of excesses, not indulge particularly in passions or conflicts, because they can have a detrimental effect on health and throw a person out of balance; in other words, a person on this day should always observe moderation in everything. That's why Friday is a day of abstinence for the body. It is advisable to fast in order to restore lost inner harmony and combine it with the harmony of the spirit.

SATURN (Saturday)

And finally, Saturday, ruled by Saturn. This last critical day in Babylon was associated with the god of the underworld Ninurta. In Persia he was called by the name Keivan, the name of the ruler of the underworld, underground riches.

What was characteristic of people born on the day of Saturn? Everything connected with secrecy and solitude. Saturn people are solitary people, solitary philosophers who did not fit into the generally accepted framework and lived their own isolated lives. By the way, in ancient times, people born on Saturday were spies, traitors, and police officers.

Saturn represents a person’s system of self-knowledge, his relationship with the inner world and the outside world. This is the antipode of Jupiter, carrying within itself the passive feminine principle. Being a symbol of isolation, isolation, crystallization, self-knowledge, and a person’s rejection of social contacts, Saturn distinguishes a person from the environment of people like him. The type of such a person may be the best or the worst, but in any case, strong and decisive people are born on Saturday. They are patient and slowly but steadily move towards their goal. Saturn people are uncommunicative and can be easily recognized by their gloominess and isolation. They give the impression of a stone man, a flint, and you really can’t talk to them. People born on Saturday can endure any cold, any frost. At this time, they seem to be blooming, but the heat is very difficult for them to tolerate.

Saturday is the best day for solitude, concentration, meditation, dealing with individual problems, thinking about the meaning of life, summing up, and completing some tasks. You should always remember that this is a day of melancholy, sadness, inner restlessness, inner heaviness. If on this day any deeds are accomplished, especially those related to passion, then this is fraught with breakdown, danger and subsequent, if not destruction, then a warning for all people who are doing something new on the day of Saturn, the danger of ending up in prison, hospital , dangerous isolation, restrictions. In addition, on the day of Saturn it was impossible to make any trips, especially long ones. Saturday is the best day for matters related to property, especially real estate, for laying the foundation, for construction, and the best day for putting the finishing touches on something. But you should always remember that on Saturday it is recommended to talk less and be silent more.

We have listed all the days of the week. Let us now summarize their characteristics; Tuesday and Saturday, the day of Mars and the day of Saturn were considered the most critical. They are joined by the Moon and its day Monday, due to its capriciousness and anxiety that it carries within itself. Three happy days: Sunday, Thursday, Friday, but Sunday was considered especially lucky. Wednesday, the day of Mercury, is a dual day, everything depends on the person’s position, since Mercury itself was charged with the forces of those planets with which it interacted.

The Seven-Pointed Star of the Magi also manifested itself on a completely different level. In addition to the days of the week, there was also the concept of the so-called planetary clock. Each hour of the day was associated with the patronage of a certain deity and, of course, with the patronage of a certain planet. This watch is different nations began in different ways: for some from midnight, as it is now with us, for others - at sunrise. Among the Zoroastrians, it was customary to consider two cycles, one of which, the so-called rhythmic cycle, began with the sunrise of each day, and the hours in it were unequal in size, the time from sunrise to sunset was divided into 12 parts, as well as the time from sunset to sunrise: each part was considered an hour. In total, such a day had 24 hours associated with 24 parts of the Zodiac: 12 daytime hours and 12 nighttime hours, that is, 12 daytime Zodiac signs and 12 nighttime ones. This also led to the symbolism of the 3diacal circle, on which the planets appeared. But there are clocks that are called stationary, that is, constant. Stationary hours began at midnight every day. But since it was midnight local time, in most cases it did not correspond to calendar midnight, and therefore corrections had to be made for the longitude of the place where the person was born.

Stationary clocks have their own patron planet. The countdown of these hours is as follows. Each day of the week is patronized by a planet, and the first hour of each day is patronized by the planet that rules all days. Now look carefully at the drawing of the seven-pointed star, and let's follow this star to the patrons of each hour. For example, Sunday has the Sun as its patron. The first hour of Sunday also has the Sun as its patron. The next hour is patronized by Venus, then Mercury and then clockwise. After 7 hours, the cycle repeats and the 8th hour is again ruled and patronized by the Sun. The sun is also the patron of 22 hours. The patron of 23 hours will again be Venus, the patron of 24 hours will be Mercury again. And the patron of the next hour, that is, the first hour of Monday, if you go clockwise, will be the Moon, that is, the planet that is the patron of Monday. Now follow the next 24 hours and you will see that the first hour of next Sunday will be ruled by the Sun. And so on...

If rhythmic unequal hours were associated more with subtle practice, with a person’s work on himself, with clinical practices and with work with energies and were used more in medical astrology, then motionless stationary clocks were associated with the stability and constancy of the world law manifested in human life. Each hour associated with a certain planet has its own recommendation, and each hour is associated with a certain energy, a certain system of relationships that unites us with each other. So, let's talk briefly about what is associated with each hour and what needs to be done at each hour, what you need to know for this.

The hours of the Sun are hours of rising energy, hours of creativity, individuality, and active beginning. The hour of Venus is dramatically different. It is already associated with softness and calmness. At this hour you need to rest more and switch your attention. These are also hours of love. Mercury watches are good for contacts, conversations, communication, inclusion in information. The Moon's hours are very emotional hours, capricious, restless, changeable. During these hours we become susceptible to external influences. You should always remember this and not give in to despondency, whims, and changes. But they are also the time of greatest receptivity and emotional openness. Saturn's hours are hours of concentration, but also hours of sadness, melancholy, reflection, lack of contact, critical hours when a person is left alone with himself. They are considered the worst and associated with disasters. Social trends and vibrations associated with general activities. It is at this time that we are tuned in common interests. These hours, associated with the perception of law, religion and collective affairs, are considered very active. The hours of Mars are considered peak critical. They are marked by many conflicts, sharp disagreements (usually people quarrel during the hours of Mars), storms, dramas, and anxiety. This is a time of too much tension, a time of the outbreak of wars and very often a time of catastrophes.

So, here is the conclusion we can draw: three hours are active, three are critical, and one hour is rest.

And finally, this same seven-pointed Star of the Magicians is also associated with large cycles, with the symbolic rhythm of human history.

In ancient times, the Chaldeans and Persia adopted a decanic calendar associated with the 36 deans of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign was divided into three parts of 10 degrees each. 12 signs of 3 parts each - it turns out 36 decades or decans. Each of these deans has its own symbolism, and all 36 deans were associated with the 36-year cycle of the Deccan calendar, known from ancient times to both the Chaldeans and Persians. Every 36 years were associated with the action of one of the septener planets in our lives. There were cycles of Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. How do they work?

Each day of the week has an analogy with one of the septenary planets. The decanic calendar also correlates with the weekly cycle, but if in a week the day of the Sun is followed by the day of the Moon and further in order, then in the decanic calendar there is a rhythm of the reverse week, and the period of the Sun is followed by the period of Saturn, then the period of Venus, etc... 7 patron planets of 36 years each - it turns out 252 years, that is, a full decanic calendar.

If we take two cycles in pairs, we get 72 years, and this is also an objective cycle associated with the rotation of the earth’s axis, the phenomenon of precession, since in 72 years the earth’s axis and, naturally, the starry sky, shifts by 1 degree of space. And if you take exactly half of the decanic calendar, i.e. 126 years old, then it will also remind you of interesting things. Firstly, 126 years is 3.5 cycles, 3.5 degrees of precession. And secondly, this figure reminds us that the seven-pointed Star of the Magi manages to rotate around its center exactly 3.5 times per day. But that's not all. Let's think about the chakras - energy centers located around our spine. All chakras fit into a seven-pointed star, each has its own symbol, which we will not list here; and each planet, if it is strong in a person’s horoscope, unconsciously manifests itself through one of the chakras that have exits to certain human organs. The energies of all chakras pass through the Star of Magi in 7 hours. 3.5 turns of the spiral of cosmic energy Kundalini pass through the 7 main chakras, the secret of which only certain people are initiated into. As you can see, this system is quite universal. However, let’s leave these secrets untouched and better trace the cycles of the Deccan calendar in the foreseeable future. Let's start with at least last cycle Sun. By the way, now we are also in the cycle of the Sun, which began in 1981 and will end in 2017. And we also note that each cycle begins not on January 1, but on the day of the vernal equinox, on March 21.

Here are these cycles in front of you. Pay attention to the fact that the cycles of humanity always go in the opposite direction from the cycles of man:

1729 1765 1801 1837 1873 1909 1945 1981 2017

1765 1801 1837 1873 1909 1945 1981 2017 2053

In this seemingly simple form, almost the entire development system of our world is encoded.

So, let's look at each of the cycles that leave certain imprints on the entire history of mankind, giving it different directions and laying down certain trends in it.

If we remember the previous periods of the Sun, we will see that these were periods of creative flourishing: the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century, the Renaissance of the 16th century, the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century - this era of Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, the Renaissance. And all the great discoveries, including the discovery of the New World, took place in the 15th century!

But after the period of the Sun, after this bright splash comes the period of Saturn. On the one hand, this is a period of trials, heaviness, suffering, deprivation, closure, and on the other, a period of order and discipline, system and perseverance. But we must not forget that Saturn is associated with Aquarius, and Aquarius is the ruler of Russia. Consequently, for our country the periods of Saturn have always been positive, although the period for our country is the “kingdom of Saturn”, when Kronos, the “golden age”, descends to earth. For us, the past period of Saturn coincided precisely with the Catherine’s age, a century of cruel suppression, but also a century of prosperity, the formation of order and statehood.

The cycle of Venus is particularly clearly connected to our history. Suffice it to remember that it began in 1801, when Emperor Paul I was assassinated, and ended in 1837 right with the death of Pushkin, the pinnacle of our romanticism. Yes, it was, of course, a time of bloodshed. But these were all wars aimed at seeking justice and harmony. It was the time of liberation of the lands. The liberation of Greece occurred precisely then. And even Napoleon’s campaigns were associated with great romantic impulses of humanity.

The period of Jupiter is the period of division of the world, the period of the formation of capitalism, the construction of factories, factories, and the development of a new type of statehood. Remember, this was just in the middle of the last century.

This was followed by the period of Mercury, the god of artisans and inventors, when scientific discoveries fell like peas. For the most part, these were inventions related to communication between people. Remember how the telephone, radio, press, wireless telegraph, cars, photography and, of course, cinema appeared. All this is the work of Mercury. Scientific activity also patronized by this planet.

But next period was marked by great bloodshed. This was the period of Mars, a period of terrible dictatorial regimes, which included two world wars and two revolutions. And this period ended in 1945, just on the eve of the victory over fascism.

Following this came the period of the Moon, a period of fears, worries, confusion, imbalance, various ebbs and flows, as well as a period of some degree of return to tradition, which dominated our society until 1981.

And since 1981, the period of the Sun began, which we can trace from beginning to end.

In 2017, the “golden age” will come to earth again. On the one hand, these are tests, and on the other, everything will again be aimed at creating order, system, clarity.

We analyzed all the cycles and found out that the periods of the Sun and Saturn are the most positive for us, the cycle of Mars turned out to be negative; There were also times of decline and stagnation for us during the periods of the Moon, but nevertheless, during these years preparations were made for the onset of that time in our country, from which we expect bright changes.

Among other things, there is a gradation within the 36-year cycle, and each year is also associated with a specific planet. How to see these planets? Yes, all according to the same seven-pointed Star of Magi! Think back to her drawing. Take any cycle, and its first year will be ruled by the planet itself, and the next by the planet going clockwise, etc... Try to compare the ruler of the year and the events that happened this year.

Think, watch, compare, doubt and check again, and who knows, maybe the seven-pointed Star of Magicians will reveal its new secrets to you...


In the doctrine of the laws of similarities, there is a section of integral numerology, which examines the hidden series of numbers on which the entire universe is based, all the patterns of the Zodiac, the characteristics of degrees, the ratio of abodes and exaltations, there are depths of cosmic order.

Each number has its own firmly, once and for all fixed, unchangeable meaning. All operations on numbers have a magical meaning. The Universe is based on numbers; it was not for nothing that Pythagoras told his students that numbers rule the world.

0. All numbers are akin to 1 and are opposed to 0, which personifies the unmanifested, ideal, inexpressible world. All numbers are, as it were, in the limit where we are, and 0 is beyond the limit, it is beyond understanding. 0 and 1 are opposite each other.

1. Sun, the first number of the manifested world, unity, spirit.

2. Moon, duality, soul, subconscious, active source of vibrations, impermanence. The Tao Te Ching says that Tao (0) will give birth to one, one will give birth to two, two will give birth to three, three will give birth to all other things.

3. Mars, triangle, a very stable, static, indestructible number, nothing can be done with it, it is rigid, so it can manifest itself very actively, it cannot be destroyed, there are no fluctuations in it, this is the number of will, activity.

4. Mercury. On a plane it is a square, a rather dynamic, unsteady structure (in space it is a tetrahedron, a rigid structure, but we mainly work on a plane, in a two-dimensional projection), the number of oscillations, revolutions, transitions from one state to another, the number of a conductor; 4 is 4 cardinal directions, etc.

5. Jupiter, is already a fairly complete number, personifies the 5 eastern elements, 5 is a completed magical structure, in which there is a 5-pointed star - the lord of the elements, a circle is a diagram describing a whole level of energy, the construction of psychological tattvas. This is the number of the simplest law, the legislator, the teacher, the astral law.

6. Venus, a 6-pointed star of 2 triangles - with the apex up and the apex down, male (yang, Heaven) and female (yin, Earth), interconnected into a rigid 6-pointed structure, which is a crystal; if 5 is the number of life, then 6 is, if not the number of death, then at least the number of dead matter, crystal, 5 is dynamics, 6 is statistics (in general, the correct 6-pointed star is different from the Jewish one; in the Christian tradition it is drawn on icons near Our Lady).

7. Saturn, magic number, completion of the septenary, 7 days of the week, amazing 7-pointed Star of the Magi, which is extremely static on the outside, dynamic on the inside, with astral connections.

8. Uranus, 2x4, Moon and Mercury - both oscillating, the Moon is the source of oscillations, Mercury is their conductor, Uranus is continuous revolutions. 2 quads - two conductors of vibrations. The ancient symbol of Uranus is two lightning bolts, similar to fours. 8 is a creative number, the number of exit from the rational world into an area of ​​a higher order, where the law of transformation, an instant revolution, works.

9. Neptune, the mirror number, the number of maya, illusion, complete harmony, from which there is no way out without a qualitative transformation, an explosion (Pluto). There are 2 nines, two mirrors - the number of absolute harmony, complete completeness and illusion, chaos, pseudo-harmony. Multiplication of numbers (brevity) is very important. In Neptune 3x3-3 Mars, this is a force that in this case is based on conviction or fanaticism, such a force cannot be broken. A person, even with illusory Neptune, becomes three times strong, because... his worldview is closed, complete. Our entire revolution was based on Neptune, Neptune’s numbers are everywhere in the dates, we were simply fooled. Sensitive people, the poets of that era, felt this. Blok wrote: “In a white crown of roses, Jesus Christ is in front.” Nobody understood anything, everyone was deceived.

10. Pluto, 2x5 - two laws, the law of Heaven and Earth, 1 and 0 - the Sun and the powerful other world, which we cannot describe, if 0 is nothing, but with it 1 - the Sun, then 0 becomes something, nothing + something turns out to be Pluto, the number of explosion, the release of enormous energy, transformation, destruction of forms. In general, it is not clear how Pluto works; it has so much power that comes from another world (0).

11. Proserpine. Transmutation can only be caused by a unique, indivisible (simple, divisible only by itself and one) number, a monostructure. 1 + 1=2 Moon, which is in charge of the simplest alchemy. 11 is the number of transformation of supersystems, which brings all systems to the point of absurdity, transforms them, transfers energy into structure. Pluto will give a release of energy, Proserpina drives the energy back into the structure.

22. Vulcan, superconductor of cosmic law. Jupiter is the ruler, the master, but such masters exist only in lowest level, on the highest there are none, since everyone there is free, but there is a law, and the conductor of this law is Vulcan. He is a huge distance, a zone of qualities higher than Jupiter, he is the lord of cosmic law, and in sum 4 he is a guide, as Christ said, the last will be first, and the first will be last, if you want to rise above everyone, be a servant to everyone.

33. Chiron. 3+3 Venus, two Mars, the number of harmony of the astral and physical world, balance. By the age of 33, complete harmony of a person’s physical and astral body comes; this is the age of perfection, complete balance. Venus is the simplest harmony, “packaging”. 33 can also be considered as 3 Proserpina (3x11).

Throughout the existence of human civilization, the meaning and meaning of magical symbols has not changed. Expressing the dynamic aspect of our spiritual energy, the same forms reflecting the divine nature have been used from ancient times to the present day. Magical symbols carry archetypal meanings and often have multiple layers of meaning. Everyone can through own experience discover which symbols, according to possible values, used in spiritual practices and rituals.

Many of the figures described below were used by magicians as protective symbols to remain unharmed in physical world and in the world of subtle energies, so that no unwanted energy can harm the one who uses magic. Remember one of the simplest figures - the circle that magicians draw when performing rituals. The magic circle creates a space between worlds, a safe place for the magician to work so that everything gets done and no one can interfere. There are other symbols that correspond to different purposes.

The meaning of magical symbols, the beauty and magic of sacred geometric forms in ancient times interested the sages Far East, India, Egypt, Middle East, Greece. They were used by alchemists, magicians, kabbalists, and now you are following their path. Here you can find some general values magical symbols, although it is worth remembering that their meaning can be found on their basis.

Five-pointed star. Meaning: symbol of life, protective symbol.

In ancient times, the pentagram (pentacle) was revered as a symbol of life, representing the four elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water, united with Spirit to create life. Wearing a pentagram protects its owner and is also used as a talisman of prosperity and good health. The most natural way to “draw” a five-pointed star is to cut an apple. Have you ever noticed that a five-pointed star appears in the center of a cut apple? The apple for thousands of years different cultures is considered a sacred symbol of knowledge and eternal life, and this explains why the pentagram is a universal symbol of life.

As a protective symbol, the pentagram was used long before the first Christians, who attached the meaning of protection to the cross. The protective properties of the pentagram are due to the fact that it represents the relationship between the beginning and the end - after all, a five-pointed star can be drawn without lifting your hand from the paper. The design of a five-pointed star is a kind of cycle. When one cycle is completed, the end becomes the beginning and everything repeats. The numeric properties of the pentagram also include 13 sides (13 lunar months) and 8 dots representing the eight seasonal rituals.

All this has to do with the pentagram in upright position, i.e. point up. The inverted pentagram is considered a negative symbol and is used by witches.

A double pentagram or double five-pointed star is formed by the superposition and connection of two pentagrams. Intertwined, the lines of the star represent the union of Heaven and Earth. The figure symbolizes the goddess and is associated with the idea of ​​true femininity. The duality of the symbol is personified by the number 2, which is considered a feminine number in Pythagorean numerology.

Another meaning of this figure is the five stages of human life: infancy, childhood, youth, maturity, old age.

The interlacing of rays of a five-pointed star and circles represents a pentagram with five rings. This figure is considered a symbol of the mystical union of male and female, where the lines are associated with masculine, and rings with women's. Infinitely merging together in perfect harmony, the masculine and feminine principles create life.

The pentagram symbol with rings can be used as a love talisman to help you find your true soulmate.


Six-pointed star, Seal of Solomon (Sigillum Salomonis), Star of Zion.

Meaning: union of opposites, abundance, protective symbol. The hexagram is formed by two intersecting triangles, one with its apex up and the other with its apex down. Long before the hexagram became an emblem of Judaism, it was revered as a symbol of the union of opposites, spirit and matter, Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth, Shiva and Kali, sustaining life through the cycles of creation and destruction. The Seal of Solomon is a protective symbol; it was seen as the invisible seventh seal, formed by the four elements and the divine number 3.

The hexagram was used in alchemy and magic, it represented the union of Fire and Water in perfect harmony. Perhaps this symbolism originates in Hinduism - the union of a Man (Fire - Lightning) and a Woman (Water - Ocean). Connection of masculine and feminine symbolized by the intersecting triangles of Heaven and Earth. The hexagram is associated with the Anahata chakra. She was also considered a symbol of Aphrodite - the goddess of love, because she has a connection with the numbers 2 and 3, the feminine and masculine numbers in classical Pythagorean numerology.

This version of the hexagram was developed by Aleister Crowley as a symbol of his Order of the Silver Star (Astrum Argentum). It was used by magicians for protection during rituals. They believed that neither evil spirit, nor unwanted energy can penetrate where there is no “gate”, since the hexagram is drawn without breaking the line.

The center of the hexagram symbolizes the Sun - the fusion of spirit with matter and their balance, giving enormous positive energy, and six rays diverging from the center to the edges mean abundance and joy. Six is ​​the "perfect number", the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. The hexagram also symbolizes the risen God.

Meaning: mysticism, magic, astral world.

The seven-pointed star or septagram is also known as the Star of Magicians, the Elven Star and the Star of Fairies. This symbol was known in the Ancient East: in Sumer, Assyria, Chaldea. The figure is drawn without breaking the line, with one stroke. The seven rays of the star symbolize the three elements above and three below, plus one independent one, which represents the magician and the following of the magical path. The septagram is a talisman for magicians, helps the owner in practicing magic, and establishes a connection with the astral world.

The mystical meaning of 7 is the divine number 3 (mind, body and spirit) and the manifestation number 4 (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) adding up to seven. Seven is the traditional "lucky number". There are seven chakras, seven planets (Sun, Moon and 5 visible planets), seven days of the week and seven stages of the ascension of the soul. So it is easy to see that the number 7 has magical aspects. There are also seven stages of initiation into the Rosicrucian brotherhood. In addition, the seven-pointed star is associated with the goddess of love, Venus, and emotions. The Greeks associated this star with Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

Meaning: intelligence, stability, protective symbol.

The eight-pointed star or octogram represents intelligence, rationality and wit and is associated with Mercury. It corresponds to eight seasonal rituals, the idea of ​​stability and balance through change, rebirth. Can be used as a powerful talisman to attract money and abundance. Magicians apply an eight-pointed star as a protective symbol when performing rituals and traveling in the astral world.

Meaning: eternity, culmination, universe.

The nine-pointed star or nonagram is associated with the Moon and in magic represents the astral plane from which inspiration and guidance come. Nine is the last digit, the culmination of numbers, and therefore symbolizes completion and eternity. The number 9 is represented in mythology: nine muses, nine heroes, etc.

If we consider 9 as 3 x 3, then the magic of three corresponds to: mind, body, spirit, past, present, future, birth, life, death. Three represents masculine energy in classical Pythagorean numerology. In Hinduism, 9 x 9 = 81 is the square of the mandala, the Universe. In China it is a symbol of Heaven and the most favorable.

Meaning: perfection, harmony.

The twelve-pointed star is a strong and complex symbol. The number twelve is widely represented in magic and mythology, for example, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 knights round table, 12 labors of Hercules. IN modern calendar twelve months. Magical correspondences of a twelve-pointed star: a symbol of strengthening, balance, harmony.

Let us reveal the first secret of the Star of Magi in astrology. If we connect the planets on the tops of the seven-pointed Star of the Magi with diagonals with directional arrows, we will get a periodic system for controlling the days of the week. The Sun rules Sunday in astrology. It's interesting that in English language Sunday is translated as the day of the Sun. Further along the Star of the Magi, the Moon rules Monday, and Mars rules Tuesday, Mercury controls Wednesday, Jupiter rules Thursday, Venus rules Friday, and Saturn rules Saturday. By the way, Saturday in the language of the United Kingdom (Saturday) means the day of Saturn.

Secret 2

Let us reveal the second secret of the Star of Magi in astrology. If we connect the planets of the Star of Magi in a circle, we get a periodic clock control system. The first hour of the day is ruled by the planet that rules the entire day. For example, Monday is ruled by the Moon, therefore the first hour on Monday will be ruled by the Moon. Next, control is transferred clockwise in a circle. The second hour on Monday is ruled by Saturn, the third by Jupiter... the twenty-fourth hour is ruled by Jupiter. And then a new day begins - Tuesday. At the same time, the periodicity is not violated, and the first hour of Tuesday in astrology is ruled by Mars. It is surprising that the control system in astrology according to the Star of the Magi is not violated - Tuesday is ruled by Mars. And so on.

Secret 3

Let's reveal the third secret of the Star of Magicians in astrology - managing the color palette. To do this, you need to arrange the colors of the rainbow along the vertices of the Star of Magi in a clockwise direction. The color red corresponds to Mars due to its occult nature. Next comes the Sun and the orange color of the rainbow corresponds to it. Venus rules yellow in astrology. Mercury corresponds to the green color of the rainbow. The Moon in astrology rules the color blue. Saturn in blue. Jupiter in the purple color of the rainbow.

But Mars has a brother Pluto, so they share the color red. Mars is responsible for the red-brown color, and Pluto for the bright scarlet color. In the Jupiter-Neptune pair: Jupiter is responsible for the red-violet color, Neptune for soft purple, lilac. Shades of blue color distributed as follows: Saturn in astrology is responsible for the dark blue color to black, and Uranus for the light blue, heavenly color.

It should be noted that there is no sharp boundary in colors, so neighboring planets will correspond to somewhat common shades of colors. For example, the Sun in astrology rules from red-orange to yellow, etc.

Secret 4

And finally, the fourth secret of the Star of Magi in astrology. I noticed that if we draw an axis of symmetry passing between Pluto and the Sun, and also through the Moon, it divides the planets into two groups, external and internal. To the left of the axis are the outer planets, they are located beyond the Earth’s orbit, and to the right of the axis are the inner planets, rotating between the Sun and the Earth’s orbit. The position of the Moon is changing. The moon is with you for two weeks outside orbit of the Earth, then crosses it and remains inside the orbit of the Earth for the next two weeks. Therefore, the axis of symmetry passes directly through the Moon.


Control of the day of the week, hour and color is actively used to enhance the desired properties of the talisman.

There is also a simple way to use talismans in astrology according to the star of magicians. To do this, it is necessary to determine the strongest planet in its position in the sign and the most harmonious in its aspects in the horoscope. In talismans they use the color corresponding to this planet, and when planning important matters, they use the days and hours corresponding to it.