Causes of dizziness: what to do if you feel dizzy. How to get rid of dizziness at home - treatment methods

Probably, everyone knows firsthand the feeling that the world has suddenly moved from its usual place and swam. Head spinning - we say when we jump up abruptly, dizzy when we go outside after an illness and inhale fresh air, dizzy when we look down from a height and when we ride rides. It's all physiological dizziness normal reaction nervous system to certain stimuli. But it also happens that attacks of dizziness occur without apparent reason, when they should not be at all, and even regularly. They can have different intensity, from a fleeting but persistent sensation, to the appearance of discoordination of movements, disorientation in space, nausea and vomiting. Dizziness can be completely harmless, or it can signal serious disorder health. When dizziness is dangerous, and when not, and is it possible to accept effective measures against him? We propose to talk about this in today's review.

True dizziness

Sometimes dizziness refers to any strange and unusual feeling that occurs in the head. I must say that there are many strange feelings in the head: a feeling of weightlessness, for example, a feeling of disorientation, a feeling of a “heavy head” and others. But true dizziness is a person's feeling of himself moving relative to static objects, or, on the contrary, the feeling of objects rotating around him. Dizziness is accompanied by a loss of orientation in space, which leads to confusion and associated anxiety, severe attacks dizziness is often accompanied by symptoms of an autonomic nervous system disorder: nausea, vomiting, sweating, pallor skin. Although the sensations are not very pleasant, dizziness in itself is not dangerous, except for those moments when it overtakes a person during responsible and risky activities, such as driving a car. But it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence, since it can be a symptom of various, including quite dangerous, diseases.

Causes of dizziness

Depending on the cause that caused it, dizziness can be central and peripheral. Central vertigo occurs with disorders of the brain, and peripheral with lesions vestibular nerve and diseases inner ear.

The mechanism of occurrence of dizziness is as follows: information about the position of the body in space, received by the peripheral nerve endings of the vestibular apparatus located in the inner ear, is transmitted to the brain, namely to its stem section, to the so-called vestibular nuclei. There, information is processed and enters the center of balance, located in temporal lobes brain. A breakdown in any of the steps in this nerve impulse pathway can lead to dizziness. Thus, dizziness can occur due to injuries, tumors, vascular disorders, common diseases that affect the nervous and vascular component of the vestibular apparatus, such as diabetes mellitus, taking potent drugs and other similar reasons.


Sometimes dizziness is a symptom of a disease. To determine which one, you can by some characteristic features:

  • Dizziness is persistent, accompanied by tinnitus, hearing loss, nausea, and even vomiting, then the cause is most likely in the disease of the inner ear - Meniere's disease;
  • Dizziness, accompanied by hearing loss on the one hand, noise in the ear on the side of the lesion, aggravated by a change in position, with an increase in symptoms and the addition of a persistent headache, is often a symptom of a brain tumor - neuroma;
  • Dizziness preceding attacks of intense headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is characteristic of migraine;
  • Sudden intense dizziness, aggravated by a change in body position, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, persistent and lasting for several days, indicates inflammation of the vestibular nerve - vestibular neuritis;
  • Similar symptoms, accompanied by a lack of coordination, weakness of the arms and / or legs on one or both sides of the body, may be signs of a stroke;
  • Attacks of dizziness of low and moderate intensity, in the presence of restriction of movements and painful sensations in the neck indicate cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Dizziness that followed after a head injury, accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting, is characteristic of a concussion.

The described symptoms do not necessarily clearly indicate a particular disease, but are only characteristic of the standard clinical picture some of them, and therefore you should not try to diagnose yourself, and even more so to prescribe treatment yourself. The reliability of the diagnosis on such grounds is low, and therefore, with intense, prolonged or regular dizziness, you should consult a doctor, describe complaints in detail and accurately, and undergo the proposed examination. Only on the basis of its results it will be possible to make a diagnosis.

What to do when dizzy

If you feel dizzy, you need to sit or lie down, close your eyes, try to provide access fresh air. For a while, you need to avoid movements, especially sudden ones. If mild attacks of dizziness occur only from time to time, then you can limit yourself to this, you can also drink a cup of coffee or strong tea.

The dizziness that occurs when you have been sitting for a long time and then suddenly stood up is not difficult to “treat”: you need to wait until it subsides and do a few simple exercises: waving your arms, turning your head, squats, and later, if your work is connected with a long sitting, arrange active breaks for a little gymnastics.

Contrary to the advice often encountered, it is not worth taking any medications. If dizziness bothers you so much that you think necessary reception medicines, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe what you need.

Dizzinesscommon symptom manifestations of certain diseases in women and men in the form of a sensation of imbalance in the body. A person sometimes experiences strong feeling that all surrounding objects rotate or are in motion, it is sometimes difficult to understand where there is up or down.

Often, dizziness is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blanching of the skin, sweating, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, and other symptoms. We will consider the reasons why sometimes strong dizzy and what can be done at home folk remedies and medicines. But in any case, you need to find out the real cause of dizziness from a specialist before self-medicating!

Dizziness can be caused by a malfunction of the vestibular analyzer throughout its entire length from the labyrinth to the cerebral cortex. So, dizziness is one of the main symptoms of labyrinthitis. At hypertension, advanced atherosclerosis, cervical arthritis, this pathology is observed.

Dizziness can be caused by the action of toxic and infectious agents on the vestibular apparatus. With diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, erysipelas dizziness can be one of important symptoms diseases.

Reflex vertigo can occur with neurosis, functional-dynamic disorders (, labyrinthopathy), as well as overexcitation vagus nerve, which can be observed with neurosis of the stomach.

Dizziness can also be observed in diseases such as schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis (especially on early stage diseases).

Treat dizziness tried in antiquity. Avicenna wrote in his treatises:

“... they treat such a patient with rest, rest and sleep. The patient is given to eat some astringent and sour food with bread crumbled into it. The basis of this dish can be "condensed or liquid juice of astringent fruits and especially unripe grapes."

Avicenna also recommended banks on the back of the head (mustard plasters are now preferable), “emptying enema from water”, “laxatives”, “sniffing and sneezing funds". He advised also to use the "Persian bandage" - this is a bandage applied around the head and in varying degrees squeezing her.

It is quite rational from today's positions and advice of this kind:

“A person suffering from vertigo should try not to look at rapidly rotating objects, avoid climbing to caves, on the tops of mountains, hills and on the high roofs of houses.

Treatment of dizziness folk remedies

Take 100 g seaweed in powder. Swallow 1 teaspoon daily before dinner. With constant dizziness, you need to pay attention to food and eat those foods that contain a lot of phosphorus: eggs, fish, cheese, cucumbers, radishes, peas and walnuts.

Meadow clover. Pour 1 teaspoon of inflorescences with a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Siberian prince. Pour 5-6 g of dry leaves and stems with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day while hot.

Drink after lunch and dinner, 200 ml of infusion lime blossom or peppermint.

If you breathe for 3-5 minutes camphor, dizziness becomes less and often completely stops.

With frequent dizziness, you need to exercise exercise, strengthening the vestibular apparatus.

Massage acupressure point, widely used in the fight against dizziness. It is located at a distance of two-thirds from the upper lip to the nose. This strengthens the sense of balance and energy. Pressure is exerted slightly upside down thumb. Exercise helps with all types of dizziness.

Good for inhaling vapors essential oils restoring the normal functioning of the vessels of the brain and heart. Can be mixed camphor oils and rosemary. It is a strong and well sedative. For this purpose, you can use mint oil, as well as various smelling salts.

Wormwood. Even in the medieval school in Salerno, wormwood was used to relieve bouts of seasickness. This plant is called a friend of the stomach, as it has a tonic effect, stimulates appetite, stimulates digestion, is antihelminthic drug and diuretic (has diuretic properties).

Wormwood is also used for atony of the stomach and intestines, in the absence of appetite, anemia and ascariasis.

Infusion wormwood. Boil one tablespoon of flowers and leaves in 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Wormwood can be brewed and drunk as a tea.

Decoctionwormwood. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of the ground part of the plant, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Medical treatment for dizziness

For acute dizziness, bed rest, drugs and drugs that suppress vestibular activity - antihistamines (Dimenhydrinate, Pipolfen), anticholinergics (Scopolamine) or sleeping pills.

Non-intense exercises for training the vestibular apparatus are recommended for patients with prolonged episodes of peripheral dizziness to activate the central compensatory mechanisms.

Patients with central vertigo should be carefully examined to rule out life threatening brain stem diseases.

Mild dizziness can be treated with antihistamines, such as Meclizine (25 mg or more 3 to 4 times a day). In cases severe dizziness accompanied by vomiting, Promethazine (25 mg 4 times a day) can be used. Vertigo of central origin can be treated with low doses of diazepam (2 mg 2-3 times a day).

The most widely used treatment for recurrent vertigo is Betahistine. Its effect on the main causes of the disease has been proven, it quickly and stably eliminates dizziness, and also prevents the occurrence of seizures. Betahistine has relatively few side effects, making it suitable for long-term maintenance therapy. It does not cause disruption of normal adaptive processes.

Featured positive effect Betahistine hydrochloride in Meniere's disease. The drug reduces the frequency of attacks of systemic dizziness and reduces balance disorders.

In Meniere's disease, betahistine hydrochloride can be prescribed for a long time, as it is not addictive, does not toxic effect on the body, does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the level of blood pressure and heart rate.

Prolonged use of Betahistine hydrochloride can stop the progression of the process. In addition, with Meniere's disease, it is recommended to limit coffee intake and stop smoking.

With frequent seizures in children, it is possible to use Cinnarizine, Betahistine hydrochloride.

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Dizziness: causes and treatment of the syndrome

In this video, neurologist M. M. Shperling from the city of Novosibirsk talks about vertigo syndrome. What is dizziness, causes of dizziness and its treatment. We listen to the recommendations of a neurologist.

What to do with dizziness? Most people are familiar with such a state of the body as dizziness. It can overtake us at various times.

The head may be spinning from drinking alcohol or riding on carousels. But on this species dizziness is influenced by the person himself. If this happened to you for unknown reasons, and in addition, it happens regularly, then you should definitely consult a neurologist.

He will be able to find out the true causes and prescribe proper treatment. And we will now consider possible reasons dizziness, the first actions in case of an incident and various ways treatments, including folk methods and funds.

Dizziness, or scientifically vertigo, is a rather unpleasant condition of the body, in which a person has everything spinning both before his eyes and under his feet. Then you get the feeling that there is one whirlwind around, which will now spin and knock you off your feet.

Vertigo can overtake you during a boat trip, swing or carousel ride, while watching a too realistic 3D movie. In such cases, this is a very common occurrence.

Dieting can also make you feel dizzy. For girls with magnificent forms with the strictest observance of food restrictions, such a state of the body is a very common thing.

In general, in women, dizziness can be a certain norm in several cases. In addition to a hunger strike, this can happen during menstruation or on the eve of it, with menopause. And during pregnancy, this is not only a frequent, but also a stable condition.

Pregnant women are often visited by dizziness, and even in tandem with nausea. But you need to carefully monitor your body in this state. Since frequent and prolonged dizziness requires a detailed examination in order to exclude possible ailments.

To make a pregnant woman visit less often similar states organism, she should rest more, load her body less, walk more in the fresh air - walking in the park is the best thing, drinking light herbal tea.

In order to accurately find out all the causes of dizziness, you need to know what types it happens. Doctors distinguish several varieties.

Types of dizziness

1. Central. Caused by problems and violations normal operation brain.

2. Peripheral. The causes of this dizziness may be problems with inside ear or vestibular nerve.

3. Systemic. This violation is provoked by problems with one of the systems that are responsible for coordination in space.

4. Physiological or non-systemic. It can occur due to stress, depression, overexertion, overwork, dieting, and the like.

If your dizziness has no logical explanation - you are not pregnant, you have not gone too far with alcohol, you have not visited a panic room or other carousel, and you do not elderly age, then the list of reasons unpleasant state may expand further.

Be that as it may, it is best to consult a doctor so that he establishes a true diagnosis.

1) Otitis media. Such a process is accompanied not only by dizziness, but also by other symptoms, so a trip to a specialist should be immediate. A blockage of earwax can also lead to vertigo.

2) Another disease of the inner ear can cause dizziness, as well as nausea and vomiting. This is when fluid collects in the inner ear. It is also accompanied by tinnitus and deafness.

3) Serious circulatory disorders in the brain can also lead to dizziness, and also to acute problems with heart.

4) Hernia or osteochondrosis in the spine cervical can also be reasons. If, when turning the head, darkening in the eyes is observed, then this is it.

5) A tumor in the brain is also a cause of vertigo.

6) Various problems with the spine, injuries of these organs are also accompanied by frequent dizziness.

7) If there is serious problems with the organs of vision, then when viewing bright, flickering and rapidly repeating frames, this will also cause dizziness.

8) low-quality food products.

9) Direct impact external factors. For example, sunstroke.

10) The use of medications that can cause dizziness.

Vertigo, by its nature, cannot single-handedly visit a person. It is necessarily accompanied by several symptoms. Among the most obvious nausea, perhaps even vomiting, loss of orientation in space.

They may even take place headache in acute form, limb numbness, short-term memory loss, sudden jump body temperature, acute and continuous vomiting. These are more severe cases. When they need to immediately call an ambulance.

If such an incident happened to you, then you need to know what exactly to do. First of all, you should calm down. After that, find a place where it is possible to lie down. Now inhale something with a pungent smell. It could be ammonia.

Such actions will help the brain sober up and come to its senses. Also try to focus on a specific subject. Also try not to close your eyes,so as not to lose consciousness.

Fix your head in one position and try not to move it at all. Free yourself from excess clothing and provide maximum access to fresh air. Apply a wet and cool towel to your head.

If your dizziness is due to your diet,then sweet will help here. You need to eat a candy or drink enough sweet, but not strong tea or just sweetened water.

Perhaps your dizziness is associated with pressure surges or other individual diseases. In this case, take the appropriate medical preparations. Better yet, see a doctor right away.

fresh carrot or beetroot juice. They should be consumed on an empty stomach, as well as before meals.

An infusion of parsley seeds should also be drunk frequently throughout the day.

A decoction of clover flowers can be consumed only after eating lunch or dinner. In the morning, its use is better to limit.

This product perfectly raises the level of hemoglobin and normalizes blood circulation. You can use it in its raw form, as well as drink pomegranate juice.

Linden, mint and lemon balm teas should also be taken only in the afternoon and evening.

Ginger tea can be drunk at any time of the day.

A good helper for dizziness is seaweed. It contains all the necessary elements that normalize the work of the vestibular apparatus.

Aromatherapy will also be useful. You can inhale fir, pine or other types of oil.

In addition to these infusions, teas and juices, self-massages will help. It is necessary to massage special points of the face responsible for tone. You can make circular movements from the center of the forehead to the temples and vice versa.

Then the same movements can be repeated, massaging other lines on the head - from the crown to the upper part of the ears, from the crown to the back of the nape and along the nape itself.

You can also use your fingertips to massage the part of the head that is covered with hair. This will help you relax and relieve headaches as well as dizziness.

In order not to resort to the help of such means and methods, it is better to monitor your health. Exclude all possible causes of vertigo that you yourself have a direct influence on.

Otherwise, go see a doctor. He will set true reason dizziness.

When you feel dizzy, you cannot even move around the apartment, because you are slightly swaying or even very skidding. The vestibular apparatus failed - a partial loss of orientation. If this condition does not go away and is repeated more and more often, then you ask yourself questions: “Why is my head spinning?” and "How to treat dizziness?". In any case, to determine the cause, you need to remember how you felt in previous days. Have you already had at least short-term, for a few seconds, disconnections of the vestibular apparatus? Did you "drive" while sitting in front of the TV or at your desk in the office? Severe dizziness does not suddenly occur, there are always some prerequisites, short-term signals that you simply did not pay attention to before due to a large number work, study, current worries.

Dizziness belongs to the category of fairly common pathologies. All people at least once encountered the illusion of movement of the torso or surrounding objects. Sometimes this condition occurs with sudden movements. For some people, it appears when getting out of bed or in a dream. Many people have an occasional feeling as if they are dizzy, which, although not a disease, may be a symptom of some other disease. There are a great many reasons for such an ailment, from fairly “safe”, in which the symptoms are rare, episodic, to very serious, in which the head is constantly dizzy. The frequency of occurrence of symptoms almost always indicates possible problems with health.

Causes of dizziness in a healthy person

The vestibular apparatus determines the level of balance felt by a person. It is located in the region of the inner ear, from where periodic signals come to nerve cells and the temporal region of the cerebral cortex - this is the mechanism of internal control human body for body position. Any disturbances in the impulse transmission of information to the brain lead to a partial loss of a sense of balance. Dizziness is not a disease, but just one of its signs - symptoms, something like a headache or high fever. Attacks of dizziness can be extremely rare and inexpressive, or they can be persistent and have a strong impact not only on well-being, but also on the quality of life, and even on working capacity. In the first case, this is usually natural reaction healthy person to strong external stimuli.

severe fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common causes. The body can function optimally and smoothly only under the condition of its regular psychological and physical unloading. That is, good rest a person needs no less than water or food. If you do not get enough sleep, get very tired, and even worse - combine these two factors, dizziness is a completely expected phenomenon. If you do not bring the matter to a chronic state, then everything, as a rule, passes within a few days after the restoration of sleep and rest.

Unexpected severe stressful situation

Failing an exam, going on stage in front of thousands of people, skydiving, and so on and so forth. Here are the examples in question. What happens in such cases at the physiological level? A powerful and sharp release of adrenaline is carried out in circulatory system. Due to the influence of this hormone, in such large quantities, blood vessels in the brain are compressed (their short-term spasm occurs), as a result, normal oxygen supply and metabolism are disturbed for some time. The natural result - a person's head is spinning.

Starvation or avitaminosis

And one should not think that only a long absence of food can provoke an imbalance that manifests itself in the form of an attack of dizziness. Quite the opposite: with prolonged fasting, the body has time to adapt to it and rebuild its metabolism to the current situation. But with irregular nutrition, it can occur sharp drops blood glucose levels. There were carbohydrates - and no carbohydrates. The brain does not understand what is happening, because it requires a lot of energy. And she is not. This can also make your head spin.

Rapid movement, focus failure

Usually the head begins to spin with a sudden change in the position of the body. This condition often appears when the head is tilted. As a rule, such discomfort is temporary and disappears on its own. For example: carousel traffic. This also includes "seasickness". The brain receives information for processing excessively often, as the surrounding objects flicker before the eyes at breakneck speed. He does not have time to analyze it, there is a "confusion".

Concerning focus: if long time look somewhere in the distance, and then look at an object located nearby, the eyes may not have time to adapt, and the pupil may narrow. The result is fog before the eyes and slight dizziness. Here much depends on the tone of the pupils.

Dizziness while lying down

If you abruptly change the position of the body from vertical to horizontal, specific dizziness may occur. Many describe it like this: "It feels like I'm floating away." Don't worry if this feeling is irregular. It may be a characteristic sign of such a benign positional disorder.

The fact is that the vestibular apparatus has receptors in its composition. They, in the process of life, die, while a chemical reaction takes place with the release of particles of calcium carbonate. It is this substance, at its certain concentration in the blood, that provokes dizziness.

Feeling dizzy after taking medication

The annotations for many drugs indicate that after taking the patient may feel dizzy. But in some medicines this property is especially pronounced:

  1. Antiallergic drugs. It has a particularly strong effect on nervous system and the balance organ Diphenhydramine, which is currently used relatively rarely.
  2. The most powerful groups of antibiotics and antiseptics.
  3. Tranquilizers and strong sedatives.

In general, dizziness is a characteristic side effect many medicines that act on the nervous system.

Bad habits that cause dizziness

Often at a doctor's appointment, you can hear a complaint of this kind: "when I smoke, my head is spinning." While smoking, all people get a little dizzy. This is due to the fact that nicotine, penetrating into the blood, dilates the vessels of the brain. Dizziness - feature hangover syndrome. In this case, the symptom is associated with poisoning with ethyl alcohol and products of its processing in the body. There is swelling of the brain, thrombosis of its small capillaries, increased blood pressure. Against the backdrop of these pathological changes A person is also worried about other symptoms:

  • headache;
  • a general feeling of depression, weakness;
  • bad mood and decreased emotional background;
  • nausea and vomiting .

Diseases associated with dizziness

Sometimes dizziness is a manifestation of quite dangerous disorders. For example, the head is spinning due to the fact that there is a lack of coordination in the operation of sensory functions. Frequent seizures disorientation can be a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It may be about development. diabetes and atherosclerosis. Sometimes this condition appears with hypertension, but it can also occur with normal pressure. Depending on whether there pathological process in the inner ear or not, distinguish between systemic (true, vestibular) and non-systemic (non-vestibular) vertigo.

Systemic dizziness is characterized by a clear sensation of rotation of objects around the body or rotation of the body itself in space and occurs when the vestibular apparatus or the nerve nuclei of the brain responsible for coordination and balance are affected. It occurs in 25% of all cases of symptoms described by the patient as a condition in which the head is spinning. In the rest - signs of non-systemic dizziness.

Systemic vertigo is characteristic of diseases such as:

  • Meniere's disease - as a rule, a unilateral lesion of the labyrinth of a non-inflammatory nature;
  • vestibular schwannoma ( benign tumor), or acoustic neuroma;
  • Bacterial and viral diseases labyrinth - labyrinthitis due to untreated otitis media, after suffering influenza, measles, rubella;
  • Acute peripheral vestibulopathy (vestibular neuronitis) is a complication after acute respiratory infection in the form of a lesion of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Benign paroxysmal (paroxysmal) dizziness - in 50 - 75% of cases, the cause of such attacks cannot be established, then they speak of idiopathic dizziness. It is characterized by the occurrence of seizures at night or in the morning at the slightest turn or tilting of the head. Attacks are short-term, occur several times a day or a week, then cease to disturb the patient for several weeks, and then reappear;
  • Damage to the brain in the region of the vestibular nuclei and the cerebellum - tumors, injuries, stroke in the acute and subacute periods.

Non-systemic dizziness is characterized various symptoms, described by the patient as a feeling of lightheadedness, nausea, unsteady gait, fainting with flies before the eyes and tinnitus and can occur with such diseases:

  • Neurological diseases - epilepsy, demyelinating ( multiple sclerosis), infectious (meningoencephalitis), tumor processes of the brain, increased intracranial pressure;
  • Psychogenic diseases - neurosis associated with constant stress, depression, anxiety disorder personality;
  • Diseases of the middle and inner ear - otitis media, barotrauma (may occur in divers, divers with a sharp dive to a great depth), acoustic neuroma;
  • Diseases of the visual apparatus - diabetic retinopathy (retinal pathology), cataracts, glaucoma;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the associated violation of blood flow through the vessels of the neck and head, for example, with cervical osteochondrosis or the consequences of a spinal injury in the cervical region, the carotid arteries that bring blood and oxygen to the cranial cavity suffer;
  • Violations cerebral circulation- acute (stroke) and chronic (dyscirculatory encephalopathy);
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - weakness syndrome sinus node, bradycardia, aortic atherosclerosis and carotid arteries, arterial hypertension and hypertensive crisis;
  • Migraine;
  • Early and late consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • Pathological conditions that occur during pregnancy and not only - preeclampsia (preeclampsia), anemia, decreased blood glucose levels, lack or absence of vitamins in the body.

If you have ruled out all factors provoking dizziness, and unpleasant symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor to conduct an examination for a disease that could cause such a condition.

When to See a Doctor

Despite the presence of reasonable and relatively normal options when dizzy, with frequent repetition of such unpleasant symptoms you should contact the experts. As one of the most common causes of dizziness in women, doctors call an increased or decreased arterial pressure. People for whom drops in blood pressure have become a common, often recurring phenomenon also experience frequent dizziness.

If you are simultaneously experiencing symptoms such as:

  • severe weakness;
  • vision problems;
  • noise in ears;
  • headache,

then an ambulance call is simply necessary for you. The fact is that dizziness in combination with loss of consciousness, loss of strength and coordination of movements, as well as headache, are signs of an acute violation of cerebral blood flow and, possibly, a stroke.

If, in addition to dizziness, you also feel:

  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • headache,

these could be symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, toxic poisoning or migraines.


The correct treatment of patients who often feel dizzy should be chosen by the doctor. Since the head is spinning at the most various diseases and infections, he usually prescribes a comprehensive study, which may include:

  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • x-ray;
  • study of the body using radioisotopes;
  • biochemical analyses.

Treatment of any type of dizziness should begin only with a visit to the doctor. Most importantly, apply medical care in time.

What to do if you feel dizzy

  • Quite often, dizziness is accompanied by nausea. In this case, do not try to restrain yourself.
  • If you feel very dizzy, the first thing you should do is lie down immediately. The head and shoulders should be at the same level, in this position the blood supply to the brain improves.
  • Lie down, preferably in a dark room. Place ice or a towel soaked in cold water on your forehead.
  • Close your eyes or fix your eyes on some fixed object.
  • Drink cold strong coffee.
  • Peppermint infusion. Especially useful for dizziness in the morning.
  • Drink instead of tea after lunch and dinner and the problem will pass.
  • Include phosphorus-rich foods such as fish, nuts, cheese, and eggs in your daily diet more often.

Huge benefit in dizziness, and not only with them, will bring you daily douche. Do not start abruptly, pour over your feet first, let the water be at room temperature at first, gradually make it more and more cool.

If you feel dizzy - folk remedies will help

  • For 1 cup boiling water, brew like tea, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melissa
  • Before meals 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seaweed.
  • Nettle decoction. 1 st. pour a spoonful of nettle 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Strain, add 100 ml. apple juice and drink three times a day 20 minutes before each meal.
  • 10 ml. juniper oil, 30 ml. fir oil, 100 ml. 100% camphor oil mix, shake well. When dizzy, lubricate the points above the eyebrows, above upper lip, whiskey, behind the ears.

Coordination and balance exercise

In conclusion, I want to give you a set of exercises that will help you cope with constant dizziness, but on the condition that you perform them regularly.

  1. Slowly tilt your head forward towards your chin as low as possible. And also, very slowly without tension, lift.
  2. Alternately tilt your head to the right and left to the shoulder. Do it very slowly.
  3. With your head you need to describe the eight from left to right, then down and forward.
  4. The same as in the previous exercise, only in the vertical and horizontal direction.

If you are constantly dizzy, while you experience weakness or nausea, be sure to contact a neurologist, and describe to him as precisely as possible everything that you feel at the same time. Detailed and detailed description will help the specialist to understand and correctly diagnose.

What is dizziness, everyone knows. This strange and unpleasant feeling formed the basis of the thriller of the same name by Alfred Hitchcock. However, cinema is one thing, and life is quite another ...

Dizziness is not a disease, but just one of its signs - symptoms, something like a headache or high temperature. But the symptom of which disease is dizziness in this particular case is up to the doctors to decide. However, there are a few things that patients need to know as well.

False alarm

If your head is spinning in the arms of a loved one, during a speech in front of large audience or in the process of dressing down, arranged by a formidable boss - do not worry. Everything is in order with your health, and the cause of dizziness is the release of adrenaline, which causes a spasm of smooth muscles, including vascular smooth muscles, which temporarily worsens the blood supply to the brain.

In the first week of their stay in orbit, astronauts usually suffer from severe dizziness. The body adapts to weightlessness, redistribution of blood occurs, and the vestibular apparatus "goes crazy" trying to determine where the top is, where the bottom is.

Often, motion sickness is accompanied by dizziness in transport, on a carousel and in a cinema - if the film is shot using the “hand-held camera” technique. The discrepancy between what our vestibular apparatus perceives and what we see is to blame. The brain simultaneously analyzes both signals and confusion occurs, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This state, if it is associated with water transport called "seasickness". In some people it is more pronounced, while in others it is less. By the way, one of its most famous victims was the legendary Admiral Nelson.

If your head is spinning from a height, it’s also not scary. It's just that if you look into the distance for a long time, it is difficult for your eyes to focus on nearby objects.

Even the head may be spinning due to a failure in the blood supply to the parts of the brain responsible for balance. To do this, it is not necessary to get sick, you can, say, unsuccessfully throw back or turn your head (be careful when doing exercises for the neck muscles!). And if you forget to eat (hello, dieters!), then your head may begin to spin due to a lack of glucose in the blood.

It's time to heal

If the head is spinning systematically, we are not talking about physiological, but about pathological dizziness. That is, it is a symptom of some disease. But which one, you can guess from the accompanying sensations.

Dizziness... and only

Enough common cause dizziness - disease of the vestibular apparatus(it is in the inner ear). Such dizziness is called true or vertigo. It manifests itself acutely, accompanied by the illusion of moving in the space of one's own body or surrounding objects, as well as nausea, vomiting, cold sweat. These troubles can arise against the background of such a common disease as otitis media - then dizziness is preceded by pain in the ear.

Dizziness + hearing loss

If dizziness occurs in the form of attacks that last several hours and are accompanied by noise or whistling in the ears and hearing loss, this is most likely Meniere's disease. It occurs when the fluid that bathes the auditory and vestibular parts of the inner ear becomes larger than usual or the electrolyte ratio changes in it. It is curious that with such a disease, with hearing loss, certain frequencies may fall out - for example, a person hears perfectly well what they say in a whisper, but cannot distinguish between ordinary speech.

If dizziness begins imperceptibly, as if gradually, and is accompanied by unilateral hearing loss, it is necessary to exclude brain tumor. If sharply unilateral deafness occurs abruptly, the diagnosis is not so frightening: perilymphatic fistula. Simply put, a membrane rupture between the middle and inner ear. Distinctive feature: when coughing or sneezing, dizziness increases.

Dizziness + headache

Tinnitus in combination with nausea and dizziness, light and sound fear may be a harbinger migraine.

If dizziness and headache are felt at the same time, it is possible that its cause is poisoning(for example, alcohol or intoxication in severe infectious disease) or traumatic brain injury.

Dizziness + incoordination

Acute dizziness combined with loss of consciousness, blurred vision, changes in sensitivity, weakness, difficulty with coordination - all this can be caused by such a serious cause as acute cerebrovascular accident(stroke). If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Dizziness + psychological discomfort

Feeling of "fog" in the head, lightheadedness, fear of falling may be accompanied by dizziness when neurosis or depression. Such dizziness is called psychogenic, it can last for weeks and even months.

Dizziness that gets worse with movement

Such people suffered from dizziness famous people like Julius Caesar, Martin Luther King, Edgar Allan Poe.

It is believed among the people that a long stay next to an aspen can provoke dizziness - it “pulls out” energy.

Indolent dizziness, which increases with movement, especially if the person at the time of its onset was twisting his head (flexion, extension, neck turns), most likely due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

If dizziness occurs with a change in body position and only with a certain position of the head (usually an attack lasts from several seconds to several minutes and passes at rest), one can suspect benign positional vertigo. The essence of the disease is the destruction of certain receptors of the vestibular apparatus with the release of calcium carbonate crystals. Their migration causes dizziness.

Dizziness after taking medication

Taking certain medications can “turn” your head: allergy medications (suprastin, diphenhydramine), colds (coldrex, teraflu), some antibiotics, sleeping pills and tranquilizers.

What to do?

If you suddenly feel dizzy, the main thing is to calm down and try not to fall - with dizziness, balance is very often disturbed. Sit down, and best of all, lie down so that your head and shoulders are at the same level - this position improves the blood supply to the brain. Don't make sudden movements.

You can try to fix your eyes on a fixed object or just close your eyes. Well, and of course, if dizziness is not caused by objective reasons, does not go away for a long time, repeats after a while - urgently contact a neurologist.

Natalya Karpova