Which group of disabled people is entitled to land? Is land for individual housing construction provided to disabled people? During this time, regional authorities

Current legislation does not provide for free distribution land plots disabled people, and purchase them as property or long-term lease at a reduced price. In this case, the applicant has predominantly the right to purchase - this means that he can receive land out of turn. Detailed description the procedure for providing plots, their purpose - all this can be found in the material.

Federal legislation guarantees certain benefits for people with disabilities, including the right to be provided with land plots. First of all, Federal Law No. 181 speaks about this.

Article 17 states that people with disabilities have a priority right over other citizens to receive land (we are talking only about those plots that are owned by the state - at the federal or municipal level).

In this case, all possible purposes of use are specified:

  • (construction own home where you can live permanently, year-round);
  • personal farming, garden and vegetable garden;
  • dacha farming.

Therefore, the acquisition of land for commercial purposes is not permitted. This right can be exercised by both disabled people themselves and the families in which they live. It is important to understand that the law does not guarantee free receipt land as such. We are talking only about the primary right of a disabled person, i.e. land can be purchased for money, but without participating in auctions (in the 1st turn). Thus, although the price for the plot is lower, it is still provided not free of charge.

Who has the right to priority acquisition of land?

All disabled people enjoy this right, regardless of group (I, II and III). The group must be confirmed by the corresponding conclusion of the VTEK medical commission. The following also have the right:

  • parents of disabled children;
  • guardians of disabled people.

The applicant can personally participate in the preparation of the relevant documents or contact the local Administration through a legal representative. They can be parents (including adoptive ones), guardians, as well as persons who act on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Conditions for allocation

Applicants may apply for land that is federally or municipally owned. The administration forms a queue of citizens who have the right to purchase land. Among them, people with disabilities receive priority rights, and within this category, distribution is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. Land can be provided:

  • into ownership;
  • or for long-term rent.

In the second case, it is possible to privatize the land subsequently, having received the consent of the municipal government.

The allocation conditions are as follows:

  1. The site can only be provided for those purposes that were stated in advance. For example, the construction of a permanent residential building on land that is allocated for dacha farming is not allowed.
  2. The territory is provided to people with permanent disabilities. A medical examination takes place annually, so if the group is canceled based on the result of the examination, the citizen is deprived of benefits.
  3. If it is necessary to carry out the determination of the exact boundaries of the territory, separating it from the plots of neighbors, and also to install, the Administration will carry it out at its own expense. That is, the buyer (or tenant) receives “ready” land, and no additional documents are required.
  4. Representatives of the local Administration have the right to check the land even if the disabled person or his land has acquired ownership of it. For this purpose, a special commission is created that visits the owner 3 years after the documents are prepared.
  5. If during this period it is discovered that the family is using the territory for another purpose, the plot may be confiscated. The corresponding decision is made only in court.
  6. If it is intended to use the territory for the construction of a house (individual housing construction), for this the family must be recognized as in need of improved conditions. This is also done in the local Administration. One of the conditions is a small apartment area (less than 12 m2 per person) or recognition of the house where the family of a disabled person lives as unsafe.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining land

To obtain land, you must contact the Administration of the municipality where you intend to purchase the land.

Step 1. Collecting documents

First of all, you need to collect a complete package of documents:

  • passport of a disabled person (for a child - birth certificate);
  • conclusion on recognition of disability and assignment of the appropriate group;
  • passport of the parent or guardian, if acting on behalf of the disabled person;
  • (available from your local passport office).

You can also provide additional documents that give you the right to receive benefits. For example, a large family with 1 or more disabled children will have an advantage over other applicants.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

If the territory is purchased or rented in order to build a permanent house on it, it is necessary to additionally provide a certificate stating that the family needs to improve their living conditions. To do this, you need to contact the housing department of the Administration in advance: the document is prepared at least 1 month.

Step 2. Contacting the Administration: sample application

These documents are submitted to the Administration, and an application is drawn up on the spot (in 2 identical original copies) according to the accepted template:

  1. The document is written addressed to the head of the Administration, and the applicant also indicates his full name, address and contact information.
  2. The text sets out a request for the allocation of a site; the address of its location and area is indicated. The basis for the request is stated.
  3. Next you need to describe the list of all attached documents.
  4. At the end they put the date, signature and transcript of the signature (last name, initials).

One copy is submitted to an employee of the municipal body, the second is marked with the transfer of documents. The review period begins from this date.

Step 3. Waiting and further actions

The waiting period is from 15 to 30 calendar days , in rare cases up to 2 months. The administration must provide a written response, which is sent by mail and delivered to the hands of the disabled person or his family. If a positive decision is made, the applicant immediately begins to prepare documents for the land plot. An agreement is signed with a representative of the Administration:

  • rent;
  • or purchase and sale.

Next, you need to register the right of ownership or right of lease in the Rosreestr branch. Documents for the plot, an agreement, and a passport of the owner of the land (or its tenant) are submitted there. IN further action will depend on how the area is intended to be used. The simplest case is a private farm, summer cottage, gardening, because no additional documents will be required.

If a citizen intends to build a permanent house, he must first obtain permission for construction from the local Administration. A project is drawn up in advance (at your own expense), which can be done either independently or with the help of specialists from private licensed companies.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

Acquiring ownership of a plot of land involves subsequently paying land taxes. The rate is 0.3% for plots used for personal farming, gardening, summer cottage farming and 1.5% in the case of the construction of a permanent house. The tax must be paid both on the territory owned by right of ownership and on leased land. may be established by local authorities; this possibility is not provided at the federal level. Therefore, a disabled person or his representative needs to obtain additional advice from the Administration of his district.

Step 4. What to do in case of refusal: judicial practice

Along with the obvious reasons for refusal (not all documents have been submitted, there are errors, inaccuracies, damage, etc.), there may be more compelling reasons.

IN last years into legislation Russian Federation additions and amendments were made affecting the rights of people with disabilities health. Today, there are programs that allow citizens with disabilities to change their living conditions in better side. Such programs for people with disabilities exist at both the federal and regional levels.

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The government has developed a large the legislative framework, regulating and protecting the rights of people recognized as disabled in our state.

Today, people with disabilities and families with a disabled person have the opportunity to receive a plot of land.

Providing land plot free of charge for disabled people is carried out based on a lease agreement; it can be transferred to the disabled person for indefinite use or ownership.

  • for the construction of a residential building, cottage;
  • farming;
  • building a garage;
  • planting a garden or vegetable garden.

The allocation of land to a person with a disability comes from the land fund that is in municipal or federal ownership.

Terms of service

  1. In Article 17 of the current Federal Law “On social protection disabled people" detailed explanations are provided on the definition of this preferential category of citizens of land plots. The article states that those citizens with any disability group, or families raising a child with disabilities, guardians and adoptive parents of such a child, in order to improve their living conditions, must be registered with the local administration.
  2. This right of people with disabilities is resolved by local authorities through the allocation of plots of land into their property in the first place or use it on a leasehold basis. That is, a plot of land provided to a person with a disability is first given for rent.
  3. Construction should begin on this land in three years. After construction begins, the land can be registered as ownership. If construction does not start, then the local administration can quite legally seize the allocated land from a disabled person. In this case, a person with a disability loses his right to free one-time ownership of land.
  4. Based on this, federal law One of the conditions for granting is the need of a disabled person for additional living space. If he or his family members have less than 12 square meters of living space, they have no other living quarters, and there has been no deterioration in their living conditions over the past 5 years, then they will be recognized as needing to improve their living conditions.


In order for a citizen to use the right to obtain land, the following requirements must be met:

  • the presence of a citizen of any disability group, regardless of the type of disease;
  • be recognized as low-income;
  • be recognized as in need of improved living conditions.


The legislation of the Russian Federation does not primarily provide for restrictions on the allocation of land to this preferential category of citizens. Otherwise, the rights of these people are considered violated, and the inaction of the local administration will not be the basis for the deterioration of these rights.

Based on the Federal Law, plots for this preferential category of citizens must be formed, and their boundaries must be determined, surveyed and submitted for cadastral registration.

The land that will be provided to a person with a disability should not be owned by anyone, but should be considered free. If a person with a disability already owns land, then this right is retained.

Who should?

The basis for allocating a plot of land in the first place to a person is the recognition of his disability group. Regardless of this group and type of disease, everyone can exercise the right to allocate a plot.

Citizens who are not disabled, but are raising a child with a disability, guardians or adoptive parents of such a child, have the opportunity, in the interests of the child, to apply for land in the first place.

What documents are required?

In order for a person with a disability to receive a plot of land, he must write an application to the local administration. It should state the purpose of use of this site, the desired location, as well as ownership of it.

Along with the application, attach a package of documents:

    • a person's identity document;
    • a document confirming registration at the place of permanent residence;
    • TIN (certificate of registration with the tax office);
    • conclusion of a medical and social examination on the appointment of a disability group;
    • a certificate confirming that formerly man, who has a disability, did not realize the opportunity to obtain land.

After registering his application, 14 calendar days later, the local administration issues a resolution to assign the disabled person a plot of land for ownership or temporary use.

After the land is allocated, a disabled person and his family must undergo state registration of the land allocated to him within one month.

How to get land?

To be able to obtain land, a person with a disability or a family with a disabled person should:

  • contact local authorities;
  • submit a written application;
  • provide the required documents;
  • to get in line.

Where to go?

The local municipality must put a person with a disability on a waiting list.

According to current legislation, the responsibility for identifying land plots and transferring them to people with disabilities lies only with the local administration.

To obtain land, people recognized as disabled must submit an application to the municipality at the location of the plot or to.

It will be important to indicate in the application:

  • the size of the desired area;
  • the area where it is located;
  • the purpose of its use (purpose of the site).

A disabled person can submit a written application in person or this can be done by his legal representative using a notarized power of attorney. The application can also be sent by mail, enclosing Required documents with mandatory notification of its delivery.


To fulfill the rights of this preferential category of citizens, you should:

  • the disabled person himself or the family with the disabled person must be recognized as poor;
  • apply for a desire to receive a land plot indicating the purpose of its use;
  • collect all the necessary documents;
  • choose a site by writing an application to the municipality;
  • stand in line to receive a plot of land;
  • buy the provided plot or become its tenant;
  • If you receive a refusal to exercise this right, contact the prosecutor's office or court.

After a disabled person or a family with a disabled person receives a plot, they are automatically removed from the register as needing improved living conditions.

What to do if your application is refused?

If a person with a disability or a family raising a child with a disability is denied the right to receive land, then within 3 months they must go to court to resolve this problem.

More often the reasons for refusal may be the following:

  • the absence on the territory of the municipality of an order on the priority provision of land to this preferential category of citizens;
  • a person recognized as disabled is not recognized as needing improvement in his living conditions.

None of these reasons for refusal can be legitimate.

After the administration makes a decision not in favor of a person with a disability, you should take a written refusal, write a complaint and, with all the documents, go to court to protect this right. The court, making a ruling in favor of the disabled person, will oblige the local administration to solve this problem within a certain time frame at the expense of the local budget.

In addition to the judicial authorities, the prosecutor's office accepts claims from disabled people regarding violations of rights in the provision of a land plot. When turning to the prosecutor's office for help, the time frame for issuing a decision on these complaints is slightly longer than in court.

Existing legislation ensures the protection and observance of all rights of people with disabilities, one of such rights is to receive a plot of land in the first place.

The land legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the free allocation of plots of land for certain categories of the population. As a rule, these are people who have great merit to the state or are poor, for example. One of the categories that can qualify for the allocation of land is people with disabilities.

The corresponding law on the provision of free land under number 181 was adopted back in 1995. But obtaining a plot for a disabled person, land benefits - these issues did not become completely simple even after the law was passed.

The process itself, when land plots are provided for disabled people, requires the fulfillment of certain conditions, so not even everyone from this category will be able to become landowners for free.

How are land plots provided to disabled people, can all disability groups take advantage of the benefit, what documents are needed for the application? This important questions, information on which will be useful and relevant.


Without benefits, land plots are provided on a paid basis. If there is no large amount, the land can be leased. Of course, purchasing a plot at auction provides more opportunities for land use.

But there are socially vulnerable categories of the population to whom the state can provide an allotment free of charge. After all, it is difficult for a person limited in his capabilities, employment and income generation to collect necessary funds To buy land, expensive real estate is enough. Therefore, the state decided how a disabled person of group 2 could receive a plot of land.

ATTENTION! The Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” specifies such a norm, as do some other legislative standards. The social protection service must inform a disabled person about all the opportunities and benefits that he will receive with the assignment of a disability category.

The land is issued for several uses. On the site received free of charge, a disabled person can:

  • build a house;
  • build utility rooms;
  • conduct personal farming;
  • engage in gardening or gardening.

A free plot can be provided to the disabled person himself or to a family that includes such a person.

Important for the preferential category is the information that not only land plots for disabled people are provided free of charge, but also services for land surveying of these plots and cadastral registration.

This is significant assistance for disabled people, as a low-income category, since in other cases the costs are covered by the buyer of the plot. People with serious health problems have to spend a lot of money on treatment, medications, and rehabilitation. Therefore, state assistance in obtaining land area and its registration is significant.

Persons who are responsible for the provision of land and its registration must comply with these legal requirements. They are obliged to check the fact that the plot for individual housing construction or private plots does not belong to anyone and is vacant.


  1. Land that belongs to the municipality or the state is allocated to disabled people, including children, free of charge. There should be a queue of those who are entitled to land benefits. Disabled people with limited capabilities, their guardians or adoptive parents, and parents are also put on the waiting list.
  2. Land for disabled people, adults or children, is given free of charge for a long term lease or completely owned. Even if the plot is allocated for rent, the disabled person will then be able to privatize it.
  3. How a plot of land is transferred free of charge depends on what the owner needs the land for.

Even a disabled person can have their land taken away if, for three years after the allocation, the owner does not engage in any activity on it or has not started construction. Is there always a preferential category of land for construction?

If a disabled person has normal living conditions, if he does not need to expand his living space, the application for an allotment for individual housing construction may be rejected. Land is allocated for this purpose in the case when a family has less than 12 square meters per person. m or the house where a disabled person lives is in disrepair and is not safe.


You can obtain information on how to apply for land from the social security service, local authorities, or services that deal with land allocation. The procedure is not complicated, but you need to follow it exactly.

  • First, an application is submitted to the local government authority. A sample application for a land plot can be found there. The application must indicate the desired location of the allotment.
  • Information is also required on how the site is planned to be used. For the authority that will designate the territory, it is important to know whether there will be a house or a garden there.
  • The applicant may be provided with a list of sites and their location. You need to choose the most suitable one that meets most of the requirements.
  • For the land allocation procedure, you will need to prepare a list of certain documents. You can check the list in the same municipality.
  • Then the issue is considered by the local administration, a positive or negative decision is made. Since the allocation of land to a disabled person is based on special acts of legislation, a negative decision is made in extremely rare cases.
  • The municipality's decision will become the basis for issuing a cadastral passport and other documents.
  • The new owner must also obtain a certificate of ownership of the free land plot allocated by the state.

Reasons for refusal

There are only a few reasons when a local administration has the right to refuse a disabled person’s application for a free plot of land.

  1. The applicant, even if he belongs to the preferential category, may already have a land plot. In this case, another one is not allocated to him.
  2. Another reason is the lack of available land in the area indicated by the applicant.
  3. Also, a plot for the construction of a private house will not be issued if the existing housing conditions meet the standards for space and quality.

If the local administration makes a negative decision and rejects the request of a disabled person for the allocation of land, the applicant has every reason to apply to the prosecutor’s office or court to protect his legitimate interests.

ATTENTION! You must have a written refusal from the municipality to provide a free plot.

Changes in legislation

In recent years, there have been no innovations or changes in issues related to the provision of plots to disabled people. free of charge. Therefore, representatives of the preferential category can safely contact local authorities after collecting documents. If you have questions, you can contact a lawyer experienced in land issues to clarify them.


  • Each subject of the Federation is implementing a program according to which land is allocated to people with disabilities.
  • The plot is issued once. If a person in a preferential category has already received a free plot, there is no need to waste time and apply again for the plot - it will be rejected. The exception is when the quality of the plot deteriorates and it becomes unsuitable for construction or gardening. But the fact of land damage must be documented.
  • If a disabled person previously bought a plot of land at his own expense, he has the right to receive another one free of charge from the state.
  • When allocating land to a child with a disability, the main thing is to respect his interests. The procedure involves not only a commission from the local government, but also a representative of the guardianship authority.

Required documents

  1. You will need a civil passport to prove your identity.
  2. A document that proves the fact of registration in the given territory of the subject. After all, the allotment is allocated only at the place of residence.
  3. Document confirming disability.
  4. TIN certificate.

If the parents of a disabled child or his guardians are involved in obtaining land, you will need additional documents that will indicate family ties or other relationships.

Disability benefits are significant state assistance to those who have serious problems with health, who are limited in their physical capabilities. When registering for a disability group, you should always be interested in what types of assistance you can get.

The Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ provides for the right of such citizens to receive priority land for private housing construction, farming or gardening. But to exercise this right, a number of conditions must be met and certain procedures must be followed.

Let's look at how land is provided to people with disabilities and what difficulties may be encountered.

Grounds for allocating a plot of land to a disabled person

Conditions for allocating land plots to disabled people

  1. The allocation of land plots from the land fund owned by local governments or the state occurs in the order of priority from citizens who have the right to receive land out of turn. Both citizens with disabilities themselves and their parents, guardians or adoptive parents can join it.
  2. Land is allocated for ownership or long-term lease. The second option involves the possibility of acquiring ownership of the site in the future. The form of land transfer is determined based on the purposes of use and the desires of the applicant.
  3. All lands have their own purpose, suggesting their specific use. If it turns out that the site is not being used for its intended purpose, then the administrative commission has every right to impose a fine under Art. 8.8 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  4. perhaps if a participant in a preferential category or his family really needs to improve their living conditions. This may manifest itself in a lack of living space for each family member (less than 12 m2 per person) or in non-compliance of housing with sanitary and technical standards where the citizen lives.

The procedure for allocating a land plot to a disabled person

The procedure in which land plots are provided to people with disabilities differs little from the general one.

You need to do the following:

  • submit an application to the local administration for the allocation of a plot, indicating its desired location and purpose of use, attaching documents confirming the disability of the citizen or a member of his family;
  • select a site from those already available or being prepared for allocation;
  • collect and submit the necessary documents;
  • obtain a decision on the allocation of a site;
  • conclude an agreement with the local administration on the purchase and sale or lease of a land plot;
  • register your right to the plot.

Refusal to provide a site

There may be legitimate reasons for refusing to allocate a land plot.

But what should other segments of the population do, who, due to some physical disability, cannot earn their own plot of land? In our country disabled people, childhood disabled people and disabled children are entitled to many benefits, both social and material.

However, the warning system does not work properly in all regions and, often, people with disabilities simply do not know about their rights, and they, by the way, are extensive.

There are a number of both federal and regional programs that help people with disabilities improve their living conditions, provide all sorts of benefits and benefits. We will talk about one of them in this article.

Donation program

Free land plot: is it entitled to it and to whom? Today there is a whole legislative framework, which regulates the rights of people with disabilities in relation to this group of people.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, people with disabilities are recognized as people who are in a state in which there are all kinds of restrictions in the performance of any activity of citizens, from any side. The parties include physical, sensory, mental and any other activities.

The Federal Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” establishes a number of points, according to which disabled people have the right to improved living conditions. In addition, this right is supported by the Rules for providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children.

Another important legislative act regulating the improvement of living conditions for people with disabilities is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 901, which provides for priority the right of disabled people to receive a plot of land for personal purposes, namely, building a home (for individual housing construction), running a subsidiary farm, and so on.

These programs, enshrined in the legislative acts listed above, are federal program to provide disabled people with land plots, which are widely implemented in our country.

However, at the regional level there are programs that also provide a similar right. Information about them is not so widespread, however, it should be on the subject government website. If information is not available, you can find out about programs for people with disabilities by contacting your local government or administration office.

Reasons for providing

Disabled people are preferential category of citizens, and the state is trying to take care of these people and provide them with the necessary living conditions.

  • first;
  • second;
  • third.

Citizens who have been given any of the listed categories have the right to exercise their rights not to receive a land plot.

In addition, citizens who are not disabled, but are simply parents of a disabled child, acting on his behalf and in his interests can also apply for a land plot.


The state protects the rights of people with disabilities and guarantees the provision of land to everyone. The land plot is issued once and a disabled person can no longer apply for the realization of his rights a second time.

However, if the land plot ceased to exist or became unusable due to factors independent of the actions of the disabled person, for example, mudflows, landslides, earthquakes and other factors that destroy the site, then a disabled person has the right to re-apply.

However, the fact of loss of the previous land plot must be confirmed. In addition, the law strictly ensures that persons with disabilities are provided only vacant land plots, not burdened by the actions of third parties.

If a disabled person is denied a plot of land due to the fact that he has he already has a plot of land that he purchased on his own, then this is a gross violation of his rights. Thus, in accordance with the law, a disabled person has the right to receive a plot of land, regardless of whether he has a plot of his own.

As you can see, the rights of persons with disabilities, in accordance with the law cannot be limited actions of the legislator.

Receipt procedure

The procedure for obtaining a land plot for disabled people is quite simple and free of bureaucracy. So, for starters, a disabled person you need to collect a package of documents and send them to local governments. The actions taken by the disabled person themselves in accordance with the new law on their social rights are as few as possible.

In comparison with the law that was in force in the early nineties, a disabled person had to go through all stages of the procedure and bureaucracy, which involved endless walking to offices, standing in lines and filling out documents.

Today, to make it easier for disabled people to submit an application, a similar system is already in place in some regions. service in electronic form, which can be easily obtained on the government services website.

They give you an exact list of documents, set an appointment time and help you fill out an application - and all this without leaving home and in minimal short time .

Algorithm of actions - instructions

The algorithm of actions for a disabled person to obtain a plot of land is quite simple. So, you need, as mentioned above, to collect a package of documents, submit it to the office for verification and wait for the documents to pass into your hands from the office specially formed commission.

The commission will review the documents and send requests to the relevant authorities to confirm the accuracy of the data you provide. Thus, a disabled person performs only two actions: submits a package of documents and waits for the result. Agree, it is very convenient for people with disabilities who cannot stand in lines and walk around offices.

Where to contact? This question worries any citizen who wants to receive any service, however, does not know how, and most importantly, where to exercise their rights.

However, if ordinary people If there is an opportunity to run through authorities, this is very difficult for disabled people.

So, you need to contact the local government directly - the local administration or government. They will tell you in detail about the program being implemented in the office, and they should also help you fill out a number of documents.

Also, if a disabled person does not have the opportunity to independently reach the authorities, you can ask for this social security center employee. An employee can come to your home and draw up an application with you, and will also help you draw up a package of documents.

Completing the application correctly

Statement, the key link in your appeal. His must be written in literate, legal language. So, if you do not mention any fact that is important for obtaining a land plot, you will return the documents back, which means that the time to obtain land will increase significantly.

In the statement in the upper right corner you must mention the authority, with all contact details, to which you are submitting the application. Also, do not forget to provide your details directly.

Further, in the middle of the line the word statement is written. Then begin to indicate by what right you are claiming the land. That is, your task describe your disability category. Also, do not forget to indicate For what purpose do you want to use the land?.

All these points are extremely important.

At the end of the statement there should be your signature and number.

The statement should be short and succinct, written in legible handwriting on an A4 sheet.

If a disabled person does not have the opportunity to write a statement legibly - you can use a computer, however, leaving their signatures on the sheet.

State duty- This is a mandatory element to receive any government service.

However, disabled people are exempt from paying it. This was done due to the fact that people with disabilities already belong to a preferential category of citizens who are not subject to any payments from the state.

That's why a disabled person is limited to only collecting a package of documents. A state fee is not required to provide such a service.


As a rule, the deadlines are already specified in advance in the regulations of the programs being implemented. As a rule, they should not exceed several months.

For example, the deadline for submitting and checking applications in the office cannot exceed exactly one month, and the time that will be lost for sending requests, receiving responses to them and verifying documents may vary from one week to several months due to some features of the data and the specifics of the work of some bodies.

What documents will be required?

The list of documents required to obtain this service is not that long. So, a disabled person needs to collect package of documents, consisting of:

As you can see, the package of documents is very modest, which means it should not be considered for long, which will have a positive effect on the deadlines.

Details and nuances

Is a disabled child entitled to a plot of land? A disabled child also has the right to receive a plot of land even if he has not reached the age of eighteen, however, his close people go through the entire procedure for him.

You can obtain the right to represent the interests of a minor in matters of obtaining a land plot parents, guardians and adoptive parents. They draw up an application, collect a package of documents and submit it to the local government body.

Citizens must act only in the interests of the minor. In addition to the members of the commission, such an application will also be considered by a representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

So, if the family is good standing, the representatives of the minor really do not cause any complaints, and the minor is really disabled - then the commission will give a positive answer. If representatives have repeatedly been found to be abusing their rights and are not acting in the interests of the child, they will be refused.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult for a person with disabilities.

The main thing is to clearly understand the entire algorithm of your actions and then the procedure for submitting documents and waiting will go through as soon as possible and you will only get positive emotions from using benefits provided by the state.