Collage of wishes for the family, how to do it right. Hivemindroom - training center for personal growth

Collage of desires, also called visualization, aka “treasure map”, aka “newspaper of happiness”, or “poster of desires” is a collage that depicts your dreams and desires.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, real photographs and pictures become the most effective components of self-programming. If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

There are annual collages, which affect all areas of our lives, as well as thematic ones, designed to improve one specific area, for example, improve family relationships, go on a trip, get the desired job, etc. In this article, we will talk about creating an annual collage of wishes, since a thematic collage is one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

A thematic and annual collage can be individual, that is, intended only for you and reflect all your aspirations of the soul, or family. The latter takes into account the desires and interests of all family members and is produced through joint efforts. You can attract even the smallest and oldest family members, because there are no age restrictions for dreams and creativity!

When is the best time to start making a Collage?

Our answer is right when you feel the desire and are ready to start! It’s very good if the opportunity to create and the desire come from:

  • The period of the waxing moon is considered the most favorable from 1 to 5 lunar days.
  • Your birthday (the month before and after the name day is considered a favorable period).
  • The lunar day on which you were born, even if the moon has waned.
  • New Year holidays: Chinese New Year, old new year, calendar new year, etc.
  • Depending on your religion, there are all kinds of Religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists these are the 9th and 21st lunar days - the days of Dakini and Daka, respectively, the full moon, the most powerful is the May full moon - the birthday of Buddha.
  • Your own option.
  • But the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So, the stars have aligned, now it’s time to decide on the structure of the collage. The Ba Gua grid from the Feng Shui system is best suited for an annual collage. Why her? Because it includes all areas of our lives: travel, protectors/helpers, knowledge/wisdom, wealth, success, career, creativity, children, relationships and love, family, and health. To build a happy and harmonious life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all of these areas.

Methods for making a Collage:

  1. Draw by hand (with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints) on a blank sheet of paper in A4, A3, A2 or A1 format and you don’t have to be an artist to do this, but the main condition must be met - you must really like your collage.
  2. Paste the pictures and phrases collected in advance from magazines and newspapers on a sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download from the Internet and print the pictures and photographs you like on a color or black and white printer.
  3. In any of the above formats, print a collage drawn in a graphics editor, made up of photos and pictures drawn by yourself or uploaded to the Internet.
  4. A combination of the previous methods.
  5. Your option.

Step-by-step instructions for making an annual collage:

In our example, we use a structure from the Feng Shui system of the Ba Gua grid, you can use any other system you like, but the one that you create yourself works best!

STEP 1. Desires must be clear, precise and written down on paper.

In electronic or paper form, take a blank sheet of the required format. Whatman paper is best suited in A1 format. It must be divided into nine equal parts; we give all sectors a name:

1. Wealth, prosperity; 2.Glory, success; 3.Love, Marriage

4. Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends; 5.I, Health; 6.Children, Creativity

7.Wisdom, knowledge, travel; 8.Career, life path, new projects; 9. Assistants, Significant people, Defenders, Patrons

In order to get what you want from life, you first need to determine what you want. Therefore, we write down our desires and goals for the next year or more in each sector:

  • The desire must be expressed clearly and clearly in a few words in the affirmative form and present tense, as if you already have what you want.
  • There shouldn't be a "NOT" part.
  • Desire should bring pleasure to you and your loved ones.
  • Safety should be the desire for you and those around you.
  • There is no need to expand your consciousness, just stop limiting it. Achieve, write, dream and do not deny yourself anything.

Important! It is necessary to leave one sector empty during the filling process. Which one - you will see for yourself. This sector is closed from you for now and they decide for themselves higher power, what kind of surprise you can arrange in it. The sectors will differ in their fullness for women and men, since a man is realized in achievements, and a woman is realized in relationships.

So, for example:

1. SECTOR “Wealth, prosperity”:

  • My monthly income is $15,000.
  • I am the owner of a brand new white Range Rover jeep.
  • I have a large wardrobe of beautiful shoes, dresses and several fur coats in which I look amazing.
  • Money comes to me cleanly and easily.
  • I easily attract money into my life.
  • I have a ring with diamonds and a large dark blue sapphire.
  • I/my family owns a house in mountainous area Crimea, with a swimming pool and a fireplace.
  • Etc.

2. SECTOR “Glory, success”:

  • I won $10,000,000 in the lottery
  • I am a magnet for money, luck and love
  • My husband and I are the perfect couple.
  • I am the youngest member of the Forbes rating
  • Etc.

3. SECTOR “Love, Marriage”:

  • I'm happily married
  • I am a loving and beloved wife
  • My honeymoon on the islands
  • My wedding is the most beautiful
  • The man of my dreams proposed marriage to me
  • Etc.

4. SECTOR “Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends”:

  • My husband enjoys spending time with our children; they read books together, fool around, play and make something.
  • We often pamper each other by bringing coffee to bed.
  • My husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with sweets and a glass of wine.
  • My husband likes to give gifts.
  • My parents are happy and healthy.
  • Etc.

5. SECTOR “I, Health”:

  • I have a flat tummy
  • I have beautiful thick hair
  • I am healthy
  • My stable body weight is 55 kilograms
  • I have a slim, beautiful figure
  • Me and my family - we are happy and healthy
  • Etc.

6. SECTOR “Children, Creativity”:

  • I joyfully and easily express myself in my creativity by embroidering beautiful pictures cross
  • My son is growing up smart and obedient to the delight of his parents
  • I am a happy mother, loving and beloved woman
  • I gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby
  • Etc.

7. SECTOR “Wisdom, knowledge, travel”:

  • We went with the whole family on a trip around the world.
  • I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation
  • Etc.

8. SECTOR “Career, life path, new projects”:

  • I am constantly growing professionally and developing
  • I'm the best seller
  • I am a successful business owner
  • Etc.

9. SECTOR “Helpers, Significant People, Defenders, Patrons”

  • · Vladimir Putin is helping me implement my project
  • · The universe takes care of me
  • · My guardian angel is always next to me and takes care of me
  • Etc.

STEP 2. We draw our own world!

Let's start drawing/pasting slogans, photographs and pictures. By cutting out expressions we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality, and even more so long time hold these mental images. And here there are several simple secrets How to attract what you want into your life faster:

  1. All you need is to know where you want to go, they will arise by themselves right decisions and the means to realize what you want! You only reflect the end result, not the means to achieve it.
  2. Before pasting a picture that reflects your desire, you should look at it and answer the question, how do I feel when I have this or when I am this or that? The feeling of owning these things should evoke pleasure and emotional comfort. This means that this is really your desire, and not someone else’s, it means that this desire comes from your soul, and not from your mind, and only in this case will your subconscious help you in making your dream come true.
  3. If you have found the entire slogan that suits you from the Internet, newspapers or magazines, this means that the phrase you need in your life has already begun to work and will very soon become a reality.
  4. For each sector, use an image as a background or substrate that reflects the basis to realize your desires. So, for example, for a sector that displays wealth, images are suitable: banknotes, diamonds, gold bars; for the sectors of relationships, marriage and love, harmony and love can serve as the basis - this is the Yin-Yang sign, hearts, etc. If you do not have the opportunity to use a background image, then decorate, sketch or glue the remaining unfilled spaces using the same principle.
  5. On top of the background (background image) we place cute pictures of the heart depicting emotions, events, material wealth that we want to attract or maintain in our lives.
  6. In the “I am health” sector you need to place your photo or a photo of your family, and it doesn’t matter how old it is or what you look like there, the main condition is that you like it and evoke only positive emotions. If you are not planning to be alone in the coming year, then you should be in the photo with your whole family or with your partner. If there is no such photograph, then place next to you any image that symbolizes the opposite sex for you. So for a woman a symbol masculinity can serve as an icon of Mars, the Eiffel Tower, like eros, etc. It is best to avoid photographs where one person is located, because life is a constant interaction.
  7. You can use your own photographs, photographs of celebrities or real people people from whom you would like to take an example and who, in your opinion, have the qualities that you want to strengthen and attract into your own life. For example, a photo of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is a symbol of an ideal and beautiful couple.
  8. In the “wealth” sector, try to use those images where, next to the desired benefits, there are people who enjoy using them. It is better to replace people's images with your own or with your family members. If you want to emphasize that you have money, it could be a wad of money, a full wallet in your hand, and so on. The central image of the house from your dreams should also contain smiling photographs of all its residents, etc.
  9. All means of transportation: cars, yachts, airplanes, etc. should be from left to right should be directed for those who practice right-hand writing, since it is the car looking to the right that will look into the future, and vice versa, the future will be on the left for those who use left-hand writing.

Basically, using these tips, you can create for yourself an excellent collage of wishes that will definitely come true.

Nowadays you can increasingly hear about reality transurfing - a theory about the possible control of your future with the help of thoughts, directing them in the right direction, building their course and acting in a certain way. And one of the elements of transurfing is visualization - representing your dream in detail. And here a collage of desires comes to the rescue. How to do it correctly is very important point to bring your dreams closer to reality.

A collage, photo collage, poster or newspaper of desires is a bright composition of images of what is desired on whatman paper surrounded by motivating inscriptions around and compiled according to certain rules. To some, this may seem stupid: they say, why make some kind of “collage of desires” if you can just get down to action. But getting started is not so easy.

It is important to fuel your desire, motivate yourself, and firmly believe in the importance and necessity of what you want.

How many times can you start and stop learning English, going to the gym, eating right or quit smoking? People think this is due to laziness, but in reality it is due to lack of motivation. Perhaps someone noticed that you don’t need to force yourself to do what you really want, which means the essence of the question is how to preserve this spark and turn it into fire, which will then bring both warmth and food.

Design features

The collage can be made using different periods, as a rule, this is a year. Or perhaps you need to achieve success in a short period of time or, conversely, to carry out some long-term event, achieve something while studying at the university, etc. The date by which you need to achieve what you want can be indicated on the poster or on each desire to install your own. Then, as they become obsolete, it will be necessary to replace the desires that are no longer relevant.

Some believe that you cannot limit your messages to the Universe by deadlines. In this case, you need to write on the back: “I leave the deadline for implementation at the discretion of the Universe.” But it is recommended to do exactly what the person making the collage considers best to realize what he wants.

There is a point of view that it is advisable to do the so-called treasure map at certain time intervals: around the New Year or birthday, holidays, on the waxing moon from the 1st to the 5th of the month, etc., etc. But this not entirely true. You only need to adapt to what really important events your life, when you express your readiness for change and the desire to really start changing your life.

Before you start, you should decide whether the map will be thematic or universal - you need to answer the question of whether you want to achieve something in a specific industry or in several at the same time. A collage can also be a personal or family work - common activities and aspirations of a couple or family can strengthen the union, and it is much easier and more enjoyable to realize something large-scale in this way. But the person whose aspirations the collage is connected with is simply obliged to participate in its creation.

Stages of creating a photo collage

It is preferable if the creative process is gradual - this eliminates the possibility of false desires. And with firm conviction, you can not hesitate and start moving towards realizing your dream.

Preparatory stage

When there is no desire to create, you should not start creating, or it is better to pause the creative process for a while.

When you are ready for creativity, have a good mood and inspiration, you can start working.

Creative process

For creativity you will need: whatman paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, drawings, newspaper clippings, glue and everything to make the card as bright and colorful as possible. It can be glitter, stickers, rhinestones - anything! Images and phrases must be relevant to the object desired.

If the collage is supposed to be universal, the next steps will be to think through the structure and sectors. It would be most appropriate to divide the collage according to Feng Shui - into 9 semantic sectors:

Each sector has its own place, color and element. If it is important for a person how to make a collage of wishes according to Feng Shui correctly, then you need to adhere to certain location rules.

  • Place in the middle health sector : a photo of you where you really like yourself. Its color is terracotta and its element is earth. You can write a wish next to yourself like “I am collected and attentive.”
  • Career sector arrange under your photo. Its element is water, its color is blue, cyan or black (no need to be afraid of this color).
  • Glory sector place over you. Element - fire, color - red.
  • On right placed children and creativity sector , the element of which is metal and the color is white. You can, for example, post a photo of your children and sign wishes for their future.
  • Left photo - family sector , its element is wood, color is green. Here you can paste a happy photo of the whole family, write down major purchases and plans for joint leisure.
  • Over the family located wealth and money sector, green and purple are his colors, and wood is his element.
  • Sector of wisdom and knowledge - under the family. Its color is brown and its element is earth.
  • Over children and hobbies posted love and relationship sector , whose element is earth and whose colors are earth tones. Here you can characterize the traits of the desired partner or wish something for an existing relationship.
  • Under children and hobbies - sector of idols and assistants . Element - metal, colors - corresponding to metals (platinum, copper, gold, silver).

A collage of Feng Shui wishes must be completed with arrows running from the sectors to the photograph - this is how the desired will be projected onto the person depicted in the picture.

Compilation rules

If the collage is thematic, then the division into sectors loses its meaning and composition; the color scheme is completely at the disposal of the imagination and according to the degree of priority. But you still need to adhere to some rules that will increase the chances of achieving what you want:

How to energize desires

It is not enough to learn how to make a wish collage correctly. After the creative process is over, you need to endow your creation with magical powers.

This can be done in various ways:

After these finishing touches, you can hang the collage. It is advisable to place it in a prominent, bright and spacious place so that you can make eye contact with it as often as possible. If the place becomes boring, move it to another. It is necessary to exclude the possibility that ill-wishers will look at the poster, since this will become an obstacle to execution. Some people believe that the card should be kept in the strictest confidence, even from close friends. But this should remain at the independent discretion of the one who did it.


It is not enough to create a so-called treasure map; it still needs to be implemented. And this is daily work. It consists of looking at the poster when you have free time, unencumbered by everyday responsibilities. It is advisable to do this in the morning - when the consciousness is cleared and open to perception, or in the evening to transform your dreams into a dream. When looking, you need to immerse yourself in the details as much as possible and visualize it plausibly. You can also say affirmations out loud.

Under no circumstances should you be indifferent! A dream should bring pleasure, even if unrealized.

In addition, do something every day that could bring you closer to your dream. And “looking” is definitely not enough here. As the ancient Chinese proverb says, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” But it’s not enough to take one step: you need to take another small one, and another, and another... Every day you need to ask yourself: “What did I do today for my dream? Has anything moved me forward? Have I become at least a little better?

To get closer to implementation, you can develop recommendations for action and various plans. The main thing here is not to give up and firmly believe in the feasibility of your plan.

As you implement them, you can put dates with signatures next to the corresponding desires or ticks. It is not advisable to cross out.

Attention, TODAY only!

All a person’s dreams sooner or later become reality, but most often the person does not notice this, because by this time he may already have completely different thoughts and dreams in his head. And yet, than more people thinks positively about his dream, the closer he gets to it. In addition, some Feng Shui methods help achieve what you want much faster than many expect. And what helps in such a difficult task is a collage of wishes according to Feng Shui, which anyone can create to fulfill their wishes.

Many Feng Shui experts and even psychologists are inclined to believe that dreams are driving force in a person’s life, because when dreaming, a person makes every effort to realize his desires. Otherwise, nature simply would not have given man the opportunity to dream.

Principles for creating a collage of desires

To create a collage of desires, you don’t need to know all the intricacies of visualizing your desires. It should immediately be noted that in Feng Shui there are two concepts: a collage of desires and a map of desires. The only difference between them is that the first is created in a random order depending on what is desired and necessary at the time of creating the collage, and the wish card is created in a strictly specified order for different sectors, each of which must be filled with thematic pictures from different areas of life : health, success, love, family, career, travel, etc. There are 9 such sectors, and on the wish map they are also filled in in a certain order.

You should create a Feng Shui collage in a positive mood, preferably during the waxing moon, i.e. during the period of acquisition, although this does not really matter. The form of presentation can be very diverse: whatman paper or large leaf paper with pasted or attached pictures, photographs, drawings, clippings, inscriptions, affirmations in the present tense, etc. Creativity and imagination are the main tools for creating a collage of desires, and it is necessary to create it when desires are especially strong and a person believes that they will come true thanks to visualization through a feng shui collage.

Varieties of collage of wishes in Feng Shui

Your creation could be:

  • thematic, for example, dedicated to love relationships or work, career, health, etc., on it pictures on a certain topic are placed in random order.
  • prefabricated - pictures and photographs from different areas of life, arranged in any order;
  • annual - affects all areas of human life.

There is also an individual collage of desires, which expresses the dreams of one person, and a family collage, which personifies the dreams of the whole family, which everyone strives for together. And such a collage is also made by all family members.

How to choose the right pictures

To create a collage of desires, pictures from colorful glossy magazines are most often used, because it is on their basis that certain desires most often arise in the head. But you need to select pictures from the desired things, but real ones, that is, those that a person can get.



Wish card. Why make a collage of dreams and desires. Everything is according to Feng Shui. Natalia Pravdina

Feng Shui sectors for the wish map. What to do after fulfilling a wish? Natalia Pravdina

Collage of wishes according to Feng Shui: making dreams come true!

Fulfillment of desires. How to make a wish card according to FEN SHUI? | The way to yourself! Dreams come true

Collage of wishes according to feng shui Ekaterina Vahra


For example, if the goal is to purchase a house, then you should choose exactly the kind of house that you imagine in your dreams, but a bungalow on the shore of the azure waters of the ocean is more likely to be suitable for visualization have a nice rest, unless a person, of course, plans to buy a house on some islands or in Asian countries on sea ​​coast. If a woman tries to visualize happy relationship, then you should choose not some handsome guy from a famous film, but an image of the silhouette of a man, if the girl, of course, does not pretend to have a relationship with the star of the film.

In general, a collage of desires very often looks quite simple and understandable. It is not enough to simply create it; it is also important to work with it regularly and clearly imagine what you want again and again, then in the near future it will definitely appear in a person’s life.

Where to place a collage of wishes according to Feng Shui

Many experts do not recommend hanging a collage of wishes in a prominent place so that all guests or even members of the household can contemplate it. These are dreams a certain person, with which he needs to work, that is, regularly review and concentrate on them. And extraneous energy can attract negativity to the collage itself or cause ridicule, which knocks down the strength and confidence of the one who owns the collage.

It's best to hang it in your room, for example, in your closet, so that you can think about your dreams while changing clothes. Or you can simply take out a collage of desires from time to time and consider all your dreams, thereby programming their early implementation. And it works 100%.

The collage of desires has many names: “Map of Desires”, “Map of Dreams”, “Treasure Map”, “Poster of Desires”, but they all mean one thing - visualization of goals, a powerful tool for personal development that can change life by making changes to it. to the best.

This is one of the ways to attract good events into your life and fulfill desires, characteristic of the Feng Shui direction.

Dreams tend to come true. However, this will not happen if you set vague rather than specific goals. A treasure map is a visualization of precise goals and desires, made in the form of a colorful poster. When we see the concrete embodiment of our thoughts, it helps us better tune in to their execution in reality.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, a certain sector is “responsible” for each area in our life. On the treasure map, you can arrange visualization pictures in a chaotic order, but then it will take longer to fulfill your desires than if they are located in accordance with the sectors responsible for health, wealth or success in life. personal life and career.

Need a card mark into 9 sectors in accordance with the Ba-gua grid, mark the cardinal directions. The North will be at the bottom, the South will be at the top, the East will be on the left, and the West will be on the right. The central sector is a person; there should be a photograph of the person who makes the collage. The northwestern sector is responsible for travel and attracting assistants; northern - for a career, northeastern - this is wisdom, knowledge; eastern is health, family relationships; the southeastern sector is responsible for attracting wealth, the southern sector is responsible for achieving fame, results, and prosperity.

Southwest is love, relationships. The Western sector is responsible for the implementation of plans, symbolizes hobbies, interests, children. Pictures selected according to their meaning should be located in these sectors.

Gallery: collage of wishes (25 photos)

Collage of wishes: how to do it right?

Attention! A DIY Feng Shui collage should be done only on an auspicious day and hour suitable for new beginnings. The characteristics of hours and days can be found in the Feng Shui calendar of favorable dates.

As your wishes come true, you can add new pictures depicting other goals; it is important that the collage is updated all the time. When most of the plans are realized, the collage should be burned on the last day of the lunar cycle, thereby thanking the higher forces of the universe that helped in achieving the desired. At correct wording desired, choosing a favorable time for making a poster, as well as placing it in the right place in the apartment, dreams should begin to come true after six months or a year.

Making a collage of wishes

  1. Whatman paper, A1 format. The size of the poster is not important, but the larger the format, the more organized the pictures will look, and the more visualizations can be placed on paper.
  2. Any number of photographs you like with clear, positive, bright images.
  3. Personal photo. You should choose your own best photo, which was made during a happy, carefree moment.
  4. Colored pencils, markers.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Glue.

A personal photograph is placed in the central sector; it symbolizes a person who achieves his goals. Next, around it, depending on the sectors, there are photos that visualize a goal. Photos can be cut out from glossy magazines or found on the Internet and printed on a color printer. Each picture must be signed with phrases in the present tense.

Selecting the Right Images

Each sector is filled with images depending on its direction. In the health sector in the foreground there should be an image of the personality of the person making the poster. A person should look healthy, happy, slim and young. Therefore, you can glue it to your photo slim figure magazine models, snow-white smile, thick long hair and so on.

Wealth sector filled with images of banknotes, jewelry, expensive cars and luxurious mansions. You can attach a real bill by adding the required number of zeros to its denomination with a marker.

Career sector involves business development, promotion career ladder, new prospects at work. Here you can paste a picture depicting the desired position or occupation. In addition, using a red or green marker, you can draw a graph with dates and an arrow going up, which will indicate career growth.

Family sector decorated with an image that characterizes your understanding ideal family. These should be happy, smiling people. The place for visualizing the relationship with a partner is decorated with photographs of a couple in love; here you need to focus on fidelity, love, and affection. In the signature you can indicate those features that seem ideal for the opposite sex. If you are married, you can write over a joint photo the features that you would like to see in your other half.

After the photographs and inscriptions are attached, the Feng Shui treasure map is ready. It should be placed on the western wall of the apartment, where you are most often, so that the picture constantly catches your eye. There is an opinion that the wish poster should be placed where guests coming to the house will not see it, however, this is decided individually. If you don’t want someone else to see the collage, you can remove it before guests arrive or hide it in a secluded place, but do not fold it.

By showing your imagination and using a creative approach, you can create a real magical source of wish fulfillment. If you send the right requests to the Universe, and then gratefully accept its gifts, your life will change in better side, and dreams will become reality.

A treasure map, a wish album - but I personally prefer the DREAM COLLAGE.

Because a Dream is something high and grandiose, but desires can be mundane and small. And whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will float...

But that's not the point. The main thing is that this method of fulfilling desires and making dreams come true is incredibly effective. Its realizing power has long been tested by millions. And achieving the materialization of your goals without using this miracle remedy is an unforgivable mistake.

Dream collage- a super-powerful accelerator for the fulfillment of desires of all times! No more and no less.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The very principle of a dream collage is very simple - you just need to place on any surface images of what represents the fulfillment of your dream. And very soon you will see how your wishes will begin to come true one after another, as if by magic!

What to do if the dream has already come true?

When one of your wishes comes true, mentally thank the almighty Universe from the bottom of your heart for making it come true and replace the picture in the collage with a new one. Now it's his turn!

Friends, make your DREAM COLLAGE and don’t even doubt it, it’s worth it! Do it even if you doubt it, because it works regardless of your faith. It just WORKS.

With faith in your Dreams,

Alena Golovina

Do you already know the Main Secret of Desires?