Compact hunter - Jagdterrier: characteristics of the breed and its description, photos of the hard- and smooth-haired type. Jagdterrier or German hunting terrier Wirehaired Jagdterrier

The German Jagd Terrier is a hunting dog breed. Its second name is German hunting terrier. These small, strong, fearless dogs were bred in Germany. To create Jagdterriers, the Fox Terrier and Lakeland Terrier breeds were used. The main task of the breeders was to develop a new type of hunting dog.

German Jagd Terriers do not have a beautiful appearance, however, they have well-developed working qualities. They can hunt various animals, including predators such as wild boar or bear.

Jagdterrier: characteristics of the breed

These are compact dogs with well-developed muscles. Their height is no more than 40 cm, the weight of males is about 10 kg, females - 8 kg. The lifespan of these dogs is from 12 to 15 years.

Types of German Jag Terrier breed:

  1. Smooth-haired.
  2. Wirehaired.

Breed standard:

German Terrier color

The color is mostly black, but brown is also found. Tan markings on face, neck, paws and under the tail. There may be white markings on the chest and toes.

Coat type of the Jagd Terrier dog breed

The smooth-haired Jagdterrier has a shiny, dense, short coat.

The Wire-haired Jagdterrier has a slightly elongated, coarse coat, small feathering and a beard.

Character of the German Jagd Terrier

The character of this dog breed is courageous, decisive, rather complex and stubborn. These are brave, fearless, energetic dogs. Even in adulthood they remain mobile and active. They are wonderful hunters and also excellent guards. TO to strangers The German Jagdterrier is wary and even aggressive. They faithfully guard their territory. Quite often they compact dimensions can be misleading. Uninvited guests will not escape unharmed from this dog.

German Jagd Terriers tolerate long journeys well. They love games, however, when they get excited, they can overdo it with the pressure.

Before getting this breed of dog, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. This dog is not suitable for lovers of a calm and measured life. However, for hunters and people who love to travel, it will become a faithful companion.

These dogs have a hunter's instinct, so they are aggressive towards animals, animals and birds. As pet You should not get a Jagdterrier, they can attack cats, as well as poultry.

The Jagdterrier only recognizes one owner. However, this person must have a strong character in order for the dog to respect him and be devoted to him. It is advisable that the owner of this breed be a hunter.

Keeping a German Hunting Terrier

This breed of dog will not be able to live in an apartment. It is best to have a country house in order to keep this dog. She needs will and a spacious enclosure. She needs active walking and exercise. Jagdterriers are practically tireless; they can play and go for walks for hours.

Jag Terriers have good health, they are not picky in food and unpretentious in care. However, do not forget that both puppies and adults need vaccination.

The German Hunting Terrier needs timely training. You can start classes as early as three months of age. This dog must be strictly trained so that it can be controlled and restrained by excessive desire for will and frantic energy.

A fairly large amount of time should be devoted to training. With harsh upbringing, the Jagdterrier can become uncontrollable and overly aggressive.

  • two-hour walks twice a day are required;
  • Walk your dog on a leash;
  • be extremely careful, as Jagdterriers hunt all living things;
  • if the dog is left alone at home, it can cause significant damage to property;
  • yagterriers love to run away.

Caring for a German Jag Terrier

This dog breed is quite easy to care for. They need to be bathed with a special shampoo designed for short-haired dogs. After bathing, the coat should be wiped with a towel or dried with a hairdryer.

You need to comb the dog’s fur once a week with a special brush or rubber mitten.

It is important to monitor the condition of your ears. Use a cotton swab soaked in water to clean the ears.

After a walk, especially if it was a forest, it is necessary to inspect the dog for ticks. They can be located in the neck, groin, as well as under the arms and in the ears.

Anthelmintic prophylaxis should be done once every three months.

If your eyes become sour, you need to wipe them with swabs soaked in tea leaves, or you can use a special spray.

You should also monitor the condition of the paws and claws. Nails need to be trimmed once a month. To prevent cracks on the paw pads, you can add one teaspoon to your dog’s food. vegetable oil.

Diseases of German Hunting Terriers

Thanks to its strong immunity, this breed of dog is practically not susceptible to disease. However, dogs must be vaccinated and all care rules must be followed. The Jagdterrier can get injured while hunting. Colds can also occur during the cold season.

If the dog is constantly sleeping, lethargic, she has no appetite, you should consult a veterinarian.

Nutrition of adult Jagdterriers

There are two options for feeding dogs: natural food or dry food. Be sure to keep an eye on availability clean water at the dog.

Let's look at what products Should be included in the diet of Jagdterriers:

  1. From meat you can give beef and various offal. Pork should not be given under any circumstances; veal is also not recommended to be included in the diet.
  2. You can give various porridges: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat porridge.
  3. Vegetables, fruits and greens should be present in food.
  4. From fermented milk products, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt.

Menu for puppies

Number of meals per day depends on the age of the puppy.

A Jagdterrier puppy from 1 to 2.5 months is fed five times a day every three hours:

  • milk with curdled milk;
  • rolled oats soaked in kefir or broth;
  • beef or boiled sea fish with vegetables and vegetable oil;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • meat products with added herbs.

A Jagd Terrier puppy from 2.5 to 4 months should be fed four meals a day every four hours:

  1. During the first two feedings, you can give fermented milk products and porridge with vegetables.
  2. The diet of the last two feedings must include meat products with herbs and vegetable oil.

Jagdterrier puppies that have passed the age of four months can be fed three times a day every six hours. The diet should include fermented milk products, meat, fish, porridge, vegetables, herbs. Portions need to be increased.

After eight months, Jag Terrier puppies are switched to two meals a day.

Before you get a Jagdterrier, you need to study all the features of the breed. The owner of a German Hunting Terrier must be an experienced, strong character and persistent person.

These dogs have both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of the breed include:

  • courage and determination;
  • wariness towards strangers;
  • excellent security and hunting qualities;
  • independence;
  • loyalty to the owner.

The disadvantages of Jagdterriers are:

  • complex, explosive character;
  • excessive aggression and even rage towards other animals.

The German Hunting Terrier or Jagdterrier is a burrowing breed bred specifically for hunting. Not so long ago, despite the strength of character and stinginess in the affection of these pets, people began to have them at home.

This is not strange, because when proper education this breed can become a real faithful family member.

Description and character

  • A country: Germany.
  • Type: companion dog.
  • Weight: for males - from 9 to 10 kg, for females - 8-9 kg.
  • Height: A male of this breed can reach 40 cm, and a female can reach from 28 to 36 cm.
  • : with proper maintenance - from 13 to 15 years.
  • Color: black with brown spots.
  • Kinds: smooth-haired and wire-haired.
  • Description of the Jagdterrier breed: This one is not distinguished by the sophistication or grandeur that is inherent in other similar dogs, but Jagd Terriers attract attention with their laconic form and style. Thanks to their heavy chin, intense gaze and the inherent composure of this breed, German hunting terriers create the impression of strict and tough dogs even when calm and freely standing. A dark, non-staining color, dense coat that does not collect dirt or freeze snow, and a good undercoat, which allows the dog to easily withstand cold weather - everything corresponds to the main purpose of the breed. German hunting terriers have an instant reaction, strong, well-developed jaws with strong teeth for a secure grip.

  • Character: This breed has a complex character, which, if mastered, is well suited for hunting purposes. Such dogs are stubborn, brave, fearless, intelligent and very vigilant. They are active and full of energy even in old age. Jagdterriers tolerate long roads well. However, the characteristics of the Jagdterrier breed are not limited to their hunting qualities. Living in a family, they can be affectionate and playful, to say nothing of their devotion and loyalty to their owners. Dogs of this breed can be not only excellent hunters, but also reliable guards. But in order for a dog to fulfill the tasks assigned to it and meet all the owner’s expectations, it must be treated with respect and time spent training.
  • History of the breed

    Developed in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, this breed is the result of crossing fox terriers, small German hounds, dachshunds and pinschers. The purpose of such crossing is to obtain a dark-colored dog that will adapt well to any conditions, withstand heavy loads and be ideal for hunting.
    Jagdterriers have always been very popular in their homeland and in Austria. In the CIS countries, this breed appeared at the end of the twentieth century.

    Did you know?Trying to achieve a dark color, breeders have ruthlessly culled many animals, since it is believed that hunting"helpers" light color bring bad luck and can scare away prey.

    Selection and price of a puppy

    German Hunting Terrier puppies should be very similar to their parents, therefore, when choosing a dog, you should definitely look at its parents. It is important to learn about the dog’s working qualities, psyche, and health. It is also necessary to ask in what conditions the puppy lived. If the purpose of the acquisition is to obtain good hunter, it is advisable to choose from repeated participants and winners of exhibitions. The puppy must be well-fed, active, and energetic.
    If a Jagdterrier who is less than a year old looks thin, this may be a sign that he has. A skinny pet may grow up with abnormal bone alignment, which will be difficult to correct and return to good condition.

    A puppy that actively moves and escapes from the hands, tries to wriggle out and attack, while playing, will a good helper in the hunt. Quieter dogs often bring more trouble to their future owners. The price of Jagd Terrier puppies can vary from $50 to $150, depending on age, parents, availability of documents, vaccinations.

    Is it possible to keep the breed in an apartment?

    The size of the Jagdterrier allows it to be kept in, but it is worth remembering that this breed is intended primarily for hunting. Therefore, when getting such a dog in an apartment, you need to be prepared for many difficulties. Firstly, German hunting terriers are attached to one owner. It is necessary to raise the puppy well so that he gets along with all family members, is kind and playful.

    Secondly, Jagdterrier dogs need constant physical activity: if the dog does not hunt, it is necessary to run with it regularly. Thirdly, it is worth considering that this breed is aggressive towards other animals. This instinct is inherent in it by nature and it is quite difficult to overcome it, so it is not advisable for the Jagdterrier to live in the same apartment with others, etc.

    Caring for a Jagdterrier

    The German Jagdterrier is unpretentious in care, but if you want your pet to be beautiful and healthy, you need to bathe it, comb it, take care of its ears, paws, eyes and teeth.



    After bathing, you need to dry the dog well, especially paying attention to the ears. You can dry your Jagdterrier with a hairdryer if necessary. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no drafts in the room where the dog will be wet after bathing.

    Condition of eyes, ears, teeth, paws

    The most sensitive area of ​​these dogs is the eyes, so they require especially careful care: they must be wiped soft cloth, which must first be moistened in chamomile infusion, a special spray, or weak tea leaves. This procedure should be carried out twice a month or when the eyes turn sour.
    The claws on the front and hind paws, if they do not grind down on their own, must be trimmed every month with a special device. It is important not to forget that these dogs have fifth toes on their front paws, the nails on which can grow long and damage their paws. You also need to make sure that after walks there are no splinters left in the paws, and treat scratches and cracks if there are any.

    To prevent cracks from appearing, in winter one teaspoon should be added to the standard daily diet. sunflower oil.

    Dental care is very important for all hunting dogs. From an early age, it is necessary to accustom your pet to daily brushing of teeth in order to avoid unpleasant odor from the mouth and the appearance of various diseases of the oral cavity, which, moreover, can lead to the development of more serious diseases of other parts of the dog’s body and organs.
    Brushing your teeth should be done carefully, thoroughly and not in a hurry. If your dog does not allow you to perform such a procedure, you can contact your veterinarian, who will either do it yourself or tell you what alternative oral cleaning products can be used.

    Important!In order to brush your Jagd Terrier's teeth, you need to purchase special toothpaste and a dog brush. Under no circumstances should you use the paste that you use.

    Exercise stress

    When bringing a dog of this breed into an apartment, you need to be prepared for long, active walks, since Jagdterriers need regular physical activity (several hours of running a day). Therefore, ideally, German Jagd Terriers should live in spacious yards where they can run freely and expend the necessary amount of energy. When such dogs sit in an apartment for a long time, energy accumulates and they become restless.

    Pet food

    A dog's diet is very important for its health and normal development. In addition, the Jagdterrier is a hunting breed, for which the stability of the body and good health are important. Food for this breed can be special or regular natural food. The diet of Jagdterrier puppies, of course, is somewhat different from the diet of adult, already strong and mature dogs.

    Features of feeding a puppy

    The quantity and quality of food for puppies of this breed depends on their age; the same factor determines the frequency of food intake by the dog.
    A puppy from 1 to 2 and a half months should be fed 5 times a day:

    • 8:00 - milk and yogurt, add a little honey;
    • 11:00 - oatmeal, soaked in milk, kefir or broth in the evening;
    • 14:00 - raw beef meat, scalded with boiling water (add a little garlic twice a week), grated carrots with oil (vegetable/soy/corn/sunflower);
    • 17:00 - skim cheese;
    • 20:00 - raw meat, scalded with boiling water twice a week, dip in egg yolk) + half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Finely chopped seaweed + half a teaspoon of chopped herbs (parsley, young nettle, fresh mint, etc.)
    The nutrition of a puppy up to 4 months should be somewhat different:

    4 meals a day at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. Meat and fish are required in both latest techniques food, dairy products, cereals and vegetables - daily feeding.
    A puppy aged 4-8 months should eat 3 times a day. It is necessary to increase the portions and serve meat with additives for dinner.

    What to feed an adult Jagdterrier

    An adult pet needs to be fed twice a day.

    In the morning:

    • boiled cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal.
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • dairy products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt);
    In the evening:
    • meat and offal;
    • fish;

    Important!It is better not to feed Jagdterriers veal, since the dog’s body does not digest it well and this can cause diarrhea.

    • cartilage and bones.

    Training and education

    Jagd terriers should be started at 6-10 months of age. Simple commands The owner can teach, but if the dog needs to be prepared for hunting, it is better to seek help from specialists. The training process depends on the dog’s character, its development, and how much it trusts its “teacher.” Training should be carried out twice a day for 1 hour before the pet eats or 2-3 hours after eating. This process takes at least 6 months.
    As a rule, experienced trainers resort to methods of stimulation and inhibition of the Jagdterrier's nervous system. It is necessary to show respect for the dog, there is no need to overload it, but pets of this breed cannot be kept without training, since they can become a threat to the health and lives of both other animals and people.

    Dogs of this breed should not be treated like small, furry house pets. The Jagdterrier will not be considered by an owner who is not strict, which will lead to the dog taking the reins into his own “hands.”

    Did you know?In 1931, dog training reached the level of training animals to fight armored vehicles. The training took place this way: food was placed under a tank and the dogs were taught to eat not only under a standing, but also under a moving car. In the first year of the Great Patriotic War 300 tanks were destroyed in this way. During the entire period of the war, about 1.5 million dogs died in the fight against armored vehicles.

    Diseases and vaccinations

    If the dog comes into contact with wild animals, anthelmintic prophylaxis must be taken every three months.

    The Jagdterrier is a breed of dog that, due to its size, is excellent for keeping in an apartment, but is difficult to accustom to “ family life" In order to domesticate a dog of this breed, it will take a lot of time and effort, since by nature German hunting terriers are aggressive, stubborn and very energetic.

    It is better to use them for their intended purpose - for hunting. In this case, the dog also needs good upbringing and training. Caring for a Jagdterrier does not require much time and effort; it is not prone to various diseases inherent in other breeds.

Discreet appearance and unique abilities is a Jagdterrier, a German hunting dog with an interesting, although not very long, history, which has earned the reputation of a real burrow hunter. The breed is quite rare, so it arouses interest and certain questions. What do you need to know about these dogs before choosing them as a pet?

We can say about this breed that it is relatively young, because these dogs appeared less than a hundred years ago. The ancestors of Jagdterriers are English and German. The history of the breed began in the 20s of the 20th century, when a small company of enthusiasts began restoring the working qualities of the once popular dogs - fox terriers. The main goal of the work was to create ideal hunters.

At the beginning of the activity, the mixing affected various fox terriers; German ones with a black coat and English ones with a light coat were taken. The result was dogs with a black and tan color, to which the blood of another breed was soon added - the black and red Old English Terrier with a rough coat.

Breeding work was carried out under the direction of Dr. Herbert Lackner. As a result of labor-intensive breeding work and successful selection of material (the ancestors of the breed were Old English Wire-haired Terriers and Welsh Terriers), the Black and Tan Terrier appeared in 1925. He had a developed hunter's instinct and all the qualities required in this matter: strong-willed, courageous, assertive, but also distinguished by a balanced character and devotion.

The breed is called the German Jagd Terrier. A year after its appearance, the first breed club was opened. In the early 80s, Jagd Terriers were recognized by the FCI, and at the same time a standard for this breed appeared, according to which purebred representatives belong to large and medium terriers. It is also clarified here that dogs undergo mandatory testing of working properties.

In breeding the breed, the priority was to obtain ideal working qualities, and this could not but affect the external characteristics of the animals. Dogs of this breed have fairly well-defined sexual dimorphism - males are distinguished by a stronger muscular constitution, strength and courage. Females are somewhat smaller and have a more graceful physique. Bitches with male appearance are rejected.

Jagdterriers have strong bones, developed muscles, dry, dense, elastic skin that fits tightly to the body. Disadvantages include excessive lightness or roughness of the body, defects include light bones, poorly developed muscle frame, loose skin, emaciated or loose build. Height representatives of the breed range from 33 to 40 cm, males weigh from 9 to 10 kg, females - from 7.5 to 8.5 kg.

The standard approves the following external characteristics of Jagd Terriers:

  • Head, wedge-shaped with slightly defined cheekbones and flat cheeks, slightly flattened between the ears. The muzzle is distinguished by power and strength, and has a smooth narrowing to the lobe. The nose is black in most cases, only in chestnut-colored dogs it is brown or liver-colored. The lips have a black border and fit tightly. The jaws are well-muscled, strong, with large teeth and a scissor bite.
  • Ears small, triangular, set high, hanging on cartilaginous tissue. Ears that are in a standing position, small or heavy are defects.
  • Eyes small size oval shape, with dark brown irises and dry, dense eyelids, deep set. A certain wariness creeps into the penetrating gaze.
  • Neck medium in size, with a pronounced scruff, characterized by dryness and well-developed muscles, it smoothly merges into a well-defined withers.
  • shoulder blades with an oblique setting, they fit tightly to the body. The back is straight, without bulges, with excellent muscles. The lumbar region and croup are short, wide, and muscular.
  • Tail docked at 1/3 of the entire length, set high, slightly thick, in line with the back or slightly higher.
  • Rib cage It is considered moderately wide, with an oval cross-section and decent depth. The ribs are convex and elastic. The abdomen is tucked, with a beautiful smooth line from the chest to the groin area.
  • As for forelimbs, then they are located parallel, have strong bones and lean muscles. The hind limbs are distinguished by a wider stance, strong, strong, with pronounced knee joints. The paws are small, oval in shape, the pads are fleshy, with arched, tightly clenched toes.

German dogs move easily, freely, in a straight path.

Colors and coat of Jagdterriers

There are two types of representatives of this breed:

  • Smooth-haired Jagdterriers have a single-layer, dense, short coat that evenly covers the entire body of the animal and has a natural shine.
  • Wire-haired Jagdterriers have an elongated, hard, dense coat. The guard hair forms decorative hair in the form of small fringes and beards.

According to the standard, German Jagd Terriers are black and brown.

Regardless of coat color, all dogs have symmetrically located, clearly defined tan marks, which are located above the brow arches, on the sides of the muzzle, in the chest area, paws and in the anus area. The standard allows for a light or dark mask, small spots on the sternum and fingers.

Another popular German breed is .

Character of the breed

Hunters to the core - Jagdterriers have anger towards the beast, they are brave and fearless. The dogs have shown themselves to be excellent not only in hunting animals living in burrows, but also in searching for animals based on blood trails; they are also good at finding field and water game and are excellent at apporting.

Dogs are not very friendly towards people, so they are considered quite complex pets that require early training and socialization. Therefore, the breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders. Without training and educational measures, the dog becomes uncontrollable.

Jagdterriers need constant physical activity and regular development of working qualities, so it is better to get them for people who are extremely active and mobile. This pet will always be happy to accompany its owner on long hikes, bike rides, and any travel.

Dogs of this breed adapt well to new conditions, so they are good for families that often change their place of residence. Received good upbringing The dog is friendly to all family members, he sincerely loves his owners and is infinitely devoted to them.

Jagdterriers are good with children and love active games together. They are excellent defenders, and are not afraid of opponents that are superior to them in strength and size. Naturally, dogs are not suitable for sharing with other animals. The disadvantages of the breed include timidity and anger towards people, the vices include causeless aggression and an unstable psyche.

Training and training of dogs

Considering the specifics of this breed, the processes of training cannot be considered separately from training dogs to hunt game. Natural-born burrow hunters still require proper training. It is also worth considering that their training is a rather specific process, since the character of Jagdterriers cannot be called simple.

They are angry and stubborn, which, even with developed intelligence, significantly complicates the learning process. In addition, due to strong hunting instincts, dogs have the ability, without receiving a command, to decide for themselves how to act based on the circumstances. On the one hand, this is a valuable quality, on the other, possible difficulties.

Training requires a serious approach and consideration of the pet’s age, mental and personal characteristics. It is recommended to start your pet from the very first days it finds itself in its new home. If everything is done correctly, the dog will very quickly learn standard commands and learn to behave properly, including in the house.

How and what to feed the Jagdterrier

As is the case with other breeds, owners of Jagdterriers have a choice - to feed their pet with ready-made diets or natural products. At natural feeding It is necessary to prepare food for a dog every day, especially if we are talking about several pets. Permitted products include the following:

  • Meat: representatives of the breed digest beef broth well, but boiled veal is not suitable for the diet and can cause indigestion and diarrhea.
  • Organ meats are an excellent food for German Terriers. You can take the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomachs of poultry and beef.
  • Dairy products and fermented milk - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk should be present in the Jagdterrier's diet. Milk can be given, but only skim milk.
  • – boiled buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet.
  • Vegetables - there are many options here, you can boil potatoes for your pet, give raw carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage. It is useful to add fresh herbs, sorrel, beet tops, and young nettles previously scalded with boiling water to your food.

Adult dogs are fed once or twice a day, pregnant bitches and lactating dogs - three times. If the owner chooses to feed the pet with ready-made dry diets, then it must be a high-quality product that provides the dog with everything it needs. It is better to choose food from the premium and. It is recommended to increase the portion of food in winter time dogs kept outside. It is better to put clean snow in the drinking bowl instead of water.

Photo of a German Jagdterrier

Video about the German Jagdterrier

How much does a Jagd Terrier puppy cost?

Despite the fact that the breed is not very widespread in the territory, there are kennels breeding these dogs in large cities. Experts do not recommend purchasing puppies from random sellers, since in addition to the risks of getting a non-purebred pet, there is a possibility of buying a puppy with behavioral abnormalities and genetic disorders.

In addition, professional breeders in mandatory care about the working qualities of their wards. The cost of purebred babies with documents varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. The lower price should be a concern.

German hunting Jagdterrier– a pet that is not entirely suitable as a sofa companion. This dog is intended for hunting, participating in competitions and other active activities. In addition, he needs mandatory training and education, and an owner with a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will be uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble. If such difficulties do not frighten you, then you can safely go for a new family member.

Jagdterrier, or German hunting terrier (Jagdterrier) is a hunting breed, terrier, known in certain circles. Jagdterriers were purposefully bred by German specialists in the 30-40s of the last century. The creators of this breed had the goal of obtaining a versatile hunting dog with outstanding qualities, capable of working not only on the ground and in burrows, but also in water. Among other things, it was assumed that the breed should be unpretentious and easy to care for. The Jagdterrier is distinguished by an exceptionally developed protected hunting instinct, as well as anger towards the hunted animal. According to the breed, all working indicators of German hunting terriers are noticeably higher than those of most other terriers.

History of the breed

Jagdterriers are a typical factory breed, bred through targeted selection based on the influx of blood from dogs of other breeds. At the beginning of the twentieth century, fox terriers gained unusual popularity among hunters in Europe. Such dogs were used in burrow hunting, as well as in hunting ungulates and hares. However, hunters did not give much preference large dogs, possessing excellent hunting qualities, anger towards prey and viscosity.

The creator of the German Hunting Terrier breed is considered to be a passionate hunter, as well as a breeder of fox terriers. It was Walter Zangenberg and his associates Rudolf Fries and Karl-Erich Gruenewald who acquired non-standard fox terrier puppies - a pair of females and two males, which later became the founders of a new hunting breed. In order to obtain the necessary working qualities, older dogs, as well as their offspring, were mated with different dark-colored fox terriers that had excellent hunting characteristics.

This is interesting! A little later, other experienced dog breeders joined the breeding work, and then a special German Jagd Terrier Club was created, which formulated the basic idea of ​​the breed.

It consisted of exceptional performance qualities with versatile hunting applications, functionality and practicality of appearance. The club and breeding work were led by the famous dog handler from Germany, Herbert Lackner. At the first exhibition new breed 22 dogs were shown, and to compensate negative consequences Inbreeding involved the infusion of blood from Old English Terriers and Welsh Terriers.

  • exceptional physical qualities;
  • good instinct;
  • fearless attitude towards water;
  • good voice;
  • malice and skill;
  • the desire to persistently follow the trail;
  • the ability to work underground with confidence and persistence;
  • the ability to conduct a persistent and tough battle with the beast.

The exterior had to ensure the performance of a hunting dog. After the Second World War in Germany, the stock of such hunting terriers contributed to line breeding, and breeders continued strict selection in accordance with working and conformation qualities based on a complex system of assessments and tests. In the GDR, the pre-war population of the breed had to be restored using surviving representatives.

This is interesting! IN Soviet Union Jagdterriers first appeared in the early 70s, but very quickly gained enormous popularity and have remained in demand by many Russian hunters to this day.

The excellent hunting qualities of the breed were demonstrated at the international terrier competition, which was held as part of the World Dog Show. This event took place in Brno in 1965. German hunting terriers were recognized by the International Canine Federation in 1954, and the first international Jagdterrier standards were presented by the breed club of Germany. Jagd Terriers were brought to America in the early 50s of the last century, but the breed was not recognized by the American and English Kennel Clubs.

Description of the Jagdterrier

The appearance of the Jagda is devoid of elegance, which is characteristic of so many hunting dogs. Its appearance is characterized by extreme functionality and fully ensures the declared performance of a hunting dog. Yagdas are tightly built animals of a slightly elongated format with established requirements for the ratio of chest circumference and height of the dog.

IN this moment There are wire-haired and smooth-haired varieties, which are now allowed to mate with each other. However, German hunting terriers are extremely hardy and unpretentious, capable of living on a loggia or balcony, in a booth on the street or in a city apartment.

Breed standards

Small in size, predominantly black and tan in color, compact format hunting dog A well-proportioned breed must meet the following breed standards:

  • an elongated and slightly wedge-shaped head with a non-pointed muzzle, which is slightly shorter than the skull;
  • the skull is wide in the area between the ears, narrow between the eyes, flat;
  • stop with mild expression;
  • the nose is harmonious with the muzzle, without a too narrow or small lobe, not split, black or brown;
  • the muzzle is quite strong, with a distinct outline of the lower jaw and a strongly pronounced chin;
  • lips with a tight fit and good pigmentation;
  • cheekbones are quite well defined;
  • the teeth are large, on strong jaws with an excellent and uniform scissor bite;
  • on the upper row of incisors there is no gap when approaching the lower row, and the teeth are located perpendicular to the jaw;
  • the dental formula is 42 teeth;
  • eyes dark color, small in size, oval in shape, well located and sufficiently protected from damage by tightly fitting eyelids;
  • the ears are not too small, set high, triangular in shape, slightly raised on strong cartilage;
  • the neck is not too long and strong, with good set and a harmonious transition to the shoulder area;
  • the withers are quite well defined, with a straight top line;
  • the back is level and strong, not too short, with a muscular lumbar region and a powerful, horizontal croup;
  • The chest is not too wide, but deep, with well-extended and backward-curved ribs;
  • the underline is gracefully curved, with a short and tucked groin area, a slightly tucked belly;
  • the tail section is well set on a fairly long croup and docked by a third, carried slightly upward, but without throwing over the back;
  • the forelegs, when viewed from the front, are parallel and straight, when viewed from the side, they are very well located under the body;
  • shoulder blades with an oblique set, directed backwards, long and with fairly strong, developed muscles;
  • The humerus are quite long, with dry muscles;
  • elbows close to the body, not turned in or out, with a good angle between the forearm and the humerus;
  • the forearms are straight, dry and vertical, with fairly strong bones and wrists;
  • pasterns with a slight slope and strong bones;
  • front paws with a tight fit of the toes and fairly hard, thick and very stable, pigmented pads;
  • The hind legs, when viewed from behind, are parallel and straight, with well-defined angles of the hock and stifle joints, with strong bones;
  • the thighs are wide, long and muscular;
  • knees with sufficient angle between shin and thigh, strong;
  • the lower legs are muscular, long and sinewy;
  • hock joints low and strong;
  • metatarsus vertical and short;
  • The hind feet are round or oval in shape, with the toes tightly adjacent to each other, with fairly thick and powerful pads.

The gait is sweeping, free, with a powerful push of the hind limbs and sufficient extension of the forelimbs. The hind and forelimbs should move straight and parallel, not stilted. Skin thick, dense, without folds. The coat is smooth and thick, rough and hard, or rough and smooth.

Coat color:

  • dark brown;
  • black;
  • gray-black with red.

Tan markings with a clear yellow-red color are present in the area of ​​the eyebrows, muzzle and chest, on the limbs and at the base of the tail. Dark and light masks are equivalent, and the presence of small white markings on the chest and fingers is tolerable. The height of an adult male and female at the withers is 33-40 cm, with a weight of 9-10 kg and 7.5-8.5 kg, respectively.

Dog character

Very apt definition For many hunters, Jagdterriers are the so-called “dynamites in small packages.” According to the creators of the breed, Jagdterriers should be exceptionally vicious working dogs towards the beast, unbridled, fearlessly rushing into battle even with opponents much larger than themselves. That is why very often jags receive all sorts of injuries or die during the hunt.

This is interesting! Despite the fact that Jagdterriers are excellent hunters and watchdogs, stray representatives of this breed can indeed be uncontrollable and very dangerous.

Along with other burrow hunters, yagdas are very independent, incredibly determined and completely uncompromising. The rather unbridled temperament of the hunting terrier most often manifests itself even in Everyday life. According to experts, adult dogs need very careful and competent education, which must be based on mutual and complete respect between owner and dog. Among other things, berries can have a rather aggressive attitude towards other pets and dogs.


Despite the fact that jagda almost completely lacks different congenital pathologies And hereditary diseases, the maximum life expectancy of such a hunting dog most often does not exceed fourteen to fifteen years.

For a hunting dog like the Jagd Terrier, the ideal option would be to keep it in conditions country house with a spacious and reliable enclosure. But an incredibly active and mobile dog requires the longest possible walks, even when kept in an enclosure.

Care and hygiene

German Jagd Terriers do not need too complex, professional daily care. Such an animal is characterized by the presence of a short, seasonally shedding coat, a natural decent constitution and small size. A hunting breed pet is bathed very rarely, since the coarse coat perfectly repels moisture and dirt, and also cleans itself well.

Main nuances home care They always relate exclusively to the behavioral problems of such a dog. According to their main characteristics, German Jagd Terriers are hardy and active, therefore they need regular walks and sufficient physical activity. If a dog realizes its natural passion for hunting, then at home it will be a calm and non-conflict pet. Otherwise, such a dog is quite capable of spoiling things and attacking family members, including children.

The absolute opposite is the so-called “sofa variety” of yagda. Due to their small size and pleasant appearance, representatives of this hunting breed are often considered as a cute and harmless pet. This attitude most often ends very sadly - with a destroyed apartment, bitten by guests and embittered neighbors.

Diet, diet

The correct feeding regime for the Jagdterrier is determined by the age of the hunting dog and is of great importance for the appearance, mobility and health of the animal. From the very first days, you need to accustom the puppy to a certain feeding place.

This is interesting! The procedure for feeding the yagda can be supplemented by practicing prohibitive commands, which makes it possible for the dog to eat food every day only on command.

You should not overfeed your dog, but the diet should be varied. A good result is achieved by using high-quality dry powder for this purpose. Smoked, fatty, sweet and fried foods are completely excluded.

Diseases and breed defects

Jagdterriers are among very healthy dogs by nature, and diseases are most often associated with injuries received while hunting.

Serious shortcomings and defects are the presence of:

  • narrow skull, narrow and pointed muzzle;
  • weakly defined lower jaw, narrow jaws;
  • shallow bite, any slight irregularity in the position of the incisors;
  • light or spotted nose;
  • light-colored, too large or protruding eyes;
  • erect ears, too small and low-set or heavy ears;
  • straight shoulders;
  • soft or hunchbacked, too short back;
  • short sternum;
  • too narrow or too wide front;
  • straight or high backside;
  • elbows that are clearly turned in or out;
  • barrel-shaped position;
  • ambling, stilt-like or mincing movements;
  • loose and flat, cat-like paws;
  • tail tilted over the back;
  • tail set too low or drooping;
  • short hair and open shirt.

Animals that have aggressiveness or cowardice, too weak a character, fear of shots or game, overshot and undershot, misaligned jaw, pincer bite, partially or completely irregularly spaced teeth, missing teeth, ectropy and entropy, abnormal pigmentation, blue or different colored eyes are disqualified. Disqualifying characteristics also include any deviations from the color of the shirt, irregularities in growth and format.

Education and training

Yagda training should begin after the dog reaches six months of age, and you need to start with the simplest ones.

This is interesting! It is not recommended to overload the dog, but it is absolutely impossible to keep such a dog without training, since with inactivity and deficiency physical activity life expectancy is noticeably reduced.

It is best to entrust the preparation of the animal for hunting to specialist dog handlers, who will work with the dog for six months, twice a day.

Jagdterrier- German hunting terrier, a burrowing breed of dog. An excellent watchdog, companion for a hunter and a very active person. Brought out in the 19th century in Germany, it was quite difficult to achieve the desired qualities. The goal of the breeders was to create a universal hunting dog with a dark color. To breed the Jagdterrier and obtain the necessary hunting genes, we used different breeds such as the German hound, Lakeland terrier, pinscher, dachshund and fox terrier. Considering that the main task was to breed a working breed, the appearance - exterior - was not strictly taken into account.

There are two types:

  1. Smooth-haired
  2. Wirehaired

The quality of a breed is mainly determined by the quality of its performance. In this regard, it should be on high level. This is a type of burrowing hunting dog. Most often she is taken to hunt fox, wild boar, hare, badger, and waterfowl. It is very popular in Austria and Germany.

Description of the German Jagdterrier breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Purpose: a versatile hunting dog with high performance, especially effective for burrow hunting, has proven itself well as a dog for raising animals.
  3. FCI classification: Group 3. Terriers. Section 1. Large and medium sized terriers. With performance tests.
  4. Important proportions:
  • ratio of chest circumference to the height of the dog at the withers: chest circumference by 10 - 12 cm more height at the withers.
  • The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • The depth of the chest to the height at the withers is approximately 55 - 60% of the height at the withers.
  • General appearance: small, compact, well proportioned hunting dog, predominantly black and tan.
  • Behavior/Temperament: cheerful, temperamental, courageous, brave, efficient, hardy, loyal, easily controlled; never timid or aggressive.
  • Head: elongated, slightly wedge-shaped, non-pointed muzzle slightly shorter than the skull.
    • Skull: flat, wide between the ears, narrower between the eyes.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to nose): weakly expressed.
  • Nose: The nose is black, should not be too narrow or too small, and not split. With a basic brown coat color, a brown nose is acceptable.
  • Muzzle: strong, with a clearly defined lower jaw, strongly pronounced chin.
  • Lips: Tight fitting, well pigmented.
  • Cheekbones: well defined.
  • Jaws/Teeth: The jaws are strong with a regular scissor bite, the upper row of incisors overlaps the lower row without gap, the teeth are set perpendicular to the jaw. The teeth are large, a complete dental formula of 42 teeth must be present.
  • Eyes: dark, small, oval, positioned in such a way that they are well protected from damage, eyelids tightly fitting, determined look.
  • Ears: Set high, not too small, triangular in shape, slightly raised on the cartilages, slightly lying ears with a fold.
  • Neck: strong, not too long, well set, harmoniously flowing into the shoulders.
  • Withers: well defined.
  • Topline: straight.
  • Back: strong, level, not too short.
  • Loin: muscular.
  • Croup: Well muscled, horizontal.
  • Chest: deep, not too wide, with well-spreading, curved ribs; The chest bone is long.
  • Underline/Belly: gracefully curved, short and tucked in the groin, belly slightly tucked.
  • Tail: well set on a long croup, docked by 1/3, when the dog grabs prey in a hole, the owner can pull it out of there by the tail. The tail is carried slightly raised, but should never be carried over the back.
  • In countries where tail docking is illegal, the tail may remain natural. It is held horizontally or saber-shaped.

  • Forelegs: When viewed from the front, straight and parallel; when viewed from the side, they are well positioned under the body. The distance from the ground to the elbows is approximately equal to the distance from the elbows to the withers.
    • Shoulder blades: set obliquely, directed backwards, long, with strong muscles. Good angle between scapula and humerus.
    • Humerus: as long as possible, with good and lean muscles.
    • Elbows: Close to the body, never turned in or out. Good angle between humerus and forearm.
    • Forearms: dry, straight and vertical, with strong bones.
    • Wrists: strong.
    • Pasterns: Slightly sloping, bones strong rather than thin.
    • Forelegs: Often wider than hind feet; fingers tightly adjacent to each other; The pads are quite thick, hard, stable, and well pigmented. The paws are parallel, in the stance and in movement they are never turned either inward or outward.
  • Hind limbs: When viewed from behind, straight and parallel. The angles of the knee and hock joints are well defined. Strong bones.
    • Hips: long, wide, muscular.
    • Knees: Strong, with good angle between thigh and shin.
    • Lower legs: long, muscular, sinewy.
    • Hocks: strong, low-set.
    • Hocks: short, vertical.
    • Hind legs: oval to round shape; fingers tightly fitting; The pads are thick, hard, stable, and well pigmented. The feet are parallel in stance and movement, never turned in or out.
  • Gait/Movement: sweeping, free, with good reach in the front legs and powerful drive in the hind legs. The forelimbs and hindlimbs move parallel and straight, never in a stilt-like manner.
  • Skin: thick, dense, without folds.
  • Coat: the wool is thick; coarse hard wool or coarse smooth wool.
  • Height Weight German Jagdterrier:
    • Height at withers: males 33 - 40 cm, females 33 - 40 cm.
    • Weight (ideal weight for work is desirable): males 9 - 10 kg, females 7.5 - 8.5 kg.
  • Disadvantages/Defects: Any deviation from the above is considered a fault and its severity is assessed in proportion to its severity and the effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
    • The absence of one or both M3 (third molars) is not a disadvantage.
  • Serious defects/defects:
    • Narrow skull, narrow and pointed muzzle.
    • Weakly expressed lower jaw, narrow jaws.
    • The bite is at the limit (shallow), any slight irregularity in the position of the incisors.
    • Light or spotted nose.
    • Light-colored, too large or bulging eyes.
    • Prick ears, tips directed horizontally to the sides, ears too small, too low set or heavy.
    • Straight shoulder.
    • Soft or hunchbacked back, too short back.
    • Short chest bone.
    • Front too narrow or too wide.
    • Straight-backedness, high-backedness.
    • Elbows that are clearly turned outward or inward.
    • Cow, barrel, or narrow stance are pluses, both in the stance and in movement.
    • Ambling, stilt-like or mincing movements.
    • Splayed and flat paws, cat paw.
    • Tail tilted over the back, tail set too low, hanging tail.
    • Short hair, open shirt, wadding or sparse coat, bare belly and inner sides of limbs.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice.
    • Weakness of temperament and character, fear of shots and game.
    • Overshot and undershot, jaw misalignment, pincer bite, completely or partially irregularly spaced teeth, missing teeth, except M3.
    • Ectropia (inversion of the eyelids), entropy (turning of the eyelids), abnormal pigmentation, Blue eyes or speckled eyes, eyes of different colors.
    • Any deviation from the color of the shirt.
    • Height above or below standard.
    • Square format.
    • Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

    German Jagdterrier color

    • black
    • dark brown
    • grayish-black with red.

    Well-defined yellow-red tan markings on eyebrows, muzzle, chest, limbs and base of tail. A mask on the face, dark or light color is acceptable. White markings on limbs and chest are tolerable.

    Character of the Jagdterrier (German hunting terrier)

    The character of the Jagdterrier is quite complex. He is brave, fearless, vigilant, but often very stubborn. This is a hurricane of energy and a perpetual motion machine; even in adulthood it remains a fairly active dog.

    The Jagdterrier has good health, gets along well with children, affectionate and playful, unpretentious in food and care, good guard, excellent hunter, handles long journeys well. In relation to strangers, the dog is often aggressive and is suitable as a guard dog.

    If you want to buy a Jagdterrier, remember that this is not a breed that is kept as a pet that will snore peacefully on the sofa.

    First of all, this is a hunter dog, and the desire for freedom is in its blood. Therefore, her character is appropriate; she does not like a quiet lifestyle at all. The Jagdterrier has a subtle sense of smell and pronounced courage. They are very aggressive towards animals, they can attack neighbors’ cats, dogs, and hunt poultry; an instinct that has been laid down by nature for decades is almost impossible to overcome. But timely training and strict upbringing can slightly restrain the frantic energy of the Jagd Terrier.

    Sometimes they are aggressive towards people, but this is primarily a problem in their upbringing. Therefore, to acquire such a breed should be a person with a strong character, knowledgeable in dog training, or an experienced hunter who can use the animal for business and strictly educate it.

    The Jagdterrier treats its owner with devotion and respect. Recognizes only one owner. With proper training, the dog is obedient and restrained.

    Jagdterrier care

    Caring for the Jagdterrier is very simple and does not require much attention. But for the health of the dog, you should take care of its fur, ears, eyes and paws.

    It is advisable to bathe the German Jagd Terrier as needed, using shampoo for short-haired breeds.

    After bathing, dry the fur and ears well with a towel, you can use a hairdryer, make sure that the animal is not in a draft. After bathing, you are allowed to walk 2 hours later (in the warm season, in winter, bathe the dog at night) when the ears and fur are completely dry. To speed up the drying of your Jagdterrier's ears, insert cotton wool into the ears and it will absorb excess moisture.

    Wool must be combed with a special natural hair brush or rubber mitten once a week. The wool will gain shine, be cleared of dust, and will not tangle.

    Ears should be examined and checked regularly. Pollution in auricle from dust and sulfur, remove with a damp cloth.

    Photo of Jagdterriers in the forest

    Drops are applied to the area between the shoulder blades, closer to the dog’s neck so that it cannot lick it off. Do not bathe for 10 days, do not allow children to be ironed for 24 hours. Considering that the dog is a hunter, often in the forest, running through bushes and dry grass, there is a huge risk of picking up a tick. Very often they are found in the ears, on the neck, under the arms, and on the chest. After a walk, be sure to inspect the entire pet, remove the tick if one is found, and treat the affected area with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

    The Jagdterrier's eyes are the most sensitive area. Once every two weeks, or when souring, wipe the eyes with a soft cloth soaked in chamomile infusion, weak tea leaves or a special spray that can be purchased at a pet store.

    Trim the claws with a nail clipper once a month if they do not become sharpened by themselves. Remember about the fifth toe on the front paws; it is shorter than the others, does not wear down on its own, and can grow long and dig into the animal’s paw. Because of this, the pet begins to limp.

    Inspect your paws after walks, make sure there are no splinters, cracks or cuts.
    In winter, add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to your diet every day. This will help prevent cracked paws.

    Jagdterrier content

    In the photo there are Jagdterrier puppies on a lounger

    The Jagdterrier is raised from early childhood, when the puppy is 3-4 months old.

    The breed is smart and quick-witted, and quite quickly begins to understand the owner and follow his commands. It is very good to use the imitation method. If possible and desired, an adult trained dog should be nearby, then the Jagd Terrier begins to follow its example.

    During training, he should feel that the owner is dominant. Rigidity cannot be used in training, but at the same time, instructions must be firm, precise and persistent. If the Jagdterrier does not like the training methods, she will show it and be stubborn and disobedient. With improper and cruel upbringing, the dog can become uncontrollable or too aggressive, therefore, great attention should be paid to training. If the upbringing is correct, the Jagdterrier becomes a very devoted, friendly and obedient pet.

    1. Be sure to walk, 2 times a day, 1 - 2 hours.
    2. Moving, active walks with elements of training
    3. Don't let him off the leash; he might throw himself in front of a car.
    4. Hunt all living things for the rest of your life, get ready for unpleasant surprises (attacks cats, birds, strange dogs)
    5. May run away from home, or on a walk
    6. Left alone at home for a long time, he can damage property (chew slippers, toys, wires, etc.)
    7. Don't feed before going for a walk
    8. Work out on the playground, attend frisbee and agility training

    Jagdterrier food, menu for a puppy

    In the photo there is a Jagdterrier puppy with a stick

    You can feed your Jagdterrier with dry professional food or natural food. If this is the second option, then it is necessary that the diet should be dominated by porridge, meat, and vegetables. Be sure to have clean water available for drinking.

    Products necessary in the Jagd Terrier's diet:

    1. Beef, beef broth (it’s better not to give veal, it’s difficult to digest and can cause diarrhea)
    2. Various offal, chicken, turkey, beef
    3. Dairy products:
    • low-fat cottage cheese up to 9% fat, otherwise give your pet a liver)
    • kefir
    • natural yoghurt, no dyes
    • curdled milk
    • puppies up to 3 months, milk
  • Porridge: buckwheat, millet groats, rice (for diarrhea), oatmeal
  • Cartilage as a delicacy
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Jagdterrier: feeding a puppy

    Menu for a Jagd Terrier puppy, feeding time and frequency:

    Puppy 1 - 2.5 months:

    • 8 o'clock - milk with curdled milk and a little honey
    • 11 o'clock - rolled oats, pre-soaked overnight in milk, kefir, broth
    • 2 p.m. - raw beef scalded with boiling water, boiled sea fish with raw vegetables, finely grated carrots, with vegetable, sunflower, soybean, or corn oil
    • 17 o'clock - low-fat cottage cheese, or milk with honey (1 teaspoon per glass, can be with rolled oats, buckwheat)
    • 20 o'clock - main feeding: raw meat, scalded with boiling water, with the addition of 0.5 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Chopped seaweed, half a teaspoon of finely chopped seasonal greens: lettuce, parsley, celery, dandelion leaves, young nettle, wild mint.
    • twice a week yolk, dip raw meat into it.
    • add garlic to meat and broth 2 times a week

    Jagdterrier puppy 2.5 - 4 months:

    • Feeding hours are 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.
    • Be sure to give meat and fish in the last two feedings
    • Distribute milk, kefir, cereals and vegetables between morning and afternoon feedings.
    • Increase the amount of meat additives to 1 - 1.5 teaspoons, depending on the weight of the dog.

    A puppy older than 4 months of age is fed three times a day: at 8, 14 and 20 o'clock. Increase the amount of food and give meat with additives in the last - main feeding.

    Puppy after 8 months and adult dog feed 2 times a day.

    • In the morning cottage cheese, porridge, vegetables
    • In the evening, meat or fish with additives

    Jagdterrier - the healthiest breed in the world. Throughout his life, he only receives injuries while hunting.

    Of course, he can get sick, like any animal, but the advantage of the breed is that there are no hereditary diseases. Symptoms resembling the disease appear only when the owner’s care is insufficient.

    Be sure to regularly take anthelmintic prophylaxis (once every 3 months) when in contact with wild animals, this is only a procedure to protect your health. Do not forget to vaccinate your Jagdterrier on time; rabies vaccination is required by law. The specific life of a Jagdterrier or any hunting breed is such that it is often at risk and can even become infected with a disease that is not typical for dogs.

    You notice that the dog is sad, inactive, sleeps a lot, refuses to eat, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the main thing is that it is timely.

    Photo of a German Jagdterrier