Who mistakes kindness for weakness. Strength or weakness? The best statuses, aphorisms, movie quotes, poems, proverbs

Envy prompted you to steal from me,
You are sick and your illness is greed
What you stole is not a pity, only you evoke pity,

Sincerity is my only trick
This simplicity is my wisdom,
You take my honesty for stupidity
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.

Trip me and I'll get up
I'll survive if you stick a knife in my back
I see that you consider the one you cheated to be a sucker,
But it turned out that you yourself were deceived.
And no longer go out on the street without security,
Even the closest ones look somehow strange,
Are they up to something or is it just an illusion?
All the world has left for you is rage.
It's your conscious choice, not the results of errors,
You are so clever, resourceful and flexible,
Going over heads like a bull in a china shop,
You ran away from yourself, but you can't escape from here.
Do you want to rise higher by doing something low?
But how much intelligence does it take to resort to meanness?
And all your intrigues are just petty dirty tricks,
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.
I've seen people like you, this is not news to me,
Disabled people have an amputated conscience,
But I forgot all those who once did nasty things to me,
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. Steal from me you led envy,
You"re sick and your illness - is greed
Stealing is not sorry, but you are pathetic

Sincerity - my only trick
That's simplicity is my wisdom,
You take my honesty nonsense,
Do not take my kindness for weakness.

Lend me the bandwagon - I get up,
Survive if votknesh knife in my back,
I see you think lohom of whom threw,
But it so happened that you yourself are deceived.
And neither nor outside without protection,
Even the closest look somehow strange,
They are up to something or just imagine it?
All that is left of the world for you is the rage.
This is your conscious choice, not a result of errors,
You're so clever, resourceful and flexible,
Going over the head like a bull in a china shop,
You run away from yourself, but you can not get away from here.
Do you want to go higher, having made meanness,
But how many of minds are necessary to go to the meanness,
And all your plot - just petty nasty,
Do not take my kindness for weakness.
Like you I have seen, for me it is not news,
We are disabled amputated conscience
But I forgot all those who have made me once muck
Do not take my kindness for weakness.

Just be an asshole. I was really surprised by this paradox many times. If you are an outright selfish bastard who didn’t give a damn about those around you, who doesn’t take anyone’s opinions into account, who constantly scandalizes and shakes rights, then... people will always be nice and friendly to you, many people will like you, they will look for your approval, no one will ever have you will not judge.

If it’s the other way around, and you try to be nice, not force your opinion on anyone, respect the rights of others, are ready for compromise and discussion, show tact and delicacy - a rare person you meet will miss the opportunity to wipe their feet on you. And if you suddenly try to be indignant at this attitude, get ready for an explosion from the opposite side. How dare you, you damn egoist! You don't respect others at all!

And suddenly all the banality came to me - these are primitive instincts!

In the primitive mind, aggressiveness and bastard behavior are equal to strength. They prefer not to quarrel with the powerful, because they are afraid of getting a return; their favor will be sought. Why do few people risk contacting an aggressive pensioner or a drunken chap, even if he is not of very impressive physique? Because you can get backlash from them in the form of slander to organs or a knife to the ribs. The instinct of self-preservation is triggered, aggressive = dangerous = strong. If the first one is more aggressive, then the less aggressive “individuals” will look for a way to appease the “leader”. Tyrant tyrants always have a retinue of hangers-on who rub shoulders with him.

With people who are soft in character, everything is exactly the opposite. Softness and compliance are mistaken for weakness and they immediately begin to be aggressive, asserting themselves. They are not afraid to receive an answer from them, so they are terribly surprised when they receive it. After all, soft people are not always weak, as they might seem. And I would even say, on the contrary - only a very strong, both physically and spiritually, absolutely self-confident person can afford the luxury of being kind. Don’t be afraid to give in, take the first step yourself, show concern for your neighbor, without expecting boorish behavior on their part.

There's a bit of psychology. If you observe carefully, it will soon become clear that boors shout about rudeness, egoists shout about selfishness, scoundrels shout about meanness, stingy people shout about greed, etc. After all, in others we see a reflection of ourselves, we notice qualities related to us faster.

I remember a children's rhyme:
“The sage saw a sage in him,
Stupid - stupid
Ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey - a monkey."

A person will look for his reflection in the people around him. And if people of dubious integrity are gaining popularity... then you should think about it.

He who uses his strength proves his weakness. Rabindranath Tagore

Don't mistake kindness for weakness, and rudeness for strength.

Greatness does not lie in being strong, but in using your strength well. Beecher Henry Ward

Vulnerable to pity high hearts, Participation in the weak is not the weakness of a brave man. Pierre Corneille.

Cruelty always stems from heartlessness and weakness. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Suppressing others is weakness disguised as strength. Eckhart Tolle

The weakest lion is always stronger than the strongest jackal, but a pack of the weakest jackals is always stronger than the strongest lion. Bee Dorsey Orley

Consciousness of one's powers increases them. Vauvenargues

Weak legs get stronger on the road. Spanish proverbs and sayings

Not the strong one succeeds. The strong one runs out of steam and falls, and then his own strength tears him and his hopes to pieces. Those who are stubborn and sincerely seek succeed. Dmitry Yemets

Great despair always breeds great power. Stefan Zweig

Only the blow that throws him back gives a man all his offensive power. Stefan Zweig

At birth a person is tender and weak, at death he is hard and strong. All things and plants are tender and weak at birth, but hard and strong at death. The hard and strong is what perishes. The tender and the weak are what begin to live... The strong and powerful do not have the advantage that the tender and weak have. Lao Tzu

There are no blows of fate or misfortune. For a correctly organized soul, every event is a step to rise higher and become stronger. A sad event - even more so. Boris Akunin

A person is weak not because he makes mistakes, but because he does not draw conclusions. Evgeniy Zhuravlin

In chess you can only become a great master when you realize own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life. Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

Defeat is a temporary state; giving up the fight makes it permanent. Marilyn vos Savant

Conquer not with strength, but with weakness. The soft and weak defeat the hard and strong. Lao Tzu

Strength is the weakest and most short-lived of tools. The one defeated will, of course, submit to her, but will only wait for the moment to free himself. Henryk Sienkiewicz.

Forgiving is more courageous than punishing. The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a characteristic of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi

A strong person is not the one who defeats the weak, but the one who helps the weak become strong. Andrey Kudryashov

Everyone has moments of weakness, it’s good that we are able to shed tears, sometimes it’s just salvation, sometimes, if you don’t cry, you can die. Jose Saramago

People cry not because they are weak, but because they were too strong. for a long time. Johnny Depp

Tears are a natural and good manifestation of the soul; they are evidence of strength, not weakness. Gregory David Roberts

I'm not like that strong man. And I don’t care whether they understand me or not. There are those whom I want to understand and to be understood by them myself. Haruki Murakami

A person's strength lies in the ability to admit his weaknesses. The ability to accept help from others and provide assistance to those in need. The ability to overcome life's obstacles and obstacles. Serge Goodman

The weak have no weaknesses. Weaknesses are the quality of the strong. Peter Tille

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

Weakness is not a lack of strength. Weakness is the absence of kindness. Angel de Coitiers

Every strength has a weakness... and vice versa.

If strength lies only in strength, it is weakness. Misha Bogorodsky

The weakness of force is that it believes only in force. Paul Valéry

Nothing can be gained without losing - we are infinitely stronger in our kingdom of good and infinitely weaker in the kingdom of evil... Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

Your weakness gave you strength called kindness. Yes, strength without ideals is not strength. Code Geass

Those who direct their strength to good deeds are the strongest. Margaret of Navarre

Only people with a strong character can be truly soft. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The weak have transformed the world more than once, courageously and honestly fulfilling their duty when the strong did not have enough strength. John Ronald Tolkien

You love only yourself - that is your weakness. Lie to Me / Lie Theory

If love is in you, it is strength. And if you are in love, this is weakness. Sergei Lukyanenko

The habit of winning alone can become a weakness in itself. Frank Herbert

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Only the weak commit crimes: the strong and happy do not need them. Voltaire

How to distinguish a strong person from a weak one? If a strong person is dissatisfied with life, then he makes claims against himself, and if a weak person, then against people. Stas Yankovsky

Arrogance hides weakness. Pride and Prejudice

An angry and angry reaction to the environment, rudeness and lack of understanding of others is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

I answered harshness with harshness,
In a word - in a word; but now I see
Whatever we fight with a spear, we fight with a straw,
We are only strong by our weakness.
We should not play someone else's role.
William Shakespeare.

To deny yourself weaknesses is to lose your human essence. Matrix

Your doubts are not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Legend of the Seeker

Every person has his own weaknesses, and often this is the most interesting thing about him. Henry Wheeler Shaw

There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. Our thoughts make us weak! Rebellious spirit

Our weaknesses no longer harm us when we know them. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

A strong woman is a woman who knows that her weaknesses are a strength that cannot be resisted. Francoise Sagan

Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness. Ralph Waldo Emerson

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved. Erich Osterfeld

The desire to be liked is an inexhaustible source of internal insecurity and weakness. Boris Akunin.

The one who does not believe in himself is weak. Alexey Nikonov

Can you stay strong after experiencing weakness?

Pain is just weakness leaving your body.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes stronger. Honore de Balzac

From the moment I realized my weakness, I can begin to become stronger. The hearts of Pandora

My weakness turned into strength, ugliness into beauty,
Apathy towards the world - into a desire to save it. I have become a paradox.
Now, more than ever, I began to believe in myself
Marilyn Manson

At a certain point you realize that you are strong enough and can afford the luxury of being weak! Nika Gardo

Asking for help is not weakness, it is a sign of courage.

Yes, I need the support and attention of a man. Only weak women declare their independence and strength. Aretha Franklin

By giving up her weakness, a woman loses all her feminine charm. Heidi Krieger

A woman needs a man to allow her to be weak. She can be strong without him.

Hands kind woman, wrapped around the man’s neck, this is a life preserver thrown to him by fate from the sky.

Stronger than anything in the world are the rays of calm eyes.Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

Our strength is in recognizing weakness, and this is the paradox of human nature.

I'm not afraid to know my weaknesses because they are part of who I am. And I accept myself as I am! Neon Genesis Evangelion

Strength or weakness? Best statuses, aphorisms, movie quotes, poems, proverbs.

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Anecdote No. 155902

Don’t mistake kindness for weakness, rudeness for strength, and arrogance for the ability to live!

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