Actions speak better than words. Actions - aphorisms, sayings, quotes

In a fit of generosity, give to the world

Well, not the whole world, of course, but just shout in a crowded bar: “I’m treating everyone!” Believe me, there is more heroism and courage in this act than in the boring fight against hunger in Africa. This is male maximalism!


Splinter a tool

A valuable instrument, not a Chinese foam ukulele! Ruthlessly crush the electric guitar in the final solo or better yet at the beginning of the song - then no one will guess that you didn’t even know how to play it.

Jump from a height

With a parachute. Or on a flimsy elastic band tied to the bridge railing with an elegant feminine knot with a bow. It's hard to say which is better. With an elastic band - faster and easier. But when you fall with a parachute, no one sees your face or hears your screams.


Climb into a cage with an animal

But before you jump over the zoo barrier, carefully study the instructions for the rhinoceros resting in it. Make sure that the rhinoceros's poisonous teeth are removed and that he will not blindly mistake you for a basket of delicious cheesecakes. After all, unlike parachutes and bungees, animals are really dangerous!

Dating two girlfriends

And what could be more dangerous than secretly dating two women who know each other well? You will develop the discipline of Stirlitz, the will of Rambo, the desperation of the three hundredth Spartan, as well as insomnia and paranoia like no one else has had before. Well, maybe Woody Allen.


Walk in the favelas

Third world countries seem to be made for you to fall off the tourist bus and head into the slums in search of adventure. You will be amazed at how, contrary to stereotypes, the poor native population is educated: they know how to say with gestures “Get your money and your mobile phone” in 120 languages!


Spend money on your business dreams

This is how life works: the more interesting the business, the more hopeless it is. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Vice versa! Invest all your money in a falconry store or a jazz club for snowboarding enthusiasts. It will burn out - and God bless it! Nobody kicks Napoleon for Waterloo!

Hitchhike to Bobruisk

True, if you are a resident of Bobruisk, we don’t even know what to advise. Sorry.


Start a bar brawl

It only seems illegal and antisocial from the outside. In reality, bars are specially created so that, without taking a cigarette out of your mouth, you can exchange slaps in the face, make destructive changes to the interior and entertain onlookers. Now that's what they exist for computer games, but there are also eternal male traditions! Moreover, at night you will already make peace with the offender, and by the morning you will become the favorite client of the establishment.

Here is the undeniable truth of life - a person’s actions speak louder than his words! A person can and should be judged only by his actions.

Words are cheap. And actions mean a lot. The truth is where your man can prove himself. And you can observe from the outside his actions and reactions to various situations. This truth is obvious, and is good practice for understanding what the chosen man preaches.

In response to a woman's question, "How do I know he can be trusted?" you must remember that much can be determined by a man’s actions. Answer the questions: How does he feel about me? How does he treat my friends and relatives? How does he feel about mine? to a pet? How does he feel about the cashier at the supermarket? What about the janitor?

Real men only do what they say and are always responsible for their words. A real man, a good man and a decent man can be identified by the sequence of actions. To find out the whole truth about a person, give him close attention for a few weeks, and then ask yourself, “Is he really who he says he is?” A man's actions will answer this question for you.

Recently, we spoke with a couple who had been married for almost 20 years. And suddenly the wife decided to leave. Why only now did she decide to end the relationship, because they lived together for a very long time? for a long time? We wanted to find out the reason. The fact is that for 20 years her husband abused her and their children, although he assured everyone around him of his immeasurable love for them. But actions speak louder than words!

The truth is that you cannot truly love your children by constantly scolding and telling them off. You are not able to sincerely love someone whom you suppress and point out his shortcomings and weaknesses.

When you love someone, you learn to live with their flaws and mistakes. At the end of the day, you love a person because they simply are and fill your heart with warmth and joy.

We all make mistakes. And we do stupid things from time to time. And the truth is, we probably won't get rid of the shortcomings we have. One-time mistakes are forgivable. But repeated actions show the true essence of a man, and only you can decide whether this man is worthy of being with you and whether you can accept his shortcomings.

Psychologists say that habitual behavior and thinking are developed in a person in childhood and, for the most part, remain as a person grows up. Of course, some people can hide their real character for some time. But if you observe them long enough, you can reveal the true essence of these people.

When you fall in love with a man, initially observe his actions. And if they disagree with the words, do not lie to yourself and do not entertain illusions. Too often we fall in love blindly and pay too much attention to words and promises than to actions.

When you fall in love with a man, don't ignore the signs. Don't ignore the discrepancies between words and actions, and you will be rewarded with a man who will truly love you and whom you can trust endlessly. Value actions, not words!

Most people do very strange things, sometimes completely incompatible with their character. But I admit that if you know these people well, you can find an explanation for their actions.


The principles of actions are what they are done for.

There are different ways to commit a crime... meanwhile, there is only one way to do the right thing...

Praise and condemnation are received depending on whether the action was performed under duress or not.

Doing good to bad people is the same as doing bad to good people.

Henry Beecher

Not a single person who has performed a worthy deed has ever received less in reward than he gave.

Every merciful act is a step on the ladder leading to heaven.

Giovanni Boccaccio

Past actions are much easier to blame than to correct.

Georg Hegel

For my action to have moral value, my belief must be associated with it. It is immoral to do something out of fear of punishment or in order to gain from others. good opinion About Me.

Heinrich Heine

Strange affair! At all times, scoundrels have tried to mask their vile actions with devotion to the interests of religion, morality and love for the fatherland.

Claude Helvetius

We judge only by our actions internal movements, about thoughts, about actions, about other feelings.

Only by the actions of people can society judge their virtue.

Gregory the Theologian

Don't judge by appearance, judge by deeds.

Democritus of Abdera

It's better to think before you act than after.

Angelina Jolie

If you're wrong, who cares? What others consider a mistake may be a conscious choice for you.

Henrik Ibsen

Thousands of words will leave less of a mark than the memory of one action.

Immanuel Kant

Act in such a way that the maxim of your action could become the basis of universal legislation.

Don't treat others as a means to achieve your goals.

Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of everyone else, as an end, and never treat it only as a means.

Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld

Our actions seem to be born under a lucky or unlucky star; to her they owe most of the praise or blame that falls to their lot.

Friedrich Nietzsche

You will rarely make a mistake if you attribute exceptional actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit, and minor ones to fear.

Every action continues to build us, it weaves our colorful robe. Every action is free, but clothing is necessary. Our experience is our clothing.

From a young age, learn to forgive your neighbor’s misdeeds and never forgive your own.

Lev Tolstoy

Do not believe the words of either your own or those of others, believe only the deeds of both your own and those of others.

Let the one who does it bear the consequences of his deeds.

Decimus Juvenal

Bad people fear misdeeds out of fear of punishment, good people out of love for virtue.

David Hume

If any action is virtuous or vicious, this is only a sign of a certain mental quality or character; it must flow from the constant principles of our spirit, extending to the whole conduct of man and entering into his personal character.

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today, especially for you, I made a selection of quotes about actions.

There are times in life when we cannot decide to take a specific action. In this case, the statements of wise and famous people can help us.

... you must always think about the consequences of your actions and never lose your head, because you have to pay too dearly for mistakes and recklessness. Nicholas Sparks

A pencil always leaves a mark. Just like you leave behind traces with your actions, and therefore think about every step you take. Paulo Coelho

There is not a single act on this earth that is not associated with sacrifice. The main thing is to convince yourself that this sacrifice is voluntary. Dmitry Yemets

Always do the right thing. This will please some people and surprise everyone else.

Often we would be ashamed of our most noble actions if others knew our motives. F. de La Rochefoucauld

Actions wise people dictated by the mind, the less intelligent people - by experience, the most ignorant - by necessity, animals - by nature. Cicero

When judging an individual act, then before evaluating it, one must take into account various circumstances and take into account the entire appearance of the person who committed it. M. Montaigne

If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny. W. Thackeray

A good deed cannot wash away a bad one, just as a bad one cannot stain a good one. J. Martin

A person's actions are the best translators of his thoughts. J. Locke

Act as if you are alone in this world, and people will never know about your action. L. Tolstoy

The main thing is how a person evaluates his actions. M. Navvarskaya

Past actions are much easier to blame than to correct. D. Boccaccio

Always do what is most convenient for you - and everything will be fine. M. Weller

Thousands of words will leave less of a mark than the memory of one action. G. Ibsen

A person commits most bad deeds not because he likes them or because they bring benefits, but because it seems to him that they are expected of him. S. Yankovsky

Little actions by little people can have big consequences. V. Soloviev

Any action, no matter what caused it, entails a whole chain of consequences. But which ones depend not at all on the act itself, only on the attitude towards you. S. Lukyanenko

Sometimes doing the right thing makes a person lonely. J. Picoult

Actions in human life are like food, and thoughts and feelings are like seasonings. It will be bad for anyone who salts cherries or pours vinegar on a cake. M. Pavlovich

Our self-definition does not appear in our heads; it is made up of our actions. R. Brown

Sometimes there comes a desperate moment in life when the wrong thing actually turns out to be the right thing. T. Pratchett

A mistake in life is an offense that did not bring pleasure. G. Colette

  • For some reason, most people are absolutely sure that their actions can be explained by something other than idiocy. Valery Shapovalov
  • WITH ordinary people talk less about theories and act more according to them. Epictetus
  • It is much more useful to be able to predict people's actions in certain circumstances based on their character than to judge their character based on their actions. Henry Fielding
  • When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other. Eric Hoffer
  • Fish in the sea act like people on earth: the big ones eat the small ones. William Shakespeare
  • People believe that they are free only insofar as they are allowed to obey their passions, and being forced to live according to the dictates of the law, they think that they are giving up their right. Benedict Spinoza
  • It is much better to do great things, to celebrate great victories, even if there are mistakes along the way, than to join the ranks ordinary people who know neither great joy nor great misfortune, living a gray life where there are neither victories nor defeats. Theodore Roosevelt
  • When discussing the actions of other people, remember your own. Lev Tolstoy
  • After doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know that you are doing the right thing. John Davison Rockefeller
  • They say that all people are different, but in the actions of those around me I see the same person.
  • All people are the same in words, and only their actions differentiate them...
  • There will always be people willing to do idiotic things in the name of a stupid idea. Valentin Domil
  • The real truth is always implausible... To make the truth more believable, you must certainly mix lies into it. People have always done this. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • Never feel sorry for people who have been wronged. They are just waiting for an opportunity to do the same thing to you. William Hazlitt
  • Treat people the way you want them to treat you - Give your husband tights!
  • X is one of those people who, when walking arm in arm with a woman, hang with all their weight on her - of course, without noticing it themselves. Women who marry such people are acting imprudently. Ginzburg Lydia
  • All people are good, but sometimes they act badly. Andrey Kazmin
  • It is easier for people to believe in the future than in the present. Therefore, in the present, they justify any of their actions for the benefit of the future. Vladimir Borisov
  • Most people are capable of great deeds rather than good deeds. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • People usually act according to their worldly maturity, but it comes to a person gradually. Knowledge of life consists of many grains of accumulated experience; it is the result and synthesis of what has been lived and meaningful. Ali Absheroni