Mathematical puzzles for 6 years old. Mathematical puzzles

Mathematics - quite a difficult science , however, everyone needs to learn its basics. Without these skills and knowledge in modern world nowhere.

Elementary mathematical techniques and problems are ingrained in the memory of schoolchildren in the elementary grades. And having “missed” more lightweight material, it becomes impossible to solve complex tasks. Long and serious mathematics lessons make children especially restless, which means information must be presented in a playful way, for example, using puzzles . Such tasks should not be forced to be solved under pressure; children will willingly take on solving them themselves.

The main thing in the article

The benefits of mathematical puzzles for child development

Math puzzles - these are the same riddles and puzzles that use drawings and graphics. They vary in difficulty level depending on age category schoolchildren.

Rules for composing mathematical puzzles for children

  1. If you see before a word or picture comma , then you need to remove the first letter from this name . The same must be done if the comma is at the end of the word. When there are two commas near the picture, two letters are removed accordingly. For example, the first picture shows juice - you need to remove the first letter "C", a hand - remove the syllable "ka", the letter "zh" remains, a nose - the word remains as a whole, five - remove the first two letters. Encrypted word - "circle" .
  2. If numbers , indicating the sequence of letters in a word crossed out, then they must be thrown out of it . The same goes for letters. The second picture shows a circus - remove the last letter, from the word “shark” you need to remove the letter “A”, the ready answer is “compass”.
  3. When next to the picture there are numbers swapped , then in the name of the item itself you need to swap the letters that are in sequence with the indicated numbers.
  4. If the picture is upside down , then the answer must be read in reverse order: from right to left.
  5. For puzzles Only the nominative case is used in words .
  6. An arrow pointer or a mathematical equal sign indicates that you need to replace the letters one by one.
  7. In puzzles one value can be located inside another picture , behind it or under it. Then use the words: IN, ON, ABOVE, UNDER, BEHIND.
  8. Numbers in a row near the image , indicate that you need to use letters from this value in the specified sequence of numbers.

Here are some examples of mathematical puzzles that correspond to the given rules:

The word is encrypted under the third picture "vector" , under the fourth - "degree" , under the fifth - "two" , under the sixth - "proof" .

How to come up with a math puzzle?

Following general rules When creating puzzles, try to come up with simple math problems first, using numbers and mathematical terms. And then, having mastered simple tasks a little, move on to more complicated ones. Here are some sample math puzzles with answers to inspire you and show you how to do them:

Answers: first puzzle - "diameter" , second - "five" , third - "cone" , fourth - "task" .

Fifth picture - "algebra" , sixth - "geometry" , seventh - "ruler" , eighth - "the equation" .

The ninth riddle - "diameter" , tenth - "compass" , eleventh - "protractor" , twelfth - "cone" .

Features of mathematical puzzles for elementary school

It is best to introduce your child to solving mathematical puzzles as early as kindergarten, in the graduating group. This will serve as an excellent warm-up before school and will refresh the child on all the material covered with the teacher.

You just need to take into account that such puzzles should be quite easy, and include only the knowledge that the child has already learned and knows. It may be a puzzle of two or three parts, the answer to which has a simple mathematical meaning.

These same puzzles will be useful for “warming up” first-graders. Entering school is already a huge emotional burden for a child, so you shouldn’t depress learning mathematics so much. complex puzzles.The following examples are suitable:

Mathematical puzzles for grade 1 with answers

First graders already have a good knowledge of numbers and simple mathematical operations that can be included in puzzles. Moreover, it is characteristic of such puzzles that mathematical meaning can be present both in the riddle itself and in its meaning. Or it may happen that the answer is completely unrelated to this exact science. Offer your child the following math puzzles:

Mathematical puzzles for grade 2 with answers

In order to create a mathematical puzzle for a second grader, you need to be guided by his knowledge, that is, the proposed task must be feasible for him. Here's what a second grade student should know and be able to do:

  1. When solving tasks, use numbers from 1 to 100 in the correct order, voicing them correctly.
  2. Solve examples of addition and subtraction of numbers that do not exceed the number 20.
  3. In some cases, apply the mathematical operations of multiplication and division.
  4. Clearly know the rules for using parentheses in examples and solve them.
  5. Use units of length and volume in your vocabulary.
  6. Compare more or less numbers within 100.
  7. Be able to verbally add and subtract numbers within 100.
  8. Solve simple problems with four basic arithmetic operations, be able to increase (decrease) a number by (by) times (units).
  9. Using a ruler, draw and measure the length of the segment.
  10. Recognize plane angles.
  11. Recognize and voice flat geometric shapes.
  12. Be able to calculate the perimeter of polygons.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 3 with answers

To solve feasible mathematical puzzles, a third grader in a math lesson must:

  1. Count and name numbers up to a thousand.
  2. When performing the basic four arithmetic operations, call each component of the example by its name.
  3. Know the multiplication table and state the result of division.
  4. Be able to solve examples with and without brackets.
  5. Know the units of measurement of quantities and express them in different interpretations.
  6. Solve math operations up to 100 orally.
  7. Divide multi-digit number to a single digit, guided by the multiplication table.
  8. Check the calculations for examples.
  9. Perform one or two action tasks.
  10. Come up with problems that are the opposite of the original one.
  11. Be able to briefly write down a task.
  12. Calculate equations and inequalities.
  13. Draw simple geometric figures, according to the initial data of the task, calculate their perimeter and area.
  14. Be able to use a compass to draw circles of given radii.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 4 with answers

In mathematics lessons, a fourth grader should:

  1. Be able to solve problems in a rational and irrational way.
  2. Solve problems by recording the progress of their solution.
  3. Have a representation of calculating volume and area geometric shapes, based on the learned formulas.
  4. Draw geometric figures and designate their components in Latin letters.
  5. Construct and measure angles with a protractor.
  6. Know the properties of equality.
  7. Solve problems with a number of arithmetic operations from one to four.
  8. Know the properties of sides, angles, radii of geometric shapes.
  9. Subtract and add multi-digit numbers.
  10. Divide a multi-digit number into single-digit and multi-digit.
  11. Have the concept of a natural series.
  12. Multiply a fraction by a natural number.
  13. Correctly name and write fractions: numerator and denominator.
  14. Compare fractions.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 5 with answers

The mathematics program for fifth graders is similar to the previous year, only it is more extensive. It is not for nothing that in some schools the fourth grade is skipped, and the entire school curriculum for the missed year is studied in the fifth grade.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 6 with answers

  1. In the sixth grade, geometry, in particular its theorems, is actively studied.
  2. The child gets acquainted with famous scientists in the field of mathematics and other exact sciences.
  3. The student deals with the study of geometric figures on a plane, learns to calculate their volume and area using the studied formulas.
  4. Algebra involves solving equations with two unknowns and inequalities.

Mathematical puzzles with numbers with answers

The numbers depicted in mathematical puzzles can be of two types:

  • Those whose name or part of the name is used for the answer.
  • Those that stand near the image indicate that from the name of this image you need to borrow letters corresponding to the sequence of numbers in the row.

Mathematical riddles, puzzles, crosswords

Well trained mental activity not only math puzzles, but also logical, arithmetic riddles and crosswords. They develop curiosity and intelligence in children. And the game form of tasks helps to achieve high speed of thinking and guessing.

The following puzzles are suitable for the little ones:

Solve these other crossword puzzles and tasks:

  • Solve the examples, use lines to connect the answer and the group of children corresponding to it (first task).
  • Solve the rowing examples and then use lines to connect each of them to the boats that have the correct answer (second task).

  • Fill in the missing cells with numbers so that horizontally and vertically the answer is always 15 (third task).
  • Fill in the blanks and solve the examples (fourth task).

Solve crossword puzzles:

Here are more difficult puzzles:

How to solve math puzzles with letters?

Solving math puzzles with letters

All words are made up of letters, so many puzzles contain letters in their structure. Guided by the basic principles of solving puzzles, you will easily master mathematical puzzles with letters.

Mathematical puzzles and puzzles

Such riddles and puzzles will be of interest not only to schoolchildren, but also to their parents:

The easiest math puzzles

Let the student practice first on simple mathematical puzzles. For example, on these:

Challenging math puzzles

Try providing your tomboy with these puzzles that will allow him to concentrate his ingenuity and train his intellect. This assignment is supposed to be for fifth grade students.

Our article provides examples of mathematical puzzles with answers different levels difficulties depending on the age of the student. Having studied the basic rules for solving puzzles, try to compose interesting tasks to your kids. This kind of activity will help the child activate his intellectual abilities, develop perseverance and concentration, and also reinforce the material he has covered in mathematics. This exciting activity will help unite relatives (comrades) and create a friendly atmosphere in the family and school community.

Einstein's problem

There are 5 houses on one street. IN different houses people of different nationalities live. Everyone drinks their own drink, has a favorite type of recreation and has their own pet.
It is known that:
1. The British man lives in a red house.
2. The Swede has a dog.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house stands to the left of the white one, close to it.
5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
6. The one who reads novels has birds.
7. The owner of the yellow house loves to walk.
8. The owner of the middle house drinks milk.
9. A Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The person who watches TV lives next to the owner of the cats.
11. The one who keeps horses lives next to the one who likes to walk.
12. Anyone who listens to music drinks kvass.
13. The German solves problems.
14. A Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The one who watches TV has a neighbor who drinks water.
Who keeps the fish?

Task 1.

At a school quiz, participants were asked 20 questions. For a correct answer, the student was given 12 points, and for an incorrect answer, 10 points were deducted. How many correct answers did one student give if he answered all the questions and scored 86 points?

Task 2.

Place 7 full barrels, 7 half-filled barrels, and 7 empty barrels on three trucks so that all trucks have the same weight of cargo.

Task 3.

There are pencils on the table. Two players take turns taking 1, 2 or 3 pencils. The one who takes the last pencil loses. How should a beginner play to win if there are 8 pencils on the table? Will the first be able to win if the second plays correctly, if there are 9, 10, 15 pencils on the table?

Task 4.

There are 33 people in our class, and everyone is friends with exactly 5 classmates. Could this be possible?

Task 5.

8 girlfriends decided to exchange photographs so that each of them ended up with photographs of other girlfriends. How many photos will this require?

Task 6.

Nina lives on the 4th floor, and Tanya lives on the 2nd. Nina climbs 60 steps. How many steps does Tanya climb?

Mathematics is one of the most difficult sciences, which gives schoolchildren a lot of trouble during their studies. At the same time, mental calculation skills and various mathematical techniques must be mastered by every person, since without this knowledge it is simply impossible to live in the modern world.

Long and complex mathematics lessons, especially in the lower grades, tire children excessively and do not allow them to fully assimilate information. To prevent this from happening, children need to submit the necessary information in the form fun game, for example, in the form of mathematical puzzles.

Such puzzles can vary in difficulty level, so you can start solving them as early as kindergarten. In addition, children almost always really like puzzles, and you don’t have to force your child to study. In this article we will tell you the benefits of mathematical puzzles for children and offer several examples for boys and girls of different ages.

What are math puzzles and why are they so useful for children?

Mathematical puzzles are of different levels of complexity, which are compiled using graphic elements. Solving such riddles is an extremely exciting activity that you can spend more than one hour doing. In addition, older children enjoy composing mathematical puzzles for their classmates and friends, and this also allows them and contributes to the development of logical thinking.

In cases where the puzzles are quite difficult riddles, boys and girls have to seriously “rack” their brains to find the correct answer. In the process of this exciting activity, children develop innovative thinking. In the future, this skill will be useful for finding possible ways out of different life situations.

Finally, math puzzles give kids a boost good mood, and if the child solves them not alone, but in the company of friends or relatives, they additionally contribute to socialization and strengthening relationships.

Examples of mathematical puzzles for preschoolers

Mathematical riddles for preschoolers should be the simplest. They usually include 2-3 elements, and their answer is a simple mathematical term or the name of a number. In particular, for older children preschool age The following puzzles are suitable:

Mathematical puzzles for grades 1-4

Students primary school are already familiar with numbers and some other mathematical terms, so they can use them to compose and solve various puzzles. At this age, riddles are most often used, the text of which contains numbers and other similar elements. Moreover, the answer to such puzzles can be anything, including those not related to mathematical science.

At the same time, mathematical terms can also be encrypted in such problems, but in this case they are quite complex concepts that primary schoolchildren have yet to become familiar with. The following mathematical puzzles with answers are suitable for students in grades 1, 2, 3 and 4:

Mathematical puzzles for students in grades 5-9 with answers

For secondary school students, especially those in grades 8-9, math puzzles should already be quite complex - so that the children would have to work hard to decipher them. Otherwise, such problems will not be able to interest and captivate schoolchildren for a long time, and therefore will be absolutely useless.

Mathematical comic puzzles and joke problems for primary schoolchildren

1. The housewife was carrying 100 eggs in a basket. And the bottom fell out (read not “a bottom”, but close to the word “one”). How many eggs are left in the basket? (No one)

2. There were 50 pears growing on the pear tree, and 12 less on the willow tree. How many pears grew on the willow tree? (Pears do not grow on willow)

3. Which is lighter: 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equal)

4. A chicken weighs 2 kg on two legs. How much does a chicken weigh on one leg? (2 kg).

5. Vasya and Sasha played checkers for 4 hours straight. How many hours did each of them play? (4 hours).

6. There were 2 magpies, 3 sparrows and 2 squirrels sitting on the tree. Suddenly two sparrows fluttered and flew away. How many birds are left on the tree? (3 birds).

7. How many ends do two and a half sticks have? (6)

8. A flock of ducks was flying. The hunter killed one. How many ducks are left? (One, the rest flew away)

9. There is an oak tree in the field. There are 3 apples on the oak tree. A good fellow was driving along and picked one. How many apples are left? (Not a single one, apples don’t grow on oak trees)

10. We have very Friendly family: Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in total? (8)

11. Two men walked from the village to the city, and three more men and one woman met them. How many men walked from the village to the city? (2)

12. Grandmother bought two pairs of shoes, three apples and five pears at the market. The grandmother gave one pair of shoes to her granddaughter. How many fruits did grandma buy? (8)

To two bunnies at lunchtime

2 neighbors arrived.

Hares sat in the garden

How many carrots did you eat? (20).

Masha and Tanya are not bored:

Drink 3 cups.

Sashka ran to the girls

He drank 3 cups at once.

How many cups are there at the table?

Did the three of you drink? (9 cups).

Ivan came to the zoo

I found monkeys there.

2 played on the sand,

3 sat on the board,

10 backrests were warm.

How many together, have you counted? (15 monkeys).

There are five Natashas in our class,

Two Seryozhas and five Sashas.

There is Alenka and Kondrat.

How many children are there in the class? (14 guys).

The cherry is finally ripe

Ten cherries on it

For two of my friends.

The tangerine is ripening:

One for each of them.

How much fruit for the guys?

Have you prepared a good garden? (12).

Here under the roof in our house

3 crows settled in,

2 tits, 5 jackdaws.

Just a whole kindergarten!

There are two more mice living there.

How many birds are there under our roof? (10).

We carried chairs into the hall

And 3 legs were broken off.

If there were 5 chairs,

There are five guys in our house,

They love to play everything.

How many sandals do they need?

(Five pairs, or 10 sandals).

21. Three swallows flew out of the nest. What is the probability that after 15 seconds they will be in the same plane? (Answer: 100%, because three points always form one plane).

22. There are two coins on the table; in total they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What coins are these? (Answer: 2 rubles and 1 ruble. One is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble).

23. How fast should a dog run so as not to hear the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail? (Answer: If you think she should run away with supersonic speed, then you are mistaken - it is enough for the dog to stand still).

24. A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and another in 100 minutes. How can it be? (Answer: 1 hour 40 minutes = 100 minutes).

25. The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other makes an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof. In which direction will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope? (Answer: Roosters don't lay eggs.)

26. There is an elevator in a 12-story building. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often? (Answer: Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button “1”).

27. Two wallets contain two coins, and one wallet contains twice as many coins as the other. How can this be? (Answer: One wallet lies inside another).

28. The son of the professor’s father talks to the father of the professor’s son, and the professor himself does not participate in the conversation. Could this be possible? (Answer: Yes, maybe, if the professor is a woman).

29. Two sons and two fathers ate 3 eggs. How many eggs did each person eat? (One egg each).

30. There were 5 tanks with fuel in the warehouse, 6 tons each. Fuel was released from two tanks. How many tanks are left? (5).

31. Imagine that you are the captain of a football team. There are 8 football teams in the region, each with 11 members. The players on your team are 2 years younger than their captain, while the players on the other team are only 1 year younger. How old is your team captain? (As many years as the person answering).

32. A pair of horses ran 20 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (20 km).

33. When the magpie turns 4 years old, what will happen to it? (He will live for five years.)

34. If it is raining at 11 o’clock at night, is it possible that the weather will be sunny 48 hours later? (No, because it will be night).

35. It takes 1 hour to cook 1 kg of meat. How long will it take to cook 0.5 kg of meat? (1 hour).

36. Marina had a whole apple, two halves and 4 quarters. How many apples did she have? (3).

37. 6 sparrows were sitting in the garden bed, 5 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left in the garden? (One who was grabbed by the cat. The rest flew away).

38. The boy wrote the number 86 on a piece of paper and said to his friend: “Without making any notes, increase this number by 12 and show me the answer.” Without thinking twice, the comrade showed the answer. Can you do this? (Turn the piece of paper upside down).

39. There were 4 rabbits in the cage. Four guys bought one of these rabbits and one rabbit remained in the cage. How could this happen? (One rabbit was bought along with a cage)

40. Ducks were flying: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks were there in total? (Three ducks, one after the other).

41. One old man was asked how old he was. He replied that he was a hundred years old and a few months old, but he only had 25 birthdays. How could this be? (This person was born on February 29, that is, he has a birthday once every four years).


Before you start solving complex tasks, practice on simple example: CAR+CAR=CONSTRUCTION. Write it down in a column, it will be easier to solve. You have two unknown five-digit numbers whose sum is a six-digit number, so B+B is greater than 10 and C is equal to 1. Replace the symbols C with 1.

The sum A+A is a single-digit or two-digit number with a unit at the end, this is possible if the sum G+G is greater than 10 and A is equal to either 0 or 5. Try to assume that A is equal to 0, then O is equal to 5 , which does not satisfy the conditions of the problem, because in this case B+B=2B cannot equal 15. Therefore, A=5. Replace all A's with 5's.

The sum O+O=2O is an even number and can be equal to 5 or 15 only if the sum H+H is a two-digit number, i.e. H is more than 6. If O+O=5, then O=2. This solution is incorrect, because. B+B=2B+1, i.e. O must be an odd number. So O is equal to 7. Replace all O's with 7's.

It is easy to see that B is equal to 8, then H = 9. Replace all letters with the found numeric values.

Replace the remaining letters in the example with numbers: G=6 and T=3. You got the correct equality: 85679+85679=171358. The rebus has been solved.

When subtracting, also start with units. If the number of one or another digit is being reduced less number subtracted, then borrow 1 ten or a hundred from the next digit, etc. and do the calculations. Put a dot over the number you borrowed from so you don’t forget. When performing actions with this digit, subtract from the reduced number. Write the result below the horizontal line.

Check the calculations are correct. If you added, then subtract one of the terms from the resulting sum, you should get . If you subtracted, then add the resulting difference with the subtrahend, you should get the minuend.


The digits of the numbers must be located one below the other.

In linear algebra and geometry, the concept vector defined differently. In algebra vector om is the element vector nogo space. In geometry vector om is an ordered pair of points in Euclidean space - a directed segment. Above vector We have defined linear operations - addition vector ov and multiplication vector but for a certain number.


The work vector and a for a number? is called the number?a that |?a| = |?| * |a|. Obtained by multiplying by a number vector parallel to the original vector y or lies on the same straight line with it. If?>0, then vector s a and ?a are unidirectional if?<0, то vector s a and?a are directed to different .

Video on the topic

A rebus is a special riddle in which the desired word is enclosed in pictures containing various letters and numbers. In the pictures you can also see other signs that will help you read the word correctly. Solving puzzles is a very exciting activity that will help you warm up before difficult work. To do this, you must remember a number of simple rules.


The names of any objects depicted in the picture are read only in the nominative case.

Sometimes a drawing may have several names (for example, paw or leg). An item can also have a specific or general name. For example, flower is a general name, and a specific name is rose. Therefore, if you can correctly guess the object shown in the picture, then consider that the hardest part is over. The simplest and most popular method of solving puzzles is drawings in parts. That is, you first need to write down all the names of the objects in order, and then put the text together from them.

One or more inverted commas may be drawn to the right of the item - this means that one or more letters need to be removed at the beginning or end of the word, respectively.

If there are numbers above the picture, the letters in the word must be read in a certain order - exactly in the order in which the numbers appear.