Medical series online, Russian universities. Yakut State University Northeastern University Medical Institute

The date of formation is considered to be 1956, when the Yakut State Pedagogical Institute, which existed since 1933, was transformed into a university (Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of August 23, 1956).

In 2005, the number of full-time students was 13,720 people and part-time students - 8,233.

In addition, the University has 2 research institutes, a republican interuniversity scientific library, 19 research laboratories, 13 centers, educational support, administrative and business units, and a dental clinic.

The educational institution participates in the international project “University of the Arctic”, dedicated to the study of the circumpolar region.

In 2009 it is planned to rename it to North-Eastern Federal University.



  • Pedagogical Institute
  • Medical Institute
  • Financial and Economic Institute
  • Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
  • Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Institute of Additional Professional Education
  • Institute for Postgraduate Training of Doctors


  • Automotive Faculty
  • Faculty of Biology and Geography
  • Geological Exploration Faculty
  • Faculty of Mining
  • Faculty of Engineering and Technology
  • History department
  • Faculty of Pre-University Education and Career Guidance (FDEP)
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Yakut Philology and Culture
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy

Interfaculty departments

  • Military department
  • Department of Foreign Languages ​​in Humanitarian Specialties
  • Department of Foreign Languages ​​for Technical and Natural Specialties
  • Department of Philosophy


  • Official website of Yakut State University

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Baturino (Tomsk region)
  • Self-assembled tablecloth

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Yakutsk, Medical Institute, Yakut State University named after. M.K. Amosova

Director – Petrova Palmira Georgievna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Address: Yakutsk, st. Kulakovskogo, 36
Phone: 36-30-46 (director’s reception).

Medical Institute of Yakut State University named after. M.K. Ammosov is known in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and now beyond its borders, as a true forge for the training of practical and scientific-pedagogical personnel and can rightfully be called the oldest higher medical educational institution in the North-East of Russia.


The idea of ​​training the medical personnel sorely lacking for practical healthcare in the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic arose back in the 40s of the last century. However, the Great Patriotic War that began in 1941 and the post-war years of rebuilding the country from ruins delayed the implementation of the Resolution of the Regional Committee of the CPSU on the opening of a medical institute by 18 years.

In August 1957, the university opened a medical department at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The founder of the first department - medical science - was the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and at the same time the head. medical department, a talented scientist and teacher, an outstanding organizer and tireless enthusiast Dmitry Mikhailovich Krylov.

Yesterday's schoolgirl, now an associate professor of the Department of Human Anatomy at the Medical Institute of YSU, Raisa Givenovna Hen, was hired as a laboratory assistant. They are among those who stood at the origins of higher medical education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Like-minded people of Dmitry Mikhailovich in organizing a higher medical school were V.S. Semenov, B.I. Alperovich, M.V. Ishchenko, V.V. Serebryakov. Subsequently, talented, inquisitive young scientists all became doctors of medical sciences.

In subsequent years, enthusiasts from practical healthcare joined the teaching staff: Yu.N. Gorodov, A.I. Solovyova, V.D. Afanasyeva.

Scientists from central universities were invited: Professor S.D. Shakhov, Ph.D. M.V. Troitskaya, B.L. Tovbin, M.I. Guselnikova, A.A. Zemlyanskaya, L.N. Goldstein, as well as young specialists A.N. Shepovalnikov, A.M. Tyukavkin, T.I. Krylova, R.S. Tazlova, L.P. Gavrilyeva and many others.

Inspired by the slogan “School-industry-university”, working youth rushed to the university, including the medical department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Mostly production workers were hired for the 50 places in the medical department.

On June 7, 1960, by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR, two independent divisions were organized on the basis of the Faculty of Science: medical and biological-geographical faculties.

The first dean of the Faculty of Medicine was V.S. Semenov, head of the surgical department of the Yakut City Hospital for 22 years. Vladimir Sergeevich was known not only as a major organizer of healthcare and medical education, but also as a public and statesman.

During these years, new departments and courses continue to open. The faculty has 3 professors and 6 associate professors.

In 1963, the first historical graduation of doctors from the Faculty of Medicine of YSU took place. Among them are well-known specialists in the republic.

In 1962, D.M. was elected dean. Krylov. Under his skillful leadership, over the first 10 years, the teaching staff of the young medical faculty was formed, and in terms of qualifications and level of scientific and pedagogical activity, it met all the requirements for medical universities. Thanks to the cohesion, organization, hard work of the entire team, and the level of research work carried out, the Faculty of Medicine quickly became one of the leading faculties of YSU.

And then the organizers of higher medical education, first of all, took into account the social order of practical healthcare of the republic to provide medical personnel to remote northern and rural areas.

Famous scientists who headed the medical faculty in different years made a significant contribution to the training of medical personnel and the development of higher medical education in the republic: Ya.P. Bakicharov, V.G. Krivoshapkin, T.I. Krylova, P.N. Yakovlev and A.S. Grigoriev.

Yakov Petrovich Bakycharov, a favorite of students, one of the colorful deans of the faculty, was an excellent organizer. Since the teaching staff consisted of scientists invited from the country's leading universities, the task was to train teachers from local personnel. On the initiative of Yakov Petrovich, during these years young teachers and graduates of the faculty were sent to targeted graduate school. All of them, having successfully completed their studies, returned to their native alma mater as high-class teachers.

During the years of Yakov Petrovich’s leadership, for the first time, serious attention was paid to students’ leisure time, a vocal and instrumental ensemble was created at the faculty, and talents were discovered, now famous in the republic as melodists and performers of pop art.

From 1973 to 1975 young doctor of sciences V.G. is elected dean. Krivoshapkin. During this period, the faculty team for the first time received a state order to carry out a scientific topic on human somatic alcoholic pathology in the North. The VI All-Union Symposium “Human Adaptation in the North” was successfully held in Yakutsk with the participation of academicians of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The symposium laid the foundation for close cooperation between Yakut scientists and scientists from the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and joint comprehensive medical and biological expeditions began. The practical outcome of joint activities was the opening of a problematic research laboratory on the physiology and pathology of the digestive organs.

The next dean of the faculty, T.I. Krylova continued the idea of ​​training and further development of medical science in the republic laid down by her predecessors. Under the leadership of T.I. Krylova opened a postgraduate course in phthisiology at a local base, and retraining of pediatricians from among medical students began. These were difficult years in the formation of pediatric services in the republic.

In 1976, Professor A.A. was invited to head the Department of Therapy. Bezrodnykh, who made a great contribution to the study of occupational pathology in the republic.

In 1979, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Komsomol leader of the 70s P.N. was elected dean. Yakovlev.

Over the years of Prokopiy Nikolaevich’s work in this position, the planned enrollment in the specialty “General Medicine” increased to 150 students, new departments were opened, the first doctors of medical sciences appeared among the teachers, and monographs began to be published.

During these years, special attention was paid to the creation of unified educational and methodological complexes at the departments, the development of work programs, and the introduction of technical teaching aids into the educational process.

It began to be a practice to invite famous professors from central medical universities to give lectures to students and participate in the work of the State Attestation Commission. The faculty passed the first serious federal inspection and was successfully certified for the following years of work.

In 1990, on an alternative basis, the team elected A.S. to the position of dean. Grigoriev. These were years of changes in the social system and in the consciousness of the people. The main task of the leadership during this “perestroika” period was to preserve the teaching staff and student population, and radically improve the material base of the faculty.

With great gratitude we remember the names of the “second wave” teachers who devoted many years to training medical personnel in the republic. They came to the faculty young at a difficult time in its formation and made an invaluable contribution to the development of higher medical education and medical science in Yakutia.

Many of them defended their candidate's and doctoral dissertations, received wide recognition in the medical community, among patients of the republic, and were highly appreciated for their military work.

A significant event of national importance was the opening in 1993 of the YSU Medical Institute on the basis of the medical and therapeutic faculty. D.G. was appointed rector-organizer. Tikhonov, graduate of the faculty, student of Professor A.A. Bezrodnykh.

Thus, the development path of the higher medical school of Yakutia is stage-by-stage: medical department - medical faculty - medical institute.

By January 1, 2007, according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), MI graduates accounted for more than 80% of all working doctors in the republic.

Among the graduates, B.A. worked as ministers of health of the republic in different years. Egorov, P.N. Yakovlev. Currently, our graduate, Doctor of Medical Sciences, also works in this responsible position. V.L. Alexandrov.

Today, the structure of the Medical Institute includes a medical, pediatric faculty with a dental department, faculties of higher nursing education and postgraduate training of doctors, an educational and methodological department, a small medical academy for schoolchildren, and a training and production dental clinic.

The institute has developed the “Concept of continuous training of medical personnel in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”, which meets the basic requirements of the state educational standard for higher professional medical education, the federal health care development program and the concept of the state personnel policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

When preparing medical personnel, the specific features of a specialist’s future work in the Arctic region are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the “National Regional Component” section of the curriculum. Such disciplines as “Telemedicine”, “Human Ecology in the Arctic Region”, “Peculiarities of Healthcare in the Arctic Region”, etc. have been introduced into the educational process.

In the conditions of the North, the training of general practitioners is of particular importance. The Institute, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), has developed and is operating a republican target program “Introduction of general medical practice in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).” To effectively implement the program, a department of general medical practice and a family medicine clinic were opened at the university.

A major step in the training of scientific and teaching staff was the opening of a dissertation council in the specialties “Internal Medicine” and “Surgery”, “Traumatology and Orthopedics” and “Pathological Physiology”. The council also performs a regional function; candidate theses are being defended by employees of other universities - from the Amur Medical Academy, the Far Eastern Medical University.

The training of highly qualified medical personnel in the republic made it possible in the 90s of the 20th century to open the National Center of Medicine, where graduates of the institute successfully perform complex cardiac surgery and endoscopic operations, related kidney transplantation and other modern methods of diagnostic and surgical care. The Republic has an opportunity to develop Arctic medical science together with the Institute of Health and the Yakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

A close connection is maintained with the practical healthcare of the republic. Many teachers of the institute provide highly qualified medical and advisory assistance to healthcare institutions. At the same time, the medical institute is not only based in medical institutions of the ministry and the city of Yakutsk, but considers it relevant to involve the most experienced doctors in teaching activities, since their rich clinical experience and knowledge, of course, make it possible to improve the quality of training of young specialists, and their authority and national recognition serve as an example in nurturing dedication to the profession and professional duty.

The institute’s staff was actively involved in the implementation of the priority national project “Health” in the republic, participating in the reform of primary health care, in the development of the institute of general practitioners and introducing modern approaches to staffing the industry. The Institute is carrying out serious work to introduce telemedicine into the training process of both students and doctors at the postgraduate stage.

Over the half-century path of its development, the Medical Institute of Yakut State University named after M.K. Ammosov graduated more than 5,000 doctors who successfully work in the field of protecting the health of the population of the republic, and became a true forge for training medical personnel in the northeast of the country.

The history of the Higher Medical School of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) continues.
P.G. Petrova,
Director of MI YSU

  • st. Kulakovskogo, 36 Yakutsk

    NEFU Clinic named after. M.K. Ammosov is located on the territory of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Yakutsk. This is an advanced research institution that specializes in providing high-quality advisory and diagnostic services.

    To the staff of the NEFU clinic. M.K. Ammosov includes 69 highly qualified specialists. The technical component of the institution is represented by such advanced equipment as a Leica TP1020 histoprocessor, a Nikon SMZ-745 stereoscopic microscope, a Lunar iDXA densitometer, an NMA-4-01 Neuromian analyzer and the NS-Psychotest complex.


    At the NEFU clinic. M.K. Ammosov conducts the following types of examinations: neuropsychophysiological, histological, biochemical, cytological, bacteriological, gastroenterological, nephrological, oncological and endoscopic. Here you can use the services of such doctors as a proctologist, gynecologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, urologist, endocrinologist, orthopedist, neurologist, cardiologist, audiologist and diagnostician.


    To the NEFU clinic named after. M.K. The most convenient way to get to Ammosov is by bus No. 2, 5, 17, 18, 35, 41, 102. Having proceeded to the Ammosov Square stop, you need to move in the direction of the four-story building No. 36, located on Kulakovsky Street. The walking distance is 120 meters.

The structure of the medical institute is well thought out and fully corresponds to the functional tasks. The Medical Institute is a structural subdivision of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov". Pre-diploma training of specialists is carried out at 18 departments in 6 specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy, preventive medicine and nursing. At the postgraduate stage - at 5 departments of the faculty of postgraduate training of doctors.

In 1998, the Medical Institute developed and approved at the University Academic Council the “Concept of continuous training of medical personnel in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”, according to which pre-university, university and post-graduate training of doctors is carried out on the basis of the institute in full compliance with the State Standards of Higher Professional Medical Education and The concept of healthcare development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the first quarter of the 21st century.

In 2010, the Academic Council of the Medical Institute adopted the “Strategy for the Development of the Medical Institute for the period 2010-2020”; in 2012, the “Road Map for the Development of the Medical Institute until 2020” was developed and approved.

To form a high-quality student population, it is necessary to provide certain assistance to future applicants in professional self-determination and choosing the optimal type of employment, taking into account their needs and capabilities. The teaching staff of the medical institute organizes and conducts, together with the Faculty of Pre-University Education and Career Guidance of NEFU, events at which schoolchildren and college graduates are told about the specialties and training for which the institute provides. The Medical Institute enters into cooperation agreements with schools in the city of Yakutsk and districts (uluses) of the Republic of Sakha Yakutia. Employees of the medical institute are scientific consultants for schoolchildren engaged in research activities, the result of which is participation in conferences at the city, republican and all-Russian levels. The institute carries out individual work with students who are finalists and prize-winners of the North-Eastern School Olympiad. Teenagers who have already decided on their choice of profession or those who want to learn more about the medical profession study at the Small Medical Academy.
