Methodological development on the topic: Round table. Organization and holding of round tables

Round tables- This is one of the most popular formats for conducting scientific events. In essence, the Round Table is a platform for discussion of a limited number of people (usually no more than 25 people; by default, experts, respected specialists in a particular field).

But you should not use the concept of “round table” as a synonym for the concepts of “discussion”, “polemic”, “dialogue”. It is not right. Each of them has its own content, and it only partially coincides with the content of the others. A “round table” is a form of organizing an exchange of opinions. This term does not indicate what the nature of the exchange of opinions will be. In contrast, the concept of “discussion” assumes that during, for example, a “round table” its participants not only make reports on some issue, but also exchange remarks, clarify each other’s positions, etc. Within the framework of the discussion, free exchange of opinions (open discussion professional problems). “Policy” is a special type of discussion, during which some participants try to refute and “destroy” their opponents. “Dialogue,” in turn, is a type of speech characterized by situationality (depending on the situation of the conversation), contextuality (depending on previous statements), a low degree of organization, involuntary and unplanned nature.

The peculiarity of round tables is their unpredictability, not real, since it is obvious that any organizer will want to control what is happening as much as possible, but theoretical. It is this point that makes Round Tables an attractive format for the audience. It should be noted that any discussion events (for example, debates) are at the same time a relatively risky decision and, at the same time, provide the organizer with a significant advantage - the opportunity to show their creativity.

The purpose of the round table is to reveal wide range opinions on the issue chosen for discussion from different points of view, discuss unclear and controversial issues related to this issue, and reach consensus.

The purpose of the round table is to mobilize and activate participants to solve specific current problems, therefore the round table has specific features:

1. Personalization of information (participants during a discussion express not a general, but a personal point of view. It may arise spontaneously and not be fully formulated. Such information must be treated especially thoughtfully, choosing grains of what is valuable and realistic, comparing them with the opinions of other participants (discussants)).

2. The polyphony of the “round table” (during the “round table” there can be business noise, polyphony, which corresponds to the atmosphere of emotional interest and intellectual creativity. But this is precisely what makes the work of the presenter (moderator) and participants difficult. Among this polyphony, the presenter needs to “catch on “The main thing is to give everyone the opportunity to speak and continue to support this background, since it is precisely this that is the feature of the “round table”).

Organizational features of round tables:

relative cheapness of holding compared to other “open” event formats;

lack of a rigid structure and regulations. That is, the organizer has practically no tools direct influence on the program (you cannot force guests to say what the organizers require), but there are only indirect ones. For example, you can divide the entire discussion into several semantic blocks, thereby formalizing the structure of the event, but everything that happens within these blocks depends entirely on the host of the Round Table; significant restrictions in terms of the number of visitors; intimate event.

Moderation (conducting).

A key element of any Round Table is moderation. The term "moderation" comes from the Italian "moderare" and means "mitigation", "restraint", "moderation", "restraint". The moderator is the leader of the discussion. In the Vatican, the moderator was the person who pointed out the most significant points in the speeches of the pope. IN modern meaning Moderation is understood as a technique for organizing communication, thanks to which group work becomes more focused and structured.

It is not an exaggeration to say that almost everything depends on the host (moderator) of the Round Table. His task is not just to announce the list of participants, outline the main topics of the event and launch the Round Table, but to hold in his hands everything that happens from beginning to end. Therefore, the requirements for the professional qualities of Round Table leaders are high.

The presenter must be able to clearly formulate the problem, not let the thought spread out, highlight the main idea of ​​the previous speaker and, with a smooth logical transition, give the floor to the next one, follow the rules. Ideally, the Round Table leader should be impartial.

Do not forget that the moderator is also an actual participant in the Round Table. Therefore, he must not only direct the discussion, but also partially take part in it, focus the attention of those present on the information that is required, or, conversely, try to move the conversation in a new direction as quickly as possible. It should be remembered that the presenter must have the minimum required knowledge on the stated topic.

The presenter of the Round Table should not be:

Confused and intimidated. Such qualities are typical for novice presenters and are associated with anxiety and lack of practice.

Authoritarian. The desire to control and regulate the course of discussion to the maximum extent, to maintain strict discipline, is not conducive to discussion. Conniving. The facilitator must focus the discussion on the issues being discussed and concentrate it in time. Connivance on his part will contribute to the activation of alternative leaders who will try to shift attention to themselves. The discussion will begin to move away from the topic and break up into local discussions. Too active. The task of extracting information requires limiting the activity of the leader.

Poor listeners. The facilitator's lack of listening skills will result in a lot of useful information being lost from what was said during the discussion. In this case, the more subtle comments received as a result of public discussion, which represent the basis for deepening the discussion, will remain unheeded. The reasons for this behavior may be the desire of the Round Table leader to strictly follow the discussion questionnaire, as a result of which he concentrates his attention on it. Or a concern about effectively listening to everyone in the group without leaving anyone out and giving everyone equal time.

Comedian. Involves focusing on the entertainment aspect of the discussion more than on its content.

Exhibitionist. Such a leader uses the group mainly for self-affirmation purposes and puts personal goals above research goals. Narcissism can be expressed in pretentious poses, unnatural gestures and intonations, moralizing and other forms of “working for the public.”

Rules for round table participants:

the participant must be an expert on the topic being discussed;

You should not agree to participate in the Round Table just for the sake of the very fact of participation: if you have nothing to say, then it is better to remain silent.

Stages of preparing round tables:

Selecting a topic. Carried out with directional orientation scientific work departments and teachers. Departments propose topics for “Round Tables” with justification for the need for its discussion and development. In this case, one should take into account general rule: The more specifically the topic is formulated, the better. In addition, the topic should be of interest to the audience.

Selection of presenter (moderator) and his preparation. The moderator must have such qualities as communication skills, artistry, and intelligence. Personal charm and a sense of tact are also important. The competence of the presenter plays a special role for the Round Table, therefore the moderator is obliged to independently carry out preparations within the framework of the given topic of the Round Table.

Selection of participants and identification of Round Table experts. The essence of any Round Table is to attempt a brainstorming session on a specific issue and find answers to some important questions. To do this, it is necessary to gather in one place people who have the necessary knowledge on the issue that requires coverage. These people are called experts or specialists. The initiator needs to identify potential experts who could give qualified answers to questions that arise as part of the discussion of the stated topic of the Round Table. If the scale of the event extends beyond the boundaries of the university, it is advisable at the preliminary stage of preparation of the Round Table to send out information letters and invitations to participate in this event to the intended participants. It should be remembered that the formation of a group of participants requires a differentiated approach: it should not only be competent, creative thinking people, but also officials, representatives of the executive branch on whom decision-making depends.

Preparing a questionnaire for the Round Table participants - the purpose of the questionnaire is to quickly and without a lot of time and money to get an objective idea of ​​the opinion of the Round Table participants on the issues discussed. The survey can be continuous (in which all participants of the Round Table are surveyed) or selective (in which part of the Round Table participants are surveyed). When compiling a questionnaire, it is necessary to determine the main task-problem, break it down into components, and assume on the basis of what information it will be possible to draw certain conclusions. Questions can be open, closed, semi-closed. Their wording should be short, clear in meaning, simple, precise, and unambiguous. You need to start with relatively simple questions, then offer more complex ones. It is advisable to group questions according to meaning. Before the questions, there is usually a message to the survey participants and instructions for filling out the questionnaire. At the end, the participants should be thanked.

Preparation of a preliminary resolution of the Round Table. The draft final document should include a statement part, which lists the problems that were discussed by the participants of the Round Table. The resolution may contain specific recommendations for libraries, methodological centers, and governing bodies different levels, developed during discussion or decisions that can be implemented through certain activities, indicating the deadlines for their implementation and those responsible.

Round table structure

The round table includes:

1. willingness of participants to discuss the problem in order to determine possible ways her decisions.

2. presence of a certain position, theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

It is possible to organize such a round table when the discussion is deliberately based on several points of view on the same issue, the discussion of which leads to positions and solutions acceptable to all participants.

Thus, the integral components of the round table:

1. unresolved issue;

2. equal participation of representatives of all interested parties;

3. development of solutions acceptable to all participants on the issue under discussion.

When holding a round table to achieve positive result and creating a business atmosphere it is necessary:

· Provide an optimal number of participants (if the circle of specialists is large, not one leader is needed, but two.

· Provide work technical means for audio and video recording.

· Establish a schedule for speeches.

· Ensure appropriate design of the audience (it is desirable that the round table is truly round and communications are carried out “face to face”, which promotes group communication and maximum involvement in the discussion.)

Methodology for organizing and conducting a round table

There are usually three stages in organizing and holding a round table: preparatory, discussion and final (post-discussion).

I Preparatory stage includes:

· choice of problem (the problem must be acute, relevant, relevant different ways solutions). The problem chosen for discussion may be interdisciplinary in nature; it should be of practical interest to the audience from the point of view of developing professional competencies;

· selection of a moderator (the moderator leads the round table, so he must high level master the art of creating a trusting atmosphere and maintaining a discussion, as well as the method of increasing information);

· selection of discussants. The composition of the round table participants can be expanded by involving representatives of executive authorities, professional communities and others organizational structures;

· preparing a scenario (holding a round table according to a pre-planned scenario allows you to avoid spontaneity and chaos in the work of the round table).

The scenario assumes:

Definition of the conceptual apparatus (thesaurus);

List of discussion questions (up to 15 formulations);

Development of “homemade” answers, sometimes contradictory and extraordinary, using a representative sample of information;

Closing speech by the moderator;

· equipping the premises with standard equipment (audio-video equipment), as well as multimedia in order to maintain a business and creative atmosphere;

· counseling participants (allows most participants to develop certain beliefs that they will defend in the future);

· Preparation necessary materials(on paper or electronic media): this can be statistical data, materials from a rapid survey, an analysis of available information in order to provide participants and listeners of the round table with

II Discussion stage comprises:

1. speech by the moderator, which defines the problems and conceptual apparatus (thesaurus), establishes regulations, rules for the general technology of the lesson in the form of a “round table” and informs about the general rules of communication.

2. General rules of communication include recommendations:

· - avoid common phrases;

· - focus on the goal (task);

· - know how to listen;

· - be active in the conversation;

· - be brief;

· - provide constructive criticism;

· - do not make offensive remarks towards your interlocutor.

· The presenter must act in a directive manner, strictly limiting the time of the round table participants.

3. conducting an “information attack”: participants speak in a certain order, using convincing facts that illustrate current state Problems.

4. speeches by discussants and identification of existing opinions on the questions raised, focusing on original ideas. In order to maintain the intensity of the discussion, it is recommended to formulate additional questions:

5. answers to discussion questions;

6. the moderator sums up mini-summaries of the speeches and discussions: formulating the main conclusions about the causes and nature of disagreements on the problem under study, ways to overcome them, and a system of measures to solve this problem.

III The final (post-discussion) stage includes:

· summing up the final results by the presenter;

· establishing the overall results of the event.

Related information.

The idea of ​​“round tables” is a meeting of like-minded people seeking to find a common solution on a specific issue in the format of a given topic, as well as an opportunity for everyone to engage in discussion or debate on issues of interest. Discussion of the problem, exchange of opinions, valuable experience, establishing close contacts, searching for additional opportunities and discussion when discussing special, “hot” issues gives the “round table” dynamism and eccentricity.

The purpose of the round table is to reveal a wide range of opinions on the issue chosen for discussion from different points of view, discuss unclear and controversial issues related to this issue, and reach consensus. The task of the round table is to mobilize and activate participants to solve specific current problems, therefore the round table has specific features:

1. Personalization of information (participants during a discussion express not a general, but a personal point of view. It may arise spontaneously and not be fully formulated. Such information must be treated especially thoughtfully, choosing grains of what is valuable and realistic, comparing them with the opinions of other participants (discussants)). 2. The polyphony of the “round table” (during the “round table” there can be business noise, polyphony, which corresponds to the atmosphere of emotional interest and intellectual creativity. But this is precisely what makes the work of the presenter (moderator) and participants difficult. Among this polyphony, the presenter needs to “catch on “The main thing is to give everyone the opportunity to speak and continue to support this background, since it is precisely this that is the feature of the “round table”). Features of the round table

Topics of the round table Let's remove those that are unsuitable for the round table: Increasing old-age pensions. The poet and singer Vysotsky is a phenomenon of the Soviet era. Project activities libraries as a way to create a positive image. And courage was carried like a banner

4. preparing a scenario (holding a round table according to a pre-planned scenario allows you to avoid spontaneity and chaos in the work of the round table). The scenario assumes: - definition of the conceptual apparatus (thesaurus); - a short, informative introductory speech by the moderator, in which the topic and the range of issues raised within it are announced, as well as the context of the desired discussion; - a list of controversial issues (up to 15 formulations); - development of “homemade” answers, sometimes contradictory and extraordinary, using a representative sample of information; - final speech by the moderator;

Stage II. Discussion includes: 1. speech by the moderator, which defines the problems and conceptual apparatus (thesaurus), establishes regulations, rules for the general technology of the lesson in the form of a “round table” and informs about the general rules of communication.

The general rules of communication include recommendations: - avoid common phrases; - focus on the goal (task); - know how to listen; - be active in the conversation; - be brief; - provide constructive criticism; - do not make offensive remarks towards your interlocutor. (the presenter must act in a directive manner, strictly limiting the time of the round table participants) 2. conducting an “information attack”: participants speak in a certain order, using convincing facts illustrating the current state of the problem.

3. speeches by discussants and identification of existing opinions on the questions raised, focusing on original ideas. In order to maintain the intensity of the discussion, it is recommended to formulate additional questions. 4. answers to discussion questions; 5. the moderator sums up mini-summaries of the speeches and discussions: formulating the main conclusions about the causes and nature of disagreements on the problem under study, ways to overcome them, and a system of measures to solve this problem.

Scenarios of round tables Conflict. I'm in a conflict situation. Parental love and styles of parental behavior Youth participation in the activities of political parties at the local level Women and family; rights and responsibilities “Housing ecology. Human ecology" The choice is ours


Preparation and holding of the round table

The competence approach puts in the first place not the specialist’s awareness and theoretical knowledge, but his ability to see the essence of the problem and find ways to solve it based on practical application existing knowledge. As one of the organizational active forms of interaction that allows deepening and strengthening the objective position of the teacher, the round table has great opportunities for discussing pressing, complex and current issues in the professional sphere, exchanging experiences and creative initiatives. The idea of ​​“round tables” is a meeting of like-minded people seeking to find a common solution on a specific issue in the format of a given topic, as well as an opportunity for everyone to engage in discussion or debate on issues of interest. Discussion of the problem, exchange of opinions, valuable experience, establishing close contacts, searching for additional opportunities and discussion when discussing special, “hot” issues gives the “round table” dynamism and eccentricity.

Target“round table” - to reveal a wide range of opinions on the problem chosen for discussion from different points of view, to discuss unclear and controversial issues related to this problem, and to reach consensus.

The task The “round table” is to mobilize and activate participants to solve specific current problems, therefore the “round table” has specific features:

1. Personalization of information (participants during a discussion express not a general, but a personal point of view. It may arise spontaneously and not be fully formulated. Such information must be treated especially thoughtfully, choosing grains of what is valuable and realistic, comparing them with the opinions of other participants (discussants)).

2. The polyphony of the “round table” (during the “round table” there can be business noise, polyphony, which corresponds to the atmosphere of emotional interest and intellectual creativity. But this is precisely what makes the work of the presenter (moderator) and participants difficult. Among this polyphony, the presenter needs to “catch on “The main thing is to give everyone the opportunity to speak and continue to support this background, since it is precisely this that is the feature of the “round table”).

The round table includes:

1. willingness of participants to discuss the problem in order to determine possible ways to solve it.

2. presence of a certain position, theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

It is possible to organize such a round table when the discussion is deliberately based on several points of view on the same issue, the discussion of which leads to positions and solutions acceptable to all participants.

Thus, the integral components of the round table:

1. unresolved issue;

2. equal participation of representatives of all interested parties;

3. development of solutions acceptable to all participants on the issue under discussion.

When holding a round table, in order to achieve a positive result and create a business atmosphere, it is necessary:

  • Provide an optimal number of participants (if the circle of specialists is large, not one leader is needed, but two.
  • Ensure the operation of technical means for audio and video recording.
  • Establish a schedule for speeches.
  • Ensure the appropriate design of the audience (it is desirable that the round table is truly round and communications are carried out “face to face”, which promotes group communication and maximum involvement in the discussion.)

Methodology for organizing and conducting a round table

There are usually three stages in organizing and holding a round table: preparatory, discussion and final (post-discussion).

I Preparatory stage includes:

· choice of problem (the problem must be acute, relevant, and have various solutions). The problem chosen for discussion may be interdisciplinary in nature; it should be of practical interest to the audience from the point of view of developing professional competencies;

· selection of a moderator (the moderator leads the round table, so he must have a high level of mastery of the art of creating a trusting atmosphere and maintaining a discussion, as well as the method of increasing information);

· selection of discussants. The composition of the round table participants can be expanded by involving representatives of executive authorities, professional communities and other organizational structures;

· preparing a scenario (holding a round table according to a pre-planned scenario allows you to avoid spontaneity and chaos in the work of the round table).

The scenario assumes:

Definition of the conceptual apparatus (thesaurus);

List of discussion questions (up to 15 formulations);

Development of “homemade” answers, sometimes contradictory and extraordinary, using a representative sample of information;

Closing speech by the moderator;

· equipping the premises with standard equipment (audio-video equipment), as well as multimedia tools in order to maintain a business and creative atmosphere;

· counseling participants (allows most participants to develop certain beliefs that they will defend in the future);

· preparation of necessary materials (on paper or electronic media): this can be statistical data, materials of a rapid survey, analysis of available information in order to provide participants and listeners of the “round table”

II Discussion stage comprises:

1. speech by the moderator, which defines the problems and conceptual apparatus (thesaurus), establishes regulations, rules for the general technology of the lesson in the form of a “round table” and informs about the general rules of communication.

2. General rules of communication include recommendations:

· - avoid common phrases;

· - focus on the goal (task);

· - know how to listen;

· - be active in the conversation;

· - be brief;

· - provide constructive criticism;

· - do not make offensive remarks towards your interlocutor.

· The presenter must act in a directive manner, strictly limiting the time of the round table participants.

3. conducting an “information attack”: participants speak out in a certain order, using convincing facts that illustrate the current state of the problem.

4. speeches by discussants and identification of existing opinions on the questions raised, focusing on original ideas. In order to maintain the intensity of the discussion, it is recommended to formulate additional questions:

5. answers to discussion questions;

6. the moderator sums up mini-summaries of the speeches and discussions: formulating the main conclusions about the causes and nature of disagreements on the problem under study, ways to overcome them, and a system of measures to solve this problem.

III The final (post-discussion) stage includes:

· summing up the final results by the presenter;

· establishing the overall results of the event.

Round tables - This is one of the most popular formats for conducting scientific events. In essence, the Round Table is a platform for discussion of a limited number of people (usually no more than 25 people; by default, experts, respected specialists in a particular field).

But you should not use the concept of “round table” as a synonym for the concepts of “discussion”, “polemic”, “dialogue”. It is not right. Each of them has its own content, and it only partially coincides with the content of the others.A “round table” is a form of organizing an exchange of opinions.This term does not indicate what the nature of the exchange of opinions will be. In contrast, the concept of “discussion” presupposes... Within the framework of the discussion, there is a free exchange of opinions (open discussion of professional problems). “Policy” is a special type of discussion, during which some participants try to refute and “destroy” their opponents. “Dialogue,” in turn, is a type of speech characterized by situationality (depending on the situation of the conversation), contextuality (depending on previous statements), a low degree of organization, involuntary and unplanned nature.

Purpose of the Round Table – provide participants with the opportunity to express their point of view on the problem under discussion, and subsequently formulate either a common opinion or clearly distinguish between the different positions of the parties.

Organizational features of round tables:

  • relative cheapness of holding compared to other “open” event formats;
  • lack of a rigid structure and regulations. That is, the organizer has practically no tools for direct influence on the program (you cannot force guests to say what the organizers want), but only indirect ones. For example, you can divide the entire discussion into several semantic blocks, thereby formalizing the structure of the event, but everything that happens within these blocks depends entirely on the host of the Round Table; significant restrictions in terms of the number of visitors;
  • intimate event.

Moderation (conducting).

A key element of any Round Table is moderation. The term "moderation" comes from the Italian "moderare" and means "mitigation", "restraint", "moderation", "restraint". The moderator is the host of the round table. In its modern meaning, moderation is understood as a technique for organizing communication, thanks to which group work becomes more focused and structured.

Presenter's task – not just announce the list of participants, outline the main topics of the event and give a start to the Round Table, but keep in your hands everything that happens from beginning to end. Therefore, the requirements for the professional qualities of Round Table leaders are high.

The presenter must be able to clearly formulate the problem, not let the thought spread out, highlight the main idea of ​​the previous speaker and, with a smooth logical transition, give the floor to the next one, follow the rules. Ideally, the Round Table leader should be impartial.

Do not forget that the moderator is also an actual participant in the Round Table. Therefore, he must not only direct the discussion, but also partially take part in it, focus the attention of those present on the information that is required, or, conversely, try to move the conversation in a new direction as quickly as possible. It should be remembered that the presenter must have the minimum required knowledge on the stated topic.

The presenter of the Round Table should not be:

  • Confused and intimidated. Such qualities are typical for novice presenters and are associated with anxiety and lack of practice.
  • Authoritarian. The desire to control and regulate the course of discussion to the maximum extent, to maintain strict discipline, is not conducive to discussion.
  • Conniving. The facilitator must focus the discussion on the issues being discussed and concentrate it in time. Connivance on his part will contribute to the activation of alternative leaders who will try to shift attention to themselves. The discussion will begin to move away from the topic and break up into local discussions. Too active. The task of extracting information requires limiting the activity of the leader.
  • Poor listeners. The facilitator's lack of listening skills will result in a lot of useful information being lost from what was said during the discussion. In this case, the more subtle comments received as a result of public discussion, which represent the basis for deepening the discussion, will remain unheeded. The reasons for this behavior may be the desire of the Round Table leader to strictly follow the discussion questionnaire, as a result of which he concentrates his attention on it. Or a concern about effectively listening to everyone in the group without leaving anyone out and giving everyone equal time.
  • Comedian. Involves focusing on the entertainment aspect of the discussion more than on its content.
  • Exhibitionist. Such a leader uses the group mainly for self-affirmation purposes and puts personal goals above research goals. Narcissism can be expressed in pretentious poses, unnatural gestures and intonations, moralizing and other forms of “working for the public.”

Rules for round table participants:

  • the participant must be an expert on the topic being discussed;
  • You should not agree to participate in the Round Table just for the sake of the very fact of participation: if you have nothing to say, then it is better to remain silent.

Stages of preparing round tables:

1.Choosing a topic. It is carried out with a focus on the areas of scientific work of the department and teachers. Departments propose topics for “Round Tables” with justification for the need for its discussion and development. In this case, the general rule should be taken into account: the more specifically the topic is formulated, the better. In addition, the topic should be of interest to the audience.

2. Selection of the presenter (moderator) and his preparation.The moderator must have such qualities as communication skills, artistry, and intelligence. Personal charm and a sense of tact are also important. The competence of the presenter plays a special role for the Round Table, therefore the moderator is obliged to independently carry out preparations within the framework of the given topic of the Round Table.

3. Selection of participants and identification of experts for the Round Table.The essence of any Round Table is to attempt a brainstorming session on a specific issue and find answers to some important questions. To do this, it is necessary to gather in one place people who have the necessary knowledge on the issue that requires coverage. These people are called experts or specialists. The initiator needs to identify potential experts who could give qualified answers to questions that arise as part of the discussion of the stated topic of the Round Table. If the scale of the event extends beyond the boundaries of the university, it is advisable at the preliminary stage of preparation of the Round Table to send out information letters and invitations to participate in this event to the intended participants. It should be remembered that the formation of a group of participants requires a differentiated approach: these should be not only competent, creatively thinking people, but also officials, representatives of the executive branch, on whom decision-making depends.

5.Preparing a questionnaire for Round Table participants– the purpose of the survey is to quickly and without a lot of time and money to get an objective idea of ​​the opinion of the Round Table participants on the issues discussed. The survey can be continuous (in which all participants of the Round Table are surveyed) or selective (in which part of the Round Table participants are surveyed). When compiling a questionnaire, it is necessary to determine the main task-problem, break it down into components, and assume on the basis of what information it will be possible to draw certain conclusions. Questions can be open, closed, semi-closed. Their wording should be short, clear in meaning, simple, precise, and unambiguous. You need to start with relatively simple questions, then offer more complex ones. It is advisable to group questions according to meaning. Before the questions, there is usually a message to the survey participants and instructions for filling out the questionnaire. At the end, the participants should be thanked.

Preparation of a preliminary resolution of the Round Table.The draft final document should include a statement part, which lists the problems that were discussed by the participants of the Round Table. The resolution may contain specific recommendations to libraries, methodological centers, government bodies at various levels, developed during discussion or decisions that can be implemented through certain activities, indicating the deadlines for their implementation and those responsible.

Methodology for conducting the Round Table.
The round table is opened by the presenter. He introduces the participants in the discussion, directs its course, follows the regulations, which are determined at the beginning of the discussion, summarizes the results, and summarizes constructive proposals. The discussion within the Round Table should be constructive and should not be reduced, on the one hand, only to reports on the work done, and on the other hand, only to critical speeches. Messages should be short, no more than 10-12 minutes. The draft final document is announced at the end of the discussion (discussion), additions, changes, and amendments are made to it.

Options for holding round tables:

  • The first option is for participants to make presentations and then discuss them. At the same time, the presenter takes a relatively modest part in the meeting - distributes the time for speeches, gives the floor to the discussion participants.
  • The second option is for the presenter to interview the Round Table participants or put forward points for discussion. In this case, he makes sure that all participants speak out and “keeps” the course of the discussion in line with the main problem for which the round table meeting was organized. This way of conducting the Round Table arouses greater interest among the audience. But it requires greater skill and deep knowledge of the “nuances” of the problem being discussed from the presenter.
  • The third option is “methodological gatherings”. The organization of such a round table has its own characteristics. Issues that are essential for solving some key tasks of the educational process are proposed for discussion. The topic of discussion is not announced in advance. In this case, the skill of the Round Table presenter is to invite listeners in a relaxed atmosphere to a frank conversation on the issue under discussion and lead them to certain conclusions. The purpose of such “get-togethers” is to form the correct point of view on a certain pedagogical problem; creation of favorable psychological climate in this group of listeners.
  • The fourth option is “methodological dialogue”. Within the framework of this form of the Round Table, listeners are familiarized with the topic of discussion in advance, receive theoretical homework. A methodological dialogue is conducted on a specific problem between the presenter and listeners or between groups of listeners. Driving force dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of listeners. The general emotional atmosphere is of great importance, which allows you to evoke a feeling internal unity. In conclusion, a conclusion is drawn on the topic and a decision is made on further joint actions.

Presentation of materials from the Round Table.

The most common options for publishing the results of round table discussions are as follows:

  • a brief (reduced) summary of all the speeches of the Round Table participants.In this case, the most important thing is selected. The text is given on behalf of the participants in the form of direct speech. At the same time, the host of the Round Table must discuss with the speakers what exactly will be selected for publication from each speech. These rules dictate ethical requirements that must always be observed when working with authors of texts.
  • general summary , extracted from various speeches made during the discussion. Essentially this is general conclusions based on the material that was presented during the conversation or discussion of the Round Table.
  • a complete summary of all participants' speeches.

01 / 06

Round tables. Organization, holding and technical support of events

The Organizing Committee of the NBF Agency brings to your attention a fundamentally new format of participation in business events, in the Round Table format.

The Round Table is a unique platform for dialogue between all representatives of the progressive part of the Russian population: business, officials, the media and interested parties. An event of this format creates a certain atmosphere for establishing business relationships between participants and contacts. The round table format fits perfectly with the customer’s objectives to resolve any strategic issues.
The NBF Agency invites you, during the round table program, to organize and conduct a series of working meetings with representatives participating in the event: from the financial sector of the Russian economy, the banking industry, insurance companies and other financial and credit organizations interested in promoting their products and services on the market . No less effective tools conducting a dialogue at the round table is considered an invitation to participants from the side of Russian entrepreneurial activity and on behalf of the NBF. We have an extensive subscriber base and we invite you to take advantage of the invitation to participate: owners and managers of large and medium-sized enterprises, as well as SMEs.
For the preparatory work of such meetings, lawyers and auditors are involved with the obligatory discussion of mutually beneficial and interesting offers. The events are covered by leading financial and analytical media, which will allow you to take advantage of well-developed contacts. To prepare working meetings in the format of round tables, we will offer you to prepare relevant material on the competitiveness of goods and services, products of your organization, which you need to present to the participants of the round table - consumers, experts and competitors within the format of a small event.

Round tables with the participation of representatives of state authorities, ministries, departments and heads of Departments of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Region, Governors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and heads of local administrations, on the essence of the tasks assigned to organize and conduct a similar format of events, are quite common in Russia . The Agency "National Business Forums" invites you to familiarize yourself with a fundamentally new format of participation in business events - "Round Table". The round table is a unique platform for dialogue between business representatives, officials and other interested parties. The informality of the event creates the necessary atmosphere for establishing business contacts and closely discussing the most important issues, standing in front Russian business. This format is ideal for addressing a specific issue with a specific respondent. During the conference programs, the NBF proposes to organize and hold a number of working meetings of representatives of the financial sector of business, banks, insurance companies and other credit organizations interested in promoting their products to the real consumer sector. In turn, owners and managers of enterprises will be invited from the real sector on behalf of the NBF. To prepare this kind of working meetings, lawyers and auditors will be involved for a detailed discussion of mutually interesting proposals. Coverage of events by leading financial media will allow you to repeatedly take advantage of your established contacts. To prepare for the above working meetings, we suggest that you prepare material on the competitive products of your credit institution, which you want to present to consumers, experts and competitors within the round table format.

The uniqueness of round tables is - narrow circle invited participants according to their profile.
Round tables with the participation of representatives of government authorities, heads of Departments of the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow and the Moscow Region, Governors of the Subjects of Russia (85 regions) on the organization and technical support of this type of event are widely used in the Russian Federation.

The round table is mainly designed for a small number of invited participants. Their number can range from 10 to 150 people at a time. So a small amount guests, we, the organizers of the round table, are pursuing the goal of achieving maximum efficiency in the implementation of the tasks set by the round table, to give the floor maximum number speakers from the hall and have time to discuss a number of important issues and topics by addressing the assembled Presidium of our Round Table.

Regional authorities love the round table format! It is proven, convenient and fast!
This format is most fruitful in the hands of professional organizers. Therefore, pay attention to the selection of the contractor / contractor - Special attention! After all, it is necessary to develop an effective program, comply with the rules for providing materials and clearly formulate your questions during the discussion to the moderator and speakers of the round table.

The round table estimate is quite unpretentious and simple.
It is enough to contact the project managers of our Agency and you will immediately receive a preliminary result.
The format of the event site can be any:
- hotel conference hall, hotel foyer, cultural center / assembly hall / state reception hall / stage of the officers' house / concert hall area / specialized business centers, etc.
Cost of the round table and main elements:

  • selection and approval of a round table site and conference room;
  • venue decorations, floral patterns, fresh flowers, tablecloths on tables and chairs;
  • technical equipment and support: conference calls, radio microphones, sound amplification equipment, mini and hidden microphones, television equipment: projector and screen, computer with on-screen presentations of speakers' reports, voting system - a current tool;
  • lighting equipment, both for the entire round table area and for partial lighting of speakers and participants;
  • catering services or kitchens at hotels and restaurants, service staff, certain tableware and pre-approved menu content for your event;
  • production of corporate style for the round table, production of banner structures and canvas with eyelets, presses, roll-ups, presidium backdrops, approval of handouts and promotional materials for the round table: pens, notepads, folders, bags, booklets, leaflets and anything you like customer and organizer experience;
  • services for photo and video filming of the event, recording with the provision of abstracts and press releases, recording on a dictaphone and shorthand recording of audio materials with literary processing and editing, and, if necessary, translation into any foreign language;
  • development and production of invitations to participants with calling according to the list of participants and speakers agreed with the customer;
  • portfolio of the moderator or presenters of your event;
  • production and production work on replicating the reporting materials of the past round table, receiving feedback from participants, their comments, reviews, further distributing sets of post-materials to guests and participants, writing texts of certificates and letters of gratitude.