I can’t access the Internet: possible reasons, troubleshooting tips, effective ways to solve the problem. Internet access via mobile phone

Many users often encounter the fact that after visiting certain sites or installing free programs, various applications appear on the computer, occupying system resources and often making work difficult. These could be suspicious browsers that replace all others (for example, Amigo or Comet), or programs that independently change your settings (for example, Yandex manager or smartinf.ru). This article contains detailed information How to completely remove an unnecessary browser or an annoying program from your personal computer.

The main difficulties of uninstallation are related to the fact that almost all such programs leave behind “tails” - small hidden files that, after some time, restore the application back. If you do not know how to remove the Amigo or Comet browser, as well as the browser manager from Yandex and the smartinf.ru program, this guide will help you solve the problem.

First, you need to delete the program body itself. This can be done using special software, such as CCleaner, or standard means Windows:

In the case of the Yandex Manager program, all subsequent steps can be skipped, since it does not leave any scripts behind.

Cleaning the registry

Immediately after uninstalling the main part of the application, you need to clean the Windows system registry. To do this you need to do the following:

Changing browser shortcut properties

Many of these programs change the properties of your browsers' shortcuts so that they automatically start downloading installation files when you start them. That is why you should not launch any browsers until the cleaning is complete.

To change the shortcut parameters, you need to find in its configuration settings:

You can also move all the icons to the trash and create new ones, guaranteed to be correct and free of scripts.

Cleaning the system after smartinf.ru

The smartinf.ru utility is one of the most difficult to remove. It creates a huge number of scripts, processes and tasks, and hides executable files in various hidden folders.

This way, you will remove hidden scripts left by smartinf.ru from your computer.


Finally, it is recommended to clean the operating system using a special program. Download the utility from the website http://adwcleaner.ru/. This is a portable version, so it does not require any installation. Just wait for the download process to finish and run the exe file.

From a computer, your computer must be connected to an Internet service provider. In Voronezh, for example, I used the Freedom provider when I lived in a high-rise building. A list of connected houses can be found on their website, and there are usually announcements on staircase landings. You need to go to their office, write a statement and after some time they will call you and come, it seems to us they arrived in a few days. They pull the wire into your apartment, through the vestibule, drill a hole somewhere above the door and run the wire into the apartment. They connect to your computer or laptop and demonstrate its functionality (open a website, for example Yandex).

If you live in the private sector and have a home telephone, then perhaps your provider provides Internet service. In our city it’s Rostelecom, it used to be called Domolink. Rostelecom is now, by the way, in many Russian cities. Home telephone, Internet and cable TV are connected. I didn’t specify whether it was possible to connect to the Internet without a home phone.

Also, in our small town, they recently started pulling on poles wired Internet. Like Rostelecom's, only more stable and fast, similar to Freedom. There are interruptions, but extremely rarely. The disadvantage is expensive equipment. Connection ~3500-4500 rubles depending on the chosen tariff, by the way the Internet provider is called a3net. Sometimes there are minor interruptions, but they are extremely rare. And when the Internet worked intermittently for one or two hours, they even sent an sms “There may be interruptions in the network or lack of A3net service.” In general, I’m very happy with the Internet; there are 20,000 people in our little hole.

I also used wireless Internet from 2007 to 2016. First, through a cord and a phone via GPRS for outgoing traffic + satellite Internet for incoming traffic. Both the mobile operator and the satellite operator had to pay. The ratio was somewhere around 1 to 7. That is, I transferred 1 MB of traffic from my mobile phone, which means I received about 7 MB from the satellite. A total of 8 MB. 1 MB on a mobile phone cost 7 rubles in 2007-2008, and 1 MB of received data from a satellite cost, depending on the time of day, from 20 kopecks to 1 ruble something (daytime). The Internet was often used without pictures, and they were included only when necessary, because... pictures load a lot of traffic. Then USB modems and slightly faster EDGE Internet appeared. In our city, this EDGE sometimes worked worse than GPRS, although it caught the signal well. Already with the advent of 3G, the Internet more or less shook up, but it was not cheap. Lately I used the Internet from Megafon for 610 rubles per month, which, if memory serves, was given 30 GB of data during the day and unlimited traffic at night. Skype was more or less slow with video communication and simple step-by-step Online Games. The speed sometimes sagged, it could be that the Internet was working normally, then bam and the speed dropped to zero and so on for 10 seconds or more, or even the Internet had to be disconnected and reconnected.

So, we figured out that, in order to access the Internet from a computer, you first need to connect it to your Internet provider.

How to use the Internet

If you have a wired Internet connection, now everything is usually configured automatically. I plugged the patch-court cable into the computer and the Internet appeared. When I first connected to Freedom-vrn, the contract provided data for connecting to the Internet. It was necessary to go to the local network connection and enter the IP addresses and DNS there. To check if there is Internet on your computer, you can follow the following path: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center and pay attention to the icons and inscriptions.

If you plan to use the Internet via a 3G or 4G USB modem, then insert the modem into the computer, install the software and the program shortcut should appear on. Launch it and you will see all the available functions through the software interface. As a rule, this is checking the balance, entering any requests, SMS, signal level and Internet connection. I flashed one such USB modem, from a megaphone, some kind of 173 model, and my modem began to detect 4 operators instead of one, calls from a computer and other functions became available. This is how I flashed one modem for myself and one modem for a friend, and they were externally different, one white, the other black, and the models were the same E173u-1. The program interface looked like this:

So, in order to start using the Internet via a usb modem, you need to click on the “Connect” button. The download speed will appear below and in the statistics you can see a graph of Internet traffic usage.

Once you have made sure that your computer is connected to the Internet, you can proceed directly to using it. To do this, you need to launch an Internet browser. The standard one on Windows is Internet Explorer. It can be found through the start menu. Of course, you can use it, but few people like it and, as a rule, it is used to download another browser. I used to download the Opera browser, for example, then I switched to Google Chrome and now I only use it and consider it the fastest and most convenient browser. Thus, by launching your browser, you can proceed to work on the Internet. At the top of any browser there is a line for entering the site address. Write the website address there, for example google.ru and press Enter. Google search should open. If everything works, then you were able to access the Internet from your computer and can use it.

In the Google Chrome browser, it is not necessary to enter the address of the search engine every time to search for information; you can write the desired query directly into the site’s input line and press Enter, the search will be carried out by default in the Google search engine.

Also, if your computer or laptop has a Wi-Fi module or an external adapter, then you can look for free access points. For example, in the city center you can catch a couple of free points. Plus for those who live nearby. One of my friends lived in a high-rise building in the city center and used this Internet for free via a Wi-Fi adapter from a computer. I'm a 15-minute walk from the center, I found only paid access points. I found one free one, but it was caught very poorly (one division out of five) and it was almost impossible to connect to it because of this. However, if you have available access points, you can see them by turning on Wi-Fi on your computer or laptop (on a laptop, a special key must be installed, and on a computer, just connect an external adapter to the usb connector, drivers are usually system installs itself, or must be supplied with the device on a CD). At the bottom right there is an icon responsible for the network. By clicking on it you can see available Wi-Fi points. So where there is an exclamation mark on the yellow background icon, it means that this is an access point without password protection, that is, you can use it for free, while its owner may not even know that he is distributing the Internet.

You often see questions like this: “how to go into the router settings if there is no Internet connection,” or “how to configure the router without the Internet.” In this short article, I will try to answer these questions in detail. Let’s figure out what to do if there is no Internet connection, and because of this you can’t go into the router settings or configure it.

If you are interested, I advise you to read it right away. In short and simply, this is a device that unites different devices that are connected via Wi-Fi and cable into one network with Internet access (if connected). We connect the Internet to the router, and it distributes it to many devices. If it weren’t for the router, we would only be able to connect one device to the Internet at home. True, depending on the connection method.

A router is a standalone device. It can work without connecting to a computer and without an Internet connection. And the most important, To enter the router settings, you do not need an Internet connection. Indeed, in most cases, we go to the web interface of the router in order to set up a connection to the provider. Therefore, when you first connect to the router (before setting up), of course there may not be access to the Internet, but we can go into the settings.

Logging into the web interface and setting up the router without an Internet connection

Most likely, you are having problems entering the router settings. Since if you have already entered the control panel, you can configure it without any problems. I can say with confidence that the lack of Internet on the computer cannot in any way prevent access to the settings page. After all, we go to the IP address of the router, and the computer (or other device) directly connected to the router via cable, or via a Wi-Fi network.

Therefore, we connect to the router, look at the address on the device itself where you can access the web interface (, or should definitely work), enter this address in any browser and follow it. A login page will most likely appear. Enter your username and password (factory settings are also indicated on the device itself), and we get into the settings.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what brand of router you have: TP-LINK, ASUS, D-LINK, ZyXEL, etc.

If you are Internet (cable from provider) and the computer is connected to the router, and you are worried about the lack of Internet connection, then most likely this is how it should be. Because you need to go to the router’s control panel and configure a connection to the provider there. I already wrote about this in the article: .

This is fine. The Internet can work immediately only if the router is already configured, or your Internet provider uses Dynamic IP connection technology. In all other cases, you will have to configure it. You can view the instructions for your router on our website. Use the site search.


In order to enter the router settings, you do not need an Internet connection. In most cases, we go to the control panel specifically to configure the Internet. You don't have to connect the Internet to the router at all. Then all devices will simply be located on the local network without access to the Internet.

I think I managed to fully answer the question posed, and this information was useful to you. Best wishes!

You can connect to the Internet without a browser, although this is more difficult and not very convenient. However, your browsing experience will be severely limited as browsers convert program codes into websites. You'll be able to connect and share data with websites, but you'll have to use text commands to do so. You will not be able to watch videos, view images, or play games. This article will also tell you how to download Firefox if you don't have any browser.


FTP protocol

    Definition of the FTP protocol. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is not currently used by ordinary users, but it was extremely popular before the invention of the Internet. Using this protocol, you can connect to a server, access its file system and download any file. Mozilla's FTP server may not be available, but most operating systems include an FTP utility, or simply enter the FTP address in your file manager's address bar.

    Connect to one of the Mozilla servers. Type open ftp.mozilla.org and press Enter. If successful, several lines of text will be displayed on the screen and the prompt will change to User (ftp.mozilla.org:(none)): .

    Sign in to your account. In fact, in order to download the Firefox installer via FTP, you do not need to create an account.

    • For username, enter anonymous. Then press Enter. You will be prompted to enter your password.
    • Enter anonymous for the password. Then press Enter. Remember that when you enter your password at the command line, no characters are displayed.
    • After entering your username and password, text will appear on the screen informing you about the directory to which you have connected. If successful, the last line of text will be “Login successful.”
  1. Go to the directory where the Firefox installer is stored. To do this, type cd pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest/win32/en-US and press Enter.

    • Using FTP, you will find any data in folders or directories. This is similar to searching for documents on your computer, where you open folders and subfolders one by one - similarly, you can connect to the desired folder on an FTP server.
    • Using the cd command, you can move from one directory to another.
  2. View the contents of the directory. To do this, type ls and press Enter. You should see two files on the screen: Firefox Setup 39.0.exe and Firefox Setup Stub 39.0.exe (you may now see a different version of the installer).

    Specify the drive on your computer to which the browser installer will be downloaded. For example, type lcd C:\ and press Enter. If you want to save the file on another drive, instead of the letter “C”, enter the desired local drive letter.

    Download the installer. Type get "Firefox Setup 39.0.exe" and press Enter (replace 39.0 with the version number you are downloading).

    • You may see a pop-up window asking you to allow the hosting server to send the file directly to your computer. Give this permission.
    • After some time has passed, “Transfer Complete” will appear on the screen.
  3. Run the installer. Find the downloaded file on the C: drive (or the drive you specified). Double click on the installer to start the Firefox installation process.

    Use Usenet (NNTP). Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is used to transfer news articles between news servers and to allow end users to read and publish articles through client applications. Now the functions of Usenet are successfully performed by web forums. You don't need a "sender" here - just browse different groups news and perhaps you will find a browser in them. But getting access to a news server is quite difficult, since many servers charge money for connecting to the Usenet network.

  4. You can use other programs and utilities to download files and access certain sites. For example, you can download files using some file managers. Curl and Wget utilities can download files from ftp, http and https. They will download files from the Internet, but will not open the site. If you have Curl or Wget installed, one of the following commands will download Firefox for Linux:

    • Via Wget:

Internet via mobile phone or a smartphone that supports 2G and/or 3G communication technology can be configured on the user's computer.

Let's consider everything available methods such settings.

Connect your PC to the Internet via a smartphone (Wi Fi hotspot)

If you use your PC and urgently need access to the Internet, but you don’t have a cable or router at hand, you can set up your smartphone as an access point.

It will work like a router and you can connect to it from your computer.

Follow the instructions below to connect your laptop or PC to your smartphone with mobile internet:

  • Enable the wireless network in your computer's settings;
  • Now go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet;
  • Select menu wireless network and then the “access point” item. In earlier versions of Android, click on “Modem and router mode”;
  • In the window that opens, click on router settings;

  • In the window that opens, create a name for the access point (any) and a password (minimum 8 characters). Click save and then move the slider that turns on the hotspot;
  • Now from your PC, connect to your mobile router just like you would to any other wifi router.

Connecting a smartphone to a computer as a modem

To connect, you must have a USB cable (to connect your smartphone to your PC).

Follow the instructions:

  • Immediately after connecting the smartphone, a dialog box appears on its screen asking you to select a connection mode. Ignore this window and close it;
  • Go to the main menu of the device and then go to the phone settings;
  • Open the USB modem setup window and set it to “Enabled” mode, as shown in the figure;

  • After enabling modem mode on your smartphone, the computer will automatically begin installing the necessary driver software. Several dialog boxes will appear during the driver installation process.
    The user must check permission for subsequent connections to the modem, and also indicate the desired type of connection network);
  • After installing the driver, the PC will be connected to the network. In the notification area operating system The network connection icon will appear.

Note! Computers with older versions of the operating system, for example,WindowsXP/Vista cannot automatically start installing the necessary drivers. In this case, you need to download the software from the official website of the smartphone manufacturer.

To make your Internet connection faster, in the settings mobile internet smartphone, select 3G connection technology.

Internet access from a computer via a regular cell phone

You can go online from your computer by connecting to it the most common cell phone.

There are several requirements for a mobile phone:

  • it must support 3G, GPRS or EDGE connection technology,
  • presence of a phone driver installed on the PC,
  • SIM card with configured Internet and funds in the account,
  • You also need a USB cable to connect your cell phone to your PC.

Follow the instructions to find out how to connect the Internet on your computer via your mobile phone:

  • Install the modem driver on your personal computer. You can download it from the website of the mobile device manufacturer;
  • After installing the driver, you need to initialize the modem. To do this, connect your mobile to your PC and open the device manager;

  • In the tab with modems, select a cell phone, right-click on it and open the properties tab, then find the field for additional initialization parameters and write the following line in this field: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","active". Click OK;

  • Now you need to create a connection. Open the network and sharing management window and select creating a new network, as shown in the figure below;

  • Enter the dial-up number in the window that opens (usually *9**#, the number must be checked with the operator mobile communications);
  • Enter the information you received from the operator in the window shown in the screenshot below and click on the Create button.