Autumn games. Didactic games. Theme "Autumn"

Didactic games theme "Autumn"

Didactic game “Stocks of animals”

Objectives: improve the ability to select appropriate food for animals, develop attention, memory, and observation skills.
Attributes: pictures of animals, pictures of plants and mushrooms.

Progress of the game: 2 children play. One by one, they take a card with a picture of a plant or mushroom, say what it is, and put it next to the picture of a certain animal. Note: the game can be individual.

Didactic game “What juice?” (“What jam?”)

Objectives: improve the ability to distinguish and name fruits, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, pictures of fruits.

Progress of the game: children take turns taking a picture from the basket, calling the pictured fruit and saying what the juice (or jam) from this fruit will be called. For example: “This apple is apple juice.”

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” »

Objectives: improve the ability to differentiate trees by their trunks and leaves, develop attention, observation, memory, imagination.

Attributes: trunks of three different trees drawn on separate sheets, autumn leaves of these trees.

Progress of the game: leaves lie scattered around the drawings of tree trunks. Children should place the leaves on their tree
Note: the game can be played in group or individual form.

Didactic game “Which sheet?”

Objectives: improve knowledge of distinguishing the leaves of three trees, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, autumn leaves.

Progress of the game: children sit in a circle and pass the basket to each other. Take turns taking out a leaf, saying which tree it comes from and forming an adjective. For example: this is a leaf from a birch- birch leaf.

Didactic game “Paired Pictures”

Objectives: learn to correlate pairs of pictures according to the principle of “the whole and its part”, develop logical thinking, attention, observation, and oral speech.

Attributes: a set of paired pictures on an autumn theme, where in each pair of pictures a whole image is drawn on one, and on the other separate part in the form of a separate object (for example: a bird on an autumn branch - autumn branch).

Progress of the game: 2 children play, one has a set of pictures with a whole image, the second has pictures with individual objects. One child takes any of his cards, and the other must choose a pair for her, explaining his choice. Then the second child posts his picture, and the first child selects a match for it. Note: the game can be individual.

Didactic game “Clap your hands”

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to hear the names of vegetables and fruits, find them in pictures, develop auditory attention,

Attributes: subject pictures on the topic.

Progress of the game: a poem is read, children must remember and name the vegetables (or fruits, or berries, or mushrooms, depending on the topic) that were mentioned in the poem, and show or post pictures with their images. When the poem is read a second time, the children clap their hands if they hear the name of a vegetable (fruit, berries, mushrooms).

Didactic game. AUTUMN. “What happens in the fall?”

Goal: to consolidate the concept of autumn phenomena, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: story pictures depicting different seasons.

Move. On the table are mixed pictures depicting various seasonal phenomena (it is snowing, a flowering meadow, an autumn forest, a starling in a birdhouse, etc.). The child chooses pictures that depict only autumn phenomena and names them himself or with the help of an adult. Example. The sun is hiding behind the clouds. It's raining. The leaves on the trees are yellow and red. Birds fly south. Animals are preparing supplies for the winter. People put on coats and raincoats, etc.

"Autumn Leaves" (lotto)

Goal: expand the vocabulary on the topic “Autumn. Trees”, teach how to correctly use nouns in the genitive case.

Equipment: autumn leaves of birch, oak, maple and linden, glued onto one large card, and onto separate cards. Progress. The game is played after getting acquainted with autumn leaves on a walk. There is a large card in front of the child. Small ones are stacked nearby. He takes one small card and determines which tree leaf he has: “This is a maple leaf,” etc. Then he looks for the same leaf on a large card and puts a small one on it. A non-speaking child is asked to find and show a leaf of a maple, birch, etc.

Didactic game “Name it kindly”

Goal: learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting large and small vegetables.

Move. An adult shows the child a picture of a large vegetable, for example, a tomato, and asks what it is called. Then he explains: “This tomato is big. What would you affectionately call a small vegetable like this?” Shows a picture (tomato.) Other vegetables are considered similarly (cucumber - cucumber, turnip - turnip, carrot - carrot, onion - onion, potato - potato). A non-speaking child is asked: “Show me the tomato. Now show me the tomato.” “Which vegetable did you miss?”

Didactic game "Cook"
Goal: activation of vocabulary on the topic, teaching the correct use of nouns in the accusative case.
Equipment: pictures of vegetables or natural vegetables.
Move. The adult asks the child to “cook” a treat for him (cabbage soup or salad). The child selects the necessary vegetables for the dish and names them. Then he explains how he will prepare this “treat” (take it, wash it, peel it, cut it, cook it).

Didactic game "Riddles of the Hare" Target: teach to identify an object by its characteristics, activate vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment:“Hare” toy, bag, natural vegetables or dummies.

Progress: The adult explains to the child that the bunny wants to play with him and ask riddles: “The bunny will feel some vegetable in the bag and tell you about it, and you have to guess what it is.” Zaika's riddles: “Long, red (carrot). Green, long (cucumber). Round, red (tomato)”, etc.

Game "Butterflies Fly"

Butterflies fly in the field,

They flutter over the flowers.

(We wave our hands.)

They flap their wings

They spin and dance.

(We spin around in place.)

Butterflies fly quickly

They flutter over the flowers.

(We wave our hands.)

They spin easily

And they fly high.

(We spin around, hands up.)

Butterflies are flying everywhere,

They flutter over the flowers.

(We wave our hands.)

We flew, we flew -

Their wings are tired.

(We shake our hands in front of us.)

Butterflies were flying in the field,

They sat on the flowers.

(We squat.)

Game "Butterfly Dance"

Music plays (you can turn on “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky). All children are butterflies. They dance: spin, wave their arms, squat. The teacher determines whose dance is better and announces the winners.

Game "Insects"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

The butterfly flies forward.

How beautiful is her flight!

(We wave our arms spread to the sides.)

Rounding your eyes,

A dragonfly flutters here.

(We wave our hands in front of us.)

And in the thick grass there is a grasshopper -

Jump, jump, jump.

(We jump on the spot.)

Like a green man -

Jump, jump, jump.

(We jump forward.)

Here along the narrow path

A brown beetle is crawling.

(We squat and move forward in a squat.)

His legs are tired -

He will sit and rest.

(We stop in a squat, then stand up.)

Game "Who is bigger?"

Children take turns naming insects that they know. For example: butterfly, dragonfly, ant, fly, ladybug, bee, etc. The winner will be the one who names the insect last.

Garden riddles

No windows, no doors -

The room is full of people. (Cucumber.)

Grandfather is sitting

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (Onion.)

The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot.)

Round, not a month.

Yellow, not oil.

With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip.)

Yellow chicken

Pouting under the tyne. (Pumpkin.)

Game "Vegetables and Fruits"

The teacher pronounces the names of vegetables and fruits. If the name of a vegetable is heard, the children squat (vegetables grow on the ground), and if the name of a fruit is heard, they stand up (fruits grow on a tree).

Game "Signs of Autumn"

Listen to the poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. What time of year is this poem talking about? Justify your answer. List the signs of autumn.

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise she stripped herself,

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

Game "Trees in Autumn"

Music is playing (you can turn on “The Seasons. September” by P. I. Tchaikovsky). All children are trees. They are holding leaves cut out of paper. They wave their arms (leaves) and bend over, depicting how the trees sway in the wind in autumn.

Game "Autumn"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

Leaves are falling and flying.

Real leaf fall!

(We wave our hands in front of us and to the sides.)

The leaves are spinning in the wind.

(We spin around in place.)

Leaves fall on the grass.

(We squat and stand up.)

The wind plays with the leaves -

Raises, lowers.

(We raise and lower our hands.)

A cloud is flying in,

Waters the leaves.

(Shaking our hands.)

We won't be discouraged

Let's go for a walk anyway!

(We walk in place.)

Game "Leaves"

Divide the children into two teams. In one team the driver plays the role of a birch, in the other - the role of an aspen. Teams collect leaves cut from colored paper from the floor (one is birch, the other is aspen) and give them to their leader. At the end of the game, the teacher determines which team completed the task faster.

Spiny riddles

We listen to riddles and try to guess them.

What kind of tree grows?

Everything is in needles all year round. (Spruce.)

I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight

In height. (Pine.)

I'm not a pine tree or a Christmas tree,

But I stand covered in needles.

And when autumn comes,

Needles on me

Nobody will find it. (Larch.)

Game “How are they alike?”

1. How are spruce (Christmas tree) and hedgehog similar? (The spruce tree has needles and needles. And the hedgehog has needles.)

2. How are spruce and larch similar? (These are trees. They have needles and needles.)

3. How are larch and birch similar? (These are trees. They turn yellow in autumn.)

4. How are spruce and pine similar? (These are coniferous trees. They remain green in autumn and winter.)

Game "Hedgehog"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

A hedgehog was walking through the forest.

(We walk in place.)

The hedgehog was collecting leaves.

(Lean forward.)

The hedgehog lay down on his right side,

(Lean to the right.)

And he curled up into a ball.

(We squat.)

Rolled along the path

(In a squat, we twist our arms in front of us.)

And he didn’t turn back.

(We shake our heads.)

I went to sleep under a pine tree.

And he will wake up in the spring!

(We place our palms under the cheek and ear.)

Game "Guess the animal"

The teacher invites the children to remember who lives in the forest and thinks of an animal. Children must guess it. The first one to name the animal wins. Children take turns asking clarifying questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. For example:

Is this animal gray? - Yes.

Does it change color with the onset of winter? - No.

Does it hibernate? - Yes.

With needles? - Yes.

Is this a hedgehog? - Yes.

Game "Signs of Autumn"

You can announce and hold a small competition: who will give the most accurate and more Full description autumn (who can name more will accept).

Listen to the poem by Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev. What time of year is this poem talking about? Justify your answer. What signs of autumn do you know? List them.

Boring picture!

Endless clouds

The rain keeps pouring down

Puddles by the porch...

Stunted rowan

Gets wet under the window

Looks at the village

A gray spot.

Why are you visiting early?

Has autumn come to us?

The heart still asks

Light and warmth!

Game "Dance of the Clouds"

The teacher invites the children to imagine clouds floating and dancing in the sky. Music plays (you can turn on “The Seasons. October” by P. I. Tchaikovsky). Children, performing smooth, slow movements, come up with and show the cloud dance.

Game "What's extra?"

The teacher names four objects each time (or shows pictures). Children must identify what is out of place and explain why.

1. Jacket, fur coat, hat, T-shirt. (Hat. This is a headdress.)

2. Tights, socks, boots, knee socks. (Boots. These are shoes.)

3. Shorts, curtains, trousers, jeans. (Curtains. These are not clothes.)

5. Sandals, shoes, socks, boots. (Socks. These are not shoes.)

6. Hat, mittens, mittens, gloves. (Hat. This is not for hands.)

7. Panama hat, hat, jeans. (Jeans. This is not a hat.)

Game "Our Clothes"

Children name different items of clothing in turn. For example: sundress, shorts, dress, T-shirt, tights, socks, skirt, vest, overalls, mittens, swimsuit, T-shirt, sweater, jacket, jeans, blouse, trousers, fur coat, shirt, coat, knee socks, raincoat, jacket, suit, jacket, etc. The last person to name the item of clothing wins.

Riddles about birds

We listen to riddles and try to guess them

Sleeps during the day

And at night it flies

And it scares everyone. (Owl)

This bird is yellow-breasted

What is her name? (Titmouse.)

He sits on a birch tree.

There's been knocking on the trunk all day.

Not a crow or a rook,

And the trees are a kind doctor. (Woodpecker.)

Looking for grains in the dust,

Picks up crumbs.

Jumps, short in stature,

In the park on the path.

What a gray mischief

Does everything scream “chirp-chirp”? (Sparrow.)

Day after day she chirps,

He doesn’t want to keep quiet.

Curious, white-sided.

What is her name? (Magpie.)

Game "Owl"

The teacher reminds the children that the owl sleeps during the day and flies to hunt at night. You can read poetry. When the teacher says: “Day,” the children jump and run. When he says: “Night,” everyone should freeze (fall asleep). You can't move. Anyone who moves leaves the game. Then the teacher says again: “Day.” Game continues.

It's dark in the forest.

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

One owl doesn't sleep

Looks in all directions.

If anyone doesn't want to sleep,

Can an owl catch it?

Riddles about those who live in water

We listen to riddles and try to guess them.

At the little cattle

Gold coins on the back. (Fish.)

Not a soldier, but with a mustache.

Not a blacksmith, but with tongs. (Cancer.)

Eyes on the horns

And the house is on the back. (Snail.)

Jumping over bumps

Jumps through the swamps

Catches flies and mosquitoes

And someone else.

Who is this frog?

Green girlfriend? (Frog.)

Who hides their head in fear?

Who wears the armor? (Turtle.)

Game “What does the turtle look like?”

We listen to questions and try to answer them.

1. Who also wears their house? (Snail.)

2. Who also hides their head from fear? (Ostrich.)

3. Who lays eggs too? (Birds.)

Game "Who's the odd one out?"

The teacher says four names of animals each time (or shows pictures). Children must determine who is the odd one out and explain why.

1. Shark, catfish, crucian carp, crocodile. (Crocodile. This is not a fish, but the rest are fish.)

2. Duck, pike, goose, swan. (Pike. It's a fish, not a bird.)

3. Seahorse, ruff, pike perch, starfish. (Starfish. This is not a fish, but the rest are fish.)

4. Perch, frog, crucian carp, pike. (Frog. This is not a fish, but the rest are fish.)

Game "Pike and crucian carp"

All children are crucians. Using a counting rhyme, a pike is selected. On command, the pike begins to catch crucian carp. The one she catches is out of the game.

Game "Who does that?"

We listen to questions and try to answer them.

1. Who hibernates in the fall and sleeps all winter - a wolf, a squirrel, a badger or a hare? (Badger.)

2. Who likes to eat tree bark - a fox, a hedgehog, a hare or a wolf? (Hare.)

3. Who makes provisions for the winter - a bear, a hedgehog, a hare or a squirrel? (Squirrel.)

4. Who lives in the hollow made by the woodpecker - a hedgehog, a hare, a squirrel or a badger? (Squirrel.)

5. Who digs very deep holes in the forest - a squirrel, a badger, a bear or a hare? (Badger.)

Game "Is this true or false?"

The teacher invites the children to listen carefully to the story. Condition of the game: if children hear something that cannot be, they must clap their hands and say: “No, no, no!”

A big beautiful badger lived in a dense forest. He had a favorite pastime - digging deep holes in the ground. In the fall, the badger made provisions for the winter. (Clap.) The badger hid supplies in his hollow. (Clap.) He climbed a tree to pick nuts. (Clap.) In the fall, the badger made a soft bedding of dry grass and moss in its deep hole.

When it got cold, the badger crawled into a hole and hibernated - he fell asleep until spring.

Game "Firewood"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

One, two! One, two!

We will cut wood.

(We saw with the edge of our palm.)

Like this, like this

We saw and saw wood.

(We show how we saw.)

One, two! One, two!

We chop, we chop wood.

(We show how we chop.)

One, two! One, two!

We'll stack the wood.

(We lean to the sides.)

We sawed a whole cartload,

They chopped it up and put it away.

(We repeat the movements: sawing, chopping, folding.)

We prepared firewood

Now it's time to rest.

(We straighten up and shake our hands.)

Game “Stacking Wood”

You can use small twigs or counting sticks as firewood. The game involves two teams, each collecting and storing their own firewood in a designated area. The team that completes the task faster will win.

Riddles about water

We listen to riddles and try to guess them.

Across the skies in a horde

The bags are full of holes,

And sometimes it happens:

Water flows from the bags. (Clouds.)

Came from the sky -

He went into the ground. (Rain.)

There is water all around,

But drinking is a problem. (Sea.)

Waters of many rivers and seas

He absorbs it.

What kind of giant is this?

Who knows the name? (Ocean.)

Game "Water all around"

Children take turns saying words related to water. For example: puddle, drop, sea, ocean, icicle, river, stream, pond, lake, etc. The one who says the last word wins.

Game "Jumping over puddles"

There are sheets of paper on the floor. These are puddles. Children must walk around the room and jump over all the puddles. The one who steps on the puddle leaves the game.

Natalia Veselkova

Within theme of the week"Autumn, autumn, V guests please!" I prepared for the children autumn themed games.

1. Didactic game“Find a pair of leaves”

Target: To develop children’s ability to find leaves by similar characteristics, shape, color. (The leaves are selected so that the children can find a pair for each leaf.)

Move games: The child finds a pair for the leaf. Then you can complicate the task; the child needs to find a pair from memory. We show the leaf, then we hide it. The child finds a pair for the piece of paper from memory.

2. Didactic game"Find the same leaf"

Target: develop children’s ability to distinguish and name familiar leaves trees: maple, oak, birch, rowan. Strengthen the ability to find objects according to a pattern.

3. "Build a chain of leaves"

Target: develop the ability to distinguish tree leaves, consolidate the names of trees, build simple logical chains by ear, develop attention.

You can invite children to build a chain according to a given algorithm.

4. "Harvest"

Target: develop children’s ability to classify objects according to groups: vegetables, fruits, berries.

Develop memory, thinking, attention, fine motor skills hands

Move games: Divide vegetables and fruits into different plates while naming them signs: color, shape, taste and names.

Publications on the topic:

“The sun is shining brightly, the air is warm, and wherever you look, everything around is bright. The meadow is full of bright flowers, dark bushes are covered in gold" I.

Physical education leisure time with children of the middle group “Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit us” Music sounds, children run into the hall and sit on the benches. Host: How loud the music sounded! A wonderful holiday awaits us today, And...

In our second junior group there was a thematic week on the theme “Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit!” Children and parents were active participants.

Goal: creating an image of an autumn tree using a plastic method. Objectives: 1. Reinforce previously learned modeling techniques. 2. Develop attentiveness.

One day of the thematic week “Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit...” Dear colleagues. Welcome to my page. Today I bring to your attention detailed planning for one.

Good day to all! I would like to show you how the process of preparing for the matinee takes place. This year the main wall is in the music room.

Scenario for the holiday in the preparatory group “Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit us” To the music, children with leaves run into the hall and perform a dance composition. After the end of the music they stop in a free position.

Didactic material for consolidation on the lexical topic: “Autumn.”

Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher - speech therapist MKOU Sh-I No. 8, Gremyachinsk, Perm region.
Target: Generalization of students’ knowledge about the season – autumn.
Tasks: Develop coherent speech, communication skills, auditory and visual attention, thinking;
Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
Cultivate curiosity.
It is known that good command of speech plays a significant role not only in Everyday life, but also in professional activity person. A person who is an interesting conversationalist and can effectively and clearly express his thoughts makes a more pleasant impression on others.
Good command of your native language and speech is an art that needs to be learned.
Why is it necessary to develop oral speech?
- Be able to communicate with different people V different situations
- Express your thoughts and feelings
- Speak beautifully, correctly and pleasantly for listeners.
Speech serves as a source of knowledge about the world around us, a means of communication and mutual understanding. In this regard, children’s ability to use speech becomes important.
Every child feels the need to communicate. The need for communication is one of the most important in human life. When entering into relationships with the world around us, we communicate information about ourselves, in return we receive information that interests us, analyze it and plan our activities based on this analysis. And, of course, children want to be understood. Children often have difficulty describing people, objects, and phenomena. Even despite sufficient lexicon, most children do not know how to speak correctly, it is difficult for them to formulate their thoughts, they cannot fully participate in a conversation or conduct a dialogue.
The formation of coherent speech is the main task of speech education. Good speechimportant condition development of the child's personality.
Didactic game– an excellent training and development tool used in mastering any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to have a beneficial effect on all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate his vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around us, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills. The proposed tasks are aimed at consolidating material on the lexical topic: “Autumn”. This is peculiar homework which is fun to do with children after speech therapy session at home, on a walk.
Material will be useful for educators and teachers primary school, parents, speech therapists.


“Read, add, make sentences.”


“Put the words in order, make the correct sentence.”

Boots, rubber boots, footwear. (Rubber boots- these are shoes)


"Favorite Poems"

Listen to the poem. Find offers. Read it expressively.
In order to let children feel the beauty of the poetic word, an adult himself must feel it and be able to convey it in his performance. You cannot read the work monotonously, inexpressively.

The lingonberries are ripening.
The days have become colder,
And from the bird's cry
It only makes my heart sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.
The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry sleepily.

There's already a golden leaf covering
Wet soil in the forest...
I boldly trample my foot
The outer beauty of the forest.
Cheeks burn from the cold:
I like to run in the forest,
Hear the branches crack,

Rake the leaves with your foot!..
(A. N. Maikov)

Read the poem. Come up with a name.


“Let’s clarify the signs”

Tell us what is typical for each autumn month? How is autumn different from summer?

Adjective agreement with nouns:
Exercise: Choose epithets for the words: sun, sky, day, weather, trees, grass, animals, birds, insects.

Find antonyms for the words: warm - cold, cloudy day - sunny day, dry - wet, long - short.


“Speak a tongue twister.”

First, say the tongue twister out loud slowly twice. Now to myself several times - at first slowly, then faster and faster. Learn to quickly pronounce tongue twisters out loud.

“All the maples have turned red,
And no one teases:
Since everyone is red anyway
Who cares!"


"Learning to answer questions"

Depending on what task you set for your child, this is the answer you require: complete or short. After reading the text, the answers can be full and meaningful. The question must be constructed competently and clearly so that the child is not distracted by extraneous details.
Listen to the story. Tell me, what time of year are we talking about?
Look at the pictures, which one matches the story?
It is important that the text read by adults is an example of the correct literary construction of a sentence, that it is bright and expressive. Autumn comes after summer. Gradually the days become cloudier, the sun shines less and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It often rains – long, drizzling rains. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. A cold wind tears leaves from tree branches, and they fall to the ground, covering it with a golden carpet. The grass is withering. It's damp and slushy outside. The birds don't sing anymore. They hide from the rain, gather in flocks and fly far to warmer climes. You can’t go outside without an umbrella, you’ll get wet. And it’s cold without a jacket and boots.

Multi-colored boats.

I came to the pond. How many colorful boats are on the pond today: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately set sail. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the boats will run out. And the pond will freeze.
(D. N. Kaigorodov)
Tell me what kind of boats float on the pond. What time of year do these boats happen?
Color this picture and make up a story based on it.

Share your impressions of autumn. Ask, how do you feel about autumn? Start your story with these words:
I I love autumn because...
To me I don’t like autumn because...

Make up a story according to plan: “Day of Knowledge!”

Exercise:“What autumn gave us.”
Words are helpers: garden, fruits, vegetables, vegetable garden, harvesting, harvest, mushrooms, baskets, forest, collect, ripened, harvest.

A game:“What grows in the garden?”
Remember what grows in the garden. What grows in the garden? Look at the pictures, first name all the vegetables, then all the berries and finally all the fruits.
Answer the questions and explain why there are several correct answers to the same question.

A game:"I cook myself"
Show and name the vegetables from which borscht soup is made, and fruits for compote.
We will cook borscht from...
We will make compote from...

A game:"I'm coming up with a color"
The names of some colors come from the names of words - objects. Let's come up with flower names together.
Salad (what color?) – lettuce.
Lingonberry (what color?) – lingonberry.
Beetroot (what color?) – beetroot.
Walnut (what color?) – nut.
Carrots (what color?) – carrot.
Plum (what color?) – plum.
A game:“What kind of juices are there?”
What are these juices called?
Apple juice – apple juice.
Grape juice – grape juice.
Carrot juice – carrot juice.
Tomato juice - tomato juice.
Cucumber juice – cucumber juice.
Plum juice – plum juice.
Cabbage juice – cabbage juice.
Potato juice - potato juice.
Cranberry juice -...
Pear juice -...

Add variety to your autumn matinees, entertainment, leisure and other activities with children. When preparing for them, use the interesting experience of teachers, outlined in the useful publications in this section. You can get a lot of ideas from them and ready-made solutions on organizing sports and intellectual competitions at autumn theme, educational games and fun adventures for preschoolers. Some teachers have taken the path of conducting quizzes about autumn, created in the format of the popular TV show “What? Where? When?”, “KVN” and others. And this calculation fully justified itself, as it had justified before.

Look through these pages and choose what you like best! Please also note useful tips how to make didactic materials And visual aids about autumn with your own hands.

Everything for the successful organization of autumn games and fun activities.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 270.
All sections | Autumn. Games, quizzes, teaching aids on an autumn theme

Lapbook « Autumn» suitable for 2 children junior group. The lapbook contains the following tasks and pockets: Which autumn/adjectives Game "The Fourth Wheel" Riddles – Answers Collect a picture Game “Whose ponytail?” Noisy pictures Autumn Coloring Pages"Which autumn/adjectives» ...

Benefit helps children to better remember, consolidate material on the topic being studied, assimilate the material covered, independently, at their own discretion, collect and consolidate information about autumn.We consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained in the classes by playing with a laptop in free...

Autumn. Games, quizzes, teaching aids on an autumn theme - Game - quiz “Secrets of Autumn!” Educational field "cognitive development"

Publication “Game - quiz “Secrets of Autumn!” Educational area..." Municipal state preschool educational institution"Talmensky kindergarten No. 9" structural subdivision lane Bankovsky 1, Talmensky district, Altai Territory. Game - quiz “Secrets of Autumn!” Educational area « cognitive development" Educator:...

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We present to your attention a set of materials on the theme: “Golden Autumn”. The laptop was created for children of the younger group. The tasks are completed under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher reads the assignments, explains, and asks leading questions if necessary. Goal: formation in children...

Autumn is a magical time of year! So many interesting things happen in nature during this period. To introduce children to these processes and consolidate knowledge, I made a laptop “The time of year is autumn.” The laptop consists of two blocks: 1. Conversations about each autumn month, poems by Russian...

Quest game “Fraids of Autumn” Group: senior, preparatory Educational area: Physical development Goal:  Expand knowledge about autumn as a time of year.  Create a festive mood and emotional uplift in children. Objectives:  To consolidate knowledge and skills...

Autumn. Games, quizzes, teaching aids on an autumn theme - Quest game “In search of the gifts of Autumn”

Quest game “In search of the gifts of Autumn” Preliminary work:  - presentation “Autumn Gifts”.  - conversations on the topics “Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, wintering and migratory birds.”  - examination of illustrations. - learning poems, songs,...

Making the lapbook “Rowan Autumn” was the final stage of the completed lexical topics: “Autumn”, “Trees: coniferous, deciduous, tree structure”, description of the rowan tree. A laptop helps you consolidate and systematize the material you’ve learned, and later repeat the topics you’ve learned...