Parvovirus enteritis of dogs. Enteritis. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs

Rotavirosis- an acute contagious disease caused by a virus. Accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, in young animals - myocarditis.

Etiology. The causative agent of the disease is a virus belonging to the Rotoviridae family. The virus is resistant to acidic environments (preserves at pH 3). Retains for a long time external environment: in feces and frozen parenchymal organs - throughout the year.

Dogs of all ages are susceptible, especially puppies aged 2 weeks to a year; older dogs are less likely to get sick.
The most susceptible animals are cultivated and ornamental breeds. From sick animals to healthy disease transmitted by contact.

The source of infection can be sick dogs, virus-carrying dogs, rodents, insects, as well as humans. The virus can also be transmitted through care items and bedding.

For the occurrence of rotavirus enteritis in dogs, the presence of predisposing factors is of great importance: poor care, maintenance and feeding, stressful situations— change of owner, operation, helminthic infestation, tendency to gastrointestinal disorders.

The first symptoms of the disease are refusal to feed, vomiting with mucus, and diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur simultaneously. Vomiting continues until recovery or death. The feces are initially gray or yellow, often mixed with blood, sometimes hemorrhagic with mucus or watery with a foul odor. Some dogs develop signs of respiratory damage after vomiting and diarrhea. Body temperature rises to 39.5-41 C.

Vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead to dehydration, which can cause state of shock and death of puppies 24-96 hours after emergence clinical signs diseases.

The diagnosis is difficult due to the similarity of clinical signs with many infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Diagnostics PCR method allows you to quickly and correctly establish a diagnosis.

During the day veterinarian who sent biomaterial (nasal swabs, eye discharge, blood during fever) for research will receive a response to his request by phone, and then an official conclusion that has legal force.

It's no secret that dogs are considered best friend people, but to maintain their health it is necessary Special attention pay attention to nutrition and vaccination. It will be interesting to know that parvovirus enteritis in dogs often occurs in animals aged 3 months and leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and dehydration. The first signs of the disease hardly appear, so it is difficult to diagnose. But below we will learn how to do this at home and provide first aid.

How is parvovirus enteritis transmitted in dogs?

Enteritis is transmitted through the blood and secretions of sick dogs or cats. Please note that the main symptoms of the virus coincide with the appearance of pathogenic cells in the dog's feces or vomit. This occurs three to four days after infection. It all starts with infection of the nasal epithelium with penetration into digestive tract, enteritis usually affects and Bone marrow, leading to deformation and pathology in muscle tissue. In addition, myeloid cells of the spleen and lymph nodes are completely destroyed. If the course of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is long, then the animal’s body will be affected by many bacteria, which bring with them new symptoms and deterioration of health.
By the way, enteritis causes next row problems:

  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • vitamin deficiency and oxygen starvation cells;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fever.


It's important to know that general symptoms Parvovirus enteritis in dogs is varied and insidious, so it is difficult to immediately diagnose, which is why the disease progresses. You can identify the first signs if you are attentive to general condition pet and take it for routine checkups. So, let’s highlight several main manifestations inherent in the virus:

  • dog fatigue and lethargy;
  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • pain in the abdomen and back;
  • poor appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea with food debris;
  • dehydration;
  • dry nose.

Remember that the incubation period for parvovirus enteritis is about 10 days, and the temperature sometimes begins to rise only before death. It is important to pay attention to the dog’s condition, appetite and behavior. It's better to go to the doctor for preventive examination so that the infection is detected immediately.

Dogs, although they have more good health than people still get sick, including serious infectious diseases, for example, parvovirus enteritis. The virus that causes it develops at lightning speed and is very dangerous for four-legged friends. Therefore, the owner should know how parvovirus enteritis manifests itself in dogs and what to do to help the pet.

The causative agent of the infection is a virus from the Parvovirus family, there are 2 types:

  • Type I – found in the feces of healthy animals and is not pathogenic.
  • Type II – contains DNA, does not have a shell, is highly resistant to physical and chemical influences.

The main source of the infectious agent is the feces of infected dogs. It is believed that the virus is excreted in feces within a week and a half, and its maximum amount, the most dangerous for infection, reaches on the 5th day.

Also, the virus can be present in the vomit for 2-12 days. Due to the fact that the pathogen is resistant to various threatening factors and has the ability long time persist in the external environment, it can be dangerous for several months.

In some cases, with a small dose of the virus entering the animal’s body, the disease occurs without pronounced symptoms. When there is a large amount of it, symptoms characteristic of parvovirus enteritis occur.

Sick animals shed viruses for 14-21 days after infection, and even after recovery they for a long time are contagious. The pathogen can survive for a long time on the dog’s fur and paws, which is very dangerous for pets who have not been vaccinated.

The virus can be transmitted in the following ways:

  • during contact of a sick animal with healthy brothers;
  • through care items – bowl, toys, combs, etc.;
  • through food;
  • through soil containing contaminated feces;
  • a dog can become infected from a person who is a carrier of the virus - owners often bring it on their shoes and outerwear.

Most often, the infectious agent enters the animal’s body through the nasal (intranasal) or oral (oral) cavity. Parvovirus infection peaks in late spring and summer and from October to March.

Specialists in the process clinical trials The relationship between susceptibility to the disease and the breed and sex of dogs has not been established, but only with age. Most often, puppies 2-12 months old become ill.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in dogs

The disease is insidious, as it can be accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms, which complicates its diagnosis. And sometimes the signs of infection are very mild, and the owner does not even suspect that his dog is seriously ill. In the case of this pathology, not only the health, but also the life of the dog depends on its early detection and timely treatment.

To notice the primary manifestations of the disease, the owner should be more attentive to the pet, noticing even a slight change in behavior. If there are any signs, you should not hesitate; you should immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of parvovirus may include the following:

  1. Lethargy. The dog becomes less active, and even walks and favorite games do not bring the same joy. The dog may not react to the actions taking place around him and rarely gets up.
  2. Increased body temperature. A reading above 39°C signals development infectious disease. But there is one caveat - sometimes with enteritis the temperature can rise just before the pet dies, so you should pay attention to other signs of the disease.
  3. Pain symptoms. The incubation period for parvovirus is 5-10 days. And if the animal begins to arch its back when stroking, and when touching the stomach area tries to move away, it means that the pet is experiencing pain - this is the first manifestation of the disease.
  4. Gagging. This symptom occurs within a day after incubation period. Initially, vomit consists of the remains of undigested food, later it becomes grayish mucus.
  5. Diarrhea. Feces liquid, first yellowish or greenish in color, later red.

A sick pet refuses to eat, does not drink, and the body quickly loses moisture, which threatens rapid dehydration. Due to excruciating pain and developed heart failure, the disease can lead to fatal outcome.

Diagnosis of enteritis

When a four-legged patient with signs of parvovirus enteritis enters the veterinary clinic, the doctor immediately tries to establish a preliminary diagnosis. Sudden development pathological condition, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, dehydration are the main symptoms of parvovirus.

In addition, infection almost always causes an increase in mesenteric lymph nodes, which can be detected by palpation. For more accurate diagnosis The veterinarian prescribes a number of laboratory tests:

  • PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) – effective method detection of the pathogen in the feces of a sick animal;
  • HRA (hemagglutination reaction) - detects the antigen of a pathogenic agent;
  • RGTA - analysis that identifies the pathogen;
  • electron microscopy - studying the feces of a sick animal;
  • histology - used posthumously, detects tissue necrosis, a critical decrease in lymphocytes in the small intestine.

In modern veterinary medicine, ELISA analysis, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), is often used, considering it a more informative and reliable method for diagnosing parvovirus in dogs.

Differential techniques are important for an accurate diagnosis. A specialist must distinguish parvovirus from other types of enteritis - nutritional, caused by pathogenic bacteria and toxins.

Treatment of infection

First of all, the dog needs emergency medical care, but if at the same moment it is not possible to call a doctor or take the dog to the clinic, then the following is required from the owner:

  • it is important to provide the dog with complete rest, not to give him water or food;
  • You cannot give your dog enemas yourself unless recommended by a veterinarian;
  • you can give the dog a little Vaseline or any vegetable oil(the first is more effective), it is not absorbed into the walls of organs gastrointestinal tract, but envelops them and promotes the removal of toxic substances.
  • several syringes of different volumes (5-20 ml) and replacement needles for them;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics – No-shpa (Drotaverine), Analgin; it is best for these to be injection ampoules, since parvovirus is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and the tablets will not be absorbed by the body of a sick animal;
  • Sulfocamphocaine, Cordiamine are drugs that support heart function.

Such measures are only suitable for short-term help and will not completely cure the animal from parvovirus enteritis. Veterinarians in this case use an integrated approach.

Intensive infusion procedures

First of all, the animal loses a lot of moisture; it needs to replenish the deficit and compensate for its subsequent loss. For this purpose, droppers with balanced crystalloid solutions are prescribed.

The doctor approximately determines the volume of lost fluid and prescribes double the amount. This allows you to normalize the balance and avoid serious complications. Experts often prescribe Normosol, to which a solution of potassium salt of hydrochloric acid is added.

It is important to monitor the amount of glucose in the blood and, when necessary, add this component to the infusion fluid. To correct persistent hypokalemia (low concentration of potassium ions), a certain amount of magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid is added to the infusion solution.

Use of antibacterial agents

Experts recommend a parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) method of administering these drugs, since antibiotics are prescribed for parvovirus wide range actions that can destroy the protective lining of the intestinal mucosa, which increases the risk of sepsis.

Often, veterinarians prescribe injections of Gentamicin and Ampicillin, with an 8-hour interval, but take into account that aminoglycosides have renal toxicity.

Some doctors, if the dog does not show neutropenia or feverish state, drugs from a number of first-generation cephalosporins are recommended, and the previous combination is used when signs of sepsis occur.

Drugs that can neutralize endotoxic substances

They are given to the dog during antibiotic therapy to speed up the process of eliminating endotoxins and prevent deterioration of the patient’s condition. In addition, drugs in this group reduce the likelihood of septic shock.

Medicines are diluted with saline and administered through a dropper for half an hour to an hour.

Antiemetic agents

Metoclopramide is prescribed, but caution is required, since adequate rehydration is first required to eliminate the risk of severe hypotension.

Such drugs are necessary when, due to prolonged profuse vomiting, it is impossible to maintain water and electrolyte balance.

Nutrition correction

No less important aspect, which affects the results of therapy. First of all, at the first signs of parvovirus infection, the owner should stop feeding and watering the pet. The dog should be on a fasting diet for at least 2-3 days.

The dog can be given a little water only a day after the vomiting stops. Afterwards, the pet begins to be fed food that has been ground into a paste. Meals should be fractional - initially food is given in small portions, every 2-2.5 hours.

Suitable as a first course for a sick dog congee, chicken breast broth, flaxseed decoction. If the dog does not approach the bowl or does not have the strength to eat on his own, then you can carefully introduce liquid food into his mouth using a syringe.

Gradually, other products are introduced into the diet - one per day. You can give your pet a crushed egg, noodles, diluted with chicken broth.

A recovering animal needs carbohydrate food to replenish the body's energy resources. It is also recommended to give the dog 2-3 times a week lean fish boiled, separated from the bones, preferably sea.

For normalization intestinal microflora Fermented milk products are useful - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, but they should not contain sugar or artificial additives.

At the beginning of recovery, you should not give your pet meat, especially raw meat. Also not the best products are milk, fatty, pickled, salty food, spices and seasonings.

To protect your pet from this dangerous disease, it is worth taking care of regular vaccination. In addition, it is important to ensure good conditions maintenance and proper nutrition for the dog.

Parvovirus infection can kill an animal in a couple of days, especially puppies, so it requires preventive measures, and, if infection does occur, timely professional help veterinarian This is the only way to help your four-legged friend.

Viral enteritis is a group of infectious diseases in which the intestines become inflamed. In most cases, the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs are affected. Viral enteritis is one of the five most common diseases of dogs. No breed predisposition to viral enteritis in dogs has been identified. The most severe diseases are suffered by dogs of the following breeds: Doberman; whippet; East European Shepherd.

The article combines: coronavirus enteritis of dogs; rotavirus enteritis of dogs; canine parvovirus enteritis. The diseases have common routes of infection, similar symptoms and treatment methods. Most often, puppies between 2 and 12 weeks of age suffer from viral enteritis. However, diseases affect animals of any age. In some cases, all three infections are recorded.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal moves little and refuses to eat. After 8 - 10 hours, diarrhea begins. With coronavirus enteritis, the stool is liquid, yellowish color, mixed with mucus. The intestines are emptied 4 - 5 times a day. The animal drinks a lot of water, the stomach is tense. The temperature usually ranges from 38.5 to 19.5 degrees.

With rotavirus enteritis, the stool is liquid, dark yellow color. The intestines are emptied 6 - 8 times a day. The temperature rises to 39.5 - 39.8 degrees. Sometimes vomiting begins.

With parvovirus enteritis in dogs, on the first day of illness, the intestines empty their bowels every 20 to 40 minutes. Feces with a pungent odor, fly out in a stream, in dogs of medium breeds at a distance of one meter (sometimes further) from the animal. The stools are watery, brown or Green colour. Skin-like flakes, pieces, and tubes are visible in the stool. Vomiting occurs every 20 - 30 minutes.

On the second day of illness, the intestines empty every hour to an hour and a half. Vomiting occurs after about two hours.

Shortness of breath begins. The animal tries to sit down with its front legs spread wide. When severely exhausted, animals lie on their sides.

At the onset of the disease, the temperature rises to 40 degrees. After 8 - 12 hours it drops to 37.5 degrees and below.

The pathogenicity of viruses, and, consequently, the strength of the manifestation of signs of disease in different regions differs.

Enteritis in dogs - causes and course

The diseases are caused by viruses of the coronaviridae, reovaviridae (rotavirus genus) and parvoviridae families. The pathogens die instantly when exposed to sunlight and persist in feces for several days at a temperature of about 0 degrees.

The source of infection is sick animals. In cities, viruses are carried by stray dogs.

Viruses are shed in feces and vomit.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal moves little and refuses to eat.

Infection occurs when sick animals sniff their saliva or feces, through the consumption of contaminated water, or less often food.

Once in the body, viruses tolerate the effects well gastric juice. The period from infection to the onset of the disease is called incubation. For viral enteritis it ranges from 1 to 5 days. During this time, viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the intestines and (partially) the stomach. By multiplying, pathogens destroy membrane cells. The stomach and intestines swell. Feed digestion is disrupted and nutrients are not absorbed.

Vomiting occurs, most often with foam. Swelling of the stomach compresses the receptors in the mucous membrane and increases vomiting.

The main changes occur in the intestines. The intestines become inflamed, the mucous membrane is destroyed, and with parvovirus enteritis it peels off and comes out in pieces in the feces. With rota and coronavirus enteritis, the intestines are destroyed much less.

Inflammation of the stomach causes vomiting, damage to the intestines leads to diarrhea. As a result of the breakdown of a large volume of cells, toxins are released that disrupt the functioning of the walls blood vessels. Fluid from the blood moves first into the intestinal walls, then into its cavity. The volume of intestinal contents increases. The emptying reflex is activated.

In places where the intestines are destroyed, microbes actively multiply, releasing a significant amount of toxins.

With diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid. Blood viscosity increases; For delivery nutrients and oxygen, the heart is forced to increase its work.

In addition, rota and parvoviruses migrate from the stomach and intestines into the blood and are carried into the heart.

They penetrate the cells of the heart muscle (myocardium) and destroy it.

The body responds by producing antibodies to viruses. On the 5th - 6th day from the onset of illness, the amount of antibodies in the blood is sufficient to bind viruses. However, by this point, the overwhelming majority of pathogens are in the intestinal cells (in the case of rota and parvovirus enetritis, also in the myocardium). Cells are sent to areas affected by viruses immune system, macrophages. However, the speed of response of the body’s defenses significantly lags behind the development of diseases.

Death occurs on the second - fifth or seventh - twelfth day. When treatment is provided, the mortality rate from rotavirus enteritis is less than 5%, coronavirus - 10%, parvovirus - more than 80%.

Mortality on the seventh to twelfth day is associated with high stress on dogs during and after recovery.

Enteritis in dogs - treatment

The course of viral enteritis in dogs is very different. However, there are several areas in the treatment of diseases:

  • destruction of the enteritis virus;
  • restoration of lost fluid volume;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • recovery normal operation hearts.

In the first days of illness, most medications are administered intravenously. Due to the large loss of fluid, medications administered subcutaneously and sometimes intramuscularly are not absorbed. Therefore, they have no effect.

The destruction of the virus is achieved in several ways. The main one is the use of serums and immunoglobulins containing antibodies to pathogens. In most cases, serums and immunoglobulins with antibodies to pathogens of several diseases are used. Serums and immunoglobulins cannot be administered intravenously.

Infection occurs when sick animals sniff their saliva or feces.

The second way is the use of immune stimulants. Catozal, Erbisol and other drugs are used.

Restoration of lost fluid volume is achieved intravenous administration solutions of salts and glucose. Solutions of disol, trisol, quartosol and the like are used. The choice of solution and dose depend on the condition of the animal and the amount of loss.

Glucase is administered only in the form of a 5% solution. 40% glucose solution is a diuretic.

Removal of toxins from the body is achieved by using special solutions. Hydrolysine and similar drugs are used. Since the detoxification of toxins occurs in the liver, drugs are used to support its function. Glutargin, thiatriazoline and similar drugs are used. Some immune boosters, such as polyoxidonium and lycopid, bind and remove toxins.

Maintaining immunity is achieved by using special drugs. Depending on the stage of the disease and the degree of manifestation of symptoms, ribotan, vegetarian, galavit and the like are used. The main effect of these drugs is stimulation of the immune system.

Restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines is possible no earlier than the second day of illness. Metoclopramide (Cerucal) is widely used to stop vomiting. However, the main problem is damage to the intestines, which are normally populated by microbes. Antibiotics, such as amoxicillin (amoxiclav), are prescribed to inhibit the development of microbes. Enveloping and astringent drugs are given internally (oak bark extract, flax seed, enterosgel, etc.) At the same time, medications are prescribed that restore the composition of microbes in the intestines (probiotics). Bioprotectin, bactoneotime, lactobacterin and the like are widely used. A strict diet is prescribed. For 2 - 3 days, the animal is given rice decoctions and soft oatmeal. Meat is added gradually, starting from the eighth day.

Restoring normal heart function depends on the condition of the animal. Sometimes they are limited to the use of drugs that improve myocardial nutrition. Riboxin, Mildronate, Prestarium and the like are used. Sometimes there is a need for the drugs capoten, cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine and similar ones.

To preserve the life of the animal, it is extremely important to avoid physical activity. The walking and training regimen is agreed upon with the veterinarian 4 to 5 weeks after recovery.

Enteritis virus - features

Rotaviruses also infect cats.

Cats with weak immunity can also become infected from people.

If your animal refuses food or develops diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will be able to select the necessary treatment.

One of dangerous illnesses, timely treatment which is not always possible is parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Only vaccination can protect your pet from this disease. However, over time, viruses causing disease, mutate, which is why the owner must know the symptoms of the disease, which will help to detect the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment as soon as possible. In our article we will tell you what the symptoms of enteritis in dogs are, the causes of the disease, and how to treat it at home.

The enteritis virus is quite tenacious, it can withstand up to +60 degrees without changing its condition in any way. Besides high temperature it is not affected by chlorine, ether, or acidic environments. Any animal can get parvovirus, but signs of the disease are more common in young pets, from 2 to 15 months. The highest concentration of the virus is observed in the first 10 days after infection in the dog’s feces; it is also present in the pet’s saliva and urine. Viral enteritis in dogs occurs due to contact with:

  • Sick animals, insects that are carriers of the disease.
  • Through water or food contaminated with infection.
  • Due to contact with infected care items, bedding.

Most often, enteritis in dogs occurs due to:

Often enteritis in puppies is seasonal, the peak of the disease occurs in autumn and spring, with a decrease in activity in winter and summer.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

The disease enteritis in dogs shows symptoms unexpectedly. If the first signs are not noticed, the treatment of the disease will be delayed, which sometimes leads to death. When it enters the body, parvovirus affects the gastrointestinal tract and cardiac tissue, so this course of the disease is dangerous for puppies during the period of active growth. Typically, parvovirus infection in dogs manifests itself as follows:

  • Apathetic state, slight malaise, fatigue. This is how the onset of the disease manifests itself; usually the owners do not notice these symptoms.
  • The dog sleeps constantly and does not react to strangers.
  • A day later, the course of the disease worsens, the pet’s temperature rises to 41 degrees.
  • The puppy vomits mucus or yellowish foam.
  • Diarrhea with green, brown or black mucus that has a foul odor.
  • A complete refusal to eat and drink leads to dehydration of the body; the pet already resembles a skeleton covered with skin.
  • The dog has shortness of breath and pale mucous membranes.
  • The wool is whipped into shreds and icicles, devoid of any shine.
  • If after 3 days the temperature returned to normal or dropped below 37 degrees, then the course of the disease took threatening forms and reduces the chances of recovery.
  • Enteritis in a dog can provoke a cardiac cough, blue mucous membranes, and heavy breathing. All this leads to an increase in not only cardiac, but also pulmonary insufficiency and to the development of myocarditis.
  • If the disease affects both the heart and intestines, then following symptoms: slightly elevated temperature, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea with blood.

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus is not as acute as canine parvovirus enteritis, it has a milder course of the disease, it is less contagious and less likely to be fatal. Coronavirus enteritis occurs through contact with feces; also, if an infected dog licks the grass, or the pet walks on it, he can become ill with this disease. Often this type The disease affects puppies; in adults it is milder.

Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee, but treatment is faster. Sometimes the owner, especially of adult dogs, does not notice that the pet is sick. In puppies born from a mother who has not been vaccinated against enteritis, symptoms develop within 2 days after the virus enters the body. Coronavirus gives the following symptoms:

  • Apathy, refusal to play.
  • Aimless walking around the house, lethargy, fatigue.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Diarrhea is yellowish in color and does not have a foul odor.
  • Pale mucous membranes, devoid of blue.
  • Severe symptoms such as constant vomiting, rapid heartbeat, dehydration manifests itself when a secondary infection occurs.

Coronavirus gives similar symptoms to parvovirus, only they are weaker and do not debilitate the pet as much. Coronavirus enteritis rarely leads to death, only in 10%.


Enteritis in a dog can only be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian, having previously undergone tests to detect the virus. Coronavirus can be treated with the same medications as parvovirus. Treatment of enteritis at home consists of:

  • The animal should be completely at rest; it does not need to be fed, but it must be provided with fresh water in constant access.
  • You can do an enema with Vaseline oil, it helps remove infections from the body and is not absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Can not use sunflower oil, because it can worsen the pet’s condition.
  • Analgin, No-spa can relieve pain.
  • Saline solution will help with dehydration.
  • Sulphocamphocaine will help support your dog's heart function.
  • Astringents and antiemetics will help prevent dehydration.
  • Antibiotics help fight secondary infections.
  • After improvement occurs, you can start feeding your pet beef broth. If he is so weak that he cannot eat on his own, then you can feed him with a syringe, carefully introducing the broth into the animal’s mouth. It is better to give food in small portions several times a day, because the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. In addition to broth, your diet can include boiled vegetables and cooked rice.
  • If treatment lasts 1 week, then you need to refrain from fermented milk products. Also, smoked foods, spicy and fatty meats, any fish and bones, as well as sweets are excluded for a long time. When treatment lasts more than 3 weeks, you can gradually return to your previous diet.

All medicines should be administered only by injection, since tablets with this disease are not absorbed in full.

When caring for a dog, you need to remember about hygiene measures; of course, the canine coronavirus is not transmitted to humans, but in addition to it, vomit and feces may contain other pathogenic bacteria. Timely vaccination will help protect your animal from this serious disease, but it does not provide a complete guarantee, because even a pet that has recovered from the disease can become ill with this disease again.