Anemia - symptoms and treatment. What should you know about severe anemia? Used to treat mild anemia

Anemia is a pathological condition of the body characterized by a decrease in hematocrit and hemoglobin, as well as a decrease in erythrocytes (red blood cells). An obligatory sign of anemia is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, while sometimes the number of red blood cells may remain the same.

Ten to twenty percent of the population (mostly women) have different kinds anemia. The most common anemia is due to iron deficiency. They make up 90 percent of all anemias. Somewhat less often - anemia that occurs when chronic diseases, even less often - megaloblastic anemia (deficiency folic acid or vitamin B12), aplastic and hemolytic. Sometimes there is a combination of megaloblastic with a lack of vitamin B12 and iron deficiency.

There are several types of anemia:

  • hemolytic;
  • anemia due to increased destruction of red blood cells;
  • anemia due to chronic diseases;
  • sideroblastic;
  • megaloblastic;
  • iron deficiency;
  • aplastic, anemia caused by a violation of the production of red blood cells;
  • anemia caused by acute blood loss.

According to the severity of anemia, they are divided into mild (hemoglobin above 90 g / l), moderate (hemoglobin level 90 - 70 g / l) and severe (hemoglobin below 70 g / l).

The third, severe degree, is life-threatening, as patients experience a severe deterioration general condition body, blood thinning occurs, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted.

Symptoms of anemia

With any type of anemia, patients experience irritability, decreased performance, increased fatigue, and weakness. There are headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, "flies" flash before the eyes. Even with a slight physical activity there is shortness of breath, palpitations, frequent seizures angina. In people suffering from anemia, dry and pale skin, sometimes with a bluish tint, also unnaturally pale and mucous membranes.

Diagnosis of anemia

To detect anemia, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and donate blood for clinical analysis necessary to determine: the level of platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin, reticulocytes, etc. If a blood test showed a decrease in hemoglobin, then to determine the exact type of anemia, such additional research like colonoscopy, gastroscopy, CT scan and others.

Anemia treatment

Treatment for any type of severe anemia depends on the underlying factors. best results can be achieved by introducing the individual missing substances to the patient. For example, when pernicious anemia make injections of vitamin B12, with iron deficiency - prescribe iron-containing drugs and so on.

Anemia due to chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism, kidney disease, arthritis, infections, cancer, and due to a decrease in red blood cell production is often mild, and special treatment does not require. If the underlying disease is cured, it will also have a beneficial effect on anemia. In some cases, it becomes necessary to cancel drugs that suppress hematopoiesis (antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs).

Severe forms of anemia are treated in a hospital. In urgent cases, when it is necessary to restore the volume of blood, the required amount of hemoglobin, and in case of exacerbation of chronic anemia, a blood transfusion is performed. Specially processed liver extracts, vitamin B6, male sex hormones, adrenal corticosteroid derivatives sometimes help with anemia, the cause of which could not be determined.


Higher education:


Samara State medical University(SamGMU, KMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:


Russian Medical Academy Postgraduate Education

Degrees of anemia, classification and stages of its development: at least elementary knowledge about this disease must be, first of all, for women who are going to know the joy of motherhood, as well as for young mothers. Why this particular category of our readers? We will talk about this a little lower. In the meantime, we recall that anemia is a pathological condition circulatory system, expressed in a decrease in the hemoglobin content in red blood cells.

The main factors that provoke the disease are:

  1. deficiency in the human body of some vital trace elements and vitamins - iron, folic acid and vitamin B 12. Accordingly, iron deficiency anemia is distinguished (by the way, this form of anemia occurs most often - in about eight out of ten clinical cases), as well as B - twelve deficiency and folic acid deficiency of its variety;
  2. the second factor is profuse blood loss, which can be acute or chronic. In this case, we are dealing with posthemorrhagic anemia;
  3. the third factor is genetic predisposition, transferred viral infections, chemical substances or certain drugs can cause aplastic anemia;
  4. another culprit is the process of breaking down red blood cells (hemolysis). This type of disease is called hemolytic.

If in a nutshell to describe the reaction of these factors to human body, we get the following clinical picture: supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the organs and tissues of the patient is delayed or disturbed, provoking one or another degree of severity of the disease. More about this.

The main indicators for the classification of anemia are the following:

  • development mechanism;
  • degree of severity;
  • color index;
  • morphological feature;
  • the ability of the bone marrow to regenerate.

Three stages of the disease

The stages of anemia are intermediate transition states through which the disease progresses.

The first stage, called prelatent iron deficiency, is characterized by a constant decrease in its supply in tissues, and the amount of iron obtained from food also decreases. The hemoglobin content remains within the acceptable range.

The second stage is a latent iron deficiency. In the course of it, not only the amount of stored iron decreases sharply, but also the concentration in the blood serum.

The third stage registers a total severe lack of iron in the body; while the hemoglobin level is greatly reduced. In parallel, the percentage of red blood cells in the blood is reduced. This is how a disease called iron deficiency anemia begins.

Severity of anemia

The severity is one of the most important classifications of this disease. It directly depends on the amount of hemoglobin in the blood cells and can be diagnosed only after appropriate laboratory tests.

According to the severity, the following stages of anemia are distinguished:

  • Light(anemia 1). It is characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, however, by no more than 20 percent of the norm;
  • Medium(anemia 2). Registered when its level drops to 40 percent of the optimal;
  • heavy(anemia 3). At the same time, hemoglobin falls by more than 40 percent of the standard value.

Symptoms of mild anemia

Main mild symptoms anemia are:

  • frequent ailments;
  • fatigue, weakness, observed mainly in the morning and evening hours;
  • apathetic attitude to ongoing events;
  • unwillingness, and often - the inability to concentrate;
  • permanent decline in performance.

Risks associated with anemia 1

In anemia 1, the following are most at risk:

Attention! If the child's behavior changes such as lethargy, pallor, apathy, loss of appetite, it is urgent to take tests for helminthic infestations which you may not have even suspected!

Anemia can also be caused by problems with the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. It can also accompany certain infectious or oncological diseases.

Such a wide negative palette has its own explanation: negative stimuli external environment much easier to affect the still not fully formed - both anatomically and physiologically - the hematopoietic organs of the child. The risk is doubly increased when the disease affects expectant mothers, because this disease dangerous not only for themselves, but also - to a much greater extent - for the unborn child. The fact is that often the disease proceeds haphazardly, and its symptoms are usually attributed to the general physiological state of the pregnant woman. As a result, a woman finds out about her only after passing the appropriate blood tests, while the baby in the mother's womb is already experiencing oxygen hunger.

Complications of anemia 1

If you do not stop the disease in the bud and do not begin to treat the disease, in the future you may encounter the following complications:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • toxicosis;
  • premature birth;
  • weak labor activity;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • increased risk of bleeding.

Prevention of anemia 1

To prevent these risks and prevent the disease from becoming more serious or chronic stage, necessary:

  • balance nutrition by enriching it with iron, vitamin B 12 and other essential trace elements;
  • follow an appropriate diet.

Features of the diet for pregnant women

The diet of a pregnant woman must necessarily consist of chicken eggs, in particular, from yolks, as well as dairy products, turkey meat, beef liver, almonds, cocoa and some other products. Moreover, the iron-containing food in her diet should increase quantitatively as it approaches the time of resolution from the burden.

By the way, such a diet is an excellent prevention also for healthy women and is recommended already in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Anemia treatment 1

Effective treatment for first-degree anemia involves, in addition to diet, drug therapy, since from medicines The body absorbs many times more iron than when eating. Intravenous or intramuscular injections of iron may also be given. If a long-term use iron-containing preparations did not give tangible results, therefore, it is not a matter of iron deficiency anemia and one should look for other causes of the disease described above.

If the problem is a deficiency of vitamin B 12, it is urgent to enrich the menu with milk, eggs, hard cheeses, seafood, liver, kidneys. In the case of folic acid deficiency anemia, supplements containing folic acid are prescribed, and the presence of fresh fruit, cauliflower, greens, broccoli, whole grain cereals.

Symptoms of moderate anemia

With anemia medium degree severity, there is an even greater drop in hemoglobin content, leading to an increase in the number of concomitant sores, therefore, to additional anemic symptoms, expressed as follows:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • decrease in the ability of the myocardium of the heart to contract;
  • noise and whistling in the ears;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • drop in sex drive.

If there is also a deficiency of minerals and amino acids in the body, we are dealing with a multifactorial anemia of the second degree of severity, in some cases accompanied by oxygen starvation (scientifically speaking, hypoxia) of all tissues of the body. With this type of anemia, additional symptoms may appear:

  • swelling appears in the form of bags around the eyes;
  • acquire pallor mucous membranes and skin;
  • the patient sees flashing dots;
  • memory is rapidly deteriorating.

Anemia treatment 2

In addition to drug therapy for iron deficiency anemia with iron-containing compounds and the required vitamins, it is recommended:

  • balanced diet;
  • maximum possible access to fresh air.

Symptoms of severe anemia

Severe anemia is the most difficult to treat and poses an immediate danger to human life.

Characteristic additional symptoms of anemia of the third degree:

  • nails begin to crumble and hair break and fall off;
  • there is a change taste sensations food, there is a desire to taste inedible materials, for example, lime or earth;
  • there are violations of the function of the cardiovascular system;
  • immunity decreases;
  • there is a cold snap and a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs, up to complete numbness;
  • frequent attacks of tachycardia;
  • almost always there is severe shortness of breath;
  • there is a gradual atrophic changes in the muscles;
  • stomatitis may occur;
  • problems begin with the healing of the mucous membranes and skin. She starts to peel and itch.
  • the patient suffers from urinary incontinence;
  • cyanosis of the whites of the eyes appears;
  • there are permanent increases in temperature, reaching 37.5 degrees.

Pregnant anemia 3 threatens with the appearance of uterine and placental dystrophy, and for the unborn baby - holding the breath, the development of infectious diseases.

Risks for Children with Severe Anemia

For children, the most serious hazards are:

  • physical and mental development is inhibited;
  • there are interruptions in the heart rate;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • following a decrease in immunity, frequent diseases appear.

Treatment of severe anemia

Treatment of anemia 3 is usually done in stationary conditions and includes extensive medical therapy and red blood cell transfusion, after which it is necessary to take measures to maintain optimal level hemoglobin.

Anemia is a fairly common phenomenon, women are more prone to the appearance of the disease. This pathological condition is not an independent disease, it is a consequence of a disorder in the body. Decreased hemoglobin levels in erythrocytes are various reasons, severity and types of pathology. Anemia 1 degree - what is it? So doctors designate a mild degree pathological condition which is usually treated successfully.

Causes of anemia

A disease in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is known in medicine as anemia. What is anemia? This folk term has nothing to do with the total amount of blood in the human body. The main role in the development of pathology is played by the iron-containing protein hemoglobin, or rather its amount. With a significant decrease in the amount of protein, we can talk about the occurrence of anemia.

There are many reasons why pathology develops:

  • Congenital or acquired dysfunction of the body to the formation of red blood cells. Sometimes, as a result of a disease or a hereditary factor, red blood cells become deformed (bulging, large, small, etc.) or the body simply produces an insufficient number of them. As a result, anemia develops.
  • Violation of the enzymatic composition of erythrocytes can be a congenital pathology.
  • Wholesome healthy nutrition plays important role not only for slim figure but also for the process of hematopoiesis. Lack of vitamin C, B12, folic acid or iron provokes the development of anemia. Starvation and insufficient intake of nutrients (veganism, strict diets, etc.) are a direct path to anemia.
  • Sometimes a malfunction in the body is due to physical injuries, burns or frostbite. The stress that trauma gives changes chemical composition blood and possible manifestation of anemia. The physical ailment should be treated first.
  • Poisons and some types of antibiotics can significantly inhibit the functions of the body.
  • The composition of the blood can seriously change under the influence of radiation. Also, anemia is often diagnosed in patients undergoing radio and chemotherapy.
  • Serious infectious, inflammatory and chronic diseases lead to the development of anemia. Also malignant neoplasms inhibit hematopoietic function.

Anemia 1 degree - what is it? Initial or early form pathological condition. Most often, this type of pathological condition is determined by a blood test as a result of a routine medical examination. Signs of deficiency of iron-containing protein are not expressed and are written off by a person for ordinary fatigue.

Disease types

Exists different classification anemia. For treatment, it is important not to lay down the diagnosis, but also to find out the cause of the pathology. Depending on this, appropriate therapy is prescribed. First of all, nutrition is corrected. Depending on the severity of the disease, appropriate medications are prescribed.

Iron deficiency anemia, as the name implies, is associated with a lack of iron. Anemia 1 degree is characterized by a slight decrease in iron in the blood. The consequences of the disease will not be long in coming, they appear from the beginning of the development of the pathology and only get worse in the future.

This type of pathology is caused by malnutrition(lack of animal proteins in the diet), impaired absorption of iron, increased need for an element (pregnancy, etc.) or significant loss of iron (bleeding).

A lack of vitamin B-12 leads to B-12 deficiency anemia. This occurs as a result of insufficient content of B-12 in food, the course of a serious disease (cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.), multiple pregnancy. Severe anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency is treated intramuscular injections and special meals.

When the hemoglobin in the blood decreases as a result of a decrease in the concentration of folic acid, doctors diagnose folic acid deficiency anemia. The reason for this may be insufficient intake of the substance with food, malabsorption or loss of folic acid due to illness. The sick person feels weak and tired, skin covering becomes pale.

Aplastic anemia is associated with a defect in the development of the bone marrow, which may be congenital or acquired. As a result, the overall function of the formation of blood cells, both erythrocytes and others, suffers.

This may be due to damage to the body by HIV, autoimmune and other diseases, as well as the action of certain drugs.

Hemolytic anemia occurs due to the premature destruction of red blood cells. Red blood cells do not die before Bone marrow manages to develop new ones. The cause may be defects in the structure and synthesis of cells. Tachycardia, abdominal pain, and yellowness of the skin are added to typical symptoms.

Severity of anemia

According to the severity of anemia are divided into 3 types. The stages of anemia differ in the concentration of iron-containing protein in red blood cells, which reflects the blood test. According to the level of iron-containing protein, the patient's health status is assessed. Normal hemoglobin is 120–140 g/L. in women and 130-160 g / l. in men. When anemia occurs, the normal rate begins to decline.

  • Anemia of the 1st degree is the initial stage of the pathological state of the blood. The consequences of this form of pathology are not expressed, the symptoms may be mild. However, it should be borne in mind that in the absence of qualified assistance, the state of health will deteriorate and the manifestation of symptoms will intensify. The indicator of iron-containing protein does not fall below 90 g / l. At this stage, a person may feel fatigue, weakness, slight ailments, and a decrease in appetite. Children become moody and whiny, adults tend to keep their emotions under control.
  • Anemia of the 2nd degree is a more serious condition. Anemia of moderate severity is a kind of transitional period between minor disorders and the development of a severe form of pathology. During the second stage of pathology discomfort intensify. In this case, the person can no longer ignore the signs of anemia and, as a rule, goes to the doctor. With anemia moderate hemoglobin is contained within 90–70 g/l. A person has headaches, dizziness, impotence. This is due to the fact that the cells of the body receive less oxygen, which is carried throughout the body by red blood cells. The skin becomes dry, pale or slightly icteric. There may be complaints of tachycardia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Anemia of the 3rd degree is the most severe form of the disease, which is subject to immediate and thorough treatment. The absence of any treatment threatens with serious consequences for the health of the patient. The most severe condition can lead to the death of the patient. Hemoglobin falls below 70 g/l. Nails and hair change structure and become brittle, hands and feet get cold and often go numb. The liver and spleen increase in size.


Severe anemia has Negative consequences for the body, in some cases up to lethal outcome. Treatment of the third stage of the disease usually requires hospitalization, while mild form diseases are quickly cured at home. Anemia is dangerous, primarily because red blood cells cannot fully provide the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen and nutrients.

At first, violations may not be noticeable, but they occur from the first stage and intensify over time:

  • As a result of an anemic disease, a person constantly feels tired and depressed. Over time, irritability and neurological disorders appear.
  • Immunity is significantly reduced, the number of leukocytes decreases. The person becomes susceptible to infections and often gets sick.
  • The pathological process progresses at the cellular level. AT initial stage it affects the skin, then spreads to epithelial cells internal organs. There may be disturbances in the work of the heart, digestive system etc.
  • An increase in the liver and swelling of the extremities as a result of a deficiency of iron-containing protein in anemia gives an additional burden to the body.


Various degrees of anemia suggest completely different treatment. Anemia mild degree can be successfully cured by taking a complex of vitamins and a special, nutritious diet. It all depends on the result of the blood test, if the decrease in hemoglobin is insignificant, then the treatment will be quite simple, but effective. To establish the diagnosis, a blood test is performed first.

This type of study determines the quantitative and qualitative index of red blood cells and measures the hemoglobin in them.

With anemia of 1 degree, the diet changes first of all. Any diets, vegetarianism and other restrictions are excluded at least for the duration of treatment. You should eat enough of the foods recommended by your doctor. In addition, the intake of missing substances is prescribed. The drugs are very effective, for example, iron tablets are absorbed by the body 15-20 times better than iron from food.

Severe anemia is treated under the supervision of a doctor in the hospital. This condition is fraught with danger to the life of the patient. Missing vitamins and substances are taken in the form of tablets or injections are prescribed. In some cases, a red blood cell transfusion may be performed. it effective method quickly increase the number of healthy red blood cells with a normal protein content in the patient's body.

Features of nutrition and prevention

For people who receive insufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients, doctors recommend increasing the intake of missing substances by two or more times. Typically, the list of products recommended by a doctor includes the following products:

  • Meat and meat sausages should definitely be included in the diet, especially for children. As healthy eating meat can be stewed, baked or boiled, homemade sausages can be prepared from lean meat. The liver is especially useful
  • Fish should be eaten at least twice a week.
  • Bread is best baked with whole grain flour.
  • From plant food germinated wheat germ, spinach, parsley, fennel, beets, Brussels sprouts are recommended.
  • Useful nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame, etc.
  • In summer, the diet should include blackcurrants, apricots, and other seasonal berries and fruits.

You should carefully listen to the body and not ignore fatigue and depression. By characteristics it is possible to suspect the development of anemia, start treatment on time and not bring the pathology to a severe form. With frequent ailments and constant fatigue you should immediately consult a doctor and take the necessary tests.

The division of anemia according to severity makes it possible to classify the disease, define the state of health and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Exists a large number of types of this pathology and it is very important to high-quality diagnostics. However, in most cases, a person simply needs to eat well and keep their body in shape to stay healthy.

In contact with

There are several degrees of severity of anemia, and all of them are characterized by unequal symptoms and the consequences that they can lead to.

Classification of anemia by severity (WHO)

This disease is usually differentiated into three degrees of anemia, the names of which are already known from previous articles: mild, moderate and severe. As for the mild degree, in this case, the hemoglobin mark is in the range from 119 to 90 g / l. With a degree of severity, which is usually called medium, the boundaries of such an indicator as hemoglobin will be as follows: from 89 to 70 g / l. Finally, with the last degree of anemia, the protein will become less than 70 g / l.

With the last degree of anemia, the consequences for the body are quite serious. With the first two degrees, the main problem of a sick patient is usually that he cannot fully live and work due to constant fatigue.

What should be considered when talking about anemia in general? Classification of anemia by severity also suggests that an adjustment for hemoglobin levels in women, men and children, as well as the elderly, will be made, since hemoglobin levels are also associated with age and sex.

The same can also be called the severity of anemia by hemoglobin.

Hypochromic anemia: severity

Hypochromic anemia is as follows:

  1. Iron deficiency. This is the most common. Such anemia is caused by small bleeding in the chronic stage, defects gastrointestinal tract, in which the absorption of iron is impaired and a lack of iron in the diet entering the body. In addition, this condition can be observed during the period of bearing a baby.
  2. This type is diagnosed positive effect iron therapy, hypochromia, low level serum iron, falling level of the color index;
  3. Iron-saturated anemia, or, as it is called otherwise, sideroachrestic. In this case, iron is present in the blood in normal amount, but due to certain reasons, its absorption is disturbed. For this reason, the formation of hemoglobin does not occur. The disease appears when a person is poisoned by chemical poisons, mainly of an industrial nature. In addition, it may occur due to several drugs.

This hypochromic anemia is diagnosed with hypochromia, a normal indicator of serum iron in the blood, ineffective therapy with iron-containing drugs, and a reduced color index.

The last degree of hypochromic anemia is called iron-distributive anemia. In this case, during the destruction of red blood cells, too much iron accumulates in the blood. The disease can be diagnosed by the lack of effectiveness of iron therapy, normal iron, erythrocyte hypochromia, reduced hemoglobin levels.

The classification of iron deficiency anemia by severity will coincide with the classification proposed by WHO. Iron deficiency anemia and hemoglobin severity suggest prescription various treatments at every stage.

Severity of anemia in children

The classification of severity in children (under five years of age) is also carried out according to hemoglobin and looks like this:

  1. Children's anemia of the first degree of severity - the hemoglobin mark is in the range from 90 to 110 g / l, and if we are talking about babies up to six months, then this diagnosis it will be possible to put if the protein level is less than 90 g / l;
  2. Childhood anemia, the second in severity - the amount of protein in this case is in the range from 70 to 90 g / l;
  3. Children's anemia of severe severity - the mark of the protein content is less than 70 g / l.

Anemia in pregnancy: severity

Different points of view present different indicators of hemoglobin concentration for pregnant women, which can be considered abnormal. Below is one of these classifications:

  1. The first, or severity of anemia in women, called mild, in position implies hemoglobin limits from 110 to 92 g / l;
  2. The second, otherwise referred to as the average degree of leakage, anemia in women bearing a child is characterized by hemoglobin boundaries from 91 to 72 g / l;
  3. Severe, or as it is called differently, the last (third) degree of anemia, in which hemoglobin drops to 71 g / l and below.

Anemia (severity by hemoglobin level): treatment

Appropriate diagnosis and procedures for its implementation, which are designed to determine the treatment of anemia by severity, involves taking into account quantitative indicators hemoglobin and orientation to the choice of therapy based on these values.

  1. The first thing that will be discussed is the implementation of the treatment of anemia of the first degree of severity. In this case, it is necessary first of all to normalize the supply and special diet, which will contain an adequate amount of iron. If such a measure is not effective, it will be necessary to resort to taking specialized preparations that contain iron and other vitamins and minerals that contribute to its absorption;
  2. Treatment of anemia of the second degree of severity also involves the normalization of nutrition, its enrichment and competent planning in conjunction with taking medicines that contain iron. You should also start taking vitamin B12. However, it is difficult to say right off the bat which drug is better, since only a doctor, making a conclusion about the tests and the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and also taking into account individual characteristics the patient, can decide on the advisability of using one or another remedy;
  3. Anemia of the last degree and its treatment is a very serious matter that cannot be helped by normalizing the diet or taking supplements. If the case of the course of the disease has gone so far, then it may be logical to use a blood transfusion.

Thus, it becomes obvious that it is better not to allow anemia to flow into a neglected, severe form. It is important to diagnose it at the initial stage and urgently begin proper treatment. This will help to avoid many complications in the future, which will cause serious harm body.

Anemia or anemia, in fact, is not independent disease. This is a condition that includes a complex of clinical and hematological syndromes, which are united only by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Adequate treatment of pathology depends on how quickly anemia progresses - the severity of anemia is determined in accordance with the number of cells of the coloring pigment of red blood cells.

What are the degrees of severity of anemia according to the level of hemoglobin?

The described condition, taking into account clinical manifestations, can be of 3 degrees of severity:

  1. Light. The concentration of hemoglobin in the blood ranges from 90 to 120 g/L.
  2. Average. The level of coloring pigment is 70-90 g/l.
  3. Heavy. The amount of hemoglobin is greatly reduced, up to 70 g/l.

Consider the progression of the disease in more detail.

Symptoms and treatment of mild anemia

Most often, minor anemia does not manifest itself in any way and is discovered by chance, upon receipt of the results of a blood test.

Sometimes Iron-deficiency anemia mild severity is accompanied by such signs:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent ailments;
  • weakness, especially in the evening and in the morning;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • poor performance.

A slight decrease in hemoglobin levels is amenable to diet therapy. For its implementation, it is necessary to draw up a complete and balanced diet nutrition. The diet must include foods rich in B vitamins and iron.

Signs and treatment of moderate anemia

A more intense decrease in hemoglobin concentration is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • palpitations (periodically);
  • shortness of breath even with minor physical and emotional stress;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased libido.

very pronounced clinical manifestations has polyfactorial anemia of moderate severity, since this condition is accompanied by a deficiency of not only iron, but also vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Hypoxia develops ( oxygen starvation) of all tissues of the body, including the brain. Therefore, patients suffering from this type of anemia may additionally note:

  • puffiness around the eyes ("bags");
  • pallor of mucous membranes and skin;
  • flickering dots before the eyes;
  • poor bending of the knees, elbows;
  • memory deterioration.

Progressive anemia should be treated according to its form, cause, and intensity of symptoms. In addition to the diet, with moderate pathology, oral medication with a high concentration of iron and mineral complexes is necessary.

What are the manifestations and therapeutic methods for severe anemia?

The most difficult type of anemia to treat is characterized by all the previously listed symptoms and the following additional features:

Depending on the form of anemia and the factors that provoke it, a comprehensive therapeutic approach is being developed. As a rule, iron deficiency, hemolytic and multifactorial anemia of severe severity is subject only to inpatient treatment under constant medical supervision.