Pension payments to disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. Increasing disability pensions What year pension will be for disabled people

A person may become disabled due to an injury, health condition, or genetic characteristics. People with disabilities additional state protection is needed. Some of them can work, providing themselves with everything they need, but some, due to their individual characteristics or age, cannot do this. In this case, they are paid a social disability pension through the Pension Fund.

What is a disability pension benefit?

The word “disability” means a person’s condition in which he has limitations that do not allow him to fully function in society due to various injuries or physical, mental, mental or sensory features development of the body. To recognize a citizen as a person with disabilities, a number of medical and legal procedures are necessary. Such people are provided with special rights, and the state at the federal and regional levels provides them with benefits, payments and subsidies.

Disability pension is a fixed cash benefit paid monthly by the state to citizens with partial working capacity. Allowance in 2018 is assigned to persons who have been assigned disability category 1, 2 or 3 and have never worked. The payment occurs throughout the entire period during which the person is recognized as having limitations in his or her life activity due to specific features body.

In what cases is a social pension awarded?

A payment that is guaranteed by the state and to which Russian citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation are entitled is social pension. Unlike other payments, to receive funds there are no requirements for work experience, because a disabled person who has worked even for a minimum amount of time receives a labor (insurance) pension.

To assign a social disability pension in 2018, several conditions must be met:

  • Permanently reside in one of the regions of the Russian Federation. Citizens who leave the country for permanent residence lose the right to receive social support.
  • Do not have work experience or length of service (unlike other types of pension payments received by military personnel, liquidators of accidents at nuclear power plants, residents of besieged Leningrad and other persons with the possibility of early retirement);
  • Document the status of a person with disabilities.

Who is eligible for social security disability benefits?

Citizens who have been disabled since childhood and have reached adulthood, disabled children, and persons who have received a disability but have never been employed have the right to apply for a social disability pension in 2018. These include people with disabilities:

  • 1 groups that require constant inspection by other people due to the inability to move and care for themselves;
  • 2 groups that do not need constant assistance and are able to take care of themselves, but do not have the opportunity to be employed or earn money in any other way;
  • 3 groups that can take care of themselves independently, but have restrictions for carrying out certain work activities;
  • disabled children without taking into account the category of disability assigned to them;
  • disabled since childhood.

Conditions of appointment

A disabled person is a person with psychophysical limitations for full-time work activity. To be recognized as a person with disabilities, one must undergo a medical and rehabilitation examination commission, and, if necessary, after a certain period of time, confirm the received status. A referral for a commission is issued by the attending physician.

The basis for obtaining the status of a person with disabilities is based on the following aspects:

  • impairment of health status due to dysfunction of the body (this includes injuries, acquired diseases, hereditary diseases);
  • the need to apply for a pension or receive benefits;
  • limited vital activity, inability to work, inability to partially or fully care for oneself and control one’s actions.

To receive a social disability pension in 2018 you must:

  1. Contact your local doctor or a body specified by law.
  2. Get a referral to MREK.
  3. Pass the commission.
  4. Receive documents in hand.
  5. Contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of registration or a multifunctional center.
  6. Write an application, attaching Required documents.
  7. Start getting paid.

Medical and social examination

To obtain a disability group, they undergo a special examination - a medical and social examination (MSE). The referral is issued by a specialist from a medical institution, the form of ownership of which does not matter. The referral can be obtained from the representative office of the social security and pension authorities. If a citizen was refused there, he can independently contact the ITU bureau.

Medical and social examination is carried out without charging a fee to the citizen, using funds allocated within the framework of the basic program of compulsory health insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation. The examination process is recorded and consists of several stages:

  1. Familiarization of the citizen with all the nuances of conducting MSE.
  2. Medical examination of the applicant.
  3. Study of documents provided to the commission.
  4. Analysis of social, everyday, labor, professional, psychological data of a person.

The decision to assign a disability group to a citizen is made by a majority vote of all members of the commission. After this, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the head of the bureau. The verdict is announced to the patient or his legal representative in the presence of all members of the commission, and if he disagrees with the decision, the citizen has the right to file an appeal to the bureau that conducted the ITU or the head office and undergo the examination again within 1 month.

The social disability pension in 2018 is calculated based on the assigned disability category:

  1. The first group is the most difficult degree, which is assigned to persons with significant impairments of body functions. It is difficult for such people to move, communicate, undergo training, control own actions. They are not able to take care of themselves, so they need help from outsiders. More often these are unemployed people (the exception may be the blind and deaf-mute).
  2. Citizens assigned to the second group are able to serve themselves independently. They can work, but they must be subject to reduced working hours, reduced output and additional breaks. The category is assigned to persons with serious consequences after injuries, having a height below 150 cm, disabled minors etc.
  3. People are able to take care of themselves, but sometimes they need the help of social workers. Persons with the third group have problems with the proper functioning of one or another organ, which leads to the inability to associate normally in society.

Passing re-examination

After the disability group has been established, the person is issued a document confirming the disability. Additionally, the citizen receives a recovery program. Data on the award of a degree is sent to the Pension Fund. Disability can be awarded on an indefinite basis, but, as a rule, the following terms are established:

  • Group 1 – 24 months;
  • Group 2 – 12 months;
  • Group 3 – 12 months.

According to the latest changes, children are assigned a group for 1, 2 or 5 years or until they reach their 18th birthday. Lifelong disability is assigned to pensioners and some people if it is not possible to reduce or eliminate the limitations of their life activities. To confirm or cancel the assigned degree, regular re-examinations are carried out. Provided that a person has received a lifelong group, he can apply to re-pass the ITU at his own request or upon the direction of his attending physician.

What does the state disability pension consist of?

Payments to citizens with disabilities in 2018 are calculated after they are assigned a category of disability, and neither age, nor gender, nor the presence of work activity are taken into account. Taking care of people with disabilities, the state has provided additional funding measures. Social disability pension in 2018 is not only a standard payment provided by the state, but also:

  • material aid;
  • monthly cash payment;
  • social services;
  • privileges.

Pension for disabled people depending on group

The social disability pension in 2018 directly depends on the group assigned to the person and the area in which the person lives. Since each region has its own coefficient or surcharge, the amount of the pension payment will be different everywhere. Residents of the Far North and equivalent areas will receive more than residents of Krasnodar.

According to statistics, representatives of the first group receive the most, and disabled people of the third group receive the lowest allowance:

Monthly cash payment

EDV is a kind of financial assistance from the state, which is provided for individual categories persons It is intended not only for support, but also serves as compensation if the beneficiary refuses a set of free services. A range of services is provided in in kind, but it can be fully or partially replaced by a cash payment. To do this, you must notify the Pension Fund of your desire before October 1. The solution can be changed by at will, but this can be done no more than once a year.

  • security medicines And medical products– 807.94 rub.;
  • free travel on suburban and intercity transport to the place of treatment and back – 116.04 rubles;
  • provision of vouchers to Spa treatment– 124.99 rub.

The amount of EDV depends on the list of services that the citizen has chosen from the NSO. Based on the balance, the exact amount of EDV will be calculated. The amount of the monthly cash payment is reviewed every year. The last time the value was indexed was in February 2017, when the following values ​​were set:

Set of social services

People with disabilities are not always able to care for themselves. According to the law, persons with disabilities in 2018 have the right to receive social recruitment services in kind. It means that old man receives a service (purchase of medicines, receipt of a voucher, travel on public transport) free of charge. Money for assistance is allocated from the federal budget. In addition to the social package, citizens old age can receive for free:

  • systematic observation to identify deviations (deterioration of health) and provide health-improving measures;
  • social services;
  • rendering psychological assistance;
  • organizing care and maintaining an adequate level of health;
  • assistance in employment;
  • free consultations lawyer;
  • provision of activities for social adaptation.

Amount of disability pension in 2018

The amount of pension payments to people with disabilities is determined by law. The social disability pension will be revised upward in 2018. Its size depends on the cost of living in the region, so an additional payment is always set to this value. In addition, the group assigned to the disabled person and the possibility of receiving compensation for a set of social services are taken into account.

Social pension in 2018 for disabled people

The last increase in social pensions occurred on April 1, 2017. Then the following average values ​​were established:

For example, consider the following situation. Since April 2017, a person disabled in the first group since childhood has been awarded an allowance of 12,082.06 rubles. Additionally, he uses a set of social services, so his monthly cash payment is 2,489.55 rubles. In total, he is entitled to 14,571 rubles monthly from the Pension Fund. 61 kopecks.

Additional payment up to the cost of living

When moving to a new place of residence, a person with disabilities is assigned a pension taking into account the characteristics of the new region. In some regions, it may not reach the subsistence level established there. In this case, citizens with disabilities are entitled to an increase to this tariff. They come in two types:

  • Federal. They are financed from the state budget and paid through the Pension Fund. They are assigned if the payment amount does not reach the national average. Today, people with disabilities receive supplements to social pensions mainly in the form of a federal supplement.
  • Regional. An increase is assigned if the cost of living budget is higher than the established pension allowance. This situation is typical for subjects with high level income of the population (Moscow, northern regions of Russia).

Indexation in 2018

Every year the government reviews the size of pensions, including those for disability. Since allowances relate to social payments, indexation occurs in the month of April. The social disability pension in 2018 will be increased on average by 4.1 percent, taking into account the inflation rate. The basic amount will rise from 5034.25 to 5240.65 rubles. Regarding the issue of increase or recalculation individual species additional payments - the situation will largely depend on the capacity of the federal and regional budgets and the average inflation rate in the country.

How to apply

In 2018, all disabled citizens who are incompetent, regardless of gender and social status, can apply for a disability pension. Social subsidies for people with disabilities are provided without regard to whether they have reached retirement age or not. It is worth emphasizing that social pensions are paid to disabled people who were not employed. Those citizens who worked unofficially can also apply, i.e. the employer did not pay contributions to the Pension Fund for them, so they have no insurance experience.

In order for a disability group pension to be assigned in 2018, you must contact the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration of the applicant. The entire registration process consists of several steps:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents.
  2. Submit the papers to the Pension Fund representative for the region.
  3. Wait for an answer.
  4. Start receiving pension benefits.

Where to contact

To resolve the issue of calculating a social disability pension in 2018, you must contact specialists from the territorial office of the Pension Fund or a multifunctional center. If a person is able to move independently, he can do everything himself. To do this, you need to go to the Pension Fund or MFC branch and write an application, attaching all the necessary documents to it. The specialist of the selected structure must attest to the date of acceptance of the documents by marking it on the application and confirming everything with his signature.

Documents can be sent by post. To do this, you need to put the prepared papers in an envelope and send it to a specific address with a notification and a description of the contents. When the letter arrives at the Pension Fund of Russia office, the specialist will make a mark on the return sheet, indicating the date of receipt of the documents, which will indicate the receipt of the papers.

If a person cannot fill out an application on his own, a legal representative can do it for him, but for this he must have a notarized power of attorney. A prerequisite is that when filling out an application and transferring papers through a legal representative, this fact is indicated in the application. To do this, in a special column you need to write “through a representative” and indicate his personal data.

Due to the development of technology and automation of production presses, people with disabilities can apply online to receive a social disability pension in 2018. To complete an electronic application, the applicant needs to register on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund, after which, through Personal Area submit a petition.

What documents are needed

The list of papers that will be needed is small. In order for a social disability pension to be calculated in 2018, the applicant may be asked for additional documents, but this rarely happens. More often, questions arise regarding the correctness of their design. The main ones you will need are:

  • a correctly completed application, where no errors, corrections or erasures are allowed;
  • an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a stateless person permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation (passport, residence permit);
  • SNILS;
  • an extract (certificate) of the conclusion from the ITU authorities, if it has not been delivered before this time.

The applicant is legally allowed a maximum of 10 days to review the documents. After this period, fund employees must give some kind of response. If all the papers are completed correctly, the person is informed about this and a payment is awarded to him. If a representative of the Pension Fund has comments (not all documents have been provided, there are inaccuracies and errors), he must put them in writing. In this case, 3 months are given to eliminate the comments. If the clarification work was completed in a timely manner, the special pension will be accrued from the date of the first submission of documents.

Procedure and deadline for payment of social pensions

A person with disabilities receives the very first allowance in the month that follows the month in which documents are submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund or MFC. This means that if a citizen submitted documents in October, then the first payment must be transferred to him no later than November. Social security for disabled people is assigned only after the day of the medical and social examination (the moment the right to a pension arises).

Subsequently, payments become regular – every month. A person independently chooses the method of receiving allowances and the organization through which the distribution will take place. He reports this when writing an application for social benefits. It is allowed to change the method of receiving funds by writing a corresponding application at the fund branch or through your personal account on the Pension Fund website. Today there are three sources of receiving pension payments:

  • Post office. Funds can be received directly at the branch or at home. The contract determines the specific date of transfer, but the deadlines may be shifted.
  • Bank. There are two ways to receive funds. Firstly, you can get a bank card and withdraw money from an ATM as needed or use it for non-cash payments. Secondly, you can receive cash through a bank cash desk. The pension is credited to the bank account on the day the money is received from the Pension Fund.
  • A special organization that has entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund for the delivery of pensions.


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The topic of pensions, their payments and increases is always quite acute and painful. Until we reach the age of 45, we don’t really think about it.

However, the closer we get to retirement, the more often retirement thoughts begin to visit us and we are already interested in everything connected with it.

In this article we will talk about pensions, which are not intended for everyone, but only for a special category of citizens, namely disabled people.

For them, our country provides three types of disability pension payments.

— Disability insurance pension.

The pension is assigned based on the results of a medical and social examination. It is assigned to those citizens who have work experience. Moreover, she will be appointed even if the length of service is only one day. The reason for the disability does not matter. In addition, a person can continue to work.

What you need to provide to receive this pension: an application, certificates of disability and group, and a work book indicating your length of service.

— Social disability pension.

This type of pension is assigned to disabled people who have no work experience. Moreover, this includes people with disabilities since childhood and disabled children. To receive a social pension, you will need to provide: an application, a passport and an extract from the ITU act, which indicates information about the disability group and its duration.

However, there are restrictions on place of residence and registration. Only those citizens who permanently reside in the Russian Federation will receive it.

— State disability pension.

This pension is intended only for military personnel who participated in the Second World War. In addition, it can also be received by those citizens who have become disabled as a result of various man-made and radiation disasters and astronauts.

Whether the person applying for such a pension works or not is also irrelevant.

For those disabled people who receive an insurance pension, indexation will be carried out from January 1, 2018. Moreover, the increase rate will be 3.7%. Thus, the additional payment will be 300-500 rubles.

Recipients of social pensions will be indexed from April 1 by 4.1%. Because for different groups For disabled people, the amount of payments is calculated differently; on average, the size of pensions will increase by 175-500 rubles.

The size of pensions for disabled people of group 3 varies depending on whether they receive an insurance pension or a social pension.

As already mentioned, the pension amount will increase by 3.7%. And the cost of a pension point will increase from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles.

Moreover, the amount of payments depends on whether the pension recipient has dependents or not. If there are no dependents, then the pension amount will be 2,491 rubles 45 kopecks per month. With one dependent it will be 4,152 rubles 42 kopecks, with two – 5,813 rubles 48 kopecks and with three – 7,474 rubles 34 kopecks per month.

As for recipients of social pensions, for them it will be indexed by 4.1% and this will happen on April 1. The pension amount will be 4,454.78 rubles, which is 175 rubles more than in 2017.

Group 2 disability pension. Will there be a promotion or raise?

Just like disabled people of group 3, disabled people of group 2 receive both insurance and social pensions. We have already talked about the difference in receiving them. Now let's see how much it will be in 2018.

As for the calculation of the insurance pension, it is calculated as follows:

TPPI= PC/(T x K) + B, where

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of a disabled person, which is taken into account from the day when he was assigned a labor disability pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension. If the pension was assigned in 2012, then this figure will be 216 months, and starting from 2013 - 228 months;

TO - the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months. So, this very standard duration up to 19 years of age is 12 months. After the disabled person reaches 19 years of age, it will increase by 4 months for each full year age, but not more than 180 months;

B - fixed basic amount of disability pension.

The social pension for this category is assigned for the period during which the citizen is recognized as disabled. If the disability is indefinite, then the pension can also be indefinite. Work experience also does not affect the payment of a social pension.

On a note.A disabled citizen can receive payment of only one of the specified types of pensions. At the same time, he decides for himself what type of pension he needs.

The monthly social pension is 4,959.85 rubles, and if it is assigned to a disabled person since childhood, then 9,919.73 rubles.

If a disabled person has work experience, then his insurance pension is calculated taking into account the fixed base part and his work experience.

Just as for disabled people of the third group, the size of the pension for group 2 depends on the presence and absence of dependents. If they are not there, the pension amount will be 4805.11 rubles. If there is one dependent, the pension amount will be 6406.81 rubles, two - 8008.51 rubles. and three - 9610.21 rubles.

Pension for disabled people of group 1. Latest news 2018

The first disability group is assigned to those people who are determined to be completely incapacitated. Such people need constant care.

When assigning this type of pension, age and length of service do not play any role. The size of the pension depends on the size of the consumer basket.

The size of the social pension for disabled people of the 1st category will be 9919.73 rubles, and for disabled people since childhood - 11903.51 rubles.

If a person had work experience before receiving disability, he will determine the amount of the insurance pension. You can apply for this type of pension if: following conditions:

- recognition medical examination 1 category

– having a minimum work experience (even 1 day)

given disability not related to a crime committed intentionally

The basic amount of the insurance pension is 9610.22 rubles. in the absence of dependents, 11211.92 rubles. if there is one dependent, 12813.62 rubles. – with two and 14415.32 rubles. at three.

As for disabled children, of whom there are 617 thousand in our country, pension increases for them will take place in April 2018. The indexation coefficient will be about 2.6%. The payment amount will be 12,500 rubles. Also, from February 1, they will receive EDV in the amount of 2527.06 rubles.

Amount of EDV for disability in 2018

The monthly cash payment (MAP) established for disabled people is assigned after they apply to the local division of the pension fund. It is credited to a special account and paid along with the basic pension.

In 2017, the size of the monthly allowance for different disabled groups was: for 1 - 3,538.52 rubles, for 2 - 2,508.08 rubles. and for 3 - 2,022.94 rubles. From January 1, these amounts will also be indexed to 4.1%.

By the way. In 2017, pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles as compensation for the lack of timely indexation. No such payments are planned in 2018

Labor Minister Maxim Topilin assured that there will be no disabled people in the country whose income is below the subsistence level. Additional payments are provided for them for this purpose.

In Russia, various programs are held annually to provide financial support for citizens who, due to certain circumstances, cannot lead a full-fledged lifestyle and work. Thus, the disability pension of group 2 in 2019 changed in size. Let's consider the features of accrual and other parameters of the presented type of payments.

A disability pension of the second group is assigned in accordance with the examination completed and a medical and social commission, which determines the patient’s problems and the category for receiving pension payments.

Group 2 disability pension is assigned in the following cases:

  • partial lack of mobility;
  • partial restriction in self-service;
  • inability to conduct a full-fledged labor activity– special equipment is required for installation at the workplace;
  • a sick person cannot conduct full dialogues with others without the use of special equipment;
  • the applicant cannot obtain a specialty with preliminary training in the standard way;
  • there is a need for the help of third parties to control their actions.

In addition, the second disability group is assigned to people whose illness has serious consequences and leads to the destruction of the body.

The following pathologies can be distinguished:

  • cirrhosis of the liver and lack of normal activity of the pulmonary system.
  • hypertension and other disorders with frequent exacerbations.
  • general cardiovascular failure;
  • spinal injuries and spinal cord, which resulted in paralysis and other problems in motor system– it doesn’t matter when the injury occurred ( in childhood or later).
  • brain pathologies resulting in damage to the musculoskeletal system and vision;
  • surgical treatment of oncology;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of epilepsy;
  • hearing loss and other hearing aid problems.

Some patients with disability group 2 require care, which should be taken seriously in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

Calculation of pension amount

After indexation in 2018, the amount of disability payments for group 2 increased by 4.1%. Group 2 disabled people are divided into 2 categories - citizens who have been injured or suffer from pathology since adulthood and disabled children. Depending on the category, accrual occurs in different ways.

  1. The minimum pension for adults who become disabled after reaching adulthood is 4,959.85 rubles.
  2. People with disabilities since childhood receive 9919.73 rubles. An additional payment is provided if disabled people have dependents.

The bonus is due to disabled people who have work experience - even the presence of one working day leads to the fact that the pension is calculated on the basis of work experience. Previously received wages and subsequent pension payments are taken into account.

The basic size of the labor pension for disabled people is this moment is:

  • 4805.11 rub. – in the absence of dependents;
  • RUB 6,406.81 – if there is 1 dependent;
  • 8008.51 rub. – if there are 2 dependents;
  • 9610.21 rub. – if there are 3 dependents.

Disability pension amount 2 gr. in 2018 it will be indexed again in April, by 2.9%.

Additional payments for pensioners

Pensioners who are disabled people of group 2 can count on additional payments in the amount of 1,478.09 rubles. The pension increase is also expected in April 2018 by 2.9%. The Pension Fund of Russia can increase the pension based on a citizen’s application.

Disability pension 2 gr. is calculated differently. in 2019, but for this the work experience must be at least 15 years earned in the regions of the Far North. In this case, the value of the base part is:

  • if there is one dependent – ​​5,865 rubles;
  • if there are two dependents – 7,820 rubles;
  • if there are three dependents – 9,775 rubles;

If three family members do not work, in this case it does not matter how old they are, the amount is 11,731 rubles.

The remaining disabled people of the second group are given the opportunity to use a social package. It can be received in the form of services or in monetary terms. To cash out services, you must submit an application annually, otherwise you may lose this opportunity.

You will need this information:

Social package

The social package for 2019 for disabled people of the 2nd group is 1,048.97 rubles. This amount will consist of the following values:

  • 809.94 rubles are allocated for medical care– receiving free medications with a doctor’s prescription;
  • 124.99 rubles – use of the opportunity to receive resort and sanatorium treatment;
  • 116.04 rubles – payment for travel on suburban or city public transport.

The amount of 1,048.97 rubles can be added to pension payments as a result of submitting an application to the department social protection population. The difference will be paid on the day on which the application for cashing out the social package was submitted.

Working disabled people

Working disabled people 2 gr. the pension will be assigned by the Pension Fund of Russia, but only after reaching retirement age due to old age or disability. The amount of the pension during employment remains the same. Payments to working disabled people will be considered in the standard way - for people with disabilities, even if they have a degree of pathology, no benefits are provided.

The calculation of the old age pension will be carried out according to the formula:

Pension amount = fixed amount + insurance payments + funded part.

In this case, the basic income for official employment is taken into account. Two pensions are not provided for a working disabled person - upon reaching retirement age, he will be entitled to labor payments (standard insurance pension).

Documents for registration of incapacity for work

A pension for a group 2 disabled person can only be issued upon provision of certain documents:

  • a valid passport of a Russian citizen;
  • applications on form 088/u-06 - filled out by both working and non-working citizens; members of the commission will help draw up the paper;
  • copies work book with the signature and seal of the head of the enterprise - if the pensioner is working;
  • an extract from the enterprise indicating the working conditions (required);
  • certificate from educational institution(for students);
  • documentation medical institutions who send a potential disabled person to undergo a medical and social examination;
  • SNILS;
  • Dependent's birth certificate, if available.

A referral from the attending physician will also be required to undergo the commission. It is the basis for receiving disability pension payments, therefore it must indicate the disease that gives the right to assign a group.

To re-pass the commission, you must submit previously issued results.


The article presents in detail the pension of a disabled person of group 2, its conditions, features and dimensions. Citizens who have the diseases listed above may qualify for payments upon completion of the examination and receipt of confirmation.

Providing assistance to people with disabilities, as well as older citizens, is the primary task of any worthy country. After all, the mentioned sections of the population are unable to feed themselves, unlike the working masses. This material will tell about 3 groups in 2019.

Officials promise to increase the current type of state material support as a result of the transformation. social sphere. So, what should the disabled categories of the Russian population expect in the new year?

What are the nuances of the issue under consideration?

Today, domestic the legislative framework acts as a guarantor of federal and regional social obligations. It is not difficult to understand the importance of such assistance from the state apparatus, because this is the main condition for maintaining the stability of residence of our compatriots. Otherwise, the life activity of disabled people within the bounds of their vast homeland would have considerable problems.

Municipal employees can assign a number of regional concessions, so this unprotected layer of Russians is not prevented from constantly keeping abreast of the news. As for the size of the disability pension of group 3 in 2019 in Moscow, it is quite natural increased value compared to regions remote from the capital.

So, there are three categories of disability, among which the third contains the most insignificant signs of developmental deviation. Therefore, having such light form disorders are able to perform professional duties. However, people of category 3 disability can only do a certain list of non-burdensome jobs. The amount of the benefit is determined by the group, therefore, representatives of group 3 cannot count on impressive rates.

How much is the benefit for disabled people?

The amount of group 3 disability pensions for non-working people approved by politicians in 2019 will not undergo significant changes. Only the due annual indexation will certainly be carried out in relation to the current category of our compatriots. So it makes sense to talk about making a decision to pay Russian citizens 4,279 rubles. monthly, which also applies to people with developmental defects from an early age.

The situation with labor benefits is somewhat different from the above, since in this case a certain length of service is also taken into account. The standard value of this type of material support from the state apparatus is equal to 2403 rubles regulated by law. per month. The indicated amount is valid if the pensioner does not support anyone, but when there are dependents, the amount of the benefit increases to 4004 rubles. for 1 person, up to 5606 rub. for 2 survivors and up to 7208 rubles. for 3 dependents.

From April 1 for group 3 in 2019, the disability pension, as well as all other benefits, will be indexed. Therefore, the scale of the increase will be 5.5%, the indicator coefficient adopted by employees of the highest echelons of power. So the considered stratum of citizens with disabilities should not hope for a qualitative increase in payments.

And recently, the head of government approved legitimate amendments, the essence of which is the cancellation of additional allowances and a one-time charge instead of them amounting to 5 thousand rubles. Disabled people and all other socially vulnerable categories of the Russian population will receive this money.

Incentives for employed people with disabilities

There is often a situation where disabled people are members of the working class, thereby ensuring their own material well-being. They do not only have the resources to support their native Fatherland, therefore, officials provide them with a sufficient list of concessions. Although the size of the disability pension of group 3 in 2019 for working citizens with developmental disabilities will be approximately the same as for unemployed disabled people.

In particular, these compatriots are not affected by waves of layoffs, as well as refusals at the stage of hiring for a new job. workplace due to “incompetence”. Such citizens are awarded additional vacation days and an exemption from night work applies. Existing benefits can be turned into money by filing an application for

Pension provision for citizens is an obligation assigned to the state. This is written in the code of laws of the country - the Constitution. Among disabled people in need of material support, children occupy a special place - the most dependent part of society. They have the right to cash benefits - this expense item is included in the budget. The article will discuss who falls into this category, what are the conditions for receiving funds, and what the pension will be for disabled children in 2018.

A child with limited life activity due to birth defects, injuries or mutilations is recognized as disabled and has the right to a social pension. Depending on the severity of the health condition, subsidies are provided for one, two years or until adulthood. The period is determined by a medical and social examination.

Types of assistance

In the package state support families with disabled children include:

  1. The pension as such is paid to parents or guardians caring for the child.
  2. Monthly cash payment. Its size depends on the presence, absence or partial provision of social services. This amount is not subject to indexation.
  3. Social services in kind:
    provision of prescription medications and therapeutic nutrition;
    treatment in a sanatorium with the provision of a voucher;
    free travel by land transport to and from the place of treatment; If the presence of an accompanying person is necessary, then he will be paid for the trip and round trip travel.

Conditions for receiving social assistance and required documents

According to the law Russian Federation receive a disability pension and a monthly financial assistance they have a right:

  • a child with disabilities living in Russia;
  • able-bodied parent or guardian caring for him.

Social payments are made only upon provision of a certificate of permanent residence in a specific locality. The pension is paid from the month in which the fact of disability is confirmed, other benefits - from the month of filing an application for them. To complete it, you must submit documents to the Pension Fund at your actual place of stay:

  • statement;
  • passport and identification code of the authorized representative;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of disability;
  • insurance policies for adults and children.

Procedure for assigning and receiving funds

Documents can be brought in person or sent by mail. The issue of appointment is resolved within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or the date on the envelope. If an incomplete package is provided, the submission deadline is counted from the day when all the necessary papers have been collected. The authorized person, when submitting an application, can indicate the method of delivery of the money. There are two options:

  • receive at home (brought by postal worker);
  • transferred to a bank account.

Increasing pensions for disabled children in 2018

The reality is that the prices of goods and services rise, and money depreciates. Therefore, increasing the size of the pension is vital. The only way To do this, the annual increase remains. Its value depends on the level of inflation. Indexation will definitely be carried out as planned in April 2018. Its coefficient will be according to different forecasts from 2.6 to 4%. The pension amount will be approximately 13,340 rubles. In addition, the government intends to provide additional assistance and a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

The state will continue to take care of its young citizens with poor health in 2018. Pensions will be paid in accordance with the established procedure and indexed in due time.