The benefits of Sufi whirling for the body. Sufi practices for women: exercises for purification. Features of Sufi healing practices

The geniuses of science have long been convinced that with the help drug treatment It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but only to shift the pathology from one organ to another. And only through deep personal changes does true healing become possible. Changing yourself is more of a philosophical task, which means it will require specialized knowledge and technology. These include Sufi healing exercises.

Although Sufism is essentially a philosophical direction of traditional Islam, it is so flexible and multifaceted that its entire part is reserved for the fair sex. After all, the well-being of the family and the ability to procreate will depend on their state of health.

Sufism is a mysterious branch of Islam that emphasizes self-restraint and high spirituality.

The main purpose of using Sufism is the purification of the soul and the process of developing the necessary qualities.

Sufism is a rather difficult concept to understand; in this case, one cannot do without a spiritual mentor (he is called a murshid in Islam).

Remember, everything that Sharia rejects cannot be taken as Sufism.

Features of Sufi healing practices

Performing meditations, special body movements, and breathing exercises— for all this, it is important not just mechanical repetition, but awareness of the deep essence of practice. Therefore, you will definitely need a spiritual mentor. In addition, Sufis are convinced that some practices can be performed strictly at certain times of the day.

Due to the fact that Sufi healing practices act as entire systems, it is unacceptable to perform only one or a couple of exercises - you should act comprehensively. Sufism can be successfully combined with other types of modern practices and movements. In particular, female Sufi practices of a certain age group are extremely popular.

This means that representatives of the fair sex after 50 years of age should not attend practices intended for young girls. And the point here is not the age itself, but the fact that for a certain category its own topic is selected with the most pressing issues.

What are Sufi practices for?

The main goal of the work is the awakening of divine energy, as well as its subsequent independent use. Quite unusual and very interesting way awakening energy - Sufi whirling, which are suitable for absolutely any age.

Almost every nation has in its arsenal traditional dances and games, as well as round dances. You can begin your construction of Sufi practices with ritual whirling.

Women's Sufi practices are designed to force a person to change internally, often beyond recognition. At the same time, a woman must clearly realize that she is awakening a power within herself that will radically transform her.

The main goal of Sufi practices is to change one's inner self in order to establish harmonious contact with the real world. At the same time, students realize that they are able to influence the events that happen to them and achieve harmony, first of all, with themselves

Thanks to Sufi dances and exercises, a feeling of unity with the surrounding world and the center of the universe is created. People begin to adequately relate to the Universe and live in a sense of harmony and happiness. And in this case, representatives of the fair sex will calmly relate to the troubles that happen to them, and will also be able to get rid of hatred, anger, feelings of irritation and others negative emotions. Thanks to all this, life takes on a new meaning.

Initial stages of studying Sufism

If you want to comprehend the basics of this movement and become familiar with such sacred knowledge, first of all, you need a teacher. Teachers in Sufism are called leaders, pirs, furshids or arifs.

Beginning adherents of Sufism are called murids. At the very beginning, the master offers the murids the performance of various practices, which should develop a high concentration of attention and stop the flow of different thoughts.

It should also be noted that the process of learning Sufism is largely regulated by the individual characteristics of the beginner.

Different brotherhoods vary the number of steps required to enter this religion. There are basically four main stages:

  1. Sharia, which consists in the literal implementation of all laws described by the Koran and Sunnah.
  2. Tariqa. Here you need to master special steps called poppies. A person will be required to observe repentance, prudence, restraint, patience, faith in God and submission.
  3. Marefat. A person learns further, improving his knowledge and love for God. At this stage, he already understands how important the spiritual world is for him and how material wealth is indifferent.
  4. Hakiqat. It is the highest level in Sufism. Here a person fully concentrates on the divine, he is no longer concerned about earthly problems and needs.

Effective cleansing exercises

For maximum effectiveness of training, you need to realize that the body is a conductor of the soul. This is why cleansing is so important. A person must stop experiencing hatred and anger, which gradually destroy him. For this purpose, it is necessary to use special Sufi exercises for women.

For example, the exercise of dhikr is especially popular. It is very important for this practice good mood. The woman sits with a straight back, closes her eyes and concentrates as much as possible on her body and her internal sensations. The center of attention is transferred to the solar plexus, which must always be open.

After this, the focus is transferred to the area between the eyebrows, and then shifts to the liver. This manipulation is repeated 99 times. With the help of the described method, you will successfully cope with pride and learn a good perception of the world and a feeling of love for everything that is around you.

Dance rituals in Sufism

The practice of whirling and chanting is very powerful and transformative. human consciousness beyond recognition. To perform it, simply take off your shoes and start spinning clockwise around your axis. At the same time, point your right hand towards the sky in order to receive divine energy, and your left hand goes down - this provides the necessary grounding.

It is very important to perform the spinning for a long time, at least one hour. It is necessary to ensure that the body becomes motionless during the spinning process. Keep moving until you fall. At the same time, do not try to soften your fall.

In addition, you can try different meditation practices. To do this, you need to lie down and try to eliminate all unnecessary thoughts from your head. In such a meditative state, a person should lie for about 15 minutes, while it is very important to maintain complete silence, completely detaching from real life.

Secrets of female magnetism

The second chakra gives the fair sex attractiveness and attraction, because it is responsible for pleasure and sexual attraction. Through Sufi practice you can cleanse and activate this energy center.

The practice is performed in a sitting position. It is very important that your back is straight and your eyes are closed. The hand is placed in the chest area. Breathe deeply and deeply.

At the same time, constantly think about how much you love the Universe. Create an energy flow in your body, and when exhaling, direct the energy to the 2nd chakra area. After this, the energy is directed to the feet. Finally, breathe love into yourself again and carry this energy throughout your body.

During this process, it is important to achieve a feeling of pleasure throughout your body. As a result, such a representative of the fair sex will become very attractive to men and will attract them to her like a magnet.

Now you know what Sufi practices are needed for and how to use them correctly. Use this knowledge to your advantage, and finally, be sure to watch an interesting thematic video:

There are different directions of spiritual improvement, and Sufism is one of them. It is used to cope with problems, unlock potential and better understand yourself. There are various practices that help you transform not only internally, but also externally.

What is Sufism?

The mystical movement in Islam, which preaches asceticism and increased spirituality, is called Sufism. It is used to cleanse the soul of negativity and acquire the right spiritual qualities. Sufism is a difficult direction to understand, so it is impossible to do without the help of a spiritual mentor (murshid) in the first stages. Anything that contradicts Sharia cannot be considered Sufism.

Philosophy of Sufism

The name of this direction in Persian means that there is no difference between a person and the world around him. Modern Sufism is based on a philosophy laid down from the very beginning of its creation.

  1. To live in the present, you don’t need to remember the past and look into the future, the main thing is to appreciate the moments and not worry about what will happen in an hour or a day.
  2. Sufis exist everywhere and the closer a person is to God, the more he dissolves in him and becomes the All.
  3. Sufism is transmitted from heart to heart, like something magical.
  4. God is not a person and He exists everywhere.

Psychology of Sufism

In the first stages of the formation of this movement, one of the main ideas was the purification of the soul through the practice of poverty and repentance, so the Sufis wanted to get closer to the Almighty. The principles of Sufism are based on the creation of a perfect person who is free from his Ego, and merging with Divine truth. The main directions of this practice help to improve, get rid of material dependence and serve God. It is imperative that the principles of this movement rely on the teachings of the Koran and follow the ideas of the Prophet Muhammad.

Esoteric Sufism

People who have decided to take the path of knowing God should not lead a detached and ascetic lifestyle, since Sufis believe that worldly life provides the best chance to know and change oneself. At the heart of the presented movement is divine love, which is considered as the only energy and force that can lead to God. The mysticism of Sufism includes several stages for its knowledge.

  1. First, the development of emotional and heartfelt love is carried out for everything bright on earth.
  2. The next stage involves sacrificial service to people, that is, you need to engage in charity, helping people without demanding anything in return.
  3. There is an understanding that God is in everything, not only in good things, but also in bad things. At this stage, a person must stop dividing the world into black and white.
  4. At the completion of formation, esoteric Sufism implies the direction of all existing love towards God.

Sufism - pros and cons

For decades now, the concept of “Sufism” has been associated with a lot of controversy. Many believe that such a trend is a sect and people who join it are in danger. Opinion against it also arose due to the fact that this religious trend included many atheists and charlatans who distort information. The truth about Sufism is a topic that interests many scholars, which has led to many theories and books. For example, there is famous book“The Truth about Sufism”, in which you can find answers to important questions and learn about existing myths.

Where to start studying Sufism?

To understand the basics of this movement and gain first knowledge, you need to find a teacher who will act as a connecting link. He may be called a leader, pir, murshid or arif. Sufism calls newcomers (followers) murid. One of important stages is the disappearance into the master, which implies the perfection of devotion. As a result, the student discovers that in everything around him he sees only his mentor.

At the initial stages, the teacher offers murids various practices for developing concentration, stopping thoughts, and so on. In figuring out where to start with Sufism, it should be noted that learning directly depends on individual characteristics every newbie. In different brotherhoods, the number of stages for entering the religion differs, but among them four main ones can be distinguished:

  1. Sharia. This implies the literal implementation of the laws described in the Koran and Sunnah.
  2. Tariqa. The stage is based on mastering a number of steps called makam. The main ones include: repentance, prudence, abstinence, poverty, patience, trust in God and submission. Tariqa uses the method of thinking about death and intensive intellectual work. In conclusion, the murid experiences an inexplicable and strong desire to achieve unity with God.
  3. Marefat. Happening further training and improving knowledge and love of God. Having reached this stage, the Sufi already understands the multidimensionality of space, the insignificance of material values ​​and has experience of communicating with the Almighty.
  4. Hakikat. The highest stage of spiritual ascent, when a person worships God as if he were in front of him. There is a concentration on the gaze and observation of the Creator.

Sufi practices for women and feminine power

The techniques used in Sufism are distinctive and original, giving a chance to cleanse and open the heart, to feel the joy of communicating with the world, God and oneself. In addition, a person gains peace, confidence and harmony. Sufi practices feminine power are ancient, and it is recommended to study them under the guidance of an experienced mentor, since you need to know and understand their essence. In addition, certain actions must be performed at certain times.

Meditation, different body movements, all this helps to improve your health, get rid of excess weight and negativity. Sufi practices represent entire systems, so doing a couple of exercises will not be enough. It is equally important to consider age restrictions. Ancient Sufi practices not only awaken divine energy, but also teach how to use it independently.

Sufi practices of Dasha

The winner of the 17th season of the famous show “Battle of Psychics,” Swami Dashi, practices Sufism. He conducts various seminars and seminars where he helps people get rid of negativity and... He bases his practices on sound, breath and movement. Proposed by him Sufi exercises help remove emotional, mental and physical blocks. Some known practices used by Dashi are:

  1. Dynamic meditations. Active and intense monotonous movements help achieve relaxation and unity of soul, body and spirit.
  2. Sufi whirling and dhikrs are used to enter into a trance.
  3. Carefree walking with meditation and running in place helps you push your limits.

Sufi practice of dhikr

Repeated repetition of the sacred text, deep meditation called dhikr. This practice has its own characteristics and different movements are used for it: prayer poses, circling, swaying, vibration, and so on. The basis of dhikr is the Koran. Sufi energy practice helps to cope with negativity and gain a positive charge. Used, singing and silence. Options and modifications of dhikr vary depending on the brotherhood or order where they are held. In groups, dhikr is carried out as follows:

  1. Participants stand or sit in a circle.
  2. The leader gives a meditative setting.
  3. According to his instructions, everyone performs certain exercises, which follow each other. They are rhythmic movements performed at an accelerating pace.
  4. During this, participants recite prayer formulas.

Sufi dances

One of the most famous practices of Sufism is dancing with a skirt, which helps to get closer to God. They are performed by dervishes to the accompaniment of drums and flutes. Skirts placed one on top of the other work on the principle of a mandala and when untwisted they enhance the impact of energy on the dancing people and those watching. It is worth saying that to perform the dance, a monk must lead a strict lifestyle and stay in a monastery for three years. Similar Sufi practices can be carried out independently, but then you need to spin with with open eyes. There are features of such practices.

  1. Before starting to spin, the dervishes clap and stomp their feet, which is necessary to scare away the shaitan.
  2. Bowing is of great importance, as is placing a hand on the chest, which is a greeting.
  3. Among all the dancers there is the main dervish, symbolizing the Sun.
  4. During the dance, one hand must be raised and the other lowered. Thanks to this, there is a connection with the Cosmos and the earth.
  5. The whirling occurs for a long time, due to which the dervishes enter a trance, thereby connecting with God.
  6. During the dance, the dervishes show their attitude to life.

Sufi practices for weight loss

Adherents of the presented religious movement claim that all people’s problems are like illnesses or excess weight, are associated with a lack of understanding of one’s purpose in life. Sufi practices for women, including various exercises, teach how to manage vital energy. In addition, this movement teaches how to eat, think and act correctly. Cope with excess weight as a result of cleansing your soul and getting on the right path. All meditations, Sufi breathing practices, dancing and other options will be appropriate for losing weight.

Sufism and Christianity

Many are interested in the question of how the church relates to such religious movements. There is no such thing as Christian Sufism, but there is much in common between these concepts, for example, the idea of ​​purifying the soul through the practice of repentance and the primacy of the spiritual component. The church claims that Christianity does not accept mysticism, such as pagan rituals or religious movements, therefore, in their opinion, Sufi practices are from the devil and cannot be used.

At first, I was not particularly enthusiastic about the idea of ​​participating in Sufi whirling in skirts of all the colors of the rainbow (corresponding to the seven chakras of a person), as just another meditation. Now, when I see all seven color vortices swirling in a single stream, I understand: this idea was worth implementing.

Sufi whirling (or spinning) is a meditative technique that involves spinning around one's own axis for a long time (usually from half an hour to several hours).

The technique got its name from the Mevlevi Sufi order, founded by the Persian Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), in which whirling was part of the ritual of worshiping God and symbolized unity with him. Sufis twirled (and still twirl to this day) wearing heavy skirts, which were needed to stabilize the rotation and maintain its high speed.

Among people who practice meditative practices, whirling is unofficially considered the “royal meditation.” Why is this particular meditation singled out among many other techniques?

The fact is that during prolonged rotation around its axis, you can only stand on your feet in a state of “no mind,” a state of meditation, when all the energy in the body is located below, in the stomach and legs. This is the most stable position. If we think, worry, fear, rejoice, that is, if we have thoughts and emotions, what happens is in simple language It's called "dizzy."

When rotating for a long time around its axis, it is possible to stay on your feet only in a state of “out of your mind”

The secret of whirling, or rather stability during whirling, is extremely simple: the energy (or our attention) should be in the stomach and legs. Then we simply will not be able to fall - like the tumbler doll “Vanka-Vstanka”. Any rise in energy in the head, that is, the appearance of thoughts and emotions (and therefore “falling out of meditation”), reduces stability. And if after this you do not lower the energy down, do not return to a meditative state, a fall follows.

When thoughts come to you in static meditation, you can return to it again. When spinning, falling out of meditation ends in a physical fall. In static meditation you can simply sit and think that you are in meditation. While spinning, you cannot “pretend” that you are meditating. One must be in a meditative state of whirling completely and continuously.

There are two meditations where falling out of the process is especially pronounced: walking on coals (if you do it wrong, you get burned) and Sufi spin(if you do it wrong, you fall).

When you meditate (circle) correctly, that is, all your energy is below, top part the body is free for the passage of the flow of cosmic energy. Therefore, the essence of Sufi whirling can be expressed by the formula: we stand firmly on the ground, open our hearts, and let in the energy of the cosmos from above. Hence the rise in strength and the state of absolute peace after meditation.

This technique can be presented as a metaphor for life. While we are spinning, we live; when we fall, life ceases. You can spin with pleasure or with fear that you will fall or lose control of the process. So you can go through life with pleasure or fear. But the good thing about meditation is that it first helps you learn to enjoy the process in a safe space (that is, during meditation), and then transfer it into life.


I was asked this question by everyone to whom I showed photographs of the circling. I answer. The skirt improves the quality of rotation; you cannot spin in it slowly, as it will fall on your feet. On the other hand, the skirt stabilizes the circling process (like a gyroscope) and prevents it from deviating to the sides. Spinning in a skirt takes experience, but the results are worth it.


In Kyiv, the idea of ​​spinning in skirts of all colors of the rainbow (“Chakra Spinning”) was implemented at the Rainbow of Life School of Integral Development. The seven colors of the rainbow correspond to the seven chakras of a person, each of which is responsible for certain qualities. When choosing the color of a skirt, we choose the qualities that we want to develop or work in ourselves. When skirts of all colors of the rainbow swirl, color harmony arises, the energy of all chakras (from lower to higher) is aligned, which is a condition for the harmonious development of a person.


First of all, whirling is a unique experience of being totally in the “here and now” during the entire meditation time (approximately 45 minutes). Such experience is difficult to obtain in society with all its problems, stresses and crises. As a result of meditation, a state of peace and tranquility comes to the practitioner.

When you do the same movement (rotation) for 45 minutes and at the same time try not to get lost in thoughts or emotions, you are thereby training patience, the habit of not demanding immediate results from life.

Many people are probably familiar with the situation when you start a business and it moves more slowly than you would like. In such a situation, I remember whirling, in which in order to achieve a result (a state of peace and tranquility after meditation), you need to whirl long time, without getting lost in thoughts, repeating certain movements, without thinking about the goal, but also without losing vigilance. Then the result will truly be satisfying.

To be honest, I still feel some fear of spinning. Thoughts “will it work or not?”, “what if I fall?” are still arising. How to let go of this fear? In my experience, the only way out is to trust what is happening to you. When you trust the process, spinning is much more pleasant, instead of fear you get pleasure. Likewise, by trusting life, you can enjoy all its incidents and twists and turns.

Any a difficult situation It’s easier to resolve if you feel your body. As soon as I lose my balance during the rotation, I immediately begin to breathe with my stomach and return my attention to the sensations in my body. This helps calm the thoughts and stability returns. If in difficult life situation remember the sensations in your body, relax it, the situation will seem much simpler.

During meditation, I had moments when it seemed like just a little bit more and I would fall. Then a capitulating thought arose: “Can I fall and not try anymore?” I have learned from my own experience that it is better not to fall. It is better to complete the meditation. You will fall and feel nauseous, and the fall itself is not very pleasant. If you complete the spin, you will receive satisfaction from the result, peace and fulfillment. It’s the same in any undertaking: it is better to bring it to completion by showing will and perseverance than to give in to difficulties.


Circling is carried out “clockwise” or “counterclockwise”. The shoulders are straightened, the gaze is not focused on anything.

If you spin counterclockwise, the right hand should be directed palm up - a flow of energy flows into it from above, left palm lowered down to rest on the flow from below.

When circling clockwise left hand hold with your palm up, your right hand down. The fingers should be closed. If your hands are relaxed, they easily find their place in the flow.

Any meditation releases a lot of energy, so it is important to have a positive intention on where to direct this energy. Before (but not during!) meditation, you can think about some creative goal or write it down on a piece of paper, pin it to your skirt and spin it in a circle. If you do not create a positive intention, the energy will begin to dissipate; if you worry and fear a lot, fears can materialize due to the released power. Meditation (including circling) is a subtle tool that requires a conscious attitude.

To participate in Sufi whirling, it is advisable to have experience in other meditative practices that develop a state of “inner silence.” Then the circling will be more efficient.

© Dmitry Rybin, artist-designer, class leader,

How about science? — According to science, it is believed that everything revolves around its centers of power. An electron around a nucleus, a wheel around an axle, a planet around a star. Rotation is the most natural movement in this world.

Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi once walked through the mint market. I thought about my own things, looked at the twisted sheets of copper, listened to the hammers hitting the coins, and suddenly realized that everything in the world was rotating.

Out of joy, he began to spin right in the middle of the market square, and, according to legend, he was spinning for 38 hours straight. And when he finally stopped, he said: "The pole is the one that revolves around itself. Around it revolve celestial spheres" (By “pole” Rumi meant the so-called “center of power”, “heart of the vortex”).

In general, Mevlana Rumi urgently went to tell his students about the revelation that fell on him in the center of the market square. The students really liked the idea of ​​spinning. And in general, this whole story with the center of the world, which is in the heart of every person, really captivated them. Therefore, the Sufi order "Mevlevi" was urgently established - the Order of the "Whirling Dervishes" - the main practice of which was the ritual "Sema" - listening to God through rotation. Now this ritual is better known as "Sufi Whirling".

During Sema, the dervish spins with a sikka on his head - this is a felt hat symbolizing a tombstone; and dressed in tanura - white robes symbolizing the shroud of human selfishness.

The one who performs Sema - Semazen - seems to grow through the desert of his own ego, making an ascent to Divine love, and returns from his spiritual journey a more mature and complete person.

The dervish rotates from right to left, around his heart. As he begins to spin, he holds his hands in a cross on his chest, expressing submission to God, then his hands open. Right hand the palm is turned to the sky, receiving a blessing, and the left is turned to the earth and to people. The dervish turns into a guide of God. Thus, grace from above descends on all people present at Seme.

Sufi whirling is one of the most powerful meditations. This ancient technique evokes in a person a feeling of flight and mystical ascent.

It is so deep that even a one-time experience can make you completely different.

Such relaxation brings peace to the soul, relieves fear and anxiety. A person becomes more decisive and courageous. He sees the world differently, he has Both hemispheres of the brain begin to work. He seems to enter into a state of flow, he has the mind and insight develop, brilliant thoughts and ideas come.

Sufi whirling (or spinning) is a meditative technique that involves spinning around one's own axis for a long time (usually from half an hour to several hours).

Among people who practice meditative practices, whirling is unofficially considered the “royal meditation.” Why is this particular meditation singled out among many other techniques? The fact is that during prolonged rotation around its axis, you can only stand on your feet in a state of “no mind,” a state of meditation, when all the energy in the body is below, in the stomach and legs. This is the most stable position. If we think, worry, fear, rejoice, that is, if we have thoughts and emotions, what happens in simple language is called “dizzy.”

The secret of whirling, or rather, stability when spinning, is extremely simple: energy (or our attention) should be in the center of the abdomen and in the legs. Then we simply will not be able to fall - like the tumbler doll “Vanka-Vstanka”. Any rise in energy in the head, that is, the appearance of thoughts and emotions (and therefore “falling out of meditation”), reduces stability. And if after this you do not lower the energy down, do not return to a meditative state, a fall follows.

When thoughts come to you in static meditation, you can return to it again. In static meditation you can simply sit and think that you are in meditation. While spinning, you cannot “pretend” that you are meditating. One must be in a meditative state of whirling completely and continuously. When you meditate (twirl) correctly, that is, all your energy is below, the upper part of the body is free for the flow of cosmic energy to pass through. Therefore, the essence of Sufi whirling can be expressed by the formula: we stand firmly on the earth, open our hearts, let in the energy of God into one hand, let this divine energy pass into the heart and bring out exactly the same pure energy into the other hand and again release to God both the rise of strength and the state of absolute peace after meditation.

This technique can be presented as a metaphor for life. While we are spinning (samsara), we live; when we fall, life ceases. You can spin with pleasure, or with the fear that you will fall or lose control over the process. So you can go through life with pleasure or fear. But the good thing about meditation is that it first helps you learn to enjoy the process in a safe space (that is, during meditation), and then transfer it into life.

Technique for performing Sufi Whirling.
You simply spin clockwise (those who prefer the other way around can try the other way around, but I personally prefer clockwise), while you can hold your hands as in the picture, or you can simply relax them and they will move apart under the influence of centrifugal force. In general, the main rule is, don’t strain and listen to your body, to yourself, how do you feel more comfortable spinning?

  1. To avoid nausea, do not look at anything, defocus your vision, but do not close your eyes.
  2. Don’t think about anything, concentrate on the moment here and now, enjoy this process, just as children rejoice when they spin.
  3. The duration can vary from a few minutes to an hour or more. Depending on your goals.
  4. Control the speed of rotation depending on your physical capabilities, but it is advisable to do it faster.
  5. You can stop either gradually or immediately and lie face down on the floor with your eyes closed.

Sufi Circles and Energy.

During the practice of Sufi whirling, our energy field, which healthy person represents an egg around our body, begins to twist and turn with us. At the same time, the field itself becomes homogeneous, all the unevenness and all the adhering dirt disappear, the field becomes clean and white, its intensity increases, and its size increases. A stream from space opens. Chakras, as you know, are energy vortexes, so torsion is their nature, from this practice they unwind even more, all the dirt also leaves the chakras, they become lighter and more balanced.

Therefore, this practice can be performed when you want to cleanse your field and chakras and make them healthy. Or perform it to prevent energy diseases - because after performing this practice, the effect of a healthy and strong field lasts quite a long time, depending on the time and intensity of the rotations, as well as how much you managed to relax your consciousness. Can be done for about 10 minutes. Again, see for yourself)

Sufi Whirling as a practice of spiritual improvement. Meditation.

If we consider Sufi whirling for this purpose, it is recommended to do them for about an hour. You can listen to meditative music, gradually increasing the tempo. Don’t think about anything, you are here and now, it’s easy and good for you, all the problems are gone, just surrender to this process completely and it will repay you)

With prolonged circling, the likelihood of falling into meditation increases. As I wrote above, the field becomes homogeneous and all the bad things leave it, but the field is only the surface of us - the edge of our essence. In the process of long-term practice, the process begins to penetrate deeper and deeper, inside us. Thoughts go away, along with them the conditioning of the Ego goes away, not immediately, but gradually, and at some point a failure may occur, as if in a dream and you suddenly find yourself completely different, the Ego has retreated and you saw yourself, your life, actions, without its intoxicating influence. For a moment you escaped from the prison of the Ego - and this can cause quite strong emotions and experiences. Don't analyze or think about them, give yourself over to it completely, and try to remember and understand them.

After an hour, close your eyes and lie down on the floor, don’t think, just stay in this state.