Good night wishes in prose are short. Wishes for beautiful dreams in prose Best wishes for good night in prose

Wishes Good night in prose it’s like a bedtime story: it will prepare you for bed and make it magical. Werewolves and dragons, fairy-tale kings and princesses, enchanted forests and impregnable castles... The dreams of people dear to you depend on you. Think about how you would like your loved ones to sleep?

To a man

My dear and beloved! Wish Good night And pleasant dreams that will take you to other worlds, full of love and goodness, secrets and riddles. May you sleep peacefully and warmly, and may your dreams be bright and exciting, with adventures. I kiss you very, very strongly, hug you and love you very much! Good night!

My dear, good, dear man! Night comes and you go to bed. May you sleep sweetly and peacefully, and may your dreams be only kind and rosy. Cover yourself with a blanket and make yourself comfortable in bed. Turn on your imagination and dream about love. And I will be with you in soul and heart, because I love you very much.

I love you, my dear, very much, and on the eve of the night I want to wish you good night. Your city is falling asleep, and you fall asleep with it, so that in the morning you can meet a new day with new strength, where new happiness awaits you. Have pleasant, sweet dreams, beloved, goodness and joy to you, my dear!

I want you to sleep peacefully this night. I love you very much and wish only the best. May the night give you peace and harmony, affection and bliss. And let the fresh breeze blow you fairy tale, where you and I will be the main characters. Let this fairy tale come to you in a dream, and in it you will be happy.

Honey, I know you're about to fall asleep now. I would like to wish you pleasant and vivid dreams that will be filled with all the colors of the rainbow. Fly down through the Universe and discover new worlds, new planets, and new stars. Enjoy your dream travels, and know that I love you very much!

I know, dear, that you love the night very much. After all, only she can give you peace and quiet, take you away from everyday problems into a world full of harmony and nirvana. This night I wish you a good rest and get into that world that you so desire. May your soul gain light there so that you can joyfully greet the new day!

To the girl

My dear, beloved and desired, my only one! As the night approaches, I would like to wish you to fall asleep quickly and sleep peacefully, with a happy smile on your lips. Let you only have colorful dreams, reflecting the desires of your consciousness and subconscious. You will see other worlds and distant edges where you have never been before, you will be able to visit other countries and other cities. In a dream it will be like in reality. And I'll be yours faithful companion. Holding hands tightly, we can travel the most different places. This is so wonderful! Listen to the voice of the night - it beckons and calls you to itself. Close your eyes and give yourself to her. Good dreams, dear!

My beloved, my affectionate one! The joy of my whole life, my tender beauty! I want to wish you good night and have a nice sleep. May you dream of a wonderful flight across the sky that you love so much, may you dream of golden stars - you will fly between them and touch them with your hands, and they will not burn you. And may there be complete harmony, peace and nirvana in your soul during sleep. Enjoy this state and gain strength to face the new day with its everyday problems. But you’re smart, you can solve them all. Sweet dreams to you, my queen!

Well, another day of your life has ended, my love. Don’t be sad about it, because life is long, and you will have thousands more days like this. Better have a good rest before the new day. May you be comfortable in your crib. I wish you to fall asleep carefree and quickly, enjoying peace and quiet. And may you dream of the gentle waves of the sea that you love so much. You will bathe in warm, sea ​​water, and the sun's glare will gild your delicate skin. And there will be no difference between dreams and reality. You will be happy and beautiful. Good night to you, my little, dear and beloved sun!

My dear, beloved and good! With the onset of this have a wonderful night I want to wish you a sweet and peaceful sleep. May you sleep peacefully and comfortably, comfortably and well. Dream before bed - it calms you down and helps you fall asleep. And at night you will be able to realize your dreams in your sleep. Do you know how to order dreams? It’s so easy - you dream about the sea, and you dream about it, you dream about me, and I come into your dream in the form of a handsome and kind knight. Go to sleep and don’t think about anything bad, I love you very much. You are my happiness, bright and unique!

My dear girl, sweet, marmalade and marshmallow beauty! Night has come, and you are tired from the day. Lie down comfortably in your bed and fall asleep, and I will conjure you a beautiful fairy tale about love that will come into your sleep in its first minutes. You will sleep peacefully, smiling with your naive, childish smile, and I, like a wizard, will show you unusual lands with rainbow colors and sincere feelings, even in our dreams we will love each other pure, great love, hold each other's hands and laugh openly! You are my joy, you are my sunshine, who got very tired during the day. Sleep my dear!

The night has shrouded your city in a gray blanket. You can hear the squeaking of brakes of cars passing by your house less often. Passers-by also began to walk the streets less. You are tired, my girl, and it’s time for you to rest. Lie down and sleep. May your sleep be calm and easy, and your dreams pleasant and rosy, colorful and beautiful. Good night, my princess, and pleasant night travels through the mysterious kingdom of Morpheus. Don't be afraid of the dark, and don't be afraid of the night - this is the time for fantasies and dreams. And one more thing - I am always there, know this.

With a quiet, unhurried step, the night is approaching us and beckons us all into its mysterious embrace! Together with her arrival, all the problems and sorrows of the passing day disappeared like smoke! The time of bliss, comfort, peace, harmony and peace is coming! Best time in a day, unforgettable euphoria, magical relaxation of soul and body! And there is nothing better than a night's rest, when we forget about the real world and are transported to the world of fairy-tale dreams! There are no problems, no worries, no gray days, no daily routine and no sorrows! If only our reality consisted of only this part of the time of day, how gorgeous it would be! But, alas, night comes to us only in the evening, and let us appreciate it for the fact that it gives us magical moments of happiness! Good night to you, cozy thoughts and bright desires, good intentions and dizzying, colorful dreams!

Fabulous night is just around the corner, waiting only for you to fully embrace you with sleep! Close your tired eyes and indulge in an exciting journey called “night flight to the land of fantastic dreams”! may the silence of the night please you and rock you with its breath, may the starry sky give you the beauty of the Universe even in your sleep! I wish you to meet the God of Sleep, Morpheus, and thank him for giving you colorful and colorful dreams! Go to the amazing space of your consciousness, where there are no worries of the day, and enjoy the dreams and sweet dreams of your soul! Let the rainbow abyss swallow you up sleepy kingdom and doesn’t let go of his hugs until the morning! And with the dawn, may a smile appear on your face, welcoming a new, productive and useful day in your life! Good night and tender embraces of a magical night!

Today has given you many impressions and may you receive no less than a portion of delightful emotions in your dreams! But only in a dream! It's time to take a break from the bustle of the world and restore strength for tomorrow! Let the pleasant heaviness of your soft blanket take you to the distant world of dreams, where you will not be disturbed by the worries of the day! I wish you only good thoughts before going to bed, only positive intentions and plans for tomorrow! May your peaceful sleep not be disturbed by the starlight and the whisper of the wind! Let them come to you in your dreams good fairies and will envelop you in a magical trail of affection and warmth! May your dreams not dissolve under the cover of night, may your dreams help you sweetly and serenely plunge into the kingdom of Morpheus! I wish you fabulous dreams, a pleasant night's rest and a smiling awakening! Sleep peacefully and calmly, dear friend!

And there is no more wonderful time of day than night! Rich in its fantastic charm, it gives us the stars, the Moon, endless expanses of darkness, colorful dreams, romantic encounters and cozy hugs! You will never find all this during the day. During the day it’s not the same at all, during the day it’s dull and gray, or at night! Beauty night in a wide robe starry sky, she enchants everyone, she lulls, she whispers sweet words in the ear of lovers, she turns time into infinity! The night, like a velvet blanket, touches our body and beckons us to plunge into the amazing kingdom of rainbow dreams! He who does not love the night does not know happiness in life! We wish you mutual feelings with this dark beauty and may your love gain momentum! Have a restful sleep and colorful dreams under the cover of this seductive diva!

The time has come to rest, and now a boat has already sailed up to you to take you to the kingdom of sleep, where Morpheus will envelop you in tender embraces and rock you to sleep on the waves of peace! I wish you to fully enjoy your night's rest and enjoy the complete relaxation of every cell of your body! May your dreams be amazingly vivid, full of amazing events and prophecies that will then happen in reality! I wish you to sleep peacefully all night, and may not even the whisper of the night wind touch your peace! Let today you definitely dream your most cherished dream, let your dream fill you with gushing energy and positivity! I wish you to be in the arms of your loved one before going to bed, and to wake up in the morning to the tender touch of his lips on your eyelashes! I wish you sound sleep, heroic health, delightful mood and willpower of steel! Have a good night's sleep!

Tonight a journey to the kingdom of Morpheus awaits you! Your dreams and fabulous dreams await you! You will plunge into the space between the time of day, between evening and day, where magical things happen! There, in a dream, good fairies will surround you and fulfill all your wishes, every single one! There, in a dream, you can easily and simply carry out what you have planned for a long time! There, in a dream, you will be able to see those dear people who left this world! You will be able to touch your dreams, you will be able to be happy and you will be able to do whatever your blessed soul desires! This fairy-tale world does not limit you in anything, be yourself, open your soul in your sleep and enjoy freedom of action! I want to send a magical wish-fulfillment star into your dream, and let it illuminate your consciousness with the understanding that you can do everything in reality! Have a peaceful day and have a good time in a dream!

This night I want to give you a gift, not simple and banal, but magical and original! I give you the brightest star in the Universe, which will illuminate your consciousness and give you peace and warmth of feelings! I wish you to see a bright, unforgettable dream in which all your most intimate and secret desires will come true! After all, during the day it is impossible to focus on your dream due to being busy, but that’s what the night is for! It gives us the opportunity to relax, tune in to tomorrow and gain strength to fulfill our dreams! So, let this night give you the long-awaited decision on how to get closer to your dream, how to implement your plans easily and simply! Let the lucky star help you in this matter, because night stars have the power of mystery and magic! But not all, but only those that are given to you by a loved one and dear person! Have a magical sleep!

If you suddenly can't sleep tonight, call me for help! I have a wonderful lullaby that will immerse you in the world of dreams and fantasies of the kingdom of Morpheus! I'll put everything into it sincere feelings, and I will give you a calm, healthy, peaceful and blissful sleep! You could only dream about such a dream, you only dreamed such a dream in a dream! I wish you gentle reflections of moonlight on your bed! I wish you the gentle whisper of the night breeze in your room! I wish you a sparkling shimmer of stars in the reflection of your half-closed eyes! I wish you a bright kaleidoscope of past and future events in your half-asleep consciousness! I wish you bright and positive thoughts before bed! I wish you a cozy, homely atmosphere, harmony in your soul and sweet peace in your heart! I wish you to fall asleep happy man and wake up with a smile on your lips! Have a good night's sleep!

When twilight lowers its heavy curtains over the city, the concept comes that the day has passed and the time has come to rest the soul and body! From now on, we invite you to urgently put aside all urgent and urgent matters in a safe called “tomorrow” and devote time only to your only and beloved self! Let your thoughts gain wings and you will fly across the expanses of desires and dreams! We wish you to completely relax and forget about everything in the world except what brings you joy in your soul! Only a positive attitude for tomorrow and only bright thoughts in your head! We wish you peace in absolutely everything, and may the whole world wait! After all, it’s time to sleep, and sleep is health! Take care of yourself, take care of your health, sleep peacefully and don’t worry about anything! May your guardian angel protect your peace and prevent dark thoughts from entering your mind! Good night!

The day was successful and productive, all possible and impossible things were done, and a well-deserved time for rest has arrived! And there is nothing more beautiful than the evening time of relaxation in the day! This wonderful time allows us to devote time to family, think about the upcoming events of the coming day, take stock of life, draw conclusions and, ultimately, devote time to ourselves! We wish you a pleasant time alone with your thoughts or in spiritual company, there is no difference, as long as you enjoy this evening! Let your soul and body rest before going to bed, and let nothing in the world be able to disturb your harmony! We wish you to make a wish and find a solution to get at least one step closer to its fulfillment! May this evening give you bliss and comfort of warmth! We wish you a restful sleep and colorful fantasies in your dreams and in reality!

I wish you to sleep peacefully all night, and may not even the whisper of the night wind touch your peace! Let today you definitely dream your most cherished dream, let your dream fill you with gushing energy and positivity! I wish you to be in the arms of your loved one before going to bed, and to wake up in the morning to the tender touch of his lips on your eyelashes! I wish you sound sleep, heroic health, delightful mood and willpower of steel! I wish you to fully enjoy your night's rest and enjoy the complete relaxation of every cell of your body! May your dreams be amazingly vivid, full of amazing events and prophecies that will then happen in reality! I wish you a bright kaleidoscope of past and future events in your half-asleep consciousness! I wish you bright and positive thoughts before bed!

Here we have collected good night wishes for you in your own words in prose - Relax after a busy day, allow yourself to plunge into sweet Dreams, gain strength, relax not only with your body but also with your mind.

Rest, go to bed quickly, a new day has long come, let the blanket warm you, let the pillow be like silk.

Sleep quickly, my baby. I know you are not sleeping yet, don’t worry, in this dream I will come to you again.

My glorious, dear, beloved man, I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams.

Go to sleep, get away from the hustle and bustle, let the angel guard your dreams

May you have an amazing dream on this serene night - uniquely sweet, like your kisses, incredibly tender, like your hugs

Night fell on the earth, the sun turned into the moon. Close your eyes quickly and have good dreams, my love!

A robe of foliage sleeps in the grass. Good night is my wish. The melody flows from the moon. Sleep, my happiness, sleep.

The night has come, it’s time for us to throw off the burden of everyday shackles. Let us be quietly carried away into the kingdom of magical dreams.

Good night, darling. Let nothing disturb your sleep

A warm bed beckons me, I sleep in it quietly and sniffle sweetly, thinking that together I am hugging you with my arm and pressing my cheek...

I wish you pleasant dreams and restoration of strength, so that in the morning you can again enjoy the upcoming events. Think about the good, because we have always been and will be close.

Good night! May your dreams be the sweetest. May tomorrow morning bring good luck and happiness, and may all disappointments, grievances and anxieties remain in the past.

Let the angel of sleep land quietly and inaudibly at your head, let the night be calm and clear and let you dream something very sweet!

Let the evening be airy, light, joyful, not boring, let it invite you into the night with a smile and unite hearts.

May the night sky, shining with magnificent stars, protect your sleep, my dear man. All dreams, conceived and made, will be even closer to fulfillment tomorrow.

Catch only pleasure today, let the joy flow over the edge! Let the problems and worries go away, let this evening turn into paradise!

Let emotions and feelings rule, don’t drown in your love, you are a wonderful, incredible, sensual couple. I wish you a successful evening!

Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep- fabulous and unique.

Good night, sweet dreams, so sweet, bright, interesting. Wake up in the morning, smile, happily plunge into everyday life.

Night has fallen on the city, bringing with it dreams, I wish you a good night’s sleep, sleep soundly until the morning!

May this evening and starry night bring you pleasure! Let your mood become bright, and let your sorrows all rush away!

Have a good evening and good mood - at the end of the day going into the distance. Throw away your fatigue and tension, especially boredom, as well as sadness. Pour yourself a cup of hot tea, forget about your worries and affairs for a while. Without noticing the passage of time, dream, smile, remember me.

Wishing you the sweetest, most tender, beautiful, unforgettable, most enjoyable, delicious, unusual, extravagant, extreme, chic, awesome, cool, soft, fluffy... And also openwork, crystal, colorful, marmalade, chocolate and erotic dreams!!!

And may they come to you in your dreams great ideas, which you can bring to life in the morning.

I wish you to rest and gain strength to believe and love, create and dream again.

Wonderful, vivid dreams and clouds of touches, from the breeze of a lullaby, from the sky of transcendental bliss.

Make yourself comfortable, let go of all thoughts and let you dream of the most vivid landscape, a peaceful sea or a meadow of rare flowers.

I hope that this night the wizard will give you the most interesting dreams, and put a guardian angel under your protection, because today I will not be able to guard your tender sleep. Sweet dreams, my restless beloved man.

I'm already falling asleep and remembering you. I love you so much! My cat, good night.

Let this night be velvety and affectionate. Let her lay out a sheet of bliss for you, put a pillow of relaxation under your head and cover you with a blanket of sweet bliss.

I close my eyes and fly, I approach you for a moment, I really want to hug you, you are only with me at night - a dream!

May you dream of a fabulous island where we are incredibly happy, loved by each other and joyful.

Sparkling in the sky like fire, the star fell onto the palm of your hand - to wish you without words - good night, sweet dreams!

Let the night be beautiful, quiet and warm!

May God give you this morning great mood and have a good day.

Let you dream what you want, what you are ready to see. Good night, sweet dreams.

Go to sleep, good night! Even if you don’t want to sleep, close your eyes, people really need rest after difficult everyday life.

No matter what the day was, the night is beautiful and tender, and I wish you, as always, good night!

May your night be calm, may your future life be bright and worthy, may luck illuminate your path!

Go to bed and think about me.

Sleep soundly until dawn and let nothing disturb your peace or interrupt your magical, colorful dreams. And in the morning you will wake up rested and inspired. Source:

I am writing to you before going to bed to wish you good night. I ask you one thing: “go to bed quickly, sunshine!

I wish you to fall asleep carefree and quickly, enjoying peace and quiet. And may you dream of the gentle waves of the sea that you love so much.

I always understand him, appreciate and respect him. I always protect him, I wish you good night!

I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. May the night give good vacation and meet your dream, and the morning will begin with great luck and a great mood.

My favorite person on this planet, good night!

Have a nice evening, friends! Let happiness illuminate your home every day. And streams will flow outside the window, bringing wealth to this house.

My joy, my love! Good night to you... May this night keep your sweet dreams... I envy her! I would like to be in her place!!! Kiss.

Sleep peacefully, serenely, I brought the box gently, there I keep my dreams and I will show them to you! — Wishes to your beloved

After all, life moves hour by hour, and tomorrow is a working day. And again into battle. Well, now - good night!

My dear, there is no one sweeter than you. At night you illuminate the world! The most beautiful thing in the world is you! Sweet dreams!

Sleepy stars are shining in the window, now my thoughts are only about you, I want to snuggle up to you, kiss you, love you, adore you!

Good night, wonderful dreams, the brightest and most charming, I send an SMS and wish you to fall asleep soon!

The night of sadness knows no edges, and the moonlight is between us again. Go to sleep, go to sleep. Forest fairies will protect your sleep sooner.

The worries of the day are already behind us. Sit down for a moment, at least, and siege the zealous horses of vanity. What a pity that we are not close now.

Honey, good night! You may have scary dreams, tomorrow night you will come running to me :)

On a dark night you need to sleep, neither dream nor dance, you need to fall asleep earlier in order to wake up good!

It's getting dark outside the windows. The night takes over. I know that you are getting ready for bed now. So I wish you only clear, sweet, bright dreams, so as not to see grief, hatred and enemies in them.

Dear sunshine, get ready to sleep. I'm writing a message to you again. My joy, quickly take cover. Your name I carry it in my heart.

Good night, go to sleep, and plunge into a beautiful land, where your bed will envelop your cradle in good dreams.

May you dream of a miracle. That's it, no need for unnecessary words. I won't bother you. Good night sweet dreams!

It’s a pity that you can’t send a kiss via SMS, close your eyes, let a tender dream of our love touch your lips from me.

Good night wishes in your own words in prose - May you have fabulous dreams, like walking on the moon surrounded by spring.

The day came to an end, the sun had long disappeared behind the horizon, all the birds fell silent. Everything around is getting ready for bed. The thoughts of lovers at such a time are always occupied with each other. I’m tempted to write something tender, affectionate and pleasant to my boyfriend before bed, to remind him of his feelings, to wish him wonderful dreams. Write good night wishes to your beloved! It is impossible to overestimate the small, seemingly harmless pleasures that we can give to our family and friends. Even if the text is simple but sincere, it will give a person strength for a new day and give him the desire to live. Sometimes it is enough just to say in a letter (SMS or by email) the words “Good night” do not necessarily rhyme something. And he will already feel your care and love. You can apply a little imagination and the text will become original and unforgettable.

If you want to create a truly unforgettable message, then think about what to write in your wish. Prose for a guy can be done of various nature– and serious, and romantic, and passionate, and touching, and funny, and strict... The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation. You can add your shared memories to your message. Especially if you have known each other for a long time. But the message should not contain aggression or other discomfort. It's best to put something positive and good mood for the next day. If you are completely busy and have no time to come up with ideas, then you can say just a few words to the person. But the ones that mean a lot to you and him. If you have a common favorite song, order it on the radio in the evening order program. Craftswomen can create something with their own hands.

Prose for a guy

My most desirable and beloved man, I wish you calm and sweet night. The soft bed is already beckoning you into its warm embrace, inviting you into the world of dreams and daydreams. Let a light cloud of sweet dreams pick you up and take you to a magical land of sweetness and relaxation. This night my imagination will become your abode, and you will definitely feel the powerful impulse of my love and sensuality.

The night has completely covered the noisy city and plunged us into silence. Close your eyes, my dear, and rest a little. Put off all plans and dreams for tomorrow, and go to bed right now and sleep soundly. Now, as always, I whisper in your ear that I love you very much.

My beloved, dear! It’s evening outside the windows again, and I keep looking at the oval of the pale moon in the night sky above me. You can’t even imagine, I envy her - she can admire you all night and how sweetly you sleep! I am far from you...Today we were separated by kilometers and circumstances. But I really hope that on this quiet starry night you will dream of me, and at least in a dream we will be happy next to each other.
Good night!

Good night, my beautiful one. All my thoughts are only about you. You never leave my heart for a minute. I love and appreciate you to death. Come to me in my dreams. May your dreams be as sweet as you are. I kiss you warmly.

My beloved, I wish you good night! Your healthy and deep sleep nothing will darken until dawn. All noise on the street will subside and only music celestial spheres will fill your blessed sleep. Your delightful body will bask on this beautiful bed and you will see wonderful dreams. My boundless love will protect your sweet slumber, driving away fatigue and filling you with strength.

My beloved, go to sleep and flip through your colorful dreams, like the alphabet in pictures, where there are color photographs. Choose the page where the moon shines brightly and a wonderful dance dances hand in hand with a star. And other stars are together, they sing live songs. This is a dream and it is like a fairy tale. There is only happiness and goodness in it. Sleep very sweetly kitten, good night and love.

Good night dear, thank you for today, you made me very happy today, I am the happiest, and it’s all thanks to you. You're very good man, I’m glad I met you. You are my support, you are the one I’ve been looking for for so long. Thank you for being here.

Writing entire petitions is not for you! We bring to your attention short, but at the same time succinct good night wishes in prose.

I asked the angel to kiss you good night, but the angel came back and said that an angel does not kiss an angel, good night.

Life has become shorter by a day, there is no sex, good night.

I lie silently in silence, and I miss you. But if you come to me, I will melt with love! Good night:)

I wish you sweet dreams with a slight hint of vanilla
Late Night Dessert Service


When night falls on the city, And the stars shine above, When my soul cannot sleep
I remember you. I remember your hands, your smile and eyes.
And even though today we are apart, I still love you... Sweet peaceful dreams!

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone...

When I look into your eyes I remember the ocean
Which I dreamed about in my dreams, And a flock of birds circling over it, They sang to me with your voice,
Sleep well, everything is ahead!

I wish you good night a hundred times! Farewell in the hour of separation Carries with it so much sweet flour, That I could say goodbye until the morning... Good dreams

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you!

The bear slept in the den for a long time, everything stinks - hands, feet, ass stinks, his back is twisted, his penis is sweating, his stomach is swollen, his eyes are swollen, his fingers are frozen, his snot is thick, his balls are swollen. But there is only one moral here - you will sleep for a long time - HANA!

Eat Wonderland! It is only visible from the moon. In that country, among the forests, lives an elf, the keeper of dreams. The elf plays the pipe, dreams fly like butterflies! Remember the most best sleep and you will dream about him... Sweet dreams...!!! (sent by Yulinka)

Look out the window, it’s already dark, it’s time for you to sleep long ago,
close your eyes, I will whisper to you: “You know! In a dream we will meet you
You are my dear kitten! (sent by Irishka)

I am writing to say good night, Perhaps we will meet again tomorrow,
Now there is no separation, What is this, the sun? Could it be love?

How are you still sleeping? Then we go to you! sweet, colorful dreams!!! (Sent by Maryana)

So welcome, like the sun in bad weather. Lie down, relax and sleep,
Maybe you'll see me there...

Night is a world of sweet dreams, a world without sadness and without tears. A world where no extra words are needed... I wish you gentle and pleasant dreams!!!

You're kind of strange today - You're probably very tired. Go to sleep, my sweet kitten,
Go to sleep, the bed will be heaven. May you see stars in your dreams
Those to whom I whisper words. Sleep, kitten, sweet and sweet
I fall asleep without you too!

Good morning, my love! Have a good day, kiss you.. haha

My kitten, I wish you good night and such beautiful dreams;
You are a gentle, affectionate little bundle; I miss you very much...

Good night dear, good night, sweet dreams, I want to love you very much, but I can’t find the words, tell me directly dear, when I see you again, I will kiss you tenderly, good night, sweet dreams!

Early morning, the sun has risen
Good morning, whispered to you.
Open your eyes, my beloved baby,
I'm waiting and hoping that you call!

Little cat, fluffy ears, sweet kisses, see you tomorrow, good luck!

Sleep sweetly, my little cat, I kiss your paw, gently stroke your ear, good dreams my little animal!

The vast ocean of the night quietly swallowed up the city. Sleep well, gentle kitten! Beautiful dreams on the way!

Good night. And may the angels guard your sleep,
And you keep mine, because you are my angel

lying on the heavenly velvet, gliding in the stream of time, feel the charm of a serene night existence

My angel, you have already fallen asleep,
You pressed your tender cheek to the pillow,
And you see a sweet dream again,
And I'm sad - now we're not together...
But I believe in a lucky star
And let me be sad for another night,
I know that everything will be fine,
We can still fix it...
White snow warms me today,
What a pity that it’s not a loved one,
I keep all my warmth for you, -
Thank you for being in my destiny!
In the morning you will read this SMS,
I could say everything like that, but you’re not here...

My love, it is always with you,
Your reliable angel and guardian.
And although your love, alas, is now with someone else,
My love is always with you!

What’s wrong with me, I can’t understand, I’m so sad, empty and lonely, as hard as I’ve ever felt, never in my life.
Huddled in a lonely, empty and at the same time cold bed.

We'll meet soon, I know
And I’m afraid of this meeting.
With you we are each other's relatives,
But still so alien...
We'll sneak glances at each other
Hearts will beat in the same rhythm
You and I will be so close to each other,
What you want to touch.
But we understand perfectly well
That our wishes are in vain...
You will smile differently
I'll dance with someone else
And the heart will pound and bleed.
The soul will suffer

Sleep my sweet kitten
I kiss your lips
Sleep sweetly my kitten
I will not forget you