The festival of Mahashivratri is the great night of Shiva. Maha Shivratri festival in India

What do we know about Indian holidays?! In principle, it’s okay, we should deal with ours! But I’m also interested in understanding Indian ones!
Indian holidays good example hospitality that attracts people from all over the world. The same Indian festivals, reflecting countless legends, are celebrated in different regions under different names. Indian holidays are a colorful kaleidoscope called India. Cuisine, music, theatrical performances, dancing, traditional festive clothing, a colorful range of colors, bright illumination - all these are the holidays of India. Therefore, when I was on Indian territory for last years, I slowly got to know them. Diwali is a great holiday, celebrated in November. This is something like our New Year! The Festival of Lights, symbolizing the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Everyone around is making noise, screaming, decorating their houses and fireworks going off! The holiday lasts 1-2 days.

"Diwali" is translated from Sanskrit as "bunch of fire" - the festival of lights

I also remember the holiday “Pongal” - this is the celebration of the first harvest of rice and sugarcane. It is usually celebrated on a grand scale for 4 days, although this holiday is celebrated only in the south of India. And many many more holidays!!! I noticed that Indians have many more holidays than us! They, like us, don’t want to work in them at all)

"Pongal" is a "sweet rice dish" prepared to celebrate the festival

And Holi is still ahead. This spring festival is one of the most colorful festivals in India, people sprinkle colored powder and water on each other.

Holi - the brightest festival of colors

Why am I doing this?! Yesterday the great festival of Shivaratri took place! I had never heard of it before, so this year I decided to take part in the celebration!
The Mahashivaratri holiday in India is a day of devotion and worship and Parvati, celebrated by all devout Hindus on the night before the new moon in the spring month of Phalgun (the date floats from late February to mid-March Gregorian calendar). This year it was on Monday (this day is considered the day of Shiva) on the night of February 20-21.

The festival begins at sunrise on the day of Shivaratri and continues all night long in temples and at home altars, the day is spent in prayers, reciting mantras, singing hymns and worshiping Shiva. Shaivites fast on this day, do not eat or drink, and do not even drink Mahashivaratri prasad. Saivaites believe that sincere observance of rituals and performing Shivaratri puja all night frees them from all their sins and gives the grace of Shiva in the form of liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
On this day, the temples are full of people, people come in families, sit around the temple or line up waiting for the opportunity to perform puja. People sing bhajans and Om Namah Shivaya mantra and ring bells to make the atmosphere religious and pious. In shivmandirs (Shiva temples) and on their territory, many lamps and garlands are lit, and live orchestras of brass and percussion play in large temples.
There are various legends associated with the festival of Mahashivratri. According to one of the most popular legends, Shivaratri marks the wedding day of Shiva and Parvati. There is a version that on this day Shiva performed Tandava, the dance of creation, preservation and destruction. Another legend of Shivaratri from the Linga Purana says that it was on such a night that Shiva appeared before Brahma and Vishnu in the form of a beginningless and endless linga. In any case, this is an unusual day and it is considered extremely favorable.

Shivaratri festival in India is a day of devotion and worship.

What do they ask from Shiva on this day?
But Mahashivratri has special significance for women and sadhus. Indian women come to ask Parvati on this day (after all, Parvati’s husband Shiva is considered ideal husband) give them a successful marriage and beautiful children, as well as family well-being and prosperity in the new year. Sadhus also consider Mahashivratri their holiday, because Shiva is the patron of ascetics.
How it was in...
They started preparing a few days in advance, decorated the mandir, taught mantras, and the girls bought beautiful saris for the holiday. To be honest, I didn’t prepare at all and didn’t even plan to celebrate. I was going to go to Hyderabad for a 10-day film shoot, but by the will of God, I stayed in the ashram. My friends were very happy that I didn’t leave and persuaded me to go to the holiday. They gave me a beautiful sari and even helped me put it on (this turned out to be much more difficult than I could have imagined!.

Trying on a gift from my friends - a sari

In general, it is recommended to fast on this day, but since I do not consider myself a Hindu, I decided not to worry and ate too much ice cream (I wouldn’t be able to do anything else in this heat). By 2 o'clock in the afternoon we went to the mandir to take seats, because the holiday itself lasts a very long time and the places should be such that you can see everything that is happening well. The mandir is very huge, they say it can accommodate 20,000 people! According to the ashram's program, the holiday began at 4 pm and was supposed to end at 6 am. Of course, we all decided that we would survive everything and therefore would stay until the morning!). It turned out to be not easy! Staying in the ashram for almost a day and all night seemed impossible, so we went out one by one to stretch our legs and drink water. Around one in the morning I realized that I didn’t have enough strength until the morning and went to my room to rest, but I absolutely didn’t want to sleep. I didn’t lie around for long and went back to the mandir; it was already about 5 in the morning. Another hour of bhajans and the holiday came to an end, prasad was distributed and we went to our rooms. I really liked the holiday, but I didn’t feel anything special, maybe because I’m not Hindu?). Although those who were especially gifted talked about how the power of Shiva influenced them. I was left with a lot of pleasant impressions and a sari! I still walk and sing “Om Namah Shivaya”....I hope everything that I wished for you and myself will all come true!!!

P.S. Dedicated to my friends who supported me in Hard time! Thank you!)

I honor Him, the Great Ascetic, with the Sacred Fire of His third Eye, who turned the god of passion into ashes; I honor Him, who delivers the world from all suffering, the Original Cause of all things.

Pradosham, also known as Pradosh or Pradosha Vrata, is a special day of fasting dedicated to the Supreme God Shiva. It is celebrated on the 13th day of the waxing moon and the 13th day of the waning moon.

Pradosham is an opportunity for every person to get rid of unfavorable karma. Fasting and sincere appeal to Shiva with a mantra these days free a person from sins. Hence the title of this post – “Pra” means deliverance and “Dosha” means adverse karmic consequences/defects or samskaras. These are habits or reflexes that we brought with us into this incarnation and which often ruin our lives and prevent us from achieving our goals. For example, greed, resentment, we speak without thinking, feelings of guilt and constant regrets. A dosha is an erroneous pattern of behavior that we repeat despite the desire to change. This also includes failures in life that constantly repeat in our lives.

Fasting during the Pradosh Vrat period not only helps to mitigate the influence of the negative dosha, but also to understand the cause of its occurrence. On this lunar day, Shiva cleanses the Earth and people from negative karma. Karma dictates our successes and failures. Thus, fasting on this day makes it possible to weaken the grip of karma and soften the influence of doshas (samskaras).

The Shiva Purana states that those who fast on Pradosham are advised to contact Shiva or visit temples dedicated to Shiva.

The Vedas say that Shiva personifies the principle of destruction in the form of time, and the goddess Durga is his auxiliary energy. Shiva means "all-good." Although he walks with spirits, ghosts and goblins, is smeared with ashes and sleeps in crematoriums, he is always clean. He is never defiled by others. With his influence, he purifies everyone around him and helps fallen souls advance. Shiva is also called Ashutosha, the one who is easily pleased. He easily bestows blessings on anyone who turns to him. Shiva rides a bull. He is always absorbed in thoughts on transcendental topics, reveals to others hidden secrets about God, about love, about renunciation of the world.

The name Shiva is translated from Sanskrit as “Good” or “Merciful”. Shiva, Mahadev, Ishvara, Hara, Rudra - all these are names of Divine mercy and compassion. Shiva is the one who creates and destroys creation. He is the one who is completely renounced from the world and at the same time is able to bestow all blessings on a person. He is the one who accepts and gives what he wants. He is the personification of the energy of destruction - therefore, it is he and his wife Parvati (Durga) who are prayed to if a person encounters an obstacle that he cannot overcome. Ancient texts say that those who pray to Shiva on the special day of Pradosham will be freed from all sins. It is believed that on Pradosham, Shiva and his wife Parvati are in a good mood and fulfill the wishes of petitioners.

In accordance with his incarnations, Shiva is depicted with various attributes, symbolizing the power of this particular image:

  • Shiva's body is naked and covered with ash - this is a symbol of the source of the universe, he goes beyond the boundaries of earthly life, his physical state, without experiencing suffering.
  • Shiva's matted hair is the unity of spiritual, physical and mental energy.
  • Ganga, who lives in his hair, is a woman-wife, from her mouth flows a stream of water that falls to the ground. This is a symbol of the fact that with the help of it, Shiva eliminates ignorance, sins and gives peace, purity and knowledge.
  • The moon in Shiva's hair is a symbol of mind control.
  • Shiva is depicted as having three eyes: one eye is the sun, the second eye is the moon, and the third is a symbol of fire.
  • Shiva's eyes are half open - a symbol of the endless flow of life, which has no beginning or end - it is a cyclical process, and it is eternal. When he opens his eyes, a new round of earthly life will begin, when he closes them completely - the world is destroyed in order to be born again.
  • The snakes entwined around Shiva's neck symbolize time - the past, present and future.
  • Rudraksha beads (dried fruits of an evergreen tree) are a symbol of Shiva's steadfastness in upholding the law and order of the universe.
  • The right hand of God, giving blessing and wisdom, it also destroys evil and ignorance.
  • Shiva's trishula (trident) is his energies (shahti): knowledge (jnana), action (kriya) and desire (icchha).
  • The drum (damaru) is a symbol of the form of existence - physical and spiritual.
  • The bull Nandi, accompanying Shiva, is his constant means of transportation.
  • The skin of a tiger is a symbol of hidden energy and victory over lust.
  • Shiva sitting on the scorched earth is a symbol of his control over physical death.

The nature of divinity is such that, like water sharpening a stone, it can melt the mountains of our karma and change us from within. Consequently, our motivation also changes. Everyone has problems, and they are often similar. Fasting, prayer, sadhana are the tools with which anyone can change their life for the better. It doesn't matter whether he believes it or not. Actions taken during a certain good period will, over time, bear fruit and something will change in a person’s heart. Anyone can fast on this day.

The Pradosh period lasts 1.5 hours before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset. There are 2 options for observing this fast:

  1. fasting for 24 hours: abstaining from food (bhojana), sleep (nidra), sex (maithuna), reading and study (adhyayana);
  2. observing a fast from sunrise to sunset, then performing Abhisheka or Shiva Puja, after which the fast is broken.

On this day, complete abstinence from food is recommended, only juices and water are allowed.
If, for some reason, it is not possible to completely abstain from food, then eating fruits and vegetables raw is allowed.
You should leave the fast after the onset of the next lunar day.
In the evening, an hour before sunset, it is good to take a bath (take a shower or bath), and then read the mantras.

  • Shiva Puja
  • gifts for Shiva (honey, milk, Ganga water, rice, fruits)
  • reading and listening to Shiva mantras
  • visiting Shiva temples
  • lighting incense and/or candles
  • worship of Shivalinga or Shiva statues
  • Abhisheka

Shiva puja is a ritual of worshiping Shiva in the form of a Shiva Lingam, which involves sequential offering of various substances (water, milk, melted butter, ashes, rice, flowers, etc.) to the Lingam.

Abhisheka - The Vedic ceremony for Shiva, its holding or participation in it is an act of glorification of the Great Patron of Yoga. Ancient texts say that worshiping Shiva on Pradosham is very important.

According to the ancient scriptures of the Shastras, in Kali Yuga (a period of time in this moment) a person can get relief from suffering, or liberation by chanting the Name of the Lord.

Namasmarana (repetition of the name of God: Nama - name, Smarana - repetition) is an acceptable spiritual practice that will support you in life. The name with which a person addresses the Almighty in prayer can be in any language. It can reflect various relationships to God: the relationship of a son, a servant, a friend, a subject. The name can glorify any one or many of the infinite qualities and activities of the Lord. In any case, the Divine Name is a sign and a signal. The name is a box that contains the Beauty and bounty of the Mercy of the Almighty, the Splendor and Forgiveness of Divine Providence, Greatness and Mystery. Mentally repeating His Name with every breath brings divine oxygen into our lives, sanctifying and strengthening it.

“Life is a journey, and man drags his feet along the rough and thorny road of life. With the name of the Lord on his lips he will never suffer from thirst. With the Image of God in his heart, he will not feel tired and exhausted, and the company of the Holy Spirit will inspire him on a long journey and instill faith and hope in him. The realization that the Lord is near, you just have to call Him, and He will not hesitate to appear, at whatever moment He is called, will give strength to your legs and courage to your eyes... Repeat the Name of the Lord with Love and behold His image, fixed by your inner vision. Namasmarana is a lamp that emits light from the depths of your heart, which will dispel the darkness both within and without you. Inner peace of soul and external manifestations Love - these are the signs of a person absorbed in continuous Namasmarana.”

On this day it is auspicious to listen to Pradosh Vrata Katha, or read chapters from.

Then a mantra is recited 108 times, praising the manifold qualities and aspects of Shiva.

Mahamrityunjaya mantra is one of the oldest mantras glorifying Shiva. Possesses protective properties, can conquer danger and death.


"Om! I bow to the Three-Eyed One Lord Shiva,
Fragrant, Bringer of Blessings!
Destroying the bonds of birth and death.
May He free us from death for the sake of Immortality!”

One of the names of Shiva is Shambhu or Shambo (Shambho), meaning “Generous”, “Abode of Joy” or “Bringer of Happiness”. A rare and auspicious aspect of Shiva.

“Glory to the Great Shiva! Glory to the Merciful! Glory to the one who brings Happiness and Joy that live in the hearts of everyone!”

Mantra: with faith and awareness of its meaning, in a state of one-pointed mind, it erases despair, envy, anger, greed, removes illusions, and frees you from existing mental impurity.

Regularly turning to and worshiping Shiva on any day and time with a sincere and good intention clears the mind, imparts wisdom, compassion and gives harmony. Helps you overcome obstacles to development in order to change your life, enlisting the support of Higher powers.

Shiva Pradosh 2019

Number Day of the week
January 3
January 18
1st of February
February 17
March, 3rd
18th of March
April 2
April 17
May 2
16th of May
May 31
June 14
30 June
the 14 th of July
July 29
12th of August
August 28
11 September
September 26
October 10
the 25th of October
November 9
November 24
9th December
December 23

Glory to Shiva!
For the benefit of all living beings!

February 13th, 2018

On this night, Shiva performed his Cosmic dance Tandava - a dance that gave rise to the cycle of “creation-preservation-destruction” in the universe. God Shiva, in the ecstasy of dance, gains enormous power and uses it first for creation and then for destruction.

With this dance, Shiva maintains the necessary rhythm for the process of creating life.

There are several varieties of Tandava - Ananda-tandava, Rudra-tandava, Tripura-tandava, Sandhya-tandava, Samhara-tandava, Kali-tandava and Uma-tandava. Sometimes the number of tandavas is increased to 9 or even 16.

The most famous is the Ananda Tandava, a dance that symbolizes the five functions of Shiva in their unity: srishti (creation), sthiti (preservation), samhara (destruction), tirobhava (illusion/concealment) and anugraha (mercy).

In Hindu iconography, during this dance, Shiva is represented with 4 arms and with his left leg raised to half of his body.

Shiva's right leg, which he holds half-bent, tramples the dwarf Apasmara, the demon of ignorance.

Shiva holds a damaru drum and a flame in his hands.

The head of the god is decorated with peacock feathers, a crescent moon, a skull, and the Ganges flows in Shiva’s hair.

Sometimes there is a ring of fire around the figure of the god.


A very interesting legend is associated with the dance of Shiva and Chidambaram.

Once upon a time in prehistoric times, sages rishis lived in the Daruvanna forest. Engaged in mystical practices, they achieved enormous power, but fell into pride and disdained the Gods, not understanding the importance of Sacred grace. Then Shiva and Vishnu decided to show them that human strength and knowledge are worthless without Divine grace. To do this, they decided to use the power of Maya (illusion).

Shiva took the form of a beautiful man, Bhikshatana, and all the wives and daughters of the Rishi lost their heads and fell in love with him.

Vishnu transformed into a beautiful woman dancer named Mohini. Seeing her beautiful dance, they were mad with love and... forgetting about everything, they rushed after her like mad.

When some of the rishis realized what had happened, they became furious and, using spells, awakened powerful magical fire, directing it against Shiva-Bhikshatan.

First, they summoned a tiger from the fire, which rushed at Shiva, but he killed the terrible animal with a smile, tore off its skin and made a loin cloak from it.

Then the rishis sent poisonous snakes at him, Shiva wrapped them around his neck and arms, making them into a necklace and bracelets.

After this, Shiva began to prepare to perform the Cosmic Dance. Two more hands appeared, and a third eye shone between his eyebrows.

Enraged even more, the rishis materialized a ferocious dwarf demon from the fire, but Shiva knocked him down with one foot and used him as a dance floor.

Finally, the rishis sent the magical fire itself so that it would destroy the Great God. Shiva took it in his left hind hand, and from the mantras that the rishis used against him, he made anklets.

After this, Tandava - the Cosmic Dance - began. His gigantic energies threw the rishis to the ground, Vishnu froze in shock, and even Shiva’s wife Parvati was petrified with fear.

But when they saw the smile on God's lips, his rising feet, they felt Divine Grace and achieved realization. And everyone started dancing with him.

Shiva Nataraja - King of Dance

Much later, when many civilizations had changed on Earth, Vishnu reclined on his snake Shesha. Suddenly Shesha felt that Vishnu had become many times heavier. He asked him what happened, and Vishnu replied that he remembered the Cosmic Dance of Shiva, which he witnessed in ancient times and told him this story.

After this, Shesha could no longer think of anything else but the desire to see Shiva dance. Vishnu gave him permission to leave him for some time to fulfill his dream.

Shesha went into deep ascetic meditation (tapas) for many centuries, and when he reached the highest concentration, Shiva appeared before him and said that he could fulfill any of his desires. Shesha replied that he had only one desire - to see the Cosmic Dance.

Shiva replied that this dance could only be performed at a certain time and in a certain place on Earth - at the natural linga in the Tilai forest. Since this is the middle point of the Earth, where it is located heart center- Lotus Space. The main energy channel (nadi) of our planet passes through this place, it is called Cit Ambara.

To witness the dance, the serpent Shesha had to be born on Earth in human body under the name Patanjali. When he grows up, he should come to Tilai forest and, meeting another saint Vyaghrapada there, perform tapas and then perform puja. And then Shiva will appear and perform his dance.

Then, when all this became a reality, the Cosmic Dance began at the lotus pond in the Tilai forest.

In addition to the two saints, it was witnessed by 3,000 hereditary Brahmin priests, the Muvariyavars, who later began to be called Dikshitars. It was they who became the guardians of the tradition of the city of Chidambaram - “The City of the God of Cosmic Dance”.

It was not by chance that they appeared in the forest; the community of these priests has been associated with Shiva since ancient times.

According to one legend, one day they were invited by the Creator God Brahma to conduct worship in heaven. When they went to heaven there were 3000 of them.

Having returned, they counted to check if everything was in place, and there were 2999 of them. Then a voice came from the Sabha and said that the 3000th was Shiva himself.

Dikshitars are a special caste of Brahmins who live in an isolated community and do not marry with anyone from outside. Even marriages with other Brahmins are prohibited.

Now there are about 3,000 of them, together with their family members. Of these, 300 are priests.

The order of the holiday in honor of the great night of Shiva

The festival begins at sunrise on the day of Shivaratri and continues all night long in temples and at home altars. This day is spent in prayers, reciting mantras, singing hymns and worshiping Shiva.

Shaivites fast on this day, do not eat or drink, and do not even drink Maha Shivaratri prasad. It can only be eaten the next day.

Many Hindus participate in jagran, an all-night vigil, at various Shiva temples across the country.

Saivaites believe that sincere observance of rituals and performing Maha Shivaratri puja all night frees them from all their sins and gives the grace of Shiva in the form of liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

After a ritual bath, preferably in the sacred waters of the Ganges or another holy river, Shaivites put on new clothes. They then proceed to the nearest Shiva temple to offer him traditional milk, water, bilva leaves, fruits, incense, oil lamps, etc. as offerings.

And towards the end of Maha Shivaratri from the temples in different sides Rivers of milk literally flow.

On this day, the temples are full of people, people come in families, sit around the temple or line up waiting for the opportunity to perform puja.

People sing bhajans and Om Namah Shivaya mantra and ring bells to make the atmosphere religious and pious.

Many lamps and garlands are lit in shivmandirs (Shiva temples) and on their grounds, and live orchestras of wind and percussion instruments play in large temples.

What is asked from Shiva on Maha Shivaratri?

Maha Shivaratri has special significance for women and sadhus.

On this day, Indian women come to ask Parvati (after all, Parvati’s husband Shiva is considered an ideal husband) to give them a successful marriage and beautiful children, as well as family well-being and prosperity in the new year.

Sadhus also consider Mahashivratri their holiday, because Shiva patronizes ascetics, so sadhus drink thandai - a cocktail bhang made from milk, cannabis and almonds - in honor of Shiva.

Sequence of worship to Shiva

On this holy night, a large full puja (worship) is performed every three hours. The service begins with the opening ceremony - short prayer and worship of Ganesha (the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati); the deity who removes obstacles, the god of wisdom and intelligence, the giver of success and good luck in any endeavor.

Following this, the 1st will begin - Vaidika Puja (Vedic Puja) to Shiva.

In the Vedic worship of the ancient Aryans, the main thing was the worship not of idols, not of murti (holy images), not of icons, but of the sacred fire, and it is with the lighting of the sacred fire, with a short agnihotra (fire sacrifice, pouring sacrificial oil into the fire) that this puja will begin, in the course of such sacrifices is poured into the fire melted butter, throw branches of a certain tree.

Vaidika Puja

In Vaidika Puja, mantras from the Vedas are repeated and exclusively sattvic (having the quality of goodness) offerings are offered.

Prayers during this period of time - from approximately 19.00 to 22.00 - should also be said only with good intentions, no selfish desires or petty material requests.

For example: “Lord! Grant me faith, grant me saving knowledge and a true guru! - such prayers are praiseworthy in this first watch (the first three hours). It is useful at this time to pray for others: “God! Heal all the sick, feed all the hungry, establish peace, prosperity and well-being in our city, village, country, everywhere..." etc.

Linga Puja

During the process of Linga Puja, abhisheka is performed - a continuous, long-term libation of water on the Shivalinga. At the same time, everyone can approach the altar, make dhena mudra over the Shivalingam - the position of the hands, reminiscent of the udder of a cow, and concentrate on those desires and aspirations that they need.

Meanwhile, the priest (priest) pours a continuous stream of water through the fingers of those who approach the Shivalinga.

Rajasika Puja

Closer to midnight, the 2nd - rajasika puja - will begin. Rajasic means "passionate, active, dynamic."

This puja will be accompanied by mantras from the Puranas and Tantras " right hand" This is the most magnificent service with an abundance of all kinds of offerings and gifts, accompanied by ecstatic singing, joy and fun.

And the prayers here are about prosperity, about wealth, fame, career, with personal (selfish) motivations in the guna of rajas (passion). But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to ask Shiva for something. You can simply praise him, enjoy the very process of worshiping him.

Tamasic puja

The third stage (3rd puja) is tamasic. Here Shiva is worshiped in His formidable aspects along with His consort Mahakali.

And it will begin with an animal sacrifice, after which sacrificial blood will be poured onto the Shivalinga.

The offerings for this puja are just as tamasic and heavy: strong alcohol, wine, meat, fish, heavy foods, etc.

During this service, prayers and mantras of the “left hand” Tantras are said. Here, spells are already allowed, prayers for Shiva to carry out reprisals against demons, evil spirits, enemies, envious people and ill-wishers.

During this stage, you need to meditate so that everyone who creates problems (for you) in this life is dealt with by the Shivagans (devoted warriors of Shiva):
“Strike my enemy, strike him! Devour, devour! Kill, kill! Drive it out, drive it out!”

But in this situation, the enemy can be not so much a specific person, but also internal enemies, vices and shortcomings.

Thus, donating a coconut (splitting it in front of the altar) symbolizes the breaking of one’s ego (ahamkara) and meditation is aimed at what qualities in oneself a person would like to break into pieces.

Just like a coconut, the human ego has a strong, thick shell, but empty space inside.

Pride and self-importance are as false as a coconut: hard on the outside, but empty and liquid on the inside.

When the sacrificial animal is slaughtered, they meditate: it is the pashu-bhava (bestial nature) in ourselves that is killed, and not the goat, rabbit, rooster - they are only symbols, but our delusion, our ignorance.

The soul of the animal, having received the blessing, is reborn into best forms, and the sacrificial meat will be prepared and distributed as communion in the morning.

There is no reliable data regarding the description of tamasic puja. So it is not known whether this ritual is carried out fully in modern world, or omitted/replaced with a more humane imitation. It is also not known whether this fully corresponds to the Vedic scriptures, or this information has become distorted over time. The following is especially questionable: Vedic culture (Hinduism) presupposes complete vegetarianism (in general, this idea has a broader meaning: the law of ahimsa), then the preparation of a sacrificial animal as a sacrament does not seem possible or logical. Although animal sacrifices were still carried out. For example, Ashwamedha Yagya, described in detail in the ancient epic Ramayana, was introduced by King Dasaratha so that he could have children.

Fourth Puja

The last - 4th puja is associated with the veneration of Shiva as Parashiva (Absolute), located beyond all qualities, names and forms.

What is important here is not so much external veneration as deep meditation and detection internal unity with Shiva.

The time of Brahma Muhurta (muhurta is the time equal to 1/30 of the day, from about 3 to 5 am) - the pre-dawn time, when amazing silence and peace reign in nature, is precisely conducive to such meditation. This is the period between sleep and wakefulness.

It is believed that this time allows you to enter highest state consciousness (turiya) and turyatitu (a state above turiya), that which is above thought, above the mind, that in which the immanent (manifested) consciousness is connected with the transcendental (Absolute, Divine).

The fourth and final puja makes it possible to feel Shiva as the Soul of your soul, as your Higher Self.

Homa (agnihotra, fire sacrifice) will be performed here. Written prayers will be burned in the fire. They can be written in advance or during the service.

Maha Shiva Ratri or Great Night of Shiva.

This night is especially favorable for curbing the mind, for prayers and rituals that will help overcome or understand the cause of psychological, spiritual or material obstacles that lead to suffering and lack of freedom. Any spiritual practice will be favorable for this day: yoga, reading mantras, meditation, as well as fasting and others.

Shiva(Sanskrit: शिव, śiva, “Benevolent”, “Merciful”, “Good”).

He is the one who creates, maintains and destroys creation, the defender of righteousness, the conqueror of demons, the giver of all blessings and the ruler of all things, to whom all other gods are subordinate; in one direction of Hinduism, his hypostasis as the destroyer of the Universe at the end of the world cycle - Mahayuga, comes to the fore, with the goal of creating space for new creation. Considered the creator of the sacred sound (“Om”) and Sanskrit, the language of cult. Has the hypostasis of a healer and deliverer from death (Mahamrityunjaya). His retinue is spirits and demons; By selflessly serving him, they get the opportunity to work out their karma and find a better embodiment.

Also known by the names Rudra, Shankara, Shambhu, Mahadeva, Maheshwar (Great God), Nataraja and others Shiva names .

Most often depicted sitting in the lotus position, with skin white(smeared with ash), with a blue neck, with hair tangled or twisted into a bun on the top (jata) - the unity of spiritual, physical and mental energy; wearing a crescent moon on the head - a symbol of mind control; entwined with snakes like bracelets (on the neck and shoulders), symbolizing the evolutionary power contained in the human body, the spiritual power that can be developed through yoga. Dressed in tiger or elephant skin and sitting on them, which personifies hidden energy and victory over lust. On the forehead is the third eye, signifying his ability to see deeply, and three horizontal lines, which are interpreted as the three sources of light - fire, sun and moon, or Shiva's ability to see the past, present and future. Mahadeva holds a trident in his hands, reminiscent of his role in the process of creation.

Shiva is the highest consciousness of man.

Shiva is the cosmic masculine principle.

Shiva is the name given to the force that destroys our delusions in the process of spiritual improvement.

Shiva-Nataraj- the embodiment of the cosmic mystery of creation. A god with flowing hair dances in a fiery halo, destroying and creating new worlds and forms. This process is as endless as the Universe itself.

There is a legend that Shiva in the form of Nataraja performed the great dance of destruction of false Reality.

The poses that he performed during this Cosmic dance became the basis of the yogic asanas of Hatha Yoga.

In conversations with his wife Parvati, Shiva revealed subtle aspects of other branches of yoga.


On this night, according to legend, Shiva performed tandava - the dance of primary creation, preservation and... destruction.

Yogis and various practitioners revere the manifestations of Shiva - as the Father of the World, and as Shakti - the Mother of the World. In their essence, Shiva and Shakti represent a single principle.

In one of the legends, Shiva promises his help to those who devote this night to spiritual practice; this is perhaps the most significant factor that distinguishes this night from all others. Symbolizing the aspect of transformation, Shiva helps to overcome obstacles on the path and experience inner bliss and peace.

Shiva is addressed throughout the night of Shivaratri by performing Abisheka (abhiṣeka; “washing”, “sprinkling”, usually accompanied by the recitation of Vedic mantras and/or kirtans), repeating mantras and performing other rituals and practices.

On Shivaratri, four pujas are usually performed on different aspects and manifestations of Shiva to embrace various methods and moods of worship, both Vedic and Tantric. In addition, such veneration symbolizes the various stages of spiritual growth, transitions from one achara to another on the single path of Shiva-realization.

In the 9th century, the Kashmiri saint poet Utpaldeva, describing Shivaratri, wrote: “When the Sun, Moon and all the stars are simultaneously established, the shining night of Shiva comes, spreading its own radiance.”

Legends of Shivaratri

According to the Puranas, one day two gods from the Hindu Divine Trinity, Brahma and Vishnu, fought each other to prove their valor. The other gods were horrified by the scale of their battle, and asked Shiva to intervene. To make them realize the futility of their struggle, Shiva took the form of a flaming Lingam between Brahma and Vishnu and challenged both of them by asking them to measure the giant Lingam (symbol of Shiva).
Overawed by its size, Brahma and Vishnu decided that they would each find one edge to find out the superiority of one over the other. Brahma took the form of a swan and flew upward, while Lord Vishnu took the form of Varaha - a boar - and went underground to the lower worlds. Both searched for thousands of miles, but neither could find the end.
On his way up, Brahma approached the Ketaki flower. Exhausted and confused after his efforts to discover the top end of the fiery column, Brahma secured Ketaki's agreement to lie about seeing the top of the column where the flower was located at that time. Accompanied by his accomplice, Brahma appeared before Vishnu and declared that he had indeed found the beginning of the cosmic column.
In this moment central part the columns opened, and Shiva appeared in all his splendor. Feeling awestruck, both Brahma and Vishnu bowed before Shiva, recognizing his superiority. Shiva explained to them that both of them originated from himself and then split into three different aspects of divinity.
However, Shiva became angry with Brahma due to his false statement. The Lord cursed Brahma so that no one would ever pray to him. (This legend explains why there are so few Brahma temples in India.) Lord Shiva also punished the Ketaki flower for giving false testimony and forbade offering her flowers to the gods during worship.

Since it happened on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Phalguna, when Shiva first appeared in the form of Lingami, this day is very auspicious and is celebrated as Mahashivratri, - great night Shiva. To mark this occasion, practitioners fast, stay awake and offer their prayers to the All-Good throughout the day and night. The Puranas say that worshiping Shiva on Shivaratri gives a person happiness and prosperity. This day is very favorable for spiritual practice, since on such special days any efforts in sadhana bring hundreds of times greater effect than on ordinary days.


1) Shiva shadakshara mantra(6 syllable mantra of Shiva):
Om Namah Shivaya
Glory to Shiva (the Good Lord) is a mantra that purifies all elements.

2) Shiva Panchakshara mantra(5 syllable mantra of Shiva):
Namah Shivaya
Glory to Shiva (Good Lord).

3) Maha-mrityunjaya mantra– mantra of the Conqueror of Death
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

We worship the three-eyed Lord (Shiva),
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
filled with sweet aroma, nourishing all beings.
Urvarukam iva bandhanan
Just as a ripe cucumber is separated from its stem,
Mrityor mukshya ma mritat
may he free me from the shackles of samsara and death and may he strengthen me in immortality
This mantra can prevent accidents and protect against incurable diseases and misfortunes. She gives health long life, peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction, long life and liberation. It is recommended to recite this mantra on your birthday.

4) Shiva moksha mantra:
Shivo Ham
I am Shiva. Moksha mantra that bestows liberation and divine consciousness.

5) Rudra Gayatri:
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha

Tatpurushaya Vidmahe
May we comprehend that Supreme Spirit!
Mahadevaya Dhimahi
We contemplate the manifestations of the Supreme God in everything.
Tanno Rudrakh Prachodayat
May that Rudra guide us to comprehend the Truth!

6) Shiva Gayatri:
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha
Ohm. O Earth, Air and Heaven!
Mahadevaya Vidmahe
May we comprehend the Great God!
Rudramurtae Dhimahi
We contemplate in everything the manifestations of God in the form of Rudra.
Tanno Shivah Prachodayat
May that Shiva guide us to comprehend the Truth!

7) Mantra of resorting to Shiva for protection:
Ohm. Namah Shivaya Shantaya
Worship of Shiva, full of peace
The support and cause of the Three Worlds!
Nivedayami chatmanam
I surrender to You with all my soul
Gatistvam Parameshvara
I resort to You, O Supreme Lord!

8) Mantra of devotion to Shiva:
Shiva bhaktish-shiva bhaktish
Devotion to Shiva, devotion to Shiva
Shiva bhaktir-bhave bhava
devotion to Shiva in birth after birth
Anyatha saranam nasti
I have no other refuge and protection
Tvameva sharanam mama
You alone are my Refuge!

9) Mantra-invocation of Shiva:
Ohm. Namaste Astu Bhagavan Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya Tryambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikagnikalaya Kalagni-Rudraya Nilakanthaya Mrityunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Sriman-Mahadevaya Namaha.
Worship to the Lord, the Ruler of the Universe, the Great God, the Three-Eyed One, the Destroyer of the three demonic cities (the three types of evil: anger, lust and envy), the Personification of the three sacred fires, the Fire of Eternity and Destruction, the Blue-necked One, the Great Conqueror of death, the All-Lord, the Ever-Good! Holy Great God - worship!

What is asked from Shiva on Maha Shivaratri?

Maha Shivaratri has special significance for women and sadhus.

On this day, Indian women come to ask Parvati (after all, Parvati’s husband Shiva is considered an ideal husband) to give them a successful marriage and beautiful children, as well as family well-being and prosperity in the new year.

Sadhus also consider Mahashivratri their holiday, because Shiva patronizes ascetics, so sadhus drink thandai - a cocktail bhang made from milk, cannabis and almonds - in honor of Shiva.

Mahashivratri, Maha-Shivratri or “the great night of Shiva” is a holiday in honor of one of the Gods of Hinduism, God Shiva, which falls in February-March, on the eve of the spring equinox and always before the new moon.

In 2018, Mahashivratri, Maha Shivaratri, the Great Night of Shiva will be celebrated throughout India from the night of February 13th to 14th, on the eve of the new moon. New Moon February 15, 2018.

On this night, Shiva performed his Cosmic dance Tandava - a dance that gave rise to the cycle of “creation-preservation-destruction” in the universe. God Shiva, in the ecstasy of dance, gains enormous power and uses it first for creation and then for destruction.

With this dance, Shiva maintains the necessary rhythm for the process of creating life.

The most famous is the Ananda Tandava, a dance that symbolizes the five functions of Shiva in their unity: srishti (creation), sthiti (preservation), samhara (destruction), tirobhava (illusion/concealment) and anugraha (mercy).

The order of the holiday in honor of the great night of Shiva

The festival begins at sunrise on the day of Shivaratri and continues all night long in temples and at home altars. This day is spent in prayers, reciting mantras, singing hymns and worshiping Shiva.

Shaivites fast on this day, do not eat or drink, and do not even drink Maha Shivaratri prasad. It can only be eaten the next day.

Many Hindus participate in jagran, an all-night vigil, at various Shiva temples across the country.

Saivaites believe that sincere observance of rituals and performing Maha Shivaratri puja all night frees them from all their sins and gives the grace of Shiva in the form of liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

After a ritual bath, preferably in the sacred waters of the Ganges or another holy river, Shaivites put on new clothes. They then proceed to the nearest Shiva temple to offer him traditional milk, water, bilva leaves, fruits, incense, oil lamps, etc. as offerings.

And towards the end of Maha Shivaratri, rivers of milk literally flow from the temples in different directions.

On this day, the temples are full of people, people come in families, sit around the temple or line up waiting for the opportunity to perform puja.

People sing bhajans and Om Namah Shivaya mantra and ring bells to make the atmosphere religious and pious.

Many lamps and garlands are lit in shivmandirs (Shiva temples) and on their grounds, and live orchestras of wind and percussion instruments play in large temples.

What is asked from Shiva on Maha Shivaratri?

Maha Shivaratri has special significance for women and sadhus.

On this day, Indian women come to ask Parvati (after all, Parvati’s husband Shiva is considered an ideal husband) to give them a successful marriage and beautiful children, as well as family well-being and prosperity in the new year.

Sadhus also consider Mahashivratri their holiday, because Shiva patronizes ascetics, so sadhus drink thandai - a cocktail bhang made from milk, cannabis and almonds - in honor of Shiva.
On this holy night, a large full puja (worship) is performed every three hours. The service begins with an introductory rite - a short prayer and worship of Ganesha (the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati); the deity who removes obstacles, the god of wisdom and intelligence, the giver of success and good luck in any endeavor.

After this it will begin

  • Vaidika puja (Vedic puja) to Shiva
  • Linga Puja
  • Rajasika Puja
  • Tamasic puja

The final puja is associated with the veneration of Shiva as Parasiva (Absolute), located beyond all qualities, names and forms. What is important here is not so much external veneration as deep meditation and the discovery of inner unity with Shiva.

Thus, continuously, throughout the night, worship, veneration and meditation are performed. It is necessary, at least for this time, to free your mind from worldly thoughts. Leave only the name of Shiva, and repeat: “om namah shivaya” - “Om worship of the Good!”

You need to try to completely immerse yourself in awareness, in spiritual experience. Forget about the need for sleep, food, drink. Forget about the physical.

This Night provides unique opportunities.

Om Namah Shivaya

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