Examples of Russian ingenuity. The most striking examples of ingenuity among Soviet soldiers. Manifestations of ingenuity in everyday life

There were amazing cases when one Soviet soldier managed to survive against an entire German unit.
So, on July 13, 1941, private machine gun company Dmitry Ovcharenko was riding on a cart with ammunition. Suddenly he saw that a German detachment was moving straight towards him: fifty machine gunners, two officers and a truck with a motorcycle.
The Soviet soldier was ordered to surrender and taken to one of the officers for questioning. But Ovcharenko suddenly grabbed an ax lying nearby and cut off the fascist’s head. While the Germans were recovering from the shock, Dmitry grabbed grenades that belonged to the killed German and began throwing them into the truck. After that, instead of running, he took advantage of the confusion and began swinging his ax right and left. Those around him fled in horror. And Ovcharenko also set off after the second officer and also managed to cut off his head. Left alone on the “battlefield”, he collected all the weapons and papers available there, and did not forget to grab the officer’s tablets with
secret documents and maps of the area and delivered it all to headquarters. His amazing story The command believed only after seeing the scene of the incident with their own eyes. For his feat, Dmitry Ovcharenko was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
There was another interesting episode. In August 1941, the unit where Red Army soldier Ivan Sereda served was stationed not far from Daugavpils. Somehow Sereda remained on duty in the field kitchen. Suddenly he heard characteristic sounds and saw an approaching German tank. The soldier had only an unloaded rifle and an ax with him. We could only rely on our own ingenuity and luck. The Red Army soldier hid behind a tree and began to watch the tank.
Of course, the Germans soon noticed a field kitchen deployed in the clearing and stopped the tank. As soon as they got out of the car, the cook jumped out from behind a tree and rushed towards the fascists, waving weapons - a rifle and an ax - with a menacing look. This attack scared the Nazis so much that they immediately jumped back. Apparently, they decided that there was another whole company nearby Soviet soldiers.
Meanwhile, Ivan climbed onto the enemy tank and began hitting the roof with an ax. The Germans tried to fire back with a machine gun, but Sereda simply hit the muzzle of the machine gun with the same ax, and it bent. In addition, he began shouting loudly, allegedly calling for reinforcements. This led to the enemies surrendering, getting out of the tank and, at rifle point, obediently heading towards the direction where Sereda’s comrades were at that time. So the Nazis were captured.

There are many cases in Russian military history when Western specialists with admiration and bewilderment said something like this: “our army is not able to come up with anything that the Russians are capable of.”

And there is also a phrase from life: “If you need to do something, call the Chinese. If you need to do something impossible, call the Russians.”

About Russian ingenuity, resourcefulness and ingenuity at the time of writing books and making films. The Russian mind is inquisitive and it is always difficult to predict. But the Russian people do not have a plan of action; they are terrible with their improvisation.

Take for example the military craft, where the manifestation of Russian ingenuity traditionally breaks any records. After all, what the Russian army did was more than once included in military textbooks.


One of the earliest examples of traditional Russian ingenuity always comes up when, more than 200 years ago, the great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov crossed the Alps and the famous “Devil's Bridge”. The path was the shortest, but the most difficult.

Suvorov began his campaign on September 21, when real winter had already begun in the Alps. Making the trek in winter conditions seemed outright suicide, since most passes turn into impregnable snow fortresses, mountain paths disappear under a thick layer of snow, and endless snowstorms do not allow you to see anything beyond arm's length.

But the most important obstacle on the way of Suvorov’s troops was the Devil’s Bridge (Teufelsbruecke), which spans the river. Reuss. Wanting to prevent excessive strengthening of the French on the left bank, Suvorov gave the order to General Kamensky to pursue the troops of the retreating General Lecourbe, exhausting the French units with constant rearguard battles.

As a result, the French were unable to fortify the Devil's Bridge, but dismantled its central part, making passage impossible.

Then Russian soldiers under the command of P.I. Bagration was dismantled from a nearby barn into logs, and, tying them together with officer scarves, they threw him through the gap.

Under the onslaught of the Russians, the French were forced to retreat, and most of them were sent south for evacuation. In total, Lecourbes had 3,000 people left, after the evacuation no more than 900.

In 1898, a monument was erected near this place in memory of Suvorov and his soldiers who accomplished this feat.

This little known fact, but 495 square meters of land in Andermatt, a small village in Switzerland, belong to Russia. This territory was donated free of charge as gratitude.


Incredible miracles of Russian ingenuity were demonstrated in the Second World War.

In August 1941, one rifle company was sent to plug a hole in our defenses in the Krivoy Rog area. The task was set to prevent German tanks from passing through, holding out until the last drop of blood. The company was driven to the site, loaded with a whole truckload of RPG-40 anti-tank grenades, told that there would probably be a lot of tanks tomorrow, and left. According to all tactical scenarios, the soldiers had less than a day to live.

The commander examined the area and ordered: “It’s a shame, people are coming to visit us from Germany, but our road is so broken.” “He’s probably gone crazy from fear,” the soldiers thought. The commander continued: “Everyone, empty everything out of your duffel bags and follow me.” The company went to the nearest hill of slag from the road, removed from the nearby Krivoy Rog metallurgical plant, the equipment of which had already been evacuated to Nizhny Tagil. The commander made us fill bags with slag and carry it to the road.

The slag fell unevenly onto the road itself, more where the road goes uphill. “So that they don’t get slippery,” the commander said. They dragged the slag for a very long time, all the bags were torn to rags, but they managed to cover almost two kilometers of the road with slag. The people are angry and tired, now they have to dig in half the night.

In the morning, observers from the slag mountains gave a signal: “I see tanks.”

Clutching their almost useless grenades, the soldiers knew that life was over. Finally, the tanks began to enter the “improved” road. The third tank in the column was the first to lose its track, and a minute later this epidemic engulfed the remaining vehicles, eight in number. A standing tank, if you don't make it angry, is a safe thing. Not immediately understanding what your ist das was, the Germans also destroyed the tow tank. The Germans' infantry is not bad; they won't move forward without tanks - it's a jam. There is no reason for ours to run into them either.

The commander, who has formally completed the combat mission to stop the tanks, sends a messenger to find any superiors and convey: “The task is completed. There are no losses." The messenger brought good news: “You can leave at night, there is defense behind you. There will be an opportunity, then we’ll cover it with artillery”...

The commander's secret was his education. In civilian life, he was a cold metal processing technician. Nickel slag, a waste product from the production of high-alloy steel, is a terrible abrasive, only slightly inferior to corundum and aluminum oxide. None of the caterpillar fingers can withstand the abuse of such rubbish, and the entire caterpillar becomes unusable, taking with it most of the entire drive.

Knowledge is a terrible power.


Another case from when Russian ingenuity more than once rescued the army during the same Great Patriotic War.

The country experienced a huge shortage of military equipment. What was needed most was tanks. Therefore, ordinary tractors were converted into tanks, which were sheathed with sheets of armor. During the defense of Odessa, 20 such vehicles were thrown against Romanian units.

“Initially, tractors in the Soviet Union were made so that they could be converted for tank production. Even the width of the tracks of Soviet tractors is the width of the tracks of Soviet tanks,” says historian Yaroslav Listov. “Then the enemy troops believed that they were being attacked by tanks of an unusual design, as they reported, and began to retreat in panic. And our soldiers nicknamed the model of such a tractor “NI-1” - “For Fright.”

Now the Russian army also has weapons, the main purpose of which is to frighten the enemy. We are talking about inflatable tanks. The dummies must mislead the enemy. In the event of war, such mock-ups are displayed to disorient the enemy regarding the real number of Russian equipment, and in case of air bombing, the enemy will use up part of the ammunition.


Here is another example of amazing ingenuity. During the Great Patriotic War The crew of the KV-1 tank under the command of senior lieutenant Zinovy ​​Grigorievich Kolobanov destroyed 22 enemy tanks in three hours of battle on August 19, 1941. This absolute record. And all because the crew of Russian tankers, seeing a column of German tanks on the nearest road, decided to shoot the “head” and “tail” of the column itself, and then destroy the remaining vehicles.

“An incident near Leningrad when the crew of the KV-1 tank shot down 22 German tanks during a tank duel. The KV locked the column with the first two shots. The German tanks could not leave the column and were shot as if in a shooting gallery,” says political scientist and historian Yaroslav Listov.


During the Great Patriotic War, partisan radio operators had simple ciphers that German codebreakers cracked in no time. And then someone at headquarters partisan movement suggested making intentional spelling errors in the encryption - such as “branetranspanter”, “ovtamat”, “somalet”, “anteleriya”, “banbeshka”.

Since there were no such words in Russian-German dictionaries, the battle for enemy codebreakers quickly ended.

And the well-known Russian folk dirty tricks on the air - when the signalmen spoke in their native language, in swear words. This language cannot be translated - you need to understand it, and at least be a native speaker.

The Russian army was distinguished by its courage and resourcefulness long years later after the Second World War.


This funny story happened during cold war on the border of Germany and eastern Germany. The bright minds of designers from Germany found very original way to test their tanks in “real” conditions - they slipped an autonomously controlled vehicle under our guns, and on purpose, greatly unnerving the border guards.

Those, in turn, were not bad either - new shells were developed quite regularly. And the German soldiers dragged the damaged tank back by the cable tied to it and examined the damage, trying to improve its “impenetrability” as much as possible. Time passed, so did progress. One fine day, I received another gift from my neighbors with a new, super cool shell right at the dome, but the tank did not die, as it had before, but survived and was successfully taken back to its homeland.

Naturally, our command did not like this situation very much. They invited several eminent engineers and gave them the task of coming up with something capable of calming such a device. The engineers were savvy and experienced people. The solution was very simple:

- “Comrades, shouldn’t we shoot at this infection with an old-style air defense gun?”

No sooner said than done! They brought in an old air defense gun, designed to kill enemy aircraft with a steel blank at altitudes of up to ten kilometers (such guns were used even before missiles)…

For example, to give you an idea of ​​what this colossus looks like:

The gun was scary! The barrel length is 10 meters + a specially designed kinetic blank. It was installed on a concrete pedestal without any special changes, only the barrel was turned not upward, but as it should be. And so, the hour of “Che” has come. Another German tank brazenly crawled out where it shouldn’t have, ours unsheathed the new toy and made mischief. Not a single academician expected SUCH an effect!

The tank was not knocked out in the literal sense of the word. It looked as if a sixty-ton piece of iron had been “blown away” from its place. A heavy tank, hit by a kinetic blank, fell apart into separate fragments, which, obeying natural laws, flew to their “homeland” under their own power without any towing...

Since then, NATO members have abandoned their favorite habit of testing new equipment on our border.

There are a lot of such stories. There are even more of them in real life like in this funny video.

About Russian ingenuity, resourcefulness and ingenuity at the time of writing books and making films. The Russian mind is inquisitive and it is always difficult to predict. But the Russian people do not have a plan of action; they are terrible with their improvisation.

Take for example the military craft, where the manifestation of Russian ingenuity traditionally breaks any records. After all, what the Russian army did was more than once included in military textbooks.


One of the earliest examples of traditional Russian ingenuity always comes up when, more than 200 years ago, the great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov crossed the Alps and the famous “Devil's Bridge”. The path was the shortest, but the most difficult.

Suvorov began his campaign on September 21, when real winter had already begun in the Alps. Making the trek in winter conditions seemed outright suicide, since most passes turn into impregnable snow fortresses, mountain paths disappear under a thick layer of snow, and endless snowstorms do not allow you to see anything beyond arm's length.

But the most important obstacle on the way of Suvorov’s troops was the Devil’s Bridge (Teufelsbruecke), which spans the river. Reuss. Wanting to prevent excessive strengthening of the French on the left bank, Suvorov gave the order to General Kamensky to pursue the troops of the retreating General Lecourbe, exhausting the French units with constant rearguard battles.

As a result, the French were unable to fortify the Devil's Bridge, but dismantled its central part, making passage impossible.

Then Russian soldiers under the command of P.I. Bagration was dismantled from a nearby barn into logs, and, tying them together with officer scarves, they threw him through the gap.

Under the onslaught of the Russians, the French were forced to retreat, and most of them were sent south for evacuation. In total, Lecourbes had 3,000 people left, after the evacuation no more than 900.

In 1898, a monument was erected near this place in memory of Suvorov and his soldiers who accomplished this feat.

It is a little-known fact, but 495 square meters of land in Andermatt, a small village in Switzerland, belongs to Russia. This territory was donated free of charge as gratitude.


Western military experts: “Only Russians can come up with this”
Incredible miracles of Russian ingenuity were demonstrated in the Second World War.

In August 1941, one rifle company was sent to plug a hole in our defenses in the Krivoy Rog area. The task was set to prevent German tanks from passing through, holding out until the last drop of blood. The company was driven to the site, loaded with a whole truckload of RPG-40 anti-tank grenades, told that there would probably be a lot of tanks tomorrow, and left. According to all tactical scenarios, the soldiers had less than a day to live.

The commander examined the area and ordered: “It’s a shame, people are coming to visit us from Germany, but our road is so broken.” “He’s probably gone crazy from fear,” the soldiers thought. The commander continued: “Everyone, empty everything out of your duffel bags and follow me.” The company went to the nearest hill of slag from the road, removed from the nearby Krivoy Rog metallurgical plant, the equipment of which had already been evacuated to Nizhny Tagil. The commander made us fill bags with slag and carry it to the road.

The slag fell unevenly onto the road itself, more where the road goes uphill. “So that they don’t get slippery,” the commander said. They dragged the slag for a very long time, all the bags were torn to rags, but they managed to cover almost two kilometers of the road with slag. The people are angry and tired, now they have to dig in half the night.

In the morning, observers from the slag mountains gave a signal: “I see tanks.”

Clutching their almost useless grenades, the soldiers knew that life was over. Finally, the tanks began to enter the “improved” road. The third tank in the column was the first to lose its track, and a minute later this epidemic engulfed the remaining vehicles, eight in number. A standing tank, if you don't make it angry, is a safe thing. Not immediately understanding what your ist das was, the Germans also destroyed the tow tank. The Germans' infantry is not bad; they won't move forward without tanks - there's a traffic jam. There is no reason for ours to run into them either.

The commander, who has formally completed the combat mission to stop the tanks, sends a messenger to find any superiors and convey: “The task is completed. There are no losses." The messenger brought good news: “You can leave at night, there is defense behind you. There will be an opportunity, then we’ll cover it with artillery”...

The commander's secret was his education. In civilian life, he was a cold metal processing technician. Nickel slag, a waste product from the production of high-alloy steel, is a terrible abrasive, only slightly inferior to corundum and aluminum oxide. None of the caterpillar fingers can withstand the abuse of such rubbish, and the entire caterpillar becomes unusable, taking with it most of the entire drive.

Knowledge is a terrible power.


Western military experts: “Only Russians can come up with this”
Another case from when Russian ingenuity more than once rescued the army during the same Great Patriotic War.

The country experienced a huge shortage of military equipment. What was needed most was tanks. Therefore, ordinary tractors were converted into tanks, which were sheathed with sheets of armor. During the defense of Odessa, 20 such vehicles were thrown against Romanian units.

“Initially, tractors in the Soviet Union were made so that they could be converted for tank production. Even the width of the tracks of Soviet tractors is the width of the tracks of Soviet tanks,” says historian Yaroslav Listov. “Then the enemy troops believed that they were being attacked by tanks of an unusual design, as they reported, and began to retreat in panic. And our soldiers nicknamed the model of such a tractor “NI-1” - “For Fright.”

Now the Russian army also has weapons, the main purpose of which is to frighten the enemy. We are talking about inflatable tanks. The dummies must mislead the enemy. In the event of war, such mock-ups are displayed to disorient the enemy regarding the real number of Russian equipment, and in case of air bombing, the enemy will use up part of the ammunition.


Here is another example of amazing ingenuity. During the Great Patriotic War, the crew of the KV-1 tank under the command of senior lieutenant Zinovy ​​Grigorievich Kolobanov destroyed 22 enemy tanks in three hours of battle on August 19, 1941. This is an absolute record. And all because the crew of Russian tankers, seeing a column of German tanks on the nearest road, decided to shoot the “head” and “tail” of the column itself, and then destroy the remaining vehicles.

“An incident near Leningrad when the crew of the KV-1 tank shot down 22 German tanks during a tank duel. The KV locked the column with the first two shots. The German tanks could not leave the column and were shot as if in a shooting gallery,” says political scientist and historian Yaroslav Listov.


During the Great Patriotic War, partisan radio operators had simple ciphers that German codebreakers cracked in no time. And so someone at the headquarters of the partisan movement suggested making intentional spelling errors in the codes - such as “armortranspanter”, “ovtamat”, “somalet”, “anteleria”, “banbeshka”.

Since there were no such words in Russian-German dictionaries, the battle for enemy codebreakers quickly ended.

And the well-known Russian folk dirty tricks on the air - when the signalmen spoke in their native language, in swear words. This language cannot be translated - you need to understand it, and at least be a native speaker.

The Russian army was distinguished by its courage and resourcefulness for many years after the Second World War.


This funny story happened during the Cold War on the border of Germany and eastern Germany. The bright minds of designers from Germany found a very original way to test their tanks in “real” conditions - they slipped an autonomously controlled vehicle under our guns, and on purpose, greatly unnerving the border guards.

Those, in turn, did not make a mistake either - new shells were developed quite regularly. And the German soldiers dragged the damaged tank back by the cable tied to it and examined the damage, trying to improve its “impenetrability” as much as possible. Time passed, so did progress. One fine day, I received another gift from my neighbors with a new, super cool shell right at the dome, but the tank did not die, as it had before, but survived and was successfully taken back to its homeland.

Naturally, our command did not like this situation very much. They invited several eminent engineers and gave them the task of coming up with something capable of calming such a device. The engineers were savvy and experienced people. The solution was very simple:

- “Comrades, shouldn’t we shoot at this infection with an old-style air defense gun?”

No sooner said than done! They brought in an old air defense gun, designed to kill enemy aircraft with a steel blank at altitudes of up to ten kilometers (such guns were used even before missiles)…

For example, to give you an idea of ​​what this colossus looks like:

Western military experts: “Only Russians can come up with this”
The gun was scary! The barrel length is 10 meters + a specially designed kinetic blank. It was installed on a concrete pedestal without any special changes, only the barrel was turned not upward, but as it should be. And so, the hour of “Che” has come. Another German tank brazenly crawled out where it shouldn’t have, ours unsheathed the new toy and made mischief. Not a single academician expected SUCH an effect!

The tank was not knocked out in the literal sense of the word. It looked as if a sixty-ton piece of iron had been “blown away” from its place. A heavy tank, hit by a kinetic blank, fell apart into separate fragments, which, obeying natural laws, flew to their “homeland” under their own power without any towing...

Since then, NATO members have abandoned their favorite habit of testing new equipment on our border.

  • Ingenuity provides opportunities for successful self-realization.
  • Ingenuity trains the mind - for swiftness and sharpness of thought.
  • Ingenuity brings joy - creation.
  • Ingenuity pushes the boundaries of what is possible.
  • Savvy ensures attention to detail.
  • Ingenuity gives liberation - from conventions and banalities.

Manifestations of ingenuity in everyday life

  • Hostilities. The concept of “military ingenuity” is firmly entrenched in the Russian language. A warrior who managed to survive difficult situation and even turning it to your advantage demonstrates ingenuity.
  • Invention. Airplanes, cars and even submarines made by hand by folk craftsmen, mechanisms developed that have no analogues in industry are a manifestation of inventive ingenuity.
  • Professional activity. In many professions that require manual labor, serious success can only be achieved with ingenuity - whether we are talking about a lathe, an auto repairman or an electrician.
  • Everyday situations. A person who does not have a special education, but at the same time does not find it difficult to fix an iron, deal with electrical wiring or complex plumbing, shows ingenuity.

How to develop ingenuity

  • Education. Ingenuity is practical use diverse knowledge. By learning, a person creates a base, in the absence of which the manifestation of ingenuity is almost impossible.
  • Work. Hands-on skills are an essential component for developing ingenuity. By acquiring and practicing new skills, a person develops ingenuity.
  • Reading. One of the manifestations of ingenuity is the speed and flexibility of thought; the best “trainer” for this is reading. By expanding one's horizons and developing thinking abilities, a person develops ingenuity.
  • Work on yourself. By consciously cultivating attentiveness, sensitivity to trifles and details, a person gets closer to acquiring ingenuity.

Golden mean

Ingenuity | complete absence savvy


Resourcefulness | excess of ingenuity

Catchphrases about ingenuity

A fighter with wit also fights with a stick. - Russian proverb - Where the ax does not take, the ingenuity will take. - Russian proverb - Ingenuity stops water. - Russian proverb - In war you need toughness and ingenuity. - Russian proverb - Historical anecdotes from Russian life Collection of jokes. Funny incidents from Russian history- examples of shame and resourcefulness, stupidity and ingenuity. Vasily Yan / Alexander Nevskiy Russian military ingenuity is known throughout the world. It appeared back in the time of Alexander Nevsky. Not by chance Battle on the Ice to this day it is studied in all military schools in Russia.

The West has long understood that Russians are an unpredictable people. This is especially clearly shown to them by our conduct of hostilities. Indeed, throughout its history, the Russian army has accomplished the impossible, time after time demonstrating to the world not only valor, bravery and skill, but also its main weapon - Russian ingenuity.

Just look at Suvorov’s crossing of the Alps when he saved Switzerland from Napoleon. Then the commander’s army moved along the mountain peaks at an incredible speed - 60 km per day. Having overcome seven mountain peaks, a total of 22 thousand Russian people defeated an enemy three times larger. Neither the troops of Bonaparte nor Frederick the Great dreamed of this. This victory in 1799 created a real sensation among Western military strategists. In gratitude for this, about 500 square kilometers of land in the Swiss village of Andermatt have belonged to Russia for almost a hundred years.

Our neighbors were probably no less shocked in the spring of 2014, when “polite people” appeared in Crimea. They came as a real surprise to Western intelligence, which then spent a long time analyzing how they did it? As a result, they came to the conclusion that the key to a successful campaign on the peninsula, which became part of Russian Federation without firing a single shot, became a skillful combination of cyber warfare techniques, active information support and good training of our special forces. Our soldiers, who recently landed in the most difficult conditions in the Arctic, also made their Western colleagues tremble.

However, Russian army gave heat to Western colleagues in Soviet times as well. One such example is February 12, 1988. On this day, the Black Sea Fleet repulsed American warships and literally pushed them out of the territorial waters of the USSR. Then two ships of the US 6th Fleet, the cruiser Yorktain and the destroyer Caron, almost violating the maritime borders of the Soviet Union, were approaching Sevastopol. Our sailors, aware that they might have had sophisticated equipment on board that could record Soviet radar data and defense communications signals, began the assault. This technique is a kind of approach at speed to the side of another ship at an angle and pushing it away from the intended course. At the same time, our patrol ships that rushed to attack were 2 and 4 times smaller than the American ones. During the first attempt to attack enemy ships, the Americans were not afraid of Soviet ships, but already during the second they realized that they had made a fatal mistake.

The repeated entry of the desperate sailors was more like a ram. After all, the Black Sea patrol ship SKR-6 hit its body in the area of ​​the enemy helipad, walking with its bow and anchor along the enemy’s deck. As a result of such an attack, a fire started on the damaged enemy cruiser. But the Americans finally lost their fighting spirit when they noticed depth charges and Mi-26 helicopters ready for launch with full combat suspension.

"A jewelry operation was performed. Such a push with a cheekbone. However, as a result of this push, the American Yorktown received very serious damage, and the Americans immediately turned around and left. This was just an example of how Soviet Union did not hesitate to defend its territorial waters,” military expert Vladislav Shurygin shared his opinion.

Russian sailors, by the way, recently again shocked the Americans with their ingenuity. This time, the surprise of overseas residents was caused by Russian know-how, which combined a tractor and an aircraft engine. The fact is that when clearing debris on its aircraft carriers, the United States uses special machines so that no small thing threatens the lives of the pilots. However, our guys decided to save money for this purpose and attached an engine from an old Mig-15 to the tractor.

After all these amazing Russian inventions, many of which became stars on the Internet, Westerners began to look for the "Russian trace" in everything that happened. Thus, the Finnish Ministry of Defense stated that the purchase of land on their territory by the Russians is an element of a hybrid war. After all, the sites are dangerously close to strategic Finnish objects and could be used for mobilization during the war. German pilots are also experiencing persecution mania, complaining that their Tornado planes are constantly accompanied by Russian Su35s in the skies over Syria.

Of course, our sworn friends, the Americans, are most worried about the “Russian threat.” They recently accused Russia of militarizing space, fearing a satellite called Kosmos-2504. It turned out that overseas scientists and military personnel who closely followed its launch decided that it was capable of flying up to foreign satellites and destroying them with special weapons.