Signs about a broom in the house for good luck. Folk signs about a new, old, bath, wedding broom, when it fell, at the door, threshold, upside down, for buying a broom, housewarming, as a gift, sweeping a person with a broom, meeting a woman with a broom: description of signs, magician

The broom is always placed with the handle down - it preserves well-being and protects from demons.

· you cannot sweep the threshold with a broom, so as not to sweep away the money;
· you cannot take revenge after sunset, so as not to get sick;
· you must not step over the broom;
· you cannot hit with a used broom - it will lead to illness;
· beating fruit trees with a new broom means a harvest;
· children were beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to force them to behave;
· they swept the babies with a new broom so they could sleep;
· a new broom to attract wealth is bought on the growing moon, a wish is made for it;
· unmarried girls jumped over a broom 9 times to attract suitors;
· you cannot use two brooms in one day - you will lose your wealth;
· you can’t let someone else sweep your house - you’ll lose your luck;
· an old broom should not be burned or thrown away near the house;
· when moving to a new place, take the old broom with you;
· you cannot take revenge if one of the household members is on the road;
· if they wanted to get rid of an unwanted guest, then after he left they swept the garbage through the threshold between their spread legs;
· You cannot take revenge while there is a dead person in the house.

How to take luck

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that sweeping near someone else's yard was theft of luck and fortune. And today take a closer look at your neighbors.

To take someone else's luck with a broom, you don't need to be a magician or perform complex rituals. It is enough, while cleaning the site, to sweep under the doors of prosperous neighbors with a dustpan and say: “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself,” etc. (arbitrarily).

Do not throw the garbage into the garbage chute, but throw it in your own trash can so that it “spends the night” in your apartment.

They don't sweep after sunset. Similarly, you can observe how neighbors sweep garbage from their door to someone else's muttering something. This is how you get rid of diseases and problems.

The words spoken are arbitrary, something like: “I get rid of illnesses, and you take them” or “Take away my misfortunes and sorrows,” etc.

Have you ever found someone else's trash under your front door or under your rug? Such garbage is not picked up by hand, it is carefully collected (you can use sheets of paper), taken out and burned with the words: “Go back to where it came from” or “Go back to the one who did it.”

To get rid of negativity and failures

If your neighbors harmed you in this way or you simply had a series of failures and lack of money, a broom will also help correct the situation.

You need to buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep your apartment with it. You need to sweep from the farthest corner to the exit, saying: “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.”

On the same day, the garbage is taken out and burned (it is better to burn it, not just throw it away), and they throw the broom at a pedestrian intersection and leave without looking back. Therefore, when you see a discarded broom, never touch it or step over it.

Broom spell to attract money

On the waxing Moon, buy a new broom; you can tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in all corners of the apartment. Let them lie overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect coins on a scoop, saying: “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.”

Then put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and put it out of sight. You cannot take coins from there. This is a money bait. The broom can be used on the farm for its intended purpose. Just put it in a corner with the handle down.

To attract money and as a talisman, in general, it’s a good idea to have a broom in the house, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner. Let it even be a decorative broom. Just hang it on the wall with the handle down and the broom up.

In the corridor near the front door, a broom is placed in a corner or hung on the wall (decorative) to keep troubles and evil spirits out of the house; in the kitchen - for money and prosperity.

Even in ancient times, people knew how to attract good luck to their home. They were helped with this various signs with a broom. Here are the most famous of them, apply them and you will know how to attract good luck:

  • To protect yourself from demons and maintain your well-being, you should always place the broom with the handle down.
  • You cannot step over the broom.
  • In order not to sweep money out of the house, you cannot sweep the threshold with a broom.
  • You need to take an old broom with you when moving.
  • Revenge after sunset is a sign of illness.
  • A new broom is used to sweep newborns so that they sleep well.
  • Children are beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to make them behave.
  • To attract suitors, unmarried girls need to jump over the broom 9 times.
  • You need to beat fruit trees with a new broom - for the harvest.
  • Revenge cannot be taken with two brooms in one day, since the house will lose its wealth.
  • While there is a deceased person in the house, you cannot sweep.
  • You need to buy a new broom for the waxing moon and make a wish on it.
  • If one of the family members is on the road, revenge is not allowed in the house.
  • You cannot have someone else sweeping your house: you will lose your luck.
  • An old broom should not be thrown away or burned near the house.

However, it is important to know not only how to attract good luck into the house, but also how to carelessly take away good luck with a broom.

In ancient times, it was believed that by sweeping around someone else's yard, people were stealing good fortune. Today, neighbors can do the same by sweeping next to your apartment. For example, while cleaning, they can sweep under the doors of prosperous residents and say, “I’ll take your money and luck for myself.” They can take the garbage to themselves at night so that it attracts someone else's well-being.

In the same way, neighbors can “give away” their problems and diseases by sweeping garbage from their door to someone else’s. At the same time, they say something like “Take my misfortunes and illnesses for yourself.” Therefore, if you find someone else’s garbage at your door, collect it on paper and burn it with the words “Go back to the one who did this.”

Getting rid of failures and negativity

If a streak of bad luck has entered your life and failures are literally pursuing you, buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep the apartment from the most distant corner to the threshold. At the same time, say “With this rubbish, let all failures and misfortunes leave me.” The garbage should be taken out on the same day and burned, and the broom should be thrown at a pedestrian intersection, then leave without looking back. That is why, if you see a discarded broom on the street, do not touch it or step over it.

Attracting money and good luck with a broom

You need to buy a new broom on the waxing moon and tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in the corners of the house and leave them overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect your coins on a dustpan. At the same time, you need to say “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.” After this, put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and hide it, you cannot take coins from there, as it is a money bait.

Buy a broom to attract money and good luck!

To attract money, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to have a broom in the house, at least a decorative one. But remember that it should be hung with the handle down. In the corridor, an ordinary broom should be placed in a corner to protect against evil spirits. In the kitchen, they hang a decorative broom on the wall to attract wealth and money.

Among the ancient Slavs of Eastern Europe a broom was considered a sacred object. First of all, it was associated with cleanliness (bathroom, household brooms) and order in the house. With the help of a broom, they not only cleansed their body and their home, but also rid themselves and loved ones of negative energy.

This irreplaceable item in the household was also used for magical purposes: with its help it was possible, or, conversely, to get rid of it, drive away small demons, bring health and good luck into the house, and even find treasure. Therefore, signs about a broom, which have survived to this day, are also popular among modern inhabitants megacities.

Broom in magic: special properties

There are many magical rituals associated with an ordinary household broom. These include a ritual for marriage, getting rid of damage and the evil eye, a ritual for attracting money, for help. Therefore, for a long time, the broom in the house was treated with great respect. She also had a special place in her home - in the red corner.

Buying a new one and getting rid of an old broom was always accompanied by certain rituals, which were strongly not recommended to be violated. Superstitions and signs associated with this subject have firmly entered and become entrenched in our lives.

Superstitions and signs

  • The broom should be stored in a special place in the house with the handle down. The sign “broom up” meant that in this way witches, sorcerers and minor evil spirits were blocked from entering the home.
  • It was considered a bad omen to sweep your home after sunset. So the broom lost its amulet and became useless.
  • After visiting a person who was considered to have the evil eye, a broom was swept three times over the threshold of the house.
  • To prevent children in the family from being naughty and to grow up healthy and strong, it was considered a good sign to lightly hit them on the back with a new broom.
  • It was not allowed to hit children, adults, or pets with a broom that had already been used on the farm - otherwise they would become very sick.

Getting rid of the old and buying new

A home broom is not only a talisman and protection from dark forces, but also a symbol of a rich and prosperous life. Therefore, in order to always have money in the house, it is not recommended to keep two brooms in the house at the same time - a new one and an old one.

When buying a broom, you need to follow all the rules to get rid of the one that has already served. There are signs about a broom that need to be followed:

  • an old broom that falls into the wrong hands of others can become an attribute of damage that can be sent through it to former owners. Therefore, it must be thrown away so that no one can find this item;
  • the broom must be thrown as far as possible from the house, otherwise the owners will feel uncomfortable and anxious;
  • It has long been believed that this magical object should not be burned in fire - this will lead to quarrels and loss of material wealth.

When to buy a broom: important rules

Folk signs They warn: under no circumstances should you buy a broom at the end of summer, otherwise the new attribute will not last long and will bring trouble to the house.

There are several important rules product purchases:

  • when buying, you cannot bargain;
  • Before you buy a broom, get rid of the old one;
  • the panicle is bought on days when the moon is growing;
  • As soon as you purchase an item, you must use it immediately;
  • with a new broom they begin to sweep away from the threshold, so as not to sweep away good luck and health outside the apartment or house;
  • If a broom bought the day before falls in the house, you need to get rid of it.

It is also worth paying attention to the days of the week on which the purchase will be made. What will the sign mean if you buy a broom on the following days:

  • Monday - acquisition promises financial success;
  • Tuesday - if there is one in the house Small child, sweep a new broom in a circle from right to left around his crib when the baby is sleeping. This will promote health and sleep soundly child;
  • Wednesday – if an unmarried girl buys a broom, she will have a wedding this year;
  • Thursday - the purchase promises extraordinary luck in gambling;
  • Friday – for three months everyone in the house will be healthy if you hit your loved ones on the back with a brand new broom;
  • Saturday – purchase has a strong talisman, will protect you from the evil eye;
  • Sunday – on this day it is better to refuse to purchase the item.

Plot for a new broom

A new broom can serve for magical purposes: for example, with the help of a home broom, a ritual is performed to attract finance, or in this way girls look for grooms. A new broom designed for a bath can improve your health and cleanse yourself from the effects of the evil eye.

For money

Throw a few silver coins on the floor of the house. Do not touch them for one night. The next day, buy a new broom for your home. The purchase must be made on Monday or Thursday.

After this, you need to return home and, using a broom, sweep up the spilled change into one of the corners of the house. At the same time, pronounce the following words of the conspiracy:

“I sweep money with a broom, I will attract wealth into the house.”

Leave the money in the corner for three more nights. After this, you can collect them and put them in a clean green cloth to make a small bag. Tie the money bag with green thread and hide it in a dark place.

To your health

Perfect for these purposes Banya broom. Most often, birch panicles are used for the body in health rituals. However, products made from other wood species also have special properties. Among them:

  • linden will help cope with constant colds and lung diseases;
  • birch is used for general strengthening body, removes the evil eye, removes anxiety and the effects of stress;
  • Rowan will ward off evil spirits from a person;
  • A juniper broom will help cope with the consequences of physical injuries.

In order for the purchased broom to serve you well and improve your health, you need to read a short spell for a bath broom before using it:

“Water is off a duck’s back, all thinness is off me (name)!”

For the groom

For centuries, girls seeking to find a worthy spouse have used this magical attribute to attract their other half. What you need to do to find a groom:

  • buy a new broom for the house only early on Wednesday morning;
  • after the purchase you need not to talk to anyone along the way;
  • When you come home, you need to sweep a new broom around yourself. At the same time, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I sweep the floors and attract my dear one to me! My house is cozy and clean, my betrothed is nearby, my betrothed is close!”

It is believed that after performing this magical ritual, the girl will get married within a year.

Signs at a wedding

Newlyweds entering new life, usually took the folk beliefs associated with the panicle very seriously. After all, their correct observance guaranteed comfort, tranquility and safety of the family.

What they say about a broom:

  • if a man gives a broom for the house to a young family for a wedding, this is a sign of wealth and good luck;
  • and vice versa, if a woman gives such a gift, it will bring trouble;
  • Before the wedding, the road in front of the newlyweds to the church was necessarily swept: this promised good luck and strength for the new family;
  • if a new broom has scattered in the young people’s house, you should expect an addition to the family;
  • a girl dreamed of a broom on her wedding night - there will be many strong and healthy children in the family.

Today, many homes have an assistant for cleaning - a vacuum cleaner. This miracle of technical thought makes life much easier modern man, however, it cannot replace even the simplest broom. And the point here, as you understand, is not at all about the quality of cleaning.

Naturally, the latest model vacuum cleaner will completely rid your apartment of dirt and dust, but it will definitely not help you drive out evil spirits, attract good luck and protect your family from quarrels. To solve such problems, you should contact His Majesty Broom for help.

The Slavs have a dual attitude towards the broom. On the one hand, the broom is the “flying machine” of witches; they use it to damage a person and send illnesses. On the other hand, people attribute to these same cleaning attributes the ability to rid the house of evil spirits.

IN ancient times It was not without reason that they said that “there is so much crowned with a broom - nothing can change it,” because with a broom they not only swept away the dirty laundry from the hut, but also scattered the negative energy that had accumulated in it during illnesses, quarrels and visits from unpleasant guests.

In Rus' protective properties brooms were used to counteract demons. It was customary to place a broom in front of the entrance to the house with the handle down, so that dark forces would not penetrate into it. To prevent the visit of an “eye-catching” or evil guest from harming the hosts, a broom was thrown after him. If the residents of the house began to quarrel for no reason or things suddenly began to disappear, then this was considered the machinations of someone else’s brownie, who could be driven out by beating him on the threshold with a broom.

Our great-great-grandmothers also knew very well about medicinal properties bath broom:

  • they patted each other with oak to relieve inflammation,
  • linden - in the heat,
  • alder - to get rid of body aches,
  • nettle - for radiculitis and rheumatism.

The most popular was Birch broom, made only on Holy Trinity Day. It was believed that such a broom not only helps against all diseases, but also improves mood and lifts spirits. It was also a talisman among the Slavs.

By the way, this “object of purity” was attributed magical properties and residents of other countries. The ancient Chinese, for example, revered the broom goddess Xiao Chin Nian, who ruled the weather and lived on the Xiao Chou Broom Star.

The Aztec tribes worshiped the goddess Tlazolteotl, who sweeps away all sins and vices with a broom. And some residents of Great Britain to this day try not to sweep after sunset, since it is believed that in the evening you can sweep away happiness and good luck from the house.


There are a large number of signs associated with a broom. We will list just a few of them:

  1. Strangers should not be allowed to sweep the house, otherwise the person sweeping will take away the owner's luck.
  2. To prevent something good from being swept out of your home, revenge must be taken from the threshold to the middle of the room.
  3. Sweeping your home with two different brooms is contraindicated, since it is believed that with household garbage you sweep out of the house evil spirits that interfere with your happiness; and if you sweep with two brooms, then the evil spirits will jump from one broom to another and will not be swept away anywhere.
  4. There are two opinions regarding an old broom in a new house. According to the first, an old broom in a new home will bring misfortune to the owners, and before using a new one, they need to put something into the house. According to the second, the old broom must be taken to the new home in order to move the brownie living under it.
  5. Before the first cleaning with a new broom or broom, make a wish. It is especially important to do this if the broom suddenly falls out of your hands - then it will definitely come true.
  6. Are you going fishing, and along the way you meet a woman with a broom? You can turn back - there will definitely be no catch that day!
  7. Does it take a long time for your baby to start walking? Our great-grandmothers knew exactly what to do in this case: place a broom between the child’s legs and cut his ropes, since it was believed that the legs of a child who had not begun to walk for a long time were tied with an invisible thread.
  8. But what you definitely shouldn’t do is hit a person with a broom. According to popular belief, if an adult is hit with a broom, he will become painfully thin (that is, dry, like a broom), and the child will stop growing. For the same reasons, you should not hit animals with a broom.
  9. They sweep the road in front of the newlyweds with a broom, protecting them from the evil eye and envious people.
  10. If a broom lies on the path of the newlyweds, thrown, as a rule, by a former passion, rejected in the past or by a witch who wants to harm, then the newly-made family will quickly fall apart. But this sign can be neutralized: a friend and a friend together should take this broom not with bare hands (with mittens or wrapped in a scarf or rag), take it aside and burn it.
  11. To prevent difficult childbirth, a pregnant woman should not step over a broom. But the same broom can be placed under the baby’s cradle after childbirth as a talisman for the woman in labor and the newborn.
  12. Sweep the floors immediately after departure loved one should not be done, lest his “spiritual trace” be swept out of the apartment. Otherwise, troubles may await him on the road.
  13. It is better to always keep a broom in the house in a corner with the rods up, otherwise various entities of the lowest astral plane will gather in it; When sweeping with this broom, all the evil spirits can scatter throughout the house.
  14. To attract the attention of the person you like, you must first sweep the threshold of your house with a cherry broom, and then throw a few of its branches on the threshold of your sweetheart.
  15. Well, if a twig fell out of the broom while sweeping or the broom completely fell apart, then wait for the news!

Rituals to attract money and good luck

Are you constantly short of money? There is an exit! Choose one of the following ways to get rich using the magical properties of a broom (broom):

Method 1. On Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, buy a broom from a woman old age. When you bring it home, place it in the corner by the front door with the handle down. This simple ritual will not only attract money into the house, but will also attract good luck and family well-being.

Method 2. When the moon is waxing, buy a broom from a man, tie a green ribbon on it, scatter coins around the apartment, a day later sweep them, collecting them in a green dustpan and repeating the spell: “I sweep money - I welcome wealth, I will be rich and covered in gold.”

Then place the scoop with change in the left corner of the room in which you usually keep money - it should lie there for three days and three nights. After this, collect the coins in a container, cover with a lid, hide and under no circumstances open (so as not to lose your luck). And after cleaning, always place the broom with the handle up in the corner where the dustpan with the money was kept.

Method 3. In the fall, during the leaf fall period, hug the aspen tree with both hands and say three times: “How true it is that Judas hanged himself on the aspen tree, and how many leaves fall at my feet, so may I have just as much money and just as surely!” When you come home, place the broom with the rods up, saying “My word is strong!”

Rituals to attract a groom

You can get rid of loneliness and attract a groom by performing one of the following rituals:

Rite 1. On the third Friday of the month, early in the morning, a girl must buy a broom at the market, fulfilling three conditions:

  1. On the way to the market, do not talk to anyone;
  2. Return the same way you took to the market;
  3. If you accidentally meet a woman wearing a colored headscarf, saying hello to her is a good sign.

Having brought the broom home, you need to wrap it in your handkerchief that has not been worn for three days and sweep the floor in the bedroom clockwise with the words: “I sweep, I attract my destiny, come, my happiness, and don’t go!” Then hide the broom behind the curtains in the same room, without removing the tied scarf.

Important: Before the groom's first visit to the house, it will be necessary to sweep the floor with a hidden broom.

Rite 2. Another powerful ritual to speed up the fateful meeting of a girl with her soulmate should be performed by the father of the future bride. To begin with, he makes a broom from oak branches (so that his daughter’s husband is strong and strong) and willow (so that he is flexible and loyal), then he ties the branches into a bundle with a red ribbon, saying: “I call for love for my daughter, I give my strength, let her boyfriend be strong and sculpted!”

The father must place the broom he has made under his daughter’s bed and not remove it from there until her marriage. Well, the wedding, as they promise, is just around the corner.

Girls who dream of getting married quickly are also invited to jump over the broom 9 times. And if she wants to get a good groom, then she always needs to sweep the floor in the hut very clean.

How to rid your home of negative energy?

If everything in your life has suddenly gone awry: quarrels with loved ones have become more frequent, bosses have become intractable, you constantly feel tired - the culprit may be an excess of negative energy in the house.

In this case, you need to purchase a broom during the waning moon and sweep the floor with it, starting from the far corner of the apartment towards the exit. At the same time, you should say three times: “With this garbage, the negativity will go away and will not come again.” Burn or throw away the collected garbage at an intersection, but only so that no one sees, and leave without looking back. Break the broom and throw it away from people. And soon everything will get better for you!

The magic of a broom in the life of a modern person

If you have long said goodbye to a broom and a broom as unnecessary, and do not want to clutter up your apartment with these cleaning equipment in the future, then you can purchase it to protect your home from dark forces and carry out magical rituals small decorative broom.

Today there are a huge number of protective brooms on sale for every taste, but it is still better to make this item of arts and crafts with my own hands to give it the right energy.

A decorative broom must be made by hand main woman in the house. Such a craft will contain great power, helping to protect the family from negativity. Even a small ritual broom can sweep away grievances and illnesses from your home, and by knocking three times on the threshold you can summon good luck.

Since the brownie may choose a decorative broom as his home, it should always be kept clean, otherwise the brownie will be offended and start doing all sorts of mischief. By hanging such a broom on the door of the room where you sleep and putting garlic under your pillow, you will get rid of nightmares. And by placing it on the front door from the street side with the handle down, protect the house from people with the evil eye.

Unfortunately, today people (especially urban residents) use brooms and brooms to clean their houses less and less, and, consequently, the magical properties of these cleaning devices and the signs associated with them are forgotten. Perhaps some of you will say that all this is just fiction and superstition.

Maybe so, or maybe our ancestors were simply much wiser than us. In any case, if you are overcome by failures, lack of money or quarrels in the family, and all attempts made to improve life situation turned out to be unsuccessful, turning to a straw “object of purity” for help will definitely not be superfluous!

All of us remember the old cartoon about Scrooge McDuck, who was so rich that he could dive into his money, shovel it and sweep it with a broom.

And each of us wants, if not to dive into money, then at least to sweep it away like some kind of garbage. In this article we will tell you how to make an original money talisman- loot thrower.

Bablomet is a comic name for the so-called “money broom”. This thing may seem like an ordinary modern joke, however, back in the old days, our ancestors used brooms for so-called “money conspiracies.”

The simplest of them can be repeated now - to do this, you need to scatter coins throughout the house and sweep them with a new broom with a green ribbon tied on it.

The swept coins should be placed in a jar and not touched - they will serve as money bait. You need to buy a sweeper for this plot only when the moon is waxing.

However, it is not necessary to go through such complex and strange procedures - just hang it with the handle down above the front door. According to signs, this should attract money to the house and scare away evil spirits.

It is for this reason that such a gift was often given to newlyweds at a wedding - to take money into the house and sweep out evil.

Whether you believe in these signs or not is up to you, but such a thing will become good and an original gift even for a not too superstitious person. It can be manufactured in several versions, each of which has its own characteristics. Present option for saving money:


To make this gift, you need to take an ordinary broom and glue banknotes to it. If it is understood that the bills will be used for their intended purpose. Then you need to attach them carefully so that you can unhook them later.

The denomination of the banknotes depends solely on your budget - if it leaves much to be desired, then the broom can be covered even with change from your pocket - the symbolic meaning of the gift will still be preserved.

You can attach a sign with words like “loot launcher” to the handle, in case the purpose of the gift is misinterpreted.

This is a more complex version of the previous surprise, for which you will need a mop - preferably a wooden one. You need to take a lot of small bills and attach them to the mop, first twisting them into a tube.

The easiest way to do this is with glue, after having previously covered the end of the mop with paper. After the glue has dried, you need to cut each tube in the form of a fringe so that it looks like a mop.

Since making such a gift requires merciless destruction large quantity money, then for obvious reasons it is not recommended for gifting to thrifty people - this could be enough for them, and you will probably find yourself in the “spendthrift” category.

You can also use a modern mop with an auto-spin for such a gift - you just need to attach banknotes to it.

Vacuum cleaner

It would be more correct to call such a gift a “money sucker,” but the essence does not change. If you are going to give it to someone, then you can play with it in this funny way.

In this case, bills can be attached to the brush that comes with each vacuum cleaner. The main thing is that money does not accidentally fall into a working vacuum cleaner!

The things described above are perfect - especially if you want to present money in an original way.

It is better to accompany such a gift original congratulations with poems or ditties. A poem for such a surprise can easily be found on the Internet.

We hope these tips will help you in making your gift loot launcher. May there always be room for success and wealth in your life!