I dreamed about my little niece. Dream Interpretation - A small house or house where an individual was born. Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw your nephew in health and contentment, prosperity will come to your home. They found their nephew pale and thin - to concern and disappointment. A woman who sees her niece must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

Dream - Nephews

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing them in a dream foretells receiving news from relatives. The news will be good if your nephews like you. Otherwise, the news will be alarming or foreshadow troubles that you will have to overcome because of your relatives.

What does a dream mean about a Nephew, Niece?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of the dream about Nephews

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sign of minor disturbances, vanity, and grief.

If you see “Nephews” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means prosperity in the house if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing an unforeseen test for her and...

Dreaming about Nephew, Niece - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about nephews foreshadows the unity of your family, the desire of all relatives to strengthen family relationships. If your breeding partner is beautiful, healthy and cheerful, you will live in abundance, but if he (she, they) looks bad, get ready to experience troubles. For a woman to see but in a dream...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Nephews

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream about nephews foreshadows the unity of your family, the desire of all relatives to strengthen family relationships. If your nephews are beautiful, healthy and cheerful, you will live in abundance. If your nephews look bad, get ready to go through trouble. For a woman to see her niece in a dream - in reality...

If you dream about Nephews, what is this for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means that a pleasant awareness of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, it means that fate...

Why does the Nephew appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a nephew is a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. If your nephew is older than you, in reality this is a sign of concern about fading beauty and approaching old age. Seeing your niece means rising in the eyes of others...

Dream Interpretation Online - Nephew

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw your nephew in health and contentment, then prosperity will come to your home. They found their nephew pale and thin - to concern and disappointment. A woman who sees her niece must prepare for the trials fate has prepared for her.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Nephew, Niece

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You saw your nephew in a dream and noticed that he had become handsome - the dream promises you reliable income and prosperity. The nephew you see in a dream is gloomy and looks bad - poverty does not threaten you, but losses will cause a lot of trouble; ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Nephews Dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew in a dream means that a pleasant awareness of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, it means that fate...

Seeing Nephews in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your nephew means that a pleasant realization of wealth will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and worried. If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing for her...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fingers?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of your right hand without fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (perhaps a nephew). Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you will be unable to fully deal with the problems of your own family...

Milkmaid - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a man with a milk pan or near a cow is a sign of a petitioner. This could be a nephew, a matchmaker, a brother - in general, anyone who wants to borrow without paying back.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Relatives?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Conversation with brother - a clear sign that someone needs your help and compassion. Seeing sick relatives in a dream means financial ruin. Seeing distant relatives in a dream portends joy and pleasant troubles for some good, but insignificant reason. See …

Relatives - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you dreamed of relatives gathered at the table foreshadows that some distant relative will make himself known and tell you good news: a newborn may appear in the family, or someone will get married and bring a new member into the house...

Decoding and interpretation of the dream Cap

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Wearing or simply seeing a cap in a dream is a sign of joy. You realize how devoted your children, grandchildren, and nephews are to you.

Why does the Cap appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a cap foreshadows an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance. Putting a cap on your head foretells the deep satisfaction and joy that your children or nephews will bring you. To see a cap on someone else's head - indulge in pleasant memories.

Author of the article: website

I see a hospital, a small room, one bed. On the bed there is a colored flannelette children's robe, purple-pink in color. White sheet on the bed. Next to the bed there is a nightstand, I don’t remember what color - it’s dark. The glass door to the room is open. I am horrified that I don’t see my niece on the bed. I ask where she is. They tell me that she doesn’t exist, they shrug their shoulders, they did what they could, but they didn’t save me. In general, I understand that she died. I stand and stare blankly at this bed and robe, then I start sobbing wildly. Some feeling of guilt appears, they explain to me that I had nothing to do with it, that she had an accident. For some reason I feel guilty, although I have nothing to do with it. Because I cry, I wake up in tears.
I don’t know what to associate my dream with. I am 37 years old, female.


To understand this dream, let us once again return to the concept of “ prophetic dream" Such a dream is considered to be any dream that is in tune with a real existing problem or helps to identify it. For example. A man dreams that he is having sex with his wife, and his mother-in-law is standing and holding a candle. He wakes up in horror and, pondering his dream, comes to the conclusion that his mother-in-law is meddling in all his family affairs. This dream can be called prophetic. Or more. One of the visitors to the oraKul dreamed several months ago that her husband was being killed before her eyes, and a little later - herself. At this time, several months later, in reality, she initiated divorce proceedings with this man (for her Eg’a, her husband was killed). She herself considers herself to have changed (her Ego has changed, that is, the old Ego died, a new one was born).
I myself dreamed that my brother died - since in reality I love him, this forced me to resume a closer relationship with him. When comparing the dream situation and reality in your case, you can decipher the dream in two ways. The dream provokes you to have strong emotions regarding your niece, so that in reality you will think about what you dreamed about and, if necessary, change the situation into a more acceptable form. You long time suppressed your feelings, immediate reactions, as a result, something childish and spontaneous in your soul died. To realize what exactly, try to mentally say goodbye to everything, as if it were all symbolically included in the concept of “dead niece”


I dreamed about how my sister was going to give her niece a bath. (The age of the niece in the dream corresponds to her age in reality - 12 years old. Moreover, the girl is real life For several years now she has been coping with this procedure completely independently.) They stood naked in a bright room. The room looked like an attic, the window was located almost under the ceiling. It was open and the weather outside was clear and warm. There was almost no furniture in the room. There was only a white bathtub in front of the window. There were no pipes or even a tap. I remember that when the girl undressed, I lifted her and moved her into the bath. Moreover, I did not see myself completely in the dream, but only saw my hands. I took a little shower gel in my hand and in an instant both my sister and niece were covered from head to toe (even their faces were not visible) with white foam. This amused everyone, and I thought that I should quickly find water to wash off the foam. At this point the dream ended.


Look how effectively in dream reality you cope with your task of lathering your sister and niece [I took a little shower gel in my hand and in an instant both my sister and niece were covered from head to toe, even their faces were not visible, with white foam]. In a dream, you take care of them; your psyche shows that your actions in relation to them are initially correct. The dream smoothly leads you to some action, decision, in this case - foaming. You can only do this from the moment you get your hands on shower gel. He is the trigger point. This means that we can associate on the topic “for the shower……soul……..soul….”.

A small doubt is left by your too great efficiency [they were covered from head to toe, even their faces were not visible]. You have a tendency to overdo it. That's why I used the word "originally" above.


This is an absolutely correct description, I really do go overboard sometimes. This applies to both personal relationships and work. If I love someone or something, then I LOVE. If I do any work, I strive to bring it to perfection, forgetting that the best is the enemy of the good.


Kusturica made a new film. My newborn nephew plays an important role there, but in the film he is already 16-17 years old, a very large, well-fed young man. We are driving together in the car, and at first I was somehow wary of him, but he turned out to be so sweet and cool that I fell in love with him again. The film is about a girl, how she gradually grew up, constantly creating problems for all her relatives with her unpredictability, because above all she put internal logic, and outwardly her actions looked completely illogical. (Disorder is order, which not everyone understands). Kusturica himself played her father, and while I admire the film, I think about how symbolic it is: he is her father, because he created and brought to life such a bright and expressive image. Another film is about to start at the Cinema Center, which my mother and I were planning to go to, but I want to finish watching Kusturica and am wondering if we will make it in time for the beginning. It turns out that we won’t make it in time, and we have to choose: see the end of this film, or make it to the beginning of another. I chose to be in time for the beginning, but the dream ends with a stunningly beautiful ending: that exalted girl leaves FOREVER barefoot along the highway, dressed in light clothes, and Kusturica, her father, leaves with her, playing some kind of musical instrument a cheerful motive, and several more people, inspired by their example, among whom, after hesitating and consulting with me, was my nephew. Leaving forever is here as a symbol of final liberation from conventions, the dictates of responsibilities. What’s interesting is that in the dream film, all the characters - parents, children, old people and babies - are the same age, young, and all somehow related.


I recently buried my niece who died, so to speak, out of nowhere. Just before this, I fell ill with an unknown disease that keeps me constantly in fear of death. And so, two days after her death, I dreamed horrible dream. I saw a grave being dug for me. But they buried my (deceased) niece in it. And sitting at the table with my family, I was afraid in my dreams that they would bury me too. Explain this dream to me. Please. After it, I’m like a dead person!


I thought that my niece was supposed to come to me, but she wasn’t there for a long time. Then the scene changes and I’m driving somewhere, and on the way I encounter an accident in which a car hit my niece on a bicycle. And I clearly remember how I cry over her and kiss her...


In principle, an accident in a dream reflects a latent (hidden for the time being) tendency towards suicide, or harmful semantics that comes from the driver of the “hijacked car.” But since all the misfortunes in a dream happen to your niece, the dream most likely states your psychological openness when communicating with her. Let's leave open the question of who should be closed off from and who not.


houses are collapsing, I run down the stairs a few steps, find myself underground, someone is with me all the time, it feels like my niece. My mother, who in reality died, and my aunt are sitting there...and they are eating, I smile at them, but with the feeling that someone will come for us, like Polish soldiers, my niece and I quickly collect the most beautiful and expensive things with us and I need to run away... I don’t feel scared, but I succumb to the panic of my niece and aunt, and my mother just smiles, and from the look and feeling I feel that if we leave, it’s good... and if we don’t leave, then nothing bad will happen either... About me : half female, 33 years old, no idea what this dream can be associated with..


1. I am sitting at a large table, in some room, my nephew G is sitting next to me on the left. Then the hero of V.’s last dreams is sitting in this place. In front of me is an open sketchbook. V. looks interestedly at what’s there, I see that a page is open with a drawing from a neighbor, where a landscape is drawn by a child’s hand, with a green round image (probably a tree, I’m not looking closely) to the left of the center of the picture. The album moves closer to V., I say that this drawing was drawn by a boy from a neighboring apartment. Then this drawing is looked at by a female doctor who sits to the left of V. at the end of the table and says that he (the boy, in the dream I understand that G.) is predisposed to cancer. I see it or know it. I say: Maybe it’s better that a person doesn’t know? Maybe he could relax and rest (otherwise he would be nervous). Awoke. I thought that this dream was a continuation of my thought about the previous dream, where I dreamed of something dark in the form of a strip with perpendicular branches extending (approximately how fish bones extend from a vertebra or veins in a leaf). As a hypochondriac, of course, I immediately thought, where could “this” be formed? I remembered a dream that I had after a conversation with P Erm, where I dreamed that there was a red vertical stripe in my throat, and about a year and a half ago, when I was at a meeting with Maharaji, my entire meeting had a burning sensation in my throat where there is a “lump in the throat” sensation. very unusual. I directed my attention there until I saw the entire neck and forearm filled and glowing with a slightly yellowish light, and in an instant the image disappeared. I fell asleep. 2. I see a bunch of some kind of cones (fir or some other), I think what they are for and if only I would throw them away somewhere - it’s not necessary. Image: Some people are walking in my direction. Some male voice asks: Why do you need it now? (like everything went through after all). I think it's about money, funerals. Then a glimpse of the passbook.


In a dream I see nephew G - this is the son of my cousin, he is the same age as my son At one time, 2 years, we lived nearby and the boys talked, well, not without quarrels, of course G - is professionally engaged in photography, as I understand it quite successfully B looks to a drawing in my album In real life, when he was visiting, he noticed a painting from 2002 on the wall, asked where I get the subjects. I answered that it varies. I saw this subject in the book, reworked it a little, changed the palette Lately I’m going through the authorities with the necessary papers, while I have no ideas for drawing, and a week ago I ruined the very same work that I had been “looking at for a long time.” Last night I got excited about one idea - to try something new in technology, even the ideas were bouncing around in my head, but the idea remained until the end hasn't taken shape yet


Wu L Hay looked at what contributes to cancer: deep wound An ancient grievance A great secret or grief haunts, devours Preservation of feelings of hatred “Who needs this?” Here you can think about it in three boxes Arseny, help me figure it out, you know better from the outside


Here's a row indirect signs indicates that the woman doctor is you. Well, for example, what she says - you already know that. Try to identify with this character, most likely a bodily reaction will confirm this version. And the doctor - in imagogy - usually treats what is the cause of himself is (In general, if you become a doctor for yourself - and figure out the reasons for yourself, then it was great) What, for example, does a lump in the throat mean? Here the body says: “I can’t eat this, this is not mine, I don’t agree with this!” The same thing, perhaps, is represented by a bunch of “some big shots”

PS Regarding yoga nidra, Meneghetti writes that when developing imagogy, he, of course, knew about the existence of many other methods that use “the imagination, capable of intuition and a strict observation procedure.” The techniques in these schools are not much different from each other. But you need to take into account, that the “free” imagination is very much influenced by the socio-political alignment. In the same yoga nidra, people often want to see Krishna or the symbol of OM. In this sense, imagogy is imagination without the socio-political alignment of the Eastern or Western sense. Here, any - the most bizarre fantasy - is considered “in the most precise language,” but for this you need to learn to analyze it, starting from yourself. We can say that ontopsycholgy is the most severe school of yoga, because it requires maximum independence of the researcher from the cultural crowd


1. The dream was long, but I remember I just dreamed of G.’s nephew and some unfamiliar guy in round glasses(in real life G. wears glasses). This plot ends with G. sitting back on the sofa, on his finger right hand a long (1m) bamboo stick is put on, he holds it vertically, swinging it. (If you consider the stick as an extension of the finger, then the movement resembles a call, an invitation. I woke up. 2. Flashing images: A brunette man (30-40 years old) with stubble on his face is standing. I woke up from anxiety. Some women are looking at me, I remember an elderly - passes, and a pretty businesswoman is at her desk. A shepherd dog in a muzzle flashes by. 3. I’m in the bathroom, standing under the shower. From somewhere in the bathroom, feces appear, I look in surprise, I think about someone (I don’t remember). At the same time the shower washes away the fecal matter and washes it down the drain. 4. I see several guys, girls, and some adults. For some reason it seems like family Shch's(G.'s nephew from this family). And these people pull a tree like pine towards themselves with the help of a rope. The young pine (diameter 15-20 cm) is tall and they pull it so that it is already bent in an arc to the right and the crown is above their heads. Awoke. At night and the day before, there is a feeling of seemingly causeless restlessness in the body.


I think I need to call G to find out what opportunities he has and what is useful for me. Rope - contact with Shch's family- stretched to the limit - I’ll call, maybe they’re worried Feces - a symbol A symbol of the devaluation of relationships, which on a conscious level can still be considered as foam They are washed away by the shower - positive eroticism The day before I was wildly worried about G, how she would perceive the information and what would happen in her family G I wrote that everything was exactly the same and thanked me. But I can imagine what kind of confusion might ensue, I feel my involvement and responsibility. At the same time, I know that G is ready to accept it, because I read Sidersky and somehow consulted with P. Er. At the level of our conversations, we are dealing with this problem We discussed it, I expressed my vision, but still, I think it’s stressful for her and for everyone. I drew in the evening, maybe that’s why the shower washes away the dirt


To the image of “fikalia” - there was still a call ex-wife brother K, she mentioned that her friend was in intensive care and I heard mournful notes from her about old age and immediately stopped them

Dreams about relatives are a fairly common occurrence. If you have a niece in your life, then it is assumed that she may be present in dreams about your family. The work of dream interpretation begins if someone from your family is missing from the plot of the vision or if non-existent relatives suddenly appear in your dream. The first case most often indicates existing problems within the family and certain disagreements. The absence of a certain family member most often symbolizes the personal experiences of the sleeper.

A niece in a dream can be a symbol of unexpected events that can bring unpleasant consequences. There may be a period of emergency in the labor sphere, difficult situations, which can throw you off track. On the love front, it will also not be too smooth, there will be difficulties in mutual understanding. Be careful in all matters, take care of your relationship with your significant other, so as not to become a victim of troubles in the love field.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a woman’s dream she dreamed of a niece who looked older than she actually is, then in reality the dreamer is afraid of old age. She looks in the mirror with horror, as she expects to find another gray hair or wrinkle. She shouldn't be afraid of aging because it's natural process which everyone should experience.

If a man dreamed of his niece and in the dream she seduced him, then in reality he will meet his former love. He should not communicate with a woman, as his feelings may return again. He will not be able to resist and will plunge headlong into passion. As a result, he will lose his family and children. His wife will never forgive him for his betrayal and will turn his child against him.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

A violent niece in a dream warns that the resolution of a conflict issue in real life will take quite some time. long period. If she seriously offended you in a dream, then there is a risk of material losses in reality. It is also quite possible that others will lose trust in you and stop respecting you. Relationships with work colleagues will be especially difficult.

If in a dream you pleased your relative with gifts, then this is good. This dream prophesies strong family ties, prosperity and peace in the family. If you haven't met your destiny yet, then this is... happy event is just around the corner. Love relationship will very quickly move to a new, very serious level.

Freud's Dream Book

If an adult bachelor dreams of a little relative, it means that in reality it is high time to think about his heirs. Years of life pass very quickly, and therefore we must not forget that after you should leave a mark in the form of happy children. Little niece in wedding dress, dreamed adult woman, will mean that her relationship with her partner has become a dead end. It is also worth noting that for men and women, the dreamed image is a symbol of dissatisfaction with one’s own life and one’s position in society.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dream in which a cousin's niece appears often foreshadows serious disagreements with friends or relatives. In order to prevent conflict, admit that you are wrong and try to correct the situation. A sick niece means that the dreamer seems to be “out of his element.” Your current activity is not easy for you and brings you a lot of worries. Don't worry: time will pass and everything will get better. A pregnant niece is a sign of receiving big profits or rewards.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

The dream in which you happened to see your niece's wedding indicates that in your personal life everything is not so good. Also, this dream can symbolize dissatisfaction with both one’s position and relationships with loved ones, friends or the opposite sex.

Detailed universal dream book:

The nephew is aggressive - you will quarrel with your nephew, and this will complicate your relationship with his parents.

Nephew is fun - You will have a great time with your nephew.

The nephew is sad - the nephew will turn to you for help, try to help him.

Nephew is dead - your nephew will become seriously ill, you will have to provide him with all possible help so that he recovers.

Teaching nephew - give wise advice to your nephew, he desperately needs it.

Nephew is calming - you have to solve the mental problem of your nephew. Do this because now he has no one else to turn to.

A stranger's nephew - you will have to help solve a problem with the son of your friends.

Nephew niece

Modern family dream book according to Freud:

A dream about nephews foreshadows the unity of your family, the desire of all relatives to strengthen family relationships. If your nephew is handsome, healthy and cheerful, you will live in abundance, and if he (she, they) looks bad, get ready to go through troubles.

Only for women

Seeing your niece in a dream means finding out in reality that fate is preparing a blow for you that you need to endure.

Here you will find the interpretation of the dream in which you see and dream: nephew, nephew, niece. You will find out what it means if you dream of a nephew, nephew, niece in a dream.

Family ties are invisible threads that connect people close not only in spirit, but also in blood. When we leave our relatives far and long, these threads become tense, causing us pain. We miss our parents, brothers, sisters, we talk to them in our sleep and dream of seeing each other as soon as possible. What if suddenly we dream of not so close relatives?! For example, nephew. Why do you dream similar dream? Let's, as usual, look into the dream book and find out the interpretation of this dream.

Communication with nephew

Seeing your own nephew in a dream is a sign of minor problems, grief and fuss, this is exactly how the dream book interprets this dream.

If you dreamed that your nephew was handsome and friendly, then expect a good monetary profit: an extraordinary bonus or a lottery win.

If you dream that your brother or sister’s son is sick, gloomy and unfriendly, money-related problems will follow. Poverty, of course, does not threaten you, but unexpected expenses and losses will arise. Or perhaps you will become disillusioned with the way you make money now.

To dream that you are hugging your nephew - perhaps he needs support in real life. If your niece hugs you, you lack family warmth and comfort in your life. The dream book advises family people to reconsider their views on marriage and add new colors to relationships, while lonely people should take a closer look at who is next to you, perhaps this is your destiny.

If you dream that your nephew is older than you, in reality you worry about fading beauty and approaching old age.

Death of a nephew

If you dreamed about the death of your nephew, the dream book warns that in reality a protracted chronic illness. However, this can be avoided if preventive measures are taken during the time.

If you dreamed of a nephew who was deceased in real life, alive and well, this is a symbol of the resurrection of dashed hopes. What you thought was lost forever will make itself known again (feelings, relationships, work, etc.)

If in a dream your nephew offended you and you wished him to die, take care of your money. The closer the blood relationship with the dreamer, the more money you can lose.

Seeing the death of a deceased nephew in a dream - dream books interpret this dream as follows: you are dissatisfied with something in your life, and this “something” greatly prevents you from enjoying life. When you wake up, put your thoughts in order, understand what is oppressing you, and urgently take measures to eliminate this scourge from your life.

distant relative

To be someone's cousin or second cousin in a dream (niece) means someone whose opinion plays an important role for you will distrust you. Be careful in your words and actions, the dream book recommends.