Project “Accessible environment for people with disabilities. "Accessible environment" program Implementation of the accessible environment program for people with disabilities

By order of the President of the Russian Federation in 2009, the state program “Accessible Environment” was drawn up; the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia became the implementers of this program. In 2014, it was extended until 2020 by order of D. A. Medvedev.

So, the state program “Accessible Environment” - what is it, what goals does it pursue, and who is it intended for? This article will help answer and clarify all your questions.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Every year in Russia the number of disabled people increases. Therefore, on September 24, 2008, the Russian Federation signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in which different countries. A special committee was formed to monitor the implementation of this agreement. Initially, the committee had 12 experts, but after increasing the list of participating countries, the staff was increased to 18 experts.

The signed Convention showed the willingness of the authorities to change the living conditions of people with disabilities in better side. According to the approved document, the state must ensure and make life easier for people with disabilities during the use of facilities that it uses in Everyday life a common person: vehicles, roads, structures and buildings, medical institutions, etc. The main objective of the Convention is to identify all interfering barriers and eliminate them.

According to sociological analysis, about 60% of disabled people cannot use public transport, since it is not designed for such people. About 48% cannot make purchases in a store on their own. For example, in Arkhangelsk only 13% of objects meet the requirements, in the Novgorod region - only 10%, and in Kursk - about 5%.

State program for disabled people

Based on the Convention, the state program “Accessible Environment” was created in the Russian Federation for 2011-2015. During the period of the program, the authorities were obliged to create special curbs for people with disabilities, provide public transport with equipment for transporting people with disabilities, install special traffic lights with an audible signal and other devices necessary in a populated area.

The state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015 was not easy to implement. Problems that prevented implementation:

  • regulatory barriers;
  • lack of assistance from non-profit organizations;
  • lack of a specific budget for program implementation;
  • relational (social) barrier.

Due to problems that arose, the program needed to be changed legal framework in the field of creating an accessible environment.

Summary (goals and objectives) of the state program

The state program “Accessible Environment”, like any other, has goals and objectives. Basic goals:

  • be formed by 2016 for people with disabilities access to facilities and services;
  • improve social medical services for the purpose of rehabilitation of disabled people.


  • assess the state of accessibility of key important facilities;
  • improve the level of access to vital facilities;
  • equalize the rights of ordinary citizens and citizens with disabilities;
  • modernize medical and social expertise;
  • provide access to rehabilitation services.

Implementation stages and financing

The state program “Accessible Environment” was divided into two stages. From 2011 to 2012 - the 1st stage for the implementation of the program. State program "Accessible Environment" for 2013-2015 - 2nd stage. Thus, today the state program to support people with disabilities has already ended.

The total amount of funds allocated from the state budget is 168,437,465.6 thousand rubles.

Nuances of the program

Despite goals, objectives and government funding, cities still have problems with access for people with disabilities to pharmacies, municipal institutions, medical facilities and shops. No matter how hard officials try to remove barriers in the social life of people with disabilities, for now their efforts will only be of a local nature. To implement such a large-scale program requires great effort, since it requires a constant and longer-term perspective.

Due to limited funding, the state program “Accessible Environment” has been put on the back burner at airports, in public transport, and at railway stations. The reasons for this attitude in the transport sector are more serious problems, which require a quick solution and additional financial investments. Therefore, almost all city transport is inaccessible to people with disabilities.

Despite the shortcomings in the implementation of the program, there are some improvements. For example, special carriages have appeared that have a double compartment. These coupes are designed for people who travel by wheelchair. But even such an improvement cannot save a person from problems: very high steps, inconvenient placement of handrails, and so on.

How the program is implemented

In cities, for comfortable movement along pedestrian crossings, traffic lights with an audible signal were installed. This is done in the places where they live a large number of blind people.

Also, the capital's metro was equipped for people with disabilities. A signal alert was installed about the arrival of a train on the platform and audio announcements of stops, and the edges of the platforms were specially reconstructed.

In certain areas of the capital, about twenty apartments were built for people with serious health problems. These apartments have been specially designed for people who use wheelchairs. The housing is equipped with wide doorways, as well as a special toilet and bath.

A residential complex for such people was built in the city of Ulan-Ude. The complex contains not only apartments, but also manufacturing enterprises, shops and Gym. Many disabled people dream of such conditions.

State program "Accessible environment" for disabled children

There are 1.5 million disabled children in Russia. About 90% of such children study in a boarding school, and 10% cannot study due to health problems. The authorities' attempt to educate disabled children in regular schools was unsuccessful. Therefore, a different strategy was developed to implement the program.

In Tambov, education was established in thirty public schools. A special training program has been developed in such schools, for which the state allocates about 12 million rubles every year. All funding is used to purchase special equipment. The local budget allocates money for the repair and reconstruction of such schools for disabled children. The authorities intend not to stop and increase the number of such schools.

The state program “Accessible Environment” for disabled children provides special training for speech therapists, teachers of the deaf, and also trains the department of oligophrenopedagogy. All this helps to involve as many disabled children as possible in the social environment.

Information advertising: state program “Accessible Environment”

As part of the program, information campaigns were created that lasted until 2015. Advertising was carried out using the Internet, radio, television, and outdoor advertising was also used. The topics of the announcements were controlled by disabled people who were members of the coordinating council. The company included representatives of the PR service of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, representatives of the All-Russian Society of the Blind and Deaf.

In 2011, the campaign was dedicated to the employment of people with disabilities. The informational advertisement encouraged employers to think about the fact that people with disabilities are people too. And they are able to perform certain types of work.

In 2012, the program was aimed at children with disabilities. In 2013, the Paralympic Winter Games took place, where the champions of the Russian Federation were involved. In 2014, the program campaign was dedicated to families in which one family member is disabled.

Extension of the program until 2020

The state program “Accessible Environment” has been extended until 2020. This was necessary in order to carry out extensive work to adapt all problem areas for people with disabilities. The number of such objects is very large.

The extended program contains promising measures, and the new project also contains updates. Main goals:

  • conducting special training for teachers, which will allow teaching disabled children;
  • work on professional standard tutor;
  • carrying out scientific research about the characteristics of people with disabilities;
  • services for accompanying people with disabilities when resolving employment issues, taking into account the disruption of the body;
  • development of special programs for rehabilitation;
  • creating a mechanism that will monitor the effectiveness of prescribed rehabilitation treatment.

Despite well-defined tasks, large financial investments are required to achieve them. During the economic crisis, regions close even those programs that were financed by budget funds. About nine regions did not submit programs to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Expected results of the extended state program

The state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2020 should completely change the situation in relation to people with disabilities and adapt them to society; this, of course, is ideal. In practice, things don't look so rosy. Nowadays, it is still difficult for people with disabilities to fully coexist in society, make purchases on their own, move around the city, find a job, and so on. Perhaps the extension of the program will bring more positive results. The expected results at the end of the extended state program are as follows:

  • equipping infrastructure facilities with barrier-free access up to 68.2%;
  • providing the necessary medical equipment hospitals and rehabilitation centers up to 100%;
  • providing jobs for disabled people of working age;
  • increasing the number of people who can undergo rehabilitation;
  • increasing the number of specialists who can engage in rehabilitation.

Despite a number of problems and shortcomings, the state program Russian Federation“Accessible environment” is a serious step to improve life in society for people with disabilities.

According to 2017 statistics, there are about 15 million people with disabilities in Russia, which is 10% of the total population. This is hard to believe, since it is rare to meet a disabled person in public places. Blame it on the infrastructure Russian cities, absolutely not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The Government of the Russian Federation intends to correct this situation with the help of the federal program “Accessible Environment”. Let us consider what the main objectives and stages of this program are, as well as what results have been achieved to date.


The authorities became concerned about creating comfortable living conditions for people with disabilities after Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in September 2008. In the same year, the government adopted, which became the starting point of the “Accessible Environment” program. Later, the program was extended more than once, and the last one acting in relation to it normative document is (as amended on November 09, 2017).

Timing of the program

According to the latest resolution, total term The program will be implemented in 2011-2020. It includes 4 stages.

  1. Preparation legislative framework in the period from 2011 to 2012.
  2. Formation of the material base from 2013 to 2015. This implies additional equipment of public facilities with special devices for people with disabilities, construction of rehabilitation centers, their technical equipment, etc.
  3. The years 2016-2018 will see the implementation of the main objectives of the state program, which we will consider later.
  4. From 2020 to 2020, a period of summing up the work done and developing further directions for development is planned.

The Ministry of Labor and social development. Other participants include the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, ministries of education, sports, housing, finance and other departments. Of course, the activities and initiatives of regional authorities are also important.

Goals and objectives of the “Accessible Environment” program

The main goal of the program is to improve the quality of life of disabled people and their integration into society. Its implementation is planned by achieving the following objectives.

  1. Creating an accessible environment for people with limited mobility to vitally needed facilities and services of urban infrastructure.
  2. Providing accessible rehabilitation and habilitation (formation of new skills) services for citizens with disabilities. The same task implies access to educational services and employment.
  3. Increasing the transparency of the work of ITU experts and the objectivity of the decisions they make.

A budget of 401 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of the assigned tasks. In particular, in 2020 it is planned to spend over 45 billion rubles. The sources for forming the program budget are the federal budget and state extra-budgetary funds.

Based on each of the above tasks, separate subroutines have been compiled.

Subroutine No. 1

The first subroutine is aimed at assessing existing level accessibility for disabled people of vitally important objects of the urban environment, as well as the creation of conditions for its improvement.

The activities within this subprogram include the following.

  1. Design of new buildings and modernization of existing ones taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. These are ramps and elevators for the free movement of sedentary citizens, the creation of additional banners that simplify the search for the desired object, etc. Not only government departments, but also residential buildings under construction need to adapt to the capabilities of people with disabilities.
  2. Installation of traffic lights and stops with sound on the streets.
  3. Equipping public transport with retractable ramps and introducing new units with reduced level floor.
  4. Providing disabled children with the opportunity to receive education on an equal basis with other peers. This concerns not only the creation of a barrier-free environment, but also the technical provision of schools with equipment for the physical and psychological recovery of children (simulators, computers for children with hearing and visual impairments, sensory rooms for relaxation, etc.). It is equally important to have psychologists on staff at the educational institution who provide support to a disabled child if problems arise in communicating with peers.
  5. Financing of sports institutions whose activities are aimed at development adaptive physical education and Paralympic sports.
  6. Conducting cultural events involving the participation of persons with disabilities.
  7. Introduction of sign language translation into broadcasts of the main Russian TV channels.

A budget of 35 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of subprogram No. 1.

Subroutine No. 2

The second subprogram is aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of rehabilitation and habilitation services for people with disabilities. Another important goal is to create conditions for them to receive professional training and further employment on an equal basis with those citizens who do not have health limitations.

A number of activities are planned to achieve these goals.

  1. Assessing the needs of people with disabilities and creating an industry for the production of specialized goods in accordance with them.
  2. Opening of centers focused on general rehabilitation of disabled people through drug treatment and sanatorium-resort services, as well as medical habilitation in the form of reconstructive surgery and prosthetics.
  3. Introduction to educational program lessons aimed at developing an adequate perception of children with disabilities by other peers.
  4. Organization of joint events by social authorities. protection and employment centers for professional training of citizens who, due to health problems, have lost the opportunity to work in their previous specialty.
  5. Incentivizing employers with tax benefits to create jobs for people with disabilities.

Funding in the amount of 33.5 billion rubles is provided for the implementation of these goals.

Subprogram No. 3

The third subprogram is aimed at increasing the objectivity of ITU decisions. The goal is planned to be achieved through the following activities.

  1. Development of new methods for conducting examinations.
  2. Improving the criteria for assigning disability groups.
  3. Equipping the ITU bureau with modern diagnostic equipment.
  4. System creation independent assessment the effectiveness of the work of ITU experts.
  5. Establishing effective interaction between ITU institutions at different levels.
  6. Improvement of employee qualifications.
  7. The creation of public councils at the main ITU bureaus that consider complaints from citizens regarding the unethical behavior of experts.
  8. Anti-corruption. For this purpose, it is planned to introduce such modern technologies, such as electronic queue, audio and video surveillance.

It is planned to allocate 103 billion rubles for the implementation of subprogram No. 3.

Expected results

By the end of the “Accessible Environment” program in 2020, it is planned to obtain the following target values:

  • increasing the share of engineering and transport infrastructure facilities accessible to people with limited mobility to 55%;
  • formation in 52.5% of disabled people of a positive assessment of the attitude towards them in society;
  • equipment rehabilitation centers up to 44.7% of regions;
  • increasing the proportion of citizens who have completed rehabilitation and habilitation courses to 53.6% among adults and to 69.3% among children;
  • increasing employment among able-bodied disabled people to 40%;
  • equipping 100% of the main ITU bureaus with modern diagnostic equipment.

These are the targets relevant for 2020. But additions are introduced to the program every year, which also affect its final goals.

Interim results of the program

At the end of 2017, the following results were achieved in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

  1. On January 1, 2017, the federal register of disabled people began to function. It is an information service in which each participant has access to personal account with information on all payments and benefits due to him. The system allows you to access government services electronically without visiting departments.
  2. The share of public transport retrofitted with specialized devices for disabled people was 11.1%. At the beginning of the program, the figure was 8.3%.
  3. The number of subtitled television programs has increased 5 times.
  4. The accessibility of medical institutions for people with limited mobility increased to 50.9%.
  5. Share accessible institutions culture reached 41.4%.
  6. Among sports facilities 54.4% became accessible to people with disabilities.
  7. In the field of education, 21.5% of schools are adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. At the beginning of the program, this figure was only 2%.
  8. In 2017, a pilot project began to introduce a system of comprehensive rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in the Sverdlovsk region and Perm region. About 300 million rubles were spent on its implementation during the year.
  9. To provide needy citizens with auxiliary technical means 32.84 billion rubles were allocated over the year, which made it possible to cover 1.6 million people.
  10. In November 2017, deputies in the third reading adopted a project to amend the federal law “On Employment in the Russian Federation.” Its goal is to bring Russian labor legislation into compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The bill involves the interaction of ITU institutions with employment centers in terms of increasing the proportion of employed people with disabilities. On currently only 25% of able-bodied citizens with disabilities have a permanent place of work. In Europe this figure reaches 40%.

The scale of implementation of the state program in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation also depends on activity and financial capabilities regional authorities. Some of them have achieved significant results in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. Thus, in the capital of Buryatia, an entire residential block has been designed for people with disabilities. In addition to housing, it includes medical institutions, shops, sports objects. Houses adapted to the needs of wheelchair users are also being actively built in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The “Accessible Environment” program has been implemented for the past 7 years. During this time, significant improvements have been achieved in the quality of life of people with disabilities and their situation in Russian society. The first significant results confirm the correctness of the chosen direction, and therefore the government is considering the possibility of extending the state program until 2025.

Ten years ago, they adopted the “Accessible Environment” state program for people with disabilities, aimed at creating a comfortable life in populated areas. Among the multi-million population of our country, 8.2% of residents are people with diseases, and as a result, disabilities. Many of them are diagnosed with disabilities early age. This fact poses serious questions for the authorities and the state regarding the adaptation of this category of people.

The essence of the Federal program

Organizing a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities is a project developed by the authorities, the primary goal of which is to protect and support segments of society if, for any reason, they are limited in their actions.

These are measures supported by the state during the implementation of the program at both the federal and regional levels. They provide assistance in the rehabilitation of patients. Attention is paid to people who belong to the sedentary group. The need to help them is due to many different reasons.

The state program was initially approved in the fall of 2008 after a document emanating from the Government of the Russian Federation. This was yet another confirmation that the country is ready to fight for the rights of people with disabilities. Society is concerned about providing access for people with disabilities to government services, services in clinics, and other services that are familiar to ordinary citizens, since they do not have problems associated with the difficulty of obtaining them. Initially, the organization of an accessible environment for people with disabilities was planned for a short period of time, but the positive attitude of citizens towards it proved the need for continuation.

Goals and objectives of the program

In the country, among citizens with disabilities varying degrees opportunities for a huge proportion of talented individuals. Before the adoption of the law, there was no access in the Russian Federation to objects of social life, to the right to engage in creative work. This was due to the absolute lack of a basis for practicing. The adoption of new regulations has become an opportunity to do what you love and not feel left out in society.

Dmitry Medvedev during a recent conversation with representatives narrow circle organizations noted: “Unusual situations can take anyone by surprise. Society and the state must be prepared to ensure that people who find themselves in an unusual situation are not left alone with the disease.”

Priority tasks:

  1. Creation of a legislative framework that will guarantee that people with disabilities have access to social infrastructure facilities and services on an equal basis with citizens who are absolutely physically healthy.
  2. Construction of new institutions in cities necessary for the recovery, further rehabilitation of citizens, and their education.
  3. Training of new personnel in the field of providing assistance to citizens, both with poor eyesight, and with no less complex other diseases.
  4. Providing targeted support to people with hearing/vision disabilities in finding a job in various institutions to develop and demonstrate the accessibility of the social environment. The main direction of this project is collecting feedback from citizens. The data obtained should concern aspects of cooperation with the hearing impaired and citizens who for other reasons have limited capabilities. The program becomes in a great way establishing productive work physically healthy population with disabled people.

Based on the list of main goals, federal laws set two main tasks for all institutions operating in the country:

  • organizing new places to work for all categories of citizens in the country;
  • provision of absolutely free services for people with disabilities in all operating medical institutions.

Creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities

At the federal and regional levels, government bodies are required to carry out a whole list of important actions within the framework of the current federal program. It is important to increase the effective value of the established indicators. Services and facilities in all areas of activity must be accessible to all persons with disabilities. Clear time boundaries and a specific procedure for developing these measures are legislatively approved by regulations that entered into force relatively recently, in 2016. Since 2016, regions have also independently implemented the requirements of all Federal Laws and other laws within the framework of the project on their territories.

The governor of each region personally controls all actions taking place within the framework of this program. It is he who sets the right vector of development in this matter. Citizens in need of support can always count on receiving it in the shortest possible time.

Recently, the Deputy Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy noted: “Thanks to the implementation of the project, it was almost immediately possible to clearly define the nuances integrated approach. Each city has already written down an action plan for the near future until 2020.”

Infrastructure development

One of the capital’s laws regarding the accessibility of socialization facilities for people with disabilities states: everyone must be equipped with the following equipment:

  • information in visual, audio format,
  • signs located near buildings that are being renovated or under construction,
  • signaling at every active traffic light,
  • means of communication that are easy to use for all people with disabilities. They are in mandatory By 2020, all facilities must be equipped to avoid penalties.
  • sanitary rooms,
  • ramps,
  • special signs for traffic in landscaped parks and other recreational areas.

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Ramps and lifting platforms at the entrances, new buses, trolleybuses and trams - the site tells how Moscow is becoming closer to citizens with limited mobility.

Supporting people with disabilities and families with disabled children is one of the priority areas of work of the Moscow Government. This year, 1.2 billion rubles were allocated to create a comfortable urban environment for people with disabilities.

House and apartment

Not so long ago, it was difficult for Muscovites with limited mobility not only to get anywhere, but even to leave their own apartment. Today at residential buildings lifting platforms appear that allow you to freely enter and exit the entrance. Over the past years, more than three thousand such devices have been installed. Now this equipment is expected in 592 houses. In the next few years, the issue should be resolved: in 2018 and 2019, it is planned to install at least 275 platforms per year in the entrances where people with disabilities live.

Changes are also taking place in apartments. So that people with limited mobility can move in them independently, special ceiling lifting systems are installed here. Currently, about 1.1 thousand such systems have been installed, 107 of them appeared this year.

City infrastructure

City infrastructure facilities have become more accessible to people with disabilities. Today, 85 percent of all socially significant facilities are adapted for the needs of people with limited mobility.

Particular attention is paid to creating a comfortable environment in educational institutions. More than 1.1 million people with disabilities live in the capital, including 39.5 thousand children. Therefore, ramps and elevators appear in new schools and kindergartens, which allows children with limited mobility to attend these educational institutions.


Today the city purchases only low-floor types of ground passenger transport. This makes it accessible to people with limited mobility. The number of buses of this type is over 90 percent, trolleybuses - more than 70 percent, trams - 33 percent.

The metro has also become more comfortable. Ramps are installed on staircase descents, seats for disabled people in wheelchairs appear in carriages, and in many trains, light alarms or light and tone alarms warn of door closures. In addition, employees of the Passenger Mobility Center help disabled citizens in the metro.

Increasing the size of social payments

A large number of social support measures are provided for people with disabilities.

For example, monthly payment for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled child under the age of 23 amounted to 12 thousand rubles (in 2017 - six thousand rubles). The same amount is paid for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled people of group I or II.

Benefits for families with disabled children

Parents of disabled children are exempt from paying for maintenance in public preschools educational institutions. At the expense of the city budget, disabled students in first through eleventh grades can receive two hot meals a day.

Today, a disabled child and his parents can choose any school, including one located near their home. “In order to create special educational conditions for them there, if they need them, the children go to the central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, which gives them an opinion on these special educational conditions, and any school in the city is obliged to create these conditions,” she said Yulia Kamal, Chairman of the Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children and Persons with Disabilities since Childhood.

According to her, there are eight comprehensive rehabilitation and educational centers in the city, which are subordinate to the Department of Labor and social protection population. In these institutions, children simultaneously study and undergo rehabilitation. “These are children with various diseases, including those with musculoskeletal disorders, intellectual disabilities, children with autism spectrum disorder and children with serious scoliosis,” Yulia Kamal clarified.

The city has a “Resource Classes” project for children with autism spectrum disorder. “These are not separate classes in which these children are collected. Children study in regular regular classes, and resource classes are a sensory relief zone, an area where children can study individually. This is a special project for children who have autism,” she noted.

Children with disabilities have the right to study for free in art schools, as well as to visit museums, exhibition halls, and zoos run by the Moscow Government.

Up to 23 years of age, children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood have access to sports, and they are completely free. This is possible in institutions that are part of the city government system physical culture and sports, as well as in some commercial organizations.

Urban social package also includes a number of transport benefits. Disabled children under the age of 18, their parents (guardians, trustees), as well as one of the parents of a disabled person from childhood up to the age of 23, have the right to free travel on all types of urban passenger transport. The exception is taxis. People accompanying a child with disabilities can also take advantage of the right to free travel.

IN medical field the city offers assistance in several areas. For example, according to doctors, disabled children under three years of age receive free food baby food. These include milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fruit juices and purees, as well as infant formula.

In addition, children with disabilities have the right to free dental prosthetics, in addition to the costs of paying for the cost of precious metals and metal-ceramics. Disabled children with diabetes mellitus of the first type, the Department of Health provides insulin dispensers (pumps).

At the expense of the city budget, disabled children (from four to 18 years old inclusive) can receive free on-site rehabilitation services in health resorts on the Black Sea coast. Each child is accompanied on the trip by his legal representative.

“Accessible environment” - program aimed at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and low mobility groups population of the Russian Federation. Implementation accessibility programs takes place both at the federal and regional levels. Read more about the program in our article.

Prerequisites for the “Accessible Environment” target program for people with disabilities

Preparation of the principles of state target program "D"accessible environment" for people with disabilities took place in 2008-2011. In parallel with the process of developing this important document for people with disabilities, in 2008 the Russian Federation signed (and in 2012 ratified) the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by a Resolution of the UN General Assembly in 2006.

The increased attention paid by the state to the problems of people with disabilities at the beginning of the 21st century is no coincidence. By the time the development of the program began, the number of disabled people in the Russian Federation, especially among children, had increased greatly: almost 9% of Russians were officially recognized as such, and about 30% of them were people of working age. The number of children who were recognized as disabled from birth was growing at an alarming rate.

Thus, a huge segment of the population was actually excluded from public life due to various barriers - both physical and psychological - that stand in the way of people with disabilities who want to actively participate in society. In order to eliminate these barriers, it was created "Accessible Environment" program.

In contrast to targeted assistance programs for people with disabilities, the state program aims to improve the quality of medical care and the life of this category of citizens as a whole, as well as to provide them with the same opportunities in all areas of life as people who are not disabled.

Program parameters and tasks

In order to implement the concept accessible environment program divided into two stages. The first stage, the implementation of which was planned for 2011-2012, consisted of preparing the necessary regulatory framework, conducting consultations and studies, as well as developing the technical and instrumental means necessary to carry out the second stage. The second stage was planned for 2013-2015, but later the program was extended until 2016.

Overall volume budget funds planned for the implementation of the program also increased - from the initial 46.89 billion rubles. up to 168.44 billion rubles. In addition, some adjustments were made to the program during its implementation, the latest of which date back to February 2015.

Accessible Environment Program has 2 subroutines:

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  • “Ensuring the accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups”;
  • “Improving the mechanism for providing services in the field of rehabilitation and the state system of medical and social examination.”

The tasks solved during the implementation of the program are:

  • assessing and increasing the level of accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities,
  • providing equal access to rehabilitation means and services for all people with disabilities,
  • modernization of the work of the state system of medical and social examination.

Also among the objectives of the program is the formation of a friendly attitude towards people with disabilities.

The interests of people with disabilities are also taken into account in other federal target programs. For example, the Federal Target Program “Promotion of Employment” provides compensation to the employer for organizing a workplace for a disabled person. As of 2015, the amount of such compensation averages 66.2 thousand rubles. Thus, support for people with disabilities and the creation of an accessible (barrier-free) environment will continue at the federal level even after the end of the federal "Accessible Environment" program.

Analysis of the implementation of the “Accessible Environment” program

By 2016, it is planned to increase the quality of life of people with disabilities in a number of parameters (a total of 9 parameters - target indicators of the program). Each of them has an initial value and a final target, the achievement of which is planned by 2016.

Current data on target execution "Accessible Environment" program can be found on the website “Federal Target Programs of Russia” (, where the “Programs” section provides the basic data of the program and the planned values ​​of target indicators for each year of its implementation. Also, reports on the values ​​of target indicators and the implementation of planned budget funds are published annually.

The implementation of the first stage of the program in a number of areas was delayed until the end of 2013. At the beginning of 2015, cash execution of the budget plan for "Accessible Environment" program amounted to 8.49 billion rubles - this figure is much less than the planned expenditure of budget funds. It should be noted that the second stage of the program is being implemented with the participation of regional budget funds, and the implementation of the budget depends on the activity of officials and the public at the local level.

Regional programs to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities

The implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” is carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary funds and funds from the federal and regional budgets. Subjects of the Russian Federation are responsible for 40% of the program’s funding, but funding opportunities social programs All regions are different. This significantly hinders the implementation of planned activities, since implementation federal programs regions receive budgetary allocations from federal funds only subject to their own investments (and in proportion to their size).

Regions that actively participated in the implementation "Accessible Environment" program, according to reports, there were: Astrakhan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Voronezh, Samara, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk regions, Khabarovsk Territory, as well as the Altai Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia, Sakha (Yakutia), Udmurtia.

It should be noted that a number of subjects have adopted their own programs to implement the concept of an accessible environment both for the period of validity of the federal target program, and for the period following the year of its end.

However, the main thing in the concept of an accessible environment for people with disabilities is not to forget about their needs when implementing any initiative - both public and private. In this regard, the experience of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is very indicative, the regional programs of which, even if not targeted at the needs of people with disabilities, still take into account the interests of this group of the population.