Program for adaptation of disabled people to work. Social adaptation of disabled people. Accessible Environment Program

  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 3. Technologies of social work with disabled people
  • 3.1. Social diagnostics: purpose, stages and methods of implementation
  • Social diagnostic program for disabled people
  • 3.2 Technology of social counseling for people with disabilities
  • 3.3. Social rehabilitation of disabled people
  • 3.4. Technology of social adaptation of disabled people
  • 3.5. Technology of social therapy in social work with disabled people
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 4. Promotion of employment and employment of people with disabilities
  • The situation of disabled people in the labor market
  • Social support for unemployed disabled people
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 5. Social security for disabled people
  • 5.1 Pension provision for disabled people
  • 5.2. Monthly cash payment as a form of social security for disabled people
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 6. Social services for disabled people
  • 6.1. Social services for people with disabilities in inpatient institutions
  • 6.2 Semi-stationary and urgent social services for people with disabilities
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 7. Comprehensive support for families of disabled people
  • 7.1. Characteristics of families with disabled people in their structure
  • 7.2. Main directions of comprehensive support for the family of a disabled person
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 8. Social work with young disabled people
  • 8.1. Social status of young people with disabilities in modern Russia
  • 8.2. Social work with young disabled people in vocational education institutions
  • 8.3. Organization of leisure time for young disabled people
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading:
  • Chapter 9. Social assistance and support for disabled children
  • 9.1. A disabled child as an object of social assistance and support
  • 9.2. System of social assistance and support for disabled children
  • 9.3. Social and pedagogical assistance and support for gifted children with disabilities
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 10. Gender aspects of social work with disabled people
  • 10.1 Gender characteristics of disability
  • 10.2 State and public support for men and women with disabilities
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 11. Social work with disabled people in correctional institutions
  • 11.1. Characteristics of the main problems of convicted disabled people in a correctional institution
  • 11.2. Legal norms of social work with convicted disabled people in the penal legislation of the Russian Federation
  • 11.3. Contents and methods of social work with disabled people in correctional institutions
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 12. Features of the activities of public associations of disabled people
  • 12.1 Concept and types of public associations of disabled people
  • 12.2 Content of the activities of public associations of disabled people
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Chapter 13. Professional ethics of social work with disabled people
  • 13.1. Value-normative foundations of social work with people with disabilities
  • 13.2. Professional etiquette of a social work specialist in interaction with people with special needs
  • Questions for self-control
  • Recommended reading
  • Appendixes on the list of priority professions of workers and employees, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets
  • Order
  • Participation of elderly citizens and people with disabilities,
  • Residents in residential institutions
  • Social services, in medical and labor activities
  • Chapter I. General provisions
  • Chapter II. Medical and social examination
  • Chapter III. Rehabilitation of disabled people
  • Chapter IV. Providing life support for people with disabilities
  • Chapter V. Public associations of disabled people
  • Chapter VI. Final provisions
  • Regulations on the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Persons with Disabilities
  • Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Adopted by resolution 61/106 by the General Assembly on December 13, 2006
  • I. General provisions
  • II. Goals, objectives and principles of military activity
  • III. Members of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People
  • World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities
  • 1 (IV). World Program of Action
  • I. Goals, background and concepts
  • On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ
  • Chapter I. General provisions
  • Chapter II. Rights of elderly citizens and people with disabilities in the field of social services
  • Chapter III. Social services for elderly and disabled citizens
  • Chapter IV. Organization of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people
  • Chapter V. Professional activities in the field of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people
  • Chapter VII. The procedure for enacting this Federal Law
  • I. General provisions
  • II. The procedure for developing an individual program
  • III. The procedure for implementing an individual program
  • I. General provisions
  • II. Conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled
  • 3.4. Technology social adaptation disabled people

    Social adaptation technology is a sequence of actions and methods of interaction between a social work specialist and a disabled person using individual and group forms of social work (games, social trainings, etc.) that contribute to the development of skills and abilities for inclusion in the living environment. Social adaptation includes a disabled person in an accessible social and professional sphere and the process of acquiring skills and communication skills in a small group. Social adaptation is simultaneously considered as a social technology, process and result.

    Social adaptation, in addition, includes a disabled person in a small group and living environment, promotes his assimilation of established norms, relationships, and patterns of behavior. A person with a disability is in search of a social environment that is favorable for his self-realization and the discovery of resources. In this case, the immediate environment of a person with disabilities (family, club association, activists of a public organization, friends) is a small group, which is divided into formal and informal. The first are created according to developed regulations to carry out public, socially protective, state-sanctioned activities. These could be public organizations of citizens with disabilities, clubs, associations of families raising a child with disabilities, studios, etc. Informal small groups arise spontaneously under the influence of the common interests of disabled and healthy citizens, their joint activities and have a spontaneous organizational structure. These associations include communities of friends, educational and professional colleagues, etc.

    The result of social adaptation of a disabled person is the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction with life, relationships with close circles, increased creative activity, achievement of success in communication and joint activities of a small group and living environment.

    The use of technologies for social adaptation of a citizen with disabilities allows him to feel free in a small group and be involved in various types of activities. This allows a disabled person to enrich his inner world with the help of new values ​​and social norms, and to use social experience when organizing activities in a small group.

    There are several levels of social adaptation of a person with disabilities to the social environment: high, medium and low.

    A high level of social adaptation is characterized by a creative attitude towards the norms and stereotypes that have developed in the environment (he makes proposals for improving communication, developing tolerance when building interpersonal relationships in a small group). A person with disabilities learns the values ​​and norms of independent living by participating in social, political and economic processes, free choice and access to housing, public buildings, transport, communications, insurance, work and education. A disabled person himself is able to determine and make decisions, manage situations, he has life plans and prospects. He is satisfied with his lifestyle, strives to change his shortcomings, takes the initiative to eliminate them, and is an active participant public life. A high level of social adaptation of a disabled person is characterized by his achievement of complete self-care, a high level of health literacy, and precise implementation of treatment procedures.

    A disabled person with an average level of social adaptation adapts to the norms and values ​​of a small group without changing them, assimilates generally accepted forms and ways of life characteristic of a given environment (family, club association, friends, activists of a public organization). As a rule, he is involved in activities and communication with the help of another person (parent, friend, social work specialist); his level of self-care may be slightly or moderately reduced.

    A low level of social adaptation of a person with disabilities is characterized by self-isolation, seclusion, and limited contact with people due to a lack of desire to communicate and establish relationships. He does not know how to conduct a dialogue with his opponent and enters into conflict with him. He has a significant decrease in social skills and self-care skills, there is no or significantly limited leisure, labor, and professional activities, his behavior is dependent on other people, there is a lack of initiative and independence in overcoming life’s difficulties.

    The following conditions contribute to the successful implementation of the technology of social adaptation of a person with disabilities: firstly, the environment of a person with disabilities contributes to the realization of his needs and the development of individuality; secondly, when the organizational culture of a small group is built on the manifestation of friendly support, respect, responsibility, and interest in each person; thirdly, the disabled person’s environment recognizes and gives a positive assessment of the results he achieves; fourthly, it ensures the participation of a citizen with disabilities in the social and cultural life of a small group and living environment.

    The choice of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person largely depends on his life problem. For example, as a result of a previous illness, he does not always have the opportunity to be a member of a small group, engage in professional activities, visit theaters, museums that contribute to the formation of social attitudes of the individual and introduce the disabled person to the cultural traditions and values ​​of society. Such difficulties can be overcome with the help comprehensive work social work specialists and psychologists using psychological and gaming correction methods aimed at integrating a person with disabilities into society.

    The technology of social adaptation of disabled people can be implemented through such forms as games, social training, excursions, and conversations. A game as a form of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person imitates the real social environment in which a disabled person may actually find himself. In the process of social adaptation of citizens with disabilities, various types of business games are widely used: simulation games, “business theater”, etc.

    Using game forms, you can imitate professional, creative activities, etc. With the help of an imitation game, a person with disabilities gains social experience in interacting with people, he masters new social roles of “student”, “manager”, etc., his range of skills expands. social skills and abilities, which allows him to be more prepared for real life. Through imitation of the social model set in play activities, a disabled person acquires forms of social behavior that were previously inaccessible to him.

    The game “business theater”, as a form of technology for social adaptation of a disabled person, allows you to imitate a specific life situation and human behavior. The staging method, which is used in this game form, teaches a person to navigate various life conditions, give an objective assessment of his behavior, take into account the interests of other people, and establish contacts with them. To conduct the game, a scenario is developed that describes a specific life situation and explains to the players their functions, responsibilities and tasks.

    In general, in the implementation of gaming technologies that contribute to the social adaptation of a disabled person, several stages can be distinguished:

    Stage I. Formation of a group and development of a game plot script. The size of the group depends on the severity of the consequences of disability and the nature of the participants’ problems, and, as a rule, consists of 2-5 people. The composition of the group is also determined by the strategy for selecting participants; it can be heterogeneous, that is, include participants with varying degrees of disability. Where the conditions of a social service institution allow, it is recommended to select participants with a similar life problem (for example, the same disability group, disease); in this case, a social work specialist will have a clear focus in choosing game forms and exercises.

    Stage II. Carrying out the game. The introductory part of the lesson includes greeting and introducing disabled people to the plan for a set of games and exercises. The social work specialist meets the participants and is the first to greet everyone in a friendly, friendly manner. Then he plans the joint work, informs those gathered about the order, content and sequence of games and exercises. Next, game exercises are carried out in accordance with the scenario.

    Stage III. Summing up the results of the game, when there is an analysis and generalization of the social skills that the participants have acquired.

    It is possible to consolidate social skills acquired with the help of gaming technologies in the form of social training, which helps a disabled person to master social norms accepted in society, productive ways of behavior and interaction, and prepares for independent life. The effectiveness of social training can be assessed according to two criteria. The first of them is the level of mastering new social skills in accordance with the tasks set in the training program, the possibility of freely performing them both in training sessions and in real life. The second criterion characterizes the correspondence of the acquired social experience to the life goals of the disabled person.

    Before social training, a social work specialist conducts individual consultations to help people with disabilities determine to what extent new social skills ensure the realization of their life goals.

    At the beginning, a social work specialist completes the group and, in accordance with the composition of the participants, determines the goal, objectives and develops a training program. At the same time, it contributes to the creation positive emotions, which ensure a person’s desire to come to this group and to this trainer constantly until the end of the program. Conducting social training promotes awareness of the personal characteristics, habits and ideas of disabled people about themselves. During the training, social skills are strengthened by the disabled person during play activities, when life situations are “played out” that need to be resolved with the help of new social skills for the participants. At the end of the training, the social work specialist and participants analyze and evaluate the results of the work.

    The sequence of inclusion of a citizen with disabilities in the living environment and his social adaptation is carried out through several stages: conducting social diagnostics; inclusion in a social group; training in problem solving.

    In general, social adaptation as a technological process allows: to include a disabled person in a small group, to help him learn established norms, relationships, patterns of behavior, to develop skills and communication skills, to join the social and professional sphere accessible to him.

    Signs of social adaptation of a disabled person are: satisfaction with their position in the group, conscious maintenance of the norms and traditions that exist in a given community, desire and willingness to enrich the content, forms and methods of interaction with others in the association, tolerance.

    Disability is a social insufficiency due to health problems with severe disorders of body functions, leading to limitation of life activities and the need for social protection. The concept of “disability” has social, legal and medical aspects. The establishment of disability is followed by termination of work or change in working conditions and the appointment of various types of state social protection (pension, employment).

    Disability is considered one of the most important indicators of social ill-being of the population. It reflects many problems, such as: social maturity, economic viability, moral integrity of society and disruption of the relationship between a person, persons with limited liability and society. It takes into account the fact that the problems of disabled people affect not only their individual interests, but also to a certain extent affect their loved ones and depend on the standard of living of the population and other social factors. From all this we can conclude that their decision lies on a national rather than a narrow departmental level and largely determines the face of the state’s public policy.

    Disabled people? these are people with disabilities.

    Is the labor market for people with disabilities special socially? demographic segment of the Russian economy, which is subject to its own laws, which must be taken into account in employment policy. Therefore, the country undertakes to promote the unification of citizens with disabilities who lack competitiveness and have difficulty finding work.

    The position of disabled people in a group of people is determined by a number of factors such as: objective and subjective, which affect the level of material security, the opportunity to realize oneself in the professional field, obtaining an education, realizing the dream of making a career and satisfying one’s rights and social guarantees.

    Unemployment among persons with disabilities stands out when considering problems of workload in the population due to the particular depth of its negative consequences.

    Diseases (injuries) can lead to loss of human health, resulting in significantly negative consequences in life. The physiological functions of the body are also disrupted, but a person’s social, including professional, activity also decreases. Overcoming the consequences of disability, restoring part of life functions lost in connection with it, as well as socially significant qualities allow a disabled person to become a full-fledged and equal member of society, directly participate in public life, and contributes to his successful rehabilitation and integration into society.

    In this process, work activity plays a major role; it has a positive impact on the life of a disabled person. Employment contributes to the physical, personal and professional restoration of the individual.

    The material well-being of a disabled person increases significantly, the person’s mental state changes, and he ceases to feel useless to anyone. Along with him, his prestige in the family, society and state grows. Under the influence of labor, compensation systems develop in the body that help overcome a number of disadvantages caused by disability.

    Various aspects of promoting the employment of people with disabilities are discussed in documents developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO). One of the first to raise the issue of social protection of citizens was adopted in 1933, Convention No. 37 “On compulsory disability insurance for workers in industrial and commercial enterprises, persons in liberal professions, as well as workers working at home and domestic servants,” which addresses the issues prevention of disability in the context of work. The problems of professional rehabilitation of disabled people are raised in Recommendation No. 168 and Convention No. 159 “On Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons,” adopted in 1983. A number of ILO documents disclose aspects of an active employment policy for citizens with disabilities (Recommendation No. 88 “On vocational training of adults, including disabled people” of 1950, and Recommendation No. 99 “On the retraining of disabled people” of 1955).

    Market relations are not only positive, but also negative, this is due to the tightening of requirements for employees. As a result, the number of citizens falling under the category of non-competitive is constantly increasing. All these processes are especially aggravated during the period of social? economic crises. In this regard, the problem of employment of persons with disabilities takes on new properties. On the one hand, employment issues are extremely important for them, on the other hand? Not everyone has the opportunity to realize their needs in professional activities.

    Occupation in the Russian labor market for this category of the population remains inconsistent with their probable capabilities, and the workload is quite low. Working disabled people make up less than 10% of the total number. It is especially low among citizens with disability groups 1 and 2. The position of persons with disabilities in the Russian labor market is determined by a number of circumstances.

    Firstly, there is an increase in the number of disabled people (approximately 50% of them are of working age), and secondly, the share of registered unemployment among persons with disabilities is increasing on average in our country from 2% to 5%. Disabled people entering the labor market differ in age, gender, educational and professional level, health status and life attitudes.

    Among the recognized unemployed are persons who have become disabled as a result of various diseases, injuries, those injured at work and during military operations, and those who have been disabled since childhood. The average age of unemployed citizens with disabilities is 26? 45 years. All of them are divided into several groups in different ways. To resolve the issue of employment, the following characteristics are significant:

    With a degree of ability to work (persons with disabilities, able-bodied, disabled, temporarily disabled or able to work in limited areas, in benign working conditions)

    The nature of the disease (person? mobile, limited mobility, non-mobile).

    Depending on membership in a particular group, employment and employment issues for citizens with disabilities are resolved. The relatively low employment status of persons with disabilities is largely explained by the uncertainty of life attitudes, the lack of demanded vocational education, work experience. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is not profitable for employers to hire disabled people who require specialized jobs and preferential working conditions (reduced working hours, reduced productivity requirements). Despite the laws adopted at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation “On quotas for jobs for disabled people,” entrepreneurs strive to find reasons for refusing employment to a disabled person.

    The specific situation of disabled people in the Russian labor market is determined by a number of factors:

    Preservation of stereotypes (many employers negatively assess the qualities of disabled people, such as lack of work experience, inability to perform their professional duties efficiently and the inability to build relationships in the work team, instability of behavior, that is, everything that indicates a person’s professional insolvency). The scale and persistence of the influence of stereotypes of this kind leads to discriminatory attitudes towards people with disabilities in the labor market.

    The unfounded idea of ​​disabled people about building a personal professional strategy (manifests itself in the definition of a profession and in future employment prospects). The choice of the direction or specialty in which vocational training will be carried out is often made by a disabled person based on his physiological capabilities, the degree of disability, training conditions, and its accessibility. The main idea of ​​getting an education is “What I can and want, and not where I can find a job in the future.” Teach young disabled people to analyze the real situation on the labor market through the prism of personal capabilities

    An area of ​​work that needs to be introduced into the general practice of the employment service as part of the prevention of unemployment of persons with disabilities.

    Reduction of jobs at enterprises and specialized organizations aimed at primarily employing people with disabilities. ( special concern This is due to the fact that a large number of unemployed citizens are graduates of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions). The professions in greatest demand among young disabled people are programmer, economist and accountant, and lawyer. At the same time, among the vacancies offered to citizens with disabilities, there is predominantly low-skilled labor, without taking into account their professional qualities.

    The most important condition for social labor adaptation and its peculiarity is the introduction into public consciousness of the idea of ​​equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities. Is it the normal relationship between disabled people and healthy people? the strongest factor in the adaptation process. As foreign and domestic experience shows, people with disabilities, often even having certain potential opportunities to actively participate in the life of society, and especially to work, cannot realize them. The reason is that a part (and often a large part) of our society does not want to communicate with them, and employers do not want to hire a disabled person due to established negative stereotypes. And, even in this case, measures for the social adaptation of a disabled person will not help until psychological stereotypes are broken both on the part of the “healthy” and, importantly, entrepreneurs. The idea of ​​social adaptation of disabled people is “verbally” supported by the majority, there are a lot of laws, but there is still complexity and ambiguity in the attitude of “healthy” people towards disabled people, especially towards disabled people with clearly expressed “disability characteristics”? those who are unable to move independently (i.e., “wheelchair users”), blind and visually impaired, deaf and hard of hearing, patients with cerebral palsy, patients with HIV.

    In Russia, people with disabilities are perceived by society as different in a negative way, deprived of many opportunities; on the one hand, they are rejected as full-fledged members of society, and on the other? sympathy towards them. It is also important to note that many healthy people are “unprepared” for close contact with disabled people in the workplace, as well as the development of situations where a disabled person cannot and does not have the opportunity to realize their potential on an equal basis with everyone else. Unfortunately, one of the most important indicators is social? psychological adaptation of disabled people is their attitude towards their own lives? Almost half of them rate their quality of life as unsatisfactory. Moreover, the very concept of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life most often comes down to the negative or unstable financial situation of a disabled person, and the lower the income of a disabled person, the more pessimistic his views on his existence and the lower his self-esteem. But, working disabled people have much higher self-esteem and “outlook on life” than the unemployed. On the one hand, this is due to the better financial situation of working disabled people, their greater social and industrial adaptation, and greater opportunities for communication. But, like all of us, people with disabilities experience fear of the future, anxiety and uncertainty about the future, a feeling of tension and discomfort, and what does loss of work have to do with them? a stronger stress factor than for a healthy person. The slightest changes in material disadvantage and the slightest difficulties at work lead to panic and severe stress.

    Belarusian legislation provides for certain legal guarantees in the labor sphere for workers with disabilities. This, accordingly, places additional responsibilities on the employer and makes hiring a disabled person less attractive compared to other employees. At the same time, to stimulate the employment of people with disabilities, the state offers employers compensation for the costs of creating specialized jobs and financing measures to adapt disabled workers to work.
    Despite the fact that the current procedure for state financing of activities for the employment and adaptation of disabled people was introduced in 2009, employers are little aware of it. In this publication, we will consider the mechanism for adapting people with disabilities to work, which is applicable to many employers, regardless of the form of ownership and the number of disabled employees, and allows one to receive significant compensation for the costs of employing people with disabilities.

    What is adaptation of a disabled person to work and why should an employer know about it?
    Adaptation of a disabled person to work is a general concept that includes various measures to acquire or develop the working abilities of a disabled person and consolidate them in the process of work. Essentially, these can be any measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of disabled workers and ensuring their sustainable employment. For example, employing a disabled person and assigning him a mentor for the first months of work is one of the measures for adaptation to work.
    It is important for employers to know that to finance measures for adaptation to work of disabled people registered as unemployed, funds from the state extra-budgetary Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection can be used. For example, employers who organize the adaptation of disabled people to work are reimbursed for the costs of paying such workers.
    To do this, employers of any form of ownership, including individual entrepreneurs, have the right to contact the labor, employment and social protection authorities (in Minsk - Employment Department of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee, 113 Nezavisimosti Ave., tel. 8017 267 57 40) for concluding an agreement on organizing the adaptation of disabled people to work.
    In this article, the term “adaptation of disabled people” is used to refer to those activities for the adaptation of disabled people to work, which are organized and financed from the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for organizing and financing activities on adaptation of disabled people to work, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 128 of 02.02.2009 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on Adaptation).

    Are people with disabilities adapted to work that does not require specific qualifications or training (for example, to work as a cleaner)?
    In accordance with Art. 32 of the Law “On the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons,” adaptation of disabled people is aimed not only at improving professional knowledge, but also at acquiring and developing labor abilities and consolidating them in the process of working.

    Adaptation of disabled people to work is carried out if they have a specialty or profession, except for types of activities that do not require professional training, in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program (clause 4 of the Regulations on Adaptation). Consequently, adaptation can also be carried out in relation to work activities that do not require professional training.

    What regulations regulate the procedure for organizing and financing measures to adapt disabled people to work?
    First of all, this is the Regulation on the procedure for organizing and financing measures for the adaptation of disabled people to work, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 02.02.2009 No. 128. The main provisions on labor rehabilitation are enshrined in the Laws “On the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons” and “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Republic of Belarus”.

    What expenses are reimbursed to the employer as part of financing activities for the adaptation of disabled people?
    When carrying out measures to adapt disabled people, employers may be allocated funds from the Fund to compensate for the costs of paying workers with disabilities or for the purchase of equipment, materials, and special clothing.
    The costs of paying disabled employees are compensated monthly in the amount of accrued wages, taking into account incentive and compensatory payments. Compensation is also subject to:
    - the amount of average earnings during labor leave or monetary compensation for unused labor leave;
    — the amount of mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Security Fund and insurance premiums for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
    To receive compensation for such costs for adaptation measures for disabled people, the employer submits a monthly certificate to the labor, employment and social protection agency about the costs of paying disabled people.
    Funds for the purchase of equipment to create jobs for people with disabilities can be allocated to employers who organize the adaptation of people with disabilities in such workplaces for three years or more. Financing for the purchase of materials is provided to employers on the condition that the products made from them are transferred free of charge to budgetary organizations or are used for their own needs by manufacturing organizations that are financed from the local or republican budget.

    How are measures for the adaptation of disabled people subject to government funding formalized?
    Measures to adapt a disabled person to work are formalized as a tripartite relationship between the employer, the disabled employee and the body for labor, employment and social protection. At the same time, the registration process requires the active participation of both the employer and the employee and can be divided into several stages.

    1. The Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the city or district executive committee includes the enterprise in the List of employers ready to organize the adaptation of disabled people to work in specific professions.

    To do this, the employer submits to the department (department) for labor, employment and social protection of the city or district executive committee:
    — a statement of readiness to organize the adaptation of disabled people to work, indicating the list of specialties (professions), the number and list of vacant jobs, as well as the need to create new jobs and opportunities for further employment of disabled people;
    — calculation of financial costs for organizing adaptation (labor costs, cost of equipment, materials).

    If an employer wishes to hire a specific employee with a disability for adaptation, the following information and documents are additionally provided:
    — an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person indicating the need for adaptation within a certain period (from 6 to 12 months), a copy of the passport;
    — information about the specialist who will accompany the disabled employee during the adaptation period, including his education;
    — information about the possibilities for further employment of an employee with a disability open market or extension of adaptation within 12 months.

    The department (department) for labor, employment and social protection of the city or district executive committee draws up a conclusion on the feasibility of organizing the adaptation of disabled people at a given enterprise and submits it along with an application to the Committee for Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the regional executive committee (Ming City Executive Committee), which, on the basis of the received documents makes a decision on the advisability of organizing the adaptation of disabled people to work with this employer. Based on this decision, the organization is included in the list of employers ready to organize the adaptation of disabled people to work in specific specialties or professions.

    2. Receipt by a disabled employee of a referral for adaptation from the labor, employment and social protection agency
    Only a disabled person who is duly registered as unemployed can receive a referral for adaptation. The employment center issues such a referral based on an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, taking into account the list of employers ready to organize adaptation, and the employee’s specialty or profession (or without it). If the referral cannot be issued, the reasons for the refusal are communicated in writing.

    It should be noted that the referral is issued only in relation to professions and specialties specified in the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (hereinafter referred to as the IPR). However, it is important that the absence of appropriate instructions in the IPR does not constitute an obstacle to employment in professions or specialties that the employee can master and successfully perform. It is often impossible to provide in advance in the IPR a complete list of jobs that may be available to a person with a disability. Therefore, if there is an acceptable vacancy in a specialty not specified in the IPR, a disabled person has the right to apply to the medical and rehabilitation expert commission (hereinafter referred to as MREK) with a request to supplement the program of professional and labor rehabilitation of the IPR with an indication of the need for adaptation to work in a certain profession or specialty. If there is a preliminary agreement with the employer about employment, you can provide the MREC with a letter from the employer stating that he intends to hire a disabled person for adaptation in a particular position.

    3. Conclusion of an agreement on the organization of adaptation of a disabled person to work between the employer and the body for labor, employment and social protection.
    The contract is concluded for a period of six months to one year (depending on the adaptation period recommended in the IPR) indicating the amount and purpose of financing, as well as the timing of testing the preparedness of a disabled employee for independent work. In addition, such an agreement provides for the employer’s obligations to use funds for the intended purpose and provide supporting documents to the labor, employment and social protection authorities.

    4. Conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract between the employer and a disabled employee for the adaptation period.
    Labor relations between the employer and the employee sent by the employment center for adaptation are formalized for the period specified in the agreement on organizing the adaptation of a disabled person to work. To do this, the employer enters into a fixed-term agreement with the employees. employment contract and prepares other documents in accordance with labor legislation. The employer sends a copy of the employment order to the labor, employment and social protection authority within five days from the date of publication.

    Is it possible to extend the adaptation period?
    Yes, but only within one year. The agreement between the employer and the labor, employment and social protection authority provides for the procedure for testing the degree of preparedness of a disabled person for independent work. Taking into account the results of such testing, a decision may be made to extend the adaptation period, but only on the condition that the total adaptation period does not exceed one year. In this case, appropriate changes and additions are made to the agreement on organizing the adaptation of a disabled person to work and the fixed-term employment contract.

    Is the employer obliged to conclude an employment contract with the employee after the end of the adaptation period?
    No, such an obligation is not provided for by law. After the adaptation period has expired, the employer has the right, but not the obligation, to invite the employee to continue labor Relations. Upon completion of adaptation, the employer provides the labor, employment and social protection authority with either a copy of the order to dismiss the disabled person or an order to hire him to permanent employment. An employee with a disability who has not concluded an employment contract after undergoing adaptation may be re-registered as unemployed. However, referrals for repeated adaptation with another employer, as a rule, are not issued.

    Marina Kalinovskaya
    legal consultant of the NGO "BelAPDIiMI"


    2 Regulatory and legal framework for working with people with disabilities


    2 Ways to improve social adaptation of young disabled people





    Working with people with disabilities is one of the most difficult issues in social work. The problem of social adaptation of disabled people - the problem of the adaptation of disabled people to a full life in a society of healthy people has recently acquired particular importance. This is due to the fact that in the new millennium, approaches to people who, by the will of fate, were born or became disabled began to change significantly.

    The professional field of social work arose in the world about 100 years ago, and in our country - since 1991. Issues of medical, social and labor rehabilitation of people with disabilities cannot be resolved without the participation of social workers and specialists in the field of social work.

    In the Russian Federation, at least over 10 million people are officially recognized as disabled. In the future, further growth in the number of this category of the population is expected, including in share terms.

    The relevance of the research topic is due to the following objective reasons:

    Firstly, the problem of disability has worsened. The number of people suffering from various diseases in Russia has reached approximately 14.6 million people.

    Secondly, the problem is becoming more urgent due to the rapid growth of young people with disabilities. Over the past 4 years, the number of young people with disabilities in the Russian Federation has increased by 127.8%.

    Thirdly, the level of social security for absolutely all categories of disabled people is currently not high enough, despite the fact that the state has already done a lot in this direction and, in general, social security for disabled people has improved.

    Fourthly, it is more difficult for disabled children and young disabled people to adapt to life than healthy people. The complexity is manifested in the fact that, due to health problems, a person has barriers that deprive him of a full existence in society, leading to a deterioration in the quality of his life. The lack of sufficiently intensive social contacts can lead to the irreversible decline of the intellectual abilities of such persons, and the lack of accessible psychological, legal and informational assistance can lead to the loss or non-use of those opportunities for integration into society that they, very often without realizing it, have.

    In this regard, there is a need to develop a state strategy on issues of social adaptation of this category, mechanisms for interaction between government structures working with them, and support for youth initiatives in the field of working with young people with disabilities.

    This means that disability as a social phenomenon becomes a problem not of one person, or even part of the population, but of the entire society as a whole.

    The specifics of working with young disabled people should take into account the fact that they are much more difficult to adapt to negative social changes, having a reduced ability to self-defense, due to which they turned out to be the poorest part of the population. The situation is aggravated by insufficient development legal framework their social protection and support from the state and non-governmental organizations. At the same time, previously existing government policy measures aimed at solving the problems of disability and young people with disabilities are losing their effectiveness. The combination of these reasons and circumstances determines the relevance of the topic of this study.

    The current situation requires the state to implement certain measures aimed at eliminating the problems that have arisen and at forming a unified model of social policy as a whole to create conditions for a decent existence of its citizens. And the problem related to the social protection of people with disabilities, and especially young people with disabilities, requires special consideration. Although young people with disabilities are not singled out as a special object of social work and social policy, neither in the field of employment, nor education, nor in youth policy in general, nor even in statistics.

    Economic instability in Russia has aggravated the situation of young disabled people. For most of them, in order to join the active life of society, they have to overcome many physical and psychological barriers and face one form or another of discrimination. 'Affordable' transport is not available to them either because it is unavailable or because it is expensive, so for many young people with mobility difficulties it is often simply difficult or impossible to leave the house. Young people with disabilities face barriers to education and employment. Finally, because disability organizations do little to serve the interests of their young members, young people with disabilities have little involvement in the activities of these organizations and little interaction with older and more experienced people who can serve as role models or mentors for them. Due to these factors, young people with disabilities suffer from isolation, low self-esteem and face barriers that prevent them from participating in the social and economic life of society.

    A change in the social status of a young person with the onset of disability entails, first of all, the cessation or limitation of work activity, the transformation of value guidelines, the very way of life and communication, as well as the emergence of various difficulties, both in social and everyday life, and in psychological adaptation to new conditions.

    All this dictates the need to develop and implement specific approaches, forms and methods of social work with young disabled people. In organizing social work with this category, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of the social status of disabled people not only in general, but also of each person individually, their needs, requirements, biological and social capabilities, certain regional and other features of life.

    Thus, social work with young people with disabilities is aimed at their physical and, most importantly, social and psychological well-being, and from a methodological point of view it is a psychosocial approach taking into account the characteristics of the individual and the specific situation. Concrete efforts must be aimed not only at helping people fight illnesses, but also at changing society: it is necessary to combat negative attitudes, routine rules, “steps and narrow doors” and provide equal opportunities for all people to fully participate in all areas of life and types of social activity.

    In recent years, the number of young people with disabilities in the country has been constantly increasing. This means that the increase in the number of young disabled people is becoming a problem not only for individuals, or even part of the population, but for society as a whole. The problem of social protection of young disabled people is becoming more acute, which is the activity of the state and society to protect this category of citizens from social dangers and prevent the deterioration of the situation of persons with disabilities. Disability of young people significantly limits their abilities for self-care, movement, orientation, learning, communication, and work in the future.

    Despite the growth in the number of disabled people in Russia, there are still very few institutions that work to provide them with social, socio-medical, material and other assistance. Recently, specialists from various professional fields have been developing technology for social, socio-medical, socio-psychological support for people with disabilities. There is an active discussion of the experience of leading social rehabilitation centers in special journals, at conferences and other scientific and practical forums. However, there is still a need for constant and targeted study of the problems of people with disabilities both at the state and regional levels, including at universities.

    The state, ensuring the social protection of disabled people, is called upon to create for them the necessary conditions for individual development, the realization of creative and productive opportunities and abilities by taking into account their needs in relevant government programs, providing social assistance in the forms provided for by law in order to eliminate obstacles to the implementation of health rights by disabled people , labor, education and vocational training, housing and other socio-economic rights.

    The most pressing tasks of social policy in relation to people with disabilities are to provide them with equal opportunities with all other citizens of the Russian Federation in realizing their rights and freedoms, eliminating restrictions in their life activities, creating favorable conditions, allowing people with disabilities to lead a full life, actively participate in the economic, social and political life of society, and fulfill their civic responsibilities.

    Object of study thesis are young disabled people. The subject is the content of social adaptation of young disabled people.

    Graduation goal qualifying work: to consider the basics of social adaptation of young disabled people, as well as experience and ways to improve social adaptation using the example of the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles”.

    Based on this goal, we set ourselves the following tasks:

    .Conduct an analysis of young disabled people as an object of social work.

    .Study the legal framework for working with people with disabilities.

    .Analyze the main directions, forms, methods of social adaptation of young disabled people.

    .To study the experience of the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club of disabled people “Achilles” on the social adaptation of young disabled people.

    .Develop ways to improve work on social adaptation with young disabled people.

    The degree of scientific development of the topic. Disability as a specific social phenomenon was studied by T.D. Dobrovolskaya, A.V. Osadchikh, S.P. Peshkov, N.B. Shabalina, E.I. Kholostova, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others. The authors consider the social factors of disability: unfavorable environment, wars, the increase in alcoholism, occupational injuries, problems of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of the disabled.

    The increase in the number of disabled people among the working population has directed the attention of scientists to consider its economic, legal, and social aspects. Currently, serious work is underway in Russia to research and determine ways to improve the social protection of people with disabilities. Lawyers, philosophers, sociologists and representatives of other sciences participate in this work. Among them we can highlight A.S. Bukhterev, V.I. Dubinsky, R. Guseinov, M. Dmitriev, M. Delyagin, A. Zubkov, N.I. Moroz, P.D. Pavlenka, V.G. Popov, N.A. Chistyakov. Research into the theory and technology of social work is actively developing, among which the leading place belongs to the publications of V. Alperovich, S.A. Belicheva, N.I. Vshanova, L.K. Gracheva, SI. Grigorieva, V.V. Kolkova, O.S. Lebedinskaya, P.D. Pavlenka, A.S. Sorvina, Yu.B. Shapiro, T.V. Shelyag, N.P. Shchukina and many others. Various aspects of rehabilitation and social integration of a disabled person into society were considered by such scientists as I.V. Astrakhantsev, V.M. Bogolyubova, S.A. Bydanov, V.Yu. Chukarev, M.V. Elshtein.

    In addition, in recent years, a number of publications have appeared that examine the practice and models of work of various non-stationary institutions for young people with disabilities, as well as publications highlighting the experience of the non-state sector of social and professional rehabilitation, in whose activities innovative technologies are often tested and developed social assistance to persons with disabilities. Among them we can highlight E.V. Abakulova, T.V. Baranova, V. Grishin, O. Kovaleva, O. Kondratyeva, M. Lebedeva, A.V. Lomakin-Rumyantsev, E.P. Rodicheva, L.N. Sidorova, E.N. Khramchenko, E.A. Shevchenko.

    The gradual transition to the approval of the social model of disability was associated with the development of foreign experience in social support for young people with disabilities and the implementation of various technologies of social activity.

    Among the first publications that considered social work as a special type of professional activity and as a specific branch of social rehabilitation practice in relation to young people with disabilities are the works of T.E. Bolshova, L.G. Guslyakova, N.F. Dementieva, E.N. Kim, A.V. Martynenko, A.I. Osadchey, E.A. Sigida, E.R. Smirnova, E.I. Kholostovoy, L.P. Khrapylina and others.

    However, a review of the available literature revealed contradictions: the problems of young people with disabilities in our country have not yet been sufficiently studied: there are no materials characterizing the specific needs of young people with disabilities, their adaptation and methods of survival in a market economy. At the same time, sociological research data in recent years indicate a significant deterioration in the socio-economic situation of young disabled people in the transforming Russian society.


    1 Young disabled people as an object of social work

    Disability is a social phenomenon that no society in the world can avoid. At the same time, the number of disabled people increases annually by an average of 10%. According to UN experts, people with disabilities make up an average of 10% of the population, and approximately 25% of the population suffers from chronic diseases.

    In Russia today there are 13 million people with disabilities, and their number tends to further increase. Some of them are disabled from birth, others became disabled due to illness or injury, but all of them are members of society and have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens.

    In accordance with the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities and causing the need for his social protection.

    The main signs of disability are the complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to perform self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, learn and engage in work.

    The category of “young disabled people” includes citizens aged 14 to 30 years who have health problems caused by diseases, defects, or consequences of injuries. Currently, young people with disabilities are divided into several groups: with intellectual disabilities, with mental illness and early autism, with musculoskeletal disorders, hearing impairment, vision impairment and a complex combination of impairments. Disability at a young age is accompanied by a state of persistent social maladaptation caused by chronic diseases or pathological conditions that sharply limit the possibility of a young person’s inclusion in age-appropriate educational, social, political and economic processes; in connection with this, there is a constant need for additional care, assistance or supervision.

    The main reasons leading to disability at a young age include:

    Medical and biological (low quality of medical care, insufficient medical activity).

    Socio-psychological ( low level education of the parents of a young disabled person, lack of conditions for normal life and development, etc.).

    Socio-economic (low material income, etc.).

    Currently, the life of disabled children and young disabled people is very difficult. The complexity is manifested in the fact that, due to health problems, a person has barriers that deprive him of a full existence in society, leading to a deterioration in the quality of his life. The lack of sufficiently intensive social contacts can lead to the irreversible decline of the intellectual abilities of such persons, and the lack of accessible psychological, legal and informational assistance can lead to the loss or non-use of those opportunities for integration into society that they, very often without realizing it, have.

    Disability, whether congenital or acquired, limits a young person’s position in society. Social status is usually determined by an individual's position in a group or a group's relationship with other groups (some scholars use the term "social position" as a synonym for social status). Social status is also a certain set of rights, privileges and responsibilities of a young disabled person. All social statuses are divided into two main types: those that are prescribed to the individual by society or a group, regardless of his abilities and efforts, and those that the individual achieves through his own efforts. Recognition of a person as disabled is associated with the acquisition of a certain social status that ensures social guarantees from the state and at the same time limiting human life. The social status of young people with special needs is characterized by certain indicators: health status, financial situation, level of education, specifics of employment and features of the organization of leisure activities.

    Much attention in the social protection system is paid to the health of young disabled people, as an indicator of their social status. Limitations in the life activity of a young person associated with health problems can be acquired in childhood (congenital diseases and birth injuries, diseases and injuries in childhood), as well as in adolescence (chronic diseases, domestic and work injuries, injuries during military service and etc.). Currently, this concept is considered not only as the absence of disease, but also as the psychological and social well-being of a person. The main goal of the activities of social services within the framework of integrated approach to health is the achievement by a young person with disabilities of the ability to live independently, productive work and leisure.

    Transition to an innovative socially oriented type economic development Russia cannot achieve its goals without developing its human potential. As one of the necessary results of the work on developing Russia’s human potential, the “Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020” indicates the creation of an effective targeted system of support for a number of socially vulnerable categories of citizens, including people with disabilities. The Concept specifically stipulates the need to increase the level of social integration of people with disabilities, in particular, creating conditions for their integration into work, creating an infrastructure of rehabilitation centers that provide comprehensive rehabilitation of people with disabilities and their return to a full life in society. In addition, from the content of the Concept, it is obvious that involving young people in social practice and informing them about the potential opportunities for self-development is the most important element in creating conditions for the successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, including young people with disabilities, in the interests of the innovative development of the country.

    Recently, when talking about the situation of young disabled people in Russia, the term “social deprivation” is increasingly used. It implies deprivation, limitation, insufficiency of certain conditions, material and spiritual resources necessary for the survival of young people, due primarily to a low standard of living. Deprivation affects young people with disabilities especially acutely.

    Disability makes it difficult for a person to have full social contacts, and the lack of a sufficient circle of friends leads to maladjustment, which in turn leads to even greater isolation and, accordingly, to developmental deficiencies. In recent years, the number of young people with disabilities in the country has been constantly increasing.

    This means that the increase in the number of young disabled people is becoming a problem not only for individuals, or even part of the population, but for society as a whole. The problem of social protection of young disabled people is becoming more acute, which is the activity of the state and society to protect this category of citizens from social dangers and prevent the deterioration of the situation of persons with disabilities. Disability of young people significantly limits their abilities for self-care, movement, orientation, learning, communication, and work in the future. In addition, disability, whether congenital or acquired, limits the position of a young person in society.

    The main factors determining the growth of disability are the degree of economic and social development of the region, which determines the standard of living and income of the population, morbidity, the quality of activities of medical institutions, the degree of objectivity of examination in the bureau of medical and social examination, the state of the environment (ecology), industrial and domestic injuries, road traffic accidents, man-made and natural disasters, armed conflicts and other reasons.

    In relation to people with disabilities, and especially young people with disabilities, the discrimination that exists in society is clearly visible in all characteristics.

    The level of education of young people with disabilities is much lower than that of non-disabled people. Almost everyone who has only primary education over the age of 20 is disabled. On the contrary, the share of young people with higher education among disabled people is 2 times lower. Even the share of vocational school graduates among 20-year-old disabled people is lower. The monetary income of young disabled people is twice as low as compared to their non-disabled peers.

    The education of young disabled people plays a decisive role in their professional rehabilitation, since it creates the basis for the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities for people with disabilities. To solve the problems of education for young disabled people, projects are beginning to be implemented to expand distance learning networks based on Internet classes. Such training and subsequent employment allows people with disabilities to realize the concept of independent living, ensures independent income, and is also economically beneficial to the state. Education creates conditions to meet the many needs of young people with disabilities, and also reduces the processes of marginalization of people with disabilities.

    However, most educational institutions are still not ready to welcome people with disabilities. The following difficulties are identified in the field of education for young disabled people. Firstly, the lack of a developed environment and special educational programs in educational institutions. Secondly, untrained teaching staff. Thirdly, there is often a biased attitude towards students with disabilities, which does not guarantee equal educational opportunities compared to all students. In recent years, there have been positive trends in solving the problems of education of young disabled people. This is manifested in the emergence of new forms of education. In general, the education of young disabled people is a fundamental value that determines their social status and opportunities for personal self-realization. Creating a system of multi-level integrated education is impossible without a system of special training for teachers aimed at developing skills in dealing with people with disabilities. Social isolation of young people with disabilities entails reduced chances for effective employment and low socio-economic status.

    The lower incomes of young people with disabilities are a direct consequence of barriers to access to income-generating activities, including well-paid employment. Employment statistics for this category are not published. At the same time, according to a sample survey of the population on employment problems, the average duration of job search for all disabled people consistently exceeds the same indicator for all unemployed people.

    The lower level of education of young disabled people is reflected in the professional structure of their employment: among young disabled people there are significantly more people employed in blue-collar professions, including many unskilled workers, than among their healthy peers. Currently, young people with disabilities are in little demand in the labor market; their employment is a significant problem in society, although young people with disabilities have certain prospects for employment in the intellectual sphere and in small businesses. The number of young employed disabled people is decreasing every year. There is a significant discrepancy in the employment situations of different groups of disabled people. Young disabled people are more likely than their healthy peers to be employed in blue-collar jobs and are much less likely to hold management positions. We can highlight the main difficulties in the employment of young disabled people. Firstly, this is the inaccessibility of educational programs and the lack of career guidance for people with disabilities, which has a direct impact on their employment and competitiveness in the labor market. Secondly, specialized enterprises do not have the opportunity to hire everyone who wants to work, since they experience significant difficulties in a market economy. Therefore, the opportunities for labor rehabilitation of young disabled people through employment in specialized enterprises are significantly reduced. Thirdly, hiring a disabled person entails additional costs for organizing the workplace, which affects the employer’s reluctance to cooperate with a young disabled person.

    This is also the lower social mobility of disabled people, which is manifested in the less intense separation of disabled people from the family of their parents and relatives. Accordingly, there is lower mobility of relatives of disabled people due to the need to care for them.

    With a greater degree of probability, we can say that the disability of one of the spouses “increases” several times the likelihood that the other spouse will also be disabled. In fact, this may indicate social isolation of people with disabilities, which results in them marrying primarily with each other.

    All of the above social characteristics indicate that young disabled people in Russia are a completely specific group not only in the population, but also among adult disabled people, because in older generations the social differences between disabled and non-disabled people are smoothed out and even disappear.

    From this brief analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding the construction of effective policies for the social inclusion of young people with disabilities:

    It is the Social Service Centers that are a real support for the disabled. While they are the main object of the current social policy regarding disabled people, it is necessary to develop an individual approach to determining targeted social support for a disabled person, taking into account his microsocial environment - the family.

    The low educational and professional status of such disabled people requires special programs for professional training and retraining, as well as to improve their education and qualifications.

    A significant (over a quarter) proportion of disabled people of the first, most severe, group, as well as the extremely high mortality rate among young disabled people (exceeding by 3 or more times the mortality rate of non-disabled people at these ages) requires a special medical rehabilitation program.

    The main tasks of social protection of disabled people:

    provide advice on legal aspects of social policy.

    Thus, disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and capabilities, forms a social and economic policy towards people with disabilities. It should be taken into account that the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as: the state of health of the nation, the development of the healthcare system, socio-economic development, the state of the ecological environment, historical and political reasons, in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts, etc. Russia all from the listed factors have a pronounced negative orientation, which predetermines a significant prevalence of disability in society.

    All of the above allows us to assert that youth with disabilities are a special social category that requires support from the state. Working with it requires an individual approach to everyone.

    In recent years, the social situation of young disabled people has begun to change significantly in better side. Innovative technologies are being introduced into practice to expand opportunities for young disabled people to access information, education and employment, and improve their financial situation. Creating an accessible living environment for young people with disabilities is an integral part of our country’s social policy, the practical results of which are designed to provide disabled people with equal opportunities as other citizens in all spheres of life and in their social status.

    2 Legal framework for social work with young people with disabilities

    By implementing a serious set of measures to provide social support to young people with disabilities, to improve the quality and accessibility for them of social services that characterize the quality of life, Russia is guided by international standards adopted by both the world and European communities.

    That is why our country constructively participated in the development of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2006. This Convention occupies an important place among the multilateral international treaties in the field of human rights and is aimed at ensuring the full and equal enjoyment by persons with disabilities of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as promoting respect for the dignity of persons with disabilities, and preventing any discrimination on the basis of disability.

    It should be noted that all the rules on the rights of persons with disabilities contained in the Convention are enshrined in international agreements existing and ratified by the Russian Federation, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, etc. Thus, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2006 does not introduce new rights for people with disabilities, but contains articles emphasizing the features of the implementation of fundamental human rights and freedoms in relation to the specific living conditions of people with disabilities. Article 4, paragraph 2, emphasizes that, with regard to the implementation of the economic, social and cultural rights of persons with disabilities, each State Party “undertakes to take measures towards the progressive achievement of the full realization of these rights.”

    Also an important document of a high international standard that defines state policy regarding people with disabilities are the Recommendations concerning the implementation at the national level of the Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full participation of people with disabilities in society for 2006-2015. This plan was presented to representatives of national governments of member countries of the Council of Europe, non-governmental organizations and the media at the European Conference in St. Petersburg (September 2006), where the actual implementation of the Plan was launched.

    The vast majority of norms included in international standard documents (creation of infrastructure accessible to people with disabilities, adaptation of urban planning, transport, communication and other standards to their needs; training of people with disabilities in educational institutions; health protection of disabled people, their rehabilitation; ensuring favorable conditions in the labor market, etc.) are contained in the current Russian legislation. They are enshrined in various branches of law. In Russian legislation, the rights of people with disabilities are recorded in such important documents as the Declaration of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen, adopted by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on November 22, 1991, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Disabled Persons” in the Russian Federation" dated July 20, 1995, Fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, adopted by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on July 22, 1993, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On additional measures state support disabled people" and "On measures to create an accessible living environment for people with disabilities" dated October 2, 1992, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation "On scientific and information support for the problems of disability and disabled people" dated April 5, 1993, etc.

    The main legal act guaranteeing the right of people with disabilities to social security on the territory of the Russian Federation is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation:) to social services;

    b) the right to health care.

    Many provisions of the Constitution are directly related to social security. Thus, Article 7 of the Constitution establishes that the Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. Russia provides state support for people with disabilities, develops a system of social services, establishes state pensions and benefits and other guarantees of social protection. The provision of Article 7 of the Constitution implies the duty of the state to pursue a certain social policy and bear responsibility for the decent life of people and the free development of every person.

    In Art. 39 of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation states that every citizen “is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.” This article assigns to the state the obligation to provide social support to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. To carry out its functions in this area, the state has created a system of social protection of the population, which includes the payment of pensions, compensation, the provision of medical and other social services, and manages the creation of a financial base and organizational structures that are necessary to realize the right of every citizen of our country to social security .

    The provisions of the Constitution relating to social security issues are the legal basis on which all legislation is based.

    The main legal acts on issues of social security for young disabled people are the federal laws “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons” and “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”.

    The Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 defines state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for The Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    According to the definition given in the law, a disabled person is a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection. Limitation of life activity - complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study and engage in work activities. Depending on the degree of impairment of body functions and limitations in life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child.”

    Recognition of a person as disabled is carried out by the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise. The procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Also, the law provides the concept of social protection of disabled people. This is a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) disabilities and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in society as other citizens.

    The law regulates the issues of medical and social examination of disabled people, their rehabilitation, ensuring the life activity of disabled people, and also defines the entire range of support for the life activity of disabled people - medical, social and professional. The law guarantees citizens with disabilities the right to a decent and fulfilling life, to the creation of an infrastructure that removes barriers between disabled people and healthy people. The goal of state policy is to “provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, treaties of the Russian Federation.”

    The implementation of the goal set by law involves highlighting the following key areas in disability policy:

    1. Organization of medical care. Health policy is aimed at providing citizens with disabilities with accessible and high-quality medical care, creating conditions conducive to improving their health. Every disabled person living on the territory of the Russian Federation is guaranteed the inalienable right to health care and medical care in the event of his loss. According to the doctor’s conclusion, citizens who have not refused the package of social services may be provided with sanatorium-resort treatment, which may extend to the disabled person and the person accompanying him (Law “On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance” dated July 16, 1999 No. 165-FZ; Law “ On state social assistance" 07.17.1999 No. 178-FZ. Since September 2005, measures have been taken to implement the national project "Health", which includes: the development of primary medical care, preventive care and providing the population with high-tech medical care.

    Providing people with disabilities with living space. Housing policy is the most important element contributing to ensuring the effective development of the state. Without it, providing disabled people with high-quality social protection is not possible. The main regulatory legal act facilitating the implementation of this direction is the “Housing Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ. The document provides for the possibility of providing low-income disabled people with living quarters on social rental terms. As additional measures, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children to provide them with living quarters, payment for housing and utilities” dated July 27, 1996 was adopted.

    Education of disabled people. The state ensures continuity of upbringing and education, social and everyday adaptation of disabled children. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1, the right to education for all categories of citizens, including those with disabilities, is an essential condition for building a competitive Russia. The state must ensure that disabled people receive general education and vocational education - primary, secondary and higher - in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program. Citizens with disabilities are provided with places in preschool, treatment, preventive and health care institutions as a matter of priority. And to receive vocational education on a non-competitive basis, provided successful completion exams. According to the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” dated August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ, additional social guarantees are provided for students with disabilities (increased scholarships, additional payments, etc.)

    Promoting employment of people with disabilities. Providing work for citizens with disabilities is a key area of ​​state social policy. In the employment system, a disabled person who has a work recommendation, a conclusion on the possible nature and conditions of work, which is issued in the prescribed manner (individual rehabilitation program), is recognized as unemployed. The rights of disabled people in the field of employment are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 97-FZ. Where special working hours, hours, and conditions of professional activity of citizens with disabilities are fixed.

    Assistance in organizing leisure time for disabled people. In order to effectively integrate citizens with disabilities into society, it is necessary to pay special attention to their inclusion in leisure activities (sports, visiting museums, libraries, theaters, etc.).

    In accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, the joint Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 74/51 of December 22, 1999 approved the “Procedure for the implementation of accessibility requirements for disabled people to social infrastructure facilities”, regulating the conditions and levels of interaction between participants in the investment process in the field of construction in the preparation of initial permitting documentation, development, coordination, approval and implementation of project documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction or technical re-equipment of social infrastructure facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation Federation taking into account the needs of people with disabilities.

    According to Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, the creation of conditions for accessibility for people with disabilities to engineering, transport, and social infrastructure facilities is ensured by the owners of these facilities (the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms) within the limits of allocations annually provided for these purposes in budgets of all levels.

    The issues of realizing the right to accessibility and creating an accessible living environment for people with disabilities, including disabled children, are regulated by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

    To create conditions for unhindered access to priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities, the state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015 was approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 No. 2181-r “On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation” Accessible environment" for 2011-2015." Federal Law “On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens” of November 15, 1995. No. 195 regulates relations in the field of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people.

    Social services for elderly citizens and the disabled are activities to meet the needs of these citizens for social services. It includes a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, leisure, assistance in organizing funeral services, etc.) that are provided to citizens elderly and disabled people at home or in social service institutions, regardless of form of ownership. The law establishes the basic principles of activity in the field of social services for people with disabilities, their rights and guarantees of respect for the rights of people with disabilities, as well as the rules for organizing social services in the Russian Federation.

    In addition to international legal acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, social security for people with disabilities is regulated by the following legal documents: Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of ministries and departments, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, as well as acts of public organizations and local legal acts.

    Examples of legal acts of this level may be the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Federal List of State-Guaranteed Social Services Provided to Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons by State and Municipal Social Service Institutions”, “On Changing the Brand of a Car Intended for Issue to Disabled Persons Free of Charge”, etc.

    Thus, the system of legal acts providing social protection for people with disabilities includes legal documents at various levels. They are interconnected by the main principles underlying the organization of social security for people with disabilities. In the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens, the article on the rights of people with disabilities states: “Disabled people, including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, have the right to medical and social assistance, rehabilitation, provision of medicines, prostheses, prosthetic and orthopedic products , means of transportation on preferential terms, as well as for vocational training and retraining.

    Disabled and disabled people have the right to free medical and social care in institutions of the state or municipal health care system, to care at home, and in case of inability to satisfy the basic needs of life - to maintenance in institutions of the social protection system.”

    The guaranteed rights of this category of citizens come into force upon receipt of the official status of a disabled person, and therefore the specialist must know the procedure for referring citizens for medical and social examination.

    The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development has developed a draft Concept for the development of social services for the population in the Russian Federation. The draft Concept defines the goals for the development of social services: increasing the availability and quality of social services provided; ensuring autonomous, independent life in familiar social conditions for elderly citizens and people with disabilities; prevention of family problems; development of a system of non-state social services.

    Standards are also one of the elements of protecting the rights of citizens as consumers of services. Without them, it is impossible to talk about creating a civilized market for social services and really improving their quality. Currently, 22 national standards have been developed, of which 6 are current fundamental standards: GOST PS2142 - 2003 “Social services to the population. Quality of social services. General provisions”, GOST PS2153-2003 “Social services for the population. Main types of social services”, GOST PS2495 2005 “Social services for the population. Terms and definitions", GOST PS2497 2005 "Social service institutions. Quality system of social service institutions”, GOST PS2496 2005 “Social services to the population. Quality control. General provisions”, GOST PS2498 2005 “Classification of social service institutions”. These standards are approved in accordance with the established procedure by the authorized national standardization body (Gosstandart, Rostekhregulirovanie).

    In the future, taking into account the current structure of the social service system, it is advisable to create a three-level system of standards, including national standards, standards of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and standards for the activities of social service institutions.

    The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development will soon prepare requirements for the development and approval of Administrative Regulations for the provision of all types of social services to the population. In turn, regional executive authorities must develop Administrative Regulations for their work on the provision of each type of social services.

    Thus, young disabled people are more general category- disabled people - in the Russian Federation have certain socio-economic and personal rights and freedoms, providing them with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    All the complexity and multidimensionality of the problems of young disabled people is largely reflected in the socio-economic technologies of working with disabled people, in the activities of the state social security system. In order to help a young person with a disability, all methods of social, medical, social and psychological work are used, to which some specificity is only introduced for the purpose of successful social integration, which is a means of social development of society. As a means, it reflects the ability of a society to develop “on the principles of non-discrimination, tolerance, respect for diversity, equality of opportunity, solidarity, security and participation of the entire population, including disadvantaged groups and individuals, vulnerable groups and individuals.” In general, the integration of young disabled people into social society carried out through an effective rehabilitation process.

    These ideas were reflected in Russia when, in 1995, the law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation” was adopted - the first regulatory document that actively protects the rights of people with disabilities.

    In addition to laws that are aimed at disabled people of all categories, there are laws aimed directly at young disabled people.

    Government of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2006. No. 1760-r approved the Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation until 2016.

    The strategy considers priority areas as system-forming state youth policy in Russia.

    The goal of state youth policy is to develop and realize the potential of young people in the interests of Russia.

    Projects developed to implement priority areas will be addressed to all youth in Russia, will open up opportunities for equal participation in them by all young people, regardless of gender, nationality, profession, place of residence and social status, and will provide youth with opportunities for activities that best suit their interests .

    One of the goals of state youth policy is:

    involvement in a full life of young people who have problems with integration into society (disabled people, graduates of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, special (correctional) educational institutions for students with developmental disabilities and special educational institutions closed institutions, victims of violence, war, disasters, displaced persons and migrants, persons released from prison, representatives of indigenous and minority peoples, as well as young people and families who find themselves in socially dangerous situations, the unemployed, HIV-infected and young people addicted to psychoactive substances).

    To implement the priority area, including the integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society, the “Step Toward” project is envisaged.

    The main goals of the “Step towards” project are:

    providing assistance to young people who find themselves in difficult life situations to integrate into society;

    involvement of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations in the social, socio-economic and cultural life of society; - development and popularization among young people of the ideas of tolerance and assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. The main types of work to implement this area are the following:

    identification of typical and newly emerging groups of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations;

    development of models and directions of targeted mobile social assistance to young people who find themselves in difficult life situations;

    development of self-help and mutual support groups for young people who find themselves in difficult life situations;

    distribution of programs for developing skills and independent living skills for young people experiencing difficulties in integration;

    support for youth projects aimed at involving young people who find themselves in difficult life situations in public, socio-economic and cultural life and improving their position in society.

    This project is addressed to young people who find themselves in difficult life situations, and Russian youth under the age of 30 should become participants.

    The priority of state policy regarding people with disabilities was marked by the signing by the President of the decree “On the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities” dated December 17, 2008 No. 1792, key tasks of this body, are:

    Preparation of proposals for the formation and implementation of state policy regarding people with disabilities, determination of methods, forms and stages of its implementation; preparation of proposals for the development of main directions for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of providing people with disabilities equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms, social security for people with disabilities and the establishment of state support measures for them based on an analysis of the state of affairs and generalization of the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area ;

    discussion, at the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation, of other issues related to the problems of disability and disabled people in the Russian Federation.

    Consequently, the issue of increasing the effectiveness of disability policy is relevant and significant not only for persons with disabilities themselves, but also for the entire society.

    Thus, the regulatory and legal foundations of the state policy towards people with disabilities are legislatively enshrined measures to ensure citizens with disabilities equal rights with other people in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other guarantees provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and generally recognized norms of international documents. Social policy regarding people with disabilities is part of the internal policy of the state, which has a legal framework and special implementation mechanisms, the basis of which is the orientation towards creating conditions for people with disabilities to create equal opportunities for them to participate in society.

    In the Kurgan region, to solve the problems of disabled children and young disabled people, the “Different Children - Equal Opportunities” program is being implemented for 2012 - 2014.

    November 2010 The Kurgan Region Government Resolution approved the Kurgan Region target program “Accessible environment for people with disabilities for 2011-2015”. The goal of the Program is to provide an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and disabled children in the Kurgan region.

    The legislation currently in force creates a reliable legal framework for the life and social protection of people with disabilities in our country.

    Both at the federal level and at the regional level, targeted programs are being developed aimed at protecting people with disabilities (as a category of citizens who are currently in particular need of social support from the state).

    The system of social protection measures for disabled people established by federal law creates the necessary prerequisites for the social adaptation of disabled people and their integration into society.

    Historically, the concepts of “disability” and “disabled person” in Russia were associated with the concepts of “disability” and “sick”. And often methodological approaches to the analysis of disability were borrowed from healthcare, by analogy with the analysis of morbidity. Since the beginning of the 90s, the traditional principles of state policy aimed at solving the problems of disability and people with disabilities due to the difficult socio-economic situation in the country have lost their effectiveness.

    Russia's transition to a fundamentally new socio-economic way of life has put forward the need for the formation of a system of social protection of the population that is most consistent with modern tasks of social development. Such tasks include creating decent living conditions for young disabled people, who are unable to fully or partially provide for their life needs without outside help, with a rich, active and satisfying life, and awareness of themselves as an organic part of society.

    The independent life of disabled people presupposes the removal of dependence on the manifestations of the disease, the weakening of the restrictions generated by it, the formation and development of independence, the formation of skills and abilities necessary in everyday life, which should enable integration, and then active participation in social practice, full-fledged life in society.

    A person with disabilities should be considered an expert who actively participates in the implementation of their own adaptation programs. Equalization of opportunities is ensured with the help of social services and organizations that help overcome specific difficulties on the path to active self-realization, prosperous emotional state in society.

    Activities aimed at social adaptation of persons with disabilities are based on:

    Compensation for opportunities lacking from birth, or lost due to illness or injury. Due to the delegation of missing functions to other people, and the creation of conditions for overcoming previously inaccessible environmental obstacles.

    Organization of work with all participants in interaction: with a disabled person, his family, and immediate environment.

    Integration into joint activities of people with disabilities and people without health problems. This principle should be implemented in almost all types of services.

    Mutual assistance - wide participation in the work of volunteer helpers and voluntary mutual support.

    Social adaptation occupies a significant place in the social rehabilitation and integration of disabled people, since it allows solving the problem of human survival and adaptation to environmental processes. In fact, social adaptation is the goal of social rehabilitation.

    The process of social adaptation of the individual? This is a complex social phenomenon that includes various aspects of human life. For a disabled person, adaptive processes are associated primarily with a new social role for him and finding a new place in society in accordance with his status.

    It should be taken into account that the social environment, as a rule, is hostile to a disabled person and there are no conditions for timely and successful adaptation. Delays and disruptions in this process lead to a decrease in the stability of families of disabled people, an increase in morbidity, a psychological phenomenon defined as the formation of the status of a disabled person. The needs of disabled people can be divided into two groups: - general, i.e. similar to the needs of other citizens and - special, i.e. needs caused by a particular illness. The most typical of the “special” needs of people with disabilities are the following:

    In the restoration (compensation) of impaired abilities for various types of activities;

    in movement;

    in communication;

    free access to social, cultural and other objects;

    in the opportunity to gain knowledge;

    in employment;

    in comfortable living conditions;

    in socio-psychological adaptation;

    in material support.

    Satisfying the listed needs is an indispensable condition for the success of all integration activities regarding people with disabilities. In socio-psychological terms, disability poses many problems for a person, so it is necessary to especially highlight the socio-psychological aspects of persons with disabilities.

    Disability is a specific feature of the development and state of the individual, often accompanied by limitations in life activity in a wide variety of areas.

    In general, work on social adaptation of young disabled people includes several main aspects: legal; social-environmental, psychological, socio-ideological aspect, anatomical-functional aspect.

    The legal aspect involves ensuring the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of people with disabilities. The President of Russia signed the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation.” Thus, the especially vulnerable part of our society is given guarantees of social protection.

    Figure 1 Main aspects of work on social adaptation of young disabled people

    Of course, the fundamental legislative norms regulating the position of a disabled person in society, his rights and responsibilities are necessary attributes of any rule of law state. Disabled persons are entitled to certain conditions for obtaining education; provision of means of transportation; for specialized housing conditions; priority acquisition of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening, and others.

    For example, living quarters will now be provided to disabled people and families with disabled children, taking into account health status and other circumstances. Disabled people have the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room in accordance with the list of diseases approved by the government of the Russian Federation. However, it is not considered excessive and is subject to payment in a single amount.

    Another important provision is the right of people with disabilities to be active participants in all those processes that relate to decision-making regarding their life activities, status, etc. The social-environmental includes issues related to the microsocial environment (family, work collective, housing, workplace, etc.) and the macrosocial environment (city-forming and information environments, social groups, labor market, etc.).

    In Russia, a federal target program “Accessible environment for people with disabilities” has been formed and is being implemented. A criterion for assessing disability policies may be the accessibility of the physical environment, including housing, transport, education, work and culture, and the availability of information and communication channels.

    The Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” obliges the authorities to create conditions for people with disabilities to have free access to social infrastructure facilities. Currently, provisions that take into account the interests of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility are contained in the current building codes and regulations, adjusted to take into account the requirements for the accessibility of buildings and structures for people with disabilities.

    According to the law, local authorities must not issue licenses to transport companies that refuse to equip their buses with lifts. A long-term plan for the improvement of the city is considered to be a phased reconstruction of streets and intersections, taking into account the requirements of people with disabilities.

    Airports, railway and bus stations, sidewalks and road crossings should also be equipped with special devices to make life easier for people with disabilities. There should be separate parking lots and rooms for disabled vehicles, and special toilets, which has already become common in many countries of the world.

    The psychological aspect reflects both the personal and psychological orientation of the disabled person himself, and the emotional and psychological perception of the problem of disability by society. Disabled people belong to the category of so-called people with limited mobility and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is due, first of all, to defects in their physical condition caused by diseases that lead to disability.

    Psychological problems arise when disabled people are isolated from the outside world, both as a result of existing ailments and as a result of the unsuitability of the environment for disabled people in wheelchairs.

    All this leads to the emergence of emotional-volitional disorders, the development of depression, and behavioral changes.

    The socio-ideological aspect determines the content of the practical activities of state institutions and the formation of state policy regarding people with disabilities. In this sense, it is necessary to abandon the dominant view of disability as an indicator of the health of the population, and perceive it as an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy, and realize that the solution to the problem of disability lies in the interaction of the disabled person and society.

    The anatomical and functional aspect of social adaptation of disabled people involves the formation of a social environment (in the physical and psychological senses) that would perform a rehabilitation and adaptation function and contribute to the development of the rehabilitation potential of a disabled person.

    Thus, taking into account the modern understanding of disability, the focus of the state’s attention when solving this problem should not be violations in the human body, but the restoration of its social role function in conditions of limited freedom.

    The main emphasis in solving the problems of people with disabilities is shifting towards rehabilitation, based primarily on social mechanisms of compensation and adaptation. Thus, the meaning of adaptation of disabled people lies in a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to restoring a person’s abilities for everyday, social and professional activities at a level corresponding to his physical, psychological and social potential, taking into account the characteristics of the micro- and macro-social environment.

    A comprehensive solution to the problem of disability involves a number of measures. We must start by changing the content of the database on people with disabilities in state statistical reporting, with an emphasis on reflecting the structure of needs, range of interests, level of aspirations of people with disabilities, their potential abilities and the capabilities of society, with the introduction of modern information technologies and equipment for making objective decisions.

    It is also necessary to create a system of comprehensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation aimed at ensuring relatively independent life activities for disabled people. It is extremely important to develop the industrial basis and sub-sector of the social protection system that produces products that make the life and work of disabled people easier.

    A market for rehabilitation products and services must appear, determining supply and demand for them, creating healthy competition and facilitating targeted satisfaction of the needs of people with disabilities. It is impossible to do without a rehabilitation social and environmental infrastructure that helps disabled people overcome physical and psychological barriers to restoring connections with the outside world. And, of course, we need a system of training specialists who are proficient in the methods of rehabilitation and expert diagnostics, restoring the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social, professional activities, and methods of forming the mechanisms of the macro-social environment with them.

    Thus, solving these problems will make it possible to fill the activities of the state services of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of people with disabilities with new content that are being created today for their successful adaptation and integration into society.


    1 Experience in social adaptation of young disabled people

    The process of social adaptation of young people with disabilities should be carried out with the active assistance of the state.

    Public organizations play a major role in the social adaptation and integration of disabled people into society. The increased initiative of citizens with health problems indicates not only the increasing level of democratization of society, but also the search for ways to improve their financial situation. In the successful social adaptation of young people with disabilities, the leading role should be played by public organizations of disabled people, performing compensatory and rehabilitation functions, creating the necessary conditions for equalizing the starting opportunities for personal development, choosing an individual form of education, providing the individual with “situations of success” that open up the maximum for the young person directions for the development of potential creative abilities, taking into account his interests, desires and capabilities.

    One of such public organizations existing in Kurgan is the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles”.

    The Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles” (abbreviated as KOOO SRK for disabled people “Achilles”) is located at: 640000, Kurgan, st. Tobolnaya, 54, of. 201.

    Main type of activity: activities of public associations - activities of other public organizations not included in other groups. Industry: social protection associations.

    In the Kurgan region, the Achilles club was registered on February 29, 1996, and is a branch of the international movement of disabled athletes “ACHILLES TRACK CLUB”. Its founders were disabled athletes from the Kurgan region, passionate about the idea of ​​development disabled sports, physical and spiritual development of people with disabilities, education tolerant attitude society towards such people.

    The Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles” is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize the common goals specified in the Club’s Charter.

    The organization's activities are based on the implementation of a number of programs

    The Chairman of the Achilles Association of Disabled People is Nikitina Vera Pavlovna, a specialist in working with youth at the Children's and Youth Center.

    The club unites disabled people and their legal representatives of the Kurgan region on a voluntary basis.

    According to its organizational and legal form, the Achilles Club is a public organization that has membership and does not aim to make a profit.

    The Achilles Club operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter of the Club and generally recognized international principles, norms and standards.

    The activities of the Club are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality of all its members, self-government and legality.

    The goals of the Club are:

    Creating conditions for the rehabilitation and integration of disabled people, primarily disabled children and young people (among the disabled), into the life of society;

    meeting the information needs of young disabled people;

    promotion of physical education and sports among disabled people, members of their families, disabled children and young people (among the disabled);

    Development of creative abilities of disabled people (see Fig. 2)

    Figure 2 Activities of the KOOOSRK Club for disabled people “Achilles”.

    To achieve its goals, the Club solves the following tasks:

    organizes physical education and sports classes, conducts competitions and creates conditions for participation in competitions;

    provides assistance in creating clubs for disabled people, including young disabled people and parents of disabled children in municipalities of the Kurgan region;

    develops models and directions of targeted mobile social support for people with disabilities, primarily for disabled children and young people with disabilities;

    involves people with disabilities in the social, socio-economic and cultural life of society, creates a system for their adaptation in society;

    supports projects aimed at improving the situation of people with disabilities in society;

    attracts public attention to the problems of people with disabilities, protects their rights and interests;

    creates conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual;

    cooperates with foreign and international organizations and foundations, whose activities do not contradict the goals and objectives of the Club.

    In the activities of the Achilles Club, the project “Center for Social Adaptation of Young Disabled People and Members of Their Families “SAMI” has been developed.

    Project manager, Nikitina Vera Pavlovna - Chairman of the Achilles Association of Disabled People, Specialist in Work with Youth at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's and Youth Center;

    Yurovskikh Alexey Agzamovich (disabled group 3) - Chairman of the Kurgan city branch of the Achilles Association of disabled people "Club of young disabled people" Rainbow of Life ", has a higher education. Project legal assistant; head of the “World of Opportunities” program, co-executor of the “Information Directory for Young Disabled Persons” project, member of the public council “Youth Government of the Kurgan Region”, participated in organizing the “Political Ural” session of the Youth Forum of the Ural Federal District “Morning 2013”;

    Elena Vladimirovna Baklanova (group 2 disabled) - deputy chairman of the club, has a higher education, program engineer, head of the “Your Right” program, provides system support for the project, has experience in implementing socially significant projects (“Rainbow of Life”, “Leader of the 21st Century” ), 1st place in the city competition of managers and leaders of MDOO, 3rd place in the regional competition and 2nd in the All-Russian, a participant in the Youth Forum of the Ural Federal District “Morning 2013” ​​represented the project “Your Right”, which received support.

    Kholodilin Andrey Sergeevich (disabled group 2) - member of the council, assistant programmer, student at the Kurgan Pedagogical College, co-executor of the Odyssey, Rainbow of Life projects, first place in the city competition Leader of the 21st Century, participant in the regional competition;

    Loginovskikh Anastasia (disabled group 2) - member of the club council, has a higher education, psychologist; third place in the city competition "Leader of the 21st Century", participant in the regional competition, participant in the Youth Forum of the Ural Federal District "Morning 2013" represented the project "Share the Rainbow"

    Rudneva Marina Vladislavovna (disabled group 1, wheelchair) - member of the council, assistant psychologist, student of ShGPI, co-executor of the “Share the Rainbow” project;

    Baitov Evgeniy Pavlovich (disabled group 1, wheelchair) - member of the council, operator, secondary special education, student at Southern State University;

    Volosnikov Alexander Sergeevich (disabled group 3) - project accountant, higher education, was an accountant on the Odyssey project;

    Nikitin Pavel Olegovich - typhlopedagogue, speech therapist, co-executor of the Odyssey project.

    The organization of a center for social adaptation for young disabled people and members of their families was due to the fact that, while conducting surveys and questionnaires, disappointing conclusions were made - there are many socially oriented laws, but disabled people either do not know about them or have fragmentary information. The work of psychologists showed that almost all young disabled people surveyed and members of their families need the help of psychologists, lawyers, social educators and rehabilitation specialists. After the analysis, the main issues that worried young people were identified, and there were quite a lot of similar problems.

    With the support of volunteers, the guys themselves, the club members, compiled an “Information Guide for Young Disabled People.” The question arose of how to convey information to interested people, and in November 2011, with the support of the Main Directorate of Education, the “SAMI” Center was organized. At first, a lawyer and a psychologist worked at the center, but after working for a year, it turned out that the work was in demand, and it was necessary to expand the scope of services provided. Today, the center employs two psychologists, two lawyers, a programmer, two operators, an accountant and five volunteers. It is not unimportant that all of them are disabled people who have education or are currently receiving it.

    The main goal of the project is to develop the capacity and promote social inclusion of disabled children and young people with disabilities.

    Project objectives:

    To increase the level of legal awareness of young people with disabilities and members of their families on existing legislation regarding people with disabilities, their rights, benefits, etc.

    Provide socio-psychological support to young disabled people and members of their families.

    To promote the creation of conditions for the full and comprehensive development of disabled children in families.

    To promote the development of positive life-affirming attitudes aimed at the integration of people with disabilities into the life of society.

    Since the start of work, the club’s specialists have implemented more than 60 socially significant projects. Among them are projects that received support from the IREX Foundation “The Impossible is Possible!” ( distance learning disabled children); in the “National Charitable Foundation” - “Odyssey” (organization and holding of summer tent camps for disabled children and their friends); projects headed by Vera Pavlovna received grant support at the regional level; a participant in the Youth Forum of the Ural Federal District “Ural Development Territory” presented the project “Information Directory for Young Disabled People”

    The SAMI Center has created jobs for people with disabilities. Help from psychologists and lawyers is provided both by telephone, Internet and in person. Work is being carried out in 4 areas: “Your Right” - a program on rights and benefits “in one click”; the “Share the Rainbow” project - work at home by psychologists (from among the disabled) and a lawyer (from among the disabled) and volunteer specialists; “Parents’ School” - organization of schools for parents of disabled children in the regions, visits of specialists to the regions; “Overcoming” assistance in social adaptation, assistance in the promotion of young disabled people in civil society, participation of disabled people in the youth government, public chamber and other public associations.

    “Your Right” - Development and dissemination of a program that allows you to learn about the rights and benefits provided to people with disabilities. Aimed at improving the legal literacy of people with disabilities.

    A computer program has already been written that makes it possible to receive in one click up-to-date information about the rights and benefits of disabled people to any interested person. The program works as follows: enter the disability group, age and area of ​​interest (Cash payments, Housing, Land relations, Benefits, Medical care, Education, Pension security, Social protection, Social services, Sports for the disabled, Vehicles, Working conditions, etc. .) - and everything related to benefits and rights of citizens is displayed in accordance with the specified parameters

    People with disabilities, as a rule, are excluded from the social and political life of society, experience discrimination against themselves on a daily basis, have difficulties in obtaining a decent education, work, spending free time, etc.

    People with disabilities still remain one of the most socially vulnerable groups in our country. Very often you are faced with a situation where a person does not know his basic rights, as a result of which he cannot use them. Because of this, most of the socially significant laws adopted in the country do not have the effect that they would have if people with disabilities knew more about their rights. Legal illiteracy is a large-scale phenomenon that affects the majority of the population, not to mention people with disabilities.

    The target audience of the “Your Right” project is young disabled people, members of their families, specialists in working with youth and social service centers, public organizations of disabled people and other interested parties.

    Goals of the “Your Right” project:

    educating people with disabilities and their families about their rights and benefits.

    reducing legal illiteracy among people with disabilities and among their family members.

    By reducing legal illiteracy, people with disabilities will be able to defend their rights themselves and realize themselves in society. The “Your Right” program brings together all the necessary rights (benefits) of people with disabilities. All rights and benefits are divided according to various parameters, which will allow you to very quickly and easily find all the rights (benefits) to which each person is entitled and navigate modern legislation.

    Project "Give a Rainbow"

    Visiting people with disabilities at home, finding out their needs and having specialists work with them, creative personal development and compensation for lack of communication.

    Many Kurgan volunteers are not picky in choosing the area of ​​application of their efforts: they are ready to agree to most of the volunteering options offered to them. And although experience shows that, due to its specifics, work with people with disabilities is significantly inferior in popularity among volunteers to other types of volunteer activities of Trans-Ural youth, among volunteers in the city of Kurgan there is already a demand for participation in this project, although information about it has not yet been officially disseminated among volunteer movement of the city.

    Having completed a special training course organized jointly with the XXI CENTURY KOOMO, the Achilles KOOOSRK for disabled people, the Kurgan Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities and the Kurgan Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, the volunteers will work with disabled children and young people with disabilities at home in order to facilitate their social adaptation. Each volunteer will be asked to create a plan for working with their clients, consisting of one or more thematic meetings or activities of a different nature, if they correspond to the goals of the project and are actually feasible. The volunteer will visit several representatives of the target audience, and in most cases the visit to each ward will be one-time. Several volunteers will come to the same disabled child (young disabled person) within the framework of the project, each will have their own “topic”, their own content of activity.

    Thus, it turns out to be a kind of “spinner”: each volunteer will carry out the same work with several wards, and each disabled child (young disabled person) will communicate with several volunteers, and each of the volunteers will give him his own unique experience, knowledge and skills. Volunteer work may include the following activities:

    For disabled children: educational games, cognitive activities, creative activities, organizing short-term leisure activities for the child, and other activities consistent with the goal of the project.

    for disabled youth: information and involvement (if possible) in activities for the implementation of state youth policy and in the activities of the youth preschool education organization, a story about the success stories of disabled people in Kurgan and the Kurgan region and getting to know them, about the possibilities of social adaptation and the experience of their use , meetings aimed at the formation/development of skills and abilities that contribute to the self-actualization of the individual and his social adaptation (technologies for increasing personal effectiveness, creative skills, introducing a young disabled person to the social realities that are relevant for young people, which the volunteer regularly encounters, etc.) other thematic formats communications consistent with the goals of the project.

    Volunteers may participate in a project without undergoing special training only if they demonstrate their ability and willingness to perform volunteer functions for the project in some other way.

    Instead of one volunteer, the organization of joint activities with wards can be carried out by a group of 2-3 volunteers under the conditions established for organizing joint activities by one volunteer (a single work plan, a single questionnaire, etc.). This opportunity will be provided to volunteers at their request. Together, volunteers will feel more confident, they will have fewer communication fears and other obstacles in their work.

    Volunteers in this direction will not always be able to establish contact with a ward “without straining”, because their wards may have various diagnoses in which communication abilities are seriously depressed. To compensate for this risk, volunteers will be selected with the participation of the Kurgan Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities, a cooperation agreement with which has already been concluded.

    Also, two psychologists will work with disabled children and young disabled people and their parents: Anastasia Loginovskikh, an employee of the SAMI Center, and Marina Rudneva (the latter on a voluntary basis). Their task is to conduct training (7 sessions of 1.5 hours each) with project participants in the city of Kurgan, as well as advise disabled children, young people with disabilities and members of their families upon their request (in person, by phone or through the communication capabilities of the Internet).

    Project “School for parents of disabled children”

    Organization of schools for parents, relatives, guardians, trustees raising disabled children, organization of face-to-face consultations with visiting specialists. Currently, preparatory work has been carried out, the School program has been developed, and teaching materials have been selected. Currently, 34 families have already received consultations. To make the “School for Parents of Disabled Children” project more effective, parents of children who have already achieved certain success will be recruited as co-executors.

    Project "Overcoming"

    This project addresses issues of possibilities for social integration of young disabled people of the Kurgan region into public life.

    This includes the provision of targeted advisory assistance to young citizens, participation in the work of consultation centers of the Youth Government of the Kurgan Region (YGGO), group socially useful activities, work to create clubs for young disabled people in the municipalities of the Kurgan region, holding inter-district meetings of young disabled people, assistance in organizing their work.

    Systematic work to identify, promote, and support the activity and achievements of young people (from among the disabled) in the socio-economic, socio-political, creative and sports spheres is necessary. This will give young people (from among the disabled) the opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential and receive well-deserved recognition in society.

    The main goal of the “Overcoming” project is to create conditions for the integration of young people with disabilities into the life of society.

    Great assistance in the implementation of the project is provided by the Main Department of Education, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children and Youth Center "Children and Youth Center", comprehensive centers for social services for the population, and volunteers.

    At the VI Forum of Socially Significant Projects of the Ural Federal District, a presentation of the SAMI Center project was held. Based on the results of the competitive selection, this project became a bronze medalist.

    A group of the Center in contact has been created, news and announcements related to the work of the Center, and other relevant information are published in it. The group is also a platform for interaction (communication) between the target audience and the project team.

    The Trans-Ural Youth Portal publishes information about the work of the SAMI Center.

    The project is flexible: you can change certain methods of its implementation (directions) to suit the specifics of the regions and the target audience in other regions, as well as add new ones in those regions where there are corresponding needs of the target audience and the necessary resource base (primarily people who want to undertake for their implementation). Therefore, this project can be implemented in any subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the subjects.

    young disabled person social adaptation

    2.2 Ways to improve social adaptation of young disabled people

    Public organizations play a major role in the social adaptation of disabled people into society. The increased initiative of citizens with health problems indicates not only the increasing level of democratization of society, but also the search for ways to improve their financial situation. Public organizations of disabled people do not have the power and resource power of the state, but they have a number of advantages that the state apparatus does not have.

    Firstly, organizations of people with disabilities unite the disabled themselves in their ranks, and therefore, in their work they are directly guided by the vital interests, values ​​and priorities of the people included in them and, thanks to this, act as the most suitable representatives of this category of citizens in relations with other institutions of society.

    Secondly, public associations of disabled people provide the opportunity for self-expression and self-realization of disabled people. Thanks to this, they can accumulate such a unique resource as the social initiative and activity of the disabled themselves. This allows us to find unconventional ways to pose and solve social problems.

    Thirdly, public associations of disabled people are the only organized social structure that has the opportunity to receive more complete information about the social situation and needs of disabled people. Such information is absolutely necessary for the development of any meaningful regulations and government programs for the support and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

    Fourthly, the internal interest of these organizations in the social protection of their members or participants inevitably leads to the formation in them of fairly developed, ramified organizational and personnel structures, and a certain social and production infrastructure. These structures are aimed at solving the problems of people with disabilities and are able to participate in the implementation of joint programs with the state in this area.

    In the nationwide process of solving the problems of people with disabilities, their organizations can and should perform specific functions that state institutions are either simply unable to carry out or will do so with much less effect. It is on this division and mutual complement that social partnership between the state and organizations of people with disabilities should be based in solving the problems of people with disabilities.

    Young people with disabilities, the object of analysis in this work, represent a social group about which little is known. Meanwhile, this age (14 - 30 years) marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. The needs of young people with disabilities do not differ from the needs of their peers, but remain unmet, primarily due to prejudice, social isolation (living at home and lack of independence) and discrimination (lower level and quality of education, restrictions in choosing areas of vocational education) . For young disabled people, the lack of work experience and the problem of entering the labor market for the first time (unlike adult disabled people) greatly increase the risk of not finding a job.

    At the same time, in the social structure of disabled people, young disabled people represent the most active category, aimed at the opportunity to earn money independently, and, therefore, the state should, first of all, pay attention to this group of disabled people.

    The main link in solving the problem of social adaptation, as well as in the implementation of the life plans of young disabled people, are public associations, the members of which are both disabled and healthy people.

    The result of the work of public associations should be:

    Emotional and semantic development of personality, promotion of education and self-education of young disabled people;

    Involving young people with disabilities and physically healthy youth in joint creative and socially useful activities;

    Creation of psychologically favorable relationships between young disabled people and physically healthy people;

    Active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment by accepting and assimilating values, norms and styles of behavior accepted in society;

    Achieving the optimal physical, intellectual, mental level of young disabled people.

    The activities of the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles” are based on the implementation of a number of programs that promote the development of positive life-affirming attitudes aimed at the integration of young disabled people into the life of society, the development of their creative abilities, the involvement of young people with disabilities in social, socio-economic and cultural life of society, creating a system for their adaptation in society.

    Since the beginning of their work, the Club’s specialists have implemented more than 60 socially significant projects. Among them are projects that received support from the IREX Foundation “The Impossible is Possible!” (distance learning for disabled children); in the “National Charitable Foundation” - “Odyssey” (organization and holding of summer tent camps for disabled children and their friends); projects headed by Vera Pavlovna received grant support at the regional level.

    KOOOSRK "Achilles" works closely with clubs for young disabled people in all districts of the region, and has accumulated experience in organizing targeted assistance, cultural work, and providing socio-psychological support to young disabled people and members of their families.

    In connection with the analysis of work for more efficient work The club would like to additionally make the following proposals:

    Strengthen financial support from the administration of the city of Kurgan (this includes subsidies for renting premises, additional financing for projects, and expansion of staff).

    It is impossible not to note that important reason the insufficiently effective implementation of their social functions by organizations of disabled people can be called the outright weakness of the financial and economic situation of these organizations. They cannot function effectively and are forced to direct their main efforts to their financial survival. We believe that public organizations can be made an additional force in providing social assistance, support and protection to young disabled people. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen (financial, legislative, etc.) support for public associations that solve the problems of young disabled people. Only by being partners can the state and public associations achieve positive dynamics in the integration of young disabled people into society and in the implementation of their life plans.

    It would be useful to make changes to the procedure for conducting competitions for state grants, expanding the opportunities for youth and children's organizations working with young people with disabilities to provide their projects and programs.

    The system of work of state authorities with public associations may include information support and training for personnel of associations of people with disabilities, involving them in the implementation of state orders for various types of activities.

    To attract public attention to the problems of people with disabilities, their material and spiritual support, it is necessary to carry out advertising campaigns in the media and on the streets of the city. An information campaign is needed to change society's attitude and create a positive perception of people with disabilities.

    Within training course For social work specialists, the following topics may be offered for study: “The specifics of the activities of public associations working with young disabled people,” “The role of public associations in the formation and implementation of life plans of young disabled people.”

    It is necessary to develop a form of education for people with disabilities in general education schools. This form is important not only for young disabled people, but also for healthy young people, because in their future life these young people will treat disabled people normally. To do this, it is necessary to gradually create special classes for integrated learning. 7. It is necessary to develop and strengthen cooperation with representatives of the public of the city of Kurgan on the issues of creating conditions for the inclusion of youth with disabilities as an active subject of public relations, through the development and integration of youth potential into the processes of socio-economic, socio-political, cultural development region.

    Often young people with disabilities are not recognized as a specific category of youth, and their potential is not used when addressing important issues of youth and social policy. The efforts of organizations responsible for working with young people with disabilities are fragmented. Therefore, it is necessary to single out young disabled people as separate category in statistics, in social policy, in social work, and, therefore, develop methods of rehabilitation and adaptation specific to this category.

    It is important to form their active life position by attracting the attention of interested organizations and structures to take effective effective measures aimed at social protection and rehabilitation of young disabled people, establishing contacts with similar organizations, studying positive experiences, and conducting joint actions.


    Disability as a social phenomenon becomes a problem not of one person, or even part of the population, but of the entire society as a whole. The specifics of working with young disabled people should take into account the fact that they are much more difficult to adapt to negative social changes, having a reduced ability to self-defense, due to which they turned out to be the poorest part of the population.

    Economic instability in Russia has aggravated the situation of young disabled people. For most of them, in order to join the active life of society, they have to overcome many physical and psychological barriers and face one form or another of discrimination. 'Affordable' transport is not available to them either because it is unavailable or because it is expensive, so for many young people with mobility difficulties it is often simply difficult or impossible to leave the house. Young people with disabilities face barriers to accessing education and work; the discrimination that exists in society towards people with disabilities, and especially young people with disabilities, is clearly visible across all characteristics.

    The level of education of young people with disabilities is much lower than that of non-disabled people. Almost everyone who has only primary education over the age of 20 is disabled. On the contrary, the share of young people with higher education among disabled people is 2 times lower. Even the share of vocational school graduates among 20-year-old disabled people is lower. The monetary income of young disabled people is twice as low as compared to their non-disabled peers.

    The lower incomes of young people with disabilities are a direct consequence of barriers to access to income-generating activities, including well-paid employment.

    The lower level of education of young disabled people is reflected in the professional structure of their employment: among young disabled people there are significantly more people employed in blue-collar professions, including many unskilled workers, than among their healthy peers.

    Forming a marriage is a huge challenge for many young people with disabilities. Among them, 2-3 times more are single and half as many are married. There are also half as many of them living alone (separately from parents or other relatives). This indicates their significant lack of independence and dependence on the care of their relatives.

    Due to these factors, young people with disabilities suffer from isolation, low self-esteem and face barriers that prevent them from participating in the social and economic life of society.

    All of the above social characteristics indicate that young disabled people in Russia are a completely specific group not only in the population, but also among adult disabled people, because in older generations the social differences between disabled and non-disabled people are smoothed out and even disappear. From this brief analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding the construction of effective policies for the social inclusion of young people with disabilities:

    Signs of social discrimination are especially pronounced in relation to young people with disabilities. Age must be taken into account as one of the most important dimensions when formulating a strategy aimed at equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.

    The low educational and professional status of young disabled people requires special programs for professional training and retraining, as well as to improve their education and qualifications.

    It is public organizations of disabled people that create the necessary conditions for equalizing the starting opportunities for personal development and are a real support for disabled people. In the national process of solving the problems of people with disabilities, public organizations can and should perform specific functions that state institutions are either simply unable to carry out or will do so with much less effect. It is on this division and mutual complement that social partnership between the state and organizations of people with disabilities should be based in solving the problems of people with disabilities.

    Social work with young disabled people is built on the basis of a system of social protection of the population, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with opportunities to realize civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    The main tasks of social adaptation of disabled people:

    to develop as much as possible the individual abilities and moral and volitional qualities of disabled people, encouraging them to be independent and take personal responsibility for everything;

    promote mutual understanding between the disabled person and the social environment;

    carry out work to prevent and prevent socially undesirable phenomena;

    promote the dissemination of information about the rights and benefits of people with disabilities, responsibilities and opportunities of social services;

    provide advice on legal aspects of social policy.

    In organizing social work with this category, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of the social status of disabled people not only in general, but also of each person individually, their needs, requirements, biological and social capabilities, certain regional and other features of life.

    A major role in the social adaptation of disabled people into society is played by public organizations that create the necessary conditions for equalizing the starting opportunities for personal development, opening up a maximum of directions for the young person to develop potential creative abilities, taking into account his interests, desires and capabilities.

    The activities of the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club of disabled people "Achilles" are aimed at developing the potential and promoting social integration and adaptation of disabled children and young people with disabilities, meeting the information needs of young people with disabilities, developing their creative abilities, involving young people with disabilities in social, socio-economic and cultural life of society, the creation of a system for their adaptation in society. This is carried out through the implementation of a number of programs:

    The project “Center for Social Adaptation of Young Disabled People and Members of Their Families “SAMI”” has been developed and is successfully operating, which includes four areas: “Your Right” - a program about rights and benefits “in one click”; the “Share the Rainbow” project - work at home by psychologists (from among the disabled) and a lawyer (from among the disabled) and volunteer specialists; “Parents’ School” - organization of schools for parents of disabled children in the regions, visits of specialists to the regions; “Overcoming” assistance in social adaptation, assistance in the promotion of young disabled people in civil society, participation of disabled people in the youth government, public chamber and other public associations,

    organizing competitions and festivals for young disabled people (“Movement is life!”, “Rainbow”, “I am the author”, “Leader of the 21st century”, etc.),

    organization and holding of competitions, recreational and tourist tent camps,

    providing assistance in creating clubs for young disabled people and parents of disabled children in municipalities of the Kurgan region. The Government of the Kurgan Region, the Main Department of Education of the Kurgan Region, the Children's and Youth Center, and volunteers provide great assistance in the implementation of projects and programs of the Achilles Community Educational Institution.

    Social work with young people with disabilities is aimed at their physical and, most importantly, social and psychological well-being, and from a methodological point of view it is a psychosocial approach taking into account the characteristics of the individual and the specific situation. Concrete efforts must be aimed not only at helping people fight illnesses, but also at changing society: it is necessary to combat negative attitudes, routine rules, “steps and narrow doors” and provide equal opportunities for all people to fully participate in all areas of life and types of social activity.

    The importance of everyday attention to solving social problems of this category of citizens is also increasing due to the increase in the proportion of disabled people in the structure of the population. The number of disabled people increases annually by an average of 10%. According to UN experts, people with disabilities make up an average of 10% of the population, and approximately 25% of the population suffers from chronic diseases.

    Thus, for our country, the problem of providing assistance to persons with disabilities is one of the most important and pressing, since the increase in the number of disabled people acts as a stable trend in our social development, and there is no data yet indicating a stabilization of the situation or a change in this trend. In addition, the social significance of the topic is due to the fact that disability here acts as a major social problem, the scale of which depends on many factors and which every society has to solve. Therefore, the creation of a perfect system of social work with people with disabilities, capable of meeting the needs of people with disabilities should become a new milestone in the development of state social policy in relation to people with disabilities in the 21st century. This will allow our society to rise to a higher level of civilization, because it should be based on truly humanistic values, equality of opportunity, and the right to fully participate in all spheres of public life.



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    3. On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of November 15, 1995. No. 195 - Federal Law

    4. On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of November 24, 1995. No. 181 - Federal Law // Collection. legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 18. (as amended in 2004).

    5. On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people: Federal Law of August 2, 1995 (as amended in 2004).

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    8. The strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation until 2016 was approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2006.

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    1.11. State program of the Russian Federation “Accessible environment” for 2011 - 2015.

    1.12. Target program of the Kurgan region “Accessible environment for people with disabilities for 2011-2015” dated October 23, 2010.

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    Annex 1

    Changes made by the general meeting

    CHARTER of the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles”, Kurgan 2011

    General provisions

    1. Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles”, hereinafter referred to as the Club, is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit organization created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize the common goals specified in the Charter of the Club.

    2.The abbreviated name of the Club is KOOOSRK for disabled people “Achilles”.

    3. The club unites disabled people and their legal representatives of the Kurgan region on a voluntary basis.

    4. The club, in its organizational and legal form, is a public organization that has membership and does not aim to make a profit.

    5. The club operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and generally recognized international principles, norms and standards.

    1.6.The activities of the Club are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality of all its members, self-government and legality.

    7. The club is a legal entity from the date of registration of the Charter, may have a stamp, forms and a seal with its name, accounts in banking institutions, have separate property, be liable for its obligations with this property, acquire, in its own name, property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, have their own symbols, emblems and badges.

    8. The club operates in the Kurgan region.

    9. The club is liable for its obligations with all its property. Members of the Club are not liable for the obligations of the Club, and the Club is not liable for the obligations of its members.

    1.10.Location of the permanent governing body of the Club Council: Russian Federation, Kurgan region, Kurgan.

    Goals, objectives, main activities of the Club

    1.The goals of the Club are:

    · creating conditions for the rehabilitation and integration of disabled people, primarily disabled children and young people (among the disabled), into the life of society;

    · meeting the information needs of young disabled people;

    · promotion of physical education and sports among disabled people, members of their families, disabled children and young people (among the disabled);

    · development of creative abilities of disabled people;

    2.2.To achieve its goals, the Club solves the following tasks:

    · organizes physical education and sports classes, conducts competitions and creates conditions for participation in competitions;

    · provides assistance in creating clubs for disabled people, including young disabled people and parents of disabled children in municipalities of the Kurgan region;

    · develops models and directions of targeted mobile social support for people with disabilities, primarily for disabled children and young people with disabilities;

    · involves people with disabilities in the social, socio-economic and cultural life of society, creates a system for their adaptation in society;

    · supports projects aimed at improving the situation of people with disabilities in society;

    · attracts public attention to the problems of people with disabilities, protects their rights and interests;

    · creates conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual;

    · in the manner prescribed by law, engages in entrepreneurial activities;

    · cooperates with foreign and international organizations and foundations, whose activities do not contradict the goals and objectives of the Club.

    3. Rights of the Club

    The Club has the right, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation:

    · freely disseminate information about its activities;

    · participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local self-government bodies in the manner and to the extent provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    · hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing;

    · establish mass media and conduct publishing activities;

    · represent and defend their rights, the legitimate interests of their members, as well as other citizens in government bodies, local governments and public associations;

    · exercise in full the powers provided for by the laws on public associations;

    · take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to government bodies;

    · participate in elections and referendums in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    · join as a member of public associations, be a participant in public associations, and also create unions and associations together with other public associations;

    · maintain direct international contacts and connections;

    · open yours structural units(organizations, departments or branches and representative offices) on the territory of the Kurgan region;

    · conduct business activities insofar as it serves to achieve the statutory goals of the Club, and in accordance with these goals. Such activities include the profit-generating production of goods and services that meet the goals of creating the Club, as well as the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, participation in business companies, participation in limited partnerships as an investor;

    · Income from the Club’s business activities cannot be redistributed among Club members and must be used only to achieve the statutory goals;

    · create business partnerships and companies, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities;

    · The Club may exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the statutory goals and objectives of the Club.

    4. Responsibilities of the Club

    The club is obliged:

    · comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by this Charter and other constituent documents;

    · annually publish a report on the use of your property or ensure accessibility of the said report;

    · annually inform the body that made the decision on the state registration of the public organization about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Club in the amount of information included in the unified state register of legal entities;

    · submit, at the request of the body registering public associations, documents with decisions of governing bodies and officials Club, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities in the amount of information sent to the tax authorities;

    · admit representatives of the body registering public associations to events held by the Club;

    · provide assistance to representatives of the body making decisions on state registration of public associations in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Club in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    · inform the federal state registration body about the amount of funds and other property received by the Club from international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, about the purposes of their expenditure or use and about their actual expenditure or use in the form and within the time limits established by the authorized federal executive authority.

    5. Club members

    5.1. Members of the Club can be individuals who have reached the age of eighteen and are disabled I, II and Group III of all categories, persons expressing their interests and legal entities - public organizations of disabled people, their number must be at least 80% of the number of Club members.

    Individuals who actively contribute to solving the Club’s problems can be accepted as members of the Club. The procedure for their reception is established by the Club Council.

    As individuals, members of the Club can be foreign citizens and stateless persons legally residing in the Russian Federation, sharing the goals of the Club and complying with the requirements of the Charter.

    Admission to and withdrawal from membership of the Club is carried out by submitting an application to the Club Council by individuals and by decision and application of a legal entity.

    2. The Club may establish structural units (divisions, branches and representative offices), operating on the basis of regulations on them approved by the Council.

    3. Structural units (branches, branches and representative offices) can be established on a territorial basis throughout the Kurgan region.

    Rights and obligations of Club members

    1. Club members participate in the implementation of the statutory goals and objectives through personal labor, as well as by contributing money and material resources, providing property, services and providing assistance in other forms not prohibited by law.

    2. Club members have the right:

    · participate in the activities of all its bodies, as well as in all ongoing events;

    · elect and be elected to all bodies of the Club;

    · discuss any issues of the Club’s activities and make proposals to improve its work;

    · use, in accordance with the established procedure, property, buildings, structures, equipment, means of transport, communications, copying equipment, data banks, etc., owned or leased by the Club.

    · receive information about the activities of the Club;

    · enjoy moral, material and social support of the Club;

    · discuss any issue relating to their rights and obligations;

    · appeal decisions of the Club’s governing bodies at a general meeting or in court;

    · enjoy the support and protection of the Club.

    6.3. Club members are obliged to:

    · comply with the Club Charter;

    · be registered with the Club and take part in the work as much as possible;

    · protect and increase the Club’s property;

    · pay entrance and membership fees.

    6.4. A Club member for violating the Charter may be expelled from the Club by decision of the Council. The decision to exclude can be appealed at the general meeting. A Club member can leave it voluntarily by submitting an application.

    5. The rights and obligations of Club members, the procedure for admitting and leaving Club members, the amount of entrance and membership fees may also be regulated by the Membership Regulations, approved by the general meeting of the Club and not contradicting the Charter.

    7. Governing, executive and control bodies of the Club

    1. The highest governing body of the Club is the general meeting, which meets at least once a year. The general meeting is valid if at least 2/3 of the Club members are present.

    2. Towards exceptional competence general meeting relate:

    · approval of the Charter and introduction of amendments and additions to it;

    · election of the Council, in the number determined by the general meeting, and the auditor;

    · election of the Chairman of the Club;

    · hearing reports on the activities of the auditor and the Council, evaluating their work;

    · determination of the main directions of the Club’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;

    · making a decision on the reorganization and liquidation of the Club.

    7.3. An extraordinary general meeting may be convened:

    · at the request of the Council;

    · at the request of the auditor;

    · at the request of 1/3 of the Club members.

    Decisions of the general meeting are made by a qualified majority of at least 2/3 of the votes.

    4. During the period between general meetings, the management of the Club’s activities is carried out by the Council, a permanent governing body.

    The Council is elected for a period of five years. Elections of the Council are held by secret or open voting by decision of the general meeting.

    A candidate is considered elected if at least 2/3 of those present at the general meeting vote for him.

    Meetings of the Council are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

    The meeting of the Council is chaired by the Chairman of the Club.

    The Council is competent with the participation of more than half of the Council members.

    5. Club Council:

    · elects from among its members the deputy chairman of the Club;

    · creates commissions and elects their leaders;

    · organizes the execution and control over the implementation of decisions of the general meeting;

    · determines the direction and types of entrepreneurial activity, approves the Charters of business companies;

    · approves the Regulations “On the structural divisions of the Club”;

    · approves the structure of the working apparatus and staffing;

    · establishes the amount and procedure for making entrance and membership fees;

    · approves accounting reports and balance sheets of established business companies;

    · appoints and dismisses directors of established business companies;

    · makes decisions on participation in election campaigns, nominates candidates in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

    · manages the Club’s property;

    · approves the Club’s activity programs;

    · considers personal applications and makes decisions on the merits in providing assistance and other issues raised;

    · decides to convene a general meeting;

    · considers applications for admission to Club membership and withdrawal from Club membership;

    · creates structural units;

    · approves the Club’s budget for the coming year and the report for the previous one;

    · ensures the accounting and safety of documents on personnel, as well as their timely transfer to state storage in the prescribed manner during the reorganization and liquidation of the Club;

    · considers any issues related to the activities of the Club and not within the exclusive competence of the meeting.

    7.6. The Council resolves other issues arising from this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Kurgan region.

    7. The day-to-day management of the Club’s activities is carried out by the chairman, elected at the general meeting by 2/3 votes, for a period of five years.

    The chairman is accountable in his activities to the general meeting.

    8. Chairman of the Club:

    · presides over meetings of the Council;

    · represents the interests of the Club without a power of attorney in government bodies of the Kurgan region and in local government bodies;

    · organizes work on planning income and expenses;

    · hires and dismisses employees of the apparatus, rewards and imposes disciplinary sanctions;

    · concludes contracts, contracts, agreements;

    · convenes meetings of the Council;

    · issues orders and instructions;

    · disposes of property within the limits established by the Council and the general meeting;

    · issues powers of attorney;

    · opens current and other accounts in banking and other credit institutions;

    · signs reports, balance sheets and other financial documents;

    · performs other functions arising from the goals and objectives of this Charter.

    7.9. In the absence of the chairman, his duties are performed by the deputy chairman.

    10. The auditor is elected by the general meeting for five years. The auditor is accountable to the general meeting.

    The auditor checks:

    · implementation of the Club Charter;

    · state of financial activities, accounting and reporting. The Club auditor carries out his activities on the basis of the Regulations approved by the general meeting.

    8. Club funds and property

    1. The sources of the Club’s funds are:

    • entrance and other fees;
    • voluntary contributions, property, cash and other material assets transferred to the Club through donation, inheritance and other legal succession from citizens and organizations;
    • funds allocated by government bodies and organizations;
    • income from events, exhibitions, lectures, and other cultural events held in accordance with the Charter of the Club;
    • deductions from income received as a result of business activities;
    • civil transactions;
    • foreign economic activity;
    • bank loans;
    • other income not prohibited by law.

    8.2. Donors retain the right to establish the intended purpose of contributions.

    8.3. The Club's funds are used to fulfill the statutory goals and objectives, to develop the material and technical base of the Club.

    4. To achieve its statutory goals and objectives, the Club has the right to own or lease buildings, structures, housing, vehicles, equipment, property for cultural, everyday and educational purposes, cash, securities and other property.

    5. The club has the exclusive right to dispose of its property. On behalf of the Club, ownership of property is exercised by the Club Council.

    8.6. The owner of the property is the Club. Each individual member of the Club does not have ownership rights to a share of property owned by the Club.

    The procedure for making changes and additions to the Club Charter

    9.1.Proposals for changes and additions to the Charter are made by Club members in writing to the Club Council. The General Meeting, upon the recommendation of the Club Council, considers these proposals and makes decisions on them. Changes and additions to the Club Charter are considered adopted if at least two-thirds of those present at the general meeting vote for them.

    2.Changes and additions to the Club Charter are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law and acquire legal force from the moment of this registration.

    10. Termination of the Club's activities

    10.1 Reorganization of the Club (in the form of merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) or liquidation is carried out by decision of the general meeting.

    2.Reorganization or liquidation of the Club is carried out by decision of the general meeting, if at least two thirds of those present at the general meeting vote for it.

    3. By a court decision, the Club may be liquidated in cases established by current legislation.

    4. The procedure for liquidation of the Club is determined by the general meeting in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

    5.Liquidation of the Club is carried out by a liquidation commission formed by decision of the general meeting. The Liquidation Commission is authorized to resolve all issues related to the liquidation of the Club on the basis and in the manner provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    6.The property of the Club passes after its reorganization to the newly emerged legal entities in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    7.The property remaining as a result of the liquidation of the Club, after satisfying the claims of creditors, is directed to the purposes determined by the decision of the general meeting on the liquidation of the Club, and in controversial cases - by a court decision. The decision on the use of the remaining property is published by the liquidation commission in the press.

    10.8. The decision to liquidate the Club is sent to the relevant competent government authorities. Documents on the Club’s personnel after liquidation are transferred to state storage.

    Appendix 2

    PROGRAMS implemented by the Kurgan regional public organization of the sports and rehabilitation club for disabled people “Achilles” for 2011-2013.

    Regional festival of artistic creativity of children and young disabled people “I am the Author”

    Regional festival of young disabled people "Movement is life!" 3. "Rainbow of Life" - creation and development of a network of clubs for young disabled people in the municipalities of the Kurgan region. 4. Information collection for young disabled people. 5. "Odyssey" - Organization and conduct of environmental - recreational, tourist tent camps for disabled children and their friends. Development of adaptive tourism in the Kurgan region.

    . “Rainbow of Life” is a continuation of the project.

    Regional competition “Leaders of the New Generation” (Elena Baklanova (3rd place) and Alexey Yurovskikh (2nd place)

    . "Dream Plus"

    Center for Social Adaptation of Youth (Disabled) and Members of Their Families

    Trips to the districts (Shumikhinsky, Shchuchansky, Kurtamyshsky, Pritobolny) to organize “Schools for parents of disabled children.”

    Participation in the regional competition “Leaders of the New Generation” (Anastasia Loginovskikh and Lyudmila Bernikova)

    Regional festival of young disabled people “Movement is life”

    Implementation of the “Your Right” project (a grant was won at the Ural Federal District forum “Morning”)

    Appendix 3

    Activities of the Association of Disabled People "Achilles"

    . “Rainbow of Life” is a continuation of the project.

    Interdistrict rally of young disabled people “Rainbow of Life”

    City competition “Leader of the XXI Century” (Baklanova Elena - 2nd place)

    Regional competition “Leaders of the New Generation” (Elena Baklanova (3rd place).

    . "Dream Plus"

    All-Russian competition “Leader of the 21st century” (Elena Baklanova 2nd place in the category head of pre-school education, “Recognition of colleagues” and for “Will to win”)

    Regional festival of young disabled people “Movement is life”

    Information guide for young people with disabilities

    The Center for Social Adaptation of Youth (from among the disabled) and members of their families “SAMI” received funding from the Main Educational Institution.

    . “Meeting of Friends” (School 50, KRC. TsZS)

    Trips to the districts (Shumikhinsky, Shchuchansky, Kurtamyshsky, Pritobolny) to organize “Schools for parents of disabled children”

    Awarded the “Overcoming” prize - Elena Baklanova.

    City Youth Award - Elena Baklanova.

    Participation in the city competition “Leader of the 21st Century”

    Participation in the regional competition “Leaders of the New Generation” (Anastasia Loginovskikh and Lyudmila Bernikova (“Recognition of Colleagues”).

    Regional festival of young disabled people “Movement is life”

    Center for Social Adaptation of Youth (Disabled) and Members of Their Families “SAMI”

    Implementation of the “Your Right” project (Elena Baklanova won a grant at the Ural Federal District forum “Morning”)

    Implementation of the project “School for parents of disabled children”

    Implementation of the “Overcoming” project

    Regional festival of artistic creativity “I am the Author”

    Diploma recipients of the All-Russian Integrated Festival of Artistic Creativity “Together we can do more!” (Vera Nikitina, Elena Baklanova, Elena Filippova, Ivan Korovin)

    Participation in the regional festival of youth and children's public associations "Rainbow - 2013"

    Participation in the VI Forum of socially significant projects of public organizations of the Ural Federal District (Bronze winner).

    Participation of all nominees in the district forum of the Ural Federal District “MORNING”.

    Appendix 4

    Project management scheme "Your Right"


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    Historically, the concepts of “disability” and “disabled person” in Russia were associated with the concepts of “disability” and “sick”. And often methodological approaches to the analysis of disability were borrowed from healthcare, by analogy with the analysis of morbidity. Since the beginning of the 90s, the traditional principles of state policy aimed at solving the problems of disability and people with disabilities due to the difficult socio-economic situation in the country have lost their effectiveness.

    Russia's transition to a fundamentally new socio-economic way of life has put forward the need for the formation of a system of social protection of the population that is most consistent with modern tasks of social development. Such tasks include creating decent living conditions for young disabled people, who are unable to fully or partially provide for their life needs without outside help, with a rich, active and satisfying life, and awareness of themselves as an organic part of society.

    The independent life of disabled people presupposes the removal of dependence on the manifestations of the disease, the weakening of the restrictions generated by it, the formation and development of independence, the formation of skills and abilities necessary in everyday life, which should enable integration, and then active participation in social practice, full-fledged life in society.

    A person with disabilities should be considered an expert who actively participates in the implementation of their own adaptation programs. Equalization of opportunities is ensured with the help of social services and organizations that help overcome specific difficulties on the path to active self-realization and a prosperous emotional state in society.

    Activities aimed at social adaptation of persons with disabilities are based on:

    1. Compensation for opportunities missing from birth, or lost due to illness or injury. Due to the delegation of missing functions to other people, and the creation of conditions for overcoming previously inaccessible environmental obstacles.

    2. Organization of work with all participants in interaction: with a disabled person, his family, and immediate environment.

    3. Integration into joint activities of people with disabilities and people without health problems. This principle should be implemented in almost all types of services.

    4. Mutual assistance - wide participation in the work of volunteer helpers and voluntary mutual support.

    Social adaptation occupies a significant place in the social rehabilitation and integration of disabled people, since it allows solving the problem of human survival and adaptation to environmental processes. In fact, social adaptation is the goal of social rehabilitation.

    The process of social adaptation of the individual? This is a complex social phenomenon that includes various aspects of human life. For a disabled person, adaptive processes are associated primarily with a new social role for him and finding a new place in society in accordance with his status.

    It should be taken into account that the social environment, as a rule, is hostile to a disabled person and there are no conditions for timely and successful adaptation. Delays and disruptions in this process lead to a decrease in the stability of families of disabled people, an increase in morbidity, a psychological phenomenon defined as the formation of the status of a disabled person. The needs of disabled people can be divided into two groups: - general, i.e. similar to the needs of other citizens and - special, i.e. needs caused by a particular illness. The most typical of the “special” needs of people with disabilities are the following:

    In the restoration (compensation) of impaired abilities for various types of activities;

    On the move;

    In communication;

    Free access to social, cultural and other objects;

    The opportunity to gain knowledge;

    In employment;

    In comfortable living conditions;

    In socio-psychological adaptation;

    In material support.

    Satisfying the listed needs is an indispensable condition for the success of all integration activities regarding people with disabilities. In socio-psychological terms, disability poses many problems for a person, so it is necessary to especially highlight the socio-psychological aspects of persons with disabilities.

    Disability is a specific feature of the development and state of the individual, often accompanied by limitations in life activity in a wide variety of areas.

    In general, work on social adaptation of young disabled people includes several main aspects: legal; social-environmental, psychological, socio-ideological aspect, anatomical-functional aspect.

    The legal aspect involves ensuring the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of people with disabilities. The President of Russia signed the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation.” Thus, the especially vulnerable part of our society is given guarantees of social protection.

    Figure 1 Main aspects of work on social adaptation of young disabled people

    Of course, the fundamental legislative norms regulating the position of a disabled person in society, his rights and responsibilities are necessary attributes of any rule of law state. Disabled persons are entitled to certain conditions for obtaining education; provision of means of transportation; for specialized housing conditions; priority acquisition of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening, and others.

    For example, living quarters will now be provided to disabled people and families with disabled children, taking into account health status and other circumstances. Disabled people have the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room in accordance with the list of diseases approved by the government of the Russian Federation. However, it is not considered excessive and is subject to payment in a single amount.

    Another important provision is the right of people with disabilities to be active participants in all those processes that relate to decision-making regarding their life activities, status, etc. The social-environmental includes issues related to the microsocial environment (family, work collective, housing, workplace, etc.) and the macrosocial environment (city-forming and information environments, social groups, labor market, etc.).

    In Russia, a federal target program “Accessible environment for people with disabilities” has been formed and is being implemented. A criterion for assessing disability policies may be the accessibility of the physical environment, including housing, transport, education, work and culture, and the availability of information and communication channels.

    The Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” obliges the authorities to create conditions for people with disabilities to have free access to social infrastructure facilities. Currently, provisions that take into account the interests of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility are contained in the current building codes and regulations, adjusted to take into account the requirements for the accessibility of buildings and structures for people with disabilities.

    According to the law, local authorities must not issue licenses to transport companies that refuse to equip their buses with lifts. A long-term plan for the improvement of the city is considered to be a phased reconstruction of streets and intersections, taking into account the requirements of people with disabilities.

    Airports, railway and bus stations, sidewalks and road crossings should also be equipped with special devices to make life easier for people with disabilities. There should be separate parking lots and rooms for disabled vehicles, and special toilets, which has already become common in many countries of the world.

    The psychological aspect reflects both the personal and psychological orientation of the disabled person himself, and the emotional and psychological perception of the problem of disability by society. Disabled people belong to the category of the so-called low-mobility population and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is due, first of all, to defects in their physical condition caused by diseases that lead to disability.

    Psychological problems arise when disabled people are isolated from the outside world, both as a result of existing illnesses and as a result of the unsuitability of the environment for disabled people in wheelchairs.

    All this leads to the emergence of emotional-volitional disorders, the development of depression, and behavioral changes.

    The socio-ideological aspect determines the content of the practical activities of state institutions and the formation of state policy regarding people with disabilities. In this sense, it is necessary to abandon the dominant view of disability as an indicator of the health of the population, and perceive it as an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy, and realize that the solution to the problem of disability lies in the interaction of the disabled person and society.

    The anatomical and functional aspect of social adaptation of disabled people involves the formation of a social environment (in the physical and psychological senses) that would perform a rehabilitation and adaptation function and contribute to the development of the rehabilitation potential of a disabled person.

    Thus, taking into account the modern understanding of disability, the focus of the state’s attention when solving this problem should not be violations in the human body, but the restoration of its social role function in conditions of limited freedom.

    The main emphasis in solving the problems of people with disabilities is shifting towards rehabilitation, based primarily on social mechanisms of compensation and adaptation. Thus, the meaning of adaptation of disabled people lies in a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to restoring a person’s abilities for everyday, social and professional activities at a level corresponding to his physical, psychological and social potential, taking into account the characteristics of the micro- and macro-social environment.

    A comprehensive solution to the problem of disability involves a number of measures. We must start by changing the content of the database on people with disabilities in state statistical reporting, with an emphasis on reflecting the structure of needs, range of interests, level of aspirations of people with disabilities, their potential abilities and the capabilities of society, with the introduction of modern information technologies and equipment for making objective decisions.

    It is also necessary to create a system of comprehensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation aimed at ensuring relatively independent life activities for disabled people. It is extremely important to develop the industrial basis and sub-sector of the social protection system that produces products that make the life and work of disabled people easier.

    A market for rehabilitation products and services must appear, determining supply and demand for them, creating healthy competition and facilitating targeted satisfaction of the needs of people with disabilities. It is impossible to do without a rehabilitation social and environmental infrastructure that helps disabled people overcome physical and psychological barriers to restoring connections with the outside world. And, of course, we need a system of training specialists who are proficient in the methods of rehabilitation and expert diagnostics, restoring the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social, professional activities, and methods of forming the mechanisms of the macro-social environment with them.

    Thus, solving these problems will make it possible to fill the activities of the state services of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of people with disabilities with new content that are being created today for their successful adaptation and integration into society.