Entertainment program for a woman's 50th birthday. Birthday script. Scenario for a man's anniversary (50 years)

Peace to you dear friends!
You arrived at a good hour.
A warm welcome like this
They cooked for you here.
Hospitality and cordiality
Our dear land is famous,
Here is a Russian song for you,
And a honey loaf,
And the seats are noticeable at the dinner table.
May there be bright joy today
Entering our beautiful home.

Dear readers, a unique offer for residents of Moscow and beyond. The Ulyanovsk company "MELCART" offers to buy interior doors from the manufacturer. Veneered, laminated, and solid wood doors are available in an assortment. Reliability and quality guaranteed!

(guests are seated at the table).

Birthday is a special date.
This holiday cannot be compared with anything.
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, fun, smiles,
Wishes of health and strength.
So that happiness is cloudless,
So that success comes every day
I ask you all to fill your glasses,
Let's say the first toast to the birthday girl amicably and directly.

Dear friends! We welcome everyone gathered in this hall for coming to share the joy of celebrating the anniversary of an amazingly charming woman - Galina Viktorovna Miroshnikova! Dear guests! 50 years have passed since the birth of Galina Viktorovna! And today she is before us - a charming woman - a lady.
Friends, let’s greet our hero of the day with applause!
(Game – “1st guest”)
Today we are all together
Congratulations to the birthday girl!
You need to drink to this!

And we don't mind! (guests)

And on this day, of course,
We wish you health and strength!
You need to drink to this!

And we don't mind! (guests)

We are our hero of the day
We give all the gifts!
You should drink to this

And we don't mind! (guests)

Have you poured all the wine?
We raise all our glasses!
You need to drink to this!

And we don't mind! (guests)

Dance block.

Dear Galina Viktorovna and dear guests!
I must warn you that today you will find yourself at the ceremony of awarding titles to the hero of the day.
So, attention everyone! The ceremony for awarding the titles of the hero of the occasion is considered open!

You raised excellent children,
She dressed and fed them.
Are you ready to give everything to them?
We award you the title “Mother”. (title)

You take care of the family hearth
And you live well with your husband,
You are always alone for him.
An exemplary “wife” in everything (title)

Do you still have grandchildren?
And that means there’s no time for boredom with them!
If there are grandchildren - okay,
You are, of course, “Granny” (title)

The house is orderly, comfortable, clean -
You carry the title “Mistress” with a bang!

Sew, knit and embroider
You can do it not out of boredom.
We must give the title again:
"Skillful fingers"! (title).

Let everyone remember it forever -
You just " Good man"! (title)

Generous and rich, like spring,
She will give us a hundred smiles,
Meeting her will turn out to be good luck for us,
And this miracle is called “Woman”. (title)
So, as a result of the ceremony, Galina Viktorovna was awarded the following titles:
5. "Golden hands"
6. "Good man"
7. "Woman"

And, in my opinion, Galina Viktorovna deserves thunderous applause.

Dance block.

It’s no secret that Galina Viktorovna is a wonderful mother. Listen up! Mother! What a wonderful word! A mother gives life to her child. Mother is worried and
sad for her child. Mother is a window to the world! It helps you understand the beauty of the world around you! Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender and caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart. Galina Viktorovna has two wonderful children, a son and a daughter.

The word for congratulations is given to the daughter.

Galina Viktorovna also has a wonderful husband, Vladimir Viktorovich.

V.V. - husband
He will always help with everything,
But it didn’t work out, since it’s night,
So the basin will put the sour cream -
Having added strength, I should be able to!
He is a comrade, friend and sidekick,
He is a lover, finally...
Was it in vain that she led you down the aisle?
We wish you to be a glorious husband,
Help and sing songs,
So that your wife needs you
And I was able to endure the whims.
May you henceforth live as one family,
Invite us to visit more often
Yes, the beauty is “half”
Call it hundreds of years!!!

The word for congratulations goes to Galina Viktorovna’s husband

The _____ team is always distinguished by its stability in personnel matters; it was and remains always a single, united organism, a friendly and efficient team.
(word from the director and colleagues).

*Song “A colleague has an anniversary” (to the tune of “A soldier is walking through the city”).
Galina has an anniversary -
All colleagues in a row
And with all my soul
They want to congratulate!
And the bosses are on duty.
A banquet is ahead!
We celebrate Galya -
We won’t say how many years
We won’t say how many years!

And we walk happily
And congratulations with a song!
And from Galochka’s smile
The whole street is bright!

We want to wish now,
So that every hour is successful,
May our Galya live for many years
I was happy!

Worked with us
For many, many years.
No complaints
It wasn't and isn't.
After all, work is for her -
This is the second house
She's stuck here
Both heart and soul,
Both heart and soul!

Ved.(G.V. gets up).

Let's light the mysterious candles
Let's warm up the kind words.
We owe a woman so much
Because all are her sons.
Let's erase at least some of the wrinkles
From her face. There are a lot of worries
Look how much pressure is on her,
Bending existence crookedly.
Let's put candles under the thunder of heaven,
Participation often heals the soul -
And now, as young as before,
A star shines for a woman.

And now I give the floor to our main hero of the occasion - the birthday girl, a charming lady, and simply a wonderful woman, Galina Viktorovna.

Dance block.

The guests drank, treated themselves,
The hero of the day was admired.
And they decided: screw it!
We should get up and dance,
And wave your hands!!!

Dance block.

A birthday is an occasion to take stock of the past year. think about the future, maybe be a little sad, but also definitely have fun. I suggest moving from the formal part of our evening to the entertaining part!

Game block.

#1 “Get to know me.”

The essence of the game: several women stand in a circle. The man is blindfolded and directed towards the women. He must choose one of them and, after conducting appropriate research, use his hands to guess who it is.
(women should be cunning - change clothes, sit down, etc.)

No. 2 “Ball under the chin”

Task: both teams stand in 2 lines facing each other. Players must keep the ball under their chin and pass without using their hands. As for your partner, you can touch him however you like, as long as you don’t drop the ball. (Whoever is faster is the winner).

No. 3 “Pass without dropping.”

There are 6-6 water bottles in a row. The leader blindfolds the first player. The player's task is to pass through the bottles and not knock them down, then the bottles are removed

No. 4 “Roll the ball”

3 couples (husband and wife).
The ball is held in the stomachs of the players, their arms are crossed behind their backs, they need to “roll the ball” to the bell. The pair that completes the task faster will win.

No. 5 “Winders”
2 sticks and rope

No. 6 “find clothespins”

2 players (husband and wife). The first one is blindfolded, the other is fastened with clothespins (6-7 pieces). The 1st player must collect all the clothespins.

Dance block.

We want to wish with all our hearts:
In business - success, in life - pleasure!
There is great joy in your work!
So that the children don’t upset you,
So that sadness bypasses you,
So that the eyes of salty tears do not know,
The smile never left your lips!
So that you always have a charge of vigor,
So that you never know sadness,
So that birthdays for many years in a row
You celebrated in our team!

A toast to our dear birthday girl!

Dance block.

You can’t escape anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
The warmth of the soul, the warmth of the particles.
Today is your anniversary.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we wish the most important thing in life
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without growing old!

Dance block.

It was as if we were walking on your holiday,
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday.
So be healthy, live richly
And we're leaving for the house and the hut.

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated. For this you can use balloons, flowers, bows, posters. Everything should reflect the round date and the hero of the occasion. While guests are gathering, pleasant background music is playing.

- The amazing age of fifty, it’s not much yet, but it’s not little either. As this wonderful music sounds, the time that passed was wonderful. But we all know that (name)’s most wonderful time is ahead.
Fill your glasses
Let the wine flow like a stream
Gifts, flowers, wishes
And the fiery thrill of speeches
We transfer the right of the first congratulations and the first presentation of a gift to a very close and dear person.

(This could be the husband or one of the children, a toast is made and a gift is given. Guests raise their glasses.)

- Fifty is not an easy birthday,
Fifty - golden birthday
Many guests have gathered here
To celebrate (name) anniversary!
They handed me one very interesting scroll and asked me to read it out in front of everyone.

Presenter (unfolds a scroll, like an old message with a seal and signatures and reads):
His Majesty the Sovereign (the name of the boss where the birthday girl works) decides with this letter!

Reward the novice (name of the birthday girl) for her diligent efforts and valiant work with a personalized gift. And henceforth, do not get sick, do not grow old, and do not be sad, but remain the same beauty. This document is sealed and confirmed by witnesses. The entire retinue of the Tsarev in the amount of 10 people signed below:


- Gift from employees to the studio!

(Fanfare sounds, a gift is brought in, “From His Majesty” must be written on the box in advance.)

The floor is given to the boss (the name of the boss, or one of the employees).

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- And now, for our dear birthday girl, we will all sing a congratulation song together.

(The song plays: “Let them run clumsily...” You can use a soundtrack with words, you can take karaoke.)

- Dear, dear mother, your children, your now adult children, are in a hurry to congratulate you.

(Children congratulate and present gifts. Guests raise their glasses.)

- We love our children very much, but more than children, we love grandchildren. The smallest and most charming ones, we welcome them, they came to congratulate their beloved grandmother!

(Children can give balloons or flowers, or any nice little thing. You can read a poem for grandma.)

- Here flows the sounds of beautiful music
I want to call everyone now
Hurry up, come out
We will dance with you

(Incendiary music sounds, everyone comes out to dance, the birthday girl dances in the center.)

- Don’t disperse, just wait, we have prepared a surprise for you, pull the forfeits, keep pulling, in the end you will receive a wonderful prize.

(Guests take out colored pieces of paper from the box, only one letter is written on them. Everyone sits down.)

- We wish you on your birthday
Exorbitant fun
And to top it off
Happiness, joy and..... Guests stand up with green cards and add up your letters, what happened, say everything together in chorus.

Guests :
- Luck!

- That's right, well done, a toast to good luck.

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- Never be upset
Let the blood run through your veins
It might start at fifty

First again...... Guests stand up with red cards, what is your word, say it all together.

Guests :
- Love!

- A toast to love!

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- Friends, you wished so much
I won’t say many words here, I wish with all my heart
A hero to you..... Please stand up, whoever has the blue cards, what the word is, say it all together.

Guests :
- Health!

- Here is the next toast, to the health of our birthday girl.

(Guests raise their glasses. A short break, during which dance music may sound.)

- The most faithful friends came to congratulate you. It is with great pleasure that we give them the floor.

(Childhood friends or former classmates, or former neighbors, etc. Guests raise their glasses.)

- This is how it works in Rus'
If the soul asks
Play our harmonica
I want to sing a ditty.

(Any ditties can be remade for the birthday girl, it is advisable to entice more people so that everyone can participate.)

- Our dear guests, you danced with all your heart, look, the gifts here are also very good.
Who can get a gift for our birthday girl?

A competition “Get a Gift” is being held. A rope is stretched to a certain height, small gifts, a rose flower, napkins, an apple, etc. hang on the rope. Participants must eyes closed cut off one gift with scissors and give it to the hero of the occasion.

The next number is called “Dance of the Little Swans”, the men are dressed in ballet tutus and asked to dance.

- And another wonderful number was prepared by the weaker sex.

(Women take children’s balls in the form of weights in their hands, there are also inflatable dumbbells, and with them they dance to the song “Heroic Strength.”)

Guests (raise hands):
- We!

- Who is in favor of pouring a glass?

Guests :
- We!

- Who is in favor of drinking to our birthday girl?

Guests :
- We!

- Let it be so!

(Table break, during which soft music plays in the background.)

- You’ve already stopped drinking
You have already stopped eating
Tired of sitting at the table?
Well then everyone quickly stood up
We will do exercises
repeat everything after me in order
Arms higher, legs wider
Waved three four

(The guests wave their hands above.)

Hands quickly forward
We'll make a turn

(Guests with outstretched arms rotate their hips.)

And now it's the other way around
Hands down and chest forward

(Guests with their hands down stick out their tummies.)

Well, all together three four
We put our feet wider

(Guests place their legs wide and arms to the sides.)

Let's wave together
One two three four five

(Guests wave their hands around.)

Now let's walk together
At the tables, we need to pour some food.

(The guests go to the table again. Table break.)

-Can everyone hear the microphone?
I announce a dance marathon.
Dance "Russian".

(Folk music plays, for example “Barynya”. The guests all dance.)

- Dance “Caucasian”.

(They turn on lezginka. The guests all dance.)

- Dance “Gypsy”.

(They put on “Gypsy Girl”, the guests all dance.)

- Dance “Eastern”.

(Any Eastern music will do.)

- Dance “Jewish”.

(Sounds musical composition, the guests are dancing.)

- The winner of the dance marathon is (announces the person who danced all the dances). He is entitled to a prize, a personalized medal from the birthday girl.

(Takes out the medal he made and awards the dancer.)

- Golden anniversary, today is a beautiful day
(first name) honey, you should be
On this day all your wishes will come true
We wish you to continue to live happily!

(For greater effect, use large firecrackers with shiny tinsel or clap Balloons filled with confetti.)

In ancient times, the date of 50 years ago was considered a jubilee. People gathered together, lit a big fire and blew the deer horn in celebration. We continue the traditions of our ancestors and are happy to celebrate such an important date.

It is better to start preparing for your 50th anniversary in advance, especially if we are talking about a man dear to you. This time there is no way to get by with a simple feast. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. You will need beautiful embossed invitation cards, decorated with the ornate initials of the hero of the day, a personal signature, as well as a short text, preferably handwritten;
  2. Celebrating a 50th anniversary usually involves an expensive restaurant with live music, but if a man is more comfortable in his home, he can celebrate widely at home.
  3. Take care of the decor. As you know, a half-century anniversary is a noble golden one, which means that the color scheme of the design has already been predetermined.
  4. Perhaps it was worth starting with this point: delicious favorite food. If we are talking about a man, then his 50th birthday should be based on good wines, hearty snacks and mouth-watering dishes.
  5. Entertainment. It’s worth thinking about how you will maintain a joyful mood during the evening, what kind of music will be played, what kind of music will be anniversary script and who will be the ringleader. After all, your man is 50 years old, everything should be played out brilliantly.

Spend some time on the scenario: what can entertain the birthday boy, what competitions and jokes will create a cozy and fun evening. Prepare toasts for your 50th anniversary in advance, compose a very personal text. You will be able to help out the guests, and the man celebrating the anniversary will be pleased.

Scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary “Radiant Jubilee”

The proposed scenario for celebrating a man’s 50th birthday is suitable both for holding a celebration at home and in a restaurant. The room is decorated with gold ribbons, serpentine, sparkling gold foil balls, compositions of yellow and orange fresh flowers would be appropriate.

In the invitation, guests should be warned to decorate their clothes with a bright attribute: a catchy tie, a funny “butterfly”, a large flower in the hair or a colored scarf.

Crystal chime of glasses, happy faces friends.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered today; the anniversary united us!
So let’s wish the sea happiness, wishes come true soon,
Continue to walk under a lucky star and look ahead of you proudly!
And our joyful evening today
The words that will seal our meeting will be revealed!

For the official anniversary vow, I will ask everyone to fill their glasses to the brim and stand up!

Oath for guests in honor of the anniversary

Today we will rest,
Sing songs all evening.
That we stay all night
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
That we will tell ringing jokes,
That we will praise the hero of the day,
We'll start dancing throughout the holiday.
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
For every toast, shout “Hurray!”
And if there is a competition or a game,
That we don't give up so easily
We are on that anniversary... We swear!

Leading: Happy birthday, (name of the birthday boy)!
We raise a glass in your honor!
The first toast was made today!
You are young today
You are golden today!
Cherish your importance,
Don’t rush to say goodbye to her!
In the East they say:
Wealth is the pleasure of life
You are truly rich
Cheerful, healthy, immaculate!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Presentation of a diploma with a photograph of the hero of the day and a medal “For taking the 50th anniversary”

Leading: In honor of the honorary golden jubilee, we appoint (the name and patronymic of the hero of the day) as the supreme commander-in-chief of the celebration and general of the holiday! (The hero of the day is decorated with a gold ribbon) I ask everyone to stand up, a solemn three-time “Hurray” sounds! (Fanfare)

Presentation of certificates and medals (The certificate, medal and bouquet of flowers are presented by a beautifully dressed girl, for example, the daughter of the hero of the day).

Leading: The golden certificate is solemnly awarded
To those who are distinguished by excellent health,
Who never despairs in life,
The one who succeeds in every task!

Presentation of a certificate.

The hero of the day is awarded a brilliant medal,
What a glorious way to reach the milestone of the 50th anniversary!
For the medal you have to buy a carpet,
And hang it up for everyone to see!
The birthday boy was awarded a medal,
And henceforth he vows to be steadfast!
Now he is forbidden to get sick, grow old,
But just become prettier and younger!
Wear your medal proudly, like a general,
Who only won in this life!
A medal is placed around the neck of the hero of the day and a bouquet of flowers is presented.
And now let’s fill our glasses for the clear mind, keen eye and strong fist of our hero of the day!

(Guests drink while standing)

Song "About the hero of the day"

Leading: Noble hero of the day
I haven’t lost my taste for life,
And our guests are no problem,
Let's show the anniversary scale!

The minus track of the song “About Hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm” is turned on; guests need to be given pre-prepared words of the song.

There is comfort in our hall, together we celebrate,
Everyone wants to say, congratulations are heard.
The evening is clear, and we fill our glass
In your honor, let’s sing a song from the heart!

Chorus: But we don’t care, but we don’t care,
May the calendar not know your years!

We are in awe of such fate,
You are an example for us, for the family you are a king!
On this anniversary day we will tell you frankly,
Let your dreams come true!
The gaze is burning, the heart is beating, young as before,
There is a clear path ahead, full of new victories!

Leading: Dear guests, I ask everyone who honors and appreciates our hero of the day to raise their right hand! And those who love and adore the birthday boy - left hand! And now applause in honor of the holiday!
We turn on all our attention,
Let's complete my tasks!
Thumbs up
And we lower our left hand to our knee
On the knee of my dear one,
To my dear neighbor!
A right hand meanwhile the neighbor's shoulder hugs,
Rocks everyone to the music!
Let a smile sparkle on your face,
And under the table the leg beats out the rhythm!
And now, without sparing the wine,
Let's dare to fill our glasses!
It's not a sin to clink glasses with your neighbor on the left,
And so that our neighbor on the right is not angry
Let’s clink glasses with him and shout: “Congratulations!”
We empty our glasses to the bottom!

Table and dance break

Leading: A kind, congratulatory word,
Positive for the heart and ears
The family wants to say,
Let's applaud, friends!

Congratulations from the family

Fate caressed and sometimes struck.
Relatives were the support of the dear hero of the day
For the duration of the whole journey.
And in honor of the family, I ask you to bring cups!

Chant for guests in honor of the birthday boy “Five:Zero”

Leading: You conduct your affairs skillfully,
Try this, who can argue?
Keep your body healthy
And you won with life

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: The fan club is running for your signature,
For them, you are a hero every day!
In the next victorious match, without timidity,
You come out with an advantage

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Your fate lay differently,
And there was sweetness in it, there was a little salt
But the turns of life did not frighten you.
You beat fate at cards

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: You rose to the top nicely
Therefore, if you please, live another hundred years.
A successful game is within your power,
You keep score

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Jubilee General,
We are so happy to congratulate you today
Nice colleagues, comrades and friends,
Please tell me everything without missing a word!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Let's raise a golden glass
For the hero of the day,
He gathered us around himself,
Dear ones, all the lovely faces!
For precious words,
Why do they sound so nice here?
They will fly from heart to heart
And your head will spin.

Dance game "Hello" in all languages"

Leading: I ask everyone to leave their cozy chairs and get out on the dance floor! Please form two rings: inner and outer. Dear guests, perhaps not all of you know each other yet, so let’s welcome everyone! And we will do this with music and in a special way. It is known that people different cultures, greet differently. In Japan they bow when they meet, in Africa they clap their hands and curtsy, in Latin America- hug, in France - kiss on the cheeks. To the accompaniment of national music, you move in a circle, and as soon as the music stops, you need to say hello to the person who is opposite you.

Excursion into history

Showing video greetings or a gallery of photographs of the birthday boy from birth to the present moment, the happiest, perhaps funniest fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

Table and dance break.

Game "Anniversary Decrees"

Each guest is given 2-3 sheets of paper (if there are many guests, then one at a time) and a pen.

Leading: I ask everyone to write on the received paper the continuation of the phrase: “This year I...”, bend the piece of paper in half and throw it into this magic hat. (Everyone writes) And now we pass the hat around the circle, all participants pull out two cards for themselves and read them out, starting with the phrase “This year I ....” I ask you to loudly confirm in chorus after each reading “So be it!”

The notes can say anything: “I’ll buy a goat,” “I’ll run a marathon blindfolded,” etc. The competition is cool because... Often a very accurate prediction comes across.


Leading: What wonderful words you say this evening, may all your wishes come true. To somehow thank you, the hero of the day gives each of you golden keys to good luck. (The hero of the day goes around the tables with a decorated box of toffee candies. Staple a number to each candy.) You can probably guess what these magic numbers mean? The anniversary lottery begins! And I announce the winning numbers!

The presenter raises a poster high above his head with the birthday of the hero of the day written in large numbers. Gifts are awarded to those participants who come across numbers from this date.

Leading: Our holiday is noisy today for good reason,
We honor a man, a strongman, a hero!
Let's raise a glass to a heart of the highest standard,
So that the fire in the soul never goes out!

Table and dance break.

Obstacle course

Leading: In honor of the laureate certificate of honor“Golden hero of the day”, winner of the award medal “For taking the 50-year milestone”, I announce a festive obstacle course! I'll ask the general to announce the participants in the competition. (The microphone is passed to the birthday person, he invites 6-8 volunteers)

First task: Each volunteer is given one fin on one leg, and a balloon is tied to the other. You need to slam your opponent's balloon. The three most persistent ones advance to the next level.

Second task: Plastic buckets of water are placed at a distance in front of the participants. Task: throw apples into a bucket. The winner is the one who has more apples in a bucket.

Third task: A chair is placed in front of the participant with a prize on it (a bottle of wine with a photo of the birthday person). The guest turns his back to the chair, takes 6 steps in a straight line, where he is blindfolded and turned around his axis. The participant must return to the chair, taking only 6 steps again, and collect the prize.

After painful attempts to find the prize, the participant removes the blindfold and approaches the chair. Only now, instead of a prize, there is a piece of Whatman paper. The guest reads out loud what is written: “Cake to the studio!” He is given wine to applause.

Taking out the cake

They bring out a congratulatory cake with lit candles (you can light one candle in the form of the number 50). The guests sing “Congratulations, my love, happy birthday to you!”, The hero of the day blows out the candles. Everyone is treated to cake and served tea.

The wonderful evening ends
Warming with warmth.
Miracles happen here
The hero of the day is young again!
Do not hesitate to repeat yourself,
We speak from the heart.
We wish the birthday boy -
Stay like this
Cheerful, full of strength, ideas and thoughts
Purposeful, combative,
Active, wise, valuing honor,
And know that we love you!
And finally, a toast to the hero of the day,
His guests, his beloved family!
Let the festive fanfare sound to you!
We fill the glasses with pure love!

Props for the holiday:

  1. Comic diploma “Golden Jubilee”, medal “For reaching the 50th anniversary”, bouquet of flowers;
  2. Lyrics of the anniversary song for guests;
  3. Sheets of paper, pens;
  4. “Golden Key” candies, 8 gifts, “Date of Birth” sign;
  5. Flippers, balloons, 3 buckets of water, apples, a bottle of wine with a photo, a sign “Cake to the studio.”

Video of the 50th anniversary of the hero of the day

It’s not a sin to film a good holiday, especially when we are talking about the first serious anniversary in the life of a 50-year-old man, as the heroes of the next video did.

Half a century - half life path, a turning point in the lives of many men, when they can take stock and make new plans. For such an event, it is necessary to send out, order a hall, decorating it in the spirit of the holiday in order to emphasize the solemnity of the moment.

A man’s 50th anniversary scenario cannot do without a toastmaster - it’s too serious an event. In any case, the role of leader can be taken on by one of the active relatives or friends with experience. public speaking or simply the pronounced qualities of an unofficial leader. He must know the hero of the occasion and all the guests well. To be sure, you should write down all the achievements of the hero of the day, interesting events childhood. A few toasts and congratulations must be learned by heart, and the guests will say the rest.


“We invited all the guests on this day for the anniversary,

They looked after the hero of the day, dressed him more decently,

And we would like to clarify this with you at this hour.

Both young and old should know who the hero of the day is today?

Who's pressed and shaved, looking positively presidential?

Everyone recognized the hero of the day, but they didn’t tell him his age!

It’s not an easy road for you to walk 5 dozen, and now, I’ll tell you straight

This needs to be washed! (everyone answers, saying their name and age in chorus).

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! For you! Be healthy and lucky, we tell you lovingly!”

After the toast, the host suggests conducting an experiment

“In front of you is a half-drunk bottle of wine. I start a thought, and you finish it. Bottle half...full? Fair! Empty? It is truth too. Only the first answer was from an optimist, and the second from a pessimist. So, happy anniversary. This phrase “Turning 50” is missing a short “already” or “yet.” Let's ask Ivan Ivanovich, what would he insert here? "More?" - this means that our hero of the day is an optimist in life. Toast: to the healthy optimism of Ivan Ivanovich - if he is still 50, then he will definitely be 100!”

Musical screensaver


“Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Next to you today are your dearest people - wife Svetlana Sergeevna, children Alexander and Valentina, grandchildren Katyusha and Maxim, who have prepared a lot of kind words for you.”


“Dear Vanechka! Congratulations on this important date and I want us to continue to have one road together, where we can enjoy every day and have more such joyful days. Let the light in the window remind you that you are always welcome here. Here’s my passionate kiss as a gift to you.”


“Dear daddy! On this day, accept congratulations from your grandchildren and children. For us, you are always the most important, even though we are much older. Years go by, my head turns grey, a lot of worries and worries are behind me. But who cares about age if you have a warm heart in your chest.”

Grandchildren congratulate with a song to the melody “From a Smile”

“Today is grandpa’s anniversary, everyone woke up with the sun today.

They quickly ran to grandfather, kissed him and, of course, smiled.

Chorus: Birthday is your holiday, have fun and sing with us,

Your weary hands will rest,

For you, our whole family baked a big pie,

To congratulate you to all your children and grandchildren!”


“Dear guests, a toast to congratulations! Over the half century that the hero of the day lived, he fulfilled his mission in full - the house was built, the children grew up, and so did the trees. What else happened in his destiny, the stars and our guests will tell.”

Stars with questions hang on the wall. Guests take turns taking a star.

Sample list of questions

  1. How did you meet Ivan Ivanovich?
  2. What do you like most about the birthday boy?
  3. Why can the hero of the occasion be given an order?
  4. What happy events happened in the life of the hero of the day?
  5. Guess his dream!
  6. What would you like to ask Ivan Ivanovich?
  7. Which interesting case were you with the birthday boy?
  8. How many years has Ivan Ivanovich been bearing his new name – grandfather?
  9. Where did the hero of the day begin his career?


“Thank you for the warm words addressed to the birthday boy, for the achievements of Ivan Ivanovich!”

Musical screensaver


"Ivan Ivanovich! Accept congratulations from your best friends!”


“Our dear friend and colleague! We have known each other for half our lives, and all these years we have known you as an excellent family man, father and grandfather, true friend and professional. I wish you health, happiness in your family, success!”


“Dear guests, it would be a shame not to drink for such wishes!”


50th anniversary script for a man fun competitions should include, and preferably thematic.

Contest "Happy Anniversary"

Props for the competition - 9 cards: S, S, B, I, L, E, E, M! Exactly 9 volunteers are needed to participate. The presenter hands out cards to everyone and asks them to stand in a line so that they can read the inscription in the hall. Participants line up and raise their hands up. And now everyone comes out in turn and uses their body to depict the letter chosen for greeting.

Musical pause

Congratulations from the team

It is best to prepare a colorful address folder for the hero of the day. A toast to good words from the team.


Prepare a bottle of champagne with the “branded” label of the hero of the day - autographed photo. You can start by placing a very small bet – 10 rubles.

The scenario of a man’s 50th anniversary can be beautifully completed with a ritual with an anniversary cake. At the end of the holiday, the cake is brought out to the music of the song “Closing the Circle.” The lights are turned off, the hero of the day blows out the candles. Guests with candles in their hands around the table sing the song “Here is one of those stories...”.

Anniversary scenario for drivers


“I am glad to welcome everyone to the celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of the respected Ivan Ivanovich, a driver from God and simply wonderful person. On the eve of today's celebration, a special commission calculated the mileage that our hero of the day has driven over all the years of his life. labor activity. These kilometers would be enough to drive around the entire Earth. And this is not the limit. He still has enough time in this life to double his personal best, which is what we all wish for him.”

After a short break, a representative of the convoy or vehicle fleet where the hero of the day works takes the floor. The welcome address is read out.

Exam on traffic rules

Scenario for the 50th anniversary of a male driver includes an exam according to the rules traffic.


“Do you know who is the most superstitious person? Of course, drivers! They have so many different signs! Before taking the exam, their hair is unwashed, and there should be a nickel under their heels. I wonder if today the hero of the day foresaw how this could be useful to him, because he will have to confirm his proud title - a virtuoso driver. Anyone who has ever passed the traffic police exam knows that it consists of theory and practice. We will not break traditions, so we start with the theoretical part.”

Props: print the corresponding road signs. For each sign there are three answers, from which the hero of the day must choose.

Stage one – a fun exam on traffic rules “What the signs show”

  • archaeological excavations;
  • work in the garden;
  • Men at work.
  • cross wind;
  • C'est la vie: white stripe, black stripe;
  • Pinocchio goes for a swim.
  • butcher's shop;
  • cattle drive;
  • Bullfight in Spanish;
  • ski jumping;
  • drawbridge;
  • you and I are on 2 shores...
  • rough road;
  • black beach;
  • speed bumps in an embrace;
  • You can only turn the steering wheel counterclockwise;
  • roundabout intersection;
  • You can only move around your own axis;
  • reindeer riding;
  • so that's what you are;
  • wild animals;
  • It's my anniversary;
  • I’ve prepared 50 liters – I’m expecting guests!

For brilliant passing of the theoretical part, the hero of the day is awarded the latest traffic rules.


  • “We are moving on to the second stage – the driving test. Before sending the test subject to the track, here are some signs:
  • someone “kissed” your car while driving - get out and check: if from behind - to an increase in cash receipts, if in front - to expenses;
  • popular wisdom: if you forgot to warn the person you meet about the inspector lying in ambush, tomorrow your best friend will leave you. If you saw it yourself, tell it to someone else, so as not to anger God;
  • the most real sign: if you wash your car, it will rain soon;
  • the worst curse: that you come across a tipsy blonde driving a right-hand drive Gazelle.”

Driving test

“Attention, testing time! I ask car enthusiasts to join the hero of the day! Props for the competition: three children's cars with long ropes tied to them and three pencils. Drivers are given pencils and the ends of ropes are tied to them. The cars are at the start, at the other end of the room. At the signal, drivers begin to wind the rope around the pencil, pulling the car to the finish line. Whose car arrives first wins.”

For the scenario of a man’s 50th anniversary, a cool diploma - you need to prepare a certificate, and of the most impressive dimensions. It would be reasonable to plan the result of the competition, but even regardless of the results of the competition, the presenter must note the skill of the birthday person and present the “Virtuoso Certificate”. At the same time, a present is presented - a monthly pass for a tram or bus, because the cherished dream of any driver is to at least someday be a passenger.

Musical pause


“The certificate has been issued, all that remains is to buy a car. And here again we have a bunch of signs:

  • I bought a car on the 13th - I found myself in eternal torment with it in this life;
  • study its license plate carefully - if it contains the number 13 or at least the sum of the digits is equal to this fatal number - the car’s karma is hopelessly destroyed.

To prevent this from happening to our hero of the day, we take the test:

How many times a year do we live “Friday the 13th” – 1, 2 or 3 times? (answer - 3 times).

Our Ivan Ivanovich is quite ready to purchase a new car, which is what we wish for him. But a new license and a new car must be washed, otherwise it will break down every day. It is believed that the driver needs to drink as much as the height of the license will fit in the glass. The hero of the day’s favorite drink (non-alcoholic or low-alcohol) is poured and he drinks to the accompaniment of friendly applause.

Car enthusiasts consider cars to be living creatures, divide them into boys and girls, reward them with compliments - “hero”, “beauty”, and this is understandable - if the driver loves his car, it reciprocates his feelings. Let's remember all the car brands." (Guests take turns naming the brands; the one who remembers the last name wins a car deodorant prize. You can also ask him to describe the named car.


“Many signs among drivers relate to money in one way or another:

  • ;if the gasoline level needle is at zero - to minor expenses;
  • if you wash your car at home, thieves will clean it out, although if you wash it under someone’s window and even turn on the music, then this will result in a dented face or roof;
  • “autograph” of pigeons on a car means money, if washed off it means expenses;
  • The situation with the ban on seeds in salons is incomprehensible, they say it will lead to unforeseen expenses, but the maximum that threatens in this case is dry cleaning of the salon.”

Competition "Dry cleaning"

Three participants are invited and given rollers of tape. Garbage is prepared on cardboard - chopped threads, etc. The task is to vacuum and quickly restore order. The winner receives car cleaning products as a gift.


“The funniest signs associated with representatives of the traffic police:

  • Don’t whistle in the car - the inspector will slow down;
  • do not count money in the car - an experienced inspector can hear the rustle of banknotes 10 km away;
  • disrespect for signs can make any Friday the thirteenth, even for the smallest inspector.”

The scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary must include games, preferably professional ones.

Game "Traffic Controller"

Volunteers stand in a circle. The presenter shows the movements of the traffic controller, each of which corresponds to a specific phrase:

  • arms to the sides - “no stop”;
  • one hand up - “stop, auto!”;
  • right hand in front - “give way to the ski track”;

The presenter shows the movements, the players’ task is not to get lost. Anyone who comments incorrectly leaves the game. The prize for the winner is a baton (toy) and the right to occupy any intersection.

Quiz “My car”


"Friends! Our Ivan Ivanovich has been behind the wheel all his life and has probably studied his car thoroughly. Let's check out our best auto mechanic." The hero of the day is shown slides or pictures with individual spare parts and car parts, and he names them. If in doubt, you can ask the hall for help or call a friend. The birthday boy is given a steering wheel with the inscription “Best Mechanic”.

Game "Pedestrian path"

Stripes are drawn on the floor. Players are divided into teams. We have to cross the path different ways-only on white or black stripes, rotating a hoop or inflating a ball - both speed and result are important.


“Maybe someone has their own, exclusive signs? (guests call). But in my opinion, it’s important to just be careful and follow the rules, and for Have a good mood- a song, I suggest everyone sing together for the birthday boy (everyone sings “Hold on tight to the steering wheel”).”

Another video script for a man’s 50th birthday.
45 years old woman - . Read how to celebrate a man's birthday.

Nowadays, the services of even the cheapest toastmaster are oh so expensive! But you still need to treat the guests with something, and take some people home. And you will have to spend money on all this. With such expenses, how can you make your anniversary budget not huge, but so that everyone enjoys everything? The answer is simple - you have to do everything yourself. No costs for toastmaster. Well, really, why not invite the toastmaster and at the same time seat guests at empty tables? Therefore, the only option here is to exclude the presenter. And you definitely have a couple of friends in your campaign who are great at playing the role of ringleaders. We offer you detailed description how to celebrate a man’s 50th birthday without a toastmaster and at home. And now you can treat your guests to delicious food, and entertainment yours will be simply magnificent!

At the very beginning of the holiday, when guests come to you, you invite them to take a lottery number. They must save it until you call them. When all the guests have gathered, the celebration begins.

The first thing you can do is to show on the screen photographs of the hero of the day, from birth to the present day. Each photo can be accompanied by a cool comment and explanation. After all, many of your friends don’t know you when you were little, and they will be interested in finding out everything.
When the photographs are over, the hero of the day addresses the guests:
Dear guests! You have now watched 50 episodes from my life. Some of you yourself participated in each episode, some joined during the film, and some appeared and disappeared. But I am very pleased that today here and now you are all present at the beginning of the new 51st episode of my life. And I'd like to drink to it!
Everyone raises their glasses and drinks to a new episode from the life of the hero of the day.

The holiday is taking its course, and now it’s time for the lottery tickets that the guests took at the very beginning. The hero of the day invites everyone to open their tickets and look at the number. And he says:
Friends! You are all very dear to me, so I decided that let fate itself decide which of you will congratulate me and in what order! And so, whoever has number one congratulates me first!

Guest number one comes up and congratulates the hero of the day. After which the hero of the day says:
You know, today is my happiest day - my birthday! and since childhood I knew that you can make a wish on your birthday and it will definitely come true! Therefore, I made exactly as many wishes as the number of guests who came to me. And each of you, according to your numbers, will fulfill one or another of my wishes!
And the wishes are the simplest:
- Sing a song;
- tell an incident from the life of the hero of the day and this guest;
- dance;
- remember how you met;
And so on. That is, first a person comes up and congratulates, and then fulfills a wish that corresponds to his lottery ticket number. Therefore, the hero of the day needs to come up with his wishes in advance and write them on a piece of paper under the numbers.
This is such a humorous but touching game block. It will help you to spend an unusual hour, or even more, in company beautiful congratulations and touching memories.

What else can you please your guests with? Auction game! Let your guests “fight” for your prizes. You are 50 years old and you have decided to go traveling. And you only need the smallest thing - money for travel! And so you decided to sell off some of your things. But in order to be bought, you need to describe them vividly and unusually. For example:
Lot number 1.
Lot number one is a symbol of family peace and happiness of this family. While this item was not there, quarrels often occurred in the family. And when he appeared, there were no more quarrels.
And the guests begin to place bets to buy this miracle item for themselves. And this miracle object turns out to be a TV remote control (you must admit, when you have a remote control, you don’t need to quarrel over who will go change the channel. Which means the family will be happy)! And so that it is dear to the one who bought it, let the hero of the day sign it.

Lot number 2.
Our hero of the day is a real man. This is not even discussed. But it was very difficult to get up in the morning, until a miracle pathogen appeared in this family! Thanks to him, the hero of the day gets up cheerful and very excited!
And this miracle object is coffee or an alarm clock, who likes what more. And also don't forget to sign your gift.

Lot number 3.
And this item is always with our hero of the day. They have been together for so many years that they can no longer remember their first meeting. He parts with this item only at night and when he leaves the house. But at home he always has it with him, because it is a very useful and necessary item!
And these are house slippers!

If you have something else to sell, then sell it. Just also describe them in an original way.

And those. Who failed to win the auction. Don't let them get upset. You can give them something. For example, someone who always likes to look like a plus and also likes to drink can be given a triple cologne.
Who often comes to visit the hero of the day to sit over a bottle of wine - a faceted glass with the inscription “pour”!
If there are men for anniversaries. Those who are 50 years old are given a pineapple as a gift. But with the words - at 45, grandma is a berry again. And a 50-year-old man is still fruit! Therefore, the gift is pineapple!
If there are those who are not very happy in life, for example, divorced, then a star is a gift for them. With the words - let it bring you happiness!
And so on, choose gifts for your guests, taking into account their character.

Also, on an anniversary it is simply necessary to dance and sing. And this can all be done in the form of competitions! For example, a competition of ditties. Aren't there a couple of your friends who know ditties? Of course there is! And then others will pick it up.
If someone sings great, you can ask him to perform several songs for all the guests. Does anyone play the saxophone? Great, this is just an awesome dance and gift!
The main thing here is to remember what your friends can do. And then it will only benefit you, and everyone will take an active part in your holiday.

And you can end your evening with a touching moment of memory. The hero of the day addresses each guest in turn and asks them to stand. At the same time, he tells a little about each guest: where you met, what good things you had, how fate brought you together, and so on. And when all the guests are standing, you offer a drink to all of you, the friendly team!