Real income from renting construction equipment - how to start a business. How to get rich by renting out special equipment

Firstly, large construction equipment is always in demand, especially in big cities. Secondly, the cost of its rental relative to the cost of acquisition and maintenance is quite high. And thirdly, the possibility of purchasing on lease greatly facilitates the expansion of the vehicle fleet. In addition, competition in this market is currently minimal, even in Moscow.

In this article we will take a detailed look at this business, find out how much money is needed to organize it, and what kind of profit it can bring.

The choice must be made responsibly, because future profits depend on the quality of the equipment, the cost of its maintenance and the range that you offer to your customers.

The assortment must include both domestic models and equipment from other popular manufacturers - American (Caterpillar), Korean (Daewoo), Japanese (Komatsu) and others.

Regardless of whether your company is located in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod or in Krasnoyarsk, it is desirable that you can offer your clients several types of truck cranes, excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, various road equipment and so on.

In addition, it is also necessary to have personnel - drivers, mechanics, excavator operators etc., since their services are in great demand, since not every client has their own specialists.

Consider costs and potential income using the example of several categories of technology.

Mobile cranes

Truck cranes are one of the most popular types of special equipment on the market. technology. They are used in the construction of small facilities and even apartment buildings, when laying communications and other work.

  • Ivanovets: a new Ivanovets truck crane costs on average about 90 thousand dollars (depending on the load capacity and other characteristics, the price varies greatly), while used equipment can be bought for 50-70 thousand dollars. You can rent out a crane for $150-250 per shift. The average monthly rental price is 2.5-3 thousand dollars.
  • Daewoo: a new crane will cost approximately 95-100 thousand dollars; on a used one you can save up to 40 percent of the cost. A day's rental of such a crane will bring an income of $250 per shift, while in a month you can get up to $5 thousand.
  • Kato: a new truck crane from the Japanese company Kato, whose products have proven themselves well during mass construction in the early 90s of the last century, costs about 700 thousand dollars. You can buy used ones for about 20 percent cheaper. A day's rental of a crane will bring a profit of $500-600, and a month is about 12 thousand dollars.


Excavators are almost as in demand as truck cranes. It is recommended to have in stock both large models used for construction and small ones, which are often used even for landscaping; both wheeled and tracked.

  • TVEX: new TVEX excavators cost on average about 110 thousand dollars, a used excavator will cost 80-90 thousand. Income from daily rental – from 230 dollars. The cost of monthly rent is about 5 thousand dollars.
  • Komatsu: prices for new crawler excavators of medium size and carrying capacity start at 180 thousand dollars, but used ones can be bought for almost half the price. Renting such an excavator will bring about 250 euros per shift if rented daily, and up to 6 thousand if rented for a month.
  • Caterpillar: a new excavator from this manufacturer will cost an average of 120 thousand dollars, a used one - 90-100 thousand dollars. Rent will bring 240-270 dollars per day and about 5 thousand dollars per month.


Bulldozers are used in many areas, from road work to laying communications.

  • Caterpillar: an average-sized bulldozer of this American brand will cost 70-80 thousand dollars, but the cost of individual models can reach 200-300 thousand. At the same time, you can buy used equipment for no more than 25 percent cheaper. Daily rental will bring income in the amount of 200-220 dollars per shift, monthly - about 4 thousand dollars. per month.
  • Kirovets: equipment of this brand is inexpensive and unpretentious, but is not inferior in any way foreign analogues. The cost of a new bulldozer is about 100 thousand dollars, a used one will cost 65-70 thousand. A daily rental will bring a profit of 150-200 euros, and a monthly rental will bring in up to 4 thousand euros.
  • SPETSSTROYMASH: a new bulldozer from this manufacturer costs just over 60 thousand dollars, a used one can be bought for 45 thousand. You can rent a bulldozer for 120-170 euros per shift. The average monthly rental price is up to 3 thousand euros.

Dump trucks

Dump trucks are used everywhere - for transporting new materials, for removing waste, and for delivering soil for green spaces.

  • Kamaz: the average cost of a dump truck is 50 thousand dollars, the cost of a used one is 30-35 thousand. Renting a dump truck will bring about $140 per day and 1.5-2 thousand per month.
  • Daewoo: a new dump truck from a Korean manufacturer costs about 100 thousand dollars, while a used one can be bought for 50-60 thousand. Renting such a dump truck can bring up to $150 per shift and about 4-5 thousand euros per month.
  • Scania: the cost of a new dump truck is about 100 thousand euros, buying a used one will cost an average of 70-80 thousand. Daily rent will bring about 160 euros per day and up to 5 thousand dollars per month.

As you can see, the equipment rental business brings excellent profits, and the average The payback period for equipment does not exceed 2-3 years. It should be borne in mind that the cost of equipment changes all the time, and one of the most important tasks facing an entrepreneur in this matter is to find the most profitable purchase options.

In our country at all times, even in times of crisis, the construction industry has been actively developing. This fact makes many related to construction very promising. The business of renting out special equipment is no exception. This is a costly business, but, if successful, very profitable. It is important to think through a business plan at the very beginning.

Where to begin?

It’s worth starting with an analysis of the market for such services in a particular city.

Viewing advertisements for renting equipment and searching for it will allow you to understand how saturated the market for such services is with demand and specific offers. But even if there are a sea of ​​potential competitors, success is possible. The main thing is to focus on what will distinguish you favorably from your competitors. It could be:

  • relatively low price per hour rental of special equipment;
  • excellent condition of rental equipment, which can assure the customer of high productivity;
  • a wide range of special equipment units in stock.

The last point is worth talking about in more detail.

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How many units of equipment should I purchase?

Only the entrepreneur himself can answer this question, based on his available financial capabilities. It is important to mention that in all the variety of types of equipment there are several groups of special equipment: agricultural equipment, municipal equipment, material handling equipment, road equipment, construction equipment. For entrepreneurship, the last three types are of particular interest, since this technique is more universal. We are talking about lifts, cranes, bulldozers, excavators, forklifts and other equipment. In addition, you should immediately decide on what principle the business will be built. Here are the possible options:

  1. Based on the analysis of competitors already carried out, 2-3 units of the most popular and in-demand equipment are purchased (for example, a backhoe loader and a truck crane); After this, the search for a customer begins.
  2. Equipment is purchased for a specific customer aimed at long-term cooperation (leasing). This option is good when in the future your main customers will not be individuals, who need to dig a trench in the garden or load a country water container, and rather large construction organizations.

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What costs will there be?

The purchase of special equipment is not the only cost that an entrepreneur faces for. You will also have to fork out for:

  1. Insurance of special equipment (you will need to purchase an MTPL policy if vehicle independently moves on public roads or CASCO policy in case of breakdown and destruction of transport) - 1-3% of the cost of equipment (on average 30,000-90,000 rubles per year per unit).
  2. Registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and Gostekhnadzor. Payment to third parties who can do this for you is 5,000-10,000 rubles.
  3. Training courses for driving special equipment (on average 6,000 rubles) or the driver’s salary is 18,000-25,000 rubles per month.
  4. Rent of parking for special equipment (1,500-6,000 rubles per month for one parking space, depending on whether the parking is covered or not, as well as on the availability of additional equipment). The amounts are for a small Russian city with a population of approximately 520,000 people.

To these expenses it is worth adding the costs of fuels and lubricants, for the purchase necessary equipment for the repair of broken equipment, and also, possibly, for the installation of a GPS system that will allow monitoring the movement of equipment. As a rule, this is relevant when the number of equipment units exceeds 4-5. In addition, you may need to purchase equipment that will expand the capabilities of existing equipment.

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What else is important to think about?

Of course, advertising. It is better to use all media at once: the global network, newspapers, television. A special plan will help you not to lose sight of anything. advertising campaign. It would be useful to provide information in printed form to construction organizations.

Attention should also be paid to the written documentation of your relationship with the customer. We are talking about a contract. The equipment rental agreement is typical, but there may be some nuances. It is better to visit a lawyer once at the very beginning and discuss the action plan with him, consult what nuances should be in the contract in order to reduce all risks to a minimum.

When thinking through a plan for leasing construction equipment, it is important to think about the term seasonality. There is seasonal equipment (for example, an excavator), and there is all-season equipment (a tow truck, a truck crane). Seasonal equipment will not work year-round and, therefore, will not generate income either. And you will have to spend money on its maintenance (for example, parking) all year. Here it is worth calculating whether the transport can pay for its maintenance within just a few months of operation or whether it is better to abandon seasonal equipment altogether.

Entrepreneurs who already have some experience in running their business understand that the business of renting out special equipment is one of the most profitable, but at the same time costly, activities. As you know, it is simply impossible to build buildings without special equipment. This may require excavators, cranes, and bulldozers. All this is very expensive, but for one-time work there is no point in buying such expensive equipment, so many try to rent everything they need. Entrepreneurs have long realized that this is a good and fairly free niche for business. Not every businessman has the funds to maintain such an impressive fleet of special equipment, so the competition here is quite low.

  • Which equipment should you choose for your rental business?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • Which tax system should you choose?
  • Wage-earners
  • How much money do you need to start?
  • How much can you earn by renting special equipment?
  • How to start a special equipment rental business
  • Which OKVED code should I indicate?
  • Do I need permission?

Nowadays, the business of renting special equipment is rapidly developing, so while this niche is relatively free, businessmen have the opportunity to take their place. However, you need to remember that this requires serious investments. The thing is that in addition to buying the equipment itself, you will have to spend money on parking, maintenance, wages specialists and advertising.

Which equipment should you choose for your rental business?

The first task of the entrepreneur will be to study the demand in the region and locality. In addition, it is necessary to determine the presence of competition. The easiest and most profitable way would be to purchase universal construction equipment.

But there may be too many such offers in the region, so the rental business may simply go bust. Highly specialized equipment may be less in demand, but there will be minimal competition.

As for manufacturers and the quality of equipment, this plays an important role for customers. Today, imported special equipment is in greatest demand. These options are different high quality, but their cost is quite high. Japanese, American and European equipment can be 3 times more expensive than domestic and Chinese ones, but most often clients choose just such machines.

Of course, it is best to purchase completely new equipment under warranty. But it is expensive, so many novice businessmen try to save money and buy special vehicles on the secondary market. In this case, it is advisable to take products from famous brands. It lasts longer, and spare parts for it will be easier to find.

If we talk about price, then new excavators can be bought for 2 million rubles, and on the secondary market they are sold for up to 1.5 million rubles. A good motor grader off the assembly line will cost at least 10 million rubles, and the price for a used one has already dropped to 7 million rubles. Thus, you can save money, but you need to do it wisely. You can only purchase such expensive equipment on the secondary market if you have special knowledge. Otherwise, you may end up with scrap metal.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Russian legislation provides mandatory statement registration of construction equipment, that is, the businessman will have to register his entire fleet of vehicles. The list of vehicles required for registration with Gostekhnadzor includes all special equipment that does not have to be registered with the traffic police. This should include excavators, electric cars, rollers, graders, combines, tractors and other similar equipment with an engine capacity of more than 50 cm³.

Registration is carried out at the place of official registration of the owner of the special equipment. For individual businessmen, the state duty is 1900 rubles, and legal entities you will have to pay about 5,000 rubles.

The best advice is always given by those who try different approaches and methods of work in practice. Theorists have much less to offer. That is why we offer our readers several practical recommendations from entrepreneurs who have been renting special equipment for more than ten years.

Where to begin?

First, you must make a clear decision. Employment is often poorly paid and troublesome, but it gives a sense of stability and confidence in the near future. When you go out to work for free, you don’t get any stability, even if you work twenty hours a day. You need to be prepared for this and understand the prospects.

The second step towards own business- determination of the scope of activity. It’s worth going through the available options and choosing those that turn out to be the most promising and closest to you. Of course, it would be good to do something you know and have useful experience in. But experience is also a gain.

The main task for you at this stage is to find the right direction. It is worth finding a niche that is not occupied at all or has been minimally developed. In developed areas of production and trade, there are usually many players who can pretty much ruin your start. That's not what you want, is it? From the first steps you should have a chance to develop.

Made up his mind? Act without doubt!

Let's assume you have already chosen a direction for work and development. Now you need to prepare a clear plan and confidently take on its implementation. For example, you took a closer look at the market and chose rental of special equipment for your business. Weigh the pros and cons, choose the type of objects that interest you.

On the plus side: the equipment remains your property, you are free to stop and resume work at will. Of the minuses: manipulators, truck cranes and towers require supervision. They need to find tenants, they need to be repaired and their documentation needs to be kept in order, no matter what difficulties arise.

Next question - start-up capital. Do you have savings? It would be right to put them into action. As they say knowledgeable people: “Money should make money.” No finances? Perhaps you have something that can be turned into them. For example, a car can serve as starting capital.

It’s great if the amount received covers the necessary expenses. Applying for a loan from banks is always a shaky matter. It should be left as a last resort. If you made a mistake and lost what you had (the same car), it’s not so bad. It is much worse to repay the debt with interest to the bank for a long time.

So, we have a car, but it does not cover the required amount. Passenger vehicles clearly cost less than special equipment. What to do? You are either looking for a suitable property within the available amount, or are looking for additional funds, or switch temporarily to something third. You will have to engage in another business until you accumulate start-up capital for your chosen business.

Emergency exit

Have you taken on an intermediate option on the way to the main goal? Great! This will allow you to accumulate experience and finances before the “big leap”. To become more experienced in the rental business, switch from large specialized equipment to small ones. Since construction, especially during the season, costs a lot of money, many individuals and companies choose to rent equipment rather than buy it. Demand creates supply: help builders!

We sell our existing car and invest money in equipment. We take reliable and most popular equipment. This can be a miniature lift, a lightweight manipulator with a trailer, or a 12-16 meter mobile aerial platform.

We select a place to store the purchased equipment. It's good if you don't have to pay extra for it. But if you suitable place no - rent it. Garage co-ops, covered parking spaces, detached garages or storage facilities are suitable.

First clients

If you have prepared proposals and notified them potential clients, the first tenants will appear soon. Use free spaces in newspapers and on Internet pages for advertising, submit classified advertisements in the appropriate sections of bulletin boards, and distribute flyers with information about your services.

By the time clients appear, you should have a price list for services. To decide on prices, act simply - call advertisements similar to yours and find out the average cost of services in the selected market segment.

Don't rush to reduce prices. Perhaps this way you will get more clients, but the benefits from working with them will be clearly lower than desired. Labor and equipment should be valued. Don't forget that a low rental price may not even cover the costs of equipment depreciation and seasonal repairs.

Keep records

Even if you don’t know much about accounting and don’t want to hire an assistant at first, you will have to keep records. Customer contacts should be recorded, income and expenses, cost of repairs and rent paid should be noted.

All overhead costs must be accounted for so that you can assess the profitability of the business. Many services on the Internet will help you with accounting: find the most convenient and comfortable one for yourself.

When constructing buildings, it is impossible to do without special equipment. Dump trucks, excavators, cranes, bulldozers, loaders, rollers are absolutely necessary at a construction site, but not all construction companies have their own fleet of special equipment; many prefer to rent it. The same is true in agriculture: farmers cannot afford to purchase equipment, because it is expensive and takes a long time to pay for itself, and they turn to companies that provide rental of special equipment.

The business of renting special equipment is developed in many countries, and Russia is no exception. This type of business activity requires large investments at first, but with proper planning and a reasonable assessment of the market condition it brings a stable income. Money is required for the purchase of the equipment itself, parking equipment, advertising, equipment maintenance and payment for the services of the driver and foreman.

When opening a business for renting special equipment, you must first study the supply and demand in your region. Beginning entrepreneurs usually go two ways: they buy universal special equipment that is used on any construction site, or highly specialized equipment that is needed less frequently, but there are no similar offers on the special equipment rental market. In the segment of popular special equipment, you can consider, for example, a backhoe loader designed for transporting materials, loading, unloading, digging trenches and holes. It is capable of digging to a depth of up to five meters and has a relatively small size; it is used in the construction of cottages and low-rise buildings.

Which special equipment should you prefer: new or used, imported or domestic? Currently, the special equipment market in Russia consists mainly of imported machines. They are in high demand because they are different good quality. Prices for construction equipment from American, Japanese, and European manufacturers sometimes exceed the cost of domestic equipment several times, but the advantage of imported machines is their characteristics. Chinese and Korean equipment is much cheaper than American and European. It makes sense to buy used equipment only if you have complete confidence in her good condition, otherwise you can simply lose money. It is recommended to buy used cars only from popular brands, as they are easier to find spare parts for.

The cost of a British-made backhoe loader depends on the year of manufacture. Machines from 2005-2007 can be purchased for 1800-1900 thousand rubles, excavators that are more than 10 years old cost 1.5 million rubles or less. A new American motor grader costs 11-14 million rubles, a used motor grader made in 2010 costs about 7 million rubles. Chinese bulldozer with 220 hp engine. 2008 is sold for 4 million rubles.

According to Russian legislation, self-propelled road construction machines are subject to mandatory registration with Gostekhnadzor: tractors, excavators, bulldozers, graders, scrapers, cranes and truck cranes, aerial platforms, loaders and forklifts, hoists, electric vehicles, snow removal machines, rollers and vibratory rollers, combines, mowers and other special equipment with an engine capacity of more than 50 cubic centimeters that is not subject to registration with the traffic police. Special equipment is registered at the location of the owner. The state registration fee is 1,900 rubles. Cost of services legal organizations– 4-5 thousand rubles. When changing the name of the organization that owns special equipment, you must make changes to the vehicle passport and re-register the equipment.

Another important point– decide which is better: registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Obviously, if an enterprise is opened by one person, then it is reasonable to register an individual entrepreneur and register the special equipment as his property. This is easier than opening an LLC, and you can use a simplified taxation system with a 6% rate. However, if you plan to cooperate with large clients, the LLC form is preferable, since serious companies need the landlord to work with VAT, because they can then return this 18 percent from the budget. And you just need to take into account the fact that an LLC is more trustworthy than an individual entrepreneur, such is the stereotype.

After choosing the equipment, the most important thing is choosing the operator. The applicant must not only have experience working with similar equipment, but also be responsible for their work. Half the success of the entire enterprise depends on how competent and decent a person he is. Age can also be a factor, as some machines require good physical fitness. The driver must have a certificate, which is issued after completing special courses, but even the presence of a document confirming high level specialization, cannot guarantee that this is a pro. Unfortunately, most of the breakdowns of special equipment occur due to the incompetence or irresponsibility of the operator. The driver's salary is 30-40 thousand rubles per month.

If a company acquires on its balance sheet equipment that is not intended for driving on public roads, tractors, self-propelled road construction and other machines and trailers for them with an internal combustion engine displacement of more than 50 cubic centimeters, then registration of the vehicle fleet with Gostekhnadzor is required.

Available special equipment must be protected from theft, since there are frequent cases of theft of expensive vehicles from construction sites at night. A few simple rules should be followed.

  • Store equipment only in a guarded base or parking lot. It could even be a regular parking lot. If you have a large fleet of special equipment, it makes sense to equip a secure premises and hire a security guard.
  • Put an alarm on your car.
  • Change the factory locks - they may be the same for all cars of the same model.
  • Install a satellite vehicle tracking system, it costs 20-25 thousand rubles, but you will always know where your property is.

The cost of renting special equipment depends on the region and type of equipment and ranges from 1000-2000 rubles per hour. For long-term rentals on large construction sites, the cost per hour is reduced. If a piece of equipment is occupied full time, then that works out to 8-9 hours of work per day. In 20 working days, the car will bring about 255 thousand rubles. 40 thousand is the driver’s salary, 20% of the remaining amount will be spent on fuel and lubricants and equipment maintenance. Considering that in winter time Most of the special equipment is idle; a backhoe loader purchased for 1.5 million rubles will pay for itself in about 14 months and will continue to generate about 170 thousand in profit per month.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

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