Online French tutor. French tutors via Skype. Spanish and English

Every season is wonderful in its own way. The change of months is like a new little life when you can start all over again. Summer is the best time for new opportunities.

Essay My summer holidays

Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.
As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.
Then July I usually spend in the countryside with my grandparents. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often go to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. It’s always active time and we have a lot of things to do together.
August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have a vacation at this time so traveling to different countries is the best activity before I go back to school. My parents and I love traveling all over Europe. Thus, we have already visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with a lot of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a beach holiday as we did it in Italy and Spain. It helps to keep the balance between active and peaceful rest.
So, I suppose that summer must be full of rest, going out with friends and obligatory travelling. This year my family is going to Greece and I’m looking forward to having an exciting time there.

Essay on the topic My summer holidays

Everyone knows that best time years for all students are summer holidays. First of all, you are free from school and forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Plus, you don't have to get up early every day and follow the whole boring daily routine. This way you have the opportunity to relax and just enjoy the wonderful summer time.
Year after year, summer is pretty typical for me. I usually spend June at home. I always get up late and try to spend as much time as possible outside with friends. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride our bikes around the city. We also really enjoy roller skating. If the weather is bad, then I stay at home and play computer games or surf the Internet.
Well, I usually spend July outside the city with my grandparents. I have many friends there too. We often go to the lake to swim or sunbathe. We are always very active and have something to do together.
August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have vacation at this time, so traveling around different countries- a great activity before starting school. My parents and I love to travel around Europe. We have already visited countries such as Italy, Spain, France and the Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with lots of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a seaside holiday, as was the case in Italy and Spain. This helps to maintain a balance between active and relaxing rest.
So, I believe that summer should be filled with relaxation, meeting with friends and, of course, traveling. My family is going to Greece this year and I'm looking forward to having a great time there.

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Such a concept as an online French tutor has appeared recently. In fact, he is an ordinary tutor, only teaching lessons remotely. This is a convenient innovation for both the tutor and the student. Such teachers rationally distribute class time and can conduct classes with a large number of students per day, since no time is wasted on travel or waiting for the next student.

This is also very convenient for students. Since you can study with a tutor from anywhere Globe. You can access the Internet without leaving your apartment, calmly go on vacation and not worry that classes with a tutor will have to be cancelled. The main thing is to take with you a computer, laptop, tablet, in general any gadget and access to the Internet.

Such classes are convenient for people living in small towns where it is simply impossible to find a competent tutor. Now you can conduct classes from any city and even from another country. Imagine how great it is to study with a tutor who is in France and knows the language professionally or is a native speaker.

The French language is difficult and not everyone can learn it on their own. The fact is that the French pronounce some letters in a special way, and in order to conduct a dialogue correctly and clearly for the interlocutor, you need to practice a lot.

French tutors via Skype conduct lessons in the same way as they would if they were next to the student. Modern multimedia technologies are very accurately able to convey images and sound, so the student will in any case see the necessary facial expressions and hear the desired pronunciation when conducting a dialogue. After the first lesson, it is created full feeling the presence and monitor located between the tutor and the student is not noticed.

Tutors working online use communicative techniques, a lot of video and audio materials, which allows students to plunge into natural environment French and achieve positive results in a short time.

How do you imagine a competent French tutor teaching classes online? This must be an educated person, a teacher or a final year student at the Institute of Foreign Languages. Teachers constantly improve their qualifications, visit countries where French is very common to practice speaking, go to conferences, and so on.

Students of a tutor working via Skype can be people of absolutely any age group. For example, children with basic knowledge of the language, students who need to supplement their knowledge, or adults who speak French very well, but in their own opinion, still not enough.

An online tutor also provides students with all the necessary literature and develops an individual teaching method for each of them.

Good afternoon My name is Natalie.

I will help you get used to all the tricks of the French language, so that it will be easier for you to adapt to French-speaking countries (France, Belgium, Canada). I will prepare you for exams on the international tests DELF, DALF, TEF.

A little bit about yourself

I have been studying French for decades. I have more than 10 years of experience as a tutor, more than 8 of which I have been teaching via Skype.

I have experience communicating with native speakers.

What am I offering?

My experience as a tutor shows that with a responsible approach on the part of the student, noticeable progress can be achieved in just 5-10 lessons. My approach is to teach a language without memorizing pages of rules. Studying is easy and enjoyable, and most importantly, you gradually learn not only to read, but to speak and understand.

Cost of one lesson on Skype

  • 500 rubles/half hour – for adults;
  • 450 rubles/half hour – for schoolchildren.

During the lessons you:

  1. Learn read in a new language;
  2. Top up your lexicon;
  3. Master it grammar;
  4. Learn understand French speech by ear;
  5. Master the intricacies of fluent speech.

2-3 French lessons per week via Skype + independent work over the material covered(without a tutor) will give significant progress!

  • In 1-1.5 months – master the key rules of reading and grammar at level A1;
  • In 2-3 months you will master vocabulary at levels A2-B1 and grammar at level B1. With the help of this knowledge, you will be able to carry on a conversation even with a stranger on basic topics (roughly speaking, you will no longer get lost in another country), you will perceive speech by ear (you will be able to listen to the radio, podcasts, watch films).

Advantages of learning French via Skype with a tutor:

  • Classes are remote, which means you don’t need to waste time on the road;
  • You can watch videos and listen to audio recordings together with your tutor at a convenient time (this is very productive: you can immediately ask if some points are unclear, you will better master standard conversational structures);
  • While studying on your own, you can ask about unclear words and wording in the program chat at any time;
  • “Online notebooks” with exercises are effective when learning French via Skype;
  • You can send and receive files without the need to use other services.

Learning French should be fun and rewarding!

These are two integral components: without the first, everything will be difficult or simply boring; without the second one, there is no point in studying (after all, it’s better to immediately learn everything as it should, than to return to it again and again later) basic rules). I, as a professional French tutor, am ready to show you how you can combine benefit with pleasure.

You can clarify the necessary questions and sign up for a test (free) lesson with a tutor using the form below.

Maria Anatolyevna - tutor in English and French via Skype

Hello. My name is Maria Anatolyevna, a teacher of English and French. Even at the institute, I realized how exciting it is to study foreign languages, how accurately a language reflects the character and traditions of people. This is probably why I decided not to stop at two languages ​​and learned Italian, completed an internship in Italy, and later began to work with it. I have about 8 years of teaching experience both in traditional courses and via Skype. But I try not only to teach, but also to develop in other areas where foreign languages ​​can be used.

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Pavel Nikolaevich - French tutor on Skype

Salut tout le monde! My name is Pavel Nikolaevich. With me you can learn French on Skype. It will be simple and fun. The French language has been present in my life since childhood, part of which I spent in a French-speaking country (People's Republic of Congo, Brazzaville). Also in my family everyone speaks French. My professional academic activity is connected with the French language.

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Leonid - French tutor via Skype

Greetings French language lovers! If you are reading this text, then perhaps you are interested in the French language and are planning to start studying in the near future. And you need a French tutor on Skype! My name is Leonid, I am an online French teacher, I have been teaching French remotely for the last 6 years.

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Lyudmila - distance French teacher via Skype

Bonjour à tous et à toutes! Je suis Liudmila, j'enseigne le FLE et j'adore mon métier. Après avoir fait le stage pédagogique à Besançon en 2005, je pense avoir amélioré mon français parlé, j'ai vu la France et sa culture de mes propres yeux. Actuellement maître de conférences, je donne parrallèlement des cours privés via skype. De même, j'ai exercé le métier de traductrice et speakerine à la radio régionale ainsi que collaboré à distance avec plusieurs agences.

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Venus - distance French teacher

Hello, my name is Venus - a French tutor via Skype. All my many years work activity associated with foreign languages. Foreign languages ​​are an opportunity for me to learn new things, get acquainted with interesting people, learn a new culture. Ideally, it’s great when you speak several languages! I think that everyone can study more than one if they wish. foreign language.I love English, maybe because it is very common in the world.

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Prudence - native French tutor via Skype

Good afternoon My name is Prudence, a native French tutor via Skype. I have spoken French since childhood. I have higher education with a degree in Communication in Sociology and Population Development, graduated from the University of Dshana in Cameroon. Also, I took a full-time course of studying the Russian language in Novy Russian University in Moscow, and I have a confirming certificate of knowledge of the Russian language, issued by the Peoples' Friendship University.

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Svetlana - French tutor via Skype

Have you decided to learn French via Skype? Congratulations! You will discover the beautiful language, culture of a country with rich traditions and interesting history. Do you already speak French and want to continue learning? There are many modern textbooks for different levels, useful materials on French sites that will help you in your work. Is your goal to obtain DELF, DALF, TEFAQ, etc. diplomas? To do this, you need to know how these exams are organized and the assessment criteria. Required a large number of exercise, only then will you achieve success.

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Elena Vyacheslavovna - teacher of French and English online

My name is Elena Vyacheslavovna, a teacher of English and French. Currently I work as a foreign language teacher. In 2008, she graduated from Moscow State Educational Institution (formerly N.K. Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute), Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, linguist, teacher of English and French. She began working in her second year at the University (in 2004) as a private teacher. I have work experience for almost 12 years.

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Christian Olivier - native French speaker online

BONJOUR!!! My name is Christian Olivier, a native French speaker online, teaching French via Skype. I have a higher pedagogical education in this moment I live and work in Russia. After graduation, he completed a 5-month internship at the College of NOT DAME DE COCODY (COTE DIVOIRE). After practice, he worked as a teacher at the same college for 5 years. I also took a correspondence course in studying the Russian language at the DSTU in Rostov-on-Don, and have a confirming certificate of knowledge of the Russian language issued by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education.

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Irina Sergeevna - English, Spanish, French online

My name is Irina Sergeevna and I teach English, French and spanish languages by Skype. I have a higher pedagogical education - Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University, I specialized in the American version of the English language. After graduation, I worked a little at school, but, having received an invitation to work at a university, I moved to teach at Volgograd State Technical University. There I successfully worked at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​for 12 years, teaching English to future economists, computer scientists, mechanical engineers, physicists, etc.

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Features of learning French on Skype

Distance learning of the French language at a time convenient for you is quite possible today. Thanks to the Internet and Skype, absolutely every PC user has this opportunity. The main thing is to have the desire to study!

Pupils of the school "" learn reading, writing and free conversation in a foreign language. Development curricula takes place under the guidance of experienced French tutors. The school's specialists offer courses for those who want to learn French via Skype, starting from the basics. For people who have previously studied this foreign language, there are programs to improve their proficiency in it.

The school can accommodate people of different age groups and levels of education. An individual approach is applied to each student. Training is conducted using additional materials- books, tests, films, etc. Children's educational programs are special games and competitions. Thanks to such techniques, as well as the use of toys and cartoons, children learn language faster than by simply memorizing words and sentences.

How to choose the right French tutor via Skype?

The success of language acquisition largely depends on the choice of teacher. The following points should be taken into account:

  • The best results are achieved with full psychological compatibility student and tutor. It is difficult to achieve success in an atmosphere of hostility and mistrust. Friendly communication leads to mutual understanding and good learning of the material. An online trial lesson helps determine how pleasant it is to communicate with a given teacher.
  • When choosing a tutor, you need to make sure of his qualifications and work experience. A competently and accurately filled out form indicates the responsibility and high professionalism of the teacher. Useful information You can get information about the teacher by reading student reviews. A specialist who has many positive reviews deserves more trust.
  • The presence of international certificates (CELPE-Bras) and long-term work experience are serious arguments in favor of choosing this candidate as a tutor.
  • Lessons with a tutor who has completed an internship in France or lives there will be much more effective. The level of knowledge acquired by the student depends on the degree of training of the teacher.
  • It is useful to know which age category students were mainly taught by this teacher. It can be very difficult for a tutor who has worked with children for a long time to switch to an adult audience, in which case the training may be ineffective.

Course topics

Each lesson has its own theme, which is taken from real life events. For teenagers, topics are chosen about friendship, the life of animals and plants, travel, and various professions. The topics of educational sessions with adults may be related to the cultural and political life of society. Lessons are taught using game elements, which enlivens communication and helps to reinforce the material well. To monitor the effectiveness of training on online courses special tests are used. It is assumed that knowledge will be assessed at five levels. The higher the level, the better the knowledge of the language being studied.

French Language Levels Division

To choose the right teaching strategy, a specialist needs to assess the student’s language level. This happens during the first introductory online lesson. "French on Skype" is a program designed for children, teenagers and adult audience with different language backgrounds.

Levels of knowledge of the French language are divided into:

  1. "Debutant" - zero level. In this case, students learn the alphabet, phonetics, reading, and the basics of writing. Listeners learn the use of two tenses - future and present;
  2. "Elementaire" - First level. At this level, the past tense is mastered, conversational speech on everyday topics is practiced, and letter writing is taught;
  3. "Intermediaire" - This average level knowledge. The program includes training in formulating one’s thoughts, assessing and describing events occurring in life, and compiling business letters. Thematic dialogues about art, culture, health and sports are held with students;
  4. "Intermediaire plus" - this level is high when interlocutors can communicate easily and discuss a variety of topics. These could be conversations about politics, education, art, medicine, science and technology;
  5. "Avance" - advanced level of language knowledge. Involves fluent conversational speech, reading unadapted literature and printed publications in French.

Price remote lesson French language skills depend on the qualifications of the tutor. For students who have a fairly good command of French and want to improve their language knowledge, lessons with native speakers are possible.