Tutors of all disciplines are taught via Skype. Skype lessons: opportunities for modern tutors. What is required to prepare for lessons via Skype

It’s impossible to imagine without the Internet modern life. We receive news there, order goods, look for services, and communicate. The development of the Internet also influenced methods of obtaining education. It is increasingly common to see the use of Skype for distance learning both adults and schoolchildren. Modern technologies allow a student to prepare for exams and improve their performance, eliminate gaps caused by illness, and much more.

Advantages of distance learning for a child

Online lessons on various school subjects are familiar to many users of the World Wide Web. Communication with a tutor via Skype has a number of advantages:

  • It is possible to choose a tutor that both parents and child will like. The opportunity to choose is provided by trial lessons.
  • The lesson schedule is developed taking into account the child’s employment. Their duration and regularity are determined individually.
  • Since learning takes place at home, in a familiar environment, the child feels more confident. In addition, he is not distracted by others, as happens at school.
  • Some children feel insecure and constrained when communicating with the teacher. The fact that the tutor is at a distance, behind a computer monitor, helps them relax and study much more effectively. Gradually, trust arises and psychological comfort during classes increases.
  • Time and money are saved with distance learning. They do not need to be spent on travel to the place of classes with the teacher. It is located on a personal computer. At the same time, online learning is somewhat cheaper than traditional classes.
  • Individual lessons allow you to choose the optimal program taking into account the personal characteristics of the child.
  • Lessons via Skype are aimed at one child only. The tutor dwells on all the complex and incomprehensible details and works through them. This is not possible with group classes.
  • Thanks to modern technologies Classes can be recorded and reviewed for review purposes.
  • Parents may be present during classes to monitor the quality of education.

What will you need for online lessons?

To study with a tutor via Skype, you will need:

  • Internet connection with good speed and stability;
  • computer;
  • Webcam;
  • headphones and microphone;
  • Skype program and account availability.

Features of studying individual subjects with an online tutor

The modern school program is designed for students with average abilities. In fact, children are different, but the teacher cannot pay attention to each and choose a program in accordance with individual abilities. As a result, most children require tutoring. Talented - to reach new level, obtaining a better quality education, and for those lagging behind to master the school curriculum.

The most difficult subjects in the school curriculum are mathematics, physics and chemistry. These disciplines require mastering theory and then applying it in practice to solve problems and conduct experiments. In classes via the Internet, a tutor is used Additional materials. These are the tables visual aids, interactive board. Laboratory work is required to understand the processes studied in physics and chemistry.

Thanks to the presence of video communication, the teacher not only gives new information, but also controls what the student has written. This allows you to identify difficult moments and sort them out. The material is reinforced using home buildings, which are sent by email. The student completes them, sends them for testing, and then the mistakes made are sorted out.

When studying the Russian language via Skype, schoolchildren perform a variety of tasks to master grammar and other sections. Dictations, crosswords, essays and other forms of work are used. The child learns to express his thoughts correctly.

With distance learning you can short term improve academic performance. This allows the child to increase self-esteem and reveal his abilities. Online classes allow you to effectively prepare for exams and other tests!

We invite you to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, teachers have enormous opportunities to provide tutoring services at a distance (that is, remotely). In particular, not so long ago in our country a type of distance learning appeared: tutoring via Skype, which is becoming more and more popular every day.

Let’s say right away that online tutors, as a rule, are young teachers, since teachers of the “old school” who have behind them long years work, do not trust or simply do not know how to use a computer and modern types software products, and therefore prefer the traditional form of classes (when the student comes to the teacher, or vice versa).

By the way, the services of Skype tutors are also used mainly by young parents who actively use Internet technologies and see advantages in this type of classes. Parents who are far from computers and the Internet believe that virtual classes have more disadvantages than advantages, and real contact between teacher and teacher cannot be replaced by even the most innovative software product.

To find out which of them is right, we suggest you consider all the advantages and disadvantages tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Features of tutoring via Skype

The main difference between tutoring via Skype and traditional types of classes is that conducting lessons is impossible without the use of a computer and modern Internet technologies (in particular, Internet telephony). Therefore, both the teacher and the student must not only sufficiently be computer literate, but also have the appropriate equipment and free access to the Internet (and it is very important that the access be high-speed and stable).

In addition to excellent knowledge of his subject, an online tutor must be fluent in distance learning technologies and take into account psychological characteristics interaction with students at a distance. Practice has shown that keeping a student’s attention remotely is much more difficult than in person. Therefore, the Skype teacher has to be more exciting, build his lessons on a higher emotional level and develop special ways to attract the attention of students.

"Visit" classes with an online tutor both children and elderly people can, and the choice of disciplines that can be studied in this way is practically unlimited. You can easily study on Skype foreign languages(and the teacher can be either a domestic teacher or a native speaker who has sufficient knowledge of Russian) or prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, geography, chemistry, Russian language or literature, having the opportunity to choose a teacher not limited to your city.

Now let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of Skype tutoring.

Benefits of tutoring via Skype

Online training is offered at a lower cost than in-person classes. This advantage is very important for parents of students with low incomes, since for the money that they can pay a “live” tutor in one discipline, online they can “pull up” two or three subjects at once.

No need to waste time on the road. Neither online tutor, neither the student will have to make a long journey there and back. Accordingly, not only energy is saved, but also time. By the way, this allows you to start classes earlier or later than the usual start time for personal meetings.

The choice of a tutor does not depend on geographical location. The teacher may be on the next street, on the other side of the city, or in another country. As long as the computers maintain good communication, distance does not matter.

No discomfort from presence stranger Houses. The arrival of a stranger in the house, as a rule, is associated with a certain discomfort, since it is necessary that one of the adults be present in the house at this time (and this may violate own plans parents), before the visit, we need to put in order all the rooms that the teacher may need (what if he wants to go to the toilet, but it’s not cleaned, what will the teacher think about us), etc. In addition, the presence of an outsider causes psychological discomfort to many people, which can lead to insufficiently productive learning.

No special place for classes is required, so the home of both participants in the process may not be intended for lessons. AND skype-teacher, and the student work in comfortable conditions and surrounded by familiar objects, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of classes.

The tutor can assign several classes to different students with very short intervals between them (usually due to the road this is extremely difficult), and the student has the opportunity to choose a convenient training schedule and intensity of classes.

The ability to record a lesson in sufficiently high quality, which makes it possible, if necessary, to repeat the lesson (for students) or to verify the quality of the tutoring services provided (for parents).

Disadvantages of Skype Tutoring

Difficulties with payment. The child's parents cannot simply hand the online tutor payment in cash. Thus, parents, like the teacher himself, have to use Internet systems for transferring money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, etc.), which is not always convenient. In this case, there is a possibility of deception. When making any financial payments via the Internet, you can run into a scammer or simply not a very respectable person. Moreover, this could be as a student who did not want pay for a tutor, and a teacher who works on a prepaid basis.

It is impossible to monitor the student's work. For almost all subjects, it is very important that the tutor sees how the work is progressing. During a personal meeting, if the teacher has offered the student some task, he carefully observes the entries appearing in the notebook and gives some advice and instructions. He also has the ability to correct something with his hand. With Skype tutoring, this process is quite difficult.

Enough low level preparing teachers for distance learning. Unfortunately, in Russia there are still very few online tutors who understand the specifics distance learning and are fluent in the technologies necessary to conduct online classes. Therefore, today it is quite difficult for our parents to find highly qualified teachers whose teaching will be as effective as possible.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the advantages listed above, we can make a clear conclusion: tutoring via Skype can be a very convenient and profitable solution. True, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to conduct a thorough “casting” of teachers, agree in advance on the method and time of payment, and also discuss the format of the classes. For the most effective lesson, it may be necessary to configure additional devices that transmit information, such as a video camera.

We invite you to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, teachers have enormous opportunities to provide tutoring services at a distance (that is, remotely). In particular, not so long ago in our country a type of distance learning appeared: tutoring via Skype, which is becoming more and more popular every day.

Let’s say right away that online tutors, as a rule, are young teachers, since “old-school” teachers with many years of work behind them do not trust or simply do not know how to use a computer and modern types of software products, and therefore prefer the traditional form of classes ( when a student comes to the teacher, or vice versa).

By the way, the services of Skype tutors are also used mainly by young parents who actively use Internet technologies and see advantages in this type of classes. Parents who are far from computers and the Internet believe that virtual classes have more disadvantages than advantages, and real contact between teacher and teacher cannot be replaced by even the most innovative software product.

To find out which of them is right, we suggest you consider all the advantages and disadvantages tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Features of tutoring via Skype

The main difference between tutoring via Skype and traditional types of classes is that conducting lessons is impossible without the use of a computer and modern Internet technologies (in particular, Internet telephony). Therefore, both the teacher and the student must not only be sufficiently computer literate, but also have the appropriate equipment and free access to the Internet (and it is very important that the access be high-speed and stable).

In addition to excellent knowledge of his subject, an online tutor must be fluent in the technologies of the distance learning method and take into account the psychological characteristics of interaction with students at a distance. Practice has shown that keeping a student’s attention remotely is much more difficult than in person. Therefore, the Skype teacher has to be more exciting, build his lessons on a higher emotional level and develop special ways to attract the attention of students.

"Visit" classes with an online tutor both children and elderly people can, and the choice of disciplines that can be studied in this way is practically unlimited. You can easily learn foreign languages ​​via Skype (and the teacher can be either a domestic teacher or a native speaker with sufficient knowledge of Russian) or prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, geography, chemistry, Russian language or literature, having the opportunity to choose teacher, not limited to the boundaries of his city.

Now let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of Skype tutoring.

Benefits of tutoring via Skype

Online training is offered at a lower cost than in-person classes. This advantage is very important for parents of students with low incomes, since for the money that they can pay a “live” tutor in one discipline, online they can “pull up” two or three subjects at once.

No need to waste time on the road. Neither online tutor, neither the student will have to make a long journey there and back. Accordingly, not only energy is saved, but also time. By the way, this allows you to start classes earlier or later than the usual start time for personal meetings.

The choice of a tutor does not depend on geographic location. The teacher may be on the next street, on the other side of the city, or in another country. As long as the computers maintain good communication, distance does not matter.

No discomfort from the presence of a stranger at home. The arrival of a stranger in the house, as a rule, is associated with a certain discomfort, since it is necessary for one of the adults to be present in the house at this time (and this may violate the parents’ own plans); before the visit, you need to put in order all the premises that may be needed to the teacher (what if he wants to go to the toilet, but it’s not cleaned, what will the teacher think about us), etc. In addition, the presence of an outsider causes psychological discomfort to many people, which can lead to insufficiently productive learning.

No special place for classes is required, so the home of both participants in the process may not be intended for lessons. AND skype-teacher, and the student work in comfortable conditions and surrounded by familiar objects, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of classes.

The tutor can assign several classes to different students with very short intervals between them (usually due to the road this is extremely difficult), and the student has the opportunity to choose a convenient training schedule and intensity of classes.

The ability to record a lesson in sufficiently high quality, which makes it possible, if necessary, to repeat the lesson (for students) or to verify the quality of the tutoring services provided (for parents).

Disadvantages of Skype Tutoring

Difficulties with payment. The child's parents cannot simply hand the online tutor payment in cash. Thus, parents, like the teacher himself, have to use Internet systems for transferring money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, etc.), which is not always convenient. In this case, there is a possibility of deception. When making any financial payments via the Internet, you can run into a scammer or simply not a very respectable person. Moreover, this could be as a student who did not want pay for a tutor, and a teacher who works on a prepaid basis.

It is impossible to monitor the student's work. For almost all subjects, it is very important that the tutor sees how the work is progressing. During a personal meeting, if the teacher has offered the student some task, he carefully observes the entries appearing in the notebook and gives some advice and instructions. He also has the ability to correct something with his hand. With Skype tutoring, this process is quite difficult.

The level of teacher training for distance learning is quite low. Unfortunately, in Russia there are still very few online tutors who understand the specifics distance learning and are fluent in the technologies necessary to conduct online classes. Therefore, today it is quite difficult for our parents to find highly qualified teachers whose teaching will be as effective as possible.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the advantages listed above, we can make a clear conclusion: tutoring via Skype can be a very convenient and profitable solution. True, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to conduct a thorough “casting” of teachers, agree in advance on the method and time of payment, and also discuss the format of the classes. For the most effective lesson, it may be necessary to configure additional devices that transmit information, such as a video camera.

  • Skype program absolutely free
  • Saving travel time
  • You study at a time convenient for you, any day of the week.
  • All classes are strictly individual. The teacher will create an individual curriculum, based on your knowledge, goals and objectives.
  • Preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam


  1. Mathematics (algebra, geometry, stereometry).
  2. Physics
  3. Computer science

What do you need for Skype lessons?

  1. Computer or laptop
  2. Internet
  3. Headset for voice communication (microphone and headphones).

To study with a tutor via Skype, you must have a personal computer with operating system Windows, Linux or MacOs, Internet connection, as well as a headset: microphone, webcam. It is better if the headset is headphones with a microphone.

Buy a high-quality microphone that does not create unnecessary noise.

The microphone built into the laptop is not suitable! Because the cooler creates a lot of extraneous noise and prevents the tutor from concentrating on the learning process. It’s better to buy the cheapest microphone for 100 rubles

What is Skype for? Through the Skype program, you can communicate with other users of this program for free, while paying only for the Internet traffic consumed. Due to the fact that most users in the CIS countries have connected unlimited Internet, then using Skype can be considered free. On Skype There is the possibility of both voice and video communication.

What internet speed is needed for Skype:

For video transmission High Quality on Skype you need a speed of 1.5 Mbit/s.

Microphone and audio output device

To communicate on Skype, you will also need: a microphone and an audio output device. You can output sound either to existing speakers or by purchasing a special headset.


For improvement educational process You may need a remote webcam that can be tilted. Of course, it is not required, but sometimes it helps you learn the material faster because... The student can clearly explain to the teacher where he made a mistake.

When using a modern laptop model, it should have a built-in camera; if you are not satisfied with the quality of its video, then it is better to buy a separate camera.

How to install Skype on your computer

Installing Skype on a computer is free, for some reason many users are concerned about this issue.
You need to download the program installation file, which you can find on the official website: “skype.com/ru”.

Why should you study with a tutor via Skype?

Surely parents of schoolchildren There is a known situation where you have to take a child to another area of ​​the city, a neighboring village to a tutor in any subject so that the child can gain additional knowledge for entering a university or correcting grades.

They also start looking for tutors when a school teacher teaches a subject poorly and the quality of the child’s knowledge leaves much to be desired. In the same time, a large number of experienced institute teachers cannot find additional income and ultimately leave the profession due to low salaries and lack of demand.

But if you look at advertisements on the Internet, you can see a huge number of advertisements for “”, “tutor services via Skype”, etc. Today, many useful sites have been created that organize meetings between students and teachers from different cities. You can endlessly list these resources, but it’s better to say the main thing - the site is one of the best resources: we work only with professional, highly qualified specialists who know their subject perfectly.

If you look at such Internet sites, you can note one feature - the variety of programs that, in their content, go far beyond the school curriculum. As an example, we can cite the following: lessons for university students, services of speech therapists/speech pathologists, psychologists, translators, preparation of preschool children, applicants, preparation programs for the State Examination, Unified State Examination, and entrance exams. In addition, you can work in small groups, where training takes place in the form of an online conference.

Some may find it stupid to study with a tutor via Skype, but for children who are home-schooled or living in remote towns, hamlets, villages, this education system is in a great way improve the quality of knowledge.

The range of offers of tutors via Skype is quite wide, so you should carefully consider choosing a teacher for your child. If you read the resumes of teachers on special resources, you will notice that not all of them carefully fill out the questionnaire. Under no circumstances seek help from a person who has not deigned to provide full information About Me.

Even though the work takes place from home, it must be taken seriously. It is indecent if during a lesson a tear-stained child or a husband or wife runs up to the teacher with questions, then a warning should be given or the teacher who cannot explain to his family that he is at work should be given a warning. The same applies to students: During the lesson nothing should interfere with the learning process, parents should not enter the room and ask extraneous questions. Do not forget that during video sessions the person on the other side of the screen sees not only his interlocutor, but the entire room. Therefore, the environment should be working.

If you decide that this is your option for training, then before looking for a teacher, check the equipment for faults. It is advisable that communication with the tutor take place not only via Skype, but also through other means of telecommunication - email, icq, mail.ru-agent, etc. You must be fluent in all these programs in order to quickly receive advice if necessary.

In order for classes to take place without disruptions or interruptions, you need to have not only the Internet, a laptop or computer, but also something else. In bad weather there may be power outages, so you should protect yourself with an additional power supply. If the power goes out, you can continue learning using two power supplies.

In addition, you need to purchase an additional device to connect to the network. For example, if your Internet is connected via a telephone line, then purchase a flash drive from one of the mobile network operators.

How much can a lesson with a distance tutor cost? The price of one lesson may depend on various factors: the professionalism of the teacher, the complexity of the subject - mathematics, physics, foreign languages ​​always cost more than history, geography, etc. Also, the price depends on the demand of the teacher and his reputation among clients. The more positive reviews you find, the more money you will have to pay for the services of a given teacher, but also the better the end result will be.

Gives the student the same high-quality knowledge base as during face-to-face communication. In addition, the child can study with a teacher at a prestigious metropolitan university, which was previously absolutely impossible. Information technologies open up enormous opportunities for us.

4 letters minimum

We are all accustomed to using Skype to communicate with family and friends from other cities, but the possibilities of using the program are much wider. Why is Skype increasingly used in teaching children and adults? Firstly, it allows both the teacher and the student to save time: each of them is in a convenient place and does not waste time on the road. Secondly, teaching via Skype facilitates the process of studying any subject: you can always ask a question to the tutor and receive additional materials, not just during class. Thirdly, Skype provides the opportunity for communication and work between two people who, without access to the Internet, might never meet: for example, a student has health problems that do not allow him to leave home, or, for example, a lesson is taught by a teacher such qualifications that it is impossible to find a teacher of the same level in your city.

What you need to have at the very beginning for successful teaching on Skype

Daria Rudnik, administrator of the site Distance-teacher.ru, told us about some of the features online learning. A novice tutor must understand that to successfully organize lessons via Skype, you must have high-speed Internet access, a webcam, headphones and a microphone, since ideally this should not be a regular call, but a video call. This type of call is preferable because it allows the information to be presented more clearly and easily, and also facilitates communication between the student and the teacher.

In addition to video communication, you can use chat, that is, a form of text communication, correspondence. For example, in the chat you can write conditions for tasks to be solved, examples. You can attach images: drawings, photographs and formulas. You can also demonstrate the teacher's (student's) screen with open files, most often, presentations.

Additional recommendations for beginning tutors who want to work effectively

At the first lesson, it is important to check the student’s knowledge, the goals of his training, and agree on the schedule and cost of training. In accordance with this, the teacher builds a lesson program.

Training will be more effective if the tutor, when planning his lessons, takes into account the following facts:

  • It is necessary to know the student’s goals and properly motivate him to improve his knowledge.
  • Classes should be systematic: you should not jump from one textbook to another, from one topic to another.
  • The format of the knowledge test must change all the time in order to obtain comprehensive assessment student knowledge: this can be online testing, problem solving, oral questioning, proof of theorems, etc.
  • It is advisable that classes take place 2-4 times a week: this will allow the student to have time to absorb information and at the same time not forget the material covered.
  • It's important to give homework and check the correctness of its implementation: this is necessary to understand whether the student understood the topic discussed.
  • Finally, tutoring implies not only the need to provide knowledge, but also to captivate a person with the discipline being taught: this will allow him to achieve good results with less effort.

It is advisable for beginning tutors to enter into an agreement with students. If this is not possible, it is advisable to teach to trusted people who were recommended by friends and acquaintances. This will allow you to avoid situations of fraud (in particular, those related to the distribution of copyrighted materials on the Internet).

Thus, teaching a particular subject via Skype can be much easier and more convenient than the traditional format of conducting classes. For beginning teachers, working via Skype is a good chance to gain work experience and learn how to flexibly change the teaching system to suit the goals and characteristics of each student.