Child mode from two to three years. What is the best way to organize a two-year-old child's daily routine? Baby mode 2 months

Childhood is one of the most beautiful and difficult periods in a person’s life. During this time, the body goes through dramatic changes, each of which has its own distinctive features. Parents monitor how their one-month-old baby develops day by day, how much sleep he should have, and how to maintain proper routine in the second month of life.

The newborn period, which is given for adaptation to other, extrauterine, living conditions, is replaced by an active leap in physical growth and maturation of the nervous system. In the second month of life, the newborn begins a new stage of development.

How long should a two month old baby sleep?

The second month of a baby’s life prepares new surprises and discoveries for parents. It turns out that the baby is ready to spend much more time in active mode than a month ago. The daily sleep requirement is reduced to 15 (sometimes 16) hours. Experienced mothers know: the sleepy hour is interrupted by multiple feedings. After all, a small stomach can hold a small amount of liquid, so you need to feed often and in small portions. This is especially noticeable at night, when the baby can stay “non-stop” at the breast, feeding while half asleep.

Feeling his mother nearby, the baby sleeps sounder and longer.

Many parents are concerned about the question: how much should a child sleep at night and during the day, what should the daily routine of a two-month-old child be? A newborn does not yet know how to fall into deep sleep. It is mainly of a superficial nature. That's why babies wake up so easily. The duration of sleep for breastfed babies often depends on the presence of the mother nearby. Feeling its smell, they sleep sounder and longer. At 2 months, children sleep twice a day for 1.5 hours, and can nap 2–4 times for 30–40 minutes.

How to teach two-month-old babies to sleep through the night: healthy night sleep

There is a category of babies who sleep much less time than is normal. Sometimes this is due to certain physical problems. But it also happens that the baby is healthy, but sleeps less than the average newborn. In this case, they talk about individual characteristics, which is a variant of the norm.

Sleep plays a special role in the development of a child. Some pediatricians believe that a healthy baby should sleep until he feels hunger or irritating factors (noise, wet diapers, etc.). To regulate the routine of a two-month-old baby and teach him to sleep at night, parents should take care of creating comfortable conditions in the children's room: air temperature 20ºC, normal humidity, absence of dust accumulations (a canopy over the bed, which young mothers like so much, is unnecessary for the child, as is the abundance of soft toys).

A healthy child who develops normally knows how much sleep he needs. It is wrong to wake up a baby just because, in the parents' opinion, it is time for him to do something else - eat, for example. For normal development and normal health, sleep is no less important than food.

How to put to sleep at 2 months

There is no single algorithm of actions: all children are different, so parents watch their baby and look for an individual approach to him. One falls asleep on his own in his crib. For others, it is important to feel the warmth of mom or dad's body. The third requires motion sickness. Natural biorhythms and the nature of family life are taken into account.

There are three main problems that parents face:

  • sleeps only in arms;
  • sleeps poorly at home, but well outside;
  • does not fall asleep without motion sickness.

What to do in the first case? Should it be “hand trained”? Mothers will say yes: you can’t spoil them with attention. If the baby does not want to sleep without his mother, slings (for daytime sleep) and co-sleeping at night come to the rescue. Although the same Komarovsky believes that this is just a habit and the implementation of a natural instinct. You can wean yourself off this in a few weeks.

The sling will help you not to be separated from your mother during naps

Is it necessary to rock the baby? Pediatricians say no. Falling asleep in response to motion sickness is nothing more than a reaction of a weak vestibular apparatus. This is not healthy for the child and exhausts his relatives. It can be very difficult to wean yourself off motion sickness.

Is it worth rocking a baby to sleep? - Doctor Komarovsky - Video

If a child sleeps poorly at home, but well outside, parents should reconsider their regime and plan walks during the children's rest. Sleeping in the fresh air is healthy and convenient. How long a 2-month-old child should walk depends on how he reacts to being outside the home.

In order for the baby to fall asleep at home without any problems, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions:

  • minimum of irritating factors (a working TV in the room is not the best companion for sleeping);
  • comfortable air temperature (better +19ºС than +24ºС);
  • comfortable clothes (no need to wrap up).

How long should a 2 month old baby stay awake per day?

Not all mothers know how much sleep a two-month-old baby should sleep per day. Sometimes the baby reacts restlessly to the parents’ attempts to organize the most comfortable conditions and often wakes up. Or his regime has been violated. Few healthy children at two months can sleep soundly for 5–6 hours a night. After all, until the age of six months, biorhythms are just forming.

The main reasons why a healthy baby often wakes up:

  • long breaks between feedings;
  • colic;
  • overexcitement;
  • the presence of irritating factors (noise, cold, etc.).

It should be taken into account that at 2 months the baby’s sleep pattern looks like this: after falling asleep, the shallow sleep phase lasts 40 minutes. Then the baby wakes up. If there is a mother nearby who can offer him the breast, he immediately falls asleep again and can rest for 4–5 hours (at night). The baby usually wakes up to feed at 4, 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning. If his mother is not nearby, after an hour of shallow sleep he is able to wake up and begin to be active. Getting your baby to sleep again proves to be a difficult task.

When sleeping together, your child falls asleep faster at night

The main reasons why a “problem” baby does not sleep: birth injuries, taking medications, disturbances in the functioning of the body. These may be pathologies of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract or allergies. Experts will help you understand the real reasons.

Approximate daily routine and feeding hours

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby depends on his sleep and feeding patterns. Breastfed babies continue to feed on demand. It is impossible to overfeed with breast milk. Babies on formula eat by the hour. As a rule, they wake up on their own at the right feeding time, so there is no need to specifically wake them up, taking away some of their sleep.

The waking period is the time when parents can do gymnastics, massage, and educational games with the baby. At 2 months, a child can keep his attention on a toy, turn his head towards the sound, and try to hold a rattle.

How to organize walks at this age depends on whether the baby sleeps outside or not. If the baby rests better in the fresh air, it is advisable to shift the time of the walk to his sleep. In summer, a healthy baby can stay in the fresh air all day long. In winter, you need to walk him twice a day for 1.5–2 hours. The only contraindication is air temperature below 5–10ºС (the characteristics of climatic zones are taken into account).

It is better to bathe your baby before bedtime. This helps to relax the nervous system. You can bathe your child during the day. The time is chosen before one of the feedings.

The table shows an approximate schedule for 2 months for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding. The regimen at 2 months of life can be adjusted taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

Table of daily routine options for children from 1 to 3 months

Two month old baby mode

There is no consensus among parents and pediatricians about whether it is necessary to create a strict regime for a child and “drive” his biorhythms into this framework. Soviet pediatricians adhered to the postulate: there should be a regime. Everything happened strictly according to the clock. This was partly due to the regime of working women, who had to leave maternity leave early, leaving their babies in the care of nannies in nurseries. Modern doctors say something different: the baby is able to tell his parents what is best for him. Until six months, his regime is just being formed. All parents have to do is monitor the baby and create a daily routine for a newborn at 2 months to suit his needs.

The 2-month-old bottle-fed regimen is a convenient thing for a mother who can plan household chores. But over time, the baby and mother learn to understand each other and compare their needs so that it is convenient for both. There is no need to reduce your baby's daytime sleep in the hope that he will sleep better at night. You should not specifically wake up your baby for the next feeding. It’s easier to lie down next to him and offer him your breast through sleep.

If “education according to Komarovsky” is closer to you, you can use his advice:

From the moment of birth, the child's regime must be subordinate to the family regime. Prepare for bedtime in advance and prepare your child for it. Determine the time when nighttime sleep begins, and make it a time that is convenient for you! From 21.00 to 5 am? Please! From 23.00 to 7 am? Cheers! Have you chosen? Now try to comply. If you want your child to sleep well at night, avoid excess sleep during the day. Don't be afraid to wake up the sleepyhead! Try to slightly underfeed at the penultimate feeding and feed as satiatingly as possible just before bedtime. Remember: hunger is not the only reason for crying, and do not stop a child’s mouth with food at the first squeak. Overfeeding is the main cause of abdominal pain and related sleep disturbances.

Raising a child is one of the most difficult tasks in a parent's life. Do what is comfortable for your family and baby. This will make everyone calmer. And the calmness of the parents is always transferred to the child.

Julia. Lawyer by training. I have been working as a copywriter for 5 years. More than 3 thousand articles have been written on exchanges and for individual customers. Rate this article:

The daily routine of a baby at two months still continues to be based on the sequence of sleep, feeding and short periods of wakefulness.

The daily routine of a baby in the second month is slightly shifted compared to the first. Conventionally, the time of night sleep increases, the baby now “gets to sleep” longer in the morning, and so mothers also have an excellent opportunity to rest. Breastfeeding infants successfully suck at the breast, and lactation volumes increase. Children on IV also begin to consume more formula compared to the first month. Because of this, the duration of a child’s sleep increases, and for most babies one meal and one episode of sleep are removed from their daily routine.

Approximate daily routine for a 2 month old baby

6:00 feeding, washing, diaper changing
7:30 - 9:30 rest
9:30 - 10:30 feeding
10:30 - 13:00 sleep in the fresh air
13:00 - 14:00 feeding
14:30 - 16:30 dream
16:30 - 17:30 feeding
17:30 - 19:30 dream
19:30 - 20:30 bathing, feeding
20:30 - 6:00 sleep with breaks for feedings

The diet of children in the second month of life varies depending on the method of feeding. It is easier for non-breastfeeding mothers to control the amount of formula their babies eat and, as a rule, such children do not have problems with either weight gain or malnutrition.


Breast milk is not only an ideal nutrition for the baby, it also “supplies” the lactobacteria and bifidobacteria necessary for digestion of food into the baby’s intestines, and gives the immune system antibodies to previous diseases that are present in the mother’s blood. Therefore, it is important to try to maintain lactation and continue to feed the baby milk for as long as possible.

In the second month of life, it is advisable to continue feeding the baby on demand; for most children, such a seemingly free regimen automatically develops into a strict schedule. If the baby has enough milk, he will ask to eat every 3 hours.

Breastfeeding babies should drink about 900 ml of mother's milk per day, that is, about 130 ml at a time with seven feedings. But, of course, when breastfeeding it is impossible to visually assess the amount of nutrition sucked by the baby. If you have scales at home, you can weigh your child before and after meals, finding out how much milk he has eaten. But there are other ways to assess whether a baby has enough nutrition.

  1. Control weigh-ins with a pediatrician will allow you and your doctor to assess your baby’s weight gain.
  2. The length of the break between feedings is one of the main factors by which you can judge whether your baby is full. If he sleeps for about 2.5 - 3 hours, then everything is fine; if he falls asleep for a short time, and then wakes up screaming, greedily falling to his chest, it will immediately become clear to you that the child is not getting enough.
  3. The duration of feeding will also allow you to assess whether the baby has enough nutrition for breastfeeding. On average, a normal full feeding takes about 20 minutes. During this time, the baby drinks the sweet, thin “front” milk and gets to the nutritious, thick “hind” milk. If the baby drops the breast five minutes after the start and falls asleep, it means he only sucked the first portion, which is of no benefit to the baby’s body and is quickly digested. In order for the baby to be satisfied, in this case, you should temporarily express the “foremilk” before feeding, so the baby will receive only nutritious fluid, which will saturate him and enrich his growing body.
  4. The sufficiency of the mother's milk consumed by the baby can be judged by the frequency and volume of urination. If there is enough nutritional fluid, the baby will wet the diapers 12-15 times a day.

Artificial mixture

Artificial dieters are initially required to follow a strict diet by the hour. This is due to the fact that the mixture is very nutritious, and its age-recommended volumes are quite enough to saturate the baby. Its digestion and assimilation takes quite a long time, so, as a rule, babies on IV do not have problems maintaining their daily routine. In the second month of life, the intervals between feedings in artificial babies are 4 hours.

Children in the second month of life should be given the mixture 5-6 times a day; its volume, depending on the baby’s appetite, ranges from 120 to 140 ml. Exceeding the recommended number of feedings and volume should only occur on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

What to do if you deviate from the schedule?

Since the lactation process should already be established, in case of minor disruptions it would be better to try to adhere to a strict schedule. A constant regimen is very beneficial for the body, so there is no need to feel sorry for the baby.

  1. If your baby wakes up a little early and starts crying, try to distract him with toys, carry him around the apartment in your arms, and do gymnastics with him.
  2. if the baby is fast asleep, although feeding time has already arrived, wait 10 minutes, and then gently wake him up, wash his eyes so that the remnants of sleep are removed from them, and feed him.

Sleep is very important for babies. If a baby gets enough sleep, he has enough strength to learn new motor skills. Quality sleep promotes active development, good appetite and good mood in the baby.

In the second month of life, the baby should sleep at least 16 hours, waking up for feedings and staying awake for about an hour. Since sleep is a physiological necessity, a well-fed and healthy baby should fall asleep on its own, without the participation of a pacifier, rocking or stroking.

In the second month, a child on breastfeeding should sleep from 2.5 to 3 hours, an artificial one will rest longer from 3 to 3.5 hours.

Sleep disturbances in the second month of life in a baby occur due to:

  • insufficient active wakefulness;
  • excessively dry, humid, hot or cold air at home;
  • noisy environment in the apartment;
  • bright light;
  • intestinal colic;
  • discomfort caused by wet diapers, hunger, gas.

Sometimes trouble sleeping in two-month-old babies can be explained by birth injuries or excessive excitability when the child reacts to the slightest noise.

Before you worry that your child is not sleeping well due to possible pathologies of the development of the nervous system, try to exclude other irritants:

  1. After eating, hold the baby upright until the air swallowed during sucking comes out of his stomach.
  2. The waking period should be as active as possible; before meals, do gymnastics with your baby, give him a massage, and after that, play with him or carry him around the apartment.
  3. Ventilate the room before going to bed and try to take your baby for walks in the fresh air more often.
  4. Regularly inspect your baby's crib and remake it so that the oilcloth and sheets do not form folds that could cause discomfort to the child.
  5. Curtain the window during the day and turn on a dim nightlight in the evening.
  6. Ask loved ones to be quiet while the baby is resting.
  7. During the day you can sleep next to the baby, so the baby will sleep more soundly, and you yourself will rest.


In the second month of the baby’s life, the duration of walks should increase.

  1. Summer walks should last at least 1.5 hours at a time. It is better to go out into the fresh air 2-3 times a day and walk in the shade, in a quiet place before 11 and after 16 hours.
  2. In winter, the number and duration of walks will vary depending on weather conditions. It’s better not to take risks and not go outside with your baby if it’s less than -10 degrees outside. If you need to get somewhere, don't be afraid. Some experts believe that cold air promotes hardening, strengthens the body's protective functions, and recommend going outside with the baby in any weather for at least 10 minutes.

If the baby does not sleep during a walk, take him out of the stroller and show him the surroundings. But try not to pick him up when he cries, otherwise later your walks will turn into a nightmare, and you will be forced to carry the baby and push the stroller. When a child wakes up from sleep and begins to be capricious, try to calm him down; if all else fails, go home.

In the second month of life, the duration of bathing increases to 15 minutes. Now you can already draw water into a regular bath and purchase a special circle for your neck for the procedures. This accessory will not only free up the mother’s hands, but will also help tone and strengthen absolutely all the muscles of the baby.

Having acquired conditional freedom of action, the baby will begin to receive great pleasure from bathing. After such active exercises in water, the baby will fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. In addition, water aerobics perfectly increases the appetite of infants.

  1. You need to wash your baby with shampoos and foams once a week.
  2. If your baby has any skin irritation or diaper rash, you can add infusions of soothing herbs and oak bark to the water.
  3. In case of excessive excitability or after a busy day, neurologists recommend bathing the baby in water with the addition of pine extracts, which will calm the baby and make his sleep sounder.

Caring for a two-month-old baby may include removing seborrheic crusts from the baby’s head. Once a week, before bathing with shampoo, you will need to soften the formations on the skin using salicylic ointment or vegetable oil, and then, gently rubbing them with a sponge, remove them from the baby’s head.

Gymnastics and massage

In the second month of life, you should continue to strengthen your baby's neck muscles by placing him on his tummy before feeding. Such exercises also help the baby pass gas. Stroking the tummy will help reduce pain from colic.

Now you should continue to do gymnastics with your baby, which is designed to reduce muscle tone:

  1. Place the baby on his back and alternately raise and lower his arms.
  2. Next, lift the handles at the same time.
  3. Spread your baby's arms to the sides and then cross them over his chest.
  4. While holding your baby’s heels, do the “bicycle” exercise.
  5. Bend the baby's legs at the knees and pull them towards the baby's tummy.
  6. Placing your palm under the feet of the lying baby, lightly press on the lower limbs, provoking the baby to push off from the support.

Continue to give your baby a gentle stroking massage in the second month of life.

Communication and games

Since in the second month the baby’s hearing and vision organs begin to function better, you should train them with the help of games.

  • Move bright objects at a distance of 30-40 cm from the baby’s eyes, provoking him to follow their movement;
  • hang large toys of simple colors on the arc, looking at which the child will learn to focus on objects;
  • when playing with your baby, use rattles that make different and pleasant sounds;
  • talk to the baby, approaching the crib or stroller from different sides and watch whether he turns his head in the direction of the sound;
  • place toys made of different materials into your baby’s hand, this will develop his tactile sensations and grasping skills;
  • placing the baby on his tummy, you can place a bright toy in the child’s field of vision so that, while holding his head, he can focus on it;
  • The baby may already like simple finger games; play “magpie-white-sided” with your little one.

The duration of such activities should not exceed 15-20 minutes, otherwise the baby will become overexcited, have difficulty falling asleep and sleep lightly.

In the first month, alone with the child, the parents got used to new responsibilities, were worried, looked closely at every fold on the skin and every spot on the body, and shuddered at every sound from the baby.

The first four weeks of the baby’s life have passed, many things have become familiar and not so scary, now it’s time to master the baby’s routine at 2 months, which will not change much, but certain trends will appear that are associated with a slight decrease in the amount of sleep time and an increase in wake time.

As with the one-month baby regimen, the baby needs restful sleep in a comfortable environment, adequate nutrition, attentive attention, contact with the mother, patience and love of both parents.

Main operating points

Children of the same age, as a rule, live according to completely different regimes. But the main points should be present in the daily routine of any child. Most often, it is the child who chooses the time, and the mother has to adapt to him. However, all procedures necessary for a baby at 2 months must be carried out. It is the parents' responsibility to take care of this.

Regular moments for a 2-month-old baby include:

  • Feeding;
  • Wakefulness;
  • Walk;
  • Bathing and hygiene procedures;

Sample routine from the manual:

The following graph is presented on various websites on the Internet:

6:00-7:30 Wakefulness
7:30-9:30 Dream
9:30 Feeding
9:30-11:00 Wakefulness
11:00-13:00 Dream
13:00 Feeding
13:00-14:30 Wakefulness
14:30-16:30 Dream
16:30 Feeding
16:30-17:30 Wakefulness
17:30-19:30 Dream
19:30-20:00 Wakefulness
20:00 Feeding
20:00-21:30 Wakefulness
21:30-23:30 Dream
23:30 Wakefulness
23:30-06:00 Sleep (feeding on demand)

This graph is quite common and you can see it on most websites, but it raises many questions. From the experience of my own children, I can say that the difference of 3.5 hours between feedings is too big. If feeding occurs on demand, then the schedule becomes somewhat different and often fluctuates quite seriously. The question also arises regarding night sleep; not one of our children did without night feeding, and in this schedule the baby sleeps for 6.5 hours without a break.

With our first baby, we tried to adapt to all these schedules and modes that are on the Internet., but in the end we lived according to a schedule that developed naturally. If the baby wanted to eat, then he was fed, if he wanted to sleep, then he slept. It is always clear from a baby that he wants to sleep, eat or play, especially at that age. Below is a sample schedule that developed for our two breastfed children.

Real life graph:

6:00-7:00 A wakefulness that lasts approximately 60 minutes
7:00-9:30 Sleep that lasts about 2.5 hours
9:30 Feeding after sleep
9:30-10:30 Wakefulness
10:30 Feeding smoothly transitioning into sleep;
10:30-13:00 Dream
13:00 Feeding after sleep
13:00-14:30 Wakefulness
14:30 Feeding gradually transitions into sleep
14:30-17:00 Dream
17:00 Feeding after sleep
17:00-18:00 Wakefulness
18:00-19:30 Dream
19:30 Feeding after sleep
19:30-21:00 Wakefulness, massage and bathing
21:00 Feeding that turns into sleep
21:00-00:00 Dream
00:00 Night feeding
00:00-03:00 Dream
03:00 Night feeding
03:00 - 06:00 Dream

The daily routines characteristic of a 2-month-old child from the manual and from real life were described above. I would like to immediately make a reservation that both schedules are approximate and are given only so that the mother can orient herself in the duration of sleep, the frequency of feedings and wakefulness.

All babies are different and may require feeding at different times, go to bed differently and wake up differently.

Please note evening times are closer to 20:00. This period of wakefulness is reserved for bathing the baby and massage, then feeding turns into sleep. Some children are put to sleep by rocking, some children fall asleep on their own, but most children fall asleep only at their mother's breast. In our family, we rocked the first child in our arms, and the second always fell asleep on his own.

If we look closely at the graph, we will see that compared to the baby’s routine in the first month of life, sleep intervals are reduced, and wakefulness time gradually increases and lasts from 1 hour to 1.5 hours (including feeding). This trend will continue. The older the child, the less he sleeps and the more he is awake.

Games for a 2 month old baby

At two months old, you can play simple games with your child that stimulate his development:

  1. Visual;
  2. Auditory;
  3. Physical;
  4. Mental.

For visual development, take a bright rattle. It is better if it is yellow, red or a combination of these two colors and white. Move it away from the baby's eyes to a distance of more than 30 cm. Shake the rattle and move it from side to side. The child will follow the rattle, focusing his gaze - this is an excellent training for the eye muscles and attention.

To develop auditory perception, you can play this game with your child. Take a bell with a gentle sound and start ringing. First near one ear, then near the other, then right in front of the baby. He will look for the source of the sound, turning in one direction or another.

In the second month of a baby’s life, it is important to stimulate his physical development. Place the baby on his tummy and roll a bright ball in front of his eyes. The child will try to raise his head, which develops the neck muscles.

Take an interesting bright toy and place it close to the child. He must see the toy. The baby will try to reach her. This stimulates motor activity and muscle development. Then give him a toy in his hand so that he can touch it and understand that his efforts are rewarded.

If before the mother swaddled the baby, now it’s definitely time to change him into rompers.

Personal experience

For a two-month-old baby, the most important thing is that his mother is nearby. When you do something with your baby, always talk through the process itself. For example: “Here you and I are going for a swim, but first we’ll change the diaper.” It is important for the baby to feel his mother’s warmth, to hear his mother’s voice - this is the most important thing.

There are numerous studies that indicate that the development of a baby at this age depends most of all on the amount of attention, warmth and love that he receives from his mother.

Maintaining a strict regime with a child is quite difficult. It will always float and the child is not a robot to always sleep exactly two hours or exactly three. The baby's sleep and mood may depend on the weather, which also makes adjustments to the daily routine.

Listen to your inner feelings, be sensitive to the needs of the baby and you will always make the right decision on how to adjust the daily routine according to the circumstances, if any arise.

Psychomotor development of a child at this age

A child of two months already smiles not only in his sleep, but also consciously smiles in response to positive emotions and the friendly tone of loved ones.

The child's facial expressions become richer. He winces, grimaces, frowns, smiles, carefully examines objects, and clearly fixes his gaze. The eyes may still squint to the side, since the eye muscles are not yet sufficiently formed.

The child often looks at the light source (chandelier, window). To save your eyes, it is better to replace central bright lighting with several sources of diffused light. Periodically change the position of the head end of the crib so that torticollis does not form when he looks in one favorite direction (usually a window).

It is already clearly visible that the child listens to new sounds. Hearing a sound, for example, someone's voice, he first freezes - assesses the general situation - and then turns his head towards the source of the sound. During this period, it is already noticeable that the baby recognizes sounds. For example, you can observe a revival syndrome when his motor activity increases in response to his mother’s familiar voice.

At two months old, a child begins to pronounce the first simple sounds, elongating the vowels a-a-a, u-u-a. Do not be alarmed if you notice that he is actively groaning, this is normal for this age period.

The movements of a two-month-old baby become more active, but still remain chaotic. At this time, the temporary physiological muscle tone gradually passes, the child unclenches his fists and actively grabs everything that is close to the handle (mother’s hair, diaper).

At this time, the baby gets acquainted with his arms and legs and carefully examines them. Actively pulls his fists into his mouth and can suck fingers. He keeps his head upright more and more confidently. Lying on his stomach, the baby is able to lift and hold his head for some time.

At this time, the reflexes of the newborn baby fade away, but the reflexes of support, crawling, and automatic walking still remain.

Bathing the baby

As mentioned above, a child at this age needs to be bathed every day. You can bathe in herbs (chamomile, string) - this is an excellent prevention of diaper rash and skin irritation. But you shouldn’t use soap more than once a week. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, and the room temperature should be 23-24 degrees.

While swimming, you need to hold your head above the water to prevent water from getting into your ears, and it’s impossible to do everything quickly with one hand. And the child should be given time to get used to the water and relax while swimming. A moistened diaper covers the baby's body and prevents liquid from evaporating from the surface of the body. The more fluid evaporates, the more the skin cools.

The child's skin is very sensitive, vulnerable and dry, so it may peel off during this period. In this regard, you can use oil to moisturize your skin after bathing. After bathing, you need to wipe all the folds dry, apply cream or powder, give it time to absorb and only then put on the diaper.

For many babies of this age, the skin behind the ears gets wet. Try to rinse such areas with clean water several times a day, then pat dry with a swab or gauze, and then sprinkle with powder. It is recommended to choose a powder containing zinc oxide and without fragrances.

You must decide for yourself whether to bathe your baby in the evening or in the morning, since this procedure can affect his mood in different ways. Some people find bathing invigorating, while others find it difficult to dress because the baby falls asleep on the go.


The walk should be organized so that the child is outside during sleep, and spends his waking hours in the house. It is not entirely correct to go for a walk once a day for 3-4 hours. It is better to walk 2-3 times a day for one to two hours. In the summer, you need to walk before 11 o’clock in the afternoon and after 16-17 o’clock, that is, avoid the sun. In winter, you can also walk several times a day, but when the air temperature is below 10 degrees below zero, you should postpone the walk. A walk in winter should not last more than an hour.

How to dress your baby for a walk? There are several rules for parents: in summer - one clothes, in spring and autumn - two clothes, in winter - three; or dress your baby as yourself - plus one more outfit. A child is not a cabbage, he does not need 7 clothes, because of which his movements are constrained and his body becomes numb.

There are different outerwear and different blankets in the stroller, so check whether the baby is comfortable in such clothes. Run your finger under the cap. If the head is sweaty, then you dressed the baby too warmly. A cold nose, ears and cheeks during a walk indicate that he is cold.

Natural feeding and the issue of milk shortage

During this period, you can adhere to the breastfeeding regimen on demand, but the need to switch to a feeding regimen every 2-2.5 hours is just around the corner.

Often mothers, when feeding on demand, cannot clearly understand whether the baby has enough milk. So, with the transition to a feeding schedule by the hour, if the mother lacks milk, a pattern of decreasing intervals between feedings will be clearly visible. Feeding by the hour will also allow mom to plan some “me time.”

The issue of lack of breast milk during this period is very relevant, since it is from the third to the sixth week that many women experience a lactation crisis. This is a temporary (usually 3-4 days) decrease in milk production, when mommy may feel that the milk is not coming in as much as before, there is no tingling feeling, and the breasts are not as dense as before.

And the child, accordingly, during such a crisis does not eat enough, is capricious, and literally “hangs on his chest.” During this period, the mother needs to maximize the amount of water she drinks (drink 2.5-3 liters of liquid) and rest, with which her close people should help her.

Normally, at 2 months, a child eats 6-9 times a day. Long breaks during the day (more than 4 hours) should not be taken. If he sleeps for so long, then you can wake him up. But night breaks are acceptable, and there is no need to wake up the baby at night to feed.

Now the child should eat 120-150 ml per feeding. The total amount of food per day should be calculated from the age of two to four months as 1/6 of the baby’s body weight (800-1000g).

Why should a breastfeeding mother be given these numbers? If a mother suspects that her milk is not enough, then she can express the milk and see its volume or conduct a control weighing (weigh the baby before and after feeding on an accurate medical scale).

Features of the daily routine during artificial feeding

The intervals between feedings in bottle-fed children are approximately 3-3.5 hours. The bottle and nipple must still be sterilized before each use. The finished mixture should not be stored for more than an hour. Thus, prepare the milk formula immediately before feeding.

Mixed feeding

If you already know for sure that you do not have enough breast milk, and you supplement your baby with formula, then this type of feeding is called mixed. The mixture should be given only after breastfeeding, and not vice versa. Another possible option is when you alternate breastfeeding and formula feeding.

You will determine experimentally how much supplemental formula your child will need. That is, prepare the amount of milk formula with a reserve and be guided by how much the child eats on average. And subsequently you will determine how much milk he lacks, how much nutrition he needs to add with the mixture.


During this period, children still often burp. But regurgitation in a volume of no more than 2-3 tablespoons, not after every feeding and in which the child is gaining weight well, should not cause concern for parents.

Following simple feeding rules (correct position at the breast, correct grip of the nipple in the baby's mouth, vertical position and rest after feeding) will help you avoid troubles associated with excess air in the baby's stomach and intestines.


During this period, the child may poop up to 8 times a day, or not poop at all during the day. You have already had enough time over the previous two months to determine the frequency and consistency of stool that is characteristic of your child. And if something changes for no apparent reason, it is better to consult a doctor.

Prevention of rickets

During this period, it is imperative to know the first manifestations of rickets in order to pay attention to them and not miss the onset of the disease. Pay attention to the child's sweating, especially when feeding, baldness at the back of the baby's head, tearfulness, restless behavior while awake and restless sleep.

In our geographic latitude, all children are recommended to take a prophylactic dose of vitamin D3 in a dose of 500 IU from September to April. You can start taking this vitamin from the 3rd week of life once a day. It is advisable to do this at the same time, for example, after swimming - this way you will definitely not forget to take the vitamin.

Massage becomes more varied

Massaging a baby at two months is already much more varied than just stroking at one month.

You can start with the face: stroke the baby’s forehead, cheeks, chin, and eyebrows.

At this age, you need to pay special attention to the child’s arms, in particular, his palms. You should try to straighten your still clenched fists by taking your palm in your hands and using your thumb, draw a circle in the baby’s palm 3-5 times. Such sessions of relaxing the muscles of the hand have a good effect on the development of tactile sensitivity and the development of parts of the brain responsible for the development of speech.

Massage each baby's finger in the direction from the nail to the base 2-3 times. The movements in this case are similar to those when you pull and scroll the thread between the pads of your index finger and thumb. You can also carefully take each finger in turn by the nail phalanx and guide it, describing a circle in the air. Then, using stroking movements, move along the baby's arm towards the shoulder. Repeat the same with the other handle.

At the age of two months, you can perform several gymnastic exercises with the baby’s hands. You need to take the child by the arms so that your thumbs are in his palms. Then spread the arms apart, and then bring them together on the baby’s chest. Repeat 3-5 times.

A foot massage begins with the feet. Apply pressure to the pads of your baby's fingers and the base of each finger. Draw a figure eight across the entire foot 3-5 times. Gently bring and abduct the toe of the foot towards the shin and back, supporting the leg in the ankle joint three times on each side.

Then move with stroking movements to the baby’s lower leg, thigh and buttocks. Make all massage movements from the periphery to the center. The inner thigh and kneecap should not be massaged; avoid these places. To prevent hip dysplasia, spread your legs, bent at the knee and hip joints, into a “frog position” 3-5 times.

You need to massage your tummy clockwise. Using light stroking movements, draw a circle around the navel 3-5 times. If the umbilical wound has healed completely, in addition to preventing an umbilical hernia, you can easily pinch the skin around the navel 1-2 times, in the corners of an imaginary square, the walls of which are located 1-2 cm from the navel.

You can read more about massage for colic here:

Stroke your baby's chest from the lower edge of the sternum (xiphoid process) to the shoulder 3-5 times, avoiding the breast area.

Place the baby on his tummy. By the way, you should try to lay the baby out like this before each feeding - this is an excellent prevention of intestinal colic and umbilical hernia in the baby. And if you also bring your bent legs to your stomach so that the baby’s butt “looks” up, then in this position you are guaranteed to hear that the gas trucks have long wanted to get out. This means that after feeding they will not distend the baby’s tummy so much.

In this position, a two-month-old child can hold his head elevated for several tens of seconds. You can encourage this by placing colorful toys in front of him. This way the child will become interested and hold his head up longer. Maybe he will even try to grab these toys.

For a child lying on his stomach, stroke his back from top to bottom or bottom to top. You can also add oblique strokes to the spine (herringbone), if the child is comfortable lying for such a long time, and he does not protest against it. The spine itself cannot be massaged. The massage should end with light stroking of the entire body.

What will contribute to the baby's development at this time?

A child at this age fixes his gaze well, so it’s time to attach a mobile to the crib, which will entice the baby not only with the brightness of the color, but also with the variety of shapes and music. It should be hung at eye level with the baby in the crib so that the child has the opportunity to touch it, but not tear it off. Otherwise, the fall of such a structure can greatly frighten the child.

It is important to develop the child’s tactile senses at this time. To do this, place alternately cold and warm, soft and hard, smooth and rough objects in his hands. Rolling a ball with soft spikes over the palm and foot is very useful and kids enjoy it.

Getting ready to visit the clinic

Every month, at a doctor’s appointment, the baby is weighed and his height is measured. In the second month, a child should gain an average of 800 g in weight, but may gain as much as 1000 g.

At two months, the national vaccination calendar includes vaccination against hepatitis B and pneumococcal infection. Even at this time, you will receive, as planned, a referral for general clinical tests (blood and urine tests) and a referral for consultation with specialized specialists (neurologist, surgeon). It is important to do this before three months, since you will have a very serious combined vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio at three months.

Caring for a child requires parents to be inquisitive, to be aware of all the nuances and latest trends in the upbringing and development of children at any age. On our website you will find a lot of useful information that will allow you to live through this anxious time without fear and without worrying that you don’t know something about your little ones.

This topic was discussed for you by a practicing pediatrician and two-time mother Elena Borisova-Tsarenok and father of two children Mikhail Gavrilov.

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby should consist of the correct sequence of sleep, feeding and periods of wakefulness, alternating with the implementation of mandatory hygiene procedures.

Approximate (!) daily routine for a breastfed baby

  • 6:00 First feeding, morning hygiene procedures (changing a diaper, washing, cleaning the nasal passages, trimming nails. We read about the hygiene of newborn children);
  • 7:30-9:30 Morning dream;
  • 9:30-11:00 Waking up, placing the baby on the tummy (how to properly place the baby on the tummy). Second feeding (the newly fed baby must be held in a “column” to prevent regurgitation). We are going for a walk;
  • 11:00-13:00 Daytime sleep. Better while walking;
  • 13:00-14:30 Third feeding;
  • 14:30-16:30 Dream;
  • 16:30-17:30 Fourth feeding. Developmental activities: manipulations with a rattle, fixation of the gaze on the toy, accompanied by songs, rhymes, nursery rhymes;
  • 17:30-19:30 Dream;
  • 19:30-21:00 Fifth feeding. Hygiene procedures: bathing the child (if the room temperature is not lower than 22 degrees, you can take your time dressing the newly bathed baby, giving him the opportunity to be naked for five minutes);
  • 21:00-23:30 Dream;
  • 23:30-00:00 Sixth feeding;
  • 00:00-6:00 Night sleep. It is this time interval that is considered ideal for a two-month-old baby to rest at night, but, as a rule, the baby wakes up at night, sometimes even more than once - you should not refuse to feed him.

You can download a sample daily routine from our Yandex.Disk -

More daily routine options for children from 1 to 3 months:

This routine can be adjusted to take into account the individuality of the baby.. Frail babies often need more sleep. You can accommodate a child who is hungry ahead of schedule (15-20 minutes doesn’t solve anything). Sleep time also undergoes exactly the same adjustment: a capricious and overtired baby can be put to bed earlier, and a sound sleeper can be allowed to sleep a little more.

However, all this concerns only minor deviations from the schedule we have presented. Some young mothers, who do not know how to correctly interpret their baby’s behavior, begin to adapt to his every dissatisfied squeak. As a result, the schedule of feeding, sleep and wakefulness gets confused, giving way to unsystematicity and chaos.

Even if there are some deviations in the child’s behavior(for example, he may confuse the time of day, staying awake at night and sleeping during the day), they can and should be arranged. If this is not done on time, excessive maternal compassion will lead to the child’s incorrect behavior becoming the norm, making the organization of the family structure inconvenient for the rest of the family.

About the daily routine of an artificial baby

The daily routine of a 2-month-old baby fed with artificial formula will be slightly different than for a baby receiving breast milk. This is explained by the longer (compared to breast milk) absorption of the artificial product. In this regard, the breaks between feedings should be at least four hours, so the artificial feeding schedule will be as follows: 6:00 | 10:00 | 14:00 | 18:00 | 22:00 | 2:00

As for the periods of wakefulness and sleep, they remain the same as for infants feeding on mother's milk. Depending on the individual characteristics of each child’s body, some minor adjustments may be made to this regimen.

About the importance of sleep

The quality of sleep determines the physical and emotional state of the baby. If he slept well, it means he will have enough strength to actively perceive the world, play and communicate with loved ones, as well as an excellent appetite. A child who does not get enough sleep will be apathetic and capricious.

A two-month-old baby should sleep at least 16 hours a day, and a falling asleep baby does not need any rocking or stroking. If he is healthy, fed and put to bed on time, there should be no problems with falling asleep, because he needs sleep physiologically.

If sleep disturbances do exist in a 2-month-old baby, you need to figure out what is the cause of this unnatural phenomenon. Your baby may have trouble sleeping due to:

  • insufficient activity during waking hours;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system, which reacts sensitively even to weak stimuli (for example, light in the next room falling into the child’s field of vision);
  • consequences of birth trauma (this kind of anxiety is noted until about three months of age);
  • feelings of discomfort (uncomfortable bed, wet diapers, feelings of hunger or overeating);
  • too bright light;
  • noisy environment;
  • increased humidity or dry air;
  • violations of the temperature regime in the children's room (the optimal temperature is considered to be from 20 to 24 degrees);
  • abdominal pain.

We also read about how much time a newborn baby sleeps during the day - Babies accustomed to being rocked in their arms may experience great difficulty falling asleep. Having found out the cause of the sleep disorder, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it (allow the baby to move while he is awake, create a calm environment before bed: mute the TV volume, do not allow other family members to talk loudly in the room where the baby is sleeping). The main factor contributing to the normalization of sleep is putting the baby to bed at the same time. Once he gets used to the routine, he will begin to fall asleep on his own.

Sleep organization

To sleep, the child should have a comfortable crib with a firm, elastic mattress (how to choose a mattress) and a flat pillow. In order for your baby to get a good night's sleep, it is necessary to create optimal conditions:

  • ventilate the children's room well;
  • remake the crib, making sure that the sheet does not form folds that could cause discomfort;
  • if the room is on the sunny side, it is necessary to shade the window;
  • change a diaper or nappy before going to bed;
  • feed the baby.

Since a two-month-old baby still needs close contact with his mother, he feels her absence even in his sleep. The sleep of a baby placed in a crib is characterized by short duration and intermittency. Many mothers notice this when they briefly leave the room where their baby is sleeping.

A completely different situation is observed if the mother is nearby: the baby sleeps soundly and for a long time. That is why pediatricians advise nursing mothers not to take their baby off the breast during feeding during the day, but to lie down next to him for about forty minutes. The benefit turns out to be two-sided: the mother gets the opportunity to relax and take a break from household chores, and the baby gains strength for the next wakefulness.

A bathing procedure before feeding your baby can make your night's sleep longer and more complete.

Many mothers are interested in the question of the advisability of swaddling a two-month-old baby before bed. In previous years, this manipulation was considered mandatory. Modern pediatricians are of the opinion that it is not at all necessary. The exception is when the baby sleeps restlessly, flapping its arms. Sometimes loose swaddling helps solve this problem.

Features of feeding

The ideal option for the proper development of a baby is breastfeeding, since mother's milk is perfectly absorbed by the child's body and contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies that protect the child from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

The nuances of breastfeeding

The most physiological is considered to be a free breastfeeding regime, when the baby gets access to mother's milk “on demand.” Demanding crying or restlessness shown by your baby are indicators that he is hungry.

Despite the seeming spontaneity of this approach, it turned out that the baby needs to eat every three hours during the day and four at night, so this completely coincides with the daily routine recommended by modern pediatricians.

This is exactly the feeding regimen that most experienced mothers practice, arguing that it not only satisfies the psychological and physiological needs of the baby, but also minimizes the risk of milk stagnation (lactostasis). Babies who receive breastfeeding on demand practically do not cry, because they feel not only fullness, but also a state of serenity and comfort, close to what they experienced during intrauterine development.

The daily requirement of breast milk for a two-month-old baby is approximately 900 ml (single dose - 130 ml). How to monitor whether the baby is receiving the required amount? The length of time it stays at the breast can serve as a guide. The average duration of one feeding is twenty minutes(the most active and strong babies are able to get enough in a quarter of an hour). Read in detail about how much breast milk or formula a baby should eat -

There are children who turn away from the breast after just five minutes. This moment is clearly not enough to saturate the child. This is usually done by weakened infants who feed exclusively on “light” milk, which enters their mouths without the slightest effort on their part. When this “feed” stops, they stop sucking. To get the little sloth to eat properly, experts recommend that mothers express the first portion of milk. Then the baby will suck exactly as much as he is supposed to.

However, with this feeding option, the baby may experience a lack of fluid, since the “front” milk contains more liquid, and the “hind” milk contains more fat. To eliminate the possibility of such an imbalance, the mother should consult a pediatrician - he will help her choose the necessary feeding tactics.

It is also undesirable to hold the baby at the breast for too long. For some babies, feeding takes about an hour. After eating for the first twenty minutes, they simply hold the nipple in their mouth, occasionally sucking on it. Mothers of such babies should be aware that this can affect the condition of the nipples.

Due to constant mechanical stress, cracks can form on them, which can cause extremely painful sensations during each feeding. To prevent this, you should carefully remove the nipple from the mouth of an already saturated baby.

Another indicator of the sufficiency of breastfeeding is the number of wet diapers and diapers soiled by the baby. A two-month-old baby, receiving a sufficient amount of mother's milk, urinates 12 to 15 times a day. The stool pattern may vary. Some babies poop after each feeding, others have stools from two to four times a day: this is also considered the norm (artificial babies do this less often - no more than one or two times a day).

We also read: important tips for mothers on proper breastfeeding

About feeding artificial animals

Formula-fed babies are fed only at certain hours. This is a necessary measure, due to the fact that in order to digest an artificial mixture, although it is analogue of mother's milk, but slightly different from it in composition and beneficial properties, it requires more time.

Two-month-old infants are fed with adapted milk formula number 1. The number of feedings (5-6 times) and the volume of one serving (120-140 ml) is indicated on each package. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage and number of feedings. Premature babies and very low birth weight infants are on a special feeding regimen, which is monitored and prescribed by a pediatrician.

If during breastfeeding the baby is given drinking water only on especially hot days - to quench his thirst (mother's milk is both drink and food for him), then for artificial babies it is absolutely necessary. Drinking water must be given to artificially-fed babies in the pauses between feedings.

Despite the fact that artificial babies are fed from a bottle, mothers should feed them not in the crib, but by holding them in their arms: this is how much-needed physical contact is achieved with the person they love most.

After feeding babies (both infants and artificial babies), it is necessary to hold them in an upright position for three minutes, allowing the portion of air that has entered the stomach to leave it. The presence of profuse (“fountain”) belching is a reason to contact a pediatrician, since this may indicate certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of wakefulness

2 months is the time when the baby begins to pay attention to the world around him. If earlier his awakenings were associated only with the need to refresh himself, now he is able to stay awake for an hour and a half.

As the baby develops psycho-emotionally and mentally, his activity also increases. Having felt the ability to control muscles (due to the weakening of the flexor muscle tone), he begins to perform many targeted movements. Vision and hearing, improving day by day (the baby is able to see objects seven meters away from him), allow him to recognize close people and gradually navigate in space. This is largely facilitated by strengthening the neck muscles, which allow the baby to turn his head in the direction he needs.


Walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial for every child. Their duration in the warm season can be at least one and a half hours. The best times for this are morning (before 11) and evening (after 16). It is best to walk in the lacy shade of trees, protecting your baby from the bright rays of the sun.

In winter, walks with a 2-month-old child are possible only at temperatures exceeding -10 degrees. The best clothing for a sedentary baby is a bib overalls with a natural fur lining and a lower part made in the form of an envelope.

The awake baby must be taken out of the stroller, showing him the world around him. You should take your baby for a walk in a place far from polluted highways: a quiet park or a calm courtyard..

We also read: how to dress a child for a walk (summer, autumn, winter)

Activities and educational games

Two months of age is a great time to train your senses.. In order for the baby to learn to follow moving objects, focusing his gaze on them, it is necessary to purchase several very light and bright rattles, painted in red, yellow and orange, since now he perceives only these warm colors. The sound of the rattle should not be scary, but pleasant.

  • Taking a rattle, you can approach the baby from the side and shake it thirty centimeters from him, forcing the baby to turn his head in the direction of the sound. By transferring the toy to the other hand, they try to turn its head in the opposite direction in the same way. The mother can simply call the baby in a gentle voice, approaching the crib from different sides, so that, in response to the sound, he turns his head in the right direction;
  • It is useful to place a rattle in a child's hand. Weak fingers are able to hold it for only thirty seconds. This is an excellent exercise that prepares the muscles of the hand for the act of grasping;
  • You can hang a garland of bright rattles over your baby's crib so that he can reach it with his arms or legs. The sound made by the garland in response to the baby’s touch leads him to surprise and delight, forcing him to wave his arms and move his legs even more actively;
  • A bright rattle can be placed in front of the baby, laid out on his tummy (it is better to do this in a crib without a mattress or in a playpen). A healthy baby should raise his head, lean on his forearms and, raising his chest, look forward. A bright object will certainly attract his attention and force him to stay in this position for some time, looking at the objects lying in front of him;
  • To develop fine motor skills, you can play “magpie-white-sided” with your child. While fingering and massaging each finger, you need to recite the text of the poem.

The duration of developmental activities with the baby should not exceed twenty minutes. You need to talk to him affectionately, emotionally, often changing intonation, read children's poems, sing simple songs. Having heard the baby “booming”, calling on his mother to communicate, it is necessary to respond to his call. Otherwise, the “humbling” will soon stop, which will inevitably lead to a delay in speech and impaired emotional development.

Gymnastics and massage

It is best to perform gymnastics in the morning:

  • Putting the baby on his back, raise and lower his arms (first alternately, then simultaneously);
  • Having spread the arms, cross them in front of the chest, leaving either the left or the right arm at the top;
  • Alternately, extend the arms, imitating the movements of a boxer;
  • Taking the baby by the heels, they imitate riding a bicycle with their legs;
  • The legs bent at the knees are then brought to the tummy, then straightened;
  • Supporting the baby under the arms, they lift and lower him, forcing him to push off with his legs from the support.

A baby suffering from gas will also benefit greatly from a massage. To do this, you need to place the child on his back, bend his knees and stroke his tummy with light circular movements for several minutes.

When laying the baby on his tummy (at least three times a day), you can gently stroke his back, arms, legs, and buttocks. This massage helps improve digestion.

Read useful material with video instructions: proper massage for a child in the first three months of life


When bathing a two-month-old baby, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • The use of special detergents is allowed no more than once a week;
  • For daily bathing, babies use ordinary clean water;
  • If your baby has heat rash or diaper rash, you can add chamomile and chamomile infusions to the bath;
  • The optimal water temperature for bathing a baby is thirty-seven degrees;
  • It is not at all necessary to bathe the baby before going to bed for the night. If the baby protests and is capricious, you can do this during the daytime or morning hours, when he is awake.

In detail: how to properly bathe a newborn baby

Caring for a two-month-old baby is not an easy and very responsible task. If a caring and loving mother steadily adheres to the same daily routine, in the future she will be able to protect the family from the problems faced by parents of children raised without any structure. The sooner the baby gets used to order, the easier it is to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world.

← daily routine for 1 month daily routine for 3 months →

READ ALSO: baby development at 2 months and read about baby skills at 2 months

Regular moments for a 2 month old baby include: Sleep; Feeding; Wakefulness; Walk; Bathing and hygiene procedures;

Approximate daily routine for a 2 month old baby: 06:00 – feeding; 6:00-7:30 - awake; 7:30-9:30 - sleep; 9:30 - feeding; 9:30-11:00 - awake; 11:00-13:00 - sleep; 13:00 - feeding; 13:00-14:30 – wakefulness; 14:30-16:30 - sleep; 16:30 - feeding; 16:30-17:30 - wakefulness; 17:30-19:30 - sleep; 19:30-20:00 - wakefulness; 20:00 - feeding; 20:00-21:30 - wakefulness; 21:30-23:30 - sleep; 23:30 - feeding; 23:30-06:00 - sleep.

How to maintain a 2 month old baby's daily routine? The daily routine typical for a 2-month-old child was described above. I would like to immediately make a reservation that this schedule is approximate and is given only so that the mother can orient herself in the duration of sleep, the frequency of feedings and wakefulness. Some babies can sleep until 9 a.m. but need to be fed around 3 a.m. Someone, on the contrary, gets up earlier and shifts the entire regime forward. However, in general, babies at 2 months adhere to a similar regime. If mom looks at the chart carefully, she will see that compared to the first month of life, sleep intervals are reduced to 2 hours, the diet is divided into 6 parts, and wakefulness lasts about 1.5 hours (including feeding). This time is enough to chat with the baby and play. In addition to songs and poems, the child needs special games designed for his age. Read more about this at the end of the article. Please note the times are from 20:00 to 21:30. This period of wakefulness can be reserved for bathing the child. Then you need to prepare him for bed. It is assumed that the baby is put to sleep by rocking. However, most children fall asleep only at their mother's breast. Change this time interval as convenient for mother and baby.

Games for a 2-month-old baby At two months old, you can play simple games with your baby that stimulate his development: Visual; Auditory; Physical; Mental. For visual development, take a bright rattle. It is better if it is yellow, red or a combination of these two colors and white. Move it away from the baby's eyes to a distance of more than 30 cm. Shake the rattle and move it from side to side. The child will follow the rattle, focusing his gaze - this is an excellent training for the eye muscles and attention. To develop auditory perception, you can play this game with your child. Take a bell with a gentle sound and start ringing. First near one ear, then near the other, then right in front of the baby. He will look for the source of the sound, turning in one direction or another. In the second month of a baby’s life, it is important to stimulate his physical development. If before the mother swaddled the baby, now it’s definitely time to change him into rompers. And during special games this is simply necessary. Place the baby on his tummy and roll a bright ball in front of his eyes. The child will try to raise his head, which develops the neck muscles. Take an interesting bright toy and place it close to the child. He must see the toy. The baby will try to reach for the toy. This stimulates motor activity and muscle development. Then give him a toy in his hand so that he can touch it and understand that his efforts are rewarded. In order for a child to develop mentally, read books to him, tell him fairy tales, sing songs. The main thing is that this is done with expression. The meaning at the moment is not so important as the intonation and the very sound of my mother’s voice. Play music for your child more often: classical, children's songs, sounds of nature. The influence on the mental development of Mozart's musical works is considered positive, especially in special children's processing. It is quite difficult to adhere to the regime: for both mother and child. But if you make adjustments to the approximate schedule, consistent with the baby’s behavior, you can develop your own routine based on it. When the child gets used to it, it will be easier for the mother to plan her own day, and the baby will not have problems with falling asleep and digestion.

A daily routine is a routine of actions performed in a certain sequence and, most often, having strict time limits. A daily routine in childhood is necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system, harmonious growth and proper physical development. A well-designed regimen protects the baby from overwork, allows you to organically spend energy resources and develop in accordance with age standards.

Approximate daily routine for a two month old baby

Some people believe that a two-month-old infant does not need a regimen, but this is not so. The routine may not be as strict as at the age of 1-3 years, but a certain procedure must be developed at the beginning of the third month of life - this will allow the baby to accustom himself to the traditions accepted in his family and avoid many behavioral disorders that arise due to disorganized action during the day.

How does your diet change at 2 months?

A 2-month-old baby’s routine includes 4 main components: feeding, sleep, physical development (massage, gymnastics) and walks. Experts consider nutrition to be the most important part of the regimen. The health of the baby, the state of the immune system, the basics of intellectual development - all this depends on what kind of nutrition the baby receives in the first 6 months of life. It should be regular and of high quality, especially if the baby is on mixed or artificial feeding.

The first feeding usually occurs at 6-7 am, and the last - in the interval from 22 to 24 hours. The exact time depends on the biological rhythms and character of the baby, as well as the peculiarities of the daily routine adopted in a particular family.

Daily routine of a two-month-old breastfed baby

If a mother is breastfeeding, pediatricians recommend sticking to on-demand feeding, but there are exceptions to this. Despite the advice to give your baby the breast whenever he wants, it is worth limiting the frequency and duration of feedings in the following cases:

  • the interval between applications is less than 2 hours;
  • the baby asks for the breast during any emotional experience;
  • frequent attachments have a negative impact on the physical condition of the mother (increased fatigue, pain when touching the nipples, cracks and damage to the mammary glands);
  • the baby burps profusely after each application, and the released masses contain particles of undigested milk.

During feeding, you need to talk quietly with the baby, you can tell a fairy tale or sing songs - this helps strengthen the bond between mother and baby and has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional development of the baby.

Important! If the baby demands the breast too often, behaves restlessly and quickly lets go of the nipple after the start of feeding, you should consult a doctor - the cause of this behavior may be digestive disorders, for example, lactase deficiency or intestinal colitis. The average interval between feedings for a two-month-old baby should be from 2.5 to 3 hours.

The daily routine of a bottle-fed or mixed-fed baby

If for some reason the baby receives as its main nutrition, it is necessary to strictly monitor the amount of formula eaten and the intervals between feedings. Children who are completely bottle-fed need to establish a feeding schedule already at this age. This will ensure sufficient production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown and absorption of milk protein, which is more complex in composition compared to the proteins that make up breast milk. Eating at the same time also significantly reduces the likelihood of and, so the task of parents at this age is to accustom the baby to feeding on a schedule.

Important! Children who regularly receive formula milk must be supplemented with boiled water. With a mixed type of feeding, it is better to offer drinks from a spoon; artificial children can be given water from a bottle.

Healthy two-month-old infants are usually fed according to the following regimen:

  • number of feedings – 6-7 per day;
  • the volume of one serving of the mixture is from 130 to 150 ml (depending on the chosen mixture and the individual characteristics of the baby);
  • The maximum daily amount of the mixture is no more than 900 ml.

Night feedings: how much and when

Night feedings in infants receiving breast milk should be done on demand. Some babies sleep well and wake up for feedings only 1-2 times a night, but there are babies who require 2 to 4 feedings during the night to meet their needs.

Formula-fed babies at 2 months usually sleep well for 5-6 hours at a time, so they rarely need more than 1 feeding per night.

Read also articles on nutrition:

How long should a 2 month old baby sleep and stay awake?

Two-month-old babies' sleep is longer and more restful than a one-month-old baby's, but he still remains sensitive, since the duration of the deep sleep phase at this age is very short. The average nightly sleep time at this age is 8-10 hours, if we consider night sleep to be the period from the last evening feeding (usually at 22-23 hours) to the first morning meal (about 5-6 am). Most babies stay awake for 30-40 minutes after their first feeding before falling asleep again.

During the day, the baby also continues to rest a lot - an active increase in periods of wakefulness will begin from the beginning of the fourth month of life. At 2 months, the baby should sleep 3 times during the day for 1.5-2 hours. Some children sleep 2 times a day, but the duration of sleep can reach up to 3-3.5 hours. This option can be considered as a variant of the individual norm, but only if the infant develops in accordance with generally accepted indicators. If a baby with this regimen becomes lethargic, capricious, eats poorly and shows no interest in the world around him, his regimen should be reconsidered and adjustments made, after consulting with a pediatrician.

Important! The total sleep duration in 2 months should be between 16 and 18 hours.

What to do if your child does not sleep during the day

Difficulty falling asleep during the day, frequent waking up at night - all this may be a variant of the norm, since the sleep of children at this age in most phases is superficial. To help your baby sleep more peacefully, you can use the following tips.

  1. During sleep, you should protect the baby from loud and unexpected sounds, since at 2 months the baby’s hearing becomes more acute, and any sources of sharp sounds can wake him up.
  2. Sleepwear should be made of 100% soft cotton. It is best to choose closed sleepsuits - they will help keep warm if the child opens up at night. If financial capabilities allow, it is better to choose clothes without internal seams.
  3. The temperature in the room must comply with sanitary standards. For a two-month-old baby it ranges from +16° to 18°C.
  4. Three hours before bedtime, you should not feed your baby so that he eats well at the last feeding and does not wake up at night from feeling hungry.
  5. The light should also be dim. Some babies need to turn off the lights completely in order to sleep well through the night. Some people need to leave a dim night light. Parents need to observe the baby and note under what conditions he sleeps more calmly.

The cause of sleep disturbances at 2 months is very often painful intestinal spasms. You can fight them with abdominal massage, dry heat and medications (“Baby-Calm”,).

Child care and walks

An integral part of the 2-month regimen is hygiene measures and walks. You can walk with a two-month-old baby for a long time, since at this age children sleep well outside and can go without feeding for 2-3 hours. It is better to split the walks into 2 times of 1.5-2 hours, but in bad weather conditions you can limit yourself to one two-hour walk. At this time, it is good to be close to home so that you can quickly feed or change the baby if necessary.

Among the hygienic and hardening procedures, the pediatrician especially highlights. It is best to bathe the baby before going to bed, but there are children who, after water procedures, are in an excited state for a long time and cannot fall asleep. It is better to bathe such babies during the daytime. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-15 minutes - longer bathing will tire the baby, and he may fall asleep before he eats the required amount of milk, which will lead to disruption of night sleep.

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The daily routine of a two-month-old baby consists of sleep, wakefulness, eating and hygiene procedures.

6.00 Morning feeding, washing, changing a diaper and cutting nails 2 times a week;

7.30-9.30 Sleep after feeding;

9.30-11.00 Wake up the baby, put him on his stomach after sleep. Feeding. Getting ready for a walk in the fresh air;

11.00-13.00 Sleep while walking in the fresh air;

13.00-14.30 Feeding;

14.30-16.30 Daytime nap;

16.30-17.30 Breastfeeding. Activities with the baby aimed at his development: stopping the gaze on an object, rhythmic clapping along with rhymes and songs.

17.30-19.00 Sleep;

19.30-21.00 Feeding, evening bathing and hygiene procedures;

21.00-23.30 Sleep;

23:30-00:00 Feeding;

The proposed daily routine can be adjusted based on the characteristics and character of the baby. Children who are sick should sleep longer. If the child begins to be capricious and whine, then do not overtire the baby and put him to bed. There is no need to starve your child if he wants to eat before the allotted time.

Keep in mind that we are talking about a 15-20 minute discrepancy here. Some young mothers are unable to adhere to a daily routine, as they begin to indulge their baby’s every whim. Because of this, the schedule gets lost and is difficult to restore.

If you notice that your child is gradually deviating from the norm, then make every effort to ensure that the daily routine is restored. After all, the daily routine can be disrupted not only for the baby, but also for the parents and other family members.

Features of the daily routine of a two-month-old baby who is bottle-fed

If the baby is bottle-fed, then his regimen at the age of two months will be slightly different. This is due to the fact that formula takes longer to digest than mother's breast milk. The baby should be fed starting at 6 am every 4 hours throughout the day. This means at 6, 10, 14, 18, 22 and 2 o'clock.

The period of active pastime here is the same as for babies on breastfeeding. Taking into account the characteristics of your baby and various nuances, each mother can slightly adjust the proposed schedule.

Why sleep is so important at two months of age

A good mood in children directly depends on sleep. If a child has had a good night's sleep, then he is cheerful and ready for new discoveries. When a child is capricious and always dissatisfied with everything, he is not able to actively develop.

At this age, children should sleep 16 hours every day. This is the need of his body. If the baby is fed and put to bed on time, then he should fall asleep immediately without additional measures.

If the baby does not sleep well, then it is necessary to find out the specific reason. Here are the possible options:

- Low activity throughout the day while awake.

— The presence of bright light in the room where the baby sleeps.

— Disorders associated with birth trauma (usually observed up to 3 months).

— Uncomfortable bed, wet diaper or sheet.

- The child has eaten too much or, on the contrary, has not eaten enough.

— Loud and noisy in the room.

— It’s cold or hot in the room. The temperature in the room is not 22-24 degrees.

- Existing abdominal pain.

If a child is used to falling asleep in his arms, it will be difficult to wean him from this habit. Create a normal atmosphere for your baby to sleep soundly: close the curtains, don’t talk loudly and turn off the TV. Start putting your baby to bed at the same time every day, and then over time he will begin to fall asleep on his own.

Organizing your child's sleep

The baby should sleep in a comfortable crib with an orthopedic mattress and a low pillow. In order for your child to have a good rest during sleep, you must do the following.

— The room in which the baby sleeps should always be ventilated.

— Make sure that the sheet does not form wrinkles and does not create discomfort.

— Close the window with a curtain during bright sunshine.

- Make sure there is clean and dry laundry.

The connection between a baby and its mother at the age of two months is very close, and babies’ sleep is especially sensitive. Some mothers note that the child wakes up when she leaves the room.

Previously, swaddling a baby while sleeping was considered a mandatory procedure. Now modern pediatricians claim that there is no need for this action. The exception is when the baby swings his arms wildly during sleep.

Feeding a baby at 2 months

The optimally balanced diet for a two-month baby is mother's breast milk. The composition contains nutrients necessary for the development of the child. It is ideally absorbed by the child's body.

Features of GW

The most correct way of breastfeeding for a baby is “on demand.” When the baby starts crying and is capricious, this indicates that he is hungry.

At first glance this seems unsystematic. However, pediatricians say that a healthy baby asks for the breast every three hours during the day and every four hours during night feeding.

This method is preferred by most advanced mothers. The child feels calm and comfortable. After all, his demand is immediately fulfilled. This satisfies his physical and psychological needs. In addition, the risk of milk stagnation is reduced.

On average, a child consumes about 900 ml of breast milk per day. One dose is approximately 150 ml. Babies at this age spend about 20 minutes at the breast during one feeding. Stronger children can eat in 15 minutes.

There are situations when babies stop breastfeeding after five minutes. This time is clearly not enough for full saturation. This is mainly done by weakened children who suck only light milk, not wanting to make further efforts to obtain a more nutritious product. In this case, doctors recommend expressing the first milk. This action can reduce the amount of fluid consumed in the child's body. Since the second milk is much fattier. In this regard, you should consult with specialists.

The feeding process for some babies takes about an hour. Mothers do not finish feeding on time, but leave the baby at the breast. Having eaten in the first twenty minutes, the child keeps his mouth open and sometimes sucks on the breast. The consequence of this may be cracks in the nipples, which cause pain during feeding. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully remove the nipple from a full-fed baby.

If your baby is eating properly, he should urinate about 12 times a day on average. Babies have different stools: it can be after each feeding or 4-5 times a day. Those children who are on artificial nutrition do this less often - about 2 times a day.

The nuances of artificial feeding

Babies who are fed formula must follow a strict diet. This is due to the fact that the mixture takes longer to digest and requires significantly more time for its absorption.

Babies at the age of 2 months are fed with special infant formula No. 1. The average serving size is 130 g, the number of meals is 6 times. If your baby was born premature, you should consult your doctor to determine the optimal portion.

Unlike infants, who are given water only on particularly hot days, bottle-fed babies must be given water during the feeding procedure.

Artificial feeding, although it is done from a bottle, however, to establish close contact, mothers should definitely feed their babies in their arms. This way the baby will feel more protected.

After the feeding procedure, the children must be made to be a “soldier”. This is necessary for both infants and formula-fed infants in order for excess air that entered during meals to escape. A strong stream of belching indicates improper digestion of food. The baby should be shown to a doctor immediately.

Features of the activity

At the age of two months, the baby already begins to be interested in what is around him. Previously, he woke up only to refresh himself. The waking time has already reached an hour and a half.

The child's activity increases every day. Understanding how to control muscles, the baby tries to perform specific actions. Hearing and vision gradually improve. Over time, the baby recognizes loved ones by appearance and voice. During this period, the neck muscles are strengthened, which allow you to turn your head in different directions.

Walks in the open air

Walking in the fresh air is very beneficial for children. In warm weather they can reach 1.5-2 hours. It is better to walk before 11 in the morning and after 16 in the afternoon. It is preferable to walk in the shade of trees, away from direct sunlight.

In winter, babies two months old can walk outside if the temperature is above -10 degrees. Dress him in special warm overalls with fur lining.

On the street, if the baby is not sleeping, take him out of the stroller and show him the world around him. Choose a place to walk away from exhaust fumes and cars. It is preferable to walk in parks, forests and alleys.

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We develop by playing

At the age of two months, the baby's senses are actively developing. And you can help him with this in a playful way. To help your baby learn to watch moving objects and fix his gaze on them, buy rattles in scarlet, yellow and warm orange. Since it is these colors that he distinguishes. The sound of the toy should be soft and pleasant.

- Take a rattle and shake it to the side at a distance of 30 cm from the baby. So that he turns his head towards the sound. Then approach from the other side. The baby must respond to the sound every time.

- Let's hold the baby's rattle. This is a great exercise for developing muscles and strengthening your fingers.

— Hang a garland of rattles over your baby’s crib so that he can reach them with his hand or foot. Each touch to an object is accompanied by a sound. This intrigues and fascinates him, which contributes to even greater active movement.

— Place the baby on an elastic surface and place a bright rattle in front of him. A properly developing baby will be interested in her; he should lean on his forearms, chest and look at her, raising his head.

— Play “magpie” with your child, saying the rhyme out loud. Knead and massage each finger.

The total time of play with a child should not be more than 20 minutes. You need to speak to your baby gently, constantly changing your intonation. Be sure to respond to your baby's sounds and actively communicate with him. If you ignore its sounds, they will soon stop, and mental and emotional development will slow down.

Gymnastics for a 2 month old baby

It is better to do gymnastics in the morning:

- We put the baby with his tummy up, raise and lower his arms one by one, then do the same at the same time.

— We cross and spread the baby’s arms in front of the chest. Alternately leaving the left and right hand on top.

New parents often wonder if their baby is developing correctly. How should a child's routine change at 2 months? How long should he stay awake, eat, sleep? What games can you play with your baby? In fact, these questions are very important. During this period, parents should establish the correct daily routine. This will not only make caring for the child easier, but will also allow him to fully develop and grow.

Children's sleep

The two-month-old baby still sleeps most of the time. He spends 16–18 hours a day sleeping, of which 9–10 hours are at night and 7–8 hours during the day. The period of wakefulness, as a rule, does not exceed 2 hours. If the baby “walks” longer, it becomes difficult for him to fall asleep. A healthy, calm child at 2 months goes to sleep in 10–15 minutes. If he sucks on his mother’s breast for a long time, his arms, legs and eyelids tremble, this means that he has “overstayed.” During the day, the baby sleeps approximately 5 times, of which 2 times for 2 hours and 4 times for 40 minutes. Moreover, if the baby wakes up, you can rock him a little, and he will probably go back to sleep.

To help your baby fall asleep on time, try to follow these rules.

  • Regularly wet clean the room where the child sleeps, ventilate it for at least 5 minutes before going to bed.
  • Maintain optimal air temperature - no lower than 20 and no higher than 24 degrees Celsius.
  • Make sure there are no creases in the bedding in your baby's crib.
  • Sleepwear should be without internal seams and soft to the touch.
  • Bright light should not fall on a sleeping child.
  • Avoid loud noises near your baby's crib.
  • Make sure the baby is dry.
  • If the child jerks his arms anxiously, swaddle him, but not tightly.
  • For colic, place a warm, ironed diaper on the tummy, hold the baby in a column, stroke clockwise around the navel with your fingertips.
  • Try to put your baby to bed at the same time, he will soon get used to it and will fall asleep at the set hours faster.
  • A 2 month old baby's sleep will last longer if his mother lies next to him. If you need to do housework, leave your T-shirt soaked in breast milk in the crib.
  • Before going to bed at night, be sure to bathe your baby and then feed him. A baby who has bathed and eaten to his fill will sleep more soundly.
  • Prepare your child for bed in advance - about 20 minutes before, start talking more quietly, sing him a lullaby, rock him gently.

The entire second month of a child’s life needs to be put to sleep every 2 hours. Try to follow this rule, otherwise stress hormones will be produced in the small body, the baby will become overexcited and cry for a long time.


The milk requirement for a two-month-old baby is approximately 800 ml per day. Formula-fed children eat 5 to 6 times a day, but not more often than every 3 hours. The formula takes longer to digest than breast milk, so a break is necessary for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Infants are usually fed on demand, and on average they can latch on to the breast from 6 to 12 times a day. It turns out that organizing a breastfed baby’s daily routine at 2 months is somewhat more difficult. But nothing is impossible; if you follow the following rules, you can create a convenient feeding schedule yourself.

  • Make sure your baby eats. He should actively swallow for 15 minutes. In this case, the child should urinate 10 to 12 times per day (discard diapers and count the number of wet diapers per day).
  • After your child has eaten, hold him in an upright position for 5 minutes. This will allow the air trapped during feeding to escape. If this is not done, the baby may suffer from colic.
  • In hot weather, give your baby clean drinking water (you need to drink it from a spoon). Formula-fed and mixed-fed babies need to be given water regularly.
  • Prepare the mixture exactly according to the instructions, and use nutrition number one for up to 6 months.
  • If your baby is worried about colic, let him drink dill water, or even better, consult a pediatrician. Sometimes abdominal problems can be a symptom of an intestinal infection, dysbiosis, or an allergy to the formula or foods that the mother eats.
  • Make sure your baby empties the breast completely. Often children are lazy and suck only foremilk, which is very easy to obtain. As a result, they gain weight poorly, suffer from colic, and often cry. In this case, the mother needs to express the breast before feeding until the baby learns to “work” and produce more nutritious hind milk.
  • Do not rush to feed your baby at the first cry, especially if he has recently eaten. Perhaps he wants your attention, affection, or his stomach hurts, he is cold, he peed in his diaper, and wants to sleep. Learn to feel and understand your baby.

Contact your doctor if your baby spits up like a fountain after feeding.

Waking hours

A two-month-old baby is awake approximately 8 hours a day. These are usually short periods of an hour to two hours each. Of these, the awake child eats for 120 minutes, walks in the fresh air for 2 to 4 hours, approximately 60 minutes are spent on hygiene procedures, and several hours remain free. However, many parents do not know how to spend this time profitably. However, there are quite a lot of such activities.

  • Gymnastics and massage. From 2 months you can perform special exercises that strengthen muscles, relieve tone and simply entertain the baby. Start with a massage: stroke the baby's arms and legs towards the back, then the back, tummy, knead the palms and feet. Move your arms up and down, spread them apart, and then cross them over your chest, “boxing.” Grab the baby by the heels and spin the “bicycle”, alternately straighten and bend your knees, place the baby on his tummy.
  • Interesting swimming. Fill the bathtub 15 cm with warm water, put a few toys in it. Let the baby splash around, lying on his stomach, and try to grab the toy that interests him. Hold his chin and boil the water in advance in case he swallows it. Another time, take a full bath, let the baby try to walk along the bottom, if you have a special neck circle, then you can let him “free swim”.
  • Educational posters. Hang some interesting contrasting drawings on the wall near the crib (note that 2-month-old babies see the world in black and white). Describe in detail to your child what is depicted on them, share your opinion and feelings, and come up with short stories. Change the patterns every 3 days.
  • Introduction to forms. Show your child simple geometric shapes - a ball, a square, a triangle. Keep them 20cm apart or hang them above the crib. Let your baby touch them periodically. It is best if they are made of different materials - wood, fabric, metal, rubber, etc.
  • Getting to know sounds. In addition to visual and tactile sensations, sounds are very important for a 2-month-old baby. Talk to your baby often, change your intonation when you talk about something funny, interesting, or secret. Call him affectionately by name, come up with a few cute nicknames. Get rattles that make different sounds and show your child how to make them. Try shaking the toy from different directions; the baby will definitely turn his head to where the noise is coming from.
  • Such different music. Play different music for your baby, sometimes calm and smooth, sometimes rhythmic and cheerful, and dance with him in your arms.
  • Games. Play “magpie-white-sided” - tell the baby a rhyme while massaging each finger (this develops fine motor skills). Hide your face behind your palms, and then open it and say “peek-a-boo” and make a funny face.

How to properly organize your daily routine?

As you already understand, the daily routine of a 2-month-old baby consists of periods of sleep, feeding, bathing, development and communication. But how to organize them correctly? First of all, you need to understand that each baby is individual, some children sleep longer, others like to go for walks, and others cannot be taken off the breast. Therefore, you need to build a routine based on the baby’s character. However, this does not mean that you should follow the lead in everything; the mother must have time to do household chores.

If we talk about the approximate daily routine, then for a child of 2 months it looks like this.

  • 7:00–7:30 Morning feeding.
  • 7:30–8:00 Hygiene procedures.
  • 8:00–9:30 Sleep.
  • 9:30–10:30 Massage, gymnastics, communication with the child.
  • 10:30–11:00 Feeding.
  • 11:00–13:00 Walk combined with sleep.
  • 13:00–14:00 Child development, communication.
  • 14:00–14:30 Feeding.
  • 14:30–16:30 Sleep.
  • 16:30–17:30 Walk.
  • 17:30–18:00 Feeding.
  • 18:00–19:30 Sleep.
  • 19:30–20:30 Time for active games.
  • 20:30–21:00 Swimming.
  • 21:00–21:30 Feeding.
  • 21:30–0:00 Sleep.
  • 00:00–00:30 Last feeding.
  • 00:30–7:00 Sleep.

Infants must be fed between 2 am and 5 am; during this period the hormone responsible for the amount of milk is produced.

Whether or not to organize a daily routine for a 2-month-old child is a personal matter for the family. Dr. Komarovsky believes that this needs to be done; a correct daily routine will make the task of developing and caring for the baby easier. Parents need to know how much their child should sleep, eat, and walk; this will allow timely monitoring of possible deviations from the norm.