Download Castle Clash latest version for Android. Castle Clash: Path of the Brave

The best MMORPG on Android

You might think that Castle Clash is like many other mobile games. We have Clash of Clans, and it seems like almost every other mobile game now - an MMORPG with endless battles and castle building. Castle Clash is a game in which you have to build the structure of your base by turning points from missions and battles into gold.


The popularity of this game on Android device should let you know that it is quite different from its counterparts. Differences in Castle Clash include the ability to level up, the presence of an arena for our heroes, the presence of challenges when the goal is to protect your base that you have been building, the ability to use magic, higher income from precious stones and a faster pace of construction. These features make this game different from any game with similar mechanics.

Castle Clash centers around managing your resources and creating a basic structure. You start with a blank canvas and some introductory tutorials. Castle Clash tutorials are quick and easy. They did not become wordy or long, but at the same time conveyed the essence of the gameplay to the player. Moving forward with the game, the main goal is to collect more gold to increase your strength and defense in your buildings and troops. Equip them to collect additional resources and repeat the cycle. If you like games of this genre, downloading Castle Clash: Age of Pets for Android is a good choice.

Levels and updates

Castle Clash is definitely a game that either amazes or frustrates. If you start playing and enjoy the game, you will find that one hour quickly turns into four hours. You will say to yourself, “Another battle, another update.” With reaching the next level goals or an upgrade so close, it's very difficult to put Castle Clash aside. For those of you who are not platform fans of this game genre, I can see how one might find this type of game a little boring.

In conclusion, Castle Clash is not a clone of another RPG game. It's more of an improvement. If you enjoy building to the next level and are interested in a great time killer, then Castle Clash will definitely be your favorite mobile game.

Bottom line

Download Castle Clash: Age of Pets for Android - a great choice for players who like the MMORPG genre. The game combines everything strengths competitors, has a large open world and a wide variety of heroes.

Conventional strategy games have long become a constant in our time, so it’s difficult to surprise the average user with anything. However, the game "Castle Clash: Era of Pets" will be able to surprise avid gamers and just those who like to play. But first you will need to download “Castle Clash: Age of Pets” on Android.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a common strategy and there is nothing new in it. However, it is not. It contains elements of management. The ability to conduct your business and prevail in it will be necessary. The main goal will be to accumulate resources, the ability to build new buildings, as well as the ability to create an entire village. You also need to prove yourself as a leader and creator. To do this, you will have to create creatures with which you can fill our army.

After a short time spent playing the game, you can feel the real uniqueness of this game, namely, we will have to send our army to the army of our opponents. It should be noted that the opponents will be real and we will have to look for them on the server in order to challenge.

We will also need to constantly build new buildings and create special creatures that will have special skills. Here we will need to pay more attention not to the number of our warriors, but to their abilities and qualities.

We will control each army, so we will need to approach this matter with the utmost care, since victory in a particular battle will depend only on our actions. At first it will be very difficult to get used to this, defeats in the first stages are not excluded, but gradually, by improving our army, we can become the most serious force.

In any case, the game turned out to be quite interesting. Additionally, it should be noted the fascinating and colorful graphics, which are very pleasant to use.

If we evaluate specifically by strategies, then the game can enter a significant top, because it is quite exciting, can take a lot of time, you need to constantly control your army, and just be attentive throughout the entire gameplay.

In general, we can say that you still need to download Castle Clash: Age of Pets for Android. It will appeal not only to strategy fans, but also to ordinary users who are looking for an interesting game.

The laurels of Clash of Clans give no rest to anyone - no joke, the strategy of the Finnish company Supercell is the most successful in the mobile market and still holds the lead thanks to constant updates and global events! It is not surprising that many companies began to actively imitate their famous brother and release something similar. But as in the case of Dune II and Warcraft, sooner or later analogues turn into full-fledged alternatives. And if you need a real alternative to Clash of Clans, then I can only advise you to download Castle Clash: Era of Pets for Android, because you probably won’t find a better competitor. After all, if Supercell's strategy comes first, then its brother is definitely somewhere nearby.

The strategic mode is recognizable even by people with poor vision - yes, it’s the good old CoC, just with more emphasis on the fantasy atmosphere. If the Clans, to some extent, still kept themselves within the framework of reality (although with global updates this line was greatly erased), then here, it seems, the entire emphasis is on the fabulousness of everything. Elves, fairies, dragons, trolls and ogres - the clichés of Professor Tolkien and Dungeons and Dragons are reproduced here with love and diligence, why the world games are held firmly to the screen, which distinguishes it from its direct competitor. In addition, battles in the style of Final Fantasy (or Dragon Quest, whichever is closer) are introduced here, which greatly diversify the standard meat grinder in the strategic mode. It’s not for nothing that the era of pets crept into the name of the game, because it is they who will make up military force in turn-based battles, where they will have to upgrade, develop and obtain new equipment to improve the standard combat skills of warriors. In a sense, the variety of pets brings back memories of Pokemon or the same Dragon Quest Monsters, because thanks to the huge menagerie, the number of battle tactics increases to unimaginable proportions!

And the graphic style only emphasizes the fun of the game. It is bright, colorful, reminiscent of Japanese games, where the number of special effects per square kilometer sometimes exceeds Hollywood blockbusters. In a sense, you stop considering Castle Clash as a competitor or analogue to Clash of Clans - these are equal games, each with its own audience, and have become the same mobile classics as Command and Conquer and Starcraft have become for RTS. And therefore, we can advise everyone to download Castle Clash: Era of Pets for Android - such games, unfortunately, are very rare.

Castle Clash: Age of Pets for Android is quite a fun, bright and simply colorful toy. At least among strategies on mobile devices, something like this, in my opinion, is at least good to watch, so I sincerely advise you not to pass it by. The game pleases with colorful graphics and pleasant music, and the gameplay, personally, made me very happy.

In the game you will have to build your fortress, create a powerful army, and of course, the most interesting thing, defeat your enemies. The concept of the game is a little unconventional for our time; here you will have heroes who can be constantly improved and pumped up, adding new capabilities to them.

In addition to heroes, we will have simple units that we can easily hire in the camp. Starting to play, we will be able to have at our fingertips a fairly limited number of both, but this will not last long. The longer we play, the more powerful the army we will be able to create.

Starting to play, we will have to build a city, extracting resources for this, and simply develop, in general, all strategy fans know this well.

For fun, we can set our soldiers on enemy city, but at the same time we cannot control them. But we can help them with magic, and heal, or even resurrect our fighters. Well, you can also attack enemy fighters with your spells. It’s a little difficult to get used to this, but it’s quite possible. And in general, this is best perceived as a feature of the game.

Your soldiers are frankly stupid, so you need to initially calculate at what angle you will send them to attack, otherwise they are quite capable of attacking some second-rate target. Not paying attention to the fact that the enemy army is approaching them from the rear. And your soldiers switch to new goal only after the previous one was completely destroyed. And this is undoubtedly one of the game's biggest problems.

In general, it is very possible to download Castle Clash: Age of Pets for Android, even if the game has a certain set of shortcomings. But if you evaluate it solely as a strategy on a mobile device, then it turned out to be at least funny. Well, as for artificial intelligence, on mobile devices, unfortunately, it is quite rarely really good. This kind of thing needs to be treated with leniency for now.

Create an army from the most diverse magical creatures and fight your enemies. The game Castle Battle requires an Internet connection, but you do not need to be constantly present in it.

Plot and action in the game

The game takes place on a distant planet. It turned out that the vast expanses of space were inhabited all this time by various fairy creatures. As time passed, their numbers increased exponentially.

As a result, there was not enough territory for habitat. Because of this, fairy-tale creatures united into warlike clans in order to win places for themselves to live. You can lead one of the opposing clans and lead it to dominance.

Game Features

The heroes of this game are immortal, so you can easily resurrect them after death. Each character has unique characteristics and abilities. Try to correctly assess the abilities and capabilities of the characters in order to maximize their combat potential. Take care to strengthen your castle before another clan attacks it. Develop and build it up to give a worthy rebuff to any enemy.

We should not forget about resources, without which maintaining an army is not possible. Collect gold and manna so as not to experience a shortage of them. Resources provide hiring large number heroes, as well as the construction and reconstruction of the necessary buildings.

In addition to the standard version of the game, from us you can download the hacked Battle of Castles with hacking for crystals and gems.

Here you can download the game Castle Clash with hack for crystals and gems on Android for free!

Castle Clash is an interesting online strategy game from the developer IGG. High-quality games of this type are rarely released, but here the developers pleased the market by releasing a truly worthy representative of the online strategy genre. The game was originally developed for Android and then released on iOS. In this article you will learn how to download Castle Clash to your computer if you are unable to play on your Android device.

The principle of the game is quite simple. Each player has a so-called rating, which is displayed by the “Strength” parameter. It is taken into account when selecting opponents and determines the unlocked game features. If you are unsure of your base's defensive capabilities, you can test it by calling a training attack on it from bots.

There are several types of resources in the game, each of which is obtained in a different way:

  1. Gold. A resource responsible for the construction ability of your base: it is used to create buildings, improve them, create magic, defensive structures, etc. Can be obtained from buildings or after capturing an enemy base.
  2. Mana. Another construction resource, also needed for creating buildings, magic, and also for hiring a certain type of creature. Can be obtained from buildings or after capturing an enemy base.
  3. Badges of honor. Used to recruit special heroes and raise their level.
  4. Gems. Used to speed up the construction of buildings, improvements, and leveling up heroes. Sometimes they are needed to recruit heroes. Can only be purchased with real money.
  5. Crystals. Used to recruit a specific type of hero. They can be mined in mines or received as a reward for winning the Battle Royale.
  6. Orders. Needed to purchase goods from the Warehouse.

Hiring heroes is another important part of the game. They are divided into ordinary, elite and legendary.

  1. Regular heroes are a cheap and weak type of hero, used only by beginners, or as ordinary cannon fodder. Their weak characteristics are justified by the ease of obtaining.
  2. Elite heroes are average in terms of characteristics, but in some situations they can be more useful than legendary ones. Unlike ordinary heroes, elite heroes are more difficult to obtain, although the user is given a free Executioner for the first time they enter the game.
  3. Legendary heroes are the most expensive type in the game. At least one legendary hero allows the player to begin to develop intensively, but they are correspondingly expensive. There is a special type of heroes that can only be purchased with gems.

Each hero has skills and levels that increase with experience in battles.

Battles with other players differ from other games in that the player cannot directly influence them. All he can do is position his heroes and army correctly around the enemy base. Units will automatically attack targets closest to them, and the user can help them with an available set of spells.

Dungeon battles are found in many games of this genre. There are dungeons of various difficulty levels, the reward for completing which increases with the level. This is the main way to get crystals to buy heroes.

Main features

The game has the following features:

  • variety of passage options;
  • PvE and PvP modes;
  • battles in the Arena with many interesting rewards;
  • detailed training for beginner players;
  • You must always have a stable connection to the Internet (preferably Wi-Fi, since the game requires a large number of traffic);
  • Full Russian localization.

How to install Castle Clash on PC or laptop

In order to play Castle Clash on PC, you need. It is optimized specifically for games, emulating not the entire Android shell, but only its individual components. The emulator is free to download and install.

Method 1

Install the emulator following simple instructions. It will contain three tabs. We need the third of them, the AppStore. It will open PlayMarket, which is familiar to mobile device owners. Find the desired application in it (to do this, enter its name in the search bar - Castle Clash) and click the "Install" button. Wait for the installation process to complete and play for fun.

Method 2

From our website you can download an archive with an emulator and apk installer for the game. After installing the emulator, find the apk installer in the file manager and run it. The installation process of the game will not take much time, and then you can safely play for your own pleasure.

System requirements

For Castle Battle on an Android device:

  • Android 2.3 and higher.

For Castle Battle on PC:

  • 2 GB RAM;
  • processor virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V);
  • Windows 7 and higher.
  • Clash of Zombies 2: Atlantis. The apocalypse has come to the world, due to the fault of another evil scientist. He released a terrible virus that destroys people's minds and turns them into crazy zombies that attack those who are not yet infected. The salvation of the world is in your hands. You will be the general of your own army, which must defeat the zombies and stop the spread of the virus. You have to fight with the evil scientist Dr.T himself to destroy his laboratory, which is continuously producing the virus. The game requires a stable internet connection. You have to rebuild your own base and constantly fight zombie invasions. Create alliances with other players to quickly develop and achieve a common goal. In addition to cooperation, you can attack other players and take all their resources - the game provides various options development.
  • Clash of Kings. A military strategy in which you have to manage as many as seven kingdoms, which are part of one huge empire. This empire is surrounded by many enemies who are just waiting for the opportunity to capture it and get your resources and cities. Develop yourself to prevent them from doing this. Besides foreign policy and diplomacy with other players, an important task is to organize competent domestic policy on the arrangement of the empire.
  • . Another strategy aimed at building your own powerful base and destroying the bases of rival players. Gather your unique army from various fighting creatures and go to conquer the peaks. Fight with other players for such valuable game resources, develop your base to be able to give a worthy rebuff and develop the right development strategy. Mistakes can be very costly in this game, so before each trip to the enemy base you need to carefully think through all your actions. With victories, the player moves higher and higher in the ranking. The game requires a stable Internet connection.

Video instruction


Now you know how to download Castle Battle to your computer. The game is perfect for fans of strategies, both single and multiplayer. Castle Battle supports various options and possibilities for progression and development. Here you can make new acquaintances; the gaming community is very loyal to newcomers. The game does not require any financial investment, which is its undeniable advantage.

Build and destroy huge castles in the incredibly successful and wildly popular game Castle Clash! This excellent strategy has gathered millions of fans around the world for a reason - its gameplay formula has been honed to perfection, and its visual style was developed by the best artists. You will have to build your own impregnable fortress and gather a huge army led by unique heroes to go through the story campaign and fight with other players for supremacy on the world stage. Castle Clash on PC and Mac has an interesting gameplay concept - the game is formally divided into 2 parts, construction and combat. In the “construction” part of the game, you, as in the classic representatives of the genre, gradually build your own castle - build walls, hire guards, develop resource bases and organize the production of resources for your army. In the “combat” part of the game, you launch an attack on an enemy castle, choosing troops to attack and placing them at the enemy castle in real time. Your combat units decide for themselves how to attack enemy structures - the initial tactics before the start of the battle rather depend on you. You can send heavy troops to the main gate and make an unexpected sabotage from the rear by sending ranged units into battle, or, for example, break through one hole in the wall and destroy the enemy with a huge amount of manpower. The better you develop your own city, the wider your opportunities for tactical maneuvers will be! But do not forget that this also applies to your opponents - so take care of your city and always leave a garrison of good and strong soldiers in it. However, if you want to avoid attacks, you can enter into alliances with other players - members of such alliances help each other with resources and armies. Rely on your friends and don't worry about enemy attacks! Build the most powerful fortress, make reliable friends and gather a powerful army - then you will surely find yourself at the pinnacle of glory and gain real power in Castle Clash!

Castle Battle is a very popular strategy game that was released by the Chinese company IGG based on the success of Clash of Clans. But, unlike her, the main emphasis was on pumping and developing heroes. Gamers really liked this feature of the game. On this moment, the application has been in the TOP 3 Play Market in popularity for three years in a row. You can download Castle Battle on your computer on our website.

Gameplay and features of the game on PC

As in any other strategy, in the Battle of Castles you need to develop the structure of your city, create an army and upgrade your heroes. It is their level that determines whether you can successfully conduct offensive operations or defend your city.

There are several types of heroes in Castle Cash on PC: regular, elite, legendary and rare. Rare legendary heroes, which are not so easy to obtain, are of particular value. And they are often the main success factor in this strategy. Each player can not only upgrade their heroes’ strength, but also attributes such as skill and talent. Thanks to them, even the same heroes can have different abilities, which makes the game even more exciting.

You also need to take into account one more heroic attribute that recently appeared in the game - runes. Players must collect four identical runes for each hero in order to unlock a new talent.

But even when the hero’s strength, talent and skill are fully upgraded, his development does not stop there. Each hero can be evolved. But in order to carry out evolution, several conditions must be achieved. Which can take months of being in this game every day.

You can play Castle Battle on PC either independently or as part of a guild (clan). Joining a guild is not essential, but it is advisable. In this strategy, there are guild events for which you can get honor points or various resources to develop your account.

Guilds at the top of the rating table have the opportunity to participate in the “Attack of the Forts” location. The rewards from this location allow you to level up your heroes faster. Which is another reason to join a guild and participate in its development.

The popularity of this strategy is based on its rich functionality and versatility. In addition to attacking other players, you can choose to defend your city from enemy armies or hordes of monsters. You can also fight in the “Tournament of Heroes”, get runes in the “Forgotten Battle” or orders in “Expeditions”. And the events in Castle Battle for PC don’t end there. Here everyone can discover something new.

Castle Battle was born thanks to the popularity of Clash of Clans. On the one hand, it is similar to her, but has many differences. Also to similar games can be attributed:

  • Lords Mobile. In this mixture of real-time strategy and RPG, you can catch some similarities to Castle Clash. There is also a lot of emphasis on character development. An important component of Lords Mobile is pumping up the castle. The higher its level, the more auxiliary structures can be built and their level upgraded.
  • Kingdoms Mobile. The creator of this game, like Castle Battle, is IGG. This is a “classic” strategy with which you can satisfy your craving for power. Here you need to train warriors, gather them into armies and conquer new lands. The game has excellent HD graphics and will be a real gift for all strategy lovers.

Game controls

Almost all actions in Castle Battle on PC take place using the mouse. By clicking on the screen you can select the required building and collect resources. When attacking other players or during other events, you can use the mouse to indicate where the hero should appear.

If you need to see what is happening in a part of your castle that is not visible on the screen, you can press the left mouse button and drag the playing field so that the “invisible” part of the screen becomes visible.

The keyboard is also supported. With its help, you can write messages in general or guild chat. When donating crystals to the guild treasury, their number can be written using the keyboard.

How to install Castle Battle on your computer

Since the described game was created for mobile operating systems, to run it on your home PC you must first install an emulator. The best Android emulator for Windows is Bluestacks. You can download this program on our website at.

  1. Download and launch the Bluestacks emulator.
  2. In the main program window, look for the Play Market icon and go there.
  3. In the search bar we write “Battle of Castles”.
  4. Click the install button.
  5. After installation, the game icon will appear on the Bluestacks main screen.
  6. Click on it and wait a few seconds for the game to open.

If everything was done correctly, the game will launch on your PC without any problems. Now you can enjoy it on a large computer screen, rather than on the miniature display of a smartphone or tablet.

There is another way to download Castle Clash on your computer. On our website there is a ready-made archive with an emulator and an .apk file with this game. First install Bluestacks, and then point it to the path to the game file.

System requirements

In order to run Castle Clash on your computer through an emulator, you need to make sure that the PC system requirements allow this.

  1. Your computer must be controlled operating system Windows.
  2. Version no lower than 7.
  3. The computer must have at least 2 GB of RAM.
  4. All necessary drivers must be updated.

Let's sum it up

Playing Castle Clash on PC is quite fun. Arrange the structures of your castle so that other players or mods from “The Coming of Monsters” cannot destroy it.

The strategy captivates not only with its multi-level system of leveling up heroes, but also with its constant development. The latest version of the game at the moment is “Castle Clash: Path of the Brave.” It opened access to the new Colosseum level, as well as the opportunity to obtain a new hero.

The developers do not sit idly by, and are constantly adding new locations and features, making the game even more interesting.

If you are an old-school supporter, then be sure to install this strategy on your PC. Here you will find a lot of interesting and new things. You can download Castle Battle to your computer on our website.