We recommend reading on the topic of good and evil. Essay on the topic of good and evil reasoning

Every person at some point wonders what good and evil are, and how far they are from each other. From early childhood, we are all taught to understand what is good and what is bad. But not everyone fully understands the nature of these concepts, and which side needs to be chosen. Do you even need to choose?

I believe that a good person is, first of all, one who is inclined to self-sacrifice. He is always merciful to others, animals, nature. Such a person is simply not able to refuse when he is asked to help; he has a kind word for anyone.

Doing good deeds is always more difficult - you always have to deny yourself something, infringe on your needs. It is very difficult to maintain a balance between good and evil within yourself. However, the feeling of satisfaction that comes after a good deed is difficult to compare with anything else.

It happens that a person falls under Negative influence another person, or a group of people. And together with them he begins to do completely unacceptable things that he would never have done alone. Most often this happens to very complex people. They are very afraid of not being like everyone else, but there may be other reasons. I believe that under any circumstances a person should remain human and think for himself. And the evil that was caused to other people will certainly return to the offenders.

What happens when good and evil are so closely interconnected and it is impossible to understand who is playing on which side? The most best examples This is always present in literary works. For example, “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. Woland and his retinue, personifying evil, did good deeds: they dealt with officials mired in corruption, bureaucrats, and helped those who loved find happiness. At the same time, pure goodness in the work was personified only by Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

In the real world, the balance between good and evil is maintained by people. And I think that's how it should be. It will never be possible to eradicate evil completely, and this is not necessary. Otherwise, a person simply will not be able to understand the difference and choose the right road. There are many terrorist attacks, wars and injustice happening on Earth, but at the same time there are those who are able to lend a helping hand to the victims, those who can protect them. As a counterbalance to theft, there are free charities. This is balance. And goodness begins with each of us, it exists - inside every person.

Good and evil are two opposite elements that cannot exist without each other. If there were no evil, man would never know good, and vice versa. We begin to encounter the concepts of “good” and “evil” in early childhood. For example, as a virgin we are told that the dog is evil, and we are already afraid to approach it.

A child’s introduction to the concepts of good and evil usually begins with famous fairy tales. Good in fairy tales defeats evil, despite the power and insidiousness of evil. This is how we begin to understand for the first time that it is bad to be evil, that only good deeds are truly valuable. And evil deeds are always punishable. Everything we do comes back to us, just like good always returns to a person with reciprocal good, and evil brings reciprocal evil to the one who created it.

As Leopold the Cat said, “Hurry to do good deeds,” in his song he sings that “it’s more fun for the kind to live in this world.” But is good always done for the good? It also happens that good turns from good into evil. For example, one friend may give you a write-off homework comrade. It seems that he did a good deed, but only if you do not take into account the fact that his comrade did not receive some knowledge.

If you look at the root of the problem, it will look something like this. The student easily got a good mark, it would seem that it did not matter, which was absolutely undeserved. But another time, he will also easily receive something else, given to him just like that out of good intentions: they will clean his dorm room for him, then they will cover up his absence from work. So a person will eventually get used to irresponsibility. He will no longer be able to answer for his actions and will bring evil to others, especially close people.

Every person, when deciding to commit some action, must think about whether it is for the good, even if at first glance this action is dictated only by the best intentions.

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Essay on the topic “Good and Evil.” 3.22 /5 (64.44%) 9 votes

Good and evil. Two opposing forces that have always existed. Evil is trying to enslave the world, and good is fighting it bravely and fiercely. It has always been this way.

This eternal struggle between the two sides will probably never end. However, from time to time there is more good and more evil. It already depends on us – people. Every person has the right to choose, this also applies to the choice of actions. After all, the path we have traveled and how it has been traveled depends only on us.
The problem of good and evil belongs to the category of moral problems and is relevant at all times. Many writers and poets have discussed this topic. For example, V.G. Korolenko in the story “Ogonki” touches on the problem of good and evil and how important it is for a person to draw conclusions and make decisions in life. V.G. Korolenko writes that our life is like a sea, and dreams are lights that either move away or come closer. Everything depends on the efforts we put in. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in his novel “A Hero of Our Time” writes about the flow of good and evil in a person. Main character novel - Pechorin appears before us as a diversified person in him; throughout the entire work, both negative and positive traits. But he never found a worthy use for his talents, because the society around him was too “pompous” and spoiled. Pechorin saw the insignificance of the people around him, which is why he could not find a place for himself among them. We see that in every person there is both positive features and negative, there are not only bad or only good people.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy reasoned very correctly and well on this matter. The writer believed that if an action increases the love and unity of people, then it is good. And if an action makes people feel bad, a lot of negative things appear, then it is bad.
M. Montel, discussing the topic of good and evil, wrote that the whole world in itself is neither good nor evil. The world is a container for both. Our society combines good and evil. Therefore, people are not good or bad. Each of us has both positive and negative qualities. That is why it depends only on people what the world will be like and whether good or evil will win.
We build our world ourselves. People are what can change the world and make it what it is. As the great philosopher Confucius said: “It is easier to light one small candle than to curse in the dark.”

"Good and evil"

Prepared by: 8th grade student MOBU Gymnasium No. 2 p. Buraevo

Zainagabutdinov Rustem

Having become acquainted with some sources and opinions about good and evil, I came to the following conclusion: all of the people I interviewed who thought about the nature of good and evil approached this problem from the point of view of society, everyday life, and if anyone went further to Divine principle, then there were any restrictions for it, be it well-known or little-known teachings, or points of view (of philosophers, scientists). Difficulties were also caused by the presence of relativism (idealistic philosophical teaching) in moral judgments about “Good and Evil.”

So what is “Good and Evil”? Ask your friend about this, and he will tell you about the problem from the point of view of his spiritual state, his moral beliefs.

And he will be right, because... this understanding of the essence of good and evil is his opinion, based on his life experience.

Some thinkers tied the problem to society and tried to solve it from the point of view of social relations, they wanted to figure out which behavior, actions, thoughts are good and which are evil. In their reasoning, they referred to moral norms and the rules of the society where they were located; some tied good and evil to the ideal. “Good is what brings us closer to the ideal, evil is what moves us away from it.” In general, as many people as there are so many opinions, there is no common understanding of the problem. I do not undertake to refute, confirm or analyze these points of view, I only state their presence.

Good is something correct (harmonious): actions, actions, thoughts, etc. Correct from the point of view of the laws of the universe, i.e. the laws by which we were created. To do good means to do the right things that do not go against the laws of NATURE, KARMA, RHYTHM (i.e. not to degrade). Stay, be kind person is to be correct.

The kindness that we think we show towards others is a minuscule thing that should become an obligatory everyday occurrence. Like washing your face in the morning or quenching your thirst.

Any development, striving for harmony, for perfection is good.

Some will say “she’s gotten into the wrong place” or “she’s acting out here.” Of course, it may and is worth “coming down to earth” and thinking about good and evil from the point of view of the rules of behavior that are established in society (as the majority did). But hasn’t this society perverted more than half of the laws (rules, norms) given from above?

And isn’t it this very society that interprets these same laws as it pleases? Not to mention limited and mundane.

The laws are given in the Bible, even if they are encrypted, even if they are incomprehensible, but they are true and living by them does not mean being a deeply religious person, but being 100% kind.

Here you can talk endlessly and come up with nothing.

This is my understanding of goodness as a phenomenon, even if it is not clearly expressed.

As for evil, in my understanding, evil is degradation, in any of its manifestations. In any case, regression, degradation, movement back along the path of development, through the acquisition of habits, vices, or otherwise, cause evil, both for the individual and for all of humanity as a whole.

There is also the concept of the “struggle between evil and good.” In my opinion, struggle is nothing more than a choice, a choice between good - evolution and evil - degradation. A choice that sometimes has to be made every minute. From the above it follows: the struggle between good and evil is constant.

Some will ask: “But God is good and omnipotent, why doesn’t he remove evil?” The Bible gives the answer to this question: man is free! "No violence." He is free in his choice, evil only gives a person this choice.

Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, and if there were no evil on earth, then the person who later encountered it would not know what it was and would not be ready for such a meeting...

This is what my understanding of the problem of good and evil looks like.

Black and white? Good and evil?

There is a common position that there is no black and white in life, there is only gray, that good and evil are united and fulfill some kind of common mission, almost imposed by God. It is said about God: “God is light and in Him there is no darkness.” Let me make it clear right away that I adhere to precisely this point of view. For me there IS good, and it is absolute, pure, unclouded, like some great power given to us from above. And good never flirts with evil, never flirts.

Anton Chizh has a wonderful work “Divine Poison”. In it, the main character, a detective, is asked a question: what is the meaning of the struggle and all our work, if most often (almost always) evil wins on earth? I was shocked by the answer - with its depth and simplicity:


Where good is born and evil ends

Two colleagues meet in the corridor. One of them says:

You know, my new boss is such a bastard... - then he turns around and sees his boss, - ... in in a good way this word.

To determine what is good and what is bad, what is good, And what evil, it is very important to understand where the border between them is. What is good and what is evil, from the point of view of scientific terminology?

Good- the concept of morality, meaning intentional aspiration to selfless help to one's neighbor, as well as to a stranger, animal and even plant. IN everyday sense this term refers to anything that is viewed positively by people or is associated with happiness and joy.

Evil- the concept of morality means intentional, willful, conscious causing harm, damage or suffering to someone. In the everyday sense, evil refers to everything that receives a negative assessment from people, is condemned by them, and contradicts the rules of morality.

-opposites that deny each other. In the European tradition, goodness is usually associated with light, bright, white. Evil - with darkness, dark, black. According to the tenets of some religions, good and evil are considered as autonomous forces, waging an eternal struggle for the right to rule the world. This kind of belief system in theology is called dualism.

problem of good And evil can be considered in a variety of areas, such as ethics, philosophy, religion, folklore, but we will focus on the topic of good and evil in modern world . This is the most common topic for discussing what is good and evil from the point of view of modern society.

For each of us good and evil symbolizes completely different things. For some, moving an old lady across the street is the only good thing in his entire life, and for others, building a free school for orphans is just one piece in a countless string of good deeds. Many people consider drinking alcohol, smoking, and obscene language to be evil. Someone will consider this a way of life... As Leo Tolstoy said:

We love people for the good we have done to them, and we do not love them for the evil we have done to them!

For many people, the source of goodness is church. “Do not make for yourself an idol”, “Love your neighbor as yourself”, “Do not commit adultery” - each of us remembers by heart, the only question is that some, with the help of the church, prayer, communion and other church sacraments, are trying to “wash away ′′ from themselves the evil that they commit with enviable consistency. God, as they say, is good. He will forgive. And in general, if we talk about the church, the majority turn there only when there is trouble.

Concepts about good And evil must be formed in childhood. And it begins good exactly when a child is born. Pure, bright, truly Kind creation of God. By instilling in children simple everyday rules of behavior, we cultivate the moral code of a generation. In the future, the formation of good and evil in the child’s mind has a huge influence kindergarten, then school, university. But it is in the family that the initial foundations of personality are laid. Sukhomlinsky claims that “children live by their own ideas about good and evil, honor and dishonor, human dignity; they have their own criteria of beauty, they even have their own measurement of time.” The whole question is how to preserve all this purity and innocence of a small heart.

It is necessary to direct positive energy to the destruction of evil as a phenomenon. Every day, every hour, every moment. A person will never become completely ideal, but that’s another story, and everyone can minimize evil deeds. By myself search , myself improvement , myself discipline , myself implementation. Every word has the root “Sam”, I’m not just pointing it out to you, but with the goal of calling and finally convincing you that no church, society, society, parents, fully will not affect your perception of good And evil, except Yourselves. This is where ends evil. It is in you and me. In our work on ourselves! I wish you inexhaustible will and desire to act based only on kind motives! Daria SHCHUKINA

Parable about good and evil

Wrath had a son. His name was evil. Such that he himself had a hard time with him. And he decided to marry him to some virtue. Look, he will soften a little, and in his old age it will be easier for him! He stole joy and married his evil to it.

Only that marriage was short-lived. But what remained of him was a child - gloating. And it’s true that good and evil cannot have anything in common. And if it does happen, don’t expect any good from him!