Construction company from scratch where to start. How to open your own repair and construction business. Joining the SRO

Construction is one of the most promising and highly profitable types of business. Construction services are in demand in any crisis, at any time and anywhere in our country. We will tell you how to open a construction company from scratch, how to choose the right type of activity and how to organize everything correctly.


Enter Building bussiness not easy, but still even for beginners there are many ways to do it with minimal investment. The main thing is to create a high-quality business plan. You should also immediately think through a real development strategy, taking into account the fact that you will probably have to take out loans.

The construction business is quite profitable and promising

There is quite a lot of competition in this market. Every year, dozens of construction companies open, fighting for their place in the sun, driving down prices and providing wide choose services. But upon closer examination, it turns out that there are very few truly high-quality construction companies - many are chasing profits, saving on materials, personnel, projects, etc., which immediately leads to a deterioration in the quality of work.

In order to get started, you need to provide your clients with the maximum possible number of services, ideally, do everything on a turnkey basis. They don’t have to look for third-party contractors or hire crews—you provide everything. A quality company offers the following services:

  1. Delivery of all construction materials and unloading at the site.
  2. Services for creating a project, design project, development of a unique design.
  3. High-quality and professional specialists capable of performing any construction services.
  4. Ability to assist the customer with the preparation of documents and permits.

Typically construction companies have their own work profile:

  1. Private construction.
  2. Industrial engineering.
  3. Road construction.

Note: The easiest way to start is with private construction. You will gain the necessary experience, develop the necessary connections, gain a reputation and start-up capital to move to the next level.

How to start

Let's look at where to start a construction business and what prospects you will have. If you don’t have serious money to purchase construction equipment, etc., then the most logical thing to start with is creating a qualified repair and construction team. Start making repairs, laying out fences, building sheds and bathhouses. You will earn yourself a name and capital.

Construction business requires good investments, but quickly pays off

Be sure to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, enter into official contracts with clients, pay taxes - this is the only way you will avoid serious problems, constant fines and “discounts” from unscrupulous clients. Of course, everything needs to be done efficiently, so be sure to choose a qualified team that will be focused on results. Create your own portal on the Internet, register on various construction sites and offer your services. Positive feedback from users will be a great push forward for you - high-quality teams are worth their weight in gold, and their work is scheduled for six months in advance. You will be able to develop quickly, capturing more and more new niches, taking on more responsible and serious projects.

Creating your own business in the construction industry is one of the most profitable ways to make money today. It’s not surprising: people tend to invest large sums in building their own houses, renovating apartments and improving their own living conditions. However, there is high competition in this business segment, which significantly affects the work of many young enterprises.

Create your own construction company it is worth thinking through to the smallest detail: this is not so much a question of success as of the survival of the enterprise. But the game is worth the candle: having firmly established yourself in this area of ​​entrepreneurship, you will increase your money significantly.

The idea of ​​starting a construction business from scratch is undoubtedly attractive, but it can raise many different questions that nip the intentions of novice businessmen in the bud. Doubts arise even at first: where to start opening a construction company? How to legalize your business? Where to get office space, where to find valuable employees, how to finally attract clients and advertise the company? What details need to be taken into account to be successful? How to overcome all the difficulties that beginners face? We will discuss all this in detail in the following article.

Where to begin?

So, when you decide to create your own construction company, it is worth considering: What specific activity in the construction industry do you want to engage in? Of course, companies with narrow specialization will be less in demand than enterprises with a wide range of services. But you shouldn’t scatter yourself all over at once.

Firstly, your own business, aimed at the construction sector alone, has already requires considerable investment, and for several, a gigantic amount of material resources will be required, which not every large company owns. Secondly, in the construction industry It's not so much quantity that matters, but quality. Thirdly, the more services you offer, the more tools, workers and, accordingly, money you will need. You must clearly define your direction and develop in it in order to beat your competitors. With a competent and thoughtful approach, any business is doomed to success.

We list the main types of activities characteristic of the construction sector:

Civil construction. Working in civil engineering, you will build residential buildings, some on a turnkey basis (that is, you will start construction from scratch and end with a completely finished building). Civil and industrial construction includes the construction of car garages, bathhouses, and summer cottages; installation and dismantling of buildings; preparing the site for development.

Industrial construction. The direction of industrial construction controls the construction of factory buildings, industrial buildings, warehouses and other economic facilities.

Road construction. It is considered the most expensive, but complex and costly type of construction. The main customer is the state, and the tasks are limited to the construction of new highways, restoration of old roads, and repair of road surfaces.

In addition, your company can deal with other, less complex tasks:

  1. Own production and sale of materials for construction.
  2. Sale of construction projects.
  3. Renting out special machinery and equipment.
  4. Organizing training in relevant specialties for employees of other companies.

The options are suitable for companies that have already chosen their field of activity and managed to occupy a niche in the construction services market. But how to open a construction company if your capital is not yet conducive to global action? There is an exit - you can start your business with interior decoration. You should not refuse to perform such work: firstly, little money brings big capital over time. Secondly, if you find diligent workers and establish yourself in the market, you will create your customer base, which will grow later.

So, the specific advantages of finishing work:

This type of activity always relevant: finishing is required for any room, which means you won’t be left without work. If a start-up company is unlikely to receive large orders (first it is necessary to earn a name, reputation and trust of large clients), then cosmetic, or even complete renovation of any premises is trusted to almost any enterprise.

To you you won’t have to spend a lot of time recruiting employees: The labor market is full of finishing specialists. Sometimes employees even bring their own tools, which will significantly save money for the start-up company. It’s worth thinking about finishing if you have fairly modest capital or don’t want to take big risks.

It is worth noting that in order to save money, newcomers to the construction business It's worth paying attention to leasing. Leasing is a service that allows you to rent the necessary equipment: equipment, tools, etc. Leasing should also be adopted by wealthy companies: why maintain an excavator and pay a monthly salary to an excavator operator if you need it twice a year? Additionally, if the nature of the work you do is constantly changing, renting new and different tools will serve you well.

Legalization (SRO)

One of the mandatory stages of creating your own company is its legalization and execution of the relevant papers. So:

First of all, we register the company as an individual entrepreneur (Individual Entrepreneur) or LLC (Limited Liability Company). To register the first A copy of your passport, certified by a notary, is sufficient.

For the second, copies of the founders’ passports will be required, but if the founder is an organization, You must attach copies of all constituent documents of this organization. You will also need letter of guarantee(or “Certificate of ownership of non-residential premises”, which is allocated for the office of your company). You can consult a lawyer about the subtleties.

Make sure you are registered with the tax authorities. If during the registration of the enterprise you were not registered there either, provide a package of relevant documents, the composition of which depends on the specific situation. Next, open a current account.

You there must be a building permit. It is not possible to build anything anywhere if you do not have such a document. It will not require large expenses to obtain it, and issuance is carried out by local authorities in the presence of the head of the municipality and the chief city architect.

It is also necessary have a license to design buildings and structures. It will be needed for those entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have a special legal education. The goal is to provide design services.

The last such resolution is license for engineering surveys during construction. It is she who allows engineering work to be carried out during the construction and design of a building.

Time to clarify a topic that worries many aspiring entrepreneurs: joining SRO(self-regulatory organization). The choice of a specific SRO depends on the organization itself; a complete list of them can be found in the Unified Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Builders. After the final choice, you need to contact a representative of this SRO, who will inform you about the required set of documents and the application form.

Within a month, the SRO will make a decision on your competence in the construction services market: the criteria are developed by the organization itself. An example of criteria is the presence of higher education in the specialty of the staff, experience of the organizers, etc. But the most important point is the fees and contributions that will have to be transferred to the SRO upon entry. Their size can reach half a million rubles: not every start-up company can afford such expenses.

You can do without SRO in cases where you are going to do repair and finishing work, installation of lightweight fencing structures (that is, doors and windows). Also, SRO is not required for companies constructing buildings no higher than three-story, block houses (no more than 10 residential blocks), buildings with an area of ​​less than 1,500 square meters. km., as well as individual housing construction projects where a single family lives. Otherwise, the activity of the enterprise is considered unofficial and it is obliged to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

Premises and staff

Let's move on to the practical side of the issue - office space for your construction company. If the starting capital allows - It’s better to buy the premises right away rather than rent them: Having spent a lot once, you will save more than if you pay a certain amount (also quite a lot, as a rule) every month/year. But if you do not have the capital to purchase a premises, renting will help you out.

You can rent an office yourself: find the owner through an advertisement, on the Internet, ask friends, look at the premises in a business center. Try contacting a special company: it will be faster and easier, but more expensive, because... the company is an intermediary.

You can look for conscientious performers among your acquaintances, diligent students of the relevant educational institutions, on the Internet, in recruitment agencies. Place advertisements, talk with people you already know who have potential for construction work. You can also pay attention to visitors from the CIS countries who do not require high wages; however, the quality of their execution is not always satisfactory high standards, which harms the reputation of your business.

However, even among undemanding migrants there are good, adequate employees who are ready to work. But beware of people who present themselves as "jack of all trades": a competent plasterer is unlikely to also be an excellent cabinetmaker.

You can go the opposite way and look not for high-quality workers among cheap ones, but for cheap ones among high-quality ones. In general, any employee can be “trained” specifically for your enterprise: the main thing is to have developed management skills. Consider also the level at which you will work in this moment: district kindergarten he is unlikely to chase after an exemplary expensive European renovation, and a wealthy banker does not skimp on renovating his apartment.

The initial actions of a businessman who wants to join the construction business are described in the video.

How to attract clients?

Even a construction company with an excellent office and brilliant employees can fail if it does not have a client base. Among the main measures to attract customers are:

"Word of mouth radio" If many people leave good feedback about your company, recommend it to your friends, then the flow of clients to the company is guaranteed. Try offering your services to your acquaintances and friends. You may be asked to do some cosmetic repairs or window installation at first - this is a good start.

Cooperation with companies who have made a name for themselves in the construction market. Some of their orders can be quite large, which means you will establish yourself among a solid circle of customers and receive a payment greater than for regular repairs, giving the contractor a certain percentage. Over time, perhaps you yourself will become a contractor, receiving the same percentage at zero cost of material resources.

Try it take part in special tenders and construction competitions. This will help you express yourself, make a name, you just need to show initiative. Of course, participation in large tenders (for example, the construction of Olympic facilities) for a start-up company is a case bordering on fantasy, but it all starts small: construction educational institutions in new residential complexes, sports grounds or shopping centers– an excellent option for a novice entrepreneur.


The classic method of creating your own big name in the market has been and remains advertising. For an additional fee, you can hire a professional PR employee, but with some activity and a desire to save money, you can easily do everything yourself. So, simple but effective measures for advertising a construction company:

  1. Creating your own website. It is better to pay for this service: a website made by a professional is always visible. Your own structured website creates the image of a successful company. And a site based on free platforms often does not allow you to expand and looks unattractive.
  2. Flyers and advertisements in new buildings. Elevators and notice boards are a great PR move.
  3. Cooperation with stores selling building materials, furniture, and equipment. A buyer who comes to buy a sink and sees your ad nearby that a sink can be installed cheaply and quickly will probably turn to you for help.
  4. Internet advertising.
  5. Positive reviews about your company (on the company website, any online recommendation platform)
  6. Advertising in towns, villages, etc.

How to open a construction company? The businessman shares his experience in the video below.

Difficulties for beginners

A business comes to success through a series of difficulties that a novice entrepreneur has to overcome: this is invaluable experience.

So, when opening your own construction company, you need to be prepared for the following:

  1. Lack of solid orders at first. Major challenges face a construction company with a name, reputation and connections. No one wants to risk entrusting an important project to a newcomer.
  2. The attachment large investments in the business. However, under certain circumstances (see “Where to start?”), this can be avoided.
  3. Expensive SRO membership. Let us remind you that you will not need it for small projects.
  4. Powerful competition. You shouldn’t try to do everything at once: be a professional in your field, look for new approaches to the client in order to be different from all other companies. You shouldn’t hope to overtake the industry giants in the first year: you risk losing a huge amount of time, nerves and money.

Opening a construction company is a labor-intensive task that requires constant attention and activity. We looked in detail at where to start, how to attract buyers, how to overtake competitors and advertise an enterprise, where to find employees, premises and legalization of business activities. It is important not to be ashamed of small orders, to improve and develop your business. Think through your actions several steps ahead, believe in your own strengths and capabilities - and success will definitely come to you.

Being in the construction business helps not only to save, but also to increase money. Depending on the amount of money the founder has, the direction in construction that the company will develop also depends.

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At relatively low costs, a small company can carry out finishing work without obtaining SRO approval. If funds allow, you can carry out construction work on the construction of large objects (residential buildings and structures).

Where to start opening a construction company?

In order to start your own business, it is not enough to simply say to yourself: “I want to open a company.” The work of any organization begins with the registration process with the tax office.

If you decide to register a limited liability company, you will need the following documents:

  1. Copies of passports of all founders.
  2. If one of the founders is a legal entity (for example, a construction organization), it is necessary to provide copies of all constituent documents of this organization.
  3. Letter of guarantee or Certificate of ownership of the non-residential premises where your repair and construction company will be located.

To register as individual entrepreneur A copy of your passport certified by a notary is sufficient. You can learn how to properly open a construction company from any law firm that provides assistance in registering businesses.

Is it possible to do without SRO?

Most of the work performed by a construction organization requires obtaining permission from the SRO - Self-Regulatory Organization of Builders.

The choice of SRO is made by each company independently. The list of such associations is published in the Unified Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Builders. This registry can be easily found on the Internet.

Having chosen an SRO, you need to contact its representative in your region, who will send a list by email necessary documents and an application form.

To join the SRO, the following documents are required:

  1. Certificate of OGRN and TIN.
  2. Charter
  3. The decision (minutes) on the election of a leader and the order of appointment.
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  5. Diplomas of secondary technical and higher education engineering staff, as well as certificates of completion of advanced training courses.
  6. Office lease agreement or Certificate of ownership.

Without joining a self-regulatory organization of builders (SRO), you can carry out the following types of activities:

  1. Repair and finishing works.
  2. Installation of lightweight enclosing structures (doors and window openings).

Choosing your niche

A construction company can operate in three main areas:

  • Industrial construction (buildings and structures for industrial purposes).
  • Road construction (construction of highways, repair of road surfaces).
  • Civil engineering (residential buildings).

Each line of activity means that the company can engage not only in construction work, but also in the dismantling of buildings and structures, as well as in preparing the construction site for work.

In addition to the main activities, the company can master a number of additional ones:

  • Production and sale of building materials.
  • Rent out construction machinery and equipment.
  • Conduct training in construction specialties on the basis of the organization.
  • Storing construction materials.

The construction services market is quite developed, so all niches are occupied. In order to successfully engage in a certain type of activity, it is necessary to analyze the positions of competitors. The first option for entering the market is based on this.

The tactic is this: since the market for construction services is vast, it is necessary to compete with existing companies by offering the strongest positions of your enterprise.

For example, when performing a certain type of work (improvement local area) construction waste is removed by the company free of charge.

The second option to gain a strong foothold in the market is to offer consumers materials or technologies that are not available on the market or are poorly distributed. This includes the use of new materials in construction. For example, low-rise construction from twin blocks is carried out by few companies, since this is a fairly heavy material. Meanwhile, twin blocks are environmentally friendly building materials.

Road and large scale construction

These types of activities can be considered one of the highest paid. This means that existing enterprises in this segment are unlikely to want to share a tasty morsel with a newcomer.

Typically, large construction projects are supervised by government services. They most often hand out orders for such work.

If you have set your sights on this industry, you will benefit from well-established connections in these authorities and the impressive amount that will be required to complete the work. Therefore, these options are not very suitable for starting.

A small company in the periphery or in the capital?

Opening a construction company in a metropolis is a very attractive, but also troublesome prospect. Firstly, the competition is huge and it will be very difficult to make yourself known. Secondly, starting a business will require an impressive amount. But if you manage to gain a foothold here, then the profit can be quite high.

Small towns do not promise such earnings, but they can provide stable orders. You can start producing your own products: this will reduce the cost of purchasing building materials. The most profitable type of production is manufacturing scaffolding, as well as blocks or log houses.

As an option, you can try to start a business in a suburb or small town, gradually moving closer to the metropolis: notify potential clients, look for orders in the capital.

Opening a repair and finishing company

Apartment renovation and finishing are the most popular services in construction. It makes sense to try to act in this direction. However, the abundance of companies performing this type works will not allow you to immediately become a noticeable figure. This takes time.

You can occupy a niche in the construction market by reducing prices for services, but within reasonable limits. As long as the proposed prices allow covering the company's expenses, there is no risk of ruin for the company.

At the initial stage of activity, it is not necessary to recruit ordinary workers; construction teams can be hired under a contract.

This option will allow you to save on payments to employees - contractors are paid upon completion of work, and not monthly, as with full-time employees.

Business plan for a construction company: how much does it cost to start a business from scratch?

To open a construction company, you need to clearly understand how much money you need to invest in the enterprise. The main items of the cost part are the costs of registering an enterprise, obtaining SRO approval, rental costs, logistics and wages.

To operate the company requires the following staff:

If your type of activity requires mandatory membership in an SRO, you will have to pay the following amounts:

Costs for creating the material and technical base:

Tool type Unit Price Qty Total (rubles)
Hammer drill Skil 1755 AA PC. 3000 1 3000
Screwdriver Interskol Sh-700 ER PC. 2000 1 2000
Laser level PC. 1400 1 1400
Jigsaw Casals PC. 1200 1 1200
STERN Toolbox PC. 1200 2 2400
Manual tile cutter PC. 1800 1 1800
Drill BE 600 R PC. 2900 1 2900
Hammer PC. 200 5 1000
Specialist. cloth PC. 1500 10 15000
Vehicle (cargo Gazelle) PC. 150000 1 150000
Computer PC. 16000 2 32000
MFP with phone PC. 9000 1 9000
Total 220700

Thus, the costs of opening a construction company are:

As for the remaining costs associated with opening a construction company, these include the cost of renting equipment (only if you do not have your own material and technical base).

By the way, renting equipment is much more profitable for a company that is just starting out. This allows you to save money for the subsequent purchase of construction equipment on lease or on credit. We are talking about large equipment - trucks, construction cranes, bulldozers.

The normal rate of return in construction is 10–15%. This indicates that the planned, estimated and actual levels of the enterprise’s work are built correctly.

Currently, among construction organizations, the rate of profitability has noticeably decreased and averages 7–9%. The decrease in profitability occurs due to the fact that the amount of overhead costs does not change, at the same time, the cost of building materials and personnel costs are growing every year.

All these factors influence the timing of the work. In order to return the invested funds, construction companies are forced to reduce prices for their services and offer clients more favorable conditions. Accordingly, cash flow and profit margins decrease and, as a result, business profitability decreases.

For the successful work of a construction organization, it is necessary to draw up an approximate list of upcoming expenses. Can be ordered ready business plan development of the company or using an example of a business plan on the Internet as a basis.

Development of your construction business

To develop your own business, especially at first, special attention should be paid to promoting the brand: you should inform about the company and its capabilities. Advertising events carried out competently always bear fruit.


The main system that allows construction organizations to navigate the service market is marketing. With its help, construction companies have the opportunity to regulate the structure of the enterprise, identify possible risks, improve external and internal communications, which ultimately helps to optimize the work of a construction organization.

The main areas of marketing in construction are:

  1. Analysis of demand for construction services, study of price growth dynamics.
  2. Ensuring that the organization's activities comply with market requirements to fully utilize production capacity.
  3. Formation of a structure for promoting services and demand for construction products.
  4. Analysis of consumer demand and solving problems related to the implementation of work with the involvement of third-party (partner) organizations.
  5. Timely updating of the range of services and products.

Possibilities of the World Wide Web

The Internet plays an important role in developing your own business. It is necessary to create your own website at the stage of obtaining SRO approval. The page must indicate the registration details of the organization; a landline telephone number and a list of contact persons must be prominently displayed. Welcome to the customer reviews page.

Today, an increasing number of customers are looking for contractors (construction organizations) on the Internet.

So the costs of creating a website can pay off quite quickly.

How can you open a construction company and not go broke?

Video about starting a construction business

Risk analysis

In order to minimize the receipt of all kinds of losses, it is necessary to remember the risks that arise during the activities of a construction company.

The main risks include:

  • Reducing the volume of construction work (for example, due to inflation).
  • An increase in prices for products (building materials) or an increase in tax deductions (social taxes).

In addition to the main ones, there are a number of indirect risks:

  • Delay in putting a construction project into operation entails untimely receipt of funds.
  • Inflation rates exceeding forecast.
  • Sharp jumps in foreign currency rates.
  • Increased costs.

All these risks must be constantly monitored to prevent possible losses. That is why at the stage of formation of a construction company it is necessary to create a marketing department.

Where to find clients for new firms

The easiest way to get clients is to post advertisements about your services on free boards on the Internet. In addition, it is necessary to advertise construction services in the 2-3 most popular printed publications your area (region). It’s a good idea to send out offers from your company via the Internet.

Many clients like it when, in addition to the ordered services, they receive bonuses.

For example, after finishing work is completed, the premises are cleaned by a construction company. This serves best advertising, since most potential clients trust customer recommendations.

Construction companies that have been in this field for many years have already adapted to changeability. external conditions, and to internal changes. Beginners will have to “get the hang of things” on their own and earn the trust of clients. The personal qualities of the leader play an important role in this. A future construction magnate must have a strong character, steely self-control, and be stress-resistant.


  • Due to frequent changes In legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

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The market economy makes significant changes not only to the economic activities of most enterprises, but also to the very perception of life by modern people.

For many of us, it is no longer enough to simply have Good work with a stable income, but want to open my own own business company. A business started and built from scratch with my own hands- this is the cherished dream of truly enterprising people.

In current conditions, construction is considered to be one of the most profitable and promising types of business. If you have chosen this type of commerce, then you need to know where to start a construction business, this will help you avoid many characteristic errors, which most novice entrepreneurs tend to admit.

Features of the construction business

Like any modern commercial enterprise, the presented business is divided into several main categories, these are:
— the field of civil engineering;
— road construction;
- industrial construction of buildings.

The services of a construction company can be divided into two types:

— basic services, including such types of work as: construction of residential buildings, garages, bathhouses, warehouses, and so on, on a turnkey basis, and: installation, dismantling, renovation of apartments and other premises;
— additional services — leasing of personnel and equipment, sale of construction materials, training of personnel from other companies.

To start a construction business from scratch you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

— writing a clear business plan;
— preparation of all registration documentation;
— collection of permits;
— purchase of inventory, equipment, machinery;
— hiring qualified personnel;
- searching for regular and new clients.

For successful commercial activity in the chosen direction, you will need to draw up good business plan. This is necessary not only for organizing a company, but also in order to obtain a loan from a bank.

It usually contains everything you need to know about your company's liabilities and assets, as well as what methods will be chosen to increase profits.

With the help of a business plan you will accurately calculate payback and profitability construction company business.

Pros and cons of the construction business

The main advantage of engaging in this type of business activity is the opportunity to make a good profit, albeit after a certain period of time. On average, the profitability of a construction business ranges from 50 to 70%.

Among all types of private entrepreneurial activity this result called the most impressive. It is also worth noting that the presented type of commercial activity pays off on average within one year.

To start a construction business from scratch It is necessary to own large financial assets. Also important is the ability to attract qualified and conscientious personnel and strong knowledge in the chosen specialty.

However, as with any other business activity, you may encounter some pitfalls and problems.

The most typical of them are the following:

1) A significant decrease in profits can be caused by problems such as difficulty entering the market. A positive factor will be hiring employees who already have experience in this field; they will help your company have a good reputation in the market; you will not need to spend additional money on advertising. Also, hiring experienced employees is an excellent opportunity to avoid forced price reductions;

2) A company that has recently registered and is just entering the wider market may have serious problems obtaining a loan from large banking organizations. The fact is that banks doubt the stability and prospects of the young company. You can convince them otherwise only if you have a well-written business plan and significant assets;

3) When opening a construction company from scratch, be prepared for a high level of competition in the field of business represented. To be successful, you must provide your customers with good advantages over your competitors.

Financial component of construction activities

In order for your company to actively develop over a long period of time, you need to learn how to properly conduct accounting; without correct calculation of profits and expenses, it will be impossible to maintain stable development and make smart investments. What can we say about attracting new clients, and so on.

It is worth noting that one of the important conditions for organizing a construction business is making constant large financial investments, retaining money at stages of unfinished construction. Compliance with these conditions will allow a novice entrepreneur to make a good profit after some time.

There is the following list of main investments:
— purchase of construction equipment;
— purchase of special equipment;
transport taxes, advertising activities, taxes;
— rental of office and industrial premises.

One way to reduce financial costs is not to purchase special equipment, but to rent it. Typically, a significant portion of the funds of beginning entrepreneurs is spent on promoting the company and investing in advertising activities.

A good solution is to create an Internet site for your company, which will present a full catalog of services provided, projects, price list, and so on. Investments in website and advertising are among the most important.

Collection of necessary documentation

Each construction company must have the following set of documents:
— certificate of state registration;
— certificate of registration with the tax services;
— charter of the enterprise;
- seal;
— statistical codes;
— decision to form an enterprise.
Licensing a company includes collecting the following documents:
- construction permit - issued by the local government and the chief architect;
— license for engineering work;
— license for the design of structures and buildings.


If you decide to organize your construction business from scratch, then you cannot do without hiring qualified and conscientious personnel. The company's reputation, productivity and profitability will largely depend on this factor.

Depending on the specific business conditions, the list of personnel may vary significantly, but usually it includes the following names:
- Purchasing Manager;
— designer;
- HR inspector;
- architect;
- foreman;
- lawyer;
- accountant.

If you plan to open a small finishing company, then the minimum number of people in one team is 4 people. Accordingly, they should include an electrical specialist, a painter, a plasterer and a carpenter. Important point— to obtain a license from government authorities, at least more than half of the registered employees must have a higher education in construction.

To increase productivity, be sure to provide your workers with all the necessary set of construction equipment and tools. They must be in good condition, regularly undergo technical inspections, and also comply with standards and safety requirements. It is best to give your preference to an expensive but high-quality tool than to purchase cheap, low-quality equipment.

How to attract new clients

For the successful development of any modern commercial enterprise, it is imperative to be able to not only win over your group regular customers, but also attract new consumers. The implementation of this task will significantly expand the capabilities of your company and reach new level development.

The following methods of finding clients are suitable for beginning entrepreneurs:
— creating your own database of potential clients;
— the beginning of independent development of the site for the purpose of further sale of real estate on the market. You can start selling at any stage of construction - both at the initial and final stages;
— a good way to attract new customers is to receive orders after winning a government tender.

If you don't know how to open a construction business, then the presented material should definitely help you with this.

If you follow all the above recommendations and the proposed algorithm of actions, then starting this type of business activity should not cause any obstacles or difficulties. It is worth remembering that success comes only to businessmen who are strong in spirit and able to strive for new information.

Entrepreneurial structures for the uninitiated look the same from a legal and organizational point of view. It may seem that starting a construction company can be done in exactly the same way as opening a cafe or store. In fact, despite all the similarities, these processes are the same only in some respects.

A construction company can be created as a limited liability company, a joint stock company or a small private enterprise. But builders need the same permits, and catering establishments need completely different ones. What restaurateurs need in terms of organizing a business is of no use to architects. Therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​the nuances.

Relations with the state

An entrepreneur from the very beginning of his activity, or rather, even before it begins, necessarily interacts with the state on many issues. It all starts with the registration of a company, because you cannot start work without an officially created structure; legislation in Russia considers such a procedure mandatory.

Before opening a construction company or a TV repair shop, you need to come up with a name for the company, select an office (legal address) for it, decide on the size of the authorized capital and the composition of the founders, if it is a limited liability company. After registration small quantity documents required by law, it’s time to go to the body that deals with registration and go through all necessary procedures. If you want to save time, you need to contact a specialized company; if you want to save money, you need to do everything yourself.

The next step is obtaining permits for certain types of activities. For construction companies there are not so few of them, but also uncritically many. What exactly you should receive depends on the intended type of activity.

There is a SRO document (self-regulatory organizations) that is needed by those who intend to build buildings of four floors and above, block residential buildings of eleven blocks or more. There are also restrictions on area and the number of families living. If all the indicators are below those described, there is no need for an SRO.

The right to design various objects must be confirmed by a license, as well as the right to conduct survey work. Local authorities issue a permit for the construction of any building or structure. If there is no such permission, buildings and structures are considered unauthorized construction, with all the ensuing consequences.

Market research

The start of any business project is necessarily preceded by a thorough study of the market in which you will have to work. It is necessary to find out how possible it is to organize this or that enterprise in a given territory, including from a technical point of view. For example, if there is no locality gas pipeline, it is possible to build a brick factory in it, but the construction costs will include the cost of supplying gas.

So, for a construction company it is important to determine:

  • are there appropriate resources in the area;
  • how in demand certain construction services are;
  • how high is the competition in the market;
  • what are the statistics on the construction of construction projects;
  • whether there are a sufficient number of specialists with the required qualifications.

This does not exhaust the necessary information; the more, the better. The main thing is to correctly analyze the information received, drawing conclusions about what niche in the market is worth pursuing.

Read also: How to open a construction company and make money from it


It has already become a tradition that for a novice entrepreneur, planning is a business plan. Many consider such a document to be something like confirmation of status or simply a necessity for obtaining financing from banks and other financial institutions.

In fact, a business plan is not a formal statement, or even a tradition. This is a document that the entrepreneur himself needs. It contains calculations of all the nuances of a particular project. Without calculations, a business turns into amateur activity, which usually ends in bankruptcy quite quickly.

Equipment, technology and methods of acquiring it

How to open a construction company if there is no equipment and machinery? Practically nothing, because cooking food for clients over a fire is not welcomed by sanitary and hygienic services, and the same is true with construction.

The easiest and cheapest way to purchase equipment is if the company only deals with repairs. But even in such cases, you can’t do it with rollers, brushes and buckets alone; you still need transport and some devices. A serious construction company needs a substantial number of equipment and, in total, a very expensive set of equipment.

What exactly is worth purchasing? You should proceed from the same business plan and think about purchasing only what you absolutely and constantly need. Construction equipment is expensive to maintain and operate, so every extra one, say a truck crane, will place a heavy burden on the cost of work and services. If a machine or mechanism is used occasionally, it is better to rent it. Services for leasing special equipment are not uncommon. You can rent almost everything - from a spray gun to a panel truck, and it will be less expensive than keeping, for example, a drilling rig so that it will be useful for something once a year.

In this article we will tell you about the features and nuances of the question “how to become a contractor for a construction company.”

How to become a partner in a construction company

The widespread and constantly growing construction business seems attractive to many professional managers and investors. But what is needed to start this activity, and how to become a contractor or subcontractor in the construction or repair of newly created or modernized facilities?

To understand the aspects of this type of employment and earnings, you need to more systematically understand how the construction process works, how the distribution and further production of construction contract work is carried out in the construction services market. To begin construction work, it is most logical to become a partner of a construction organization that already has sufficient volumes of work and established experience in relations with key customers.

How do contractors and subcontractors work in construction?

In construction, with rare exceptions, there are no enterprises that independently carry out full complex accepted work. Therefore, the concepts of a general contract for construction work and partial or full subcontracting have emerged. To understand how contractors work, it is advisable to study open competitive procedures announced on trading platforms for the construction of objects for various purposes and analyze the documentation offered by Customers. The package of competitive materials often contains special individual parameters that the selected contractor must meet. Often, in order to win a tender or competition, not only experience, the presence of a specified number of completed and delivered objects, but also the possession of specific resources are required. This could be: special construction equipment, human resources, contracts with manufacturers of building materials. To understand how subcontractors work in construction, in the documentation for the site you can look at separate lists of work, which, as a rule, are not related in execution and timing to other sets of work that can be transferred to other contractors. Often the general contractor selects subcontractors through competitive procedures. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with the documentation and basic parameters specifically for subcontracted work.

What do you need to become a contractor or subcontractor?

To become a construction contractor from scratch you only need three important conditions:
Availability of resources;
Having proven experience;
Competitive price of the proposed work.
In addition to these conditions, in order to undertake certain types of work, permits may be required. For a whole set of certain types of construction work, this is membership in SROs (self-regulatory organizations), which carry out the statutory control over the availability of the required qualifications and competencies of performers, and also issue permits for these types of work. Some types of work, such as handling certain hazardous substances, high voltage work, and other hazardous work, must be carried out under the supervision of specialized government organizations. This also requires certificates and permits for both personnel and the organization as a whole.
Many types of construction work are not subject to legal regulation and their implementation requires only the organization of compliance with work rules and safety regulations.
Customers, when choosing an organization for the construction or repair of a facility, pay great attention to the experience of successfully performing similar work. Therefore, the easiest way to get involved in such a business is to start by partnering with an experienced organization as a subcontractor. Subcontract work performed with high quality and on time will also be included in the portfolio of successful projects and, over time, will become business card to receive your own orders.

How do construction contractors earn money?

It will be easy for a manager from any business segment to understand how contractors earn money in construction, since the main task of a contractor is the competent organization of all construction processes and their provision with materials. The contractor may formally not carry out any volumes of direct construction at all, transferring them to subcontracting. Very often, organizations retain only the functions of supplying construction materials and providing special construction equipment. All other work can be transferred to other organizations.
The construction business is a very structured type of activity, therefore, in order to become a contractor or subcontractor in construction, it is recommended to start the first steps with some specific types or compositions of work. This could be: electrical installation work of low-current networks, construction of walls, finishing or plumbing work, etc. In addition, it is extremely useful to become a subcontracting partner with a large construction organization, taking on a feasible list of works from the general order.

Every year, hundreds of people across the country hang wallpaper, build houses, lay floors and change plumbing. They are unable to carry out most of this work on their own, as a result of which they invite craftsmen. If you consider the scale, the idea of ​​investing your money in a construction business seems very attractive. The construction business is very profitable, but quite a difficult enterprise to implement, requiring maximum professionalism and dedication, because clients trust only the best. Where to start a construction business, how to act to achieve its maximum efficiency - read below.

Business characteristics

Before starting a construction business from scratch, it is necessary to clearly outline the range of its responsibilities, goals and means.

The first priority for such companies is usually to make a profit sufficient to cover and cover costs. In addition, the company provides a service to the state by providing the population with jobs, training, and sometimes even accommodation. This leads to a decrease in unemployment and an increase in the number of highly qualified specialists in the construction business.

A high percentage of the enterprise’s return on investment is ensured through a wide range of services. Before you organize a construction business, outline the range of your capabilities.

It can be:

  • Interior and exterior design services;
  • Finishing or cosmetic repair services;
  • Laying floors;
  • Wallpapering and preparatory work;
  • Development architectural projects and drawings;
  • Installation of plumbing;
  • Electricians and other services.

In addition to direct repair work, we can provide free consultations, cost estimates, and draw up individual schedules that are convenient for the client.

The work usually takes several stages:

  • Negotiations with a potential employer;
  • On-site visit to inspect and measure the apartment;
  • Drawing up estimates;
  • Signing contracts;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Direct repair.

Legal registration

When rough outlines of the company's goals and features have been made, it's time to move on to calculating funds. How to open a construction business from scratch without calculating financial investments and distributing them point by point? No way.

If opening a construction company is a done deal, go ahead and register.

Register your business as an LLC.

What should be done?

  • Come up with a name for the company;
  • Find a premises (the company office will be located at this address);
  • Availability of authorized capital;
  • Availability of founders;
  • Permission to carry out certain types of construction activities (house design, construction, engineering work).
  • You will also need a number of documents, for example, copies of passports, address legal entity, information about the authorized capital and functions of the company. To avoid paperwork, you can hire lawyers who will draw up all the documents and charge up to $100 for this. You can also purchase a ready-made registered company with a package of documents.
  • In addition, you need to join a self-regulatory organization, since without membership in this body any types of construction work other than cosmetic repairs are prohibited by law.

Start-up capital

Search for premises

Most often, construction companies work “on the road”, that is, employees do not sit in the office, but come directly to the place of work. The only space you will need is an office space. Meetings with clients and employee calculations will take place there. Accounting, documentation, electronic databases, drawings, and estimates will also be stored there. Renting an office will cost an entrepreneur 5–10 thousand dollars.

A little advice: do not start a construction business in the capital or big city. Competition in this business is very high and even a well-structured and very responsible company will find it difficult to squeeze into this market.

Purchase or rental of equipment

Purchasing equipment may seem like the most expensive item in your business plan. How to start a construction business if you don’t have cranes, excavators and other necessary and useful things? Quite realistic, because they will not always be needed. To avoid buying unnecessary things, use leasing (simply renting equipment). Instead of purchasing a crane, you can rent it for a specific type of job and then return it when you don't need it. And in the same way, you can rent out your equipment if you purchased it and it is idle.


Almost everything is ready for the start of the company's work. But before you open a construction business, you need to recruit a team. Selection of labor resources requires a responsible approach: there is always a chance to run into irresponsible people. It is best to take one representative of all types of work performed by the company and entrust these people with assembling work teams.

You will need the following employees:

  1. Director;
  2. Designer;
  3. Driver;
  4. Security guard;
  5. Workers-specialists in construction and repair;
  6. Architect and designer;
  7. Programmer;
  8. Accountant;
  9. Lawyers and economists.

Salaries for employees are negotiable. On average, they are about $400 and above.

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Promotion of a company can be not only a booklet or a billboard. You promote yourself and achieve fame, including through tenders, interaction with the government and other companies. Establishing strong partnerships will have a very good effect on your status and fame. Well, standard advertising measures - videos on TV and on the Internet, a website, booklets, promotions. The main thing is to take advantage of every opportunity.

In general, the construction business is highly competitive, difficult to organize and high costs. It is advisable to start if you have already worked in any other types of business. Best advice How to develop a construction business will involve organizing its work in several directions at once.