Tatar patronymics for men. Modern Tatar boy names

Future parents, when choosing names for a boy, first of all pay attention to their meaning. The influence of a name on a person’s fate is undeniable. Find out which Tatar boy names are the most popular.

The choice of a name is based not only on its meaning and possible influence on fate. In Tatar families, boys are often named so that their names are in tune with their parents’ or to reflect their inherent character traits.

Let's study male names modern and their meaning:

  • By origin:

Photo: Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician

Modern Tatar names for boys have different origins. And that's why. Tatar belongs to the Turkic language language group, therefore, among the names there are many ancient Turkic ones, and Arabic/Persian names came into the language simultaneously with the stage of the spread of Islam. It should be borne in mind that many old names sound relevant, but their meaning has not changed.

  • Names from the Turkic group:
  1. Arslan, Ruslan, Bugarslan. They have a common root, meaning ‘lion’ in translation.
  2. Timerkhan, Hantimer, Mintimer, Timur, Baytimer. Tatar names with a common root “timer”, which means ‘iron’. However, the name Timerkotlyk, formed from two Turkic roots, means ‘iron (strong) happiness’.
  3. Ravil, Ramil, Rem. Sounds have been added to old Turkic names to modernize them.
  • Names from the Arabic group:
  1. The group of names ending in -ullah is a modified form of the word "Allah". Among these names there are many beautiful and popular ones: Habibullah (‘darling of God’), Abdullah (‘servant of God’), Batulla (‘house of God’).
  2. A group with the component -din, indicating 'faith'. Among the famous names: Gainutdin (‘rich in faith’), Nasretdin (‘helping religion’), Abzaltdin (‘noble believer’).
  3. There is a tradition of giving names in honor of the Prophet. The most common names: Muhammet, Mohammetzhan, Muhammad, Dinmohammed, Muhammad.

  • Compound names have their own special meaning. Names with a root that came from the Turkic language, il- (meaning 'homeland') take on a new meaning in the presence of components from other cultures: s -naz ('tenderness' from Persian) - Ilnaz, s -nur ('ray' from Arabic) - Ilnur and -nar ('flame') - Ilnar.
  • Names originating from Bulgarian culture: Tutai ('flower'), Kanak ('child who brings joy'), Mongolian: Batu ('strong'), Sarman ('respected person'), Bayan ('famous'), Saikhan ( 'beautiful khan'), Kipchak: Agish ('happy'), Taktash ('granite'), Aidar ('worthy').
  • According to personal characteristics:
  1. From Persian the name Azat is translated as ‘noble’, Gerey - ‘worthy’.
  2. From Arabic, Amin is translated as ‘faithful, reliable’, Azim – ‘great’, Aziz – ‘mighty’, Mulat – ‘desired’, Bilan – ‘healthy’, Harun – ‘stubborn’.
  • In consonance with parent names:
  1. The boy is given a name so that it has the same root as his father’s: Abdurrauf (‘slave of the Merciful’), Abdullah (‘slave of Allah’), Abdulmajid (‘slave of the Glorious’).
  2. The names have a similar ending: Talgat (‘beautiful appearance’), Khidiyat (‘the one who will lead you to the right path’).

All modern Tatar names are beautiful and modern sounding. Depending on the history of their origin, they can have different meanings.

Despite the fact that many of them came from other cultures (mainly Arabic, ancient Turkic origin), they are endemic. Choose a name for your baby that suits his character and protects him.

The Tatars are a numerous people who have played a significant role in history. Together with the warlike Mongols, they conquered half the world and kept the other half in fear. Today their descendants have settled throughout to the globe while maintaining their customs. One of the oldest traditions of the people is to give newborns beautiful Tatar names. Boys are usually named so that the name reflects the person, his character, and inclinations. Sometimes these are wishes for good luck, firmness, prosperity, and in other cases the names are protection from evil forces.

According to their names, modern boys' names are divided into the following types:

Often Tatar names for boys come from Arabic words, as they were borrowed along with Islam. Today, the modern is often combined with a traditional surname of Turkic-Persian-Arabic origin. This is due to the fact that Western culture is penetrating further into the East, making its own adjustments to the local mentality. Previously, the traditional names of this people were created from words of the Turkic, Persian and Arabic languages. Usually the stress is on the last syllable.

Tatar names for boys, like personal names among other peoples, transformed over time, were borrowed from neighbors, and were composed by adding several words with different origins. An example would be the names Gainutdin, Abdeljabar, Mintimer, Saijafar.

In the twentieth century, a new trend appeared in the world - to baptize children with old names or those that were derived from the ancient ones. Letters were added for better sound. This is how the names Raf, Ravil, Rem, Ramil, Rome and complex ones appeared, created by merging the usual name and the ending “ulla”, “Allah”. After the revolution of the seventeenth year, the names Karl and Marcel appeared in the everyday life of the Tatars, but they cannot be considered national. Often parents choose Tatar names for boys because of their good sound and beautiful meaning. But one should take into account the fact that the meaning of not every name can be found out reliably. Sometimes creative individuals name the baby a unique word they invented on their own.

Since ancient times, people have believed that a name is not just a word that identifies a person among others. It conveyed to its owner some properties that were necessary for a full-fledged member of society. Therefore, the boys were called “courageous”, “strong”, “protector”, “brave” and “firm”, and the girls were given gentle names of flowers and plants, stars, they wished them beauty and many children.

Tatar boy names are more popular today than ever. After all, every nation strives to restore its roots, its identity, and regain the lost connection with previous generations. And a name is precisely the first step towards restoring patriotic consciousness.

The Tatar nationality, in general, is very rich in names. In terms of quantity and diversity, there are about 25 thousand of them (one of the first places in the world). The origin of the names is connected with various religious, economic, historical and cultural processes that Tatarstan went through during its existence.

Here are some of their varieties

Turkic names– having Turkic roots. They belong to the pagan era. This is the 1st–10th century. The semantic content of female names of that time included belonging to various types activities of a specific type, social status in society or certain character traits. Eg:

  • Altynbike (golden princess).

But since ancient times, Turkic tribes had a belief that taking someone else’s name means taking someone else’s destiny. Therefore, they never named their children the same as the names of relatives or acquaintances who had an unfortunate fate, or had health problems, or who disgraced their family during their lifetime.

Arabic and Persian. They appear in the 10th century, after the adoption of Islam:

  • Farida (single);
  • Galia (dear).

Since Islam originated on Arab soil, the Prophet Muhammad is an Arab, and Muhammad’s beloved younger wife was named Aisha (prosperous), Tatar women were often called by this Arabic name. Slightly less popular were the following:

  • Khadija (the first wife of the Prophet);
  • Habiba (beloved, dear, wife of the Prophet);
  • Fatima (that was the name of the Prophet’s daughter);
  • Halima (name of the Prophet's nurse).

According to the translation, the Arabic names either coincided with the Muslim ones, or were very close to them in meaning.

In 1552, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, after the conquest of Kazan by the Moscow princes, the forced baptism of the Tatars began. Orthodox names then began to appear in Tataria. But, due to the fact that for more than two hundred years it was not possible to introduce one hundred percent Christianity in the country, Empress Catherine II in 1788 allowed the opening of a Muslim spiritual administration in the city of Ufa, to which enormous power was transferred by the queen.

Mullahs, in mandatory located in every large and small settlement, received unlimited powers and were complete masters over the illiterate population. The mullah accompanied a person throughout his earthly life, from birth to death. He named it, and he buried it. During this period, the introduction of Arabic symbols began again. Although, it should be noted that by that time the mullahs themselves practically did not know Arabic. Names such as:

  • Aishe (survivor);
  • Maryam (bitter);
  • Fatima (weaned);
  • Khadicha (premature), etc.

Residents could not argue, and did not understand the meaning of most Arabic names. It happened that the mullah called almost the entire population in one village the same name.

The ending “-ulla” was often added to the word., which translated means Allah:

  • Zinatullah (adornment of Allah);
  • Nurullah (light of Allah).

After the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, Tatarstan, like all of post-revolutionary Russia, was swept by a fashionable trend that prompted some true adherents of communist ideas to give their daughters symbolic names glorifying that era. However, here they did not violate Tatar traditions in any way:

  • Renata (revolution, science, labor, and also reborn);
  • Damira (long live the world, or - strong);
  • Leniza (Lenin's Testament - artistic, inventive).

At the same time, the following European and Slavic names became popular:

  • Rose (very beautiful);
  • Rimma (Roman);
  • Regina (queen);
  • Agnia (innocent).

Completely new ones are also emerging:

  • Gulara (decorated with flowers);
  • Alsou (beautiful);
  • Leysan ( Spring rain);
  • Zalika (who can speak beautifully).

But sometimes names are Soviet power performed only the function of identifying a person and nothing more.

Where do you get the Tatar beginning?

Where do we get the Tatar beginning? After all, even the Koran, from which prayers are read, is written in Arabic.

Famous Tatar folk poet, Gabdulla Tukay, at the beginning of the twentieth century wrote an article “About our names”, in which he lamented that the Tatars were brought up not in the spirit of the Tatar nation, but in the spirit arab religion: “We can judge this at least by the names that we are given after birth.” He supported the popular trend in society, which led the population to call Tatar children by Tatar names, the content of which would reveal the essence of a person, his national traits.

In modern reality, due to permanent shift religions for many centuries, the naming of a child among the Tatars occurs only according to the wishes and worldview of the parents. According to the wishes of Gabdulla Tuk, national traditions are finally becoming relevant again. Naturally, many names have changed since ancient times, becoming modern and easy to pronounce. But, still, among the popular Tatar female names There are many Turkic, Persian, Arabic, Slavic and European ones left. They all have beauty and euphony and bring positive energy to its owner. For example, how do you like these soft in pronunciation and pleasing to the ear:

  • Latifa (beautiful);
  • Valia (saint).

In many sources you can find a list of names that will be called Tatar. Although, the list will be full of Arabic, Persian, and European ones. According to statistics, today the Tatars have names of 70% Arabic origin, 10% Persian, 4% Russian and Western, and only 16% Tatar (Turkic).

A girl was born into the family

What do parents invest in naming their daughter? Traditional Tatar names for girls either imply some significant events, express the identity of the family, or mean worship of the gods. Girls are often called names, associated with such phenomena and concepts as water, flowers, names of birds:

And many call Tatar girls, connecting them for life with the heavenly bodies. Eg:

  • Chulpan (morning star, planet Venus).

A lot of female Tatar names begin with “Ai-”, which means “moon”:

  • Ainura (moonlight);
  • Aibike (moon lady).

The imagination of the Tatar people is limitless. Girls are sometimes even called this way- a softening ending is added to a popular male name:

  • Ramilya (magical);
  • Ravilya (young).

Meet complex names, formed by combining two words, sometimes taken from different languages:

  • Zuhrabika (radiant);
  • Musavira (artist).

The Tatars have more than a hundred names that have a word like “Bibi-” at the beginning. This applies to very young girls or young and unmarried girls. It looks like this:

  • Bibikey (girly);
  • Bibidana (only daughter);
  • Bibinaz (affectionate girl);
  • Bibinur (shining girl).

Some words having an additional suffix “-iya” means comparing its owner with something:

  • Dulkynia – comparison with water;
  • Jihaniya - comparison with the universe.

The ancient names for newborns are still used today. After all, they sometimes sound so gentle and melodious. In addition, each such name carries with it some famous ancient history.

Amilya, Aliya, Amani, Anisa, Jamila, Farida, Karima - these names came from the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula.

Guzel, Jana, Azalia - remained from Turkic times.

Yasmin, Fairuza - originally from Persia.

More complex names, made up of several that can still be found, are considered ancient and rare. They are more often present among very adult indigenous Tatar women. And in no case is it customary for the Tatars to shorten or modify their name. It is believed that this leads to imbalance and duplicity in its owner. By the way, if the name is chosen incorrectly Parents are quite allowed to choose another, more suitable one for their child.

The Tatars have another tradition that is inherent to them: they never repeat names in the same family. For example, they do not name their daughter after their mother, grandmother or great-grandmother.

According to statistics, among Tatar female names the most popular three years none of them were used. The only exception is Azalea.

And yet, here is a list that is most popular among Tatar parents:

Celebration of the birth of a baby in Tatar families

The birth of a new person is always happy event, causing delight and festive mood among relatives. Of course, modern mothers and fathers want to name their baby something fashionable and popular. But we must not forget that at this very moment the fate of the child is in their hands. The name given to your beloved child will play an important role in his life. After all, it contains a secret. It has long been known that the word is material. Tatars believe that any word is read in heaven. The name will go through the entire life path along with the betrothed. The Tatars say: when you choose a name, you choose your destiny. And also it all long life will serve as a talisman and amulet. Therefore, before giving a newborn a name you like, you need to understand what this word will mean.

Thoughtlessly assigning a name to a child, the meaning of which the parents do not know, is not welcomed in Tatar families. After all, such connivance threatens to affect the future of not only the betrothed, but also the entire family. This can be clearly seen in the example of any family of the Tatar nation.

But, the name has been chosen. According to Tatar custom, it is solemnly announced in the presence large quantity guests invited on this occasion. The oldest and most respected relative, and often a local mullah who knows how to beautifully pronounce a wish, is trusted to whisper the chosen name into the baby’s ear in his native Tatar (Turkic) language. This is followed by a rich feast, a cheerful holiday dedicated to the naming.

Throughout the ceremony, guests say traditional words of wishes for happiness, health, good luck, wealth, everything that they would like to give to the newborn. The holiday doesn't end there. For several more days, friends, girlfriends, neighbors go to the house of the young parents - everyone brings treats and gifts for mom and baby.


Common Tatar female names popular among Russian women. These are: Elvira, Regina, Svetlana, Susanna, Larisa, Agnia, Azalea, Venus, Alsou, Clara, Amalia, Roxana, Rosa and many others.

And if you are puzzled by finding an unusual Tatar name for your daughter, then you should familiarize yourself with numerous name lists. There you will certainly find the one thing, which will personify exactly your girl. In the same lists you can find out the meaning of each name. Such lists, which contain both rare and modern names, in any source you will find many. You can also turn to the Koran. And since every parent wants a better fate for their girl, when choosing a child’s name, try to find one that will attract the maximum of positive events into the baby’s life.

Tatar names are very beautiful, because they contain a hundred-century history, although not all of them are originally Tatar.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Tatar names

Tatar male names and their meaning

Tatar names originated from Persian, Arabic and Turkic names.

Male Tatar names

Abdullah- servant of God

Abzaltdin- noble faith

Abdurrauf– from 2 names: Abdul and Rauf

Absalam- from the words abu - son and salam - greeting

Agzam- tall, exalted

Adib- scientist, educated

Azat- free

Azamat- greatness, glory

Aziz- mighty, dear

Aidar- worthy, of worthy husbands

Ainur- Moonlight

Airat– amazement

Aytugan– moonrise

Akram- generous

Ali– exalted (female Aliya)

Alim– knowledgeable (wives of Alim)

Aladdin- believer in Allah, Allah - God, din - faith

Almas– diamond

Diamond– precious stone

Alfanis– from 2 names: Ali and Fanis

Amanullah- faithful son

Amine– faithful, honest (female Amina)

Anas (Anise)– friend (female Anisa)

Anvar (Anver, Enver)– radiant, light (one of the surahs of the Koran)

Ansar– assistant

Assad- a lion

Asadullah- lion of Allah

Asan (Hasan, Khasyan, Hussein, Husain)- good

Afzal– most worthy

Ahad (Akhat)- the only one

Akhmet (Ahmad)- illustrious

Ahmad (Akhmet)- illustrious

Ahmar (Akhmer)- red

Akhbar– stellar

Akhund- sir

Ayaz- Starlight Night

Bakir (Baghir)– studying

Bakhtiyar- happy

Bayram (Baryam)- holiday

Bayaz- white

Bikbulat- steelback, sir

Bikbay- too rich

Bilal- healthy, alive

Bulat– hardened iron, steel

Buranbay– born during a snowstorm

Burangul– born during a snowstorm

Buransha– born during a snowstorm

Wazih– clear

Vakil– authorized

Vali (Vali)- close, holy

Walid (Valit, Vyalit)

Vasil– inseparable (wife of Vasily)

Wasim- Beautiful

Wafa- loyalty

Vahid (Vahed, Vahit)– single

Wildan- child, child

Wil- close, holy

Vyalit (Valit, Walid)– child, descendant (female Valida)

Vali (Vali)- close, holy

Gabit– worshiper

Gabdullah (Abdullah)- servant of Allah, servant of God

Ghazi- warrior for the faith

Gaziz (Aziz)- mighty, dear

Gazim (Azim)– great

Gainutdin– rich in faith

Gainulla- son of a rich man

Gali– exalted (feminine Galia)

Galiascar– junior Gali

Ghani- rich

Ganis- from german named Hans (Hans)

Gafar (Ghaffar, Gafur)– forgiving (female Gafur)

Gayan– noble

Gaillard– noble

Gulzar– flower garden (female Gulzifa)

Husein (Husein, Khusain, Hasan, Khasyan)- good

Davlet- happiness, wealth

Dawood- Darling

Damir– persistent (female Damir)

Daniyar– illustrious (female Denmark)

Daoud (Daut)- Darling

Dayan- hold on

Denise– sea

Jalil– possibly from Jamil – wonderful

Jamil (Jamal)– beautiful (female Jamila)

Jafar (Jafar, Jabar)- leader, chief

Edigar- holy, kind, beneficent person

Ermek– yoke-bearer (or short for Yarmukhammet (comrade of Muhammad)

Euphratesfresh water, river

Jabar (Zhafar, Jafar)- leader, chief

Zainullah- decoration of Allah

Zakir– memorable

Zakiya– virtuous

Deputies– time, epoch

Zahid- ascetic, ascetic

Zahir– assistant (female Zahir)

Zemfir (Zephyr)– a type of sweet (female Zemfira)

Zinnat- decoration

Zinatulla (Zinetulla)- decoration of Allah

Zinnur– radiant, turquoise

Ibrahim- father of nations

Idris– student

Ikram- honor, respect

Ilgiz- traveler

Ildar– ruler

Ildus (Yuldus)- loving his homeland

Ilnur– sublime light

Ilshat- bringing joy to the homeland, famous

Ilyas (Ilyaz)- God's favorite

Iman- faith

Insaf- justice

Irek (Irik)– will

Isa- God's mercy

Iskander (Iskandyar)– defender

Islam- devoted to Allah

Ismail (Ismagil)– God heard

Ismat (Ismet)– purity, abstinence, protection

Isfandiyar- gift of holy God

Ishak- laughter

Ittifaq- union, unity

Ishbulat- similar to damask steel

Ishbuldy- who became a friend

Ishgilds- a friend appeared

Ishtugan- native

Kabir– great (female Kabir)

Kadir (Kadir)– almighty (fem. Kadriya)

Kalimullah- good son

Kamal– perfection

Kamil (Kafil)– perfect (feminine Kamil)

Karim (Kirim)– generous, noble (female Karim)

Capiz– possibly from Kyapyats – men’s headdress

Qasim– distributing (feminine Kasyma, Kasima)

Katib- writer, writer

Kashfulla- discoverer, discoverer

Kayyum- existing forever

Kurban- victim

Kurbangali– high sacrifice

Kurbat– kinship

Kyyam– form of the name Kayum

Lazzat- pleasure, pleasure, bliss

Laziz- giving pleasure

Laim– immortal

Lutfulla- God's mercy

Magafur– forgiven

Magsum– protected, pure (feminine Magsum)

Majit– powerful

Mazhit– powerful

Mazit– powerful

Mysore (Mansoor)– winner

Maksuz (Makhsut, Maksut)– desired

Mansoor (Mysore)– winner (female Mansur)

Malik- lord, king

Marat (Murat)– desired

Mars– derivative of French name Marseilles

Marseilles- name of a French city

Masnavi- from the Koran, the giver

Mahmud (Muhammad, Mohammad, Muhamet)- illustrious

Mergen- skilled hunter

Midhad– praise

Mintimer– iron

Marzagit– from 2 words: peace and Zagit

Miftah- key

Muddaris- teacher, mentor

Mukkaram– revered

Mullagali– from 2 words: Mulla and Gali (great, exalted)

Muniz– friend (female Munisa)

Munir– sparkling (feminine Munira)

Murat (Marat)– desired

Murza (Mirza)- title in the Golden Horde, son of the emir

Musa– prophet

Muslim- Muslim, follower of Islam

Mustafa– chosen one

Mukhamedyar– possibly meaning Mount Muhammad

Mukhtar– chosen one

Nabi– prophet

Nadir– rare (feminine Nadir)

Nazir– look (female Nazir)

Nazip (Nazif)– pure (wives of Nazif)

Nariman- strong-willed

Nasikh- advisor, friend

Nafis– graceful, thin

Nizam– device, order

Nur (Nuri)– light (fem. Nuria)

Nuriakhmet- glorified light, holy radiance

Nurullah- light of Allah

Ravil- taught by God

Rais– possibly a leader (female Raisya)

Ramil (Ravil)- possibly a disciple of God

Rasil– sent

Rasim– custom (feminine Rasim)

Rasikh– hard, stable

Rauf– merciful (female Rauf)

Rafail (Rafil, Rafail, Raphael)– God cured

Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik)- Kind

Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat)- Kind

Rafkat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik)- Kind

Rahim- gracious

Rashid– walking the right path (fem. Rashidya)

Renat (Rinat)– renewed, reborn (wives Renata)

Rome (Ram)– Roman, native of the city of Rome (female Rimma)

Rimzil– having a mark, marked with a sign (wives Ramzia)

Rizvan- favor, satisfaction

Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik)- Kind

Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik)- Kind

Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik)- Kind

Ruby– precious stone

Rufat- same as Rifat

Rushan– light, shiny (feminine Rushana, Rushaniya)

Sabir (Sabur)– patient (female Sabir)

Sabit- strong, durable, durable

Sadri– first (female Sadria)

Sadyk– true

Said– happy (fem. Said, Said)

Saifi– sword (female Saifia)

Saifullah– sword of Allah

Salavat- prayer of praise

Salah (Salih)- good, good, good

Salih (Salah)- good, good, good

Salman- necessary

Samad (Samat)- eternal

Sarvar (Server)– minister

Server (Sarvar)– minister

Suleiman– protected

Sultan- power, ruler

Talgat (Talha)– name of a desert plant

Talip– irreconcilable

Tarkhan– probably from tarragon - a plant, a type of spice

Tahir (Taghir)- bird

Timur– iron

Uzbek- the name of a people that has become a personal name

Ulmas– immortal

Ulfat- friendship, love

Umar (Umyar)– form from Pers. Lobster

Ural- joy, pleasure

Urus- the name of the Russian people, which has become a personal name

Usman- slow

Faizullah- Allah's generosity

Faiz– winner

Faik- excellent

Faizullah- son of the winner

Fanis– sugar (feminine Fanisa)

Farid (Farit)– rare (fem. Farida)

Farhat (Ferhat)- invincible, capable, smart

Fatih (Fatih)– winner

Fayaz- generous

Foat (Fuat, Fuad)- heart, soul

Francis- sugar

Fuat (Fuad, Foat)- heart, soul

Khabib- beloved, friend

Habibrahman– from 2 names: Habib and Rahman

Habibullah- favorite of Allah or son of Habib

Khadi– leader

Hadith- tradition, legend, story (feminine Hadith)

Haydar- a lion

Hakim- knowledgeable, wise

Khalid (Khalit, Khaled)- eternal, permanent

Khaliltrue friend

Halim– soft, kind (female Halima, Halima)

Haliullah- son of Khalil

Hamza- sharp, burning

Hamid (Hamit)– glorifying, ascending (feminine Hamida)

Haris- cultivator, plowman or guardian, guardian, protector

Hasan (Khasyan, Hussein, Husain, Husein)- good

Hafiz– defender

Hikmat (Hikmet)– wisdom

Khoja- sir, mentor

Chingiz- great, strong

Chukran- Khan, born during the Chuk holiday

Shakir– glorifying, grateful, one who appreciates what he has

Shamil (Shamil)– comprehensive

Shamsi– sun (female Shamsia)

Sharif- honor, glory

Shavkat– power, greatness, splendor, splendor


Shavkat- compassionate, merciful

Shafik– tender, loving, merciful, compassionate

Shahryar- sovereign, king (from the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights")

Elfer– free (female Elfira)

Enver (Anver, Anvar)– radiant, light

Yuldash- friend, companion

Yuldus (Ildus)- loving his homeland

Yunus (Yunis)- pigeon

Yadgar- memory

Yakub– accompanying, not lagging behind, following

Yakut– yakhont

Yamal- beautiful

Yarulla- son of the mountain

Yatim- the only one

Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Tatar names. Tatar male names and their meaning


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Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim.

Read about rituals associated with the birth of a child.

Ghazi(Arabic) - making a campaign, procession; aspiring; warrior.
Ghalib(Arabic) - winner.
Ghani(Arabic) - rich, owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gafur(Ghaffar) (Arabic) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gayaz(Arabic) - assistant, helping.
Gaillard(Arabic) - courageous, courageous, courageous, decisive.
Gayas(Arabic) - savior, helper.
Gufran(Arabic) - forgiving.

Dalil(Arabic) - accurate, correct, truthful; conductor (showing the way).
Damir- (Arab) conscience, mind; (Turkic) derivative of “timer-dimer” - iron; persistent
Danil(Daniyal) (Hebrew - Arabic) - a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge.
Danis(pers.) - knowledge, science.
Danif(Arabic) - the sun setting.
Daniyaz(Arabic-Persian) - desire, need, need, need.
Daniyar(pers.) - smart, prudent, sensible.
Daujan(Turk.) - generous.
Daulat(Davlet) - wealth, country; happiness.
Daut(Daoud) (Arabic) - beloved, endearing.
Dahi(pers.) - possessor of great knowledge, foresight, great writer.
Dayan(Arabic) - rewarder for what has been done, great judge. One of the names of the Almighty.
Dzhambulat— Bulat (Arabic) — very strong; Jan (Turkic) - soul.
Jamil(Arabic) - beautiful.
Diliyar(pers.) - sincere, heartfelt; comforter.
Dindar(Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Zhamal(Arabic) - camel (implies the endurance and diligence inherent in this animal).
Jaudat(Arabic) - superior, impeccable, unblemished, without flaws; generous, magnanimous.

Pick up(Arabic) - strong, strong, hardy.
Zayed(Arabic) - growing.
Zakaria(Old Hebrew - Arabic) - remembering the Almighty; a real man .
Zaki(Arabic) - smart, wise, capable; clean, straight.
Zakir(Arabic) - remembering, remembering; praising God.
Zalim— the word “zalim” (the emphasis falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as “unjust, cruel.” But “zalim” (the stress falls on the second syllable) is like an ostrich; oppressed, offended.
Zamil(Arabic) - friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin(pers.) - earth, founder, ancestor.
Zarif(Arabic) - affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; well-spoken; resourceful, witty.
Zafar(Zufar) (Arabic) - a winner who achieves a goal.
Zahid(Arabic) - pious, modest, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat(Arabic) - decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good.
Zinnur(Arabic) - light, radiant, illuminating.
Zia(Arabic) - light, light of knowledge.
Ziyad(Arabic) - growing, increasing, maturing.
Zobit(Dobit) (Arabic) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair(Arabic) - strong, smart.
Sulfate(Arabic) - curly; loving.
Zulfir(Arabic) - superior, superior; man with curly hair.

Ibrahim(Ibrahim, Abraham)(Old Hebrew - Arabic) - father of nations. The same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham - in the Jewish and Christian ones.
Idris(Arabic) - diligent, student, diligent. The name of one of the prophets of the Most High.
Ikram(Arabic) - respect, reverence.
Ilgiz(Turkic-Persian) - wanderer, traveler.
Ildan(Turkic-Tatar-Persian) - glorifying the homeland.
Ildar(Tatar-Persian) - having a homeland, leader, owner of the state.
Ildus(Tatar-Persian) - loving his homeland.
Ilnar(Tatar-Persian) - fire of the homeland, light of the homeland.
Ilnur(Tatar-Arabic) - the light of the homeland, fatherland.
Ilsaf(Tatar-Arabic) - from the combination of “il” (“homeland”) and “saf” (“pure, noble”).
Ilham (Ilgam) (Arabic) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas(Hebrew - Arabic) - Divine power, miracle.
Iman(Arabic) - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal(Old Turkic - Tatar) - prince, aristocrat; lord, ruler.
Inar(Arabic-Tatar) - make sure, believe.
Insan(Arabic) - person.
Insaf(Arabic) - well-mannered, modest, conscientious.
Irek(Tatar) - free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) - generous, welcoming, wealthy.
Irfan(Arabic) - enlightened, educated, educated.
Irshad(Arabic) - guide, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander)(ancient Greek) - conquering the courageous.
Islam(Arabic) - submissive to the Almighty, worshiper.
Ismagil (Ismail) (Hebrew) - derived from the phrase “God himself hears.”
Ismatullah(Arabic) - “under the protection of God.”
Israfil(Arabic) - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel who announces the coming of Judgment Day.
Ishak(Old Hebrew - Arabic) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas(Arabic) - sincere, sincere, devoted.
Ihsan(Arabic) - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ikhtiram(Arabic) - reverent, respectful.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) (Tatar) - star, radiant, bright like a star.
Yosyf (Yusuf) (Hebrew - Arabic) - owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kavi(Arabic) - strong, powerful, mighty. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kavim(Arabic) - direct, honest, correct.
Kader(Arabic) - authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir(Arabic) - powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kazim(Arabic) - patient, balanced.
Kamal (Kamil) (Arabic) - full, mature; brought to perfection.
Kamran(pers.) - mighty, powerful, mighty, happy.
Kari(Arabic) - a reader who knows the Koran, a hafiz.
Carib (Qaribullah) (Arabic) - a close friend (“a person close” to Allah).
Karim(Arabic) - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasim (Kasim, Kasym) (Arabic) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kyavsar) (Arabic) - the name of a stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.
Kafil(Arabic) - returning.
Kaharman(pers.) - hero, hero.
Kahir(Arabic) - winner.
Kahkhar(Arabic) - possessing power. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kashshaf(Arabic) - revealing, revealing (all that is good).
Kayyum(Arabic) - eternal, reliable, constant. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kiram(Arabic) - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat(Arabic) - strength; a person who can handle anything.
Kurban(Arabic) - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus(Arabic) - respected, revered.
Kyyam(Arabic) - risen, resurrected.
Kamal(Arabic) - achieved, matured.

Latif (Latyf) (Arabic) - open, merciful; cheerful, witty.
Lokman (Lukman) (Arabic) - looking, caring.
Lutfulla(Arabic) - the grace of God, His gift.
Lyabib(Arabic) - smart, well-mannered.
Lyaziz(Arabic) - sweet, tasty.

Maksud(Arabic) - sought, desired; target; meaning, meaning.
Malik(Arabic) - master, leader, king.
Mansour(Arab) - victorious, triumphant.
Marat- this is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders french revolution Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Masgood(Arabic) - happy.
Mahdi(Arabic) - walking the right path.
Mahmoud(Arabic) - praised, revered.
Minniyar(Arabic-Persian) - helper, friend, comrade who does good.
Mirza(Arabic-Persian) - lord, nobleman.
Mikhman(pers.) - guest.
Mubin(Arabic) - able to distinguish between truth and lies, open.
Muzaffar(Arabic) - victorious warrior.
Muqaddas(Arabic) - holy, pure.
Mukim(Arabic) - corrective; building; establishing; performing; living, residing.
Munir(Arabic) - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad(Arabic) - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza(Arabic) - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - (ancient Egyptian) son, child; (Greek) extracted from water.
Muslim(Arabic) - Muslim; submissive to the Creator.
Mustafa(Arabic) - equal, superior, best.
Muhammad(Arabic) - the name “Muhammad” is translated as “praised, praised.” Comes from the verb “ha-mi-da”, that is, “to praise, praise, thank.”
Muhsin(Arabic) - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar(Arabic) - chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabi(Arabic) - prophet.
Nadir(Arabic) - rare.
Nazar(Arabic) - given name can be translated as “far-sighted”, as well as “look”; “looking on the bright side of things”; “vow (promised)”; "dedicated to the Lord."
Nazim(Arabic) - building, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif(Arabic) - clean, straight, healthy.
Nail(Arabic) - recipient; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman(Old Persian) - strong, hardy, strong.
Nugman(Arabic) - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur(Arabic) - light, shining.
Nuriman(Arabic) - light of faith.

Ravil(Heb.) - teenager, young man; spring sun; traveler .
Radik(Greek) - sunbeam.
Rais(Arabic) - leader, head.
Ryan(Arabic) - the name of the gates of heaven through which those who observed obligatory fasting in the worldly monastery will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan (Ramadan) (Arabic) - the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This name was usually given to children born in this month.
Ramiz(Arabic) - a sign symbolizing goodness.
Ramil- magical, enchanting.
Rasim(Arabic) - accelerated step, move, rapid movement.
Rasul(Arabic) - messenger; ambassador; messenger; apostle; precursor.
Rauf(Arabic) - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Almighty.
Raphael(Heb.) - healed by the Almighty. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael).
Rafik(Arabic) - friend, comrade, fellow traveler; soft-hearted.
Rahim(Arabic) - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rahman(Arabic) - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rashad(Arabic) - when the emphasis is on the first syllable, the name is translated as “conscious, prudent”; "adult"; “walking the right path”, when the stress is on the second syllable - “consciousness, consciousness”; “health, prudence”; "right".
Rashid(Arabic) - walking on the right path.
Reed(Arabic) - contentment; agreement; benevolence, favor.
Rinat(lat.) - renewed, reborn.
Rifat(Arabic) - high position, nobility.
Rifkat(Arabic) - blessed.
Ruzil(pers.) - happy.
Ruslan(Old Turkic - Tatar) - a derivative of Arslan.
Rustam- Very big man, With powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man-legend.
Rushan (Raushan) (pers.) - light, emitting light.

Sabir(Arabic) - patient.
Sabit(Arabic) - strong, honest, keeping a promise.
Aloes(Arabic) - very patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Sadyk(Arabic) - honest, sincere; Friend.
Said(Arabic) - lord, nobleman.
Salavat(Arabic) - praising; blessing.
Salman(Arabic) - healthy, without grief.
Salah(Arabic) - useful, necessary; pious, God-fearing.
Samat(Arabic) - eternal; supervisor. One of the names of the Almighty.
Samir(Arabic) - interlocutor, storyteller.
Sardar(pers.) - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar(Arabic) - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Almighty.
Safa(Arabic) - pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and prosperity.
Sultan(Arabic) - king, head of state.
Sufyan(Arabic) - proper name.

Tabris(Arabic) - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.
Tawfik (Taufik, Tofik(Arabic) - blessing; agreement, pacification; success, luck, happiness.
Tair(Arabic) - flying, soaring.
Such (Tags) - initially “Tagi” sounded like “Such”, which translated from Arabic means “pious, pious.”
Talgat (Talat) — appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir(Arabic) - pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) (Turkic) - iron, resistant. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born into a family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting into it a prayer for his health and resistance to illness and life’s adversities.

Umar(Arabic) - life, living. This name was given in the hope that the child's life would be long; the name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) (Arabic) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil(Arabic) - educated, talented.
Faiz(Arabic) - a winner who achieves his goal.
Faik(Arabic) - superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.
Fail- giving good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid(Arabic) - unsurpassed, unique.
Farouk(Arabic) - able to distinguish good from bad.
Fattah (Fattakhetdin) (Arabic) - opener of the doors of happiness, winner; opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Almighty.
Fatykh(Arabic) - beginner; winner.
Fayaz(Arabic) - rich, generous.
Fuad(Arabic) - heart; mind.
Fyanis(pers.) - a beacon that illuminates.

Khabib(Arabic) - beloved; pet; Friend; dear, beloved.
Haydar- a lion.
Hayretdin(Arabic) - the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim(Arabic) - wise, educated, scientist.
Khalik(Arabic) - revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khalil(Arabic) - close friend; righteous.
Halim(Arabic) - soft, patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khamzat (Hamza) (Arabic) - agile, burning.
Hamid(Arabic) - commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammat(Arabic) - praising.
Hanif(Arabic) - truthful, honest, lover of truth.
Haris(Arabic) - guard, defender.
Harun(Arabic) - stubborn, restive, self-willed.
Hasan(Arabic) - good, beautiful.
Hafiz(Arabic-Tatar) - someone who knows the Koran by heart; retentive. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khezir (Khyzyr, Khidr) - the Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khyzyr