Types of purulent discharge from the urethra in dogs. Urethritis in dogs - symptoms and treatment of inflammation

Male - German Shepherd, 3 years old, has not eaten for 3 days, bleeding is coming from the genitals. What is happening, how to treat it?


Hello. The described situation seems to be a consequence of a number of diseases, including viral ones. Possible options The appearance of blood from the penis in a male dog is curable. The data provided in the letter is not enough to determine the full picture of what is happening. What is the dog's temperature? Does blood come out instead of urine, at the time of bowel movement, or does it simply flow out at random times? The dog doesn't eat, but drinks?

It is important to realize responsibility for your pet. Seeing a doctor at the first sign of a change in your dog’s habits should become the norm. The veterinarian will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Home inspection

If blood appears in the urine or instead of urine, it is better to go for a professional examination. If the time is late or it is not possible to immediately go to the clinic, conduct a study of the male member yourself. Primary signs– visible to the naked eye. Such signs sometimes reliably indicate a disease. This group includes the appearance of small growths on the penis, similar to cauliflower capable of bleeding.

TO possible reasons include mechanical damage. A dog can get hurt on snow or hard material. Hit foreign body, even a small one, in the prepuce causes the formation of bleeding wounds. Painful sensations associated with discomfort affect changes in eating habits. A dog may refuse to eat due to stress.

Prepare your pet and prepare for a home inspection. Make sure the dog is calm. Do not be nervous and loudly discuss the upcoming procedure. Dogs understand voice intonation and chosen words. Especially shepherds. The breed belongs to individuals that clearly recognize speech commands.

To examine a male dog, make sure that the dog cannot bite. They put on a muzzle or tie the muzzle with a clean rag. It is better to do the manipulation together. The first person holds, the second examines. Carry out the inspection carefully but quickly. Gently, without pressing on an already painful area, move the skin of the prepuce downwards, from the head to the base. The penis opens entirely, until it thickens at the base below.

If your dog shows no interest in food, it is worth identifying the reason for this change. Healthy, cheerful aged male three years must eat at least once a day. A depressed and lethargic dog will not eat until the owner helps.

Most likely, the dog is in pain. It is necessary to urgently begin to bring your pet out of a depressed state. To ease your shepherd's suffering, call the clinic and consult with your doctor. In large cities, 24-hour veterinary help desks have been established. The doctor will tell you what actions to take to help your friend and companion.

Hello, Sergey!

Sometimes owners of male dogs are really concerned about the fact of discharge from the prepuce (penis). various types exudate and blood.

Discharge of blood from the prepuce can be observed in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as the genital organs.

In addition, the appearance of blood can be caused by infections, the most likely of which are plague, leptospirosis and piroplasmosis.

An enlarged and infected prostate gland can also cause bloody issues as a result of blood stagnation in this area.

To determine the cause of blood discharge from the prepuce in a dog, you need to consult a doctor and conduct laboratory tests.

Discharge can also appear as a result of inflammation of the prepuce or penis (balanoposthitis), but in this case, in addition to blood, pus is found in the discharge. With balanoposthitis it becomes inflamed inner shell prepuce and glans penis. The cause of balanoposthitis, in addition to injuries and bruises, which are very rare, by the way, are urolithiasis disease, purulent cystitis and urethritis, complications after illness infectious diseases. The disease is manifested by the appearance of discharge, appearance which varies depending on the severity of the process and duration of the disease. At first, the discharge is liquid, gray-yellow in color, and accumulates when the dog lies down. Gradually, the exudate becomes lighter, has a thicker consistency and takes on the appearance of pus. The hair of the prepuce is constantly stained with this pus and stuck together. In advanced cases, pus can also be found on the head of the penis, in the opening of the urethra. You cannot breed a male dog with even the slightest signs of pathology in the reproductive system; in the offspring, all these signs will intensify even more.

In good general condition of the male, when excluded viral infections, there are two treatment options. The first is to make a smear from the prepuce and culture to identify microorganisms, and then determine the sensitivity to antibiotics of the isolated microflora.

The second option is the poke method. That is, prescribe an antimicrobial course at random. Most often, the microflora of the prepuce is sensitive to cephalosporin antibiotics. These are kefzol, claforan, kefadim, longacef, etc. Antibiotics are administered 2 times a day, in doses calculated for the dog’s weight, intramuscularly, for 10-14 days. At the same time, you need to give trichopolum tablets 2 times a day after meals, observing the dosage. The prepuce cavity must be washed after walks with dioxidine solution, no more than 3 times a day. But to be on the safe side, of course, it is better to donate the dog’s blood to be tested for chlamydia; sometimes in some animals it is completely asymptomatic. There may be some discharge from the prepuce, that's all.

Still, it’s better to show the dog to the veterinarian than to just guess...


If we talk about the most common pathologies that are most often encountered in the practice of ordinary veterinarian, one cannot fail to mention the pathologies of the urinary system. Urethritis in dogs takes pride of place here. It does not occur so often in these animals when compared to cats, but it does happen.

This is the name for inflammation of the urethra, that is, the urinary tract. To a layman's eye, urethritis may not seem so serious illness, to immediately take the dog to the veterinarian, but this opinion is far from the true state of affairs. The problem is that the swollen mucous membrane of the urinary canal may well cause stagnation of urine, and this phenomenon is fraught with severe intoxication, which in some cases even contributes to fatal outcome. Even minor inflammation of the urethra often leads to infection, and there is no need to talk about the seriousness of this pathology! More often, this disease affects male dogs, and neutered ones (service dogs), but it also occurs in female dogs.

Why does this happen?

Why is it so dangerous disease does it occur at all? Firstly, it can manifest itself against the background of an existing infection of the kidneys or bladder. So, with infectious cystitis (,), inflammation will inevitably descend to lower sections urinary system. The situation is similar with kidney diseases. The bitches are in wildlife“Urethritis as such is rare, but with inept catheterization it can easily occur. In principle, in a wild mating, when a “dog wedding” takes place without any control from the breeder somewhere in the nearest garbage dump, the possibility of the bitch becoming infected with the same chlamydia, which in itself can contribute to the development of inflammatory lesions of the urinary tract, cannot be ruled out.

Read also: Laryngotracheitis - inflammation of the larynx and trachea in dogs

Of course, male dogs are castrated much less often than male cats, but service dogs yet they are deprived of their “dignity.” If such animals do not have a special diet, they often develop urolithiasis. Stones and sand, which will inevitably appear when they are destroyed, also contribute to the appearance of urethritis. These are the reasons that are most undesirable. The fact is that the urethra itself is a very delicate and delicate organ with very thin walls. If it is regularly injured and irritated by sand, then there is a high probability of perforation. Simply put, the canal may burst with subsequent spillage of urine into the abdominal cavity dog. Not the best outcome.

Clinical signs

What symptoms indicate the development of inflammation of the urethra? Firstly, the dog strains for a long time with his paw raised, unable to empty his bladder. Swelling of the glans penis may be observed. If the process progresses rapidly and the urethral mucosa swells greatly, urinary stagnation develops. In this case general state the animal deteriorates very quickly. The dog practically stops eating

What is this?
Discharge from the genitals is a common nuisance in dogs. The nature of the discharge can be light, cloudy (from white to yellow-green), and also mixed with blood. Mainly observed in males. You may notice both the discharge itself and the fact that the male often licks the penis area.

Why is this happening?

The cause of discharge from the preputial sac is most often inflammation in it (balanoposthitis), but they can also occur with other diseases. There may be several reasons for discharge from the genitourinary opening (inflammation in the urethra or in bladder, prostate diseases, the presence of stones in urinary tract and etc.). Therefore, in all cases of detection of discharge from urethra It is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the exact cause. Inflammatory diseases preputial sac are often found in young male dogs during puberty.

What need to do?

If you notice discharge from the penis, the first thing you need to do is examine it. To do this correctly, you need to put the dog on its side (it’s good if someone helps you), lift the upper hind paw, fix the penis behind the thickening (bulbs) with one hand, and carefully push back the skin (prepuce) with the other. Carefully examine the penis itself (you should be alerted by redness, soreness, the presence of bubbles (follicles) in the area of ​​the base of the penis, the presence of any formations on it). Inspect the opening of the urethra to make sure there is no discharge from it.

When should you see a doctor?

  • if the discharge is heavy or bloody
    if the discharge comes directly from the urethra
    if the examination of the penis cannot be carried out by yourself or this causes obvious painful sensations animal
    if you find any formations on the penis or severe redness.
  • ATTENTION! If, in addition to discharge, you notice any problems with urination in your animal (difficulty, pain, lack of urination), you should contact a doctor URGENTLY!

...and when you can handle it yourself

If during the examination you did not find the above signs and the general condition of your pet is normal, you can try to deal with it yourself. Most often, this is a common inflammation; in order to cure it, it is necessary to wash the preputial sac 2-3 times a day. To do this, you will need a syringe or a regular 10-20 ml syringe without a needle. The following solutions can be used: chlorhexidine, miramistin, dioxidine. Lay the dog on its side in the same way as when examining the penis, pull the prepuce up a little, insert the tip of the syringe with the solution into the opening of the prepuce and introduce the solution without effort, while lightly squeezing the prepuce with your fingers, then simply let the solution drain into the tray.

You can repeat this manipulation several times. Usually, after 5-7 days of such procedures, the symptoms disappear. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

What will the doctor do?

At the clinic, the doctor will conduct an examination and, depending on the expected diagnosis, additional tests may be prescribed.

In most cases, for balanoposthitis, only local treatment, with the follicular form of balanoposthitis (when blisters form on the mucous membrane of the penis), cauterization or removal of the follicles is performed; this is a painless procedure and it does not require special preparation of the animal. If any formations are detected in the area of ​​the penis or prepuce, additional cytological studies are carried out. Further treatment depends on the results of the studies.

It is worth mentioning such a disease as venereal sarcoma. With this disease, ulcerated, bleeding formations can form on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This disease is oncological and, as a rule, responds well to chemotherapy drugs. This disease can be contagious to other dogs and transmitted through contact.

If the discharge comes directly from the urethra, then further diagnostic and therapeutic measures will probably include an ultrasound perhaps X-ray examination, Analysis of urine. Treatment will depend on the disease identified.

Although balanoposthitis is not a contagious disease, if you have a breeding cable and you notice this problem in him, then 5-7 days before mating you need to treat the preputial sac as recommended above. If the discharge does not go away, be sure to show your dog to a doctor.

These diseases do not pose any danger to people, but it is still worth observing personal hygiene measures. If your pet has discharge from the prepuce, and you have small children in the house, then it is worth treating the floors with any household disinfectant.

Purulent discharge in dogs is more common in males than in females. Externally, they can be light or cloudy (from white to greenish), sometimes mixed with blood. They can often be noticed because the dog frequently licks the genitals.

Causes of purulent discharge in dogs

There may be several reasons why a dog has purulent discharge from the genitals. Most often, this is a sign of balanoposthitis - inflammation of the preputial sac. The cause may also be prostate disease or stones in the urinary tract.

To accurately detect the cause purulent discharge you need to contact a veterinarian. You can first examine the animal yourself. To do this, you need to lay the dog on its side and lift its back paw. You will need the help of another person, because next you need to fix the penis behind the thickening and push the skin away with your other hand. If the penis is unnaturally red, has blisters, or is painful, there is a problem.

How to treat purulent discharge in a dog?

If the doctor determines that the dog’s purulent discharge from the urethra is associated with balanoposthitis, treatment will be local. If there are follicles (vesicles), they are cauterized or removed. Further treatment is prescribed based on the results of cytological and other studies.

In the case when the discharge comes directly from the urethra, an ultrasound examination and urine analysis are performed.

Sometimes discharge may be associated with venereal sarcoma. In this case, ulcerated and bleeding formations may also form on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Oncological problems are treated with chemotherapy drugs. And unlike balanoposthitis, this disease is contagious and is transmitted by contact.