Lump in the chest of a child. Mammary glands in boys: structure and diseases. Lump, lump or lump in the chest, mammary gland A boy has pain in the mammary glands Lumps in the mammary glands in newborn boys

Lump in the chest Lump in the chest

Video on diagnosing breast diseases in women

Breast cancer Fibrocystic

Breast cyst Fibroadenoma Infections

Which doctors should I contact if I have a lump in my chest?

Lump in the mammary gland in children

Lumps in the chest in children can occur for various reasons. The cause may be tumor growth (usually fibroadenoma). In girls, a lump (thelarche) in the mammary gland may be a consequence of premature onset of activity of the genital organs (ovaries). However, of particular interest is enlargement of the mammary glands - gynecomastia.

What is the reason for the development of gynecomastia?

Discussions of lumps in the mammary gland are reflected in the relevant material in sufficient detail, but children have their own characteristics.

The development of gynecomastia is associated with the growth of breast tissue in boys and their increase in size. The cause of breast enlargement is excess estrogen production or decreased testosterone production. Thus, the development of gynecomastia in children is associated with an imbalance of sex hormones.

It should be noted that physiological gynecomastia occurs in newborn children. It is caused by an increased content of maternal hormones in the newborn’s body and is observed in every second child.

In adolescence, pubertal transient gynecomastia occurs in boys. Its manifestations are subtle and most often both mammary glands of the child are involved in the process.

Overproduction of female hormones in the body of boys can be a manifestation of a number of diseases. For example, an increased level of estrogen in a child’s body is observed with testicular tumors, hypogonadism, disorders of the metabolism of sex hormones and other conditions.

In children, breast enlargement may occur due to excess fat deposits in the breasts. In this case, growth of the mammary gland does not occur. In this case, they talk about false gynecomastia.

Symptoms of gynecomastia with compaction

If a child is suspected of having gynecomastia, they first answer the question of whether true or false gynecomastia is observed in this case. Sometimes when you press on the area of ​​an enlarged and thickened breast, pain may appear. This is a sign of rapid growth of gland tissue. In addition, secretions of a different nature can be separated from the nipple (colostrum, bloody, serous discharge).


If the diagnosis of gynecomastia is beyond doubt, the cause of the child’s hormonal imbalance is determined. The condition of the adrenal glands, kidneys, thyroid gland, liver is examined, the level of testosterone, prolactin, and the presence of signs of hypogonadism are determined.

Treatment of breast gynecomastia in a child

During the neonatal period and puberty, gynecomastia usually goes away without any treatment on its own. Parents and adolescents are advised that these symptoms are temporary and persist for 3 years.

Prescription of drug treatment is indicated for persistent manifestations for more than three years, as well as for unexplained (idiopathic) gynecomastia in children before puberty.

At the moment, there is little information about the effectiveness of androstanolone. This drug, diluted in aqueous-alcoholic gel, is prescribed in the form of skin applications 2 times a day.

The use of surgical treatment methods is indicated if symptoms of gynecomastia persist after puberty. The operation is reduced to removing excess fat and glandular tissue.

Symptoms and treatment of breast mastopathy in men and teenage boys

Many people believe that mastopathy only applies to female diseases. But the strong half also suffer from this type of disease due to pathologies in the chest.

Sometimes this diagnosis takes men by surprise, as they do not attach importance to some symptoms, attributing it to anything but a disease of the mammary glands. In most cases, teenagers and older men suffer from this disease. This is due to the fact that the impetus for the disease is hormonal changes in the body during adolescence or adulthood.

In this article we will talk about breast mastopathy in men, what it is and how to treat it.

Despite the fact that men suffer from mastopathy much less often than women, it is fraught with a number of dangers. Therefore, you should not neglect unpleasant or painful sensations in the chest, but consult a doctor.

What is mastopathy in men? Male mastopathy is commonly called gynecomastia.

Mastopathy in men is a disease characterized by enlargement of the mammary glands and proliferation of glandular tissue.

Diffuse formations appear in the breast, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can develop from small lumps into cancerous tumors.

It is during adolescence and later in life that men experience various kinds of transformations in the hormonal system, which leads to changes in such important indicators as estrogen (female hormone) and androgen (male hormone).

And if a man’s body begins to produce more female hormone over male hormone, testosterone decreases, which provokes the formation of mastopathy.

The impetus for the development of breast mastopathy in men is a violation of the hormonal system, i.e. predominance of estrogen over androgen.

Such deviations can occur for a number of the following reasons:

  • If a tumor has formed in the pituitary gland or adrenal glands.
  • With pathological changes in the liver.
  • If for some reason estrogen destruction occurs.
  • Reception for building muscle mass of anabolic steroids.
  • Congenital anomalies when a boy develops according to the female type.
  • Any diseases of the testicles.
  • Beer abuse.

IMPORTANT Men who regularly drink beer are at risk. This is due to the fact that beer contains hops with a huge amount of phytoestrogens.

The symptoms of mastopathy in teenage boys and men are similar to those in women. The only difference is that in women the symptoms are more pronounced during menstruation, which gives reason to consult a doctor.

Mastopathy in men is expressed by symptoms such as:

  • When you feel the breast, lumps are clearly visible and have clear contours.
  • Seals come in different shapes and sizes. They can be single or multiple.
  • When pressing on the nipples, a colorless liquid is released. The discharge may be mucous or purulent.
  • If the disease affects only one mammary gland, there is a clearly defined asymmetry of the glands.
  • When pressing on the chest, aching, pulling or bursting pain is felt. Also, the breast may hurt without touching or the pain may be completely absent.
  • Severe pain when touching the nipples.

Mastopathy in men often occurs together with gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary gland in a man, caused by the growth of glandular tissue, fat and muscles):

Which doctor should I contact?

If even one symptom is detected, a man should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. This could be: a mammologist, urologist or endocrinologist.

The doctor will palpate the mammary glands, conduct the necessary survey, clarify complaints and give directions for the necessary tests to accurately confirm the diagnosis.

REFERENCE Malignant tumors in the mammary glands are much more common in men than in women.

Therefore, even a slight lump should alert a man and become a reason for a comprehensive examination of the mammary glands.


First of all, to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor palpates the mammary glands. If palpation reveals lumps or the patient’s complaints confirm the possibility of mastopathy, the following diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

  • Mammography, which will allow you to see darkening and pathological manifestations in the mammary glands on X-ray images. Establishing a diagnosis using this method is the most accurate. With the help of such an examination, you can determine whether there are cancerous formations in the breast.
  • An ultrasound will allow you to diagnose the presence of seals, their shape, size, and location.
  • A biopsy is performed if a man is suspected of having cancer. To do this, a small amount of diseased tissue is collected and sent for cytological studies to the laboratory. Tissue studies are carried out at the cellular level, which makes it possible to accurately determine whether the formations are cancerous or not.
  • Analysis for the presence of hormones such as androgens, estrogens, prolactin.

Additionally, they may prescribe an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and an ultrasound of the pelvis.

How to treat mastopathy in men? Treatment of mastopathy in men is aimed at displacing the pathological processes from the body that caused the development of the disease.

Sometimes it is enough to give up certain types of medications, beer and nutritional supplements to restore hormonal balance and get rid of symptoms.

Also, to stabilize hormonal levels, medications are prescribed that contain androgens, which are capable of qualitatively blocking the formation of estrogen.

In more severe cases, the doctor prescribes a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or a course of antibiotics.

Men need to avoid eating fatty, fried or spicy foods and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Massaging or heating the area where there is a seal is strictly prohibited.

If medications do not give the desired result, a lumpectomy is prescribed - surgical removal of the formations with further examination of the removed tumor.

Every man who uses steroid drugs and beer must monitor the condition of his mammary glands. It is this category that is most susceptible to the appearance of mastopathy. Therefore, it is enough to take preventive measures in order not to fall into a risk group with a more serious diagnosis.

You can find more information on this topic in the Mastopathy section.

Lumps in the mammary gland

Lumps in the mammary gland are the appearance of multiple or single nodes, lumps, lumps, changes in the structure of the organ, which may be accompanied by discharge from the nipples, painful distension, engorgement and pain in the breast. Localized tumors occur in men and women, including adolescents and young children. The appearance of compactions can be a consequence of the development of pathological diseases or a natural physiological process; 95% of changes are not associated with cancer. Lumps in the chest in men The structure of the mammary glands of men is the same as that of women; in their infancy, ducts and lobes are present. In young men and mature men, small lumps may appear in one or both breasts, as well as around the nipple areola. Most often, lumps appear over the entire surface of the breast, as well as under the armpits, on the arms, on the abdomen, and are a consequence of gynecomastia (“female breast”). This disease is associated with the fact that the glandular tissue of the mammary gland is replaced by fatty and fibrous (connective) and with the appearance of benign neoplasms, swelling of the nipples, rounding of the breast, its size increases from 1 to 10 cm, the normal size of the gland is 0.5-1. 5 cm. The main reasons for the formation of seals in men: hormonal imbalance, when the balance between female sex hormones estrogen and testosterone and androgens - male hormones is disturbed; puberty; taking narcotic drugs, hormone replacement, antidepressant and antitumor drugs, as well as cardiac glycosides; hereditary predisposition; obesity; chronic diseases of the liver, prostate, testicles, adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders and other diseases; unbalanced diet.

Breast compaction in boys most often occurs at the age of 10-14 years; dense small balls or nodules appear, asymmetrical and painful when touched. Seals form, usually around the nipples, swelling of the nipples and discomfort in the chest are observed. This phenomenon is called physiological gynecomastia; such lumps and nodules resolve on their own. If the seals do not go away before the age of 18, then it is necessary to undergo a high-quality examination and consult a specialist. Dense neoplasms pose a threat to the patient and can develop into breast cancer. Treatment depends on the cause that caused the development of gynecomastia in a man.

Lumps in the mammary gland are the most common complaint with which women consult a doctor. Most often the tumor is benign. But it is necessary to constantly monitor the tumor to prevent cancer. Therefore, a woman should know what can lead to the appearance of lumps in the mammary gland and what are the signs of a tumor.

Seals can be divided into the following types:

  1. Depending on the formation, the bump can be one- or two-sided.
  2. The tumor can be cyclic or acyclic.

Changes in the glandular tissue of the breast are allowed throughout the menstrual cycle. Cyclic tumors are associated with menstruation and in many women the tumor appears in the corpus luteum phase. The process has a physiological explanation, since hormonal levels fluctuate during menstruation.

Cyclic compaction goes away on its own after menstruation and does not require special treatment. Changes in the structure of the mammary glands can be associated not only with the background, but also occur as a result of taking medications with a hormonal composition. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor to change the product.

Acyclic changes occur regardless of the menstrual cycle; there can be many reasons for their appearance.

Seal classification

According to modern classification, breast lumps are divided into several types, which are listed in the table.

FibroadenomaThe pathology is a benign tumor. Most often, the lump occurs in the upper part of the mammary glands. Under the influence of hormonal levels, the tumor can change, namely grow or shrink.

If a woman has painful lumps, there is a high probability of nodular fibroadenoma. In this case, the node becomes large and grows up to 1 cm.

Leaf fibroadenoma can be detected when a lumpy tumor appears. The lump will quickly increase in size and deform the mammary gland.

Seals of this type can develop into a cancerous tumor.

MastopathyWhen hormones are imbalanced, breast tissue can grow. Mastopathy is divided into several types:

· Diffuse – lumps in the mammary gland in the form of balls located throughout the breast.

· Nodular – can lead to the development of new nodules and tumors. In case of nodular mastopathy, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary. The condition requires constant monitoring, as it is precancerous.

· Cystic - the presence of hollow seals that are filled with fluid.

Symptoms of the condition include the following:

· The appearance of numerous nodes - characterizes the initial stage.

· Formations of different sizes.

· Seals have a round or oblong shape.

· The nodes are large and painful.

· The formations gradually grow to 3–4 cm and their density increases.

· There is discharge from the nipples.

· A few days before your period, your breasts hurt. As the condition progresses, discomfort remains after menstruation

CancerThe condition is characterized by the appearance of a hard, shapeless compaction. With cancer, a woman can feel many small nodules. The mammary gland begins to deform, a feeling of pain appears, and the nipple retracts. When you press on the mammary gland, cancer is characterized by the appearance of blood discharge. The condition can be detected by painful, enlarged axillary lymph nodes.
MastitisIn case of illness, the chest may hurt when pressed. Mastitis occurs in a nursing mother when the milk ducts become overcrowded. Symptoms of the condition include lumps in the chest, high body temperature and redness of the skin.

Balls on or near the nipple most often indicate a benign tumor and are caused by the accumulation of secretions in the glands.

SarcomaThe compaction is characterized by the appearance of large lumps in the lower chest. It is malignant in nature.
AbscessIn pathology, a painful lump appears due to high body temperature and discharge from the chest. An abscess requires urgent surgical intervention.
LymphomaThis type of tumor is rare. The neoplasm develops from lymphoid tissue. The condition is characterized by massive enlargement of lymph nodes. The compaction can form metastases - this is a secondary focus of pathology that occurs if the initial tumor moves.
Fat necrosisThe condition may develop as a result of chest trauma. Fat necrosis is characterized by globules in the mammary glands that are tender and painful. Upon palpation, you can notice the hardening of the tumor.

Often the lump resolves on its own. In some cases, necrosis is replaced with connective tissue.

LipomaThe tumor is benign. Lipoma is characterized by small pea-sized lesions in the breast. The tumor has a round shape and is painless

Causes of seals

There are many reasons why a lump may appear. The most common signs that provoke the appearance of a tumor in the breast:

  • Trauma – up to 50% of tumors occur due to this cause. For example, a woman hit her chest hard or pressed on it. Because of this, adipose tissue cells change and painful lumps appear in the mammary gland. Tumors can occur due to trauma to the uterus. For example, during termination of pregnancy or other manipulations in the field of gynecology.
  • Uncomfortable underwear – If clothes do not fit properly, breast lumps may occur. For example, a woman wears a bra every day that puts pressure on her mammary glands. This can cause lumps to form around the nipples.
  • Lactation period increases the likelihood of tumor development. With breastfeeding, the milk ducts are often clogged and a thickening appears. Balls in the chest occur due to irregular latching of the baby or an inflammatory process.
  • Changes in hormonal levels - lumps can occur during or after menstruation. This is due to changes in the amount of hormones. Often such neoplasms go away on their own at the end of menstruation.
  • Endocrine system disorders – diseases associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands cause changes in hormonal levels. Accordingly, this increases the risk of developing seals.
  • Thrombophlebitis - when the axillary vein is blocked, an inflammatory process appears, the mammary glands swell, and redness occurs.

In addition to the reasons listed, compactions can occur due to:

  • early onset of menopause
  • sleep disorders
  • frequent stress
  • overwork
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • excess body weight

Neoplasms in children and men

The tumor does not only occur in women. There is a possibility of lumps appearing in the chest in children and men.

In infants, formations in the chest can occur as a result of a hormonal crisis - the period of adaptation of the baby to life, which occurs after childbirth. Most often, swelling appears in a child with a large weight. Along with the seal, there may be discharge from the nipples. In 90% of cases, swelling in infants goes away on its own and does not require surgical intervention or the use of medications.

Nodules may appear in adolescents. During puberty, changes occur in hormonal levels. Lumps in adolescence are called retroareolar adenoma. Often neoplasms appear between the ages of 10 and 14. Adolescents are also characterized by the appearance of rolling balls in the mammary glands. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia and goes away on its own.

Lumps appear extremely rarely in adolescents or infants. But it must be remembered that any benign tumor can develop into a malignant tumor.

Often lumps in the breasts in men appear during puberty, as hormonal changes occur. The condition does not pose any danger, but other pathologies of serious significance may occur. The tumor appears due to the following symptoms:

  • A man's hormonal levels change.
  • Poor nutrition or disrupted daily routine.
  • The man is overweight.
  • Taking certain groups of medications. For example, antidepressants, anticancer or hormonal medications can cause tumors.
  • Drug use. The factor negatively affects the entire body, including hormonal levels.
  • Chronic diseases. These include diseases of the thyroid gland and prostate, diabetes mellitus.
  • Hereditary factor is the rarest cause of compaction.
  • Breast enlargement according to the female type.
  • The seal can be felt. If the diameter reaches more than 3 cm, you must urgently visit a doctor.
  • Discharge appears from the nipples. Sometimes the secretion is mixed with blood. It is rare, but indicates a serious pathology, possibly even oncology.

In men, lumps above the breasts are an anatomical feature and are therefore not considered a pathology. But if it increases and is accompanied by painful sensations, it is better to visit a doctor.

When to see a doctor

You should immediately make an appointment with a doctor if the following signs appear:

  • The presence of multiple nodules in the mammary gland.
  • Breast deformation.
  • When you raise your arms, indentations appear on the skin.
  • When pressing on the chest, discharge appears that is bloody or purulent.
  • A lump or swelling has appeared under the armpit.
  • The mammary gland in the area of ​​the lump constantly hurts.
  • Increased size of lymph nodes under the armpit.
  • The skin near the nipples has become rough.

It is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner. This is the only way to diagnose a cancer tumor in time. It is also important to study the appearance of the breast and the sensations that appear when palpated in a normal state. This will help you notice any changes immediately.

How to diagnose

To begin with, the doctor may ask various questions:

  • Time of first appearance of the compaction.
  • Other symptoms are pain, discharge.
  • Dependence of symptoms on the menstrual cycle.
  • Risk of developing a lump due to injury.
  • Risk of developing a tumor due to heredity. For example, the presence of breast cancer in relatives.
  • Taking medications.
  • Lactation.

Next, the doctor examines and palpates the mammary glands for lumps. Additional procedures may be prescribed to make a diagnosis. Don't worry about this. It is necessary to be examined in order to clarify the diagnosis. Referral for additional procedures does not indicate suspicion of cancer. Most often, the examination helps to exclude a malignant formation and prove that the lump is benign.

Comprehensive diagnostics

Comprehensive diagnostics includes the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound examination - the procedure is absolutely painless and harmless. During an ultrasound scan, the body is exposed to ultrasound radiation.
  • Mammography is an X-ray examination of the mammary glands. The procedure is necessary to determine the presence of small seals. Using mammography, you can find out the type and location of the tumor. The procedure is performed over several minutes, but for some it may cause discomfort due to pressure on the mammary glands. Mammography is most often prescribed for women over 40 years of age. At a young age, it is ineffective due to dense breasts and the inability to treat small lumps.
  • Ductography is a procedure similar to mammography, but the difference is the use of a contrast agent. Thanks to this, the specialist will be able to analyze all the changes in the mammary glands.
  • Biopsy is an accurate diagnostic method. It involves taking a tissue sample from a pathological tumor. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the nature of the tumor and make the correct diagnosis. The procedure involves the administration of local anesthesia to relieve pain.
  • Puncture - a puncture is made in the mammary gland, material is taken for examination with a pistol or a special needle.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is an auxiliary diagnostic method. MRI is most often used instead of ultrasound and x-rays. The procedure helps confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy or surgical treatment.

Main directions in treatment

If there is a lump in the mammary gland, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The method of therapy is determined using complex diagnostics. Most often, pathology is treated using the following regimens:

  • Use of medications – for benign lumps, medications with hormonal components are prescribed. In the case of nodular mastopathy, immunomodulators and multivitamin complexes are additionally prescribed. To eliminate chest pain, the doctor prescribes analgesics. To reduce the inflammatory process, NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used.
  • Surgical intervention - the need is determined by a specialist. The operation involves excision of the pathological area using a sharp instrument. The procedure is performed using general anesthesia. The resulting material must be sent for examination to a laboratory to rule out cancer.
  • Complex treatment - involves the use of several methods at once. For example, in the first stages, the seal is removed and radiation or chemotherapy is administered.

If a malignant tumor is detected, surgery is performed in rare cases. In case of metastases, palliative treatment is prescribed - this is a set of measures that combine medical, psychological and social assistance. The method prolongs the patient’s life, reduces pain and improves well-being.

Preventive actions

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to undergo a full examination by a mammologist annually. Additionally, you should regularly independently examine your mammary glands for lumps. It is also recommended to follow the following preventive rules:

  • Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Spend more time relaxing.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Use contraception.
  • In the case of a hereditary factor, be examined by a doctor every six months.
  • Wear quality underwear.
  • Have sex regularly with a regular partner.
  • If a child is born, do not give up breastfeeding.
  • Protect the mammary glands from injury and damage.
  • Treat the initial stages of diseases in a timely manner.

If any lumps appear in the chest, you should not self-medicate or use folk remedies. A person cannot make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. This is only available to an experienced doctor. In the initial stages, the tumor is treatable. But in case of late consultation with a doctor, it is not always possible to save the mammary glands and the patient’s life. One of the main reasons for death from cancer is late referral to a specialist.

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Determining the rate of maturation during puberty

Acceleration - the acceleration of physical maturation in boys and girls - has been worrying doctors and psychologists for the last hundred and fifty years. Children grow taller and develop a mustache or bust earlier, but, unfortunately, brain maturation lags behind body growth, and early hormonal storms lead to unforeseen consequences. What should you pay attention to in puberty teenagers?

Every person has a built-in biological clock. They regulate the growth and development, the activation and decline of various functions - this is how a baby seeks the breast and sucks a finger, a teenager rubs vigorously, and old people's hair turns gray and their skin becomes wrinkled. The command for change is given by the hypothalamus - the area of ​​the brain that controls the activity of the endocrine system, and the pituitary gland - a gland located in the brain - secretes the hormones necessary to start the process. Each transition period is not easy for the body; it requires time to adapt to new opportunities. But puberty is especially difficult - too many changes await a fragile child’s body.

Boys and girls...

The pubertal period can be divided into three stages - prepuberty (7-9 years in girls, 8-10 in boys), puberty itself (10-15 years in girls, 11-16 in boys) and adulthood (15-18 in girls and 17 -21 for boys). In the first period, the body prepares for future changes, accumulates strength and reserves, in the second, active growth begins, the work of the gonads begins, changes in the figure according to the female or male type, changes in voice, character, the appearance of “adult” chronic diseases and the remission of some childhood ones. The third period is the consolidation of acquired characteristics, stabilization of changes, cessation of growth, the onset of sexual activity and childbearing.

Girls “start” 1-2 years earlier than boys and stop 1-2 years earlier. At the age of 10-11 years, their nipples and areola begin to swell, then their breasts begin to enlarge, their hips expand, hair appears in the groin, under the arms, less often on the legs and face, and finally, menarche occurs - the first menstruation.

In boys aged 11-12, the mammary glands also temporarily swell, the penis and testicles begin to grow, and hair appears in the armpits, groin, and face. Sexual desire, erections occur, and 1.5-2 years after the onset of maturation - wet dreams (ejaculation during sleep) and ejaculation.

During puberty, both boys and girls experience the same health problems. The sebaceous glands become inflamed, especially on the face, back, shoulders and buttocks, and the skin becomes too oily. Pain in the joints and muscles, slight coordination problems appear, especially if the child quickly grows in height. Dizziness, fainting, and increased fatigue are possible, especially during the first menstruation. Pain in the mammary glands and lower abdomen before menstruation is not uncommon.

Teenage rebellions and character changes are largely hormonal in nature. As soon as large doses of testosterone or estrogen begin to enter the blood, children's mood begins to fluctuate, they become either unreasonably violent, or tearful, easily angry and fall into euphoria. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this; you can only soften the hormonal storm with a healthy diet, with a minimum age-appropriate calorie intake, excluding “light” carbohydrates, chocolate, coffee, Coca-Cola and excess fat. During the period of active growth, all teenagers need to consume a lot of calcium and proteins (milk, cottage cheese, fish), and girls need iron (liver, red meat, pomegranate juice). For boys and girls who are experiencing puberty especially hard, courses of vitamins, adaptogens (succinic acid, lemongrass, echinacea) and herbal sedatives (valerian, motherwort, mint) are recommended.

Difficulties of transition

As already mentioned, puberty acts as a “trigger” for many diseases. Quite often, the first attack of gastritis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, diabetes, migraine occurs, myopia appears, and decompensation of congenital and undiagnosed heart disease occurs. Lack of calcium and exercise, uncomfortable shoes, and too heavy briefcases can cause scoliosis and flat feet.

11-15 years - the age of juvenile (teenage) oncology (leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoma). At the same age, adolescent schizophrenia manifests itself. But many children “outgrow” asthmatic bronchitis, enuresis, encopresis, adenoids, their allergic reactions weaken, and slight obesity goes away.

There are also typical teenage ailments.

Acne - a common inflammation of the sebaceous glands that affects the entire skin of the face.

Gynecomastia - painful enlargement of the mammary glands in boys, especially those who are overweight and suffering from insufficient testosterone production.

Hirsutism - excessive hair growth. If a girl develops “moustaches,” hairs on her nipples and along the linea alba of her abdomen, she should definitely consult an endocrinologist.

Menorrhagia - excessively heavy and prolonged menstruation. In the first year of the cycle, they may be accompanied by metrorrhagia - untimely bleeding.

Your teenager's health should be closely monitored, making sure he eats properly and gets enough rest. Once a year it is useful to take urine and blood tests and undergo medical examination. For any health problems, especially if they are combined with increased fatigue, drowsiness, the appearance of bruises or bleeding, fainting, vomiting, increased excitability, convulsions, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Haste and delay

Sometimes it happens that the biological clock fails. If a girl begins puberty at 8 years of age or earlier, and a boy before 9 years of age, this is too early. The body is not yet ready for changes, it has not accumulated enough strength. Premature ripening can lead to early menopause and loss of gonadal function. Early initiation of sexual activity is dangerous to health and harms the child's future, especially if it leads to unwanted pregnancy. The world's youngest mother, Lina Medina from Peru, was only 5 years 7 months old at the time of her son's birth, and 9-10 year old mothers, alas, are no longer uncommon.

Precocious puberty is caused either by natural causes or by disease. Naturally, it proceeds in the same way as puberty in older children and according to the same pattern - first, enlargement of the mammary glands, then hair growth, etc. Many doctors believe that the culprit is hormonal additives that are fed to pigs, cows and chickens (the meat then ends up in food), substances contained in plastics and plastic packaging, and excess calories in food.

Precocious puberty caused by disease does not progress through the stages of puberty sequentially. A girl suddenly begins to have menstrual-like bleeding from the genitals, a boy has an erection and attraction to the opposite sex, or, conversely, breast growth and female-type hair growth. There are many reasons for this and they are all quite serious - endocrine disorders, tumors of the brain, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and genital organs. Therefore, when the first signs of premature ripening appear, you should consult a doctor. And to prevent early puberty, it is better not to overfeed children, especially girls, with sweets, monitor their weight and provide physical exercise.

The opposite situation is also possible - delayed sexual development, when at 14-15 years old a girl has barely visible breasts and practically no hair on her body, while a boy’s penis remains childlike. In some cases, such a delay remains within the normal range - if a teenager has an asthenic build (tall and thin) and his parents are the same, if he suffered a serious illness, did a lot of sports, or was on a strict diet. In girls, the disorder can also be caused by anorexia. But when at the age of 15-16 there are no signs of maturation, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor - such a delay may be caused by genetic diseases that cause developmental deviations. A girl with pronounced hair growth, formed mammary glands, but without menstruation requires a separate consultation - this can be caused by a closed hymen or the absence of a uterus with working ovaries.

Puberty is one of the most important periods in human development; physical and mental health throughout life depends on its passage. Parents, be more attentive to your growing children!

Breasts, or, in medical terms, mammary glands, are part of the human reproductive system, which is intended for feeding offspring. Their main task is to produce milk.

Nature has endowed representatives of both sexes with these glands. However, there is a significant difference.

At a certain age, under the influence of hormones, girls begin their monthly cycle, and their breasts develop and increase in size. Having reached the peak of its development, it performs the function intended by nature.

For men, everything is different. Their mammary glands are indistinguishable from women's in childhood and, as a rule, do not develop or enlarge with age. But sometimes in medical practice we encounter swelling of the mammary glands in teenage boys.

Men are also susceptible to hormonal fluctuations, as a result of which they “acquire” breasts. This deviation is possible in a one-year-old baby and in older children.

It does not pose a threat to the health of the young man, but sometimes noticeable swelling of the mammary glands is a signal of the beginning of the development of health problems.

A bust in men appears for physiological or pathological reasons.
Physiological reasons have one basis - unstable levels of hormones in the body.

Hormone balance is unstable initially in newborns. This is due to the fact that the fetus, having separated from the mother, still has female hormones in its body.

An imbalance of substances is also present in adolescents, which is associated with increased production of female and male hormones. After adolescence passes, men's breasts become their natural size. Both options are normal.

Pathological causes include:
  1. Obesity. Fat helps stimulate the growth of estrogen in the body, which leads to breast swelling.
  2. Tumor of the testicles, disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, stomach.
  3. Breast injuries.
  4. Irregular eating with prolonged fasting and sudden overeating. Especially during rehabilitation after exhaustion.
  5. Insufficient testosterone production or increased estrogen production.
  6. Use of drugs and drugs to gain muscle mass (steroids, etc.).
  7. Poor quality underwear.
  8. Low activity level of the child.
  9. Poor nutrition with an excess of fats and carbohydrates.
  10. Metabolic disease.
  11. Other diseases of the endocrine system.

You can prevent the appearance of breasts in a boy yourself, just as you can diagnose breasts that have already appeared.


Self-diagnosis involves an external examination. The boy must stand in front of the person examining him straight, at full height. Outwardly, you can notice that the breasts can be enlarged by about ten to fifteen centimeters. The glands may swell and gain significant weight.

One or both glands are affected. The breast nipple can also be increased in diameter by about three to four centimeters.

During a tactile examination, the chest may hurt, and the teenager may feel heaviness and a feeling of burning and bursting from the inside. There is also a feeling of tightness in the chest. The glands may have increased sensitivity.
Sometimes one nipple secretes colostrum. It is a white liquid similar to milk.

At an advanced stage the following are observed:
  • Severe pain on palpation.
  • Discharge of blood from the nipple or its unnatural shape.
  • The axillary lymph nodes are greatly enlarged and cause discomfort.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin on the chest (appearance of rash, ulcers).

All these symptoms are a reason to immediately consult a pediatrician or mammologist.

If a teenage boy has a swollen mammary gland, you need to consult a doctor. During a medical examination, the doctor reveals that the breast size does not correspond to the boy’s age.

The doctor is also required to conduct an examination, which includes palpation of the breasts and testicles. It is necessary to collect an anamnesis to determine the genetic characteristics of the organism.

Blood and urine tests and hormone levels are prescribed. It is important to conduct breast ultrasound diagnostics, mammography, tomography and breast biopsy. When there is pain in the perineum, an ultrasound of the scrotum is prescribed if a tumor is suspected.

Hormonal treatment is prescribed or a decision is made about surgery.
Treatment that excludes surgical intervention consists of observing the rules of personal hygiene. This is required to prevent infection in the body.

Therapy consists of:
  1. Using hormones to equalize their levels in the body.
  2. Prescribing a complex of vitamins and sedatives.
  3. Prescribing physiotherapy.
  4. The use of folk remedies.
  5. Following a diet (if there is a problem of obesity).

Surgical intervention consists of removing the glands and fat layer, followed by rehabilitation and a list of recommendations from the surgeon. The operation is performed if a tumor of the mammary glands is suspected.

In the absence of pathology, the operation is performed for cosmetic purposes if treatment with hormonal drugs does not bring the desired effect.

At what age can the disease occur?

Every person is endowed with a so-called biological clock. They are designed to regulate human growth, development and functioning of the body at different stages of life.

Each of these stages, be it childhood, adolescence or old age, is not easy for the body. The body is constantly being rebuilt, the level of hormones changes, and the person “adapts” to the new stage.

A newborn boy may be born with swollen breasts due to the fact that he still has the mother's hormones, but the child gradually adapts to life outside the mother's womb. This affects hormone levels.

Puberty is especially difficult for a person.

It has several stages:
  • Prepuberty (from eight to ten years).
  • Puberty (from eleven to sixteen years old).
  • Growing up (from seventeen to twenty-one years).

Certain changes occur, which are expressed in a surge in hormones. They affect hair growth, skin, puberty, mood, figure.

The most difficult (puberty) period is dangerous not so much for changes in appearance, but rather for the high risk of the appearance of certain diseases and deviations in the normal development of the body.

This is due to the fact that during the transitional age between childhood and adulthood the body is weakened, unstable and susceptible to various diseases. Hormones are responsible for all changes during adolescence.

A jump in estrogen in either direction contributes to unnatural breast swelling in boys. In case of illness, it is important to fully examine the young man’s body.

The guy feels how the glands begin to swell and ache. In this condition, they should be touched carefully during inspection.

How often does it occur?

This process can take place from eleven to eighteen years.
During the period of growing up, a situation may arise when a young man’s breasts visually look larger, but this can be associated with excess weight or a jump in the level of estrogen (female hormones).

Swollen mammary gland occurs in 60% of the male population during adolescence. In some cases, nipple swelling in boys is diagnosed, but the gland remains normal.

How long does it last

Pathology can last a long time. Normally, swollen breasts in a newborn baby “subside” after a couple of weeks or a month, sometimes after a year. In a teenager or young adult, the glands return to their normal state after two years from the date of enlargement.

A similar phenomenon occurs independently, or with the help of hormonal drugs. If over time the mammary glands do not decrease, but, on the contrary, increase, you should consult a doctor.

How dangerous is the disease?

If a boy has swollen mammary glands, this process cannot be called a serious disease. But such a phenomenon can lead to the fact that the connective and glandular tissue begins to increase in size. This means that the breasts will not shrink to their normal size without surgery.

Psychological complexes and physical discomfort appear. Various pathologies of internal organs develop. Enlarged lymph nodes, blood from the nipples and changes in their color and size are symptoms of the development of breast cancer.

In conclusion, it should be said that due to the possible consequences, parents should not wait until the enlarged breasts of a teenage boy independently acquire their normal position.

You should consult a doctor if you have the first symptoms. Neglect of a child's health can lead to the most unfavorable consequences.

Lump in the chest
Lump in chest

Lumps are localized tumors, nodes, lumps, bulges, or protrusions in the breast. A lump in the breast can appear in both sexes and all ages. In women, this usually immediately triggers a fear of breast cancer, but many breast lumps are, fortunately, benign and can be successfully treated - such as infections, injuries, fibroadenomas, cysts, or fibrocystic breast disease. However, no breast lump can be called benign until it has been evaluated by a doctor.

Lumps, bumps, and hard formations in the nipple area and under the nipple in teenage boys may appear during puberty (12, 13, 14 years) and persist throughout the year; the nipples may be swollen and painful to the touch. This is a normal physiological state during adolescence. This condition is called physiological gynecomastia and it occurs in almost 65% of adolescents.

Before a teenager reaches 10 years of age, if gynecomastia is suspected, it is necessary to undergo an endocrinological examination. 10 years is a bit early for teenage physiological gynecomastia. To clarify the condition of the gland, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

If lumps and pain persist or appear in men over 18 years of age, an ultrasound of the breast should be performed and the size of the gland should be recorded so that it is possible to monitor the dynamics and take hormone tests. If the glands are aesthetically disturbed, surgery may be performed.

Diseases that can cause a lump in the breast

Mammary cancer

Possible causes of breast tightness

Breast cyst

A lump in a baby’s chest can appear due to various reasons. Most often it is formed against the background of the physiological characteristics of the body of a newborn child. To reliably distinguish normal from pathology, it is important to pay attention to clinical manifestations. The diagnosis is carried out by a pediatrician.

Causes of breast lumps in children

Mastitis in a newborn

A lump in the chest of a newborn child, regardless of gender, may be a normal variant. It is associated with the proliferation of glandular tissue, provoked by hormonal changes in the body after birth. During intrauterine development in late pregnancy, the level of estrogen and prolactin, which come from the mother, increases in the blood of the fetus. They act on the receptors of mammary gland cells, leading to the appearance of lumps after birth. It can persist for a long period of time, up to a year, especially if the baby is breastfed for up to 5 months or more.

The pathological cause of compaction formation is mastitis. The inflammatory process in the mammary gland develops as a result of infection, which is provoked by insufficient or improper hygiene of the child. Pathogens most often include pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria, including staphylococci, streptococci, and E. coli. A benign or malignant tumor in the chest of a newborn is practically not registered. The development of the oncological process is possible at an older age.

Intrauterine infections are one of the provoking factors in the occurrence of a pathological condition

Rarely, a dense formation in the breast appears against the background of various developmental defects. They are usually combined with changes in the heart, blood vessels, and facial skull. The development of a pathological condition is provoked by the impact of negative environmental factors on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • intrauterine infections;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • toxic compounds;
  • some medications.

Exposure to negative factors in the early stages of pregnancy can cause malformations that are incompatible with the life of the fetus. An isolated change in the mammary gland is very rare.

Hormonal imbalance is registered at an older age. At the same time, a girl with breast compaction experiences earlier puberty; the first menstruation is possible before the age of 10 years. This is due to a premature increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, estrogens, prolactin, progesterone.

Clinical picture

With physiological compaction, the newborn calmly tolerates palpation

To distinguish physiological enlargement of the mammary glands in a newborn baby from possible pathology, you should pay attention to clinical features with the presence of certain symptoms. Physiological compaction, which occurs normally, is characterized by the following features:

  • Usually both mammary glands enlarge, since the female sex hormones estrogens affect all cells with the corresponding receptors.
  • Seals of approximately the same size are located around the nipple.
  • The baby calmly tolerates palpation or palpation of the lump, which indicates the absence of painful sensations.
  • Changes in the mammary glands usually disappear on their own during the first year of the baby’s life.
  • The development of mastitis is characterized by a local increase in temperature

    With the development of mastitis, the following features of the clinical course of the pathology attract attention:

    • Unilateral damage to the right or left breast - a change is usually formed in one mammary gland in the area of ​​penetration of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. A lump in one breast in a one-year-old girl or boy often has a pathological origin.
    • The appearance of characteristic inflammatory changes on the skin and subcutaneous tissue - a local increase in temperature, the area of ​​inflammation becomes hot to the touch, hyperemia or redness of the skin, and the development of tissue swelling.
    • Painful lump in the chest of an infant - when trying to palpate the mammary gland, the baby begins to cry and becomes restless, which indicates the presence of unpleasant sensations.
    • Pathological discharge from the nipple, which includes mucus, streaks of blood, and pus.
    • General intoxication is a severe inflammatory reaction, the development of a purulent process leads to the absorption of toxins from the source of pathology into the systemic bloodstream. At the same time, the body temperature rises, the child becomes restless, capricious, sluggishly takes the breast or refuses the pacifier, and sleep is disturbed.

    If changes in the mammary glands are caused by malformations, disturbances in other organ systems usually appear. Changes in the heart are diagnosed, and a violation of the fusion of the hard palate and upper lip (“cleft lip”) is recorded.

    When identifying a lump, experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, recommend not to panic. Based on the clinical picture, it is possible to preliminarily determine the origin of changes in the mammary gland of a newborn child.

    Diagnostic methods

    A lump on the chest of a newborn is diagnosed during a clinical examination. The mammary glands are examined and the formation is palpated. For differential diagnosis of normal and pathological conditions, the following diagnostic methods are used:

    • A general blood and urine test that needs to be done to identify the inflammatory process in the child’s body.
    • Laboratory determination of a number of hormones in the child’s blood, these include follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, estradiol, testosterone. This allows you to assess the hormonal background of the child’s body and identify possible malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine glands.
    • Bacteriological seeding of secretions from the mammary gland, which is carried out on special nutrient media. When pathogenic bacteria are isolated, their sensitivity to antibiotics is determined, which makes it possible to select an effective drug.
    • If possible developmental defects are suspected, radiography, ultrasound, and computed tomography are performed. The doctor determines the presence of changes in internal organs, heart, and structures of the musculoskeletal system.

    Based on the diagnosis, a conclusion is made about the nature and origin of the changes, which makes it possible to select effective treatment if necessary.

    Prevention and treatment

    Pregnancy must be planned and negative factors must be avoided while carrying a child.

    If the lump in the mammary gland in a newborn boy or girl is of physiological origin, no special treatment is required. For mastitis, antibiotics are prescribed to kill pathogens. If a child’s body is diagnosed with a malfunction of the endocrine glands, hormone replacement therapy or drugs that suppress the functional activity of certain glands are used.

    The appearance of a pathological lump in the mammary gland in a newborn girl or boy can be prevented. To do this, pregnancy must be planned and exposure to negative factors during pregnancy must be avoided. After birth, it is important to carry out proper hygiene procedures that minimize the risk of infection of mammary tissue.

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Elena asks:

Today I noticed a small lump in my daughter’s left breast, and the area around the nipple turned red, what should I do?


Hello, Elena! Your question regarding the causes of lumps in the mammary glands in young children belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic "". You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Lyudmila asks:

My girl has had swelling of both mammary glands since birth, at first the pediatrician said that this is a sexual crisis and will soon pass, but for 8 months now the swelling has not disappeared, but no redness, discharge, etc. have been observed. A breastfed child, tell me what this could be and what specialists to contact? Thank you in advance!

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Lyudmila! Your question regarding the appearance of lumps in the mammary glands in a child under 1 year of age belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic “Lumps in the mammary glands in children.” You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Natalya asks:

The child has enlarged breasts. They did an ultrasound of the pelvis (everything was normal), an ultrasound of the mammary gland showed enlarged mammary glands without any formations. X-ray of the hands is age-appropriate. The brain echo is also normal. Donated blood for hormones. Increased prolactin 20.84 (normal up to 19.5) and estradiol 34.24 (normal up to 27.0). What could this be? Thank you.

Answers Rumyantseva Tatyana Stepanovna:

Hello! The cause of breast enlargement is prolactin and estradiol. This pathology is called PPD (premature sexual development), and this is certainly not good. But, all this is in the initial stage, as I understand it. You must definitely consult with specialists on this issue and start treatment as early as possible, then the result can be guaranteed. I sincerely wish you success!

Oksana asks:

Good afternoon My daughter, one year and 3 months old, has a lump in her right breast and the nipple is a little red. Since 6 months we have had atopic dermatitis, sometimes we have to use hormonal ointments, on the 5th day of using Elokom cream I noticed this bump, could this be somehow connected? and around the same day the girl fell ill with ARVI, could this be the reason?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Oksana! Your question regarding the appearance of lumps in the mammary glands in a child aged 1.3 years belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic “Lumps in the mammary glands in children.” You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! My daughter is 8 years old, a lump appeared on her right mammary gland, at first it was painful to touch, now it doesn’t hurt anymore, but the lump is still there, what is it? We haven’t seen a doctor yet, just made an appointment with an endocrinologist. And the surgeon said that it’s hormonal disbalance.

Answers Rumyantseva Tatyana Stepanovna:

Hello! I understand so. that several doctors have already examined you and given their recommendations. What else can I add! Observe the lump, and if any changes begin to occur in it - it begins to increase in size, pain, redness, or anything else appears - you will need to contact a surgeon. Unfortunately, little girls can also have mastitis, and perhaps this is PPD (premature puberty development)

Olga asks:

Hello. The baby has a pea-sized lump in her left breast and redness. after a week, the peas grew a little larger. The baby is breastfed. The doctor advised not to do anything. What could this be?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello Olga! Your question regarding the appearance of lumps in the mammary glands in a child under 1 year of age belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic “Lumps in the mammary glands in children.” You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Christina asks:

The child is 8 months old, in the left breast, where the nipple is, there is a lump like a rolling ball. What is this, please tell me.

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Christina! Your question regarding the reasons for the formation of lumps in the nipple area in young children belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic “Lumps in the mammary glands in children.” You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Veronica asks:

Hello, my one month old boy has developed lumps in the mammary glands, without redness. I am breastfeeding him.
what is it and what to do? how to treat it?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Veronica! Your question regarding the reasons for the formation of lumps in the nipple area in young children belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic “Lumps in the mammary glands in children.” You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Asks Victor Kraevsky:

My little sister has a breast lump on her left nipple. pain is observed only when touching the sore nipple. In addition, she has enlarged lymph nodes in her neck and armpits. What could this be? And how to treat it?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Victor! The combination of changes in the mammary gland and enlarged lymph nodes is very alarming, so we strongly advise you and your parents not to try to deal with the problem on your own, but to urgently take the girl to the doctors. You will need consultations with a pediatrician, a pediatric surgeon, and possibly a pediatric gynecologist, endocrinologist, or oncologist. Do not put off the examination for too long. Take care of your health!



Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello, Victoria! Your question regarding the reasons for the formation of lumps in the nipple area in young children belongs to the category of frequently asked questions on the topic “Lumps in the mammary glands in children.” You can read the answer by going to Lumps in the mammary glands in children. Take care of your health!

Tatiana asks:

My daughter has a lump on the mammary gland on the right side, we went for a consultation, they said it was a hormonal surge, and they advised us to apply lotions with soda. What could it be?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal “”:

Hello Tatiana! To determine the cause of the formation of a lump in the breast area of ​​a little girl, the results of an examination performed by a pediatrician are not enough. A consultation with a pediatric surgeon or mammologist, pediatric endocrinologist, as well as an ultrasound of the mammary gland is indicated to determine the nature of the lump. Only after an accurate diagnosis has been made will it be possible to talk about methods of treating the disease. Take care of your health!

Irina asks:

Good afternoon! My daughter developed a painful lump in the chest area on the right side, in the nipple area, slightly unevenly, as if shifted to the side, before that, about a week before, on the right side in the armpit, a lymph node enlarged and hurt, then the pain almost went away, and on the same right side of the neck there are two lymph nodes approximately 1 cm in size. We went to the gynecologist, the doctor said that this was premature development and gave a referral for tests for prolactin, progesterone, estrogen, and the endocrinologist also added her hormones. We passed a general blood test: leukocytes - 8.75, lymphocytes - 4.3, platelets - 326, these indicators are usually were lower than now and other indicators were within the normal range. Please tell me, is there any reason for concern, considering that the doctor said that no more examinations need to be done. And in my husband’s family, his mother had breast cancer? Are others necessary? examinations? And I also want to know if this is premature sexual development at the age of 8, then what serious problems with health and internal organs are written in the article? Thank you.

Sexual crisis in newborn babies is the typical physiological state of a child, which characterizes its adaptive capabilities for life after it leaves the mother’s womb. During pregnancy, female sex hormones and estrogens enter the child’s body through the placenta, which enable the pregnancy to continue and the child to develop.

After the baby is born, the baby's estrogen levels drop sharply, this process occurs during the first three to four weeks. At birth there is a lot of estrogen in the child’s body, but their amount decreases very sharply and quickly, this contributes to changes in the level of other hormones. As a result, a hormonal explosion is formed in the baby’s body - a kind of “transitional age” in miniature. The main reason for changes in the mammary gland is hormonal changes.

Changes in the mammary gland gradually increase and then gradually disappear without any therapy within two to four weeks. On average, up to 70 babies out of a hundred experience changes in the breast and engorgement. Mostly engorgement occurs in girls, and approximately every second boy.

Signs of engorgement and sexual crisis appear in full-term children, but premature babies, children with intrauterine growth retardation or immature children are less likely to show signs of sexual crisis. Sometimes doctors believe that missing signs of a sexual crisis are more likely a pathology than a normal phenomenon.

Basically, the sexual crisis manifests itself in healthy children who adapt well to extrauterine life, and whose gestation proceeded without any abnormalities or pathologies. In addition, it is believed that the sexual crisis has an important function in the development of the hypothalamus and the formation of sexual differentiation. It has been noted that children with a fairly pronounced pubertal crisis very rarely exhibit physiological jaundice of the newborn.

Signs of a sexual crisis in a newborn can be considered:

  • enlargement, engorgement (swelling) in the area of ​​the mammary glands,
  • mucus or bloody discharge from the vagina,
  • milia rash on the face.

Signs of a sexual crisis in newborns are not only swelling of the mammary glands, but also swelling in the area of ​​the external genitalia, milia (whitish spots) on the face, and discharge from the genital tract (girls may have both whitish and bloody discharge). Sexual crisis occurs in almost 75% of all newborns, both girls and boys.

Swelling of the mammary glands - features of the physiological process

Breast engorgement in infants is called physiological mastopathy. It manifests itself in the form of enlargement and thickening of the baby’s breasts. Most often, bilateral swelling of the mammary glands is observed, less often it can be only on one side. This phenomenon does not cause any discomfort to the child, so no special actions need to be taken. Usually, enlargement of the mammary glands is noted from the first week of life; by the end of the first month, the swelling subsides on its own.

The norm is an enlargement of the mammary glands up to 3 cm in diameter; the skin should not have any changes or redness. In some cases, there may be a slight discharge of a grayish-whitish fluid from the nipple, which is similar in composition to colostrum. You should not try to squeeze out this discharge, as you risk getting an infection. Compresses, application of ointments (especially Vishnevsky ointment), camphor and other agents are also contraindicated.

Parents should try not to injure the baby's swollen mammary glands with clothing or bandages to prevent skin irritation.

Self-squeezing of discharge, various compresses and ointment dressings can lead to the appearance of microcracks in the skin or nipples, and lead to infectious complications.

It is necessary to distinguish physiological engorgement of the mammary glands from severe pathology - mastitis, which is quite rare in children.

Physiological mastopathy or engorgement of the mammary glands is the physiological condition of a child’s breasts, in which they increase in size. Usually the mammary glands are enlarged evenly, occasionally there is unilateral enlargement. An increase of up to 3 cm in diameter is considered normal if there is no redness or changes under the skin or on its surface.

Sometimes grayish or milky-white contents may be released from the mammary gland ducts; its composition is comparable to that of colostrum.

Typically, breasts begin to enlarge on the second day after birth, and gradually decrease from the end of the first week, but they completely disappear by the month. Such mastopathy does not require any treatment; you should not press the breasts, trying to remove milk from them, apply compresses with ointments, especially like Vishnevsky ointment, camphor and others, which is widely recommended on the Internet.

Swollen breasts do not cause any discomfort to the child, they are not treated in any special way, only with strong magnification can a clean, dry and sterile bandage be applied. It is necessary to protect the breasts from friction with clothing.

However, many parents are worried about breast enlargement and begin using bandages, squeezing out milk, secretions and fiddling with the swollen breasts, unwittingly introducing microbes into the cracks of the papillae. They penetrate deep into the chest and cause the development of a serious complication - neonatal mastitis. If its onset is neglected, the course of the disease can be severe, even fatal. How to distinguish the onset of mastitis from physiology?

Neonatal mastitis

Mastitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mammary gland. It is usually customary to talk about mastitis in a woman who is breastfeeding, but children also have mastitis, especially in the neonatal period, when the baby experiences a sexual crisis with swelling of the glands and parents try to “treat” this crisis with various warm-ups, ointments, tinctures and squeezing out milk from pieces of iron. Usually, all these attempts lead the child and his parents to the surgeon, at best for an appointment, at worst - to the operating table with a purulent abscess.

Mastitis can also develop due to defects in care, when prickly heat with pustules appears on the skin, the baby is rarely washed or his immunity is reduced and the infection penetrates through the nipple area when they are injured.

How to distinguish between normal and pathological?

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. Mastitis usually occurs in nursing women against the background of lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breast). However, this pathology also occurs in infants. The development of mastitis is associated with the penetration of infection into the mammary gland through microtraumas of the nipples or microcracks in the skin over the gland. In the first months after birth, a child’s immunity is not yet perfect, so it is not easy for him to fight a purulent infection.

Mastitis is accompanied by the appearance of high fever, intoxication (lethargy, breast refusal, drowsiness), tearfulness, anxiety and local manifestations. With mastitis, the mammary gland is usually affected only on one side, and there is a significant increase in size, thickening, severe pain, and the skin at the site of inflammation turns red and becomes hot. Mastitis can be serous (when there is no pus yet, but there is serious inflammation) or purulent (when there is already a cavity with pus and surgery is required).

If the disease is not recognized in time, the purulent process may progress, which will lead to the development of phlegmon, even sepsis. The development of mastitis in girls is considered unfavorable, since mammary gland cells may die and the ability for subsequent lactation will deteriorate.

Manifestations of mastitis in infants

Mastitis usually begins to appear in the first weeks of a child’s life, affecting both boys and girls equally. Usually in the second or third weeks, this coincides with the moment of engorgement, or rather the beginning of its subsidence. But with mastitis, instead of reducing the manifestations, they grow very rapidly and turn into a purulent process, which is often one-sided.

The main manifestations of mastitis include symptoms of intoxication with changes in the size of the gland and its soreness.

Intoxication will manifest itself as an increase in temperature, from low to very high numbers and convulsions against the background of fever, the child will be lethargic or lethargic, restless, and tearful. His appetite sharply decreases, he has trouble taking the breast or bottle, and refuses to eat. Sleep and the functioning of the digestive system may be disrupted, regurgitation, vomiting or diarrhea may occur.

At the beginning of the disease, the mammary gland is practically unchanged, but as it progresses, redness of the skin appears, it increases in size, thickens and becomes very painful and hot. The progression of the process leads to suppuration in the area of ​​the pathological process, movement of fluid under the skin in the abscess area may be observed, and the general condition is greatly disturbed. If the problem is not treated in time and the pus is not removed, the chest may be affected and phlegmon and even sepsis may appear.

In girls, purulent mastitis is very unfavorable; part of the gland may die, some of the ducts of the gland may become obstructed (clogged), which will negatively affect lactation in the future. With improper treatment or its absence, the disease becomes chronic, and large foci of pus may form and rupture to the outside.

Tactics for mastitis in infants

If there is any suspicion of mastitis in a newborn, you should contact a pediatric surgeon. This disease can be treated in a hospital setting. For the infiltrative stage of mastitis, conservative treatment is carried out (antibacterial drugs, semi-alcohol dressings, physiotherapeutic procedures); for purulent mastitis, surgical treatment is carried out.

Any surgical intervention in infants is performed under general anesthesia. At the site of greatest softening of the tissue, an incision is made (near the areola or radially) and the pus is removed. The wound is not sutured after surgery, since adequate drainage of the purulent cavity is necessary. After surgery, dressings are performed using antiseptics.

To avoid such serious manipulations, we recommend that parents do not self-medicate, do not use folk remedies, and seek help from specialists in a timely manner.

How is this type of mastitis treated?

If you suspect purulent mastitis in a child, you should immediately contact a pediatric surgeon or a clinic surgeon. Neonatal mastitis is treated exclusively in a hospital. First of all, doctors will take cultures of the discharge to determine the sensitivity of the microbe to antibiotics. Then it will be possible to choose an active and well-helping remedy. Treatment is as follows:

  • at the infiltration stage, when there is no pus, compresses, antibiotics and agents that prevent inflammation are used.
  • during the purulent phase, it is necessary to open and remove the pus while carefully preserving the gland tissue. An incision is made under anesthesia near the nipple circle, then absorbable and special bandages are prescribed. Prescription of antibiotics and physical therapy is mandatory.

Mastitis is a serious matter. It can be avoided if, when breast engorgement occurs in a newborn, you do not use “grandmother’s advice” and traditional medicine. Just don't touch the gland area and you won't get any complications.

The mammary glands in girls (in boys they are called mammary glands) are a derivative of subcutaneous fat and are formed in utero. Further, the growth of gland tissue is influenced by female sex hormones (estrogens), and normally they should begin to increase only from 10-12 years - the time of the onset of puberty.
Any enlargement of the glands before the age of eight, both unilateral and bilateral, is a pathology.
In addition, recently, enlargement of the mammary glands has often been observed in girls (under three or four years old), to whom their parents give fresh cow or goat milk. This phenomenon is explained by the significant content of animal estrogens in fresh milk and the child’s increased sensitivity to them. In this case, the “treatment” consists of changing the diet - excluding fresh milk from the children's menu.
This group of hormonally dependent diseases includes mastopathy, in which, due to an imbalance of hormones in the gland, an incorrect ratio of various tissues is formed: adipose, connective and glandular. In some cases, this can even lead to the formation of benign tumors. Mastopathy, as a rule, occurs in adolescents, when hormonal parameters have not yet been established, and at an older age, when they have already been disrupted.
Also, in young men at puberty, quite often there is a painful lump in the area of ​​the nipple projection, which is caused by a “hormonal explosion” - a sharp increase in the concentration of sex hormones and, most importantly, adrenal hormones, where a small amount of estrogens is produced. Usually this condition goes away on its own and does not require special treatment, but consultation with a doctor is necessary.
In addition to hormonally dependent enlargement of the mammary glands, there is also an inflammatory disease - mastitis. Its development does not depend on the level of hormones, but is a typical purulent-inflammatory process caused by infection. Mastitis can begin either on its own or in combination with typical ARVI symptoms. As with other infectious diseases, the risk of mastitis, its duration and possible complications largely depend on the child’s immunity.
Clinical manifestations of mastitis, especially in the initial stages of the disease, are characterized by enlargement of the mammary gland and the presence of a painful lump. At this stage, conservative, that is, non-surgical, treatment is possible: the use of antibiotics, physiotherapy - bandages, ointments. However, unfortunately, quite often after 1-3 days in children with symptoms of mastitis, redness of the skin above the lump occurs, pain increases sharply, regional lymph nodes in the armpit area enlarge, which also begin to ache, and the temperature rises. As a rule, in this case, surgery is required - simultaneously with a course of antibiotics.
How is the surgery performed? The doctor opens the affected area and drains the pus. Since this is a simple operation, it is usually done under local anesthesia. In addition, if you are willing to travel for several days for dressings, it is quite possible to perform the operation on an outpatient basis - that is, you and your child can immediately return home. And if the healing process is going well, after 1-2 dressings in the hospital, the doctor may allow you to do them yourself at home in the future. All you need for this - a bandage, cotton wool, medical alcohol, Levomikol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment - can be easily found at the pharmacy. The main thing is to learn how to bandage with a “T-shirt” - that is, wrap the bandage into something like a short, tight top that will hold the bandage with the medicine on even the most restless child.
After the operation, a small stitch remains, which gradually disappears over time. Attention: like any seam, it reacts to changes in temperature, so, for example, in a warm bath it may change color slightly. Because of which, by the way, several times after bathing my daughter, it seemed to me that everything was starting all over again, that it was red, swollen and enlarged. Then our pediatrician advised me to measure it with a millimeter ruler and check the size during panic attacks. And the main thing is to look not at the seam itself, but at the area around it: you should only worry if redness appears there.

In conclusion: only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis for enlarged, red, painful breasts in children.
Moreover, it is often necessary to consult several specialists at once: a pediatrician, a surgeon, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist. Any attempts at self-medication, be it the experience of friends who once faced the same problem or “proven” folk remedies, are very dangerous. After all, warming and other compresses, suitable in one case, are absolutely contraindicated in another. After all, it's not a callus on the finger, but on the chest. Don't risk the health and future of your children.

Irina Sergeevna DOLZHENKO,

Doctor of Medical Sciences, senior researcher at the Department of Gynecology for Children and Adolescents, Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences