Find out the groom's name. How to find out the name of your future husband. Three best fortune telling

Even those who don't believe in various fortune telling and predictions, sometimes find themselves in difficult everyday situations, when it is very important to make right choice. Therefore, most of us, deep down in our souls, in such cases, think about how to find out the future and try to prevent possible problems and troubles. Also, any person, especially female representatives, no matter how emancipated they were, has always been concerned with the question personal life, namely: who will become the future spouse, etc. So below we will consider the most common ways to find out the future.

How to tell the future by your hand

Even the ancient sages knew the secrets of how to recognize a predetermined future by reading one’s hand. After all, the shape of the palm and fingers, as well as the pattern on it, differ from person to person. different people. Let us reveal the main secrets of palmistry:

  • Carefully examine the skin of your hand. If it is dense and rough, this speaks of the spontaneity and directness of a person, and delicate thin skin speaks of the sophistication of nature;
  • The heart line originates under the little finger at the very edge of the palm and in the form of a concave curve stretches to the middle or index finger. If its end is between the middle index fingers, it means the person is ready to compromise, open and friendly. If the heart line is straight and short in length, its owner is closed and incapable of open expression of feelings;
  • If you have been thinking about the possibility of knowing the future in terms of how successful your career will be, you need to consider the line of mind. It testifies to a person’s intellectual abilities and how he manages them. If the line is very long and well drawn, this indicates the person’s scrupulousness and passion for his work. If the line of the mind is short and straight, you tend to trust logic more than imagination;
  • The life line shows a person’s attitude towards himself and the world, as well as his state of health. The further it is located from the thumb, the greater the resistance a person exhibits to the blows of fate and the greater the love of life he has. Proximity to thumb may indicate nervousness or depression, that is, a lack of vital energy;
  • The line of fate reveals a person’s purpose in this life, so not everyone has it. An even and straight line indicates that you have found your calling, and its distance from the line of life indicates that you love solitude and achieve everything through your work.

Thus, if you are wondering how to know the future, all you need to do is look at your hand.

How to find out the future by date of birth

But there is no less interesting way find out the future - by date of birth. To do this, you should carry out the following simple calculations:

  • Write your full date of birth on paper and sequentially add up the numbers of your birthday, then the month and at the end of the year;
  • Now add up the three resulting numbers. The amount usually turns out to be two digits, so its numbers also need to be added until you get single digit number, for example, 5 or 8;
  • This number indicates the properties of your character, which determine your life path. Thus, 1 speaks of a desire to make a career, high efficiency, and a tendency to lead; 2 speaks of sociability, a tendency to self-sacrifice, and a desire to help people. If your number is 3, you are a gifted, cheerful, sociable person, 4 - you are responsible and hardworking, 5 - you are fickle and have poor self-control. 6 indicates calmness, balance, love of learning, 7 - a desire for mysticism and secret knowledge, 8 – about stinginess and love of material goods. Well, if your number is 9, you are a little out of this world and strive for spiritual self-improvement.

Now you know how to find out the future by date of birth in the most simple method, try to put it into practice.

How to find out the name of your future husband

If you are concerned about the question of how to find out the future in that part that concerns your personal life, for example, the name of your future spouse, you can resort to the following fortune telling:

  • You will need several pieces of paper and a large bowl of water. On each piece of paper write something male name and attach them to inner surface pelvis at a distance of approximately 2-3 cm. Place a candle stub in the nut shell, light it and lower the shell into the water. Look at what name she floats to, that’s what your future husband will be called;
  • Instead of looking for ways to find out your future using cards or other even more complex fortune-telling, just New Year's Eve go out into the street and ask the first man you meet about his name, which should coincide with the name of your future spouse;
  • On Christmas night, you should comb your hair and place the comb and mirror next to your pillow. When you go to bed, say: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, comb me and name yourself.” You will dream of a man who will tell you the name of your chosen one.

There are many other fortune telling that will help you find out the future, but these are the simplest and most reliable.

How to find out the name of your future wife

Many men are embarrassed to guess, but they are also interested in the question of how to find out the future, in particular, what the name of their future soulmate will be. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Place the frying pan on a tuft of straw and place a small pebble on the bottom. The fortuneteller needs to pull out the straws one at a time. The stone will move at this time and produce a certain sound. In it you should hear the name of your future wife;
  • Before you find out the future name of your beloved, write any women's names on pieces of paper and put it all under the pillow. When you wake up, pull out a piece of paper with the first name you come across - that’s what your chosen one will be called;
  • When you go out at midnight, stop the first woman you see and ask her name. This name will be the name of your soulmate.

Thus, even if you had no idea how to find out the future, after reading this article you will be able to use any specified method and lift the veil of secrecy over what awaits you in the near future.

In this article:

The betrothed is the one about whom girls dream since girlhood. As soon as the fair sex grows up, they become interested in their future, and in particular, in their chosen one. Who is he? What's his name? When will the moment of the long-awaited meeting come? These and many other questions are of interest to young maidens, who, in order to at least slightly lift the veil of secrecy about the future, use fortune telling for their betrothed.

These fortune tellings are varied and are done with a mirror or on cards. You can also see the betrothed mummer in a dream.

Dream about future husband

To see your betrothed in a dream, place a comb under your pillow and say:

“My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head”

You can also take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix them and eat before bed, and when going to bed, say:

“Whoever is my betrothed-mummer will give me water to drink”

Another option is to place four card kings under your pillow and say:

“Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will appear in a dream”

The king of spades is an aged or jealous groom, the king of hearts is young and rich, the king of the cross is for matchmakers from a military man or businessman, the king of diamonds denotes a desired groom.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

How to find out the name of your betrothed? Simply and easily! To do this, you need to take a couple of sheets of paper, write one male name on each and put it in some kind of container or recess, for example, a hat. Shake the papers and pull one out. The name that is written on the elongated sheet is what your future spouse will bear.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Place a jar of rice in front of you and hold it over it. left hand With your palm down, concentrating, you ask a question out loud, after which you take a handful of rice out of the jar and pour it onto a previously spread napkin. The grains of rice are counted. An odd number of grains means a negative answer to your question, and an even number means a positive answer.

Fortune telling with bulbs

Take the bulbs, and on each write the male name of one of the supposed candidates for your hand and heart. Place all the bulbs in water and wait for one of them to sprout. The first onion to sprout and become the winner, or rather the one whose name is written on it, will be the first to propose marriage to you.

Fortune telling for married women

Pour water into a glass and on a previously prepared sheet of paper write the name of the beloved’s lover and his given name. Also prepare a spoonful of salt and light a candle in advance. Throw salt into a glass and light a sheet of paper with names written on it from a candle. While the leaf is burning, quickly stir the salt in the glass and say:

“If the salt melts faster, my husband will not leave me, but the paper will burn out and their love will burn out.”

Such methods of fortune telling perfectly develop intuition.

If the salt melts before the paper burns and decays, the husband will remain in the family, but if the paper burns faster, then sooner or later the spouse will leave you anyway.

New Year's fortune telling by an armful of firewood

Under New Year you need to take an armful of firewood and take it into the house to count it. An even number of firewood indicates marriage this year, an odd number indicates no changes in this state of affairs.

Spoon fortune telling

On New Year's Eve, all family members should take a spoonful of water and take it out into the cold. If the water begins to freeze into a depression, it means death this year. Tubercle - prosperity and a happy life.

Fortune telling by the window

This fortune telling for the betrothed is done at the window. Wait until everyone in the house is asleep, sit by the window, turn off the fire and quietly whisper:

“Betrothed-mummer, drive past the window”

If in the near future a noisy crowd passes by the window or someone shouts or whistles loudly, it means the groom will be rich, silence means the groom will be poor.

Fortune telling for the groom with a ring

Results are achieved only by girls who know how to discard extraneous thoughts and concentrate

Take a simple glass with a flat bottom. There should be no patterns or edges on the glass. Pour water into a third of the glass and lower the ring there, after cleaning it. Now try long and persistently to see the face of your future husband through the water in the middle of the ring.

Fortune telling for Christmas for your betrothed

This fortune telling is most effective during Christmas or Holy Week. Before 24.00, prepare a mirror and a couple of spruce branches. Before going to bed, write the name of the person you want or your cherished wish on the mirror. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is look at the mirror.

If what is written has disappeared, then the wish will definitely come true or you will get married soon. If what is written has not changed in any way, then you, as before, will remain in your interests. By the way, this is very bad sign for the one whose name you wrote on the mirror, so before you do this, think carefully, because the name can always be replaced with a desire, without specifying this or that person.

Fortune telling by candle

On Intercession (October 14), the power of the marriage union is at its greatest, so on this day, girls ran to church early in the morning to light a candle, which could be used to tell fortunes. Moreover, the girl who lights the candle first will get married before the rest.

And it’s easy to guess by candle. A quiet flame is a quiet, even life without any special events or failures.

  • A bright flame means an interesting life.
  • A crackling flame means a cheerful and stormy life.
  • A dim flame means sadness and fragility.
  • The red color of the flame is grief, yellow is joy, soot is unlucky.

Young single women often resort to fortune telling in the hope of getting an answer - who will be her husband and how soon the wedding will take place. Even a girl who does not have magical abilities can perform fortune telling in the name of her betrothed.

Popular methods of fortune telling for love

Since ancient times, women have had the custom of telling fortunes. Most frequently asked question- who is their betrothed. This concerned young girls who were not yet married. With the help of fortune telling, you can predict the type of activity of your future lover, the time of the meeting and the name.

There are fortune telling for a lover for those who are already in a relationship. In this case, you can tell fortunes about the success of the relationship, how it will end, and whether the thoughts of the person next to you are pure. Whatever the results of fortune telling, you should not rely on their absolute reliability and ruin good relationships.

To get the most accurate and truthful result, you cannot guess on the day church holidays.

  • 12, 14, 18 lunar days;
  • Christmas time;
  • 1st of January;
  • Ivan Kupala Day;
  • Halloween.

You can deviate from the rules and tell your fortune another day. A strong desire can compensate for the inopportune time, as a result of which a powerful energetic connection with otherworldly forces appears in the fortuneteller.

If you take fortune telling lightly, it will not come true.

Numeric table

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband using a table with numbers has several options. Each of them should have a grid drawn with numbers; it is best to print the prepared one.

In the first fortune-telling, the table should contain numbers from 1 to 100, they can go out of order. To find out the name of your betrothed, just close your eyes and randomly point your finger at a number; it will show which name it corresponds to. Each number will indicate the serial number of a letter in the alphabet.

Another way to find out the name of your future husband is using a table. For this fortune telling you will need:

  • red candle;
  • paper;
  • pen;
  • table;
  • corn.

The table should consist of 2 parts, one containing numbers corresponding serial number a vowel letter, the other a consonant letter. Light a candle and say to yourself:

“My betrothed, identify yourself.”

Take a few grains in your hand and throw them on the table. After this, write down the numbers on a separate piece of paper and match them with the letters. The name, which will be made up of the maximum number of numbers drawn, will be the name of the betrothed.

Card layout

Fortune telling for your husband can be done using tarot cards or playing cards. You can tell fortunes for both a stranger and someone you already know in order to understand the prospects for the development of a relationship.

You need to guess on cards during the day, while staying in good mood spirit so that it is transferred to the cards.

There should be no one in the room at the time of the ceremony. The cards must be clean, new, and have not been used in gambling. It is strictly forbidden to tell fortunes during church holidays, on Sundays and during menstruation.

For fortune telling, you need a deck of 36 cards, they should be shuffled. Then they think of a number in their mind and count it off. If the card turns out to be red, the name of the future husband begins with a vowel. If a red ace appears, this means that the husband will have a non-Russian name.

Meaning of red cards:

  • six corresponds to the letter A;
  • 7 - E;
  • 8 - E;
  • 9 - I;
  • 10 - Yu;
  • Jack - U;
  • Queen of Hearts or Diamond - I;
  • King - O.

Black cards represent consonant letters.

  • Spades: 6 - B, 7 - G, 8 - D, 9 - F, 10 - G, Jack - K, Queen - L, King - M, Ace - N.
  • Clubs: 6 - P, 7 - R, 8 - S, 9 - T, 10 - X, Jack - C, Queen - H, King - W, Ace - F.

On paper

Fortune telling on papers for your betrothed is best done on Christmastide after sunset. Only those who are not currently in a relationship can guess. The energy of the betrothed, destined by fate, is connected with the energy of the girl throughout her life until the moment of their meeting.

For fortune telling, you need to take a basin, pour water into it, an A4 sheet of paper, a pen that will not blur when in contact with water, and a sheet to cover the container with water.

Fortune telling from papers includes several actions.

  1. Write 25 male names on paper that you like the most. This needs to be done on one side of the paper with a small gap between each other.
  2. Cut them with scissors so that each piece of paper contains one name.
  3. Place the pieces of paper in the water.
  4. Cover with a sheet. It is advisable that the sheet be white- it represents purity and innocence and does not create energetic interference.
  5. Close all windows, turn off the lights.
  6. Stand next to the water and say the spell three times:

“Blue-faced water, show the red maiden a good fellow. Show it as it is - don’t hide the name of my betrothed.”

The betrothed's name will be on the piece of paper that comes up. If she is not alone, then there will be several marriages.

Complex prediction techniques

Fortune telling is a sacrament that a person can touch. The effectiveness of each of them depends on how much the individual believes in what he is doing.

Based on the book

You can take a book of names, say a spell and, opening it, point your finger at the name. The words you need to say are:

“Letters, lines and words, show me my betrothed, I want to know what his name will be.”

There is another method, more complicated. To do this, you need to take the book and open it on the page that corresponds to your birthday. The first letter that appears on the page will be the first letter of the betrothed's name.

The second letter will correspond to the month of birth, the third - the page corresponding to the father's birthday.

By hand

It is quite difficult to find out the name of your betrothed by looking at your hand, but there are ways that will help you get closer to what you want. To do this, you need the help of an outsider, a friend or girlfriend. It is necessary for him to take the palm with both hands and begin to twist the skin in different directions.

At this moment you need to pay attention to the type of folds that form on the hand. The one that looks like the letter is the beginning of the name of the future husband.

By date of birth

It is enough to know your date of birth young man to tell fortunes in this way. This option is suitable only for those who are already in a relationship and want to know what to expect from them in the future. With the help of numbers you can learn a lot; a whole science is devoted to this - numerology. Decoding the date of birth is its basis.

You need to add up all the numbers of the man’s date of birth one by one. This must be done until the number becomes single digit. Your boyfriend’s date of birth is 09/15/1993. You need to add 1+5+0+9+1+9+9+3=37, add 3+7=9. Now you need to determine which name the number is compatible with:

  • a, c, i - Anna, Sofia, Inna, etc.;
  • b,c,t - Bogdana, Victoria, Tatyana;
  • u,k,s - Ulyana, Karina, Svetlana;
  • e, g, n - Ella, Galina, Nadezhda;
  • I, e, m - Yana, Elena, Marina;
  • r, h, l - Rita, Zina, Lyubov;
  • o, k, s - Olga, Christina, Sofia;
  • l,f,p - Lika, Zhanna, Polina;
  • y, m, d - Julia, Maria, Diana.

The names may be different, but the first letter will remain the same. Fortune telling by date of birth also works in reverse side. You can select your date of birth and compare it with the same letters, only of a male name.

Around the ring

For this fortune telling you need to take a ring, it is better if it is a wedding ring. You can borrow it from your grandmother or mother. The most accurate prediction can be given by a ring that has undergone a wedding ceremony.

The ring must be tied with a thread and placed in a half-full glass of water. The ring in the water will begin to move and hit the walls of the glass, at this moment you need to remain vigilant and count each of its blows. One hit + 1 letter of the alphabet. That is, if the ring is struck 5 times, the betrothed’s name begins with D, etc.

In a dream

To find out the name of your betrothed in a dream, you need to take a glass of water, honey, or a wooden spoon. Going to bed, drink this mixture, adding more honey and say the spell:

“There’s a tall house outside the city, in that house there’s an ancient old woman, she’s making a honey brew, she’s feeding me with it, she’s dooming me to torment, you, my betrothed, come to me, appear in a dream, save me from the old woman and tell me your name, I’ll thank you, my name forever.” I’ll remember yours.”

After that, go to bed and don’t get up again until the morning. A person or creature should appear in a dream and pronounce the name of the betrothed. Only it can be forgotten very quickly, so you need to keep a pen and a notepad next to your bed so that you can write it down after sleep.

Fortune telling in the name of a future wife is quite common among the stronger sex. Many men would like to know what their chosen one’s name will be. These simple fortune telling will dispel all doubts.

In the article:

It's not just women who want to know. Fortune telling in the name of the chosen one is very common, perhaps in this way people want to limit the number of applicants for the title of future soul mate. In order to find out what your chosen one will be called, you can use various methods.

For example, in the Middle Ages one ritual was common - a large vat of water and an apple were taken. Using a knife, the guy needed to cut off a piece of peel and throw it into a vat of water.

After this, the liquid was stirred and, after it had calmed down, they watched to see what shape the peel would take. Of course, in this case the result was very limited, since the peel could mainly take the form of only some vowels and consonants.

You can find out the name of your betrothed using old and Christmastide. To do this, you had to go out into the street exactly at midnight and listen. The first name you hear will be your lover's name.

There is another fairly simple way. When carrying out this fortune telling, it is advisable to take the help of friends. Women's names are written on various pieces of paper, after which they are all mixed in a vessel. Now the leader’s task is to give each participant in the ritual a vessel so that he can eyes closed took out a piece of paper on which the name of his future wife would be written.

There are more complex ways, which are suitable for experienced magicians. You can use the help of your friends by performing a special ceremony and ask them everything personally. You can also take advantage of a spiritualistic session, which may reveal this secret to you.

How to find out the name of your future wife in a dream?

Some magicians believe that a person actually already knows everything that will happen to him. Only, unfortunately, this information is stored in our subconscious, and in order to obtain it, you just need to try a little.

Therefore, it is not in vain. Quite often in order to find out the name a certain person, you need to perform the necessary ritual before going to bed, and you will see this person at night or even be able to hear him. And to find out the name of your future wife, you can also use this old proven method.

The ritual is performed only on the full moon. First, you will need to light a candle on the windowsill and say:

My betrothed, destined by fate, come to me.

After this, go straight to bed. Important condition: before going to bed, you don’t need to visualize the image of the girl you want to see. In this case, you won't be imagining prophetic dream, and the girl you were thinking about. Try to banish all thoughts and prepare to receive the information that will be sent Higher power.

In the morning, try to remember everything you saw at night. In order not to forget the information received, try not to touch your head at first. Some people believe that if you touch your forehead or temple immediately after waking up, everything you saw in your dream will be forgotten.

Additional Methods

This kind of fortune telling is very common in Norway. It helps not only to find out the name of the future wife, but also a little about life together. It is held on Christmas Eve.

Blindfolded, the fortuneteller is seated at a table in a room, on which glasses of beer, milk and water are placed. After this, the fortuneteller's eyes are untied, and he casts a spell. In Russian interpretation it will sound like this:

Betrothed, show yourself to me!

Everyone else must leave the room and lock the door. After some time, judging by the legend, the house will begin to shake. This suggests that the betrothed is already moving towards your home. If you believe this ritual, then soon a girl will appear in the middle of the room. She will look exactly like your future wife. The girl will take a glass and drink the liquid. After which it will instantly disappear.

While she drinks, you have the opportunity to ask the first letter of her name. The ghost will not be able to refuse you and will call her. Also pay attention to which glass the ghost drank from.

  • If beer, then you will not have problems with finances, you will live in abundance and understanding.
  • If milk, then you will not become the darling of fortune, but you will have enough money to live on.
  • If water, then life will be poor.

There is one more, no less common. It is suitable for someone who has several candidates. You will need to prepare as many bulbs as the number of girls you care about.

Write one on each bulb female name. After that, put them in water. Legend has it that it is the bulb that sprouts first that will tell the name of the future wife.

Such rituals will help you find out what your spouse will be like and what her name will be. But you should not regard such fortune-telling as an axiom, since you yourself have the right to change your destiny.

Ancient fortune telling

Card reading

All four kings are chosen from a deck of cards, and for each the girl thinks of a man's name. The remaining deck must be thoroughly shuffled and the cards must be laid out one at a time under each king, under which card the ace of hearts falls, which means that this will be the name of the future husband. It is believed that the sooner the ace of hearts comes out of the deck, the more accurate the fortune telling.

Fortune telling by book

You need to take a directory of names and open any page at random. The first name that catches your eye will be the name of your future husband.

If they are guessing from an ordinary book, then they guess the page number, line and word in the line. The first letter of the intended word will correspond to the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling using a pendulum

It is advisable to make the pendulum from silver or, which should be suspended on a thin strong thread about 20 centimeters long. All the letters of the alphabet are written on a piece of paper. The fortune-telling girl places her hand with the pendulum in the center of the table and lets it stop completely, and then begins to slowly move her hand along the letters, trying not to swing it. Above which letter the pendulum begins to swing or spin, it means that the name of the future beloved man will begin with this letter.

Fortune telling on apple peel

You need to carefully peel the apple so that it does not tear, then throw the peel with your right hand through left shoulder. The shape of the peel when it falls on the floor will be a clue to the first letter of the name of the future husband. Girls with a rich imagination are sometimes even able to read the entire name of the person destined for them by fate.

Moon fortune telling

Fortune telling should be done on the new moon. You need to stand by the window and look at new moon, trying not to blink. Then the following words should be said: “Hello, Selena, I ask you, tell me who I will marry.” After this, you should not talk to anyone and go to bed. Must dream in a dream future husband or his name.

Modern methods of fortune telling for the betrothed

New methods of fortune telling are very popular in the world. Now TV, computer, radio and telephone have come to the aid of the girls.

Radio fortune telling

You need to randomly turn on any radio station and the first male name you hear will correspond to the name of your future spouse.

Fortune telling on TV

You should concentrate and turn on the TV. The first man seen on the screen will be the symbolic embodiment of the future husband. He will have the same hair color, figure, age and name.

Fortune telling by phone

You need a random phone number and if a man picks up, ask him what his name is.

Fortune telling by computer

You should mentally formulate a question and enter it into any search engine. The first link and picture that appears will be the answer to the name of your future lover.