Fun games and competitions for Teacher's Day. Fun games and competitions for Teacher's Day Jokes for a small company on Teacher's Day

Kindergarten employees sit at tables. And they sing a song to the tune

“Moscow Windows”

Here we are again together, and our faces are filled with smiles.

Clap together quickly to make it more fun.

Let's warm up the holiday with our friendship!

The New Year is knocking at the gate, may it bring a lot of happiness!

And good luck and success, and cheerful friendly laughter,

And hope and warmth for everyone!


New Year is a magical holiday! There is a leapfrog of smiles in him.

It contains surprises, games, jokes, a fairy tale, fiction, a game.

So let's have fun, in spite of all troubles,

To weave a festive carpet out of joyful smiles.

Good evening, our dear ladies! We met with you again in our hall. A year ago, you and I also celebrated the New Year. Now let's carry it out. Yes, everyone was tired, this year was not very kind to us, but we worked, worked and worked again. But let's leave all the grievances and sorrows in the past, and remember only the good.

The hands will soon converge at 12, the clock will strike the New Year!

We will have to gather our strength to meet him at the gate.

So that he comes to us with new happiness,

The old year must be spent on the road.

All good things, my friend, remember

And quickly forget the bad things.

So let's raise our glasses, let's drink to the past now,

So that in the new year there is only joy,

We were greeted with loud music!

Let's raise our glasses to the passing year, friends!

Let us raise our eyes, noble ladies, giving each other a smile.

They raise their glasses.

The New Year is coming to us, it is already knocking on our doors.

It brings us magic, here it is, I believe and I don’t believe...

New Year comes in and speaks like a child.


Well guys, here I am! Are you waiting for me?

I am a happy New Year, I brought you a hundred troubles.

Does the Christmas tree need to be decorated? Should I buy gifts for everyone?

And besides, a snack, vodka and a herring under a fur coat.

Well, most importantly, friends, you can’t live here without fun.

How you meet me is how I will be.

So sing, have fun and don’t skimp on jokes!

Let's drink and dance, celebrate my birthday!

Friends, have you learned a New Year's song for me?

NEW YEAR: Well, I’m ready to listen to her...

Pre-printed song lyrics are distributed to everyone present.

PERFORMING “SONG ABOUT THE NEW YEAR” to the tune of “Robins heard..”

We welcome you with raspberry wine, champagne and snacks

We are New Year's Eve at the festive table. We dedicate this song to him.

PR: And the New Year brought together friends, cheerful laughter sounds.

And this winter carnival circles everyone around the Christmas tree

Santa Claus will bring us gifts, Let the Snow Maiden dance in our dreams.

And everyone will find love in the New Year.

And there will be happiness next to everyone again.

NEW YEAR: Oh yes, well done! How well they prepared for my arrival. I'll go to other people, otherwise they'll be waiting for me. Goodbye!


The New Year has visited us, but who has it forgotten?

Who gives gifts to children? Who is dearest to everyone in the world?

This is Grandfather Frost pinching your ears and hurting your nose.

He got lost on the way, it’s time to come.

Let's call Santa Claus in unison.

ALL: Santa Claus! Father Frost!

Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, hello!

SNOW Maiden: Good day to you!

Santa Claus: We came to you with the Snow Maiden from afar to wish you a Happy New Year. Oh! ( Grabs the heart)

SNOW Maiden: What's wrong with you, grandfather?

SANTA CLAUS: Something’s wrong with my heart... I’ve become quite old, can you give me some medicine?

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather, how can they give you medicine if you haven’t said what exactly is bothering you?

FATHER FROST : Well, either the toad will strangle me, or I can’t remember anything. The hares in the forest don’t want to say hello to me anymore, they say that you constantly fine us for traveling without a ticket on a sleigh and poke me in the nose with a ticket, saying that you sold it yourself. I don’t remember selling it! Lisa complains that I, a veteran of labor, deprived her of benefits. The squirrels are arguing that I charge them too much tax for the export of nuts. Is it really big? But it was enough for a hand-assembled sled with a leather interior.

SNOW MAIDEN: And they broke because grandfather lubricated them with French cognac instead of butter.

FATHER FROST: ( embarrassed) Well, granddaughter, can’t we have some fun with the snowmen?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, yes, have fun...

SANTA CLAUS: By the way! They also advised me on a cure for my illness. I'll find now ( rummages around, brings the recipe to someone). Read what is written here, otherwise I’ve become blind, I can’t make out these scribbles.

RECIPE: Internal: 10 mg. Purgena mixed with 5 mg. Sleeping pills, add 10 drops of Corvalol mixed with a glass of strong coffee, then add 300 mg. Medical alcohol, 1 liter of Klinsky beer and three crushed aspirin tablets. Leave in a cold place for two days.

SANTA CLAUS WITH HOPE Well, do you think it will help? No... Yes, apparently I’m completely hopeless. Old age, as they say, is not joy.

SNOW Maiden: Don't be upset, grandfather! Let us treat you with New Year's methods! Now we will train your memory ( remember songs about New Year, winter, etc.).

SANTA CLAUS: how many songs did they remember, not like me, sclerotic. Yes, the only thing I always remember is that when I arrived, everyone congratulated each other and poured glasses. RAISE THE GLASSES.


I am very glad that in this hall they finally recognized Frost.

They didn’t forget to invite you to the holiday, and miraculously, they decorated the Christmas tree.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, the Christmas tree is decorated marvelously. Very elegant and beautiful.


But I see something wrong with her. What - there are no lights on it?

Let’s say together: “One, two, three – our Christmas tree is on fire!”



Get ready to join in the merry round dance!

Let's celebrate the New Year with song, dance and fun!


HOST: Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, your path was not close. Relax a little, watch the performance of our guests from the Academic Bolshoi Theater ( sits them down).

4 teachers in black tights and tutus come out and dance a fragment of the dance, then lie down on the floor and “die”. Then they raise their heads and speak in unison through the “window” from their hands. - Happy New Year!

(run away).


What I saw was simply a miracle, I will never forget you!

Now all of you get up and start dancing together.


SNOW MAIDEN: Well, we danced great, but they didn’t give us any drink...

Really, grandfather?



What is it, what happened? Suddenly the lights went out!

Our Christmas tree is sad... We didn’t give it any water!


We’ll fix this now and make the Christmas tree smile!

We'll tell you everything about it, that'll make it more fun!




Well, girls, whoever is under the tree will tell you something or sing.

Did you prepare by teaching me poems about the New Year?



Well, you read the poems, you still need to sing the song,

To warm our soul on a blizzard winter night.


Santa Claus, let's sing a song together on New Year's Day

So that together with this song the people become more cheerful!

COLLECTIVE SONG to the tune of “...and I want the songs to sound...”

As always, the New Year's fairy tale invited us to this house.

Here there is care and affection and fun and joy all around.

PR: We want the song to never end,

So that the glass is filled with wine,

So that we all wish each other.

What everyone wished for themselves.

We want this new year.

It was better than last year.

To feel young again.

Less hassle!


SNOW Maiden: Grandfather Frost, we sang and danced, we just didn’t play!



Call 5-6 people, they must illustrate the words of the presenter

Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.

He gave dad a comb.

Can you show me with one hand how he combs his hair?

He gave his son skis.

Show him how he skis.

He gave his mother a meat grinder.

Show her how she twists the meat.

He gave his daughter a doll.

Show me how she bats her eyelashes and says “Mom”

And he gave his grandmother a Chinese dummy.

Show him shaking his head.

All movements are performed simultaneously.


Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then take out your glass without leaving your place, without touching the floor with your hands and knees.


Who will inflate the biggest balloon without it bursting?


Each dancing couple holds an apple or a small ball between their foreheads.

To the music you need to hold the ball, “Apple” sounds


Place 6 pins on a long towel. The player must go through blindfolded without knocking down any pins. The audience gives the commands.

Legs up! To the left! More to the right! Directly! Raise your skirt higher, otherwise you'll knock it down!

Remove the skittles while walking over the towel, and put Santa Claus on the towel, then untie your eyes and show who she stepped over.

HOST: Did Santa Claus bring us gifts?

SANTA CLAUS: You’re right, gentlemen, I’ll call the bag here!

Why is the sack not in a hurry to come to us, maybe he is sleeping under the tree?

It’s better to go get him myself, if he’s sleeping, I’ll wake him up! ( Leaves)

A bag appears, the legs are inserted into the slots, the head peeks out. The bag is tied up to the person's neck.

I’ve been really tired of waiting for you, so I went and took a walk!

You tell me, friends. Maybe I'm not needed?


We've been waiting for you all holiday, and now we're just calling you.

You didn’t come to our call, Frost followed you.

I’ll put you here and go get grandpa!


BABA YAGA: And the bag is already here!

You can't handle the bag!

Santa Claus conjured a spell so that no one would take me!

BABA YAGA: Don’t contradict me, you impudent one!

BAG: Well, then I ran!

BABA YAGA: Stop! Where! Stop!


SANTA CLAUS: And you are an old villain, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga pulls out a mirror and looks into it.

And not at all old. I just had a facelift for the holiday, shortened my nose, whitened my teeth. What do I look like, grandpa? Just tell me. What’s bad is that my teeth are sharp and my nails are long.

Suitable for the Christmas tree.

Oh, where did I end up? What a wonderful room this is!

And people are sitting around and looking at the tree!

SANTA CLAUS: What kind of miracle is this? And where did it come from?

BABA YAGA: You yourself are a miracle!

I'm beautiful! Why don't you like my look?

You, dear grandpa, would rather dance with me!

He dances “The Lady” with Santa Claus, can’t stand it and runs away.

SANTA CLAUS: We're done with evil, it's time to give out gifts! ( They give it away.)

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather, are we going to hold an auction?

SANTA CLAUS: Of course we will, I grabbed the second bag.


Santa Claus pulls the item out of the bag without showing it, the Snow Maiden describes this item and names the original price.


Dishwasher (washing mesh)

Price - Two claps

Vacuum cleaner “Typhoon” (broom)

The price is three floods.

Mercedes car (children's car)

The price is to beep three times.

Summer version of “Reebok” sneakers (footprints)

Price - spin three times.

Cotton garbage bin (handkerchief)

The price is to sneeze three times.

Soap “Duryu” (Laundry soap)

Price: “Wash twice”

Hair lightener (Whiteness)

The price is 1 laugh.

Hair dryer “Roventa” (comb)

The price is to comb your hair twice.

Food processor (blade)

The price is to jump twice.

SANTA CLAUS: It's time to say goodbye to us!


Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a New Year,

So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

So that the sun shines tenderly,

Everything that the heart expects came true.

And just to make it gratifying

All your life, like New Year!


We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will be separated for a whole year.

And in a year the blizzard will howl again.

And Santa Claus will come in winter.


Just don't forget us at all.

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

And welcome us again with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts!

They leave.


The New Year is just around the corner...

Knocks and breaks on the door.

But behind him all the worries

They won't break into your house. Believe me.

Happiness will fall, perhaps

Health will come slowly.

It's not hard for love to leak,

Successes rustle quietly.

Your dream is standing outside the door,

Decides that it’s time for her to come true!

Dear grandfather, you're probably tired...

The fur coat is wet and the cotton wool is frayed...

How many paths and roads have you trodden!

Sorry for reaching out a bit late.

And it’s not even a request - it’s just a whim..

You still have a rush, a blockage, a park,

But when you finally give away

Everything, literally until the last gift -

Come to me. If you want, you can do it on foot.

Come as a trusted and old friend,

With his empty bag -

Delightfully spacious container.

That's when I use it!

I'll immediately throw the empty one into the bag

All unnecessary and superfluous trash,

Strained my soul, mind and back.

Take the bag to the dense dark forest,

Don't complain, dear, about the terrible weight:

I carried it and didn’t even seem to bend...

Let the New Year on an icy tray

An angel will bring you a crystal glass,

He will throw sparkling snowflakes onto the bottom,

And on top he will pour intoxicating happiness.

And let it be in a golden-radiant cocktail

All the snowfall, starfall will be mixed -

So that they remember its aroma for a long time.

Let the angel leave you with a hangover

Nectar of delight, just a sip,

Adding kindness and fun

And be sad three drops. To burn a little

Heavenly drink, lovely lips,

So that you sometimes remember

Who was suspiciously rude to you?

Hiding love under a shield of sarcasm...

I wish you a new year

So that everything that prevents you from living disappears!

And your wallet should be thick with money!

I wish you a beautiful house, a good car.

A big basin of health to you,

So that your back doesn't ache!

The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers is celebrated on September 27, 2019. Have you decided to organize a corporate party in honor of this professional holiday?

Poems, congratulations, skits, fun games and competitions for adults on Teacher's Day will help you have an interesting time and create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Corporate event scenario for Teacher's Day for employees

A corporate event for adults on Teacher’s Day begins with congratulations from the host:
— Preschool Worker's Day
Celebrates kindergarten.
We invite you to have fun
Together with us everyone!

Then the head of the preschool institution gives the floor:
- Even if our road is sometimes difficult,
And even if it’s hard along the way,
Preschool worker is a high rank,
And we need to carry it proudly!

Teachers and other employees can prepare funny scenes for a corporate party on Teacher’s Day based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, where various employees of a preschool educational institution come to the house.

For example, a cook who feeds children, a caretaker (resolves all economic issues), a security guard (monitors safety), etc.

- Who-who lives in the little house? Who lives in a low place?

“Children are sweets, a nanny is a sleeping place, a cook is a culinary specialist, a supply manager is a solution to any problem, teachers are quick feet, a methodologist is an observer...

The corporate party in honor of Teacher's Day continues, and the host addresses the guests:
— Our team is very friendly,
Every employee is needed.
Our personnel are valuable,
They will show you the “class” in action!

He invites those gathered to organize fun games and competitions for adults on Teacher’s Day.

Funny competitions for Teacher's Day for corporate events

In the first competition at an adult corporate party for Teacher’s Day, you need to say the phrase “Ivanov, sit down” with different intonations in your voice: tenderly, affectionately, with a bit of threat, surprised, mysterious, cheerful, sad, indifferent.

Participants in the second competition will need to put toys into a box as quickly as possible, and participants in the third will have to draw a poster blindfolded.

For a corporate party on Teacher's Day, you can also prepare funny scenes, such as the following one. Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock...

“Daughter, daughter, it’s time to get up.”
- Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer.

“But I won’t wake you up later.” Awoke? Get up, it's time to go to kindergarten.
- Oh, I don’t want to go there!

- We must, honey, we must. You are now the head of a kindergarten!

Then you can present comic certificates of honor to employees in a solemn atmosphere. Prepare separate forms in advance and indicate in each the “honorary title” of the employee: “the kindest teacher,” “the children’s favorite,” “the tamer of naughty children,” “the miracle nanny,” etc.

Teachers are the first adults from the outside world who greet children at the threshold of preschool institutions. Their work is service. Serving the little man, serving the future. The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers is celebrated on September 27. I really want them to be able to rest, relax and have fun on this day. And we hope that the option we offer Scenario of a corporate holiday for Teacher’s Day “Life is a Game” will help them with this. The name of the scenario is no coincidence, because the work of educators is constant games with children, different in form and content, and on their holiday they are invited to play with each other in a festive way. The script combined a classic presentation with poems and congratulations for the heroes of the occasion and an interesting entertainment program that does not require special preparation or rehearsals. You can easily organize such a holiday, on your own and within the walls of your favorite institution, adding congratulations, toasts and active entertainment if desired.


For a festive evening, it is recommended to use a screen for screensavers and entertainment with pictures (but, in extreme cases, you can use pre-printed pictures). In the process of preparing for the holiday, it is worth preparing comic medals or diplomas. You will find the names of the nominations in the text of the script, at the end of each game, or in a separate file “Medals or Diplomas.” Also included are musical options and sets of pictures for the games.

Scenario of a corporate holiday for Teacher's Day


On the monitor there is a photo of a kindergarten, autumn

1st Presenter: The heat has passed, summer is just around the corner.

Virgos will follow Leos.

And the winds with clouds bring

Rain melancholy tunes.

2nd Presenter: But the colors of summer have become brighter,

The earth has washed, freshened,

And yet autumn is on the doorstep,

And she dressed us warmer.

1st Presenter: We won't be sad about summer,

There is little point in regretting the past.

We count years not by birthdays,

And not for the decorated New Year trees.

2nd Presenter: September opens the year for us,

It's like a new page

Our holiday confirms this.

Let it be autumn, let's have fun!

1st Presenter: For you, talented and generous,

I want to raise a glass, friends!

Let the fire not go out in your heart,

And don’t let your hands give up.

2nd Presenter: I want life to smile at you,

So that all your wishes come true,

Money rustled in my pocket,

And so that everyone gets recognition!

Track 1 is playing. Vakhtang Kikabidze. Wish

Banquet break

1st Presenter: Today we have gathered here, friends, to celebrate ours in a warm, informal atmosphere.

2nd Presenter: It just so happens that work becomes a second home for many Russians. And this applies not only to us, educators. We spend most of our lives at work and leave our time, energy, and nerves here.

1st Presenter: But here, within these walls, we not only lose, but also find: the friendship of colleagues, the love of our students, recognition and the opportunity for creativity.

2nd Presenter: And also, and this is the advantage of our profession, eternal youth. After all, with each new generation of our young students, we ourselves become younger.

1st Presenter: And we can say with confidence that our work is not just a second home. This house is my favorite! So?

(Guests answer)

2nd Presenter: In our own home, we are familiar with every sound and every crack on the tile. Do we know our second home so well?

Track 2 plays. What is our life? A game!

Warm-up game "Who? How? Where?"

On the monitor there is a slide show with photographs of offices, groups, employees

Sample list of questions:

1. Who comes to our kindergarten first?

2. How to remove the alarm? (Or: Who removes the alarm?)

3. Where should you go to get your salary?

4. How many steps do you have to climb to get to the medical office?

5. What color are the curtains in the accounting department?

6. Which group (cabinet) has the most indoor flowers?

7. How many sandboxes are there in playgrounds?

8. Which place in the kindergarten is the “loudest”?

9. Who is the most experienced “tear wiper” in our team?

10. How to open the front door from the street: from right to left, or from left to right?

11. Where does the third door on the second floor lead?

12. How many light bulbs are there in the music room?

(Hint to the organizers: The suggested questions are approximate. You can create your own questionnaire, most importantly, do not forget to clarify the correct answers).

The game is being played. “The most attentive” wins

1st Presenter: Well, we know our second home very well. But a house is not only doors and steps. A home is also the atmosphere created by the people, or rather the FAMILY, living in this house. And it seems to me it would be fair to remember those who work

2nd Presenter: And he lives!

2nd Presenter:...and lives in our common house.

2nd Presenter: We answer without thinking, who works in our kindergarten (with the exception of teachers)?

(Guests answer)

when listing professions, you can “raise” the named representatives and greet them with applause).

1st Presenter: Our second home has become our home.

It's warm, bright, cozy here.

Doesn't interfere at all.

2nd Presenter: A big family lives here

Friendly, joyful, happy.

It can't be otherwise

Such a team!

Track 3 is playing. Time Machine. Native home.

A short banquet break


1st Presenter: At this point we will consider the solemn official part closed.

2nd Presenter: It is a holiday today!

1st Presenter: Let's have fun then?

2nd Presenter: Yes! And let's play!

1st Presenter: Shakespeare once said: “Our whole life is a game.” There is nothing to add, we are all actors in this life. At different times and in different circumstances, we play multifaceted roles. Sometimes we act out small episodes, or even just act as extras.

2nd Presenter: But in our profession, this phrase has another meaning, where the word “game” is perceived not as a theatrical performance, but as ... “a type of meaningful unproductive activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself.”

1st Presenter (with surprise): Wow!

2nd Presenter (proudly): Yes! I got smarter with Wikipedia.

1st Presenter (interested): And what are we going to do about it?

2nd Presenter: Well, I said everything: we will engage in meaningful non-productive activities, where, without being attached to the result, we will enjoy...

Leading the chorus: the process itself!

1st Presenter: Let's get started, I guess. Now we answer questions very, very quickly. The questions are simple, but you need to answer quickly, without thinking.

Game "Listen carefully, answer quickly!"

Approximate questions for the game:

1. How old are you?

2. What time of year is it outside?

3. What time do you shave? (this is a question for a woman)

4. What is two and two?

5. What day follows Wednesday?

6. How many grandchildren do you have? (for singles)

7. How many days are there in September?

8. Where do starlings live?

9. What brand of lipstick do you use? (for men, if any), etc.

(Hint for organizers: It is desirable that there are enough questions for all participants of the holiday).

The game is being played. “The wittiest one” wins.

1st Presenter: We are all familiar with all kinds of manuals, directives and instructions that dictate not only development, but also games for teaching children.

2nd Presenter: And, sad as it may be, plans have become an integral part of our lives. And sometimes you just want to spit on all the orders and indulge in all the “heavy” things, oh, better yet, all the “easy” ones!

1st Presenter (wary): What are you talking about, colleague?

2nd Presenter: Let's say, just relax. For example, sit in front of the TV and click the remote control, switching from channel to channel, and watch and play along with the characters of the programs!

1st Presenter(interested): Not a bad idea, by the way. But how to combine the game with the TV?

2nd Presenter: We take the program and play the games according to the schedule!

1st Presenter (flips through the TV program): It's written here (looks at his watch) at 19:20 (time must be real). So game is game, and lunch is on schedule!

2nd Presenter: But we won’t cook. Why are we all so smart here? Let's leave the aprons and sizzling frying pans to Yulia Vysotskaya and that same Georgian who doesn't know how to cook. And our table is rich, there is something to eat and something to talk about.

1st Presenter Fill your plates, let's start our first game “Eating at Home”.

Track 4 plays. We eat at home. Screensaver

Game "Eating at home"

2nd Presenter: Take a close look at the contents of your plates. Now I will name the letters, and you must find and name the foods starting with this letter that are on your plates.

The game “Eating at Home” is played, “The most resourceful” wins.

1st Presenter: A teacher has to play a lot: at home with his children and grandchildren and at work every day. But mostly we play children's games, but there are other, adult games.

2nd Presenter: No subtext! Games in which adults do not sink to the children's level, but rather develop THEIR abilities.

1st Presenter: By the way, these can be the same children's games, only, in the language of gamers, at the next level. Shall we check?

2nd Presenter Let's check! We have all read a lot of fairy tales, and more than once. Now we will check how well we have mastered fairy-tale literature.

Track 5 is playing. Visiting a fairy tale. Screensaver

Fairytale quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Sample list of questions:

1. Is this a fabulous communal apartment?

(Answer: Teremok)

2. Elevator for the Wolf?

(Answer: Trumpet. Fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”)

3. Medicine for Carlson?

(Answer: Jam)

4. Woven air transport?

(Answer: Magic carpet)

5. Edible home?

(Answer: Gingerbread house)

6. In which detective fairy tale did the attacker escape punishment?

(Answer: "Three Bears")

7. Cave code?

(Answer: “Sim-sim, open up!”)

8. Prosperous fly?

(Answer: Tsokotukha Fly)

9. Fairytale navigator?

(Answer: Tangle)

10. Breed of gold-bearing chickens?

(Answer: Chicken Ryaba)

11. Tailed wish granter?

(Answer: Goldfish, Pike)

12. Fabulous surveillance system?

(Answer: Saucer, “The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Pourable Apple”)

13. Where does the month bandit come from?

(Answer: The month has emerged from the fog...)

14. Security alarm in the kingdom of the elderly king?

(Answer: Cockerel)

15. Artiodactyl werewolf?

(Answer: Ivanushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

16. Vegetable for the princess?

(Answer: Pumpkin, pea)

17. Length measure for an elf princess?

(Answer: Inch, fairy tale “Thumbelina”)

18. A narrow-minded hero of Russian fairy tales?

(Answer: Ivan the Fool)

19. Lie detector of the hero of an Italian fairy tale?

(Answer: nose, the fairy tale “Pinocchio”)

20. Winged servants of Baba Yaga?

(Answer: Geese-swans)

21. The heartless hero of a fairy tale? (Answer: Tin Woodman)

The game is being played. The fastest one wins. Nomination “Connoisseur of Fairy Tales”.

1st Presenter (flips through the TV program): And now “In the world of animals”!

Dance competition "In the world of animals"

Track 6 is playing. In the animal world. Screensaver

2nd Presenter (impersonating an announcer): Hello, dear friends! Today in our program is a most interesting film about “family relationships” in the animal world and a selection of videos about animals filmed by our viewers. At the end of the program, you will see a story about a new farm in the village of Rozhki-da-nozki.

Track 7 is playing. Igor Kornelyuk. About family

Game "Animal Families"

The screensaver “Animal Families” is on the monitor.

Before the start of the competition, the Hosts distribute cards with the names of the animals to the guests, and “family connections” must be taken into account. Let's say, grandfather is a horse, grandmother is a horse, mother is a horse, son is a foal; dad is a bull, mom is a cow, daughter is a heifer, etc. Depending on the number of people present, the size of the animal family is determined so that several families are formed.

1st Presenter: Have you figured out who is who? Now, on my command, you will have to find your animal “relatives” using sounds or movements characteristic of this or that animal. Human speech cannot be used. When the family is reunited, they need to line up by seniority and declare their victory

The game is being played. The friendliest and fastest are awarded medals (diplomas) “Friendly Family”

The screensaver “Animal Reporter” is on the monitor.

2nd Presenter: The previous competition unexpectedly divided our team into teams, which will now present the announced “video stories”. And the essence of the next dance competition is as follows: teams will have to take turns dancing to the proposed music. As part of our television program, music, or rather songs, are dedicated to the world of Fauna. Additional points will be earned by teams that will not only dance harmoniously and beautifully, but will also be able to convey the movement of the characters in the musical fragments.

Dance competition "Animal Reporter"

Possible musical fragments in folder "Animal Reporter"

The game is being played. The “Most Graceful” Dancer and the “Best Danced Team” wins.

Game "Round Dance "Family Farm"

1st Presenter: And now we invite everyone to the family farm!

On the monitor is the screensaver “Family Farm “Horns and Legs”

The leaders “start” the round dance. With each verse, new participants are added to the circle, singing along during the chorus.

Track 8 is playing. Let's go, daughter, start a house

Lyrics attached as a separate file below:

(Hint to the organizers: If there are good voices in the company and you can organize an accompaniment, you can perform the song live, and you can replace the words “Let’s go, daughter, start a house!” to “Let’s go, girlfriend, start a house!”, which is more logical in this company).

2nd Presenter: Well done everyone! Applause!

1st Presenter: Isn’t it time for us to return to the table?


1st Presenter: Our friendly team is talented!

We'll sing and dance if necessary.

When the time comes,

Everyone will have enough responsibility!

2nd Presenter: Any complex tasks

We decide with full dedication,

And we never back down.

For us! And again…

In chorus: Congratulations!


1st Presenter: We continue to switch channels, and most importantly, we continue to play! And now, to cool down, it’s worth watching something educational and calm.

2nd Presenter (watches TV program): “Apparently incredible” would be ok?

Track 9 is playing. The obvious is the incredible. Screensaver

"The obvious is incredible." Game 1 "What do we see?"

The monitor displays pictures in which you can simultaneously find 2 or more scenes. The players' task is to find possible options. The last option named last (for each picture) earns the player 1 point.

Pictures in the folder “What we see” (from No. 1 to No. 10) are attached below:

Possible picture scenes for the game:

1. Columns and people looking at each other

2. Tree and girl opposite the boy

3. The back of the girl’s head and the dozing old man

4. Butterfly and apple

5. Man with binoculars, car, letter “A”

6. Face, apples, reading person

7. Dog, face, cliff

8. Swan, girl and boy on the river bank, face

9. Chair, girl, face

10. A glass, an old man and an old woman, two Mexicans, a girl in the doorway

The game is being played. “The one with the most eyes” wins.

"The obvious is incredible." Game 2 "Shifters"

Players are asked to determine what image will appear if the picture is turned over. First, one picture is shown on the screen, after the answers, the picture is inverted. For each correct answer - 1 point

Pictures in the folder “Changes” (from No. 11 and 11a to No. 21 and 21a) are attached below:

1st Presenter: Yes Yes Yes! No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to escape the children's theme. On the other hand, there is more than enough adulthood in our lives. So why not try to relive your childhood?

2nd Presenter: Yes, and our unofficial navigator - the television program reports that it’s time for the wonderful game “Through the Mouth of a Baby.”

1st Presenter: And if you plunge into childhood, then with complete immersion. The once popular game “Through the Mouth of a Baby” is familiar to everyone. And its rules are known: children define a word, and adults must guess it in three attempts. Now you will have a great opportunity to perform in two guises: adults and children. First, one team will present their “children's explanations”, and the second will try to find the hidden word, then the teams will change roles. If the word is guessed on the first try, the team receives 3 points, on the second attempt - 2 points, on the third - 1 point.

2nd Presenter: Can I also add one condition? After the answer is found, the guessing team offers its own, but this time an “adult” explanation for the hidden word. I am sure that without appropriate home preparation, an adult explanation can be no less funny than a child’s one.

Track 11 sounds. Through the mouth of a baby. Screensaver

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 1 "Explainers"

The presenters give the teams words for “explanations”.

Possible words for “explainers”:









The game is being played. The “Most Intelligent Team” wins (from the word “explain”)

1st Presenter: Children grow up, new words appear in their vocabulary, and more and more unfamiliar words appear in books. Of course, you can simply tell your child what an unfamiliar word means. Or you can teach him to think, reason, so that next time he can find the answer himself. The next “Rationales” competition will show our capabilities in such an educational task.

2nd Presenter: Our age is the age of information, the age of discoveries. But here’s what’s interesting: we learn and accept new words very quickly, but old ones disappear from our vocabulary. Already about fifteen years ago we began to explain many words from fairy tales to our foolish children. What will happen next? Do you remember from “General Toptygin”: “along the highway, a young guy is driving, a reverse coachman”? Do you know how the all-knowing Google translated this? “There is a pole on the road, a young guy is driving, the driver is in the back.” So it’s too early to teach children computers.

1st Presenter: Now you will be offered old words for which you will need to find an explanation. For reasoning, and this is the main thing in this competition, teams are given half a minute (one minute).

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 2 "Rationales"

Reasoning time is measured using an hourglass or a timer. For the correct answer - 3 points, for interesting reasoning or a witty answer - 1 point.

Track 12 plays. Timer 1 minute.

Track 12a plays. Timer with gong for 30 seconds.

Words for “Rationales”:

1. “Quietly” - quietly, quietly

2. “Timely” - inevitable, predetermined

3. “Bobyl” - a poor, landless peasant, a lonely person

4. “Chalka” - rope, mooring rope, chain

5. “Drag” - curtain

6. “Dolgushka” - a hat with long ears

7. “Plump” - corpulent, thick, fat

8. “Susek” - bins

8. “Rosstani” - a crossroads

9. “Gashnik” - belt to support pants

10. “Kerzhak” - Old Believer

The game is being played. The most reasonable team wins.

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 3 "Overtaking, or changelings"

1st Presenter: If there are earthworms, then there are solar crosses. Now we will play the game "Changes". And the conditions are as follows: we voice an inverted phrase or word, and you name the original source. The first person to answer the question gets 1 point. I note that not all words in a phrase are always replaced.


1. Hairy Plain - Bald Mountain

2. Rope of the Minotaur - Ariadne's Thread

3. Dressed Jester - Naked King

4. Rusty lock - Golden key

5. Underground locomotive - Submarine

6. Baba Zhara - Santa Claus

7. Oykaif - Aibolit

8. Fish World - St. John's wort

9. Solobintik - Croatian

10. Bridges - Caprice

The game is being played. "Fastest" wins

1st Presenter: It’s time to listen to the children themselves. Our next game is called "Guessing Game". You will be offered children's monologues and dialogues, but without the last words. Your task is to finish the phrase.

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 4 "Guessing"

(Hint to the organizers : the following overheard conversations are from the author’s own collection “About Mashenka and Vovochka”, you can offer your guests children’s pearls from your storerooms).


Mashenka, 4 years old, put panties on her head and said:

I have… (brain concussion)

Little Vovochka saw a thermometer in the crib of very tiny Mashenka:

Aunt Lena, why is this lying here... (angina?)

Little Mashenka in the village:

Grandma Katyulya, let's play. I will be mom, you will be dad. I'll cook dinner, and you...

(sleep all the time).

Grandma, I had a dream today. Did you see my dream?

No, Vovochka, I didn’t see your dream.

Why?... (You and I slept in the same room!)

Vovochka broke his leg. Little Mashenka saw crutches in the pharmacy.

Mom, Vovka with the cast is stomping like an elephant, let’s buy him these... (stilts)

Mashenka finds out who is who among her grandmothers.

Grandma Lida is my father's mother. I am your mother's mother. And when you have children, your mother will be their grandmother.

No! I don't want that!

She has... (the beard will grow!)

Pancakes with meat 5 rubles. Oh, how cheap! Pancakes with cottage cheese 5 rubles. Oh, how cheap!

Reaches the top line and reads:

Menu… (I haven't eaten this yet!)

Very little Mashenka “reads” from memory the Tale of the Goldfish:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. One day the old man said to the old woman: “Go ahead, old woman, and... (catch the goldfish)"

Little Vovochka plays policemen and bandits with his grandmother. Grandmother, by virtue of her authority, takes the side of the law and asks the little bandit:

Who do you work for?

On the… (dad)

MashenkaI arrivedA from travelor else I have a coldOuch, not thathoarse:

Vovochka returned from summer camp:

Who did you live with, Vovochka?

In our cottage there was Mishka, Sashka, Crutch... and some other idiot... (Oh, so it's me!)

The game is being played. For witty answers, 1 point is awarded, and for an “exact hit” (guessing the original phrase) 2 points are added. “The most accurate team” wins

2nd Presenter: Our evening is coming to an end. You, dear colleagues, have demonstrated your amazing abilities and wonderful talents today. You sang and danced.

1st Presenter: You have shown yourself to be excellent psychologists, philologists, as well as excellent experts on animals and fairy tales. All of you, regardless of your specialty, are worthy of the high title of EDUCATOR.

2nd Presenter: The only genre that we did not pay attention to was the theater, with which, albeit indirectly, we started our evening. All life is a game, i.e. theater! Shouldn't we know this? After all, every year we, together with our children, transform into different heroes.

1st Presenter: Whom we haven’t played! And Sorceresses, and Queens, and Witches. Even Santa Claus happens on some records. So how can we do without theatrical performance on our good and cheerful holiday?

2nd Presenter: And today we will all play together the good old fairy tale “Teremok”.

An impromptu fairy tale about the kindergarten "Teremok in a new way"


Little mouse



Hedgehog - no head, no legs

Runner Bunny

Golden comb cockerel

Magpie white-sided

Foxy sister

Top-gray barrel


Each character that comes: «»

AND all residents of Teremok after they introduce themselves: “Who are you?” What can you do?”, and then, after meeting: “Come live with us!”


(which are not in the fairy tale, are given to the characters before the start of the performance)

Little mouse: “I, little mouse! I’m stocking up on provisions.”

Frog frog:

At the first meeting: “And I, the frog-frog. I can monitor the water supply.”


At the first meeting: “And I, Raccoon Raccoon. I wash and rinse the clothes.”

Hedgehog - no head, no legs:

At the first meeting: “I’m fixing my clothes, patching everything up!”

Runner Bunny:

At the first meeting: “And I, a runaway bunny. I'm still a little boy. I don’t bother anyone, but I help everyone.”

Golden comb cockerel: “I, Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I’ll wake everyone up!”

White-sided magpie:

At the first meeting: “I fly far, I know all the news.”

Foxy sister:

At the first meeting: “And I, little fox-sister. Red, fluffy, your house will be clean.”

Top-gray barrel:

At the first meeting: “And I, Volchok, am a gray barrel.” I can guard the house and not let strangers on the threshold.”

Bear: “And I, a clumsy bear. I will be your “roof”, you will live without bothering. And for this you will feed and water me.”


Mouse: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Frog: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: Me, little mouse! I'm stocking up on provisions. And who are you? What can you do?

Frog: And I'm a frog. I can monitor the water supply.

Mouse: Come live with me!

Raccoon: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: Me, little mouse! I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog! I am responsible for the water.

Mouse and Frog: And who are you? What can you do?

Raccoon: And I'm a raccoon. I wash and rinse clothes.

Mouse and Frog: Come live with us!

Hedgehog: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?




Mouse, Frog and Raccoon: And who are you? What can you do?

Hedgehog: And I, a hedgehog, have no head or legs. I fix my clothes, patch everything up!

Mouse, Frog and Raccoon: Come in, let's live together!

Bunny: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!


Mouse, Frog, Raccoon and Hedgehog: And who are you? What can you do?

Bunny: And I'm a runaway bunny. I'm still a little boy. I don't bother anyone, but I help everyone.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon and Hedgehog: Jump to us, we will live together.

Cockerel: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!


And who are you? What can you do?

Cockerel: I, Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog and Bunny: Come live with us!

Magpie: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.


And who are you? What can you do?

Magpie: And I, White-sided Magpie. I fly far, I know all the news.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog. Bunny and Cockerel: Come live with us!

Chanterelle: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.

Cockerel: I am the Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!


And who are you? What can you do?

Chanterelle: And I am a fox-sister. Red, fluffy, your house will be clean.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog. Bunny, Cockerel and Magpie: Come live with us!

Wolf: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.

Cockerel: I am the Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!

Magpie: And I, White-sided Magpie. I'll tell you all the news.


And who are you? What can you do?

Wolf: And I, Volchok, am a gray barrel. I can guard the house and not let strangers on the threshold.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog. Bunny, Cockerel, Magpie and Chanterelle: Come live with us!

Author: The wolf climbed into the mansion. There are already nine of them. The box is full, but life is not complicated. In the little house the animals live together, chew bread and salt, and sing funny songs. Suddenly a CLAW-TOED BEAR walks. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

Bear: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.

Cockerel: I am the Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!

Magpie: And I, White-sided Magpie. I'll tell you all the news.

Chanterelle: Me, little fox-sister. I keep order.

Wolf: I, Volchok - a gray barrel. I guard the house and don’t let strangers in.

All residents of Teremok: And who are you? What can you do?

Bear: And I'm a clumsy bear. I will be your “roof”, you will live without bothering. And for this you will feed and water me!

Author: The animals did not begin to say: “Come live with us!”, They got excited, made noise, shouted: But we don’t bother anyway, we don’t need such a big mouth! Leave in good health. Look, I've found a good-for-nothing! The Bear got angry, threw off his mask and found himself under the mask of the head of the kindergarten.

Manager: Enough of telling fairy tales, it’s time to wrap things up.

There is nothing to be surprised about, let's wrap it up already.

The manager walks along the actors and collects masks.


Everyone gets up early in the morning,

And accept children.

Tomorrow there will be games and fairy tales,

This is where these masks come in handy.

It was a wonderful evening

I don't want to say goodbye

But the holiday is not the last,

We'll have time to chat again!

Track 13 plays. The teacher's song.

Teacher's Day, which falls on September 27 in 2019, is celebrated in all kindergartens. The children congratulate their teachers and other employees by performing poems, songs and dances.

Often the heroes of the occasion celebrate this holiday in their own circle. To prevent a corporate party on Teacher's Day for employees from turning into boring gatherings at the festive table, you need to think through an entertainment program in advance.

The corporate holiday scenario for Teacher's Day may include funny congratulations in verse, funny song adaptations.

Interesting games and competitions will “stir up” the guests and lift their spirits. Funny skits on Teacher's Day for corporate parties will also help make the holiday fun, in which everyone can participate.

What could be the corporate program for Teacher's Day?

The corporate event will begin with congratulations from the presenters:
– Our dear kindergarten workers, happy professional holiday to you! Only sensitive, kind and attentive girls and women could choose this wonderful and such a responsible profession. We wish you never to lose patience and enjoy your work.

Poems will be read:
– All kindergarten workers
Children are given warmth and love,
And today is your wonderful holiday -
Wonderful, kind and clear!
We wish everyone health and happiness,
Life is bright, beautiful, brilliant,
In personal life, love, understanding,
At work - recognition from bosses!

– I heartily congratulate all the kindergarten workers.
And now I’m glad to notice: how good you are!
Our children run happily to kindergarten early in the morning.
They know: they are loved here, they are expected and protected here!
I wish you health and success in your work,
And good luck, and luck, and happy years in destiny!

“We have wonderful teachers and their assistants working in our kindergarten. We have chefs who cook delicious food, nurses who monitor the health of children, wardrobe maids and laundry workers who maintain cleanliness. And thanks to our manager, our place is warm, cozy, and comfortable for children and parents. And now we give her the floor.

After the head’s speech at the corporate event on Teacher’s Day for colleagues, the presentation of commemorative certificates to the employees of the preschool institution will begin. For each teacher you need to prepare a separate form, where you should indicate his “honorary title”.

Variants of such titles: “the kindest teacher”, “the favorite of the children”, “the tamer of naughty children”, “the best cook in the world”, “the fairy of cleanliness” and so on.

Competitions for corporate events on Teacher's Day

- Dear Colleagues! Our holiday continues. Relax, have fun. Today at our corporate party for Teacher's Day, competitions and funny skits await you.

– Our team is very friendly,
Every employee is needed.
Our personnel are valuable,
In action they will show everyone their “class”!

According to the corporate party scenario, a fun quiz for employees will begin on Teacher's Day. The presenter will ask the teachers questions, the answers to which are simple, but at the same time thought-provoking. Examples of such questions are given below:

  • Which way does the door open at the entrance to the kindergarten - to the right or to the left?
  • What color is the sofa in the manager's office?
  • What is painted on the pavilion of the senior group playground?
  • How many children are on the list in the middle group?
  • How many interior doors are there in the kindergarten?
  • How many steps are there on the stairs leading to the second floor?
  • Can you quickly tell me the middle name of the head of the kindergarten?
  • What day does the work week end?

Give symbolic prizes to those who give the correct answers - sweets, fruits, etc.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day for corporate events

Include short skits in your corporate holiday program for Teacher's Day. For example, a miniature featuring Othello and Desdemona.

It begins with Othello, sad, sitting at home at the table in front of an empty plate.
- I hear footsteps! Finally at home
My wife will cook me dinner!
I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!

...Desdemona appears, sits down on the sofa and opens her laptop:
-Othello! I don't have lunch!
I've been in kindergarten for two days without a break!
Programs! Plans! Contest! Lists!

- I really have no time for jokes, dear,
Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!
I'm just dying of hunger!
– I was in kindergarten, not at the cinema!

-What's in your bag?
What, plans again?
Did you bring it home? Woe is me!
– I see that not everything is in order with your nerves!
You even screamed in your sleep yesterday!

- Listen, Desdemona, really,
It would be nice to have a snack now!
- Darling, I ate at work!
It's bad for you to eat at such a late hour!

- Listen, I have work too,
But I can’t think of anything because I’m hungry...
- Oh, darling, come up with something, really!
Start cleaning and your hunger will disappear!

- You're looking in your notebook! You only see them!
Work is more important to you, not family!
Have you prayed at night, Desdemona? (Strangles her).
Die, unfortunate one, die, my love!..

Such funny scenes at a corporate party for employees on Teacher's Day fit perfectly into any entertainment program and are enjoyed by everyone present at the holiday.

- Never forget,
What Makarenko said:
"I would gloomy teachers
He didn’t let me near the children!”
From the sad and despondent
Little use at work.
You don't know how to have fun
So you are not a teacher!

After this, at the corporate event for Teacher’s Day, you can again return to holding competitions with the participation of your colleagues. Participants will need:

  • pronounce the phrase “Petenka, sit down” with different intonations in the voice: tenderly, affectionately, with a bit of threat, surprised, mysterious, cheerful, sad, indifferent;
  • put the toys in the box as quickly as possible,
  • dress the “child” (doll) for speed,
  • draw a picture blindfolded.

Then, at the corporate event on the occasion of Teacher’s Day, the presenters will take the floor again:
– We congratulate you from the heart
And, of course, from the heart!
Allow this holiday
Give you poetry!

- May you have patience
And love for all children.
Not in the whole wide world
Kinder teachers!

– Happiness, joy, health
And obedient children!
May your hopes be fulfilled
Let your dreams come true!

– You are always friendly, attentive,
So sweet and caring always.
Happy holiday, dear teachers!
I wish you happiness for many years to come!
You with your big and kind heart
Warmed children's hearts,
Being a teacher is a calling
After all, children love you for a reason!

And the program for celebrating Teacher's Day for employees will be completed with a festive feast.

Good preparation of the holiday program may not turn it into a “Minute of Glory,” but it will make the evening memorable. And there will definitely be no room for boredom! You can come up with entertainment yourself or, having created a common treasury, invite a professional presenter who will write a script exclusively according to your wishes. Or you can go the beaten path - download (for free!) a corporate event script from the World Wide Web and not spend money on high creativity. This will save your budget, and together with your colleagues you will select suitable competitions for your team.

A corporate party always includes fun competitions. How intense the program will be depends on the desire, imagination and financial capabilities of the participants. First, let's define the key points of the holiday:

  • total number of employees - approximately 40 people;
  • there are no guests from outside, the celebration is in a close circle of the team;
  • time: weekday, from 17:30 to 21:00 - 22:00 pm, no later;
  • all participants are ladies aged from 21 to 58 years;
  • alcohol is welcome, plus your own kitchen;
  • the format, given the full work day, is a feast plus competitions;
  • It is planned to be held in a large hall with all the necessary audio and video equipment;
  • There is no need to further decorate or decorate the room.

The occasion could be March 8, the New Year, the employment of a male teacher, or even the appearance of a sober electrician at the workplace!

Scenario for a corporate party in a kindergarten: one step from idea to implementation

The main characters of the holiday are the “Spring” girl, if we celebrate the holiday of this long-awaited time of year, or Women’s Day. For the New Year's occasion, the center of attention will be a spruce tree decorated with garland toys and the real Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Advice! Don’t choose them from your ranks, but invite them from outside. Have you heard about how busy animators are during the New Year's Eve? We know one option that will help you save money and not depend on the busy schedule of invited artists!

Your kindergarten is not the only one in the city, and you probably communicate closely with colleagues from others. Therefore, try “barter”: today invite leaders from a “friendly” kindergarten, and the next day, on the contrary, “send” two employees to a colleague’s holiday.

And then it’s even easier. The scenario we offer does not have a single plot, and it itself consists of separate blocks that can be changed at your discretion. The most interesting ones can be repeated, and some can simply be excluded.

So, the scenario for a corporate party in a kindergarten for adults - list of competitions:

"In the bag". For the competition you will need two hats. They throw the names of employees into one, and wishes into the other. The presenter takes out a note at random from each hat. Funny “predictions” in the spirit of “Manager Alevtina Viktorovna... will fulfill the annual plan for serving lunch”, and “Cleaning lady Masha will move up the career ladder and draw up a quarterly report” are guaranteed to you.

"Prove your need". Imagine that you are on a shipwreck. Help is coming to you, but there is not enough space in the boat for everyone - only one can be saved. In a team of daredevils, it’s every man for himself: each one takes turns citing qualities that prove his exceptional usefulness. Why can't you be thrown overboard? The one who has no arguments left is eliminated (they cannot be repeated or duplicated). The most resourceful one wins here.

"Get to know your friend". For the competition you will need thick mittens. We put on gloves and recognize our colleague by touch. You can break into teams and compete based on the number of people you can guess. The smartest team wins.

"Alphabet Congratulations". Participants - everyone present. Congratulations should begin on the dropped letter of the alphabet (as an option - a toast). The one who comes up with the most unusual congratulations wins.

"Emotion". The phrase is played out: - The manager calls you to the carpet. Each guest pronounces it in turn, and each time with a new emotion: with surprise, with excitement, menacingly, indifferently, helplessly, with hope, etc. The participant who did not come up with a new intonation is eliminated. The most playful employee wins.

"Impromptu presenters". Unexpected turn! The “mute” Santa Claus congratulates everyone present only with gestures, and the “deaf” (make sure you have good headphones) Snegurochka relays this into familiar words.

Download free script for a corporate party in a kindergarten - attached file

There are many options for competitions, but no matter how exciting the scenarios for a corporate party in a kindergarten for adults, as well as for its younger inhabitants, include gifts! Here, tips and recommendations are unnecessary - focus on your budget and the scale of the holiday. For the New Year, it is better to stock up on bottles of sparkling wine, sets of glasses, and handmade Christmas tree balls. For a spring corporate event, inexpensive but pleasant souvenirs and bouquets of flowers are suitable. Please note that boring cosmetic sets containing shower gel and washcloth are prohibited!

Finally, an original idea. Celebrate the New Year not on the eve of the holiday, but on March 8 or September 1 (just don’t forget about the Christmas tree so that the surroundings are appropriate). If you don’t have time to study the competitions in detail, we suggest you download a free corporate event script and implement it. Just don't forget to dilute the program playful competitions:

"Volleyball without hands". Two teams of three to five people participate. You will need two balloons that cannot be allowed to fall. The catch is that you can knock them out with any part of the body, just not with your hands. The game goes to 5 points.

"Men's Things". Props: an opaque bag with things that belong to the stronger half of humanity is not discussed: a screwdriver, a wrench, a razor brush, etc. The goal is to identify the maximum number of objects by touch in one minute.

"Frozen T-shirt". Volunteer participants are given a simple task: to put on a T-shirt as quickly as possible. But the T-shirts are not simple, but pre-soaked, rolled and frozen. The effect is amazing, you can believe it!

In winter, on the contrary, hold a holiday in a summer format.

Whatever corporate party scenario you choose, most importantly, on the day of the holiday, do not forget to bring with you a good mood and the most dazzling smile!

Photo:, Firestock, Unsplash