Riddles about animals for children. Children's riddles about animals. Riddles about sea animals

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Entertaining a child can and should be useful. One of the most known methods, which does not lose its relevance, are ordinary riddles.

Riddles develop logic, memory, lexicon child, ingenuity, imagination, ingenuity.

Constantly use them in play with your child, and you will achieve good results:

  • Riddles will pacify the restless;
  • Improve your mood;
  • They will teach you to think outside the box;
  • Help you understand the world around you.

In our article you will find examples of riddles for children from 3 to 7 years old, riddles with a trick, about animals, etc.

  • Combine them with everyday activities (in nature - about flowers and animals, at home - about household items);
  • Select tasks according to age and level of knowledge, try not to give any hints to your child - let him find the answers himself;
  • If it is too easy for the child, choose more difficult riddles.

Riddle options:

  • The adult reads aloud, and the child guesses;

You can prepare pictures with answers in advance. Give them to your child and read several riddles in a row. He must guess which of them the answer picture belongs to.

  • If there are two or more children, host a quiz at home. Read the riddles one by one; whoever guesses the most gets a small prize (chocolate medal). The rest of the participants will receive a reward in the form of candy.

Riddles for the little ones - 3-4 years old

The little ones will enjoy short and simple puzzles. They should describe objects and phenomena that the child knows from fairy tales, seen in cartoons and books.


    He barks, bites, and doesn’t let him into the house.


    He was born with a beard, he never shaved.


    On a cold winter day
    Gray, angry and hungry.


    Hungry - she suffers, well-fed - she chews, she gives milk to the children.


    The tail is a hook, the nose is a snout.


    It hangs green on a tree, but falls red.


    I am cleaned, cut, ground, fried, boiled and baked.


    The red maiden sits in prison,
    And the braid is on the street.


    They grow in the spring,
    And in the fall they fall.


    They are waiting for me - they won’t wait,
    And when they see it, they will run away.


    Stuffed with down, lies under the ear.


    Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads out.
    It is spread over you and over me,
    Sometimes it’s gray, sometimes it’s blue, sometimes it’s bright blue.

For preschoolers 5-6 years old

This is already more difficult riddles It's good if they are in poetic form.

Rhyming tasks develop attentiveness and perseverance. Preschoolers aged 5-6 years already know much more, understand the world of animals, plants, natural phenomena, transport, household appliances and much more.


* * *
The tail is short,
Long ears
And in his closet -
Two different coats.
In summer he wears gray,
And in winter - warm white. (Hare)

* * *
IN dark forest lives,
A red fur coat goes to a fluffy tail,
She can't sit still,
And her name is... (Fox)

* * *
Here's a good idea -
Hang your bag on your tummy!
You can carry children in it,
And ride among the steppes. (Kangaroo)

* * *
Water masters
They build a house without an axe,
House of brushwood and mud
And a dam. (Beavers)

* * *
Near the oak tree with a strong snout
He was busily digging the ground. (Boar)

* * *
Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship! (Crocodile)

* * *
I jump through the puddles with importance.
I live there, where it is very humid.
Look what it's like -
All green, qua-qua! (Frog)

* * *
What a big cat!
I'd like to play with her a little.
But I had no time for games,
How did you know that it was... (Tiger)


* * *
Born under the warm rain,
He covered himself with a big umbrella,
I have only one leg -
But I don’t have a boot,
Although the head is missing,
I own the hat. ( Mushroom)

* * *
The sun grew in the grass,
Smiled, blossomed,
Then it became white and white,
And it flew away with the wind. ( Dandelion)

* * *
Among all the flowers of spring
They are the brightest
They emit a delicate scent
In the name - they protect their color. ( Violets)

* * *
The flower from under the snow woke up from sleep,
And he calls everyone - “Spring has come!” ( Snowdrop)

* * *
White bark, thin branches,
Guess what kind of tree this is, kids! ( Birch)


* * *
The cherries are ripening in the garden,
Strawberries - in the forest,
Bright sun, heat everywhere,
There are flowers all around, what time is it? ( Summer)

* * *
Wanders in the garden and forest,
Tears leaves from trees,
Sends birds to warmer lands,
Harvesting in the fields. ( Autumn)


* * *
It's been two hundred years,
Stands still
Counts the human age,
But - not a person. ( Watch)

* * *
It's always cold in there
And the house is full of food,
Day and night - growls,
It keeps the frost in my stomach. ( Fridge)

* * *
I've known him for a long time -
Glass, but not a window,
Will reflect what I show -
I'll smile at him and wink. ( Mirror)

For schoolchildren 7 years old

A 1st grade student already knows a lot about the world around him. Able to make associations. He will be interested in assignments about school supplies, technology, and professions.

Also ask more difficult riddles about nature - about birds or sea creatures.

Getting ready for school

* * *
Not a tree - but with leaves,
Not a shirt - but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller. ( Book)

* * *
Pen, ruler, pencil -
Everyone will fit in the hut” (pencil case);
“I put notebooks, pencil cases and books there,
When I go to school early in the morning. ( Briefcase)

* * *
The magic wand is like this -
It leaves its mark on paper. ( Pen)


* * *
The house is crawling along the street - everyone is being taken to work.
Not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (Bus)

* * *
Humming like a bee
Flies like an arrow.
Has wings, but doesn't flap them,
But it still flies high in the sky. ( Airplane)

* * *
One eye and horns
I'll pedal the pedals below,
And I'll fly along the road. ( Bike)


* * *
He's just like us
Ordinary between people,
And in the theater he plays a role -
Either a peasant or a king.
Either a handsome man or an old man,
Then he put on a funny wig,
Easily plays a clown
Oscar worthy. ( Actor)

* * *
In the hospital, in the wards,
Walks in a white robe
He cures diseases, saves people,
Prescribes pills, medicines, injections. ( Doctor)

* * *
Prepares the first, second,
Bakes desserts, pies,
In a cafe or in a dining room -
The food of your dreams. ( Cook)


About sea creatures

* * *
There is a tail, but it doesn’t fly,
Has eyes - but doesn't blink,
There is a mouth - but it is silent,
Doesn't run on the ground.
With feathers, but not a bird,
He lives where there is water,
You can catch it with a fishing rod
And solve the riddle! ( Fish)

* * *
In order not to die in trouble, I keep the scissors in the water. ( Cancer)

* * *
Lives where there is water
Green, but not grass,
Not a fish or a cancer
Everyone sings “kwak” and “kwak”. ( Toad)

About birds

* * *
I serve faithfully, I knock on trees,
I take out insects from the bark,
I worry about the health of the forest. ( Woodpecker)

* * *
A bird sat down in the meadow,
And started her “peek-a-boo”. ( Cuckoo)

* * *
Black tailcoats, white shirts,
They sit in a row on the wires. ( Swallows)

Riddles with a trick

But you will have to strain your mental abilities to guess. Riddles with a trick perfectly develop logic, thinking and are fun.
  • What disease cannot be contracted on land? (Nautical)
  • What are all people doing on Earth at the same time? (Live)
  • The cat is three years old. What's next? (The fourth one will go)
  • What should you not eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)
  • What can a schoolchild cook but cannot eat? (Homework)
  • Which hand does one stir tea? (Not with your hand, but with a spoon)
  • Can a chicken call itself a bird? (No, chickens don't talk)
  • Which month has 28 days? (Everyone has)
  • What language is spoken silently? (In sign language)
  • Why do they often walk, but rarely drive? (On the stairs)
  • What can you see from eyes closed? (Dream)
  • Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who? (Baby elephant)
  • Summer is getting closer to us every day, soon we will all be back... (Not on skis, but on rollerblades)

Trick riddles

They will surprise you with their answers, because trying to choose the right rhyme, the answer will be incorrect.

  • If you sleep in class, you’ll get it in your diary...( Two)
  • The frost is crackling outside the window, put a hat on...( head);
  • I was able to easily find a pair of gloves for...” ( Hand)
  • You can hear crying at hockey - ours missed... ( Puck)
  • Marinka and Oksanka have two-wheelers...( Bicycles)


* * *
Not flour, but white,
Not cotton wool, but soft,
Goes without roads
Where he walked, he lay down there. ( Snow)

* * *
In a shiny white fur coat,
From carrots - nose, from viburnum - lips. ( Snowman)

* * *
The miracle sleigh has arrived
Dressed the forest and field in white,
An important queen is riding in a sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced,
He waves his sleeve,
Covers everything with silver. ( Winter)

Riddles about animals are definitely the most favorite children's riddles. They are suitable for both small and older children. We have collected the most popular children's riddles about both domestic animals and wild animals. Riddles about animals will help your child quickly remember the names of animals, even ones he has never seen.

For convenience, we have grouped all the riddles by type of animal (domestic, wild, forest, sea), as well as separately for each animal. But don’t forget about the random riddle (located at the top of the page on the right), which will select a riddle for you from any category, not limited to only riddles about animals. This will help develop your baby's attentiveness and intelligence.

To go straight to animal riddles, click the arrow below “Go to riddles.”

A fascinating journey into the world of animal mysteries successfully ends with the joy of discovery when the child recognizes his favorite pet in the described hero. Parents will no longer have to think long about what to do with their child, because now the child himself will offer to “play riddles about animals.”

How to make riddles about animals

Many parents don’t even think about the fact that riddles are an excellent tool in a child’s development. Just like any tool, you need to use them correctly. There are several main points, taking into account which you can get the most out of this exciting game.

  1. When making riddles about animals, show your child pictures. This advice is especially relevant for kids.
  2. You can combine learning riddles about animals with a trip to the zoo, forest or farm. Having seen the behavior of animals in reality, it will be easier for a child to guess riddles about wild or domestic animals.
  3. From time to time, return to the riddles you solved. This will allow you to repeat the names of the animals and train your memory.
  4. Focus on comparisons and figurative descriptions that appear in the riddle. This will expand your vocabulary and creative thinking child.
  5. Don't just limit yourself to familiar animals. Riddles about wild animals – great way introduce the baby to the variety of animals in the wild forest, at the same time, riddles about pets will remind the baby of the pets he knows.

Riddles about animals with answers

Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the village.

I'll doze off and sing
My song for you.
But when I'm hunting -
I'm not lazy at work.

I am the most thrifty of all:
I, friends, have a cheek
Like a nut bag
Or, say, a duffel bag.

Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away.

He has a huge mouth
It's called...

The beast waddles
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much
And when autumn comes,
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

Who deftly jumps through the trees
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter?

Digs, digs,
An underground passage is being built,
Digs, builds deftly
Bedroom and storage room.

What kind of animal
Tell me, brothers,
Can he get inside himself?

He walks with his head up,
Not because he’s an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition,
But because he...

I'm scratching under the floor,
And I'm afraid of cats.

You stroke it and it caresses you.
You tease and it bites.
Sits on a chain
The house is guarded.

In rich clothes,
Yes, I'm a bit blind myself.
Lives without a window
Haven't seen the sun

He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarded
Lives under the porch
And the tail is a ring.

He has a big ears,
He is obedient to his master.
And although he is not great,
But it drives like a truck.

Not a mustache, but a beard,
And he's angry at all the guys,
But he’s still not a grandfather.
Guess, kids, who?

This little baby
I'm glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She is hiding in a hole.

Less tiger, more cat
There are horn-like brushes above the ears..

The creeper crawls
Needles are lucky.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

In the summer he walks through the forest,
In winter it rests in a den.

In the autumn he climbed into the cabbage:
horned and shaggy, and with a long beard

He arched his back,
Meowed. Who it?

I combed my hair without a comb
And I washed my face without water,
Climbed into a soft chair
And he sang in every possible way.

Instead of a tail there is a hook.
Instead of a nose there is a snout.
Piglet is full of holes,
And the hook is fidgety.


Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth

She is motley, eats green, gives white

Doesn't spin, doesn't weave,
And he dresses people.
He takes off his fur coat twice a year.
Who walks under a fur coat?

Not a bird,
Doesn't sing
And who goes into the house?
She lets you know.

When he is in a cage, he is pleasant.
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a beast of prey, albeit a little bit,
Like a lion and a tiger, similar to a cat.

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss,
Loves snowy meadows.

Under the pines, under the fir trees
There is a bag of needles.

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts.

The hedgehog has grown tenfold
It turned out...


He's very, very curly
He doesn’t want to become a shashlik at all,
Among the sheep there is a giant,
What's his name?

There are workers in the river
Not joiners, not carpenters,
And they will build a dam -
At least paint a picture.

A bun made from needles.
Who's curled up in a ball here?
You won’t understand where the tail is, where the nose is,
He carries groceries on his back.
In general, you won’t understand right away.
Who is this anyway?

They look very strange:
Dad has wavy curls,
And mom walks around with her hair cut,
What is she offended by?

Ears are sensitive and erect,
The tail is tousled with a hook,
I won’t let a stranger into a stranger’s house,
I'm sad without my owner.

Eyes, mustache,
Claws, tail,
And he washes himself cleaner than everyone else.

Red Dairy
Day chews, night chews.
After all, grass is not so easy
Turn it into milk!

Hungry - mooing,
Full - chews,
To all the guys
Gives milk.

On the back of a needle
Long and stinging.
And curls up into a ball -
There is no head, no legs.

They stick out around me
Thousands of needles.
I have any enemy
The conversation is short.

Believe it or not:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried it on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes.

He looks like a shepherd
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep.

Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a Christmas tree.
Even though the doors are wide open,
But no animals come to me.

A log floats down the river -
Oh, how furious it is!


Sir, not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.

I am a hunchbacked beast
And the guys like me.

What a very beautiful animal
Tallest, longest?

Long ear
A ball of fluff.
Jumps deftly
He's nibbling on a carrot.

The living castle grumbled
He lay down across the door.

You and I will recognize the animal
According to two such signs:
He is wearing a gray fur coat - in winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer.

There is a nickel, but it won’t buy anything.

There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown fur coats.
From trees, branches, clay
They build strong dams.

It’s easy for us to recognize him,
It's easy to recognize:
He's tall
And he sees far.

Put on the horses
Marine shirts.

In zoo,
Believe it or not,
Wonder beast.
He has a hand in his forehead,
So similar to a pipe!

He holds his ears up.
His tail is crooked.
Place your paws on your chest:
“Give me some sausages!”
Licks you on the cheek and on the nose
My shaggy friend...

Lying down dirty
In a bristly shirt.
Pretzel tail,
Pig nose.


Jumping through the trees,
And the nuts click-click.

What kind of animal is playing with me?
Doesn't moo, doesn't neigh, doesn't bark,
Attacks the balls
Hides his claws in his paws!

Red-haired cheat,
Cunning and dexterous,
Got into the barn
I counted the chickens.

Thick grasses entwined,
The meadows are curled up,
And I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

Hardworking animals
They are building a house in the middle of the river.
If anyone comes to visit,
Know that the entrance is from the river.

White in winter,
And in the summer it’s gray.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone.

I, friends, am an underground dweller
I am a digger and a builder,
I'm digging, digging, digging,
I'm building corridors everywhere,
And then I'll build a house
And I live peacefully in it.

Carrying around the forest all day
Branched horns...
Even at night, remove the horns
He cannot, fearing the enemy.

Who lives in the deep forest,
Clumsy, clubfooted?
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw.

Who from the tall dark pines
Did you throw a cone at the kids?
And into the bushes through a stump
Flashed like a light?

What kind of forest animal
Stood up like a post under a pine tree
And stands among the grass,
Are your ears bigger than your head?

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest:
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread.

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

I arrange myself cleverly:
I have a pantry with me.
Where's the storage room?
Behind the cheek!
I'm so cunning!

Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!


There is a lot of power in him,
He is almost as tall as a house.
He has a huge nose
It’s as if the nose has been growing for a thousand years.

All my life I have carried two humps,
I have two stomachs!
But every hump is not a hump, it’s a barn!
There's enough food in them for seven days!

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull,
They milk, not the cow,
Lyko fights
But he doesn’t have bast shoes.

Will curl up into a ball,
But you can’t take it.

I dug everything up - both the meadow and the garden -
Earth-moving apparatus.
In the dark during walking hours
I dug alleys under the field.

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

What a horse! –
Andreyka exclaimed. –
Like big
Lined notebook!

Smooth, brown, clumsy,
He doesn't like the winter cold.
Until spring in a deep hole
In the middle of the wide steppe
The animal is sleeping sweetly!
What's his name?

Which of the animals
Is the tail fluffier and longer?

They always call me blind
But this is not a problem at all.
I built a house underground
All the storerooms are full of it.

From branch to branch,
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red-haired circus performer.
Here he is on the fly
I tore off the cone
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran into the hollow.

Small, gray, and a tail like an awl.

Small, white,
Jump-jump along the forest!
One snowball at a time!

She doesn’t speak, doesn’t sing, but she lets her know who goes to the owner.

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl,
He sleeps in a snow hut.

Run up the mountain, somersault down the mountain.

Who carries his own house?


And they don’t swim in the sea,
And there are no bristles on them,
And yet they are called
They are sea...

Made a hole, dug a hole,
The sun is shining, but he doesn't know.

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
Lives in the forest, steals chickens from the village.

The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped,
He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water.

By developing the sphere of emotions, children's riddles about animals ensure the development of your baby. From the first years he learns important facts about one or another inhabitant of a forest, field or farm. Every year the little prodigy’s stock of knowledge will grow, which will have a great impact on his horizons. For example, by guessing riddles about animals, a child can obtain the following information:

  • appearance of the animal;
  • place of residence;
  • habits;
  • favorite treats;
  • enemies and friends of the animal;
  • behavioral features.

Quick memorization of the information received is facilitated not only by the rhyming syllable, but also by the rather simple language in which children's riddles about animals are usually written. The use of vivid comparisons leaves a mark in the child’s memory, and he easily recalls, if necessary, this or that feature of the animal.

In addition to developing curiosity, attention and imagination, the riddle plays quite a role important role and in the child’s communication with loved ones. After all, most riddles have a bright emotional coloring, an exciting plot, and therefore cause positive experiences.

At first glance, it may seem that a riddle is a primitive and rather insignificant genre of oral folk art. But it is precisely solving riddles that contributes to the development of certain mental processes. In particular, they train well:

  • logical and critical thinking;
  • memory;
  • ability to analyze received information;
  • the ability to compare facts and draw conclusions.

In addition to the fact that it is useful for your child to listen to and guess riddles about animals, your child can also come up with simple riddles on his own. He will probably enjoy telling them to his parents and friends, because at this moment he feels important.

The very form of constructing the riddle and its small volume attract children. And if parents turn the guessing process into an interesting game, the benefits of riddles will be difficult to overestimate. Practice reasoning, uncover the mysteries of the animal world, and grow closer with your children.

It is known that what younger child, the easier it is to assimilate new information. That is why the efforts of parents are aimed at early development baby. Special educational toys, books, pedagogical methods - these are far from full list what moms and dads use to achieve results. Children's riddles play an important role in the development of imagination, memory, and ingenuity. In this article we have collected the best riddles about animals for different ages.

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench
They're looking at me
They want milk.

We are green like grass
Our song: “Kva-kva”.

Crochet tail, snout nose.

It’s easy for everyone to recognize him
And it's easy to guess:
He's tall
And he sees far.

He walks, walks, walks, shaking his beard,
Requests food:
“Me-me-me, give me some grass.”

Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,
I ended up in my grandmother's barn,
And I counted all the chickens.


Lying between the fir trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away.


The hedgehog has grown tenfold
It turned out...

I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts.

From branch to branch,
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red-haired circus performer.
Here he is on the fly
I tore off the cone
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran into the hollow. (Squirrel)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Who carries his own house?
(Turtle or snail)

- Who, children, walks around in a stone shirt?
- They walk around in stone shirts...

Walks calmly, not in a hurry at all,
Carry a shield just in case.
Lives without fear

And they don’t swim in the sea,
And there are no bristles on them,
And yet they are called
They are sea...

What kind of horses are they all wearing vests?

These super-masters build a house without an axe.

A log floats down the river.
Oh, how furious it is!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will be bitten off...

Gray, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,
There are hooves, but not a horse.

Who is this?

The living castle grumbled
He lay down across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not go into the house!

If you stroke it, it caresses you,
When you tease, it bites.

The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped,
He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water.

He cries at the threshold, hides his claws,
He will quietly enter the room,
He will purr and sing.

Soft Paws,
And in the paws there are scratches.

Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats.

Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.
Short legs; afraid of cats.

A rope winds, with a head at the end.

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.

He has a huge mouth, it's called...

For younger students

Schoolchildren also like riddles about animals. It’s just that for them the level of difficulty should be higher. As is the case with children under 5 years old, children use logic and imagination, because while listening to a task, they need to create a visual image in their head, find what they are looking for and establish a connection between the answer found and the task. That is why sometimes the answers to riddles about animals for older children can be completely unexpected. Do not rush to argue with your child and immediately give the “correct” answer. Ask him to explain why he thinks this way. This is how children learn not only to analyze, but also to defend their point of view and argue for it.

These animal riddles are great fun for kids ages 8 and up:

And here is a tiny baby -
There are straws on the shoulders.
You can't see him with glasses
And he is stronger than the elephant!

Thick grasses entwined,
The meadows are curled up,
And I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

Behind the trees, bushes,
Like a flame flashed by
It flashed, ran...
There is no smoke, no fire.

Flutters in a colored cape
To the delight of any ballerina.

Dives into the water
If he drinks, he won’t get drunk.
Even though it doesn't fly,
It's called a bird.
(Crane at the well)

At the Zoo we saw
Exotic distances:
Parrots and monkeys,
Crocodiles, polar bears,
And in the water, with his mouth open,
Surprised everyone...

This fidgety bird
Same color as birch.

A ball of fur was meandering in the forest,
What made the animals laugh.
And you take it and guess
Who made everyone laugh? Certainly, … .

A flock of birds is circling in the sky,
The flock is not at all simple!
Don't hit this flock:
A flock of gray...

Everyone thinks I'm blind
In the morning, in the afternoon. But at night I
I see everyone in the darkness of the forest:
Even a tiny ant.

I love to bother everyone
I wiggle my mustache.
I crawl under the bed
And I live with you.

I really want to fly
But heavy it hurts.
I run like a horse,
The steppe is comfortable.

If I want to eat -
I'm not going anywhere
And I’ll crawl into a hole,
In mom's bag -….

There is a huge beast in the forest,
You, baby, believe me!
Eating raspberries, looking for honey.
Who will call him for me?

Like a fisherman he weaves a net,
But he doesn’t go fishing.

Who is this?

I can't swim in the sea
And in the ocean in the open air!
I love swimming in the sand!
And I will be proud of this.
I am a domesticated bird.

For older children

To solve these complex riddles about animals, a child will need the help of adults and knowledge of zoology.

We are little midges
We are little black babies.
We are flying above the ground
And we bite all living creatures.
In one short word
Are you ready to call us?

Does not allow you to sleep peacefully -
So he climbs into our bed.
I hit him with my palm - clap!
And, spoiled the air...

Red droplet to black dot
A leaf crawls along to visit the sun.

From changes in lighting,
Cooling, warming
Or if the background has changed
It can change color.

He plays hide and seek with us,
Hiding in the damp earth.
And I eat my supplies
He keeps it in a big hole.

You try to take me:
I prick myself like a hedgehog.
I grew up round, friends,
And no legs at all.
I live at the bottom of the sea
Where it is very quiet.
The stars move at a crawl
But the fish are awesome.
(Sea urchin)

This bird loves the cold
But he can't stand hunger.
Dives into the ocean for fish,
After eating, he swims out onto the ice floe.

He lays eggs like a bird, and he is not afraid of water.
And in winter he always sleeps very sweetly.
Like a duck’s nose, it’s all overgrown with hair.
Who is this?

We glide easily on the water
And we measure our path.
And we won’t linger anywhere,
We work, we play.
Back and forth, here and there,
Then back again.
Measure the area near the pond
It's easy and pleasant for us.
(Water striders)

Today in the meadow we observed
How helicopter dwarfs flew.
Who is this?


Capercaillie's wedding
Are you ready to name?
She's tied tightly
With an electric word.

I'm hanging with my head down,
And now I will ask you:
- Who is not afraid of cats?
And at night he strives upward with all his might?

There is a gudgeon, crucian carp, bleak,
Eel, roach and roach.
But can you name us
In one word, all words.

This "cat" in the forests
The biggest.
There is Amur. Lives -
Decorating your edge.

Who rubbed her sides like that?
Why did she become flat?
And swims alone along the bottom,
Directing his eyes to the heights.

Detail musical instruments, a designation of information secrecy, a piece of sports equipment and a bird. What is this? (Vulture)

The bird that appears on the US coat of arms (Orlan)

It is both a wingless bird and a tropical fruit. They are called the same. What is this? (Kiwi)

They can not only breathe, but also grab, take a shower, and water something. What is this? (Trunk)

There is a nickel, but you can’t buy anything with it.

In English

Help your child expand his vocabulary, interest him and encourage him to study foreign language You can use riddles about animals in English. Especially if they rhyme. This makes it much easier to unravel the encrypted animal and remember the entire riddle.

The animal that has a long trunk is ...
(An elephant) – Elephant

Green and long
With many teeth.
Beautiful smile -
It's... (A crocodile) – Crocodile

As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes long walls
It's a… (Fox) – Fox

A very long nose.
It grows and grows
He is huge and likes fun.
It's... (An elephant) – Elephant

A lot of spots,
A long, long neck
A funny scarf.
It's a... (Giraffe) – Giraffe

It's grey, but it's not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a horse,
With hools, but not a horse.
What is it?
(A donkey) – Donkey

A little fellow
Dresses in gray,
Hops here and there
And never goes away.
(A sparrow) – Sparrow

It sleeps in the day-time,
It flies at night
And frightens passers-by.
(An owl) – Owl

Children will also enjoy non-rhyming riddles. You can divide the children into teams and arrange a competition “Who can guess the most.”

The animal that has a red bushy tail is … (A fox) – Fox

He is not a tailor,
But carries needles with him.
(A hedgehog) – Hedgehog

Not a horseman, but wears spurs.
Not a watchman, but wakes people up.
What is it?
(A cockerel) – Rooster

There hangs a sieve,
Made by no man's hands.
(A web) - Web

The riddles presented below are suitable for older children:

  • The animal who can go without food and water for a long time is … (A camel) — Camel
  • What has a cat which no other animal has? (A kittens) - Kittens
  • What animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down? (A bat) - Bat
  • The animal that is very timid and is afraid of everything is … (A hare) - Hare
  • The animal that sleep all winter in a day is … (A bear) - Bear
  • The animal that has a beautiful year skin with black stripes is … (A tiger) - Tiger
  • The animal that has a pouch in which she xarris her babies is ... (A kangaroo) - Kangaroo
  • The animal that has long hair around its neck is … (A lion) - Leo
  • The animal that has a horn on its nose is … (A rhinoceros) - Hippopotamus
  • The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is … (A zebra) - Zebra
  • The animal that can hang by its long tail is … (A monkey) - Monkey

Children's riddles about the animal world not only help children better understand the world that surrounds us, but also contribute to the development of logical thinking.
The riddle about little animals is one of the oldest types of folklore. Why? Yes, because back in the old days the sages noticed that it is much easier for children to perceive new material, if you work with bright and memorable symbols, or images that children understand. We have collected and posted on this page the best riddles for children about animals with answers. A fox, a bear, a hare - for kids they are not just representatives of the animal world, they are the characters and morals of those around them, this greatly simplifies children's perception. And if the child knows that the answer to the question is written, he does not try to peek at it, he wants to guess for himself which of the images, familiar from early childhood, is being discussed.
Collecting riddles for children about different animals, we cannot help but touch upon the topic of killer whales, which, as you know, belong to mammals and marine animals. What is the difference between a killer whale and a dolphin? Mammals are from the same family, but killer whales have bright white spots on their bodies, which you won’t find on a dolphin during the day.

Moreover, the location of these spots is different for each killer whale, no two have the same spots, and the sizes are exactly the same. First of all, the killer whale is a predator; depending on the species, they feed on pinnipeds or fish. They like to hunt fish in crowds - they surround one school and, after stunning them with the help of their tail, begin to eat.

For people we are like riddles,
But we are not evil guys,
We won't play hide and seek with you,
Because we…
Big, but not whales
With a fin, but not a shark.
We are sea animals
For whales - more dangerous than thunderstorms:
Our fins are like this
What is sharper than sharp braids?

Some riddles about animals with answers. Killer whales

In riddles where the main character is a killer whale, its significant size and the outline of its fin, which looks like a scythe, are described. According to legend, this is why they were called killer whales. They have very strong family ties, they worry about their relatives and take care of them.

Riddles about birds- these are the most poetic phrases that man could come up with. All of them can be divided into riddles-questions, riddles with humor, riddles with a problem, riddles-descriptions. But the names do not reveal the depth of information that riddles give children. The children fell in love with them due to the unconventional thinking that is needed when searching for the answer to this riddle. There are a lot of possible answers for this type of question, but only one can be correct. Children work on their ingenuity and memory. Riddles for the little ones help them understand who the birds are and how they differ from each other. The child is interested not so much in the solution as in the description, name of the bird, and how the solving itself goes. And riddles about animals for older children have a catch so that the child uses his intelligence.
Who from the tall dark pines
Did you throw a cone at the kids?
And into the bushes through a stump
Flashed like a light?

Not a mustache, but a beard,
And he's angry with the guys
But he is not a grandfather after all.
Guess, kids, who?

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.

Behind the trees and bushes
The flame flashed quickly.
It flashed, ran,
There is no smoke, no fire.

There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown fur coats.
From trees, branches, clay
They build strong dams.

A few more riddles for children about animals.

Without children's fantasies, images and associations with what children see around them, the child's development is not possible. Every effort must be made to ensure that children’s perceptions and associations are only positive.

Interesting for children, useful for the development of logic, riddles about animals with answers.

RIDDLE is a favorite genre of folk art in all countries. Children's riddles broaden children's horizons, introduce them to the world around them and natural phenomena. Also, riddles for children contribute to the development of children's powers of observation, memory, ingenuity, thinking and imagination. For adults, solving riddles is also very useful! So solve riddles with your children. We offer you a selection of children's riddles about animals, we hope that you and your kids will be satisfied!

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams, It's all a joke,
Well of course it is - ( duck).


Long ears, fast legs.
Gray, but not a mouse.
Who is this?.. ( Bunny)


I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends -
What is her name - ( pig).


Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,
Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,
A faithful shepherd of chickens,
What's his name? ( rooster).


He sits very obediently,
He doesn't want to bark at all
He is overgrown with a lot of fur,
Well of course it is - ( dog).


Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - ( cow).


He's very, very curly
He doesn’t want to become a shashlik at all,
Among the bright trees there is a giant,
What's his name - ( ram).


He doesn't sleep at all at night,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well of course it is - ( cat).


He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well of course it is - ( goose).


Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What's his name - ( turkey).


He sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts “Philip-Philip”
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this - ( parrot).


He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What is his name - ( bear).


I decided to marry Thumbelina,
Only a bird saved the girl,
He stuffs his mouth with grain,
Well of course it is - ( mole).


She buzzes over the flower,
It flies so quickly towards the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycomb,
What is her name - ( bee).


The rope crawls along the ground,
Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone,
Because I am ( snake).


He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who says this - ( wolf).


Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who do you say he is - ( hare).


Like on the sea-ocean,
The fish-fish is swimming,
And to the huge fountain
It won't let us swim!
A wave runs from him,
Well of course it is - ( whale).


He is gray, big,
On four pillars
Look at him
And you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up,
The fountain waters everyone,
Tell me, who is he?
Well of course it is - ( elephant).


Gray coat, silver fur,
Very beautiful, fluffy tail,
If you're a little lucky,
He will take the nut from your hand.
And it flies from you like an arrow,
Well of course it is - ( squirrel).

Along the path in the forest,
I'm carrying a big apple
I look like needles
Call me of course - ( hedgehog).


A huge cat jumps through the forest,
She doesn't hide earrings in her ears,
If you don’t say a word to her, scatter,
Because it - ( lynx).

The king of beasts roars loudly,
He is in a hurry to collect all the animals,
Sitting gracefully on a stone,
Tell me who it is - ( a lion).

In the zoo, above the cage,
Someone's head is sticking out
Bananas are picked from a high branch,
He is silent about his long neck.
His nickname is “Bang Bang”
And his name is - ( giraffe).

Every evening I go to bed,
I'm not afraid in a room alone.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the song of a bird - ( nightingale).


She sits on a branch in the forest,
She repeats one “cuckoo”
She counts the years for all of us,
She loses her chicks.
“Peek-a-boo” here and there,
What is this bird's name? - ( cuckoo).


Nest under the roof - deftly builds,
He constantly breeds his chicks,
Before the rain it flies very low,
Every child knows this bird
We love to watch her,
This bird ( swallow) call for.


Red-fiery lump,
With a tail like a parachute,
Jumps quickly through the trees,
He was there...
Now it's here.
He's as fast as an arrow.
So this is... ( Squirrel)

Red-haired cheat
Hid under the tree.
The cunning one is waiting for the hare.
What is her name?.. ( Fox)

Gray, scary and toothy
Caused a commotion.
All the animals ran away.
Scared those animals... ( Wolf)

Brown, clubfooted
Walking through the forest.
He likes to “borrow”
Forest bees have honey.( Bear)

He is prickly, but not a Christmas tree,
In needles, but not pine.
It can curl up into a ball.
Of course it is... ( Hedgehog)

Branches crunching in the forest
Here and there.
Looking for acorns... ( Boar)

- Shur-shur-shur – there are needles in the grass!
- Yes?! On a pine tree or a Christmas tree?!
- There are leaves on those needles!
- On an aspen or oak tree?!
- Bee-bee-bee - the little nose sneezed!
- Maybe this is a train?!
- Here are the marks from the paws and legs!
- Well, of course, this is... ( hedgehog)

Strange guest - riddle poem
One evening at the dacha
A funny guest came to me,
Brave, therefore, in addition,
And a little naughty.
I walked along the fence,
He lingered near the stump...
I became one of my own very soon.
But he noticed me here!
He squeezed as hard as he could,
Turned into a bun.
It looked like a needle case.
Did you guess it? This … ( Hedgehog)


A bug is crawling on the grass,
A red frock coat to the point,
Little head.
Guess what this is? ( Ladybug!)

In the garden along the path
The house rides on its back
(at his owner's).
The house is crawling towards the gate.
Who's taking it? (Snail!)

In the meadow over the hummocks
The leaves are jumping!
Protruding eyes
And crooked paws.
But where are the ears?!
What is this? ( frogs).