Health - Ticks are attacking: what is more insidious than encephalitis. The invisible enemy: which regions of Russia are the leaders in the spread of encephalitis tick Epidemic encephalitis Economo

The younger the horse, the more severely it suffers from the disease. Infection occurs mainly during the period of activation of ticks from the species Dermacentor pictus and Dermacentor marginatus.

Horses with weakened immune protection, which worsens as a result high level exploitation of the horse or the presence of other chronic diseases.

Symptoms and diagnosis

In general, piroplasmosis in horses has the same symptoms and pathogenesis as in other animals. Incubation period pathogens lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, and the disease itself is most often expressed in acute clinical form and has the following symptoms:

The danger of the disease lies in its rapid development. If the spread of the disease is not stopped, the horse may die within a week after the first visible symptoms appear.

Diagnosis of piroplasmosis in horses is based on the symptoms that appear and is carried out comprehensively. Epizootological indicators and pathoanatomical changes that occurred during the course of the disease are also taken into account. The most reliable way to determine the presence of babesiosis is to conduct a blood test.

Treatment and prevention

After pathogens are detected in the animal’s blood, a therapeutic course is developed, which must be carried out by a certified veterinarian. Treatment of equine piroplasmosis is comprehensive and begins as soon as possible after diagnosis.

First of all, the destruction of pathogens in the blood is carried out through substances such as Imidocarb and Diminazene Aceturate, which are introduced into the body through intramuscular injections.

In addition, supporting symptomatic treatment, which includes the use of laxatives and cardiac medications, as well as following a special diet.

In order to prevent the disease, attention should be paid to personal protective equipment for animals against ixodid tick bites, as well as taking into account their seasonal activity and, if possible, destroying the ticks themselves, thus organizing pastures and walking areas that are free from disease carriers.

After successful treatment, the horses themselves develop immunity to piroplasmosis for a period of 1 to 2 years.

Frightening statistics

Over the past week, the number of people visiting medical institutions due to tick bites increased from 31 to 58 thousand people. A year ago this figure was 1.6 times higher. Rospotrebnadzor reported this, writes TASS . In mid-March, the agency began weekly monitoring of the spread of viral encephalitis and other infections transmitted through tick bites. During the warm spring days, the number of Russians who consulted doctors about tick bites grew rapidly: on April 28, about 12.5 thousand people complained of bites, and by May 5 their number exceeded 30 thousand, and by May 12 - 58 thousand.

Rospotrebnadzor carries out treatment of the area aimed at eliminating ticks (so-called acaricidal). The department noted that to date more than 105 thousand hectares have been processed.

“More than 120 thousand hectares are planned for cultivation, which is 30 percent more than last year,” the department’s press service noted.

According to statistics, the first peak of tick activity in the capital region is attributed to April-June, however, in the spring of 2017, ticks “woke up” earlier, beginning to manifest themselves already in the second ten days of March, the site writes “ 360 Moscow region ". In Moscow, large parks, recreation areas and cemeteries are annually treated as part of prevention.

Treatment of areas against ticks is carried out in different regions of the country. For example, in Kemerovo this year it is planned to treat more than 1.5 million square meters of green areas with special means, and in Chelyabinsk - 80 public recreation facilities with a total area of ​​226 hectares. In Krasnoyarsk They plan to treat more than 200 hectares of land against ticks.


Ticks are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases: tick-borne borreliosis, tick-borne viral encephalitis, ehrlichiosis, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, tularemia, relapsing tick-borne typhus, Tsutsugamushi fever, Astrakhan spotted fever and many others. At the same time, encephalitis is the most famous, but far from the most common in central region Russia disease. Cases of illness are much more common tick-borne borreliosis or Lyme disease. The infection is very insidious; it may not appear for years. In severe cases, borreliosis can become chronic, leading to damage internal organs, nervous system, joints and heart. As of May 12, 2017in St. Petersburg Tick ​​bites infected at least six people, including a child, with Lyme disease.

Ticks found in the Moscow region, as a rule, are not carriers of encephalitis; in this region they are carriers of borreliosis. Encephalitis is carried by ticks living in Altai, Western and Eastern Siberia. Meanwhile, on April 25, 2017, Russian scientists isolated strains of a new type of borreliosis. Alexander Platonov, head of the laboratory of natural focal infections of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, in an interview with the newspaper " News " said that the new kind tick-borne borreliosis is similar in its symptoms to tick-borne encephalitis.

A new subtype of borreliosis is transmitted by the bacteria Borrelia Miyamotoi, which actively multiply in salivary glands tick. The symptoms are immediately visible and resemble acute respiratory infections, poisoning or the flu: heat at 40−41 degrees, nausea, vomiting, headaches and pain in muscles and joints. The disease can only be detected using PCR tests. As Platonov noted, in Russia, especially in Siberia, up to ten percent of all ticks are infected with the new pathogen of borreliosis.

The insidiousness of borreliosis is that there are no vaccinations against it. The only way to protect yourself is to minimize the risk of blood-sucking insects getting on the human body, which is especially important when traveling into nature, reportsTV channel "Moscow 24" .

Protect yourself and your loved ones

A number of simple rules will help you avoid becoming a victim of ticks. First, there are vaccines for viral encephalitis. Vaccinations can be done in clinics, medical centers and research institutes. The medical institution where you plan to get vaccinated must have a license. In some of them, vaccinations are free. The list of institutions can be foundon the Rospotrebnadzor website . It is also necessary to remember that vaccinations must be done in advance, and to form stable immunity - over several years and at strictly defined intervals. For detailed instructions For vaccination, you should consult a doctor.

In the spring of 2017, about 60 thousand Russians turned to medical institutions regarding encephalitis tick bites. The figure this year is 1.6 times less than for the same period last year and generally corresponds to normal average values, Rospotrebnadzor notes.

In Moscow, which is relatively safe from this point of view, from May 4 to May 10, 567 people went to medical institutions due to tick bites. Last year this figure was approximately double.

Doctors note that Muscovites bring ticks with them mainly from other regions of Russia or from abroad. The most common infectious disease affecting residents of the capital region is Lyme disease.

Leading researcher at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Lyudmila Karan told RT that the Tver, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions are among the most dangerous for Muscovites. The fact is that this is where many residents of the capital have their dachas, so people spend the whole season there. Since the prevalence of ticks in these regions is relatively high, the likelihood of getting bitten also increases.

Rare cases

Despite the fact that most cases of infection in Moscow are “imported”, there is a chance of contracting the disease in the capital region.

“Ticks bite not only geologists in the taiga, but also summer residents, and those who went to nature for the weekend, and even (very rarely) those walking in a park not in the very center of the city. If you live in an endemic region or are going there on a business trip or vacation during the tick season, be sure to get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis,” the expert advises.

It's better to overestimate than to underestimate

According to doctor and scientific journalist Alexei Vodovozov, the danger of ticks is often underestimated.

“If they just bit, it wouldn’t be so bad. The biggest problem is that these arthropods carry a bunch of infections. Here is just an approximate list of troubles: tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease), tick-borne typhus, relapsing tick-borne typhus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and Q fever, tularemia, ehrlichiosis,” he noted.

Transmission of encephalitis occurs in the first minutes after tick bite. The incubation period of the disease lasts 10-14 days, but there are cases when it appears the very next day after infection or “sleeps” for up to two months. A tick extracted from the skin is examined in the laboratory for encephalitis and other infectious diseases. However, as in the case of other ailments, experts recommend paying attention Special attention prevention.

“It is easier to prevent than to treat. This phrase fits the tick case perfectly,” concludes Alexey Vodovozov. - IN endemic areas From May to September, it is better to walk through the forest in thick clothes with buttoned cuffs, use special repellents and regularly inspect each other to see if there are ticks in the hair, on the back or in another secluded place. Unlike mosquitoes and bees, when ticks bite, they secrete an anesthetic substance, so without a thorough examination it can go unnoticed for a long time.”

Special danger zone

As Vodovozov notes, in Russia many regions are endemic for tick-borne encephalitis, that is, on their territory there is natural hearth of this disease.

The 2017 Roskomnadzor list includes about 50 districts and regions in which the likelihood of getting a bite appears encephalitis tick the highest. The most dangerous from this point of view are the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk region, Perm region, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions. Here, the number of cases of encephalitis infection after a tick bite can exceed 40 per 100 thousand population.

According to available statistics, today in Buryatia - one of dangerous areas— more than 560 calls have been recorded since the beginning of the season, more than 200 bites among children. Among the diseases, at least one case of borreliosis was recorded.

Murmansk, Magadan, Nenets are considered safe areas autonomous region, Kamchatka Territory, Volgograd and Astrakhan region. In other areas with a low probability of contracting encephalitis from a tick bite, doctors advise wearing clothing that protects the skin.

509 thousand cases of calls regarding tick bites were registered, which is 5.8% higher than last year and 2.4% higher than the long-term average. Cases of calls regarding tick bites were recorded in all regions Russian Federation, with the exception of the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrugs.

Diseases of tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBE) were registered in 52 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2017; imported cases of TBE were noted in non-endemic territories. Cases of ixodid tick-borne borelliosis (TBB) were registered in 73 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 1943 cases of TVE were registered (incidence rate per 100 thousand population -1.33), 6717 cases of ITB (4.59 per 100 thousand population), 31 cases of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA), 19 cases of human monocytic ehrlichiosis (MECH).

Annually, in 2011-2017. From 28 to 47 deaths from tick-borne viral encephalitis were recorded. In 2017, 28 were registered deaths in 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, one of them among children (Krasnoyarsk Territory). The causes of death were the lack of vaccination against TVE and late treatment for medical care. In 2017, the lowest incidence of ITB was observed for the entire observation period since 2000. When analyzing the distribution of morbidity by age in the 2017 epidemic season, it was revealed that the bulk of those sick with tick-borne infections were adult population, mainly persons over 50 years of age (43.5%). Borrelia-infected ticks are found almost throughout the entire country. In 2017, positive findings on MEC were found in 55 subjects (2016 - 45), on GAC - 58 subjects of the Russian Federation (2016 - 53). %).

In order to nonspecific prevention The areas of anti-tick treatment areas are increasing annually. Compared to 2011, the volume of processing throughout the country has more than doubled. Over the past 3 years in medical organizations In the city of Moscow, 48,130 people complained of tick bites, of which 9,069 were children under 17 years of age.

During the period 2015-2017, 41 cases of TVE were registered in Moscow, all cases of disease were laboratory confirmed. In 2017, 14 imported cases of tick-borne viral encephalitis were registered in Moscow. Of those sick with tick-borne viral encephalitis, 13 people were adults traveling on vacation and to work in endemic areas without preventive vaccinations. One case of tick-borne viral encephalitis of a latent form was registered in a 13-year-old child (VAO), the tick bite occurred while traveling to the territory of the Tver region. The cases were infected in endemic territories of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea, Altai, Karelia, Krasnoyarsk, Perm territories, Kostroma, Tver, Irkutsk, Pskov, Kaluga regions and in other countries (Germany and Poland).

In 2017, in the department of especially dangerous infections microbiological laboratory FBUZ "TsGiE in Moscow" identified pathogens of tick-borne encephalitis in 2 ticks brought by the population from endemic areas (Tver and Moscow regions, Dmitrovsky district); When examining ticks delivered by the public, the causative agents of tick-borne borreliosis were found in 1010 ticks; received 171 positive result when examining ticks for granulocytic anaplasmosis and 20 for monocytic ehrlichiosis. Infection with tick-borne borreliosis in most cases occurs when Muscovites go on vacation to the Moscow region, however, since 2003, cases of infection with tick-borne borreliosis began to be recorded in Moscow. For the period 2015 -2017. 2873 cases of tick-borne borreliosis were registered, of which 113 were local cases of tick-borne borreliosis. In 2017, Muscovites were infected with tick-borne borreliosis mainly in the Moscow region (61.4%); in 24.6% of cases, infection occurred in the territories of other regions of Russia, in 5.4%, infection with tick-borne borreliosis occurred in the territories of other states. 30 cases of infection were registered in Moscow - 3.8%.

In 2017, 3 cases of tick-borne viral encephalitis and 80 cases of ixodic tick-borne borelliosis were registered among residents of Moscow ZAO in 2017.

In 2017, work was carried out to collect and study ixodid ticks from the forest area between Rublyovsky Highway, st. Krylatskaya, st. Osennyaya, MKAD and Central Clinical Hospital (Marshal Timoshenko Street). During August-September 2018, 227 ticks were collected from vegetation, of which 225 were I. ricinus, 1 were I. persulcatus, 1 were Dermacentor reticularis. Tick-borne encephalitis virus was detected in 5 ticks (3.4% of total number studied ticks caught in the forest along the street. Autumn). In addition, the tick-borne encephalitis virus was found in a tick taken from a person walking in this forest park. Infection of ticks with Borella was 36.2%. In October 2017, in a forest area along the street. In autumn, small mammals were captured. 44 animals were captured, of which the tick-borne encephalitis virus was found in the brain tissue of 2 bank voles.

In connection with the deterioration of the epidemiological situation regarding diseases transmitted by ixodid ticks, the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2015 No. 78 “On approval of sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.1.3310-15 “Prevention of infections transmitted by ixodid ticks” was issued, establishing requirements for a set of organizational, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, the implementation of which ensures the prevention of the occurrence and spread of infections transmitted by ixodid ticks.”

In order to carry out measures to prevent tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borelliosis, it is necessary:

1. Carrying out sanitary and educational work with the population with the involvement of district media and posting materials on the prevention of infections transmitted by ticks on government websites, in district and district printed publications.

2. Carrying out measures for nonspecific prevention of diseases transmitted by ticks: clearing forest areas of dead wood, debris, mowing last year’s grass along paths used by the population for walks in the forest after the snow melts. The question of carrying out these activities in the forest area along the street. Autumn has not been decided to date.

3. Carrying out regular mowing of grass on lawns and near children's playgrounds, in fenced areas of residential buildings located near forested areas, including forested areas along the street. Autumn, on the territory of the Moscow JSC.

4. Carrying out local acaricidal treatments on the territory of parks and forest parks in the closed joint-stock company of Moscow.

A focus of tick-borne encephalitis has been identified in the west of Moscow - two cases of infected tick bites in the city occurred in 2016 and 2017, and the first of them led to the disease. About this with reference to the report of researchers Central Research Institute Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor is reported by Izvestia.

At the same time, the Moscow department of Rospotrebnadzor says that all cases of encephalitis in the capital occurred as a result of infection outside its borders, including the one noted in 2016, Izvestia reports.

The territory is considered free from tick-borne encephalitis. This status may be changed if human illnesses resulting from bites are observed and recorded for five years. In this case, residents will be able to receive free vaccinations against this disease. Currently, the territories closest to Moscow with the status of endemic tick-borne encephalitis are the Dmitrovsky and Taldomsky districts of the Moscow region.

As the acting deputy head of the department for supervision of special dangerous infections and disinfection activities management Elena Tanygina, after the announcement of the report data, the prefecture of the Western District was issued an order to carry out barrier treatment of the forest park, which was carried out. The area will be checked weekly and anti-tick treatment will be carried out there.

“Encephalitis mites do not appear immediately and do not disappear immediately. Most likely, new cases of bites will be recorded in Moscow within several years, the chief researcher at the Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology of Rospotrebnadzor told Izvestia. Sergey Ignatov. - Encephalitis - dangerous disease. But there are not very many ticks, only a few percent of them are encephalitic. And then, after a bite, only a few percent of people get sick, it depends on the immune system.”

Tick-borne encephalitis is transmitted by ixodid ticks. This disease affects the central and peripheral nervous system, can cause paralysis and even death of a person. The incidence rate of tick-borne encephalitis in Russia in 2017 was 1.3 cases per 100 thousand population. (Source: Izvestia)

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