The meaning of the name Slava is masculine. Name for a boy Vyacheslav: meaning, character and fate

Names: origin and forms

Vyacheslav- (from Old Russian) great glory.

Old: Vecheslav.
Derivatives: Vyacheslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavukha, Vyacha, Vava.

Directory of Russian names

Great glory(from Old Russian).

As a child, he was curious and naive. With age, it becomes less clear and precise, especially in practice. Committed to the idea. I am ready to lay down my life for the task assigned. People's word of mouth rewards him. Usually lonely, capable of tenderness: he both loves and suffers.

The mystery of the name

Vyacheslav- most glorious (Old Church Slavonic).
The name of a person with traditional views on life. Even 50 years ago this name was called quite often. Now it is less popular.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pale golden.
Talisman stone: topaz.
Auspicious plant: hazel, heather.
Patron name: buffalo.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: kindness, clarity in business.


Vyacheslav Czech, prince, passion-bearer, March 17 (4), October 11 (September 28). He pleased God with his concerns for the spread of the Christian faith in the Czech Republic, his love for church prayer, and mercy. He was killed in the 10th century by his brother Boleslav on the threshold of the church, where he was going for morning prayer.


On the day of Vyacheslav, children are sprayed from a sieve on the threshold against the evil eye, for health.


As a child, Slavik is touchingly naive, nervous child. Parents must calm him down and simply look with approval and understanding, otherwise he will have hysterics, it will seem to him that they do not love him, they do not want to communicate with him. It is necessary to strengthen the child’s body and play sports. Then, as a teenager, Vyacheslav becomes a strong and athletic boy, thanks to his will and determination he can achieve high results.

Vyacheslav is a talented person, and not in any specific area, but in many. But for his talents to be realized, life circumstances must be favorable. If not, then, having passed the forty-year mark, his nervous system will calm down and he will work normally, without worrying about lost opportunities. Vyacheslav is equally good in many specialties, but most of all he will succeed in technology. His clarity and scrupulousness will help him in archival matters. Vyacheslav treats any work responsibly, brings everything to the end, but works without passion. He loves to drive a car and can repair it himself.

Vyacheslav is sociable, cheerful man. He has many friends and just good acquaintances. He treats people well and rarely gets into conflicts. Vyacheslav is kind, but quick-tempered, quickly cools down and does not remember insults. Women love him for his charm, courtesy, gentleness, and frankness in sex.

In family life he is reliable, helps his wife, looks after the children. He has a strong sense of duty to his family.

Vyacheslav builds his relationship with his wife on trust, but, disappointed, he does not trust a single woman. His wife is usually smart, charming, has personality and lacks complexes. Vyacheslav’s marriage is successful with a woman whose name is Anna, Elena, Irina, Larisa, Margarita, Maria, Yulia.

Surname: Vyacheslavovich, Vyacheslavich, Vyacheslavovna, Vyacheslavna.


Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov (1873-1945) - Russian writer. He lived a long life, rich in events and impressions. Born in the city of Bezhetsk, Tver Province, into a merchant family. He graduated from the Vyshnevolotsk Technical School, after two years of practice in construction work in the Novgorod and Vologda provinces, in 1894 he went to work in Siberia.

For twenty years Shishkov served in Siberia, performing work to survey waterways and land roads. He traveled and sailed thousands of kilometers on boats, rafts, steamers, measured and captured on special maps the Yenisei, Irtysh, Ob, Lena, Biya, Katun, Chulym, Angara. At Nizhnyaya Tungussk he almost died. According to the design of Vyacheslav Shishkov, the Chuisky tract was built from the city of Biysk to the borders of Mongolia.

Shishkov's activities made an invaluable contribution to the study of Siberia. His research was highly appreciated by the famous scientist, explorer of Asia - G.N. Potanin. Many captains and rafters sailing along the great Siberian rivers, passing through dangerous and noticeable places, recalled kind words the one who left detailed descriptions of these waterways - their depths, shallows and rapids, thereby laying the foundations of modern navigational maps.

Vyacheslav Shishkov was not indifferent to the huge world different characters and human destinies that he encountered on his work path. He deeply studied these people, their simple, strong, figurative language, and came into close contact with nature and the inhabitants of Siberia “in all their curious and rich diversity.”

In 1908, V. Shishkov’s fairy tale “Cedar” first appeared in the newspaper “Sibirskaya Zhizn”. Then stories and essays about the life of the peoples of Siberia began to be published. They described it reliably and accurately depicted the details of folk life. It seemed to the Siberians that this was not a writer, but that they themselves were telling each other various events that happened to them. The writer G. Markov recalled that “the similarity of individual life circumstances and human images reproduced in the stories of Vyacheslav Yakovlevich was with the fact that the listeners stopped the reader and asked this or that passage to be re-read again.”

Siberian reality and its themes became part of the flesh and blood of the writer Vyacheslav Shishkov. Since 1915, living in Petrograd, he remembered Siberia; it confirmed in him the artist’s passion that never faded.

The completion of the Siberian theme of essays, short stories and stories was the epic "The Gloomy River". This work, with its widest coverage of people and events, embodies everything that the artist himself saw and heard, thought, felt and experienced during the difficult years of his stay in Siberia. G. Markov wrote figuratively about this book: “The Gloomy River,” like the high-water Baikal, absorbed thousands of rivers and streams, representing the most diverse aspects of life of the time to which the book was dedicated... “The Gloomy River” is a novel about Russia's most complex historical period-period the maturing of our social revolution and its reversal." "The Gloomy River" was filmed and became a popular television film.

The pinnacle of creativity V.Ya. Shishkova is the historical novel "Emelyan Pugachev". The writer worked on it for 10 years, studying it in detail in the archives historical facts, events, understanding the reasons that gave rise to this or that phenomenon. A huge panorama unfolds before the readers, covering all the main events of international and domestic life. Russian state second half of the 18th century. Portraits of almost one and a half thousand characters are vividly, artistically and figuratively presented, hundreds of diverse pictures of historical reality are created. The language of the work is rich and picturesque. Figurative folk speech, sly humor, proverbs and sayings - all the colors that adorn the Russian language abound in Emelyan Pugachev. Only such a comprehensive expert on the life of the people, who has seen so much on his way different people Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov, who knew their life, morals and customs closely, had tremendous talent and managed to absorb into his consciousness the simplicity and wisdom of mankind, was able to portray this huge historical epic.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Meaning of the name

Vyacheslav has leadership qualities, but at the same time, championship for him is not a way to show his superiority and satisfy vanity, but rather a sporting competition in which it is important to take first place, but not for the sake of glory, but as a sporting interest. One of the main qualities of the owner of this name is rightfully considered to be a heightened sense of justice: this man is used to living honestly and according to the rules. For him, lies, hypocrisy and betrayal are vices that he never forgives to anyone. Once disappointed in a person, he will erase him from his life forever. But still, certain character traits of Vyacheslav depend on what time of year he was born.

Characteristics of the name Vyacheslav

Winter Vyacheslav stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He belongs to that category of people who, seeing the goal, will not stop at any obstacles. Not everyone likes the straightforwardness of this man, who is not used to fussing and dodging. Among the negative qualities of winter Vyacheslav, one should note excessive emotionality and hot temper. It is difficult for him to control himself in a fit of anger, but at the same time he cools down quite quickly. This man will be able to build a harmonious relationship with a calm, wise and patient woman who is able to forgive her chosen one for his shortcomings.

Spring Vyacheslav good-natured and responsive. He is sensitive to the grief of others and always strives to help someone who finds himself in a difficult situation. He has many friends and even more good acquaintances, which can negatively affect the creation of a family, since this man often devotes less time to his soulmate than to his friends, hobbies and interests. One cannot help but mention such qualities of the spring Vyacheslav as independence and love of freedom, which he is not ready to part with, even when married. Vyacheslav will form a family union with an equally active and life-loving woman who will share his interests, but at the same time be able to cool the ardor of her partner.

Letniy Vyacheslav – an optimist, kind-hearted and cheerful person who has an easy-going attitude towards life. He lives in harmony with himself and the world around him, so everything in life comes easy to him. But at the same time, he is hardworking, responsible, scrupulous and pedantic, which helps him achieve a lot in his professional field. For summer Vyacheslav, the foundation is family, so he marries quite early, choosing a thrifty, but at the same time easy-going and adventurous woman who will easily take part in the adventures of her betrothed. Summer Vyacheslav dotes on his children, with whom he tries to spend all his free time.

Autumn Vyacheslav pragmatic, serious and reliable. His tough character and uncompromising nature can create many problems for him in life, but this does not in the least frighten this man, who is not ready to change in order to please others. Family life with the autumn Vyacheslav is not easy, since he is used to acting based solely on his own motives and arguments. His chosen one will have to come to terms with the fact that decisions in their family can and will be made exclusively by a man, and there can be no talk of any equality. At the same time, a woman next to the autumn Vyacheslav will always live in comfort and prosperity, feeling as if behind a stone impregnable wall.

Stone - talisman

Topaz, jasper and amber are Vyacheslav’s talisman stones.


This stone symbolizes wisdom, foresight, rationality, spiritual purity and prudence. Topaz will bring peace and tranquility, optimism and harmony to life. It is capable of making its owner not only decent and honest, but also generous. In addition, topaz protects against anger, envy, ill will and black magic.

This mineral helps in taking difficult decisions, but at the same time he will faithfully serve only those whose thoughts are pure and whose hearts are open. Topaz will not bring wealth, enlightenment, or prosperity to deceitful and evil owners.

The ancient Greeks believed that topaz bestowed generosity and sexuality on men, and beauty and tenderness on women.

The stone will dispel fears, pacify anger, reconcile those who are in a quarrel, and eliminate doubts and misunderstandings in family life.


Jasper in the Slavic tradition has been valued at all times for its ability to drive away bad thoughts, clear the mind of negativity, bring peace and tranquility to the heart, and give strength and confidence to its owner.

In the East they believe that this mineral has the power to prolong life, strengthen the will and strengthen the body, and bring happiness, grace and success into life in all endeavors. It is recommended that people in the scientific field pay special attention to this stone, because it promotes productive learning and the establishment of necessary connections.

Jasper is considered powerful amulet, after all, our ancestors used this stone in magical rituals. In addition, jasper was used as a finishing material in churches.

Jasper of cool shades gives courage, perseverance and courage, while a stone of warm tones is perfect for creative people, as it gives the energy of contemplation, inspiration, enhances the gift of eloquence and improves memory.

Red Jasper – a female talisman that helps to find love.

Brown Jasper will help improve family relationships and bring back passion.

Yellow Jasper will attract interesting and useful acquaintances into life, and will also drive away painful thoughts.

Blue Jasper considered a stone of friendship and understanding.

Green Jasper will protect from the evil eye and evil forces.


Amber is considered a source of faith, optimism and inspiration. It enhances intuition, promotes the implementation of plans, brings bright colors, joy, luck, but at the same time peace of mind and tranquility to life.

This sun-colored stone clarifies thoughts, consoles in grief, protects against slander, grants long and happy life. It is interesting that amber is credited with the property of darkening in the presence of unkind, evil and envious people, while it reacts in the opposite way to honest and fair people - it begins to play with all possible colors.





Animal - symbol

Buffalo is Vyacheslav’s totem animal.

The peoples of India and Asia consider this animal sacred, because it is on it that the god of death Yama sits.

In China, this animal is identified with contemplation, calm, steadfastness and at the same time power, but this power is creative, not destructive.

In America, the buffalo (buffalo) has dual symbolism. On the one hand, this animal is associated with a tornado, and on the other, with prosperity, male strength and fertility.


Walnut and heather are symbolic plants of Vyacheslav.


This plant symbolizes fertility and abundance, worldly wisdom, goodness, unbending will and luck.

Serbs, Bulgarians and Macedonians believed that on the eve of Trinity, the souls of the dead moved into walnut branches, so breaking hazel branches (especially before the end of Trinity Week) was forbidden.

At the same time, the walnut was considered a sinful tree, since female spirits arrange their bachelorette parties on its branches, lure men under the shade of the tree, lull them into a sweet sleep, and bestow sweet erotic visions, which causes men to lose energy, strength and health.

The hazel fruit is also associated with secret knowledge, which is securely hidden behind a thick shell.

In the Christian tradition, the walnut symbolized Jesus: thus, the shell was identified with the tree of the Holy Cross, while the outer green shell of the nut personified the body of Christ, and the kernel represented his divine nature.


This plant is considered a symbol of loneliness, hopelessness, sadness and separation. It was the heather wreath that the girls presented to the guys with whom their relationships were not working out. At the same time, white heather meant protection and fulfillment of desires. Purple heather represented admiration, beauty and loneliness.

Heather was also used for magical purposes to ward off evil spirits, neutralize witchcraft spells, and attract good luck and material well-being to the house.


Vyacheslav's metal is considered to be lead, symbolizing spiritual rebirth.

Alchemists considered lead a base metal and identified it with imperfection, the lowest stage spiritual development.

During Antiquity, lead was credited with magical witchcraft powers capable of casting curses. At the same time, lead plates worn on the chest were supposed to protect their owner from witchcraft (especially from love spells). Lead placed at the entrance to the home was supposed to protect the house from negative energy.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Vyacheslav

Name translation

From the Old Church Slavonic language the name Vyacheslav is translated as “the most glorious.”

History of the name

The name Vyacheslav is derived from such ancient Russian words as “vyache”, which means “more”, and “slav”, which means “glory”.

The ancient forms of the name Vyacheslav are Vecheslav, Vyacheslav. Among some Slavic peoples, this name still sounds like Wenceslaus, Wenceslas.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Vyacheslav are: Slava, Slavik, Slavushka, Vyachik, Vyacha, Vyacheslavushka, Vyachko, Vatsus.

The secret of the name Vyacheslav

Patrons of the name

  • Hieromartyr and Deacon Vyacheslav (Lukanin).
  • Hieromartyr and priest Vyacheslav (Zkedsky).
  • Hieromartyr and priest Vyacheslav (Infantov).
  • Hieromartyr and priest Vyacheslav (Zankov).
  • Hieromartyr and priest Vyacheslav of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery.
  • Passion-bearer Prince Vyacheslav of Czech.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 14th.

March: 17th.

August: 16th, 23rd and 25th.

October: 11th and 13th.

The legend about the name Vyacheslav

Prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia was raised in the Christian tradition by his grandmother, the holy princess Lyudmila. Presbyter Pavel (a student of Methodius) was in charge of the prince’s education, so it is not surprising that Prince Vyacheslav was comprehensively developed and spoke fluent Slavic, Latin and Greek.

Prince Vyacheslav ascended the throne at the age of 18 in 920, when his father, Prince Rostislav, died in a battle with the Hungarians. Vyacheslav's reign was fair and wise: he cared about the Christian education of his subjects, was kind and merciful (for example, he ransomed the children of pagans who were sold into slavery and raised them in the Christian faith). In addition, during the reign of the prince, torture was not used and the death penalty was abandoned. The prince was engaged in the construction and arrangement of temples: the famous Vitus temple in the Czech Republic (in Prague) was built during the reign of Vyacheslav (at the same time the relics of the martyr Vitus were transferred to it).

But not everyone liked the reign of Prince Vyacheslav. The German clergy opposed the prince and incited the nobles against him, whose intrigues ultimately led to fratricide. The nobles nominated Vyacheslav’s younger brother, Boleslav, to the throne, but to do this they had to first get rid of the current prince. For this, Boleslav invited Vyacheslav to the consecration of the temple. Despite the fact that Vyacheslav was warned about the conspiracy, he still accepted the invitation, not believing that his brother was capable of betraying him.

Vyacheslav accepted death at the hands of his brother Boleslav and his friends on the threshold of the temple. This tragedy occurred in 935. Moreover, the prince’s mutilated body lay for several days without burial, which led the people into indignation. The mother buried her murdered son in a church located at the princely court. Subsequently, the relics of St. Vyacheslav were transferred to the Church of St. Vitus.

Famous people

Famous artists and actors named Vyacheslav:

  • Vyacheslav Polunin;
  • Vyacheslav Shalevich;
  • Vyacheslav Tikhonov;
  • Vyacheslav Nevinny;
  • Vyacheslav Tsarev.

Famous musicians named Vyacheslav:

  • Vyacheslav Butusov;
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin;
  • Vyacheslav Ganelin;
  • Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov.

Famous poets and writers named Vyacheslav:

  • Vyacheslav Ivanov;
  • Vyacheslav Pietsukh;
  • Vyacheslav Kupriyanov;
  • Vyacheslav Shishkov.

Famous athletes named Vyacheslav:

  • Vyacheslav Anisin - Soviet hockey player;
  • Vyacheslav Tretyak - Soviet hockey player;
  • Vyacheslav Platonov is a Soviet volleyball player.

Vyacheslav Kotenochkin – Russian animator director who created the famous cartoon “Well, Just Wait.”

Vyacheslav Pleve - Russian statesman.

Vyacheslav Zudov - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut.

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav

For a child

From early childhood, Vyacheslav had a keenly developed sense of justice. He is not afraid to tell the truth to his face, regardless of whether he is a peer in front of him or an older boy. If you have to prove the truth with your fists, this boy will not give up. But if he cannot physically protect the offended person, then he may cry from powerlessness. The sports section will help to overcome such a quality as tearfulness in a child and strengthen his character.

Little Vyacheslav is an active, inquisitive, good-natured and sympathetic child who happily participates in the active games of his companions. Moreover, it is often he who becomes the mass entertainer of all sorts of adventures. It's no surprise that this boy has no shortage of friends. However, it can be difficult for him to build smooth relationships with peers, and his excessive impulsiveness and temper are to blame.

Studying is quite easy for Vyacheslav: he easily masters school disciplines, since he has an analytical mind and excellent memory. At the same time, he manages to comprehend not only the school curriculum, but also goes far beyond it. He likes it exact sciences, since the knowledge gained during their study can be applied in practice. Vyacheslav’s pedantry and responsibility help him in his studies. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to impose your opinion or desire on this boy.

For a teenager

In his youth, Vyacheslav is still fair and straightforward. He is smart and independent beyond his years, but at the same time in difficult moments he needs the support of loved ones, although he will never openly ask for it. This young man listens to the advice of his parents, but will not follow them blindly, because he believes that everyone should learn from their mistakes and live their life, and not live up to someone else’s expectations.

Vyacheslav spares no time for self-development; he takes an active part in all university events, not for the sake of satisfying his ego, but because he simply has nowhere to put his irrepressible energy. He is loved and appreciated for his optimism, honesty, sincerity, cheerful disposition and wonderful sense of humor; it is to him that people go to for advice and support in difficult times. But young Vyacheslav also has shortcomings, among which excessive impulsiveness and emotionality deserve special attention. Knowing this, Slavik tries to control himself, but, unfortunately, he does not always succeed.

At the same time, Vyacheslav is shy, modest and vulnerable; betrayal and deception on the part of close people can “knock him out” for a long time, making him withdrawn and distrustful. This young man will never boast of his achievements and broadcast them to the whole world. On the contrary, he believes that good deeds should come from the heart, and not for the sake of fame or recognition, and therefore there is no point in flaunting them.

For a man

Vyacheslav's unbridled temperament can make itself felt in adult life, especially if this man does not work on himself. Irritability and hot temper can significantly complicate his life, both personal and professional. But in fairness, it should be noted that his attacks of anger pass quickly enough, giving way to complaisance and good nature. It is interesting that, in general, Vyacheslav is a peace-loving person, he is rarely the first to go into conflict, but if he is hit hard, then a storm cannot be avoided.

The desire to be a leader is a motivating factor for Vyacheslav. He persistently pursues his goal, but he does not always manage to overcome difficulties precisely because of his sensitivity and emotionality. Finding himself without support, he can fall into a state of apathy and depression, from which it is quite difficult to get him out of it. Therefore, he tries to surround himself with friends, for whom he must always remain a strong and reliable shoulder, advisor and support.

As a friend, Vyacheslav is faithful and sincere. He will never forgive anyone for betrayal. It is easier for him to cut a person out of his life forever than to maintain the illusion of friendship, but at the same time expect a stab in the back. This man is vindictive, but not vindictive.

I would like to note Vyacheslav’s conservatism, which is quite difficult to adapt to innovations and changes in life. For him, such a component as stability is important, otherwise he loses ground under his feet. This character trait can make him a person who goes with the flow and does not want to change anything in his calm and measured life, devoid of vivid emotions and deep experiences.

Description of the name Vyacheslav


Open, honest, sincere and fair, Vyacheslav without a twinge of conscience can be called moral person. His views on life are conservative, he tries to adhere to the moral norms accepted in society.


The weak point of the Vyacheslavs is the nervous system, and excessive emotionality is to blame. Special attention The condition of the respiratory system also deserves attention.


Vyacheslav’s cheerful disposition, gallantry and openness are the qualities that attract the fair sex, which this man uses very well. At the same time for Serious relationships he chooses his companion as carefully as possible, because she must not only be beautiful, but also erudite, economical, and gentle. The search for such an ideal woman may drag on for many years, but if he meets his dream, he will become a sensitive, attentive and caring man for his chosen one, ready to do anything to make his beloved happy.

If in his youth Vyacheslav experiences disappointment in love, then he risks starting a family at a fairly mature age. Having once singed its wings, it will blow on the water.


Vyacheslav is in no hurry to plunge headlong into family life with her routine and responsibilities. Therefore, early marriage is not typical for him. He prefers to enjoy all the delights of a free life before devoting himself to the one and only woman who will become for him and best friend, and a skilled lover, and a wonderful mistress.

He chooses an intelligent, spectacular, strong-willed and independent woman as his wife, which is often his mistake, since two freedom-loving individuals with leadership inclinations rarely get along on the same territory. Harmonious relationships It will be easier for him to build with a calm, wise and patient companion, ready to devote herself to arranging the family hearth.

Family relationships

Amazing metamorphoses can occur in marriage with Vyacheslav. So, from an attentive, sensitive and caring man, he can one day turn into an irritable dictator, thirsting for unquestioning submission. Vyacheslav’s behavior largely depends on his mood, which will not be easy for his chosen one to come to terms with. The justification for such outbreaks can be that they pass quickly enough.

In general, Vyacheslav is an excellent family man who will gladly help his wife with housework. He has excellent trusting relationships with his children. For the well-being and comfort of his family, he is ready to work hard, but there are times when he simply needs to be given some freedom so that he gains vital energy and takes a break from the routine of family life. But Vyacheslav’s wife should be on the alert, since he can cheat, although he himself will never forgive betrayal on the part of his chosen one. And don't expect him to repent of what he did. To exclude the fact of betrayal, the spouse must always remain unsolved, alluring and desirable for Vyacheslav.


The intimate life of the passionate, temperamental and selective Vyacheslav is varied and interesting, because women like this man. Vyacheslav prefers relaxed and experienced partners who know how to give pleasure. At the same time, he himself is always gentle and attentive to his chosen one. This man considers prohibitions and restrictions in this area of ​​life to be hypocrisy. If you properly stir up Vyacheslav’s sexual interest, you can achieve a lot from him, including marriage proposals.

Interesting observation! People named Vyacheslav are extremely sensitive to women's odors, so if he doesn't like his chosen one "by smell", he will never build a close relationship with her, no matter how ideal the woman is.

Mind (intelligence)

Vyacheslav has an analytical mind, but is not distinguished by the depth of his thinking. Often he perceives life in all its manifestations easily and even superficially, from which he himself may suffer.


Responsible, meticulous and pedantic, Vyacheslav will be able to succeed in any industry. Despite the fact that he devotes most of his time to work, this man does not have exorbitant professional ambitions, and therefore his main goal is to conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him. But he cares much less about leadership positions, although he will not refuse a leadership position.

As a manager, Vyacheslav will have a hard time, because he is accustomed to consistency and a measured pace of life, while the need to solve several problems at the same time and the inability to thoroughly check the work of each subordinate can throw him off balance. At the same time, his colleagues and superiors respect him for his honesty, fairness and ability to combine his own interests with the common benefit. But he will not get involved in adventures (even for a large reward).


Vyacheslav’s excellent organizational skills help him successfully lead own business. In addition, this man’s honesty and fairness inspire respect and trust among his business partners.


Vyacheslav’s main hobby is sports, and he prefers active pastime. Another passion of his is cars.

Character type


When communicating with Vyacheslav, ease and openness prevail, but only until you anger him. And in anger this man is terrible - he will throw thunder and lightning, but he does not have such a fuse for long. One cannot help but say that in general he is a non-conflict person who strives to live in harmony with himself and others, which he succeeds in doing quite successfully.


The emotional Vyacheslav has a fairly well-developed intuition, but he resorts to its help extremely rarely.

Horoscope named after Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav – Aries

He is an honest, good-natured, sincere, caring and attentive man, but sometimes he tends to show impulsiveness and lack of restraint, which can negatively affect his career and family life. At the same time, Vyacheslav-Aries can be forgiven a lot for his big loving heart and responsiveness.

This man’s chosen one will really be lucky, but for the sake of harmony in family life, she will have to not only come to terms with the emotionality of her chosen one, but also cultivate such qualities as patience, understanding and wisdom. For his children, Vyacheslav-Aries will become a reliable friend and advisor.

Vyacheslav – Taurus

An artist by nature, Vyacheslav-Taurus is prone to mannerism and extravagance. He surrounds himself with an aura of mystery and mystery, which attracts women. But adventurism and a somewhat careless attitude towards life prevent him from creating a strong family: if at first he charms his chosen one with romantic actions and gentle speeches, then subsequently the lack of stability and love of freedom of Vyacheslav-Taurus becomes the reason for the breakup of the family. This man needs a calm and flexible woman, devoid of career ambitions and ready to devote her life to her family.

Vyacheslav – Gemini

Elegant, temperamental and sensual, Vyacheslav-Gemini leads an active lifestyle. Boredom is destructive for him. He is attracted by everything unknown and mystical, so this man often practices all kinds of spiritual practices, trying to find himself in this huge world. Vyacheslav-Gemini can boast of rich love experience, but all his relationships are short-term and unpromising. And not because he does not know how to love, but for the simple reason that it is difficult for him to part with his freedom. As soon as his chosen one starts talking about starting a family, Vyacheslav capitulates.

Vyacheslav – Cancer

This is a man with an easily excitable nervous system subject to attacks of anger and irritability. He does not tolerate criticism and does not take into account anyone’s opinion, no matter how authoritative it may be. At the same time, Vyacheslav-Rak will defend his point of view to the last. Only a loving, patient and wise woman who can become the “gray eminence” in the family can withstand the capricious, jealous and narcissistic Vyacheslav. But an independent, ambitious and self-sufficient woman is unlikely to be able to build a strong, trusting and harmonious relationship with this man.

Vyacheslav – Leo

Strong-willed, assertive and selfish, Vyacheslav-Leo craves recognition and fame. He not only flaunts all his positive qualities, but also never ceases to broadcast them to everyone and everywhere. In general, it is extremely difficult to talk this man down, so he has few real friends. But women like Vyacheslav-Leo’s talkativeness, especially since he skillfully knows how to give compliments, which are difficult for even the most sophisticated representatives of the fair sex to resist. This man also likes to brag about his love adventures, but if he really falls in love, he will make his chosen one the happiest woman in the world.

Vyacheslav – Virgo

Independent, practical and pragmatic Vyacheslav-Virgo is far from romantic. He is stingy with expressions of feelings and compliments, but with his masculine actions he more than compensates for the lack of tenderness towards his chosen one. In women, he values ​​intelligence, good nature and thriftiness, while such qualities as beauty and sexuality for him fade into the background, or even into the background. For Vyacheslav the Virgo, it is extremely important that his chosen one shares his hobbies with him, so that they have common goals and interests. Vyacheslavs of this sign can tie their lives out of a sense of duty, without feeling love for their passion.

Vyacheslav – Libra

Easy to communicate, open and erudite, Vyacheslav-Libra will brighten up any company. He is loved and respected for his honesty, loyalty and selflessness. He will always come to the rescue and give his last to his friend. In relationships with women, this man is romantic and attentive, gallant and generous, so women are crazy about him. But Vyacheslav-Libra also has significant shortcomings, among which selfishness and vanity occupy a special place. Getting along with such a man is not easy, especially if the woman has a strong-willed and strong character, because there is not enough space for two leaders in the same territory.

Vyacheslav – Scorpio

Demanding, responsible and pedantic, Vyacheslav-Scorpio is used to doing everything perfectly, and therefore demands the same dedication and scrupulousness from those around him. This attitude to life prevents him from enjoying every day he lives. Women consider Vyacheslav-Scorpio a boring grouch who is always dissatisfied with something. In addition, having flared up, he can drive away his anger on his beloved woman. Vyacheslav also has such a destructive quality as jealousy, which becomes another reason why he is unable to build long-term and prosperous relationships.

Vyacheslav – Sagittarius

The noble, fair and honest Vyacheslav-Sagittarius naively believes that good will certainly defeat evil, that the world is full of love and harmony. Therefore, the very first disappointment in people becomes a difficult test for him, which can make him withdrawn and distrustful for a long time, especially in relation to women.

The vulnerable Vyacheslav-Sagittarius is deeply hurt by lies and betrayal. He will never forgive betrayal. He will create a happy family with a calm, balanced and non-conflict woman, for whom family, and not career or friends, will always come first.

Vyacheslav – Capricorn

Disciplined, organized and reasonable, Vyacheslav-Capricorn is distinguished by patience and diligence. He always gets what he wants, no matter how long it takes. But on the way to his goal he can show selfishness and excessive prudence. He is not used to trusting people, so he has practically no friends. Such isolation of Vyacheslav-Capricorn leads to the fact that he chooses a life partner for a long time and painfully, subjecting her to all sorts of checks and tests, which can ultimately bore the woman. If Vyacheslav’s chosen one wants to maintain the relationship, she will have to come to terms with his pathological suspicion.

Vyacheslav – Aquarius

Intelligent, insightful and thoughtful, Vyacheslav-Aquarius gives the impression of an arrogant and capricious man, not accustomed to taking into account the opinions of others. He is distrustful and suspicious, which prevents him from making friends and loving. Vyacheslav-Aquarius has been looking for the ideal woman for a long time, which risks the fact that in the end he will remain a bachelor. Even fleeting romances are extremely rare for him, because he is afraid of becoming attached to a person, falling in love with him and ultimately being disappointed. Next to him, a quiet and peace-loving woman who does not pretend to be the head of the family and is ready to be in the shadow of her man can find family happiness.

Vyacheslav – Pisces

Vulnerable, soft and sensitive, Vyacheslav-Pisces is not confident in himself, therefore, when making decisions, he is accustomed to relying on other people’s opinions, which are not always correct and objective. He needs support, care and understanding, so he marries quite early, choosing a strong-willed woman with a fairly tough character. But even a strong partner is not always able to create a happy family with Vyacheslav-Pisces, since this man lives in his own special world, which can be difficult to understand. It is easier to accept Vyacheslav than to rehabilitate him.

Compatibility of the name Vyacheslav with female names

Vyacheslav and Olga

Passion and love that initial stage relationships drive Vyacheslav and Olga crazy, quickly giving way to misunderstandings and scandals. The fact is that both want to dominate the family, but no one is going to compromise. As a result, the couple separates, leaving behind resentment and anger towards each other.

Vyacheslav and Anna

Active and assertive Vyacheslav spends a lot of effort to win the unapproachable Anna, who likes calmer and more balanced men. If their union takes place, then it can be quite happy if the fragile and tender Anna does not claim leadership in the family.

Vyacheslav and Elena

Vyacheslav and Nadezhda

Purposeful Vyacheslav sees in Nadezhda a faithful friend and a wonderful wife, a loving mother and a tidy housewife. The calm disposition of the patient and non-conflict Nadezhda captivates the emotional Vyacheslav, who does not like scandals. This couple has a happy future ahead of them.

Vyacheslav and Lyudmila

This tandem can be described as “reasonable”. Despite the fact that Lyudmila and Vyacheslav are independent and ambitious, for the sake of family well-being they are ready to compromise: for example, Lyudmila provides Slava with a certain degree of freedom, while he does not prevent her from realizing her career ambitions.

Vyacheslav and Antonina

Vyacheslav and Galina

This perfect couple one can only envy, because this is a rare case when each of the partners is ready to give love, affection and tenderness, without expecting anything or demanding anything in return. And this speaks of true unselfish love, which will only increase over the years.

Short form of the name Vyacheslav. Slava, Slavik, Vyachik, Vyacha, Vava, Venek, Vyachko, Vatsus.
Synonyms for the name Vyacheslav. Vecheslav, Vyatslav, Wenceslav, Wenceslas, Wenceslao, Wenzel, Wenceslaus.
Origin of the name Vyacheslav. The name Vyacheslav is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Vyacheslav comes from the Old Russian words “vyache”, meaning “more”, and “slav”, meaning “glory”. This name is Slavic and is translated as “more glorious”, “most glorious”. The ancient form of the name is Vecheslav, Vyacheslav. Analogues of the name Vyacheslav, used in other Slavic languages, are Wenceslaus and Wenceslas.

The diminutive address Slava is also a short form for many masculine (Beloslav, Borislav, Radoslav, Bratislav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Bronislav, Stanislav, Vysheslav, Istislav, Ladislav, Gorislav, Vladislav, etc.) and feminine (Beloslav, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Voislav, Wenceslav, Bronislav, Dobroslav, Svyatoslav, Svetislav, Miroslav, Gorislav, Vaclav, Zlatoslav, Vladislav, etc.) names.

The character and fate of Vyacheslav. Vyacheslav is very hungry for fame. He has a strong desire for leadership and competition. But it happens that the difficulties that arise along the way force Vyacheslav to abandon his plan and completely lay down his arms and not take any further part. In such cases, Vyacheslav can be completely morally crushed and it will be very difficult for him to get back on his feet, gain strength and faith in himself.

Vyacheslav can support a good relationship with others and would like everyone around to be happy. But if he decides that he is breaking off any relationship, then it will be very difficult to return to his former disposition or good relationship. Vyacheslav is vindictive, but not vindictive. He will simply stop communicating and maintaining any contact.

It is difficult for Vyacheslav to be a leader. Although he has a desire to be a leader, he does not have such a strong feeling of being the very first. Vyacheslav is very hardworking and painstaking. But he prefers to work on only one thing, without switching to the second, even if there is an opportunity to take a long break in the first.

Vyacheslav likes to combine work with leisure, provided that the work is not stressful and does not require much effort. He likes everything to be fair, but he does not seek to defend someone’s fair claims. He will just step aside and watch how everything develops. At the same time, he will always care for justice and honest relationships.

In family life, Vyacheslav may look quiet, but if his leadership is awakened in him, then he may well begin to seek justice and implement it in the family. Having married one man, over time a woman may see him as a completely different person. Vyacheslav loves children, he can play various board games with them for a long time, but he will not be interested in outdoor games.

Vyacheslav's name day

Famous people with the name Vyacheslav

  • Vyacheslav Polunin (pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Vyacheslav Kotenochkin (director-animator, creator of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” and others (1927–2000))
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov (Russian symbolist poet, philosopher, one of the ideological inspirers of the “Silver Age”)
  • Vyacheslav Anisin (hockey player, world, European and USSR champion)
  • Vyacheslav Butusov (musician, vocalist of the group “Nautilus Pampilius”)
  • Vyacheslav Ganelin (Soviet and Israeli composer, jazz musician)
  • Vyacheslav Shalevich (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Vyacheslav Tikhonov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin (composer and singer)
  • Vyacheslav Nevinny (actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vyacheslav Plehve (statesman (1846–1904))
  • Vyacheslav Pietsukh (Russian writer)
  • Vyacheslav Platonov (Soviet athlete (volleyball), legendary Soviet and Russian volleyball coach, Honored Coach of the USSR (1978) and the RSFSR (1972))
  • Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov (Soviet and Russian composer, conductor)
  • Vyacheslav Tsarev (Soviet film actor, best known for his role as a boy with a net in the film “Welcome, or No Trespassing”)
  • Vyacheslav Artamonov (Russian mathematician-algebraist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1990), Professor of the Department of Higher Algebra at Moscow State University (1996); discoverer of clones of multilinear operations and multi-operator algebras (1969))
  • Vyacheslav Zudov (USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (Russian writer and translator)
  • Saint Wenceslas (holy noble prince Vyacheslav of Bohemia; Czech prince from the Přemyslid family, a saint revered by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians, considered the patron saint of the Czech Republic (c.907 - 935/936))

Modern parents are trying their best to distinguish themselves and name their child the rarest or most fashionable name, regardless of his origin. There are many melodic complaints heard, however, one should not forget about their meanings and the traditions of their appearance. One of the most beautiful names over the years, according to astrologers, is Vyacheslav - proud, courageous, loud and majestic.

This name is widespread throughout the world Slavic states. Its popularity peaked in the 90s, but has declined significantly now. Parents are more willing to call boys by modern names, not realizing that Vyacheslav has good characteristics and looks great in a duet with middle names.

Not everyone knows how the name Vyacheslav is translated, especially its first part. Previously, it had a different sound: “Vaclav” or a variant “Wenceslaus”. The origin of the male name Vyacheslav dates back to ancient Russian times and carries a secret ainyv

Initially, the criticism was noted in the chronicles. This was the name given to the successors to the inheritance of princes Vladimir Monomakh and Yaroslav the Wise.

The first part of the word is “vyach”, “vyache”, “great”, “greater”, and the ending literally means “glory”. Overall, the result is a beautiful and courageous consonance “the most glorious”, giving confidence, vitality and leadership qualities. Thanks to these wonderful qualities, the following people with the name Vyacheslav gained world fame:

  • pop singer V. Dobrynin;
  • pop singer, poet, composer V. Malezhik;
  • fashion designer V. Zaitsev;
  • Russian. Zaitsev;et, Volodin;
  • animator V. Kotenochkin;
  • composer Wenzel Robert von Gallenberg;
  • Soviet actor V. Shalevich;
  • football player V. Malafeev;
  • Soviet actor V. Tikhonov;
  • Honored Masters of Sports V. Fetisov and V. Starshinov;
  • Soviet People's Artist V. Nevinny;
  • USSR statesman V. Molotov;
  • composer V. Ganelin;
  • musician and singer V. Butusov;
  • Soviet politician V. Plehve;
  • writer V. Shishkov;
  • Spanish writer Wenceslao Fernandez Flores;
  • poet V. Ivanov;
  • Soviet clown V. Polunin;
  • crime boss V. Ivankov, aka Yaponchik;
  • Master of Sports of the USSR V. Anisin.

During the times of Ancient Rus', great-grandfathers exalted a man’s ability to fight, overcome obstacles, have perseverance and nobility, naming children this way. However, according to research by astrologers, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav is not so aggressive. The stars endow this person with various qualities that can rarely be combined. In addition to a strong masculine nature, soft character traits are added.

Variants of the complaint Vyacheslav, an abbreviation of the name, exist not only in eastern countries, but also Western Europe(Wenceslao, Wenzel, Vaclav), there are even rare female forms(Wenceslav, Vyacheslav, Vatslav, diminutive Vava, Glory).

Abbreviated and endearing variations of the sound of the name:

  • Vyachik;
  • Glory;
  • Warbler;
  • Slavik;
  • Slavonka;
  • Vyacheslavchik;
  • Vyachka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Slavushka;
  • Vyacheslavushka.

Patronymics derived from Vyacheslav are Vyacheslavovich and Vyacheslavovna.

Variants of the name Vyacheslav can also be written in Latin: Wachjeslaw, Vyacheslav, Venceslao, Vyacheslaw, Slava, Vyachyeslav, Vencel, Venceslau.

Slavik's Angel Day is September 28 (October 11 according to the new style). It was on this day in the 10th century that the Orthodox Christian martyr Vyacheslav the Czech was killed at the church doors for pleasing God and promoting Christianity in the Czech Republic.

In the hit parade of common modern male complaints, this name occupied only 50th position, however, the fashion for ancient complaints is gaining momentum. In Saints, Vyacheslavs celebrate their name day on October 11, according to the old calendar - September 28. On this day popular belief Children are sprinkled with water from a sieve in order to strengthen their health and protect them from the evil eye and various negative interventions.

The most powerful imprint on a person’s character and destiny is left by his name, given by his parents at birth. What does the name Slava mean for a child, but the fact that he will have all the leadership inclinations that will help him follow career ladder. According to astrology, these men are not overly ambitious; they will never “trample on other people’s heads” in order to get the coveted “place in the sun.” If they become famous, it will be only thanks to their skills and honest approach to life.

Key Features:

  • peacefulness;
  • discipline;
  • love to motherland;
  • gullibility;
  • politeness;
  • altruism;
  • love of freedom;
  • prudence;
  • responsiveness;
  • responsibility.

Glory - wonderful friend, incapable of meanness and betrayal, devoid of pragmatism.

In his young years, Slava falls under the influence of bad society and manages to become famous there, but his sober mind cannot withstand the long “floundering” in the pool of bad habits. Slowly and surely such a person tries to achieve high level spiritual development. Vyacheslav strives to deal with difficulties on his own, without anyone’s help. Loneliness does not oppress him, because alone he can feel free. Slava is able to take into account the opinion of the group only if it is fruitful. The nature of such a person is easily excitable, sometimes anger slips through, which can soon be regretted.

Men named Vyacheslav are incredibly popular with the opposite sex, and not in vain. Slava knows all the intricacies of courting girls. He often chooses intellectual women as his life partner, impressive with their beauty, charm and reliability. Vyacheslav will not go “to the left” if the woman of his dreams is next to him, with whom he is ready to share both grief and joy. This is an excellent husband and father of the family. It is not a burden for him to help his wife and bring money into the house. Slava is hospitable, treats animals with love and warmth, and adores children.

The greatest compatibility of Vyacheslav with female names:

  1. Julia.
  2. Olga.
  3. Sofia.
  4. Pauline.
  5. Rimma.
  6. Margarita.
  7. Anna.
  8. Larisa.
  9. Olesya.

If Vyacheslav does not show himself in his career, he can reflect his tyrannical ardor on his wife. To avoid this, astrologers advise parents to instill love and respect for their future wife and not allow them to give up at the slightest opportunity. The sexual side of Vyacheslav’s life is quite colorful. In his youth, he gets big, gains experience, and charms women. For sexual relations, this man settles on a girl with rich experience and a beautiful figure.

Vyacheslav will never take as his wife a mercantile fool who will constantly be capricious and throw tantrums out of nowhere. His choice will fall on an educated young lady who is ready to learn with him the delights and difficulties of family life.

Vyacheslav approaches his work responsibly, arrives on time, and does not tolerate delays or delays. In order to gain fame and earn authority among colleagues and society as a whole, Slava is suitable for professions that require a spirit of competition or the realization of one’s gift in creativity.

Suitable areas where Vyacheslav realizes himself most clearly:

  • sport;
  • painting;
  • design;
  • producing;
  • commerce;
  • brokerage;
  • visiting professions, tourism;
  • media, journalism;
  • jurisprudence;
  • architecture;
  • programming.

Whatever the position, Slava will prove himself to be an assiduous, scrupulous, persistent worker, incapable of abandoning important tasks halfway. He is not without enthusiasm and enthusiasm when carrying out important assignments. When reaching a high-ranking position, Slava is guided by logic and common sense, which makes him honest and incapable of “picking out” the pockets of his subordinates. Astrologers advise these individuals not to force themselves into the framework of “workaholism”; it is wiser to allocate time not only for making money, but also for the ability to relax. Slaviks are often interested in cars, sports and warmly welcome guests at home.

Laziness is absolutely not characteristic of men named Vyacheslav. Nothing will force these enterprising individuals to interrupt an important task halfway.

IN childhood Little Slavochka is often exposed to colds. He needs to be wary of various kinds of infections, play sports and harden himself. With age, Vyacheslav becomes more persistent. It is contraindicated for him to be nervous, freak out and become depressed, otherwise these breakdowns can negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Astrologers advise paying attention to nutrition, not going on diets and following a daily routine. A significant danger, destructive to the body, is the infatuation with bad habits.

Types of sports and recreation useful for Vyacheslav:

  1. Athletics.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Yoga.
  4. Basketball.
  5. Traveling, hiking and walking.

These activities will have a beneficial effect on the health of a man named Vyacheslav, and will also strengthen resistance to stress and all kinds of invasions of negative forces that can destroy his energy shell. You should also include in your diet all fish dishes, jellied meat, eat more corn and rice porridges.

Slavas born in the autumn period should be more careful about the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Coffee and cigarettes are especially harmful.

Psychologists and astrologers, based on their experience, told what the name Slava means for a little boy. Slavochka is an affectionate, determined and impetuous child, often whiny and at the same time hyperactive. It is important for him to control his emotions, not to get upset over trifles and to overexert himself less. Parents should teach their child to speak beautifully, behave among friends, and not be fooled by bad company.

Patronymics that harmoniously combine with the name Vyacheslav:

  • Sergeevich;
  • Romanovich;
  • Vladimirovich;
  • Valerievich;
  • Georgievich;
  • Viktorovich;
  • Bogdanovich;
  • Aleksandrovich.

During his school years, the guy is distinguished by accuracy, discipline and perseverance; his studies are easy for him. Vyacheslav will never offend his little brother or sister. On the contrary, he will defend their interests and protect them from troubles. In his youth, Slavik has a persistent character, knows how to make his friends laugh, and does not allow them to become despondent. He does not tolerate squabbles and swearing, he always tries to resolve the dispute without any passionate “scenes”. If he does not succumb to bad influences, he will try to stay away from all kinds of drinking bouts.

Humanities, art and sports are the disciplines where Slava can fully unleash both her innate talents and excess energy.

Each bearer of this name displays individual character traits that are different from others. Astrologers associate this not only with the sound vibrations of the name, but also with the time of birth and the zodiac sign under which he was born. What does the secret of the name Vyacheslav hide based on the time of birth, if you answer briefly?

  1. Winter gives Slaviks an obstinate disposition. It is not easy for these men to get along with people, however, he can very easily stop communicating if he has been morally harmed. Friends for winter Glory are not an empty phrase. They value loyalty and reliability. Often hangs around among respectable people. Vyacheslav looks at the world with a sober gaze, devoid of soaring in the clouds and building castles in the air. In appearance, one may get the impression that these people are arrogant, however, this is only an appearance. In fact, these men have a generous and fair character.
  2. Creative people are born in spring. From a very early age, these Slavas are drawn to the stage. They are talented and artistic, they love to be visible and communicate. They are noble and virtuous, know how to keep promises and help in difficult times. Vyacheslav, “not for any price” will do low things towards his relatives and friends. The downside lies in their impatience and short temper for no particular reason.
  3. The gentle summer time gives the born Vyacheslav a hot temperament. This is a rather cheerful person, not ready to sit in silence without friends. Such Warblers cannot imagine their existence without holidays, parties, guests and noise. These are peace-loving people with an open soul and a kind heart. They easily make contact with others and do not see the point in quarrels and constant bickering. Summer Vyacheslavs adore children, often pampering and cherishing them.
  4. Autumn gives Slaviks prudence and an obstinate disposition. These are quite strong personalities, capable of fighting and going towards conquering their goal until the very victorious conclusion. They are hard to break either by people or by any wrong circumstances. Autumn ones are not devoid of a sense of humor; they communicate freely on various topics.

Going down the forbidden no matter what is Slavik’s main life motto.

The most enduring individuals with the name Vyacheslav are born in the autumn period.

Astrological characteristics and behavioral patterns of men named Vyacheslav, depending on the zodiac sign:

  • Aries is emotional and reckless. He rarely gets married because he doesn’t see the point in it. Mood is changeable, like the colorful pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope;
  • Taurus is a pretender, capable of transforming into roles that are beneficial to him. A pragmatist who easily gains the trust of others;
  • Geminis are enthusiastic and mischievous. He cannot imagine life without receiving information. Easy to train and agile. Hates silence. He wanders for a long time in search of himself;
  • Cancer is a rather depressive person. My favorite pastime is complaining to others about the imperfection of the world. Such Slava is easy to offend. Suspicious;
  • Leo is a cheerful, cheerful fellow. The man is the “sun”. Gets a lot of pleasure from communicating with people. Loves holidays and entertainment. Don't mind playing in public;
  • Virgo is a dreamer. Has great difficulty with trust. Cool in love relationships, because he does not want to be deceived;
  • Libra is a romantic and passionate person. This person has been searching for his ideal, which does not exist in nature, for a long time. Too high demands on women;
  • Scorpio comes to the defense of his family with great enthusiasm. Rarely shares problems with others. Straightforward, does not tolerate falsehood. Capable of genuine feelings;
  • Sagittarius is fickle. It is not easy to establish long-term relationships with girls. Ready to make contact. Likes to look for adventures;
  • Capricorn directs all his energies to career growth. Strives for power. Patriot. He ardently defends laws and traditions. It is not easy for such a Vyacheslav to be in a foreign land;
  • Aquarius has magnetism to attract the opposite sex. Looks not at the surface, but in depth. It's not easy to fool him. Not monogamous;
  • Pisces are stubborn individuals. These Slaviks find it difficult to put up with criticism addressed to them. Loves to bask in the rays of praise and constant attention. In marital relationships they are kind-hearted and faithful.

According to astrological information, the Zodiac sign closest to Vyacheslav is airy Libra. It is the temperament inherent in this constellation that best characterizes his personality.

Stones that should be purchased for self-defense are wise topaz, variegated jasper and solar amber. The symbolic animal is the buffalo. The most suitable colors are all shades of brown, colors of autumn nature.

Autumn is the most favorable time for any undertakings. Hazel, chestnut and heather are the most suitable plants for Vyacheslav. A prosperous day of the week is Thursday, ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Slava is a female name that is very rare in everyday life. An ancient Slavic name in origin, Slava is an affiliation with God and should be understood as “The Glory of God.” The meaning of the female name Slava endows the life of its owner with originality and powerful energy. Despite the fact that Slava is a female name, the character of the girl who bears it is more like a male one. Since childhood, she likes to show her skills, to command, to lead the team. As an adult, she does not abandon her leadership habits, and this greatly helps her in adult life. As she gets older, the girl tries to keep her distance and rarely gets close to people, despite her openness.

The meaning of the name Slava will spread in the life of its owner and in such things as the ability to dress and behavior. The schoolgirl studies well, but not all subjects are given to her equally. Her health did not fail her as a child.

How does the name Slava influence a woman’s life?

Over the years, irritable and not always listening to the opinions of her elders, Slava matures and becomes much more serious. The meaning of the name Slava, associated with the Lord, helps a woman not to make big fatal mistakes in life. The owners of this wonderful name are distinguished by perseverance, the ability to set realistic goals, but at the same time, they never discuss their plans with others. At home, at work and even on vacation, order in everything is important to her. She does not tolerate injustice from others and does not make mistakes herself. Her knowledge is put to good use in law, politics and art. Everything is beautifully made by the hands of women in the name of Slava.

A woman's name also determines her family life. She knows the value of money and will never spend it pointlessly. Once married, she will be the leader in the family, the house and children will be supported by her. Her husband and children will be behind her, like behind a stone wall. Everything in the house will depend on it - from what the household will wear to the choice of friends. In the family, a girl named Slava tries to maintain a good relationship with her mother-in-law.

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Characteristics of women named Slava

  • Excellent compatibility of girls named Slava with male names Ivan, Oleg, Sergey.
  • But Vadim and Igor are names of men that do not suit the name Slava.
  • Slava's zodiac sign is Sagittarius.